OCR Interpretation

The Abbeville banner. [volume] (Abbeville, S.C.) 1847-1869, November 12, 1857, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85026945/1857-11-12/ed-1/seq-2/

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r.? ? mmmi wryy i hi? mt
WEI K i/i K I. /. h>V 1)1 T::L LKV UUi'DS THAI
A | >. I 1 . in I' i ? ; : 11 i li< if tin* If III i I I r?
i . i 11 ?! ?ii? in ?Irv uiii
11 t. n i , ? i | i. I In re i? tin ili i 11
I r? In ill. .. I . I Kill r ill | lll>li?* nr (
\.ii. - |. ii-,_? . uli.li- m lli i ? iin- iml
jut. I .. |. ii v i !ii-ii - iiiniiii|ilii>-l ?\i'i |.t
i . i 11 i i . ..V l.' .. N . ;il l\ lilt li'liilf fll
I V umi.|s ImVv ?l< i:'iiii ii fl'iMil o't In lin |n r ?:ri
,.ti.|.w.\ .In .. ! i. i.i t!, i* Ii-! of wlinl.'S ill- Ii .ii
Si.it Ii V" ii'!.'| ti il tlio n-i:,il i-.\|> -? 1 i?.|i| n|' <|i>|
i.:ii? ..f 15 i ir f.* !ii. 'I'lii- > :n i .lii-, I., in/ iiiii
liy ;i ! I In' ! it!-rs In lit- -i v.- fi|iiiil of I
* ji *!i -tl ? it I- i. Ii<i\v-\ r, in llin^i' who 11:i
Ill" U Il'-I'i Willi I I ? : !l? ' I!-_; ? l.l l(**IHl*M ili.-n.-.
1 lie iiiiNi'ulv iii'I'i.mIv for i it i-ii111 vf (In
I 11''-"*" I* "'>H in'" < !l III- I* > !"< ? .1 .-OIIH-of I i|i* ,
Ii.-a\i.-l j->lili-is ;il!i| IT! 11 ? Ml into (lie1 IV!
Is'. ! , u'nl I In* :<I:i:!ii.s <>l 111 ' lii^lit r m-a-K- ;
ii i..' . . i i- i !i n'li'-r in siiiinii'.iliif s-irilVtiiii
-i i* a!l li?v i i!s tin- | >;?i11 :ir all-liliiin.
V i \ * . \\ li !? I rai!<* i- si l.l.iiik, I
a-j- ' '.'.I:i-- i - ' ill ra!l\ I--lii-v-i! to In- In I!
ii-.vr j I i it"- '! iii. - <1 I ?:< i i ;i < ! ion :i in I iiiijmi
ii I iin-l il liu-iv ?i-i'i1 any well umii
? : 'in I !:i - I v w'lii-li I'liiiiii s win- *;iivci-tii-.l, 1
s-ia.is!-! siy 1 list I I In' .? ri:s wi-ri; ?-n trn u t:ii:iii>r I
. I ;;i'.i Iiiii! Ins | i<i\ <-iin-n t. TIiitc v.Ms a liuu<- |ii
I"cut-ill |rii".N I-!' ill- Allan
Mi:!- IIiiiII:i';ia-i<n \" Ill-Ill In iliiy l-y .M- s.-'l".-'. \V
iiit-n:iii aii'l M-rat. Tin- al triiiliilicc was <|ii
limit--1*-usan-l l!i- |-:ii-?-s i>-a!i/.i--l nr.- n-i cnlinil
< 1 ill- i)i ;I'l?fl. ill- sail- li.-inir I'll" n.-ll. It
iiml :-l" i! liial a !ar--- |">ltimi i#f t!u- iiltl-ii
\va:- l-;-u Ii; i:i. I *-i In lay, tin- i-nlin- -ti-ck
.Mi-.-.- s 1'i-iik ttil i1. IIiiM- ii, ou?- nl tin- la
l-"i i-;:i !i aiii-m-4 us, will In- 1?I'm 11; 111 n in
III- Is,-t :i r. 'I'll- - * ?iimls will also In- .solil I
i-iifli, nil-! will tiii-liiiili!i-iilv ti" low.
Satin- !'--w --inul? iiii- l>.-iu? ii-liitiu- i In I'nri'l
I i'll 1; i- in ?v.i s--5i I i- n i-t - ? i-M-a-iv- a> -.'?in-i
I'.' >11111 ii -1 !. I1 11? l?i-i-ll 1. i i -1! 1 ll:lt Illliri-llt
?>!!? < i ! ; t ! _r'i h i-> lii-cii iv >!ii|>|i
vi:l.'i!i! I :!>.in.r I'!%. Imt iijhui iit<|<i:iv this
finiii'l 1" !>< iit>*< t"s -i*l *1*1,i* r?*-shi|iiiii*iils I
linvr \\ i li'lr:nvals l:<> ii 1. silulllii*
w ill t ill n: iitsiiii ihviii-'miii tin- oiImt >Mr.
t >irr iu* ii:.-i !*.n.- vi-iy in*ri?lly nvulvoil
,-i l'ij'1 a -'liiii r -1 111 >! i-ii-ilils. IliNN'inl
?i:i:>l in ? ?.- i-jf 1 '. * n :nnl im?1 tinIVf<|inM
ly livhr 111 : 111. -. I'll' I'imii' si it I >i\ li|i>:itlis tiul
will In* stun ly ii-lin ? < ?! ! > in tin- .-|irin<r. N.il
wil! ii? litii'ii in- .-Imu it iiimIit lln- m>w sy>lilull
I'm- wi!i In* r.-w.-r iiiul fuiliii-r In twot
II i-' ii .lillilii l.-.l liii'l . < r 11 11 iliv Iraili' lliilt I
Jilori t i'iiil>:iM:i-<ii:fiil- timl i i-iiiim' ill tin- M
I- m ?*| *.?:i icmiI.-s :111<i |si.\ i-ntli-i-iimis, wlucli I
s i--ii - i.| !?i:.. \'-;ir> Int.- I" mi H ailiiI an ?
1fiil Ii--ii?-?- tin: I -1 ? :! i i i: :t t. soil
^!l(l|Ull ?:i! I.? >' )' .//' Ililihl .Y'i's.
<!/ v. .1./. /.'? ?'J'lif mi
of i!i'- i'l .-ii'-iil of tin* n.i-jli'Hii iii^ ) i'|?il
lit: "i .'?! \? lo i!i>- ("oii:;ivs.? notv in s<?-<mi is
i-'i'hcMil :i r. vi- \v 11> - |n<iil ifal hi-iory <?T I
.- Mm- i'lriti'.r III" in-l yi-:ir. lln; facts of w I i
liaw ! . :i l..i I ii: ' tail Ii.-foiv Mir rril'liTs
111 v I! nnsj'ii A I \\ |-aIfit]-lis, hou.vi
will now ! iv ii wiili :si.i-j ? l. Aid lir?l ot I
<lil:ii :i!'.\ 'A ,il? v. Ii.lIi is ".-li!! < !' a jjru
hi sjtiu- ? ?" i!m- <-an.!..r iiii>l iix ili-riit! > ) whi
tli jjovi ill.in.:.! has ;.!vvi\'> sli'>\v 11 in tills iitl'a
it h i- not y?-1 lc i-ii aiili- in toa j ist a:
liutiuriili'i; ai f:S!!t5clii'*nt '" ! vwvii tin- two cull
1:1 s. Til.- lii' -iiat <tii ? i I'Yalie*- aiol (Siva! !
tai:. ||-|.VV r. ti ai:i'J Ifi-i i:l!y
an i'iii iii! tn.ii'i:>-r. ili#- L'oVfMiiii'-iit liiis i.| [?ivci
leil Ii.c a .1 i-.i 1 :n.'! f<iar:!iiit?i*y Sji.ril of I
1 (vii i::il!<?:.-=. :i:fi i n'!i in ill'- t
iii'- hi:':<?:i a::-! ' 'i tin- n- vv in'^uiiiitiiiiis wliicli ii
toll" I'ji'iH'.I i;t I'cii-'ij I'liCi*. it lias ii ?tiii!'
si it* 1 -'i!' wll fiia iiiiii- in I." 'fiiiili-.l. Iiy lit.- ;.-i
i-ljtk's ui' juslii'i? iiii'l I iv a .-iiu-'-iv li-siru to pi
v . ( !>iit wilii' ti! i-oii-- uiin;# to aiiulit i
:< hi-: "ii! will. tli.- h":i rot' i!i" j-.-j ?>?1 ?!:<-.
Til'- !* latioiis i'f ill-- I' l'iil'iic with oiii.-r rnn
tiics h v li.-. 'i 'l::r:nc t!n? y?sw a:i>l still nr*.iii
iii '-i f. i'-.i'IIy intmv.
'I'll" mii vi v ot' !![> t'lTitoiy of "I".m i int "j'
Ititi or i ! :i-i ! Iii'-a-an--; liilvii to haw
]!.:! ! ''ally i:.'*"i'j"ii'at ! ia tin* Stan* ol' I > aj a r
villi \v!ii?-!? it u : Iiy rci-i'iit li'-rivi' ijtii 1 ?-"l. T
I'r.'-ai'at aiiil !i-s to I: <- n.-w lii.-j'o.-ition of t
ri_'V. of way o\ i r ll:?: .'-tliaiii-in the follow:
" I ii.- <-sT,i!.l;.-!i:ii.'iit of lluvc t-ili'.- has Iniiiltlio:
i/' i| mi till- l iiiini-, ain-'hu' lli' iii arc t
port ui \ I'li'ii-ii j mii| aflr!* thi- 1:1 Jsin I ami
iiK'iil ui tin* S'oo j.i ivil' ir?-, it i:i-w foiifi <s-ioii I
liCi'ii In i !' t > tli-- l.i ii:- ana Ti'h iiliil' in'r ("o
( any. in !< rni- v. Iii.-!i : ]>|>#-:ittlo> mo-t. < .
u! mi:;tio|| Iv. t'A n llic tl
TL<* in.--- i _*.- - l>v 1 Ji?- i
i.-iiti >;i c . i1.. !".v - m-ii: <?n of i
v ;it: ! 'It ' .! in tlie cotiuli
? .V. <>. / ;< :..
