OCR Interpretation

The Abbeville banner. [volume] (Abbeville, S.C.) 1847-1869, May 12, 1859, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85026945/1859-05-12/ed-1/seq-4/

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WP*?*? > ! I
llftllt? A b*AV .till lull IIMcWs tllSVCl,
without wing*, who?o colors fado on being
removal from the mmdiine.
Heart?a iaic article, sometimes found
tn human b?ing?. It is noon dontroyod l>*
Ocimnitrco willi tlio world, ur ?ls? Women
(Htal t?? its poMcstor.
Housewifery?nil nnc.ient nit, aaid to
hxvo been fashionnblo among yonnj; K'r'*
nnd nires, now entirely out of mo, or j?rnc
tied only by the lower ord<ir?.
K'litor?A. poor wrcteh who ovary day
empties his brain in order to fill liisslonia?'li.
Wealth?Tliumoil ivspyclablo <juality of
Virluo? All nwkwar.I liabit of nclin^
dillcri'iitly from otlior jm??A vulvar
won!. It creates great mirth in fashiuable
Honor fliootirjj* a friend, whom yon
lovo, through l li<; head, in on lor to gain
the praise of a few otlu-rs whom von'hate
mid <l?spi?o.
T/uijjhter?An agreeable and contagion*
convulsion of lite lininan coimlenam-o on
receiving a tailor's bill, or huing asked to
return an umbrella.
< hiOT.l A KH4?fio^ nf ilt-ntikfif ir im.I/mI'mh
I I v,,tx
ment, to which tlio atulionco bring apph\?
iinil orangns.
Cigar -A blunder, y?dlow, spocklod tuho,
formed of the loaves of a wonderful plant,
discovered hy Kaleigh. When women
turn false, ami men selfish? when yonr
creditor duns you like a fiend, and your
dehtor lakes tins Act?when the ftilu o
looks daik, and tlio present dreary, hy lliu
fragrance? of this little instrument, extract t*d
hy means of lire, you aro for a brief
period rendered itiseiiiiUv to every sorrow,
and lulled into dreams more entertaining
than thoso of sleep.
Satirical Poems?Harmless impcrfec
Marring"-- Thn gate through which tho
linppy lover leaves his enchanted regions
and returns to earth.
1 All Vtuils I
people at all seasons, anil insists upon their
immediately returning 1 >is call.
Author?A doaler in words who gels
paid in his own coil'.
Friend? A person who will not assist
you because ho knows your lovo will oxou?c
Wedded llliss?A term used by Milton.
Itargain?A ludicrous transaction, in
which each parly thinks lie has cheatud the
Doctor?A man who kills you today
to Baro ynn from dying tomorrow.
Lunatic Asylum?An hospital where delected
lunatics arc sent by thoso who havo
had the adroitness to conceal their own iniirinily.
Jail?The penally of misfortune, nnd
ofton the reward of virtue.
Tragedi.an ? A fellow with a tin pot on
His liuad, who stalks about tho ?tac?. and
p ' "
gets into a passion for so imicli per night.
Critic? A largo dog that goes unchanged,
and barks at ovorything he docs not compreliund.
Jury?Twelve prisonors in a box, to try
0110 or more at a bar.
Young Attorney?A useless member of
Rooicly, who oftou goes where hp has no
business to bo, ticcauso ho has no business
whore ho ought to be.
State's Kvidunco?A wretch that is pardoned
for boing basor than his comrades.
I'liblio Abuse?Tho mud with which
every traveler is spattered on his load to
It'cmch/ for //'?/ Cfi'ifrrn.?From almost
every section of our land, we hear of great I
ft.A..Ill f 'I'l * '
'mining (t'>r/s\ jms pPSlllCIIcO became
so epidemical among our large pens
itt I Baltimore, (tho disease being precisely
similar to what we rca?.l of elsewhere,)-that
immense loss was sustained, frequently, by
the death,-in rapid succession, of one-tenth
of three or four thousand hogs, belonging
to a singlo owner. Of course it attracted
u deep interest and thorough investigation. ]
My friend, ] >r. Higgius, recently Stale
;-hemist of this State, recommended small
doses of pulverised harilla with their feed,
which not only cured lliose that wore affected,
hut, upon the slightest appearance,
at once cheeked'all symptoms ??f disease.
Mr. Orren Smith, one of our largest distillers,
who applied to mo for the preparation,
has no question of its complete efficacy.