Ci./< <>/..// "' I. ?Tii" Iimij i ivarran:
infill of t!i<* s-'r'ii-lu'.-.N of conn* <*iio:i> anil ri
i?iiiit 'i ii" It sin- :ri!i?;i .r:a'i??!i ? ! ill-* $rr?
Soutlii-fn a?.<! "-'luih \\ i-i-;i mails from tliise
wein i:i ! ;.: i ni to.iiav. I'or live years j>
tii" I'.. ! t I?-*i>:? 1*1 ni. iii is saiil |i> liav.: !?'
l*m|.*:iVo.iI!if to i-fl'-ft tili-- ol.].*rt. Iiy \\ lli.'ll
t > 11 Ii*j?ir< ni'iiv iliaa a full bu.-iin-ss il.iy) ;
j.':iiin* l I i\v?*?*ii \\ a-liiiiL'i< ity ami .M**iu|il
'" mi". ? : f??tn t ii li'iurs li**t.\v?*i*ii W:i>!ini'.'!
aii'i N i-Kv ii! ; twelve lioursii<*l\vi-c:i <'iiarlfnt
ami N"i\ :!! , ain! a |ir?|?>riioiitit? saving
l!n- Jir.ct p>!l!?* !?"tw*?*?*si Wa.-liite/liiii ami N. I
leans. Tli" .!::?? -nil\ li.i*; l".-"ii !"??r lii" mo?t ] :
in I: irn: ciizi t!i<- I'umiitiir ??f the !* v?*n r.
In 1 eo >i ?'. -.* |-.--;*^-!i\" |-oa<ls an* I
?*<*s.**-ii*.!y i*:ni?I>?. .*:! in tniisjiortinti tin* mai'.s
j:|.--ii ii. vv!i:<::i i.-;nia<r ilii- point. |?as- tliroii
Ii i-Iisi-i i-l, \ irjstiia ; Wilmington. North Cai
I ma ; K i:rjs. ill** aifl I'iiarli-ston, Sunt Ii ('arnlii
An-^n*ta ati'l A'l iiila, (?i*--i*^i.i : .Moiiti^uiin-i
Alaliiiui; ,\.-*.v in-", Nasliville ami .Me
jili.s, i-?ii!i?.*i*li!i-^ all i:it"rui<*i!iat<* points, a
Mi|ijilym-jr a v i-i s<ii|i- uf ailjac-nt territory w
tin* Hill's. We liav.- f.-iS-lll In llelil-V" lllllt Ii
a rfo/.-ii times wiliiin the las' six or iirlil inonl
;iif.is lur l?e:jiiimii?i l<> run i
new : !; r11'. - !i:,ve le-ell 11151 -I**? tl*"lll whieli t'l
"tie ami ilii'ii another ?>f ilo* railroail eompan
referred to ub<?v?? have lli.vu nlf.
*?o\v, lio\v**v< r, than!;** i" the em ri*y ami fin
no-** <>t Ii*??-r < I-*ii.Till ISrown. ili? mum
iiii.l S|n*eia! A^'nl Kasliii.tn, who \\
cliaigt.* 1 wish !!: tia*i;->:>:?ttoll-* nil ill** s?ll?j,
t'l-il m*irily t?ok p' at a distance fn
Wasllh:.Jtoii et\*. all li.i-s at h-n^lli 1 h
Iii<!iS!'>:i '% ::! : i. ! I he |n:I?';? are to r<*a|> l
ailvantnie* <>1 t!? f;v years anxious ?(Torts
'lie department j, :'.*n*ei| loa'iove. In lht*.*etla
linn* if i':iitf!iatieally iii"ii*y in all hti?:ne<* Irai
iietiofis; iff] in llnis saving llie lia\ejrijr a
?;oir<-p>.i lino p ihlie iatei<-s:eil ?n mlteli time
is ceou'iin'./. ! hy the u-'.v -'-h?hiles in ijiiesti<
tie; I'o-t ii.i- <-r (i.'iii'inl ha* eonferro-l a vt
Mih-t ia'. i! 1) i.*!ii in'iceil mi tl. ( imtry
l.ill'v. .May I?1-* many pending et!oris of t
?ame - ?i> !' !* "i!i r ftjioiut l'e-ult as happilv.
AM'I:i:cos II., Nov. 2, 1SJ7,
/,</.'<?!x ; In my note of last week, l
tali veto tii>* .-n.-jM-a.l-.l ami n'?n-siispeii'lf<l li.m
1 mull' a -I ("il'l'ie pell, a II I pliec.l I In- I'lalit'
Jiank <*, Kaii'liel.l m tio* wi%*i?^ column. anion
tin* I.on--:: ide.l or .-|i--e.e paying hanks. '1!
ikiiik \\a? i >iI ! ! > I! I'niii|iii'ii!lfr's olllee
U )>UiipuilJ"(l li.Tik. linking l?rliv Ml>|l<-I|ileil il
i^ltt Hjivi'li' |> i\liituks in ilif Si.iti*. Will v
' Jite'.iS" |?ili!is!i tills. K'> that if ??!pajicra c?i
my furtiicr </v>:niini;iieat.on, lli-v may also c?i
Wrv re.-j t:"u!!v.
Co.:i|?l"r (ien'l
fj (' n/iit .hit rial.?Last wed
'Te:i'l Im-ly wa.1 |ii<-!;.-?l ii|> on lli?? Atlantic Iwa
a liltli; In tlie north t'ajip Jlailcray, having
lie!l arotiii'l it co:it lining gold <3u->t. Xo ?!oi
i( waH the cotps.j of one* of th?? p'iMcngerit of 1
lll-f.iti'l Central Alueri'-u. Other dead bo?J
liave L.cll seen fl iiitiii^ in the neighborhood.
Hon*.?Our fiv>:n llift liojr f?*#--li
diMricti (i":'? ral!\* steak* of iiisw?iivi?w ??i?"
f. 'J
although {';e pricking yc;:<">tl is al haiul.
Cincinnati, a sale of .VHl Ii.miI Iiiis been IiiuiIh
:.j, deliverable mi the 1 tit it of December. T
i< a c! -sir of ?1 per hundred j?ohi
fhun the j.rieei current al?out the firit of /
HUM. i'avSiiii'; operations will commence
that city, Weather fjvoiinir, about the fifth
this mouth. At lleiuliixin, Kentucky, fif'i
rej>orteil to b<* tim ruling rale. At Madi*
linbana, e .riv la the sca-on. nl*.it tio.OuO lit
were contracted for at net. At Eva
ville and along the Wabash, hit vera will I
operate in the iinceitaiiity of price*; there
i"?mn cmtracl* on the \Val>jt*h at %~k At C
riiuuti it I* expected the prices may go down
)J I. At C!i P i*", sales havo l?ccn made, I
At Ibirliiigtou, Iowa, prii
cijual to ?."> net,d> livcrrd, have been accepted
if 'i/id /,'jif/u/w.? AiijihIs, Nov. 5.?J?.
V. V .*.d has l?ecn ejected I'rewileiit of llie S
a.< >; ( oi'tfia. J >bn W.1I l?" iiderwood S.p?
vr of the llutire. Al.-xat.Jer Spear Clelk.
?iAHHEVIIililfl B.ANN Mil.
iil.-> . ii
Thursday Morning, Nov. 12, 18.37.
C. IKIVIS lUlilor.
Inr , t ?i"5
it., , Al llic Into Klvctiou* iii i'liiiilt'stiiii, Cum:i.i/
<'s M\< 1:1111 w!i< Ifi-tfil llnvtu', l>\ I:::; iii:ij<>tm
*11 ovor ! '. I >. Iti<-ii tufimis. 'I'll.' < !< .'linn mii.I t<
I,,. Imvc |>IIWIt 11VW W.llll'llt ally Mll<|>tdlll of vio
v o In. or ili.-ordiT.
' > \Vi? ?l:rri't ntt lit inn t Inr a>l\ i I I i.-> HH'lits of A
M. Smith, K.\?'<uitor, ami Sn ,T?>ii\f.tx, Oiiiiiiis
, ( at NcwlnTrv ; W v. Ilin., ' 'Miliary, l.-li
Hill \V. T.WI.ots :it Alnlcr.-on (II., Sale of IVll
III' illctnn I lot,.I, ('. J|. SriiKH, Administrator, (.k*j
S. K..I \, Aui'iil for lli?' steamer IIvrrjrljnltf run
,|. lift W< t II ( "hailestoti iiinl r<i!;itl,:i, I-'lii., J\o
w,. I). Wiuiam-s I'.veciitor, (.'uniinesi-ioiicr's Sales
I..I- &c.
ili- ? ? t
I- I * \ i: it i. fivi; Miil candidate, fur C'oiiijrcsn, ii
Kansas. is elected over Ih-iiincrnl, In
js majority. The returns from Johnson am
^Ii(?t counties were rejected, which ?ave Kan
of s<i\ "J,S<Hi.
' Thf Senate is lull down 1 :> five sin), to
Democrats. House, \i't free soil, t o 1) Democrats
! Tin* Convention to frame a Constitution is mm
in session. There seems to lie sunn- doulil as t<
\\ lial the convention w ill ilo in referetiee to slave
an ... .
rv, ami the s.llnms-ioii o| their constitution to i
is vote ?if the |ien|ile for 1'atiliealinu.
It will lie leiiieinliert il that the ( overmii'o
o Maryland, prior to the (ale election in I'alliiuore
oi<! out a lar^o military force i<> protect ilu
^ citi/ciisof 11st It i iii> >i f in tin* i-iifli I ?if sullVsl?;o. Tin
Ivs .MilMil of llattilliorc limk iiH'i'iice at. t his step ti|nii
I In? part nf the tlowrtior, n | m in the gt'ouml thai
j"' it was an unlawful inter.ereucc in tin* iiiniiii-i|ia
jjo lent oftliccity, ami elaime<l tliat the|io
In- li?"?* of lIn- city was | ii:* snilicicnf to preserve ?:
'X ili-r. lint tin- Mayor, as lias lie**n proved I v tin
riots ami bloodshed upon tin* ilav of elceion, wu.mistaken.
Fiom accounts these scenes of ilisor"s"
tier ami riot must have In'oti more revolting thai
,'i'iv that have ever been etiaclod at prcoccdiii!!
|K. Mlel-ioll.
,.j, Iialtimoie, sine#- Know Nothiiitrisin sprum; in
is t i existcliee, lias become famous for lier eb:t:tiol
"r" riots.
'] lleSI" evils should lint he tolerate)) l?V 5IIIV ill"
, teJIi^ent coiiiiiiuiiity. The conservative. ; ml or
<lcrly fiii/ens should a.-sert ami excretive a ?|n -]ir,
liiiir in flu--ncc over tli? election imvdics.
till j - ?
ti Noth'iiif is more odious in i?ur f?ittt*?it tliat
111 bankrupt laws. Wo ilu not believe tliat. it is tin
, 1 business of t'oveialiicnt to ali.-ol\e debtors Iron
lO" ,
a payon-sit ? f <Iu-s to creditors. ^pcakintj "
He this, the W a-Iiiii'tou Slur say-", tliat thost
who imagine that a project for a hrakrttpl law
" i wiil he scrioit?lv nrire.l on Cmi^ress at the ai>
re . i
n,. proucdiilijr st?sion are mistaken. We have care
i fully notcil the si^ns of tue times iu that eonaco'
tioii ever -nice tile lie^iimiliir of the suspemioi
of tl.e batiks, am! can s--e ln'tliin^ to justify am
,*r itch iiujircssioil. It is. however, evident frou
l! tiietolicof more or less licwsiialiers on tlo-siil.
j-'i. 111 ; t thousand:! ??f 11 lose who have of lai<
I ^ ' failed are not a litshi anxious fur stieh Coiijrrc*
,.,r ! sional legislation. Nevertheless, they will S"'<-1
' relief afu-rlli.i! fashion in vain. The trutli is, i
J'" is not t!it- country shut is liankrujit ; Ixit hunkers
nj. nu 1 licw ami ili- ro a merchant. When the un
ias fortunate bankrupt law "ruwinir out of tlx
i .
tiiiiiiicial troulih-s of 1 r-:?T was passed, tlie conn
trv at larire was in a hn-iw-ss - inlst inn to atlori
lV(> soiia-lliing like an :ij?i!riry for s:teh legislation.?
No'.v, however, tint ease i?.? dill'-renf that an;
*' iin-nther of Congress who ioi'_*!ii c.?:iv t? f.iilosneli
a proposition mlgli' he Well isiijll oil
; of the Capitol.
' Tile ll'tlal "I'liet of our village w.:s hr< ken ol
it last Suinlay l?v an exehaiiiie of .shots he
'y tweeli ItnttiKX (joi.i.i v ami ((\\ kn. Tin
forniet'lii'eil four time?, while I he latter had III
en ;
\. advantage hy one .shot, having fired five times
ire and it is said that .Mr. Ow had another nil
vantage whirls in- ol>taiiie<l I v sharp dodging.?
"" i Mi-, .Mr. Uwi:n, as soon jis the firing coiiuueucci
1,11 . .
nu ! |il;iiiU'<l himself behind n pil!.:r at the Marshal
)r- I It'll* I*, am! lo-iiijj thug fortified like a ti
',rt cr, and mi^lit have gained tItc enviable repula
, tim: <?f a ln*r'> Imt for theevi lent signs of fear ex
i? luhit.-d wliih* the sletlon continued. Mr. (Im.m::
r'h stood in ujien p-diiii'l and demeaned himself will
commendable coinage. Soon after the ?liootini
was over tii:ki;\ Owi.n pitched into a Mr. Vixk
,J,. yakii callcd for the Mike of Kuphony "Grape
ml ; line"," who has lieen .-|icnd':n-_r sometime here u
' a Cosmopolitan stranger, dealing him a Mow wit!
l,s | n pistol. "(I rape vines rctaliuti-d with a club
l?. ' and when they were ?epurutcd his friendsclaimei
rst the victory for him.
j Tin-re - em# to he some lvgret that neither <
|( the jiiil'ties Were hart, and ilia! a!! tlio shots e.\
|f:t changed unluckily missed their aim.
as j For fear of an arrest all the aforesaid partie
'''' . have made their ese?pe and we think the com
i( ^ inuiiity will pray that they may never return,
lie ^ c a re happy to aniioitiicc thai none of tli
of pai'ticf engaged ii: this disreputable uil'air ar
J1*' natives of this l>i.-iri?*t. Mr. Own*, wo think, i
,s". ! fin... r'l...^l..r S < If- I : : * ? '
|l(J ? . . ? . .mi. ii is irue, na
us < been living here fur sometime, and in.iy, fo
>n. might \vi" kiniw, have been horn in this 1 >i>trict
r.v Ihil we iimi ilic to Kdgcliehl i lit* honor of haviiij
I /(/'/'";/'/ him it/i in //<>' init/ /< f/iolt'-l Jo?//')?<
hi* shoot i H'J f'f'ji' itxi'ij.
I A volunteer officer 111 l'luii.'u, writing froii
j/' Tort ('apron, tinder the date of Sept :!7, says:
r-' i " I have been with my company in the coiln
?s( ! try Letweon l?aki? (>!<eechohcc ami the Adaulii
~ j ; ocriin. It i*. however, all now deluged, am
,(S boat*. not horsemen, are wanted to traverse ii
i('1(| ! In iilmiit twenty years more, when the Govern
()1( iii> lit shall have sent to these wnsle* aliuut tei
thousand infi.ntry ant) lwHl.1 of li^ht draught
jii- capable of transporting three or four men each
' aii'i so li^hl as he easily carried l?y the men ove
' every space where the water is not MitVicicntl
deep lu llnf.t tile boats, and shall have upon tli
liite?f frontier all the horsemen now in tfcrvici
i or more, ami shall operate vigorously in a winte
! campaign, then there may be some hojie of riil
i a dmg tliia couutry of the Indians, hut not ti!
eh. t !!...?
IT a i "TIim portion of"country possesses the ndvun
n!?! ! luges of t in* most milii mid h-ilmy climate in win
I lie j Icr known any where ii|h?ii the continent. Trop
lie* ; icnl fruit.s are here growing finely, nntl the tixl
: and oysters of I lie winter cannot lie t<iir|i:iKiscd i
. any of tlie water* of America, lint, this is all
inl. 1 Cut uit* from nil the rert of the world by a dan
hit. ' Se.-ous coast ami had bar, witli no iiiIuimI coniinu
At . nieation except by Indian river and the lliiul
nt over' to Smyrna, ami thence up tile Mostquit
l,j^ | river and ncroM nnother * Ilaulorer* to St. An
inU i ciistine, or from Smyruu Heroes to the St. John'i
in- i there is but little hope that tliis jioriiou will eve
in 1 be woitli much."
is | &xonl Iliads*.?It is stated that all the swon
i,n> blades made for tlie Kuglixh Army are tlie worl
?ml of four men, three of whom aro brothers. Tlier
na. i* a secretin the mode of manufacture, knowi
cot only by these four, and which they jealousl;
are guard. Th?*y select their own assistants, am
have the t ight lo discharge them at pleasure
to when ihey do uot like them. One uf tlio broth
net tw in Kntield makes eighteen blades per day, am
cca his average earning* weekly are about (5U.
I.tpirbivg in Ttxat.?At Waxalmtchie, on tin
29lli ult., lie*. Thomas Donegal* was sentence*
>hu bv a iuob court and jury to.receive 50<) lashe#
L-n> >ud they were iiifl-cled in (he public square. Hi
ak- w^aeensed of tampering ?*ilh slaves, and itwti
gating theiu to tub their muster.
Xfi 19 MWWi wm Onn.
' 'Iin" r?:i?wii>u m ti<?' '*! i.ii t 1111 it n(
\ ilit' |)i?Iii< i, lur 'i liinii \, li< lil on I -\
Imt :
I < ' I
, | A'fiiwVltljs II., i::*? m h
I I.MIIIMUN llli". . . .. II 2
" | TriM?>\? Si m e :: < r, ]i;
SJ ,
w tint-limn, ' l :t
I'lillioiiuV .Mills ! I'j ?
lt'iu!i>iiii\,. (I |."? -J
- Mosoloy's, 1-jn it
. I!ia.llojV, II n
(\-<l:il Spring's, :? I'i 1
, ("otlirmiV, t? i> 1
i. W.MHlvill.- I:; l
- 1 \M.ii.; 11 :iil r, |:t
Nimiy-^ix * In 1'.' tl"
(i It'i'liwnixl, j |
? , Smilliviilo, '1 ;
|).ii?ir>ill i :i :? I
j fi.k.sbui v : 31 21 l-?
: Doll^lns* M I s, 'J I
1 I > > > 11.11 < Iv i i 1? ' -I -I'J 1
, Duo West., 1 lu 'J:; ::
I j Si uiil. iiiwn, I I:: ii
; Callahan's, I! "
"hi; :;?*? l.il
. ! Total, 1 ii.l vuli-<.
! . I
. j llcfiirc tin? Mlcvljiiii was tleelare.l Mr. IIn.i.
r I rti-rv*-?l tlie Milliard's with notice of |ii'otfst npon
ij 1 lie rruiiiiil.- I liat tlie < recti w.mmI 15ox was Mot
. I open; that lli?* vi>i?-e of the people was not fairly
t ' etprvpse.l i:i tin* Klcction, ami llial at the Ilex at
' I)i>urli!ass* .Mills Ihcfc tt'4'iv tliiitv MX votes
! polled ami counted, while tlie icri-ter, or roll* .
kept l>_v the managers hail only thirty live names
I enrolled.
i The*.; grounds ol protest were nr^nc.l InTorc
I the .Manners hy Messrs. Thompson, Fair ami
i N<>!?!i\ Mr. Nulilv in liehulf of Air. Wii.i.ivm!
:tn?l Tli<>ni!?..n and Fair in favor of Mr. 11i!I.?
I '
I | Alter tin* argument of the Council llie managers
( retired and after consultation decided the election
i to he voi.l, n|ion the ground that the d scrcpau. !
; i-v in tin- |>..ll :ila I roll of one vote at. I)ouirhl.is'
Mills Was sufficient to invalidate the election, and
j ordered a new election of which a notice may lie
i seen in smother column. j
i , . , a _
I?!.*.\1.11, of the New York ll-rnl'l, ridicule*
'j lli^id'-a that the present tinaneial tcollides are
1 the result of hijih or low tlil'ifls. In allusion In
j this subject he says: !
; "We esmnot trace thcJil to the tarilf of lS-It>,
, lint we can trace them in the hanks and stock '
: jobbers, the railroad and land s|H'entat??rs, tlie
l la-nii'Sis, llumnicries, fopperies, e.xtl\ivalances,
vanilies, license!.'ii>ue-s, rngucne-, defalcations, I
eiiilicz/.leinents, furireries, frauds, prejudices. and '
i all the oilier rascalities of n w ide spread demoralization
among men and women, s lints and sin
ners?from puritanical ISosioii to Sabbath lirenk1
. inu New <>il?aiiS. These are the potent causes i
f ? ! tlie presrnt re\ lllsion. anil a t vm I i
?. - *
i . lit. tarill against these terrible evils of I In* '
! times would have been as powerless .as a rowhont
I in 1 lie falls nt" Niagara. Millionaire railroad job |
| I XT.-', Stuck jobbers, 1: 11 1 jobbers, hanks. specula- j
tors ami forgers, last. youni; Incn, last, old int'ii, >
. | fast wamcti, last horses, brandy, billiards and faro, '
I Flench j;p? ja?'s, fashion ihl- rivalries in wast- j
1 ; inji money, and all such ruhhtislt, stuH* and ubuuiination,
liaV*.* done tin.* busiiiess."
, j ?
j The l*-?ljiollt-l?l .I</; *rtixrr, in an article upon I
- ' tliis subject, alludes to tile importance of this ,
i Klectioii, and expresses its silpptise at t ho apathy
t in iiiifested l>y a portion of out* peopl*.* in refer,
ctico to it, ai:tl \vin>ls nj> by the following vcrv
. | trutlifnl remark:
i. j ' Fioni tlie foundation of oiu* Republic there
have xisted two contending parties in the country,
the otic leaning to an ah.-oliite central govern- !
lueiit, the other to a simple confederacy of inch**
pendent States. In giving direction to the great
i , ill.-as connected witii tlii- political warfare, .Mas- !
r ' s.ichusctts has always led upon one side, and South '
Carolina upon the other. When important issues
1 have sprung up, involving these two systems, it
i is not going too far to say that Massachusetts
I ini11< 1 lias developed the one, while South Caro- j
liua has d me the same as to the antagonist svs- '
i teui. It was so as far buck as the days of Lntvu '
. ' iles, and Fisher Ames, ami Itufiis King. It was
; so, during the war of IS 12, when Calhoun, I
! Clievcs and l.owndes stood together, with Web- 1
" i .iter, Oates, ami others opposed to U'Oin. It was
I so again, in the famous ilelate <>: Fool's resolu.
lions, in 1 when Webster ami our own trl??ri- 1
oils I l;i) lie stood forth the triant exponents of llic
I ideas of their re.-pecti ve political creeds. I( wns
' ; so also in the yet greater de'iate of when
I ' the iniehly Calhoun met Webster an?l Alassa.
eliusett.s on the l'orce Dill, ami when those funI
damenlal principles, upon which ihc existence '
j <>f the government itself depended. were discus"
; se>l and elucidated hy them, until the'names of
< Massachusetts ami South Carolina were upon
, > lips of every man, woman and child in America.
! It was hi attain more recently, when Sumner,
5 like the agilator O'Councill, made his revolu- j
" : tionurv speei'h in the Senatee against the South :
. ami South Carolina, anil particiihiily against
s ' Carolina's cherished Senator. The issues then j
i made were discussed and read l>y every man in j
1 1 the Uepubiic. I
> i "And is this a (iiiio to say we have no interest
1 in our representation in the Senate of the United ;
i State.-? iJoes not every intelligent citizen feel j
'and know that the dillieiill questions, which
Crow out of the two forms of socielv North and
- South, are again to conic up fur discussion, when
I every inch of the ground will have to be fought
s ' with skill ami judgment ? And arc we not coii;
ccriicd to have our side represented hy (lie first
ability of the land? Have we no care as to liofc
we are to stand before posterity? Have we no
c J repaid for our position in History? Tidk not
| then of iuditrereiiee in this important matter.?
i It n our right to he represented in the great as- I
8 j sembly of States, and it is our duty l<> ourselves' !
...... ... i" hi: [r|i[CH'iiii:<i i?y our :
I-) most powerful and intellectual men. The <jites- '
1 lion is far above one of mere personal prefer'
| enccs. In deciding it, llio chief inquiry should
' i b>*, who c:iii bring to bear in our cause the great
r ! est ningo of ability ? Who will be most fell
union;; Ins peers in the Senate of the I'nited
1 | S'hnre of tit a res in C'hiri tniii/i umhr <i Writ ;
| if Malirii* (.'or/nix.?Cincinnati, (>., Nov. M. 1S57.
; ?Three slaves, helnugiiig to Thornton Witliei*,
E ! en route from St Louis to 1'arkersburgh, Va.,
I ' were seized here yesterday when on board, a
I steamboat at the wharf, through a writ of habeas
corpus it-sued by Judg?i Kurgoyne, and were :
i i placed under the charge of J>atius Egglestone,
> ! by order <?f the Court. Mr. Withers swore out |
i* | a habeas corpus before Judge Carter, claiming !
T | ihat the slaves were unlawfully restrained of
y ; their liberty, ami claiming that they owed him |
c. j service iu Virginiu, whither he was carrying j
.f i them wh-n they wrested from his hands. The i
j i writ whs served by the Deputy Sheriff, and the j
1. | slaves were brought before Judge Carter this !
II afternoon.
10 o'clock P. M.?The slave case trial has to- \
i. j suited iu the deliverance of the slave to their 1
j master by Judge Carter, unU they have been j
i. j carried to Kentucky.
" Ilroirtiloir on the luijilirr Slurr J.mc.?' rhe I
' Marion American my*. The follow inn, from
" Hro willow's letter to tlio Anti-Slavery Standard, I
' is n wrong wny of putting t lie case :
" I'aiii net willy apprehended a fjgit'Ve |
" slave, and hciiI liim hack loins lawful owner and )
earthly master. And the 'Angel of the Jjord" |
' | on our occasion |H>?ilively nerved iu the capacity i
r of a United State* Marshal, and assisted ill nr- j
resting "'< fuijiiii'c clave IIagar, who had en- I
on|*?d from her tnitirrta Sarah, and relumed her
jj to her lawful owner I"
e '**" ??
? The Atlantic Telrgrapk.?It is mid thnt active
y preparation* are being made with the view of
j laying the Atlantic submarine cable nest summer,
the month of Jane baring been selected m
1 the most favorable for the work. The core p?uy
] have ordered (he manufacture of fonr hundred
additional miles, which will be ready for shipment,
if neoe*sary, in January, with the nndere
standing that if they should not succeed in their
J attempt to recover the three hundred and forty
, mile* wow sobnieiged, tbey are to have as much
5 additional cable made withiu twenty-eight days
as may 1)0 considered necessary to supply the
Ml V *11 '
TO Tin; MiNl??Ti:K8 OF THi: (lOSI'Lt. tN ABBKVI
1,1,i; DiSTlllCT.
'llltls 11 \ \ Hi;l IIMII \
'I'lio AI v? I !? I'Hliiil lliltle Si'i-ifl v, tit i I <t it
mini nieilim; in .1 litv <'njoincl it uu its
Itiltiril of Direelors ! > Iit|<lles? \ot| :i cili'lllill
teller. xi-1?iiivr \>>u ( > |nv:n li in jour st'Veral plllpits
Oil tin* i;|i':il Milij.i t lli it i iijii^i'* i,in nllelit
tain ; ami if, in your jmljztii?-ii*, il t-liall ! proper
lit lake ii|> ?-??!! ? !inn- in \our vntmii- elniieli,in
nitl of litis I'atW'.
In t:oiiipliaiit:o willi (his injutii linn, allow tis
t'i ml I vi'iir all flit toll t<> llits ini|iorl.int tmtl I <-i*.
We ! > not tleem ii tieoosary to sty anvlltiiij;
lo ymi willi rrspeet In tin- value of llie I!!! !? ;
for you. as well as wi\ arc |?>-r~n:i?l*- I lliat il is
lilt; very won! of Co,I, an.I tlieot-lv rule t>f f.tiilt
ami praetiee lo man; lliat il, ll!ttli<*, of all I lie
luniks ill (lie Wnrlil, rrvenls :i religion tt<l:l|>1 f?l lo
niiili as a sinner; lliat il, only, meets his reli-jinus
\\;anli, esjMtses llie m ecs.-ilies of liis .-|>iiiltial nature,
ami in I lit* perxui of u I >ivine Saviour, ami
in lite work of a Divine Spirit, piovitles powers
tiileiiiialc lo re-lt't'in ami rriMMieralt) liint.
Tlnse jilcal iiiicl precious truths will readily
sujrijcsl Ili-HIM-Iv. s to your minds, anil are, in
fact, die grounds iit" IIii* lonjf and fervent interest
dial \ <>ii have felt in this whole siilj.et.
I!iil wo would earnestly hen you to coti-ider
llial litis I! v<-!nl inli of t lie (jini|icl of llio irrace of
I; ikI is liiil from many; ami lliat no cllort should
In- lackinir on our part to nitikc it perfectly
accessible to every iiuliviilual in our borders.
'IVii years have iinw elapsed since a thorough
cll'irl was made to furnish nil the households
anioiiL'st us witli copies of tin- IJihle; ami l?y die
fori nation of new families, liy immigration from
alit'oail, ami liy die agent* of destruction ever at
work, llio .-late of tin- case is so altcr<d since the
completion of that underlaUiiiL', lliat a vigorous
etl'ort in disseminating the Script tiro is a* imperative
now as it ever was.
It is certain dial many families : re at present
destitute of copies of any port iou of I lie Sci iplures:
it is certain Ilia', many others possess hut one of
tlie Testaments; it is certain lliat many otlu-rs
have only a si:.^lc IliMu lor die whole family,
ami llrit one so large, so old and so Itaillv Jii iut* *1
as to lie incon Venii-ot for in?v_ i.ii.t
live ill uppearnucc to tin; young; it is curtain
lli.it in inaiiy instances tin; family lliblc is millilated
ami dc'aevd; that in others, because il
contains tlx' family records, il is not dcsiic 1 iiy
tin? head of tin- f.itii ly lliat. il >:Ii?>ii 1<I lie freely
used l>v children. Now all those things prevent
tliat daily au<l familiar contact willi the lively
oratdes, o:? w 11i *)i the life of (Jod in the soul do
We would rcminl you thai whatever is to !??
d?nc umler tlic ciiciiuistiinoes, i.? to lie done by
?.v, Iiy >/':?, and liy the christian who wail
mi \ our miuist ry.
The Society thai we represent l>;>s assumed
the tank of distributing the Bible throughout this
large and populous District. even as the ( real
I'.ireiit Society, togi;ther wiIh its numerous auxiliaries,
has as-uuifi| the t:i~U of distributing the
Iiilile thfiin^liiiui the whole extent of this broad
land. If, then, our Society do not supply our
own District, il iiiu^t remain destitute.
The various churches, instead of acting separately,
have, with olio exception, united in this
organiz.it ion for this specitic purpese; nearly all
the Christian enemy devoted to this work within
our limits, is siilisidi/.ed by our Society; if,
|><-risii mr iacn 01 Ktiotvicil^r,
ours will In; tin*
Mnliiiiiles :u?."t;n vii?'4 for want i>i"ili<: Invail
of life, wink- wo Ii.ivc yarueiol iij> an aiu[>listore.
I.i*1 us ?iv?* fi*?"i*ly of our aliii:i<!:i:ico ! let us
furnish them. iioi :is .Iill su|>j>!ictl tin: K-y|itians,
Iiy <*<uiijiel!iii? ?*ach in in In com-.! t" lIn;
granary, Inn rather lei us IV--1 l Ileal as (toil (Vil
tin* I.-i;ii*lili*s, hy -vat t*_* ri ulT I lie heavenly iiiainia
ail aliroail in Ilio c;iiu|i, ami at llic dutii* cf every
I'r<-s-i*il wilh those <i!i!ivraliniis, tlift SociHy
woul.l discharge 1lii;tn in ihe fear of (Iml. Itut
it cannot ilo su without your aid. lis fumls ilu
nut warrant I In: employment of a co!|ii>r:eur, spe
cially ili'VuU'il in iliis w^rk. It must throw itself
mi the zeal iifC.nl's ministers, ami upon I lie
charily of<io?Ts people. Anil it iloes with llic
most assured confidence that this support will nol
11 is our ilesirc to furnish every family imw
ill .-litulc, with a copy of the* seriplurcs. It is
i.i.r desire In <lo inure than this : wc wish to sua
pleiuciit the old iiixl Offdccil willi new ami legible
copies; we wish In ptacc alongside of the
great. family Ililjlf, smaller ami more convenient
editions; we wisli llial, instead of there being n
solitary* JSilde in it hftlise, eneh -?biM should have
its own peculiar treasure, to Im read not simply
in the common roam, ami in the presence of others,
hut in the privacy of the chamber, ami in the
silence of the forest. \\ <: deem it iiuportant uol
only that each family, but (hat each person able
to read, shouhlhavc the IJible placed in his bauds,
that every eye may fall U|miii i he sacred page,
that every mind tliotild be <juickened bv the ?*In
rioiiH truths, nud that every heart should hi
touched by its grueioiM inllunuje. We deem it a
high privilege that we ure permitted to labor in
this blessed work.
"Shall we whose souls arc lighted
With wi.-d <>iii from on hijjli,
Shall to moil benighted
The lamp of life dcii\ ?"
Wc would, therefore, in accordance wish tin
instructions of the Society whose officers we are
. c(ur.-i j?u tu preacil Oil HUM Sill)
i ject at your earliest convenience, and if not in]
consistent with your nrrangoinents to take up col
lections in its behalf.
I Monies contribute:! may l?c forwarded to It. II,
I Wurdlaw, Esq., the Treasurer of tho Society.
At n meeting of the Board the following Bcso
hition was passed:
llr.iolri(/, That the Ministers of the Gospel he re
'piesteil to ascertain a? far ais may lie in theirpowei
those, in the bounds of their respective congregation*,
who may be destitute of the Scriptures, uud report
the same to the I>ist riet Bible Society, t lirougl
the Librarian, It. II. Wardlaw, (who is instructed
to furnish books tosuppty the destitute,) nud that
they be further requested to organize ftocietiei
auxiliary to this society, at such localities in the
District ns the Fame may' be needed.
C2r J'apers of the District will please copy
***** ~
Aii AfTrcling Emit.?Among tha deaths in
this city las weok, was one caused hy religious
o.M-itcincnt or intense conviction of sin, from
which the nnlinppv sufferer, a young lady ol
inucn promiHP. could obtain no relief, Medical
iiicii could discover no Iimco ?'f physical disease,
and the efforts of fait hfill clergymen to lighten
the burden from her mind were unavailing.?
Overpowered by a sei:ne of the Divine wrath,
sheslcndily refused nourishment, and Ihtlsniitered
upon the untried tcenes of a future state.?
Ptrocidruie Port.
A Troublexome Oat Leak.?While boring an
arti*ian well in the basement of a paper mill near
Watcrtowo, N. Y., and wlien a depth of sixty
feet had been melted, the drill working badly,
A light was brought to discover the cause, when
an inflammable ga* imed from the Hol^, and
lighting, aliot up a flame which reached the floor
overhead. Two streams of water were far nod
on from h^nuifa. bat con Id not oheck th? flame*
until the whole force of a flame was let into the
building And saved it. The gns, however, kept
burning nntil a plug uiAde by wimllhg a blanket
nroand a hand cpikv was thrust iulo the hole.
i ? |i|iw^bwwwn>w ii ii j. > ??w??mwhmmj
A \\ i'i I* ill tin- l'i'il"Hll I Iihi'I tlin? rii'otn* I
iim n ! - nitiiin In I In* Iti'iil i>ii? l.<'yi-l:iluii' alinnl i.. '
liii-t I *?l
"\\ lull, tln-ll. xliull In- 1 hi * Willi ll|i*?i* ?n*|?'ii. y
il.lliiiikx? I .'I III** I .t'vfi l.i I it 11* tf i \ ' I llflll ii iii'xr .
|i-.-i*i* i*l lln'ir livi'!*, lint lit il In-nil riiliilitiiili llmt
tln*v sliall iifi* I" In' liinl.i r sin *|iji, i'i'iii*!* in *'
flmru;**. iiihIi'I' ii ii v |?ri*l?*xl, iiMirimis inti-n**! mi 1,1
lln ir I *< >! ill: 11 I i-ontim- lln*iii*i-l? *< ! > li-uili*
mail* liniik in*;. I.*1 it In* hi.i*li' | ii'ii ii I, winking
I In* I'm IV il ii of tli*- rliiiiil. wlii-ll any lunik >liall <1
i-liaitr** li'Hiloils iiit *i it ?*n*?n??* in sliaviu^ i.
liny |iii|n r mil 1111*1*1*1*11 l<*uilnn:i11 ly l?n* <!i~<-minl. il.i*l
I In* >l ali* ill Miami tliat all ?liv iili-lnl-* I y?*n I ii
a i-i-rlain |n-r ?-i-nlatr>-(s iy HI jn-r i-i-nt. ) sliall InI>-i111
into :n*r Tri-iiKiii-y, an.I l hat iik r<*si-rv?-il
i'uinl, lit-yi'llil a riTlaiii |n-|- <*?*iil.ii;??, ilium tin- '
(*: |>it: I p int in, >li ill l?- r<-)aim-i| liy any Inilik.? !l
l.i*l tin- l.i-i*i?lalnn- :nl'i|il sihiii- mi*-Ii nn-a-inv-'as ''
I In st-, anil iilln*l.< i?l wliii-li 111* !* ? an* Mi^i??-sl iv<*,
am! tin- nutiila-r < ! bank* will In- ri*ilm*i-.|. Tln-v
w ill i:i*n<r I" In- i-niil iiilli.il liy s|n-<-iilalni's. M?-n
willing In r? ivi* a I lir ami n*asi>na1ili* |>r*>tiI nn
! lln-ir iiivi-stnn-nl<, will lln-ii i-nnliol tin-in, ami "
llu*v will In- wi ll ami alilv inanau't'il?inaiiaui-.l i
fur III" j;im>iI nl tin- 111111! i< - as w i 11 as I lin.si- wliii j v
own tin-in. Sin li iin-iisnri-K a<ln|ili-il liy tin* l.i-t*- . '
i-laiurc will Inii? _! silioiit another result. It will '
scatter t!i mils mill lens of tlionsiiuils, now ;
I seek inn inve-tnieiit. in Itanks, because of their j
' usurious Iivi.h-n.ls, amonir I hose who an- willing I
mill an\io:i-toliorrnw at 7 per cent. Wliv sliouhl
I ho l.i-tjislaluK- loiliiil tin- to loan my I'liinls loiuy 1 ?
iioccs-itous ii.-i*_;li >'<r at a rate heyomlT per ill., ! j,
i au.i permit a -inilli-ss corporal ion to icceivc its \
li>, I I. or 2n per lit., irroiiml. perhaps. in pall, 1 ,,
out of that ni'itflilior, anil whom it woiihl sillier , i
to starve Iciorc it tviiitM e.vtoinl to him a helping ! i
Now is I lie time for llii? l.?"jis!:tinri; In Initio
tlo- hanks to t -riii, to atr>-~l th-iu in tlioil' w:hl
career of speculation, usurious elaiius ami e.vorh- .
itaut ilivi'h'inls. Now is llie time to strike tor a '
lift til*. .-Oillnhr ellriei.ov." ,
n j",,, _ ' .
' Xoim Sahih, tin- inali wlio lias recently lis- 1
. . ...
tiiijiuisln-M himself ill Inilin, l?y mii/iiii/ tin- chihl' !
i'm in i1'""'/' n /iityi s mnl f/ii'iiiriitif tfiiiii in thi j
/' mi'.*, ai't-oriliiii; In a I'k ih Ii waiter, cannot ri-iul i
a ti-iuli-r liin* in Hymn nr Shnkspciiio without hei
iii'^ inovril to tears ! Ili-sjieaks 1'ieneh, Italian- i '
a 11 I Kn:r!i>h. i- ai-i|iiaii.te<l .villi their several literal
ures, talks the latter as llneiillv anil surely
as any "jjont lemon ?le II v ile Park," ami traiisla- |
1 < ! Hamlet" into llimlou to the threat iulniiration
uf competent critics.
' J
(hi/i .1 (pairs.?W.WIIM.Ion, Nov. T.?The
tfovi'iniiieut ihsjiatrhes eoiitiim t In; intention of :
the Moniiiiiis to resist the outlaucc of troops into
I 'lali. <
1 ll'imiiiiitiif in l/f lh/i-il nt . I hln r?//' , fur tin' j
! ''' /' i inl'iinf N?\ uiiiA* f 11. 1 t
Hun 'I* l' IVrrin, (' I? I'm: I, II S Kerr, \V A ;
.1 II K Cuius. \V I) Mars, <; It l'atton. II W 1
l.:uv.-<>ii, W W Im-Ii-Ikt, ,\I A iV S A \Y ineslnek. !
j Knri-jlit ?V Star, J A X Kih>\, t'nlili, 1111n( -r ?V i
i Co., II l'a?on, .1 \V <" r:i w for,I. I. II l: ii?.-I. K j
II Wanllaw, Mrs K Tilliirm, A \V Tea?uie, .las
. Aipli-f.-mi, II A iliuii s, .1 '1' l.i.MI.-.
Commcrriai. i
Aiiki.vii.i.k II., S. ('. siiv. ii, is:.;. i
Ciil/'in.?A III.lit I'm Iiales liave cliiiu^cil iiuiiil- '
Iniiti ? i!ie |>.ist week, at 1') So ll'J. A ;_'<?.<! ir- j
tide vvutlM uo\V colutu:;:t<l 1 1 cer.ts.
I'oi.i misi S.C.. Nov. I",
j t'niton.?There Was Miiiu.^ .small lots of rottnn j
*om \e.-teiiJay, in u!| mmih-iIiiu^t over I? l-al>s, '
at an uOviiiKT ol* i ci iil <>ii la-it Wi k*? '[notation.-;
: fail" cotton was fieelv taken at ll! cilits.
I * 1
( *ii a ill. i-:? i o.n, S. ('., ().-t. '.t. j
(' linn.?Salts to t|;.y I "nil hales, j(ln hales arc t
to arrive lieie for to-morrow's market, in addition
to balance on lianil. 1'rices arc advancing.?
t iiiid miil'l iiiir 1":f. I
j Abbeville Prices Current. j j
COIJN, "j ' lill>ln-l 50 (./, I'til |
\V 11 KAT. "j ' l'tl-!lrl, 75 (il S5 !
j i-'Liicu, V n '? (>' i <
I!.\t'"N, li"ir round, ' II 'ill (a 25 i
Ill'TTKK, V " ! "> (" '20 I
OATS, ' lms!i"'l, 5n (a ; i
1 SAI.T, I.. v?t[mi?iI. ' suck, > .! (in (a -2 25 is
1 COITI'.K. i;i?, j' II 1 -A 01 I I 1 ,
: svitrr, 'j' ?iiii?>ii 75 (,i so |
i MUL\SSKS, (\. o.) ,?._'.ii..it,.(,iiini !
i " (W, I.) (.' gallon,-.. .00 (n On
' sn;.\i:, imwii-n-ii, it n; (#< ls ;
" Ihhwii, Jti'. (a; 15 j
: 1!ICK. V II. (lit 7
i liACC INC. Cihiiiv, vanl I.S (ic 10
|:.\i.k lion:, (?'ii, l i (it, is
I ST MM I., Ca>?, ' II *25 j
I" < crillilll, ' ll> is'f :
" V II l-_\
1 HON, Swi'il, <*,,iuiii,jii si/.is, ' Hi ti (it Ii}
i j " " 5 l<> 7 incite", Y' ("
" Kii'_'!i.-li. "|' II (// !}
i " liiili>l", 'j' I!> S (ii In
; nails, ,? ii r,'i ?( u
t CASTINGS, '|> ll> S in
I'OWDliU, V,UV nn 10 On A
" IJIastinir, "(' keg, =? ' 00 (ir<7 no
ULASS, S liy I", "j' Iiiix >>2 75 (<f!? "0
" 10 Iiv 1*|' liuSC On (ft.!| 50
WI1ITF. I.KAI?, V ,u <" 1 OIL.
Litis 1 \ > .<.11....- ii r>n
" Train, 'j' gallon '.?? (ii 1 Ol)
: i?ij'|?rv, *t? It./. ? < ' lo
IlKKSWAX, "j? II 1*2.1 (?i 2."?
) FKATIIKItS, '[> Iti Of -I"
WOOL, Y? lb..' (?e
! YAUN, Imiicli 81 3<?
' OSNAI5I UCS. Y? yard U Of 13
W111SK KY, Y' gallon 7 "> (jf- Uu
| (Pbituani.
Mrn. I'KIJ.M KA LI A SMITH, consort of W.
S. Smith, departed lliis life, on the morning ef
Nuvetnber 1st., in the lifiy-fourth \ car of her
' a^e.
Her illness was short. The day before her death,
she witnessed I lie interment of one of her at^ed
, friends ; returned home, laliorini; under a slight .
indisposition, retired ai her usual hour, and when
, morning came, was found so seriously ill, that
her physician was vctil for, but ere he arrived,
her spirit had tied, and her body had passed into
. ; that sleep which knows no waking.
! For the past twenty-live years, she has hoen ft
! pioils and eonsist'-nt member of the llaptist
! Chinch, und enjoyed the love, confidence mill ea|
term of all who knew her. She leaves a tins .
| band and a son. (Iiy a former marriage.) nml :in- '
| iiicrous relative* to mourn her loss. She in lost '
to her friends, but rests from her labors,
Thou art gone, hut we will not deplore thee,
*' Whose (lod was thy ransom, thy guardian ;
r and guide,
. Hp ?ravi' lin idii'r ili/i* *?*..! I?? * ?:!! ~
tlice, I i
Anil death lias 110 sting, for lliu Snvioiir lias ;
1 died." T. j |
I ' I
(I j' Independent Press and Laurensvillc Her- ;
' i aid will please eoi?y.
! _ !1
An Apprentice Wanted. ' I
A lu<] about 14 or 16 years of n;?e?one who ;
cnti read, write and cpcll correctly?is wanted'at j
this Office. No one need apply who dues not j
these requisites. We also require that i
the boy lie Iri/iilly indentured ; ami etpreialfy re- j
quire that he be of good, moral character.? , i
Such a one can find a pleasant situation at this ;
llauner Office, October 22, 1857. :
PURSUANT to the direction of tho net of
the (ienernl Assembly, I, ns chairman of ! j
the General Board of Managers for Alibevillo \ ,
| District, do hereby give notice ihat nu Klection I ,
: for Ordinary for Abbeville District will he held {
oh .Mommy mo iQinicoiiin nuy oi December next.,
at the uaunl placex of Ejection throughout the
said Diatrict to All the vacancy remaining from
tha Election for aaid officer having been declared
void by t)\e Board of Manager* on ncconnt of iho
vote being a tie between Iho two highest C'autjidates.
This 11th day of Nov., 18f>7.
J. A. 11U.NTER, Cliair'n.
1*? 07 td0.
IW 11.1. m-II ?t i'ii* lull- v? ?i?!> ?ti*<- <>l Mr ll?lu
ll \\ i'i Urn hi . ili t i in <1, in llio lower < il|{i'
f 1.11 nri*ii!> I ii?l i i' i. mi
l/cdneftdny nn<l Thursday, 2(1 nnd 3d
Days ol Doccmbcr next.
II of 1ln' Kv*l:(ti* ot -:ii?I U?ii1
li?I lYl'Mitm!* -1 injr of (| iurijo Imilv ol
IZT'ijO-O Xj474,:o.c3L,
III \\ llil'll 111 ?1 * i-;l - 1 in..I; \\ 111 11 lill* Im. II
.*in \ i'vi'iI, mill >1 into li \ ? iliM'i ii-nl I nirt?,
t it-, in muI ,i!| p.-ioii- v, i -1 i i ii -_t <" 'my.) coiitiiill10
lOO to 400 Aoroa.
ml ilirinllii-r Trans ?if I.iiimI, lyino, l.iisl.
In-lit I'mir mili'.s I'l li:>i I .aill't'lis IJ I., i niil.lining
132 to about 330 Acrcs,
in) liimwii us il:<> Mil.in- I.ami, ami mi wltsrli
Ir I'iiu-I.iiiv W hi Lin.hi iiii>l Mrs. Miirv W silili i?|?
\v livs. On tin- iliy iii ji;i!?; |>!als of all Iln?
itli'i'i'iit Trams. will In- ixliiliili'il. Any |n'i>??n
i.-liint; iii |iiii'i:lin*>* "mill i.ami, wnillil tin \\ 11
? cull ami cxamim- iliu vaiimis 'Tracts ln-lorc
lie sale.
Lbout 40 Very Likely Young Neijrces,
111 ?in; l In ni area srreat iiiiiiiImt Ic!lmvs ami
! y.-ry johhI i'liiitalmli l>lai?l>stnil|i ; 11
! ! ami Kill-In n 1'iiriiitun- : >i-vi-iai ?imtl IIu.mI
\ iii'iiii?-?miiiii' lit' tin-in m\v : Wa-_'n!i llnriK^s;
in S!n^?v ami llariit-?-; a line stuck ?!' laruc
>1 n!.->, I Iiiim", mil- ti in- Marc, Call If, fnt'ciimo
I..a-, >li*'li I!".'-:
300 Bushels of Good Wheat,
a ijn uit it y i?|
Corn ant I I^ocldcr;
"nllnn nirrly 1 ?St I llj?. ? ! t?> 11 ; 111 it 'L>tltiI ll
,"ools, I'laiatatiou Tools i#i* all kiinl? ; lV?tuto?*?;
Railroad Stoclc;
511?-1 wi111 :i ii'iinloT III oilier articles wliii-li
I i- ii-? !? . s In iik-IiIion.
AM "I tin- I.iiii-N v. ill In- snl.l iit Hit! lull- ivsili-iii
uii-l In lull- any i>!ln-s- unii-V |irii|n:ily is
T?-:'lus will Ik- mailt- known i.n ilav ?>f sain.
.1 (111 N 1>. WILLIAMS, Kx'ur.
Nov. l:i, 07. :J'.i -It
Rasins, Preserves, Cheese.
l'<?XI'.~* Malaga I'aMiis,
r.'ll .In. I.li-Jisli I >aii v rln-i-sr,
i". i a-i-s I'ii-.-ivi-s i a.--k>|-|i-<|.)
I ! ?. I>i'aii*!v I t uils, do.
Sugar, Coffee, Molasses.
i? <\ V?fllc?\v Snt;:n%
?20 llii^s Ujo J;i\ a I "oflcO,
1 < 151 ?ls. jiritnt* <*li?*:i|i Mola?s?:st
1 I lli?l. do. do. do.
Tobacco o.nd Segars.
!,i>iiO Si-jjar-, In--i I Iran-Is,
A 'hi lit' i-lum-i- ("li.-wiu-r l'iilii'.cj'-tj.
Bacon and Lard.
1,11(10 l.ll*. * IIII i !- llH-llil i 11-? .
tin" I lis. i liiiii-.- Li-al L III).
'1'in-l-i- lias In-i-ii >-ihi~i. 1 i-raIilt-clitii* in all nl
In-al-iivi- L'limis. ami tin- { 11jili - art? invili-l In
jivi* in-- a i-aii, ami tlu-y nil! iiml tl.al ca.-li will
niv bai-Kaiiiii.
ii s. ki
Nov. 1 J, ."i7. U'.? :ti
fi S V < ill I!. \. Ili'Siiiisum-. I"x>-i-iitiir til
U C Mrs. S. :ili I Thmiisis I will e.\jn>se
i<> [.iii.iic sail* at aii Ioimhi c ii., mi tinFirst
Monday in Docrmbcr,
All tli.il "I'll \t'T HI' l.\.\|?, mi wliirli llit- late
ill. .It>!ii> <?. KjiiII Ii.-iili--I, i-ontailiili_r
olO ZLores,
I.vlinf on Millwi-f Cri'i-k, ami Imtimli-tl l.v Iain's
I* .1. I'. I,i-\vis, ? Alajiir*, ami nllti-rs. On tin|?r?-.ni?-s
li|.-!<- is a lausul <'<>inli>rl:il?li* Iwn<:iiry
I ?\\ -liiiitr Umtse, ami a'l usual <mt hitiMiinjs
Ix-Ion.1 _? I" a Will aj>jiiii!iti-il F-iitn. i'lir
I .ami is a I Mill I fiilir nnli-s It mn tip- 1111 i \ i town
>f I'ciuIIcImii, mi'! siliutil nine- miles frmti AiuK-r<iui.
lVrsotis wishing such a |i!a<*? wmiM ] > well to
atti-liil at tin.* sali- of t!u- alinvc | !;??- mi tln-ilav
tatI'll, as thi; Jit'ijiffly will |insiti\i-ly lie soUl oil
I hat ?lav*.
I:MS <>] ' N.I/?/ /.?(>iu- lialf ill Cash: tile
balance oil a i-rnlit nf ??in> year. Willi inN-rcst
fti'lil ilay n| salf. si-ctiri-il liy lnunl. iilnrl^ilirc ol
lli<- |?ii-inisi-s. ami |i'rsnnal si-i-iuilv, it' ri*<|iliI'fd.
1'iirehasiT.s In |> iy fur neccssary |iajn-rs. 1'ossessj<>:i
given when lln-se terms an? ?.-<>ni|>lii*il with.
Kit \ \l ?' 'i' i v i / in
x- ' -Vir?>ut.
Nov. 1'J, ill. ?!!
Real Estate of Thomas C. Botts, dec'd.
A?:i H?\vi? Mini wife, )
Martini A , A|?|itV, ' I'artilion inOnlivs.
S miry.
Nniioy Hulls, Jnliu ( . )
Dulls i-t. ;il.! lK-fl*. [
ON liu* <>.\M!ilin;iti>iii ii i? oidi-rt-d ami ilccri'i'il
I liiit llu* lands dc.-ri'ibrd in 11 summons in
|i:irliiinii . Iliis <-as?*, Ik* sold l?y llu- Slu-niV ol
AMn-villo District, on Salo-day in Dcwiubcr
next, viz:
230 Acros,
.More or l<'s?, siliiaU-d in Aldirvillc District on
water* of I.iltli- IJiivr, lioiini'i-tl l>v land* of Win.
Newall, Senjj William .Newall, .Inn., Kohl. Winn
mill oilier*.
Tlio Salo to lie on 11 cr?-?lil of 1:2 month*. Tim
purchaser pvin^ a llond with jrooil security to
the (>r<|inaiy, and a mnrtirajje ol tlie premises, if
Jcenicd nerc-tsary, to venire the payment of ilic
imrcliase money. Co*ls to he paid in easli.
Nov. 2, IS.',?. '-'i? Ids
State of South Carolina,
la Equity.
James Shirley, )
vs. $ Partition of Land.
[ftfiijiiiifiii Sliirlej', )
mid other*, )
PURSUANT to order, I will sell nt public
outcry, at Ablmvillo C. II , on Sal?-dnv in
December next, th? Ileal K"l:itc <?f Nancy Sliiiley,
decetwcd, containing Three flunilreil nail
Thirty Aeron, morn cir le**. bounded by lninln of
loliu McJ.anc, John 11. Wilson, and other*.
TKRM8.? A credit of twelve mouth* with infrom
date. Purchaser* to givo bond with
it least two good *urctie*, pay the cost.1 iu cash,
tad nay for paper*. ,
WM. IT. PARKKR, c.f.a.i?.
Cpininifwioner'n Oflicc, J
Nov. 'J, 1857. J 29 tils.
For Sale.
A LOT of Gunny Hugging and Rale Ropo at
Im. a low figure by
I/OWiulcBville, S. C.
Oct 23?3? 07 tf.
Land. Negroes, Thorough Brtd Horn*,
Cattle, Hogs, &o.,
In* -i>li| mi II... '.Mill ilnv of Novrmw
V Iter ill tlio lilu rcHtdttiicu of WM.
II. SMITH, ?1imviim-.I, in I.n11r 11( IUHlrirt, lh?
Iti'nl uii'l IVrmiiml list.ilo <>l mill lU-u'tl., n\ folIiuvh
1,G00 Acrcs of Land,
St.'il iii four <n nii*i<* trnol*. pliilsof wliicli will bo
?-x11il>iI<* I <>ii ill- iliiy <'f I* lie ; or liny nm; tlfairou*
i I.r ? \-1111i11i11 * Hii< I:i11 1. A. .M. Smith, Kxocutor,
will ink- |.|*--i?iir.' in ti|inwiii? 1110111 over it ni?y
liin*- Iwforo tin- Mill,-. |i lit>? |irin(-i|i:illy oil tl??*
Siilml i Kivr, iiii<I a ?n?n| portion is film Dottoin
I ,:iuil.
Horses, Brood - Marcs, Mules,
(*:iitli*. Iloif", (su|MM'ioi- lot) Sheep, Corn, frVulrttr,
Col ion. Cii; ri !<? , I?n.Ljtty, Wiifj*""', Household
ill:.I Kill-In II I'lirio' III.. I'ls.i.I,'i'?i- *- -
A' <'
I 'IVrms made known ?> ?1 s?v of K'lle.
A. M. SMITH,"Ex'or.
Nov. I'J. .'i7. *.! > ' 21
A. M Smith vs. Ilazel Smilli el. aS.
1)1 l:>l \\T to an order of tho. Court off
I r;.|iniy, in ill- :?l>ovi* I will sell on tho
j::tli ..I .\owiiiIm-i\ ill 'In* Int." ri sidoiicu of \Vrr?.
IJ. >ui tli. i|ii*.*asi*.|, in (.aurciiH lJintriet, the
Iti-al and IVr-n*ial It-tat ? of Kohorl Smith, clei'mm'iI,
imiu-i.-:iiijj of a Tiaet of Land contaiirin?5
alioiil "
QOO Acros,
Si!ii ili>.I iii l.amciis Di>trii;t, a plat-of which
will Im? rxliiliitiMl uii day of sale, lugetlicr with
1 about
Twonty-Sovon Negroes.
TICK MS t )K SM.K.?Cri'tlil of one ap<l two
vi-ais, in two 1'ipial annual instalments, with inIrri-M
on each iiiMaiment from day of Bulr, pnri-lia-'-I'm
r< i|iiiii-d to irixi- Hand with at least I WO
hm.I Miiii-t?.- -? in mm-iii'i> tin* purchase inouey.?
'I'lii- purchaser of thi! I.aml will he further re-*
I in tn irui* u iiiorl^ajji! of the primise*.;?
, 1'n.u (>f -nil ami expenses <?f Mile to be paid in
l 'ash.
Sir.AS JOHNSON. c.E.x.i?
j <'uniiiii'"i<>ii>T*fi i
N win-try, <> !. 'J'.', 'x.VJ. S -5) 2fc "
Real Estate of Wade Crawford, deo'd*
i'oi'iii'liit Crawford, A)
vs. )' Partition iu
A. C. Harmon, tit''infi'i ?>( /chit i Ordinury.
- (
I'riuvliiril, .Minor, l>iT't. )
ON iln?* <'\.niiin.iiimi it is nriim-il and ilecrcc?J,
I!i:tl tin- liin.l <U-.<tiI?im1 in I In-miimnoim in
it in iliis csioi*, Is'llil l?y tlio Sheriff _?>f
Al>U?\ i!S>* I )i<i i i?-l, on iTm first Monday in 0eeemtier
next. \ i/.:
i OQ A.cros,
Mill- less, ImhiihU'iI l?v latnls nf S. C. KilWiii'iU,
anil .l is. Tiii U-. s i listt ?. <! in Atilievillo
Di-lii.-l, 11:1 ivativs n|' Savamiali River, [icing th?
IJ.-al I '.stati- nl' Waile ('rawl'nril, ilee'tl.
'1 In- -. !< in In- mi a (.-fi-ilit of I - monllis. The
purelm-vr irivin:* n Hmi'l willi iroml (security to
tlii' * >ril tin v. a ml a uniil!?a'^o nl' llie premise## it
li i'iin- I iiy. 1" Mfciiii- 1 lie payment of tlio
ptii'i'li .- ittniti'V. (.'nsis in Ite (mill in cash.
william llilljy o.a.d?
Nov. 'J. l^.'iT. 'ids.
jE?3s?t;<E"6~?o Sale.
1) Y ni'ili-r nf I-'.. I'. Laki*. Ks?|, Ordinary, I
) will ?'II til I Ii** I ill- !' siilcnce of Wulter K.
Unit, ili'i-i-asi-il. n,i \\'i-<lni'S<lay, the ltJtll of N?vi'iii'ii-r
ittsi n'l the peiMwal [itojtcriy of auid do1
rented. eoi-sisl iim nf ulmiit
i oriy-i our .Likely Negroes,
11 iirs? s. Mule*. and oiIiit Stock. Also, five,or
>i\ 11itii 1 I l.n-!:i'l< ii|' Corn, aliout five or sfx
llii.ii- lie! p.umi's tit' I'.i.iii.-r, and thirty-five or
lull\ I!.i"I t'liiimi, Household and Kitchen
KlU'llil Itt'r. I *1:1 III at iotl Tunis, i\'i: , il'u,
N. IS. ? 'I'lli- |il.ii*f is hvii ini!?-.-? mid a liftlf from
l'iiiiiai~i:i 11>t on (J ?t ('. Uailroad.
TKUMS.?Credit I'J inonilis, interest from
i dale. I'lin-liasfrs to give mile with at least twi*
' ajij?roVetl sureties.
C'. II. SI'I!KR, Adm'r.
' Nov. I_?. l>:.7. ii'J It
i Hotel for Sal,e.
riMIK KACI.K II?>ri:i., Pendleton. <
1 S. <wliii-li is now oft'-rcd for Q j- -jl
sale. is favorably situated fur custom oil pf " ?f ;)
S. \V. fiifii'-r, of ilit- |iiil>lii: square, and SasfiiaL
is tin- mn>i i-iiiiiinoilioiis house in tin* |diice, with ?
j several store-h?nisr* and olliees aMitciied, together
' with slaldes, atn|>!e lnls ami garden. . .?
To those desiions nfvii?iij;iii^ in the Ifotel -
all it t|'l'l?r ? llll.ll III!.') IIUL-II MMI^ rr.lUP
I>'<1 iti I'm- health, ami t?'>r its educational, social
ami r< litmus ailvaiiia-j>->, ami to which arc about
t<> ii>l? 1 I Uai'roail facilities. u rare oj?|M>rtutiity
for in ?!?ii a prolitaMc investment is now
For further j> n-ticnlars, apply to tlio Proprie^*"
tor of Hotel, Pendleton, S. C.
Nov. I J. 7. *J!> 4t
Xlnilrond Mooting^ "
^I^IIK Annual Mi-'lini; of tlit* Stockholders o
1 the Savannah Valley Kailroatl Avill bt? held
at WiMi'llau'ii. oil WiiIiiiwIi_y the 18th Novein?
her, inst., al ! 1 o'clock A. M.
W.M. A. Oi'LES, -?
Scc'y ?t Tiens.
Nov. 7 28* 2t
Notico to Logatees. *. r *
\OTIt'l'. is hereby irivon to all person*intererf1 ?
tI. ili.>t a tia.il settlenient of Mio Kstntc of
IIKNI.'V I:?M )/.i:i: Will In; had ill the Ordinary**
( Hire, at A'?'?-viiK- t.\ 11., <?n the 5th day of
February, Is.
.1. C ISOOZKtt, ) sr-p,.?
K. I.I-'. A V KL, \ Ex
Nov. f??r?7 Ufl 391
Aliheville District Medical Society.
rBllll'. in-xl re^ul.>r inert iu^ of the AbbeviHo
! M. I?i.-lriet Medical Society will be held j^
! While Hall 011 the :?I 'riinrml ij', Iflth inirt.I
111> A vi-ir
! X?v..f??U7 28 2t
Tin-: statu < VFsuTrni cauolin a J
? I hln rillc IH.strict.? Citation.
Ity WILLIAM II1LL, K*q., Ordinary ofXbb*i
villf 1 >iiit rit-.t.
WIIKKKAS, J. Wardluw I'errin hn? applied
to 1114* fur Letters ?f Administration, on a,!^
sin^iiliir tin* ? ?? 1 and eliatteW, right* ??4
credit* of Thomas K*nley Mitchell, iatc~oS"Mifc$isJr''
' i
j These ari', therefore, to cite and udmon irft ill
mill nin^ul.ir, thf kindred and creditors o^luv
Mii.l di-rijiiwd, to In: and appeal* before m?, at,
?mr lit*i Ordinary's Court for tl^ paid Dis^ricty
to l>e hidden at AMicville Court House, on ' thra
nineteenth ilny of November just., to shovf
eausr, if any, why the said administration should
not lie granted.
, Given under my hand and lienl, this ?UU4
day nf Nov ember ill the 3'eii* of otir
ono thousand eight Inimh'eA .and fifty*
seven, and in tliu b'Jdyeur of Amorloaa Ib-.
I dependence.
wilmam mix, o. J&itmz*. .
Nov. 5, 1857. 28 ' . '
Abbeville District.?Citation. > W-; !
I',? WILLIAM tlILL, Esq., Ordinary Of Abbeville
WI1LUKAS, W. C. Wure, lias iipplnrdto MKk
fur Letter* of Administration, a ii ?U aijd
#in.'ulur ilit> ^imiIa ninl chattel*, riifiita v antl
credit* of I'. Augustus C'ofor, lute of thfrDUtrict
aforesaid, ilece.iu'd. ' '
i Tlit'Ht* iii't'i theiefore, to cite nud admoninh all
niul Hiiiglll If, thb kindred and c editor* #f the
, s.iid deeensed, in lie mid appearjbefore at "*
our next Ordinary'# Court for the said District,
; to he holdeti at Ahlie'villc Court House, on' the
1 twelfth day ??f November inst., to nhow curiae, if
I uuv, why the said administration thould not'be *
| (liven under my hand mid roiiI, this t^xnrtyeiijhtli
day of November inst., in the year of
our Lord one thousand eight hundred' HI
fifty-Hiiven, niul in the 8'id your of American
Nov. 5 IdoT. ifl
/ '

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