Jib is never without it, and would
nojouht, take great pleasure (if addressed)
in communicating all the facts, should this
communication attract the eye of any one
>vho is interested. It has never before been
made public, that I am aware of:
Notk.?The abovo remedy, contained in
tlio report of the Maryland State Chemist,
was published in the March number of the
Planter. " There is some trouble," says I ?r.
ljiggmii, " in I Ito solution of barillhv ami on
tliis account Hoda-asb should always Ik>
used willi it. About Ccii grains of sodaash,
and the same amount of barilla,
should be given to each bog two or three
times daily, mixed iif llieir food.' J Kd.J?
Southern Planter.
An Accusation and A-polngy.? A c.lor
gyinan preached a sermon somo sbort lime
ago, in , well, 'tis no matter where,
and which one of bis auditors commended,
.4 Yes,' said a gentleman to whom it w??
mentioned, ' il was a good sermon,, but be
fitolo il!'
Tbi? being told lbo picacbervbe rosenlud
il^ and called on ibo gcnlleman to rotvact
xv at bo bad said.
1 am not,' repliud Ibo aggressor, 4 very
apt lo retract my words, but in ibis instance
I will ; 1 said you bad stolon (lie sermon ;
I find I was was wrong; for on reluming
homo and leferring to tbe book whence 1
thought it waa taken, I fuund it still tbeic !'
* 3
.Sm.'Av fi>r 11* ?#i A. >!'!< ?)
of (liu " Uuiiiiliy ' mentions tin
C;\no of ft hoiso, \\lii%-li was jiiM If.'iilv t<
I to of ati i?l?l ami IVnIcItxI Wouinl. I'oitn
nalolv, ho nil-Is, at 111 ia ^ta^o ol the .11
ol>l I'oninylviuiift tonmilcr cntnc to our re
lief, xnd rooominomUO tonokiug with ol<
almo*. A iiiinki) nni iiin'lo of uM sln>os
solos nrul nil ctlt in |iiccus, in n hog trough
:unl plauud ntitlor the Hwollon |i:irts. In :
f>nr hours tliu swelling wholly Mihsiih'<l, am
the foro cotnmonccd discharging matter
tho horso was have<l.
5v>iuq yoat.s after this, I l-<-ar?l two poi
sons talking ahout a horsu which lia<l been
gored in tho alxluiiii-n. In this ease, cvt-rv
tiling had Im-n 11 i?:< 1 in vain ; tho |>-?>r cre;i
tnro must din. Ai I?1V Kliirii-owl iikii 1'" "
... .... ?IV>
smoked, :ui?l wlii'ii I next heard from him
the ?>UI horse was well. .So much lot old
Iii the s:uius year I rut my foot, with an
axe. The ladv of the house, sri/.iiig tin:
foot while it was yet Mceding lively, held it
over a pan containing smoking lag locks
Iii a low minutes the Mecdin?j slopped, and
tlio smoke was removed, and a bandage
appliud to protect il. from accidental Mows.
The wound itcr--r muhwnlol, and, coiisc
|iieiitly never pained mo. I liave seen this
remedy tried in many similar eases, and
always with the same results. Let the
reader hear in mind that no liniment or
salve, drawing or healing, should he ;?|i
plied ; von have merely to smoke the wound
well, and nature will do the rest.
I suppose the smoke of burning wood
t? .1 -
| uiu same M-Riills, bill il
would not l?e so manageable. There is a
principle in llio smoke of \vonc| which,
when ;i|>|>1 i<->I lo llic lle-sh, coagulates tin:
albmnt.li, (lilis ivndoiing it tuisuscrplihle of
putrefaction. The same principle slops
bleeding, l>y coagulating the blood. Il
promotes healing, ami may he applied willi
derided benefit lo a!mo>>lall ulcers, wounds
atul cutaneous diseases. Seu 'I'm tier's Chemistry,
l?y l/nsbig an J Civgoiv, p. IJ 12.
l*\?r chapped Lands and lips, inoiasf-c? is
llio best remedy over used. If my cows
have sore leals, i>r an ox chafes ihc fiuler
skin, so as to occasion Ihe bluod to slarl,
I apply molasses.
The Cofiia Muker.?The business of an
undertaker iias always possessed a melancholy
interest for us?that is, merely as a
matter of observation. The physician, in
Lhe course of his professional duties, is
often compelled to l?e present at the scenes
of dealhd'cd agony, when llie fatal airow
is rankling in llio heart?when lifo ebbs
away like a gentle stream, or is lorn from
I lie breast. with a sudden and remorseless
yripe. The clergymen frequently stands b\
llio bedside when the spirit of otto of a
dually beloved llock i.i about to take wing, I
to make the pathway shining up to <iod.?
J5ut to the undertaker the cold victims of
death are familiarized l>y daily trade, and
the tearful anguish of the bereaved becomes
a thing of cour.su. lie passes daily from
the house whero the young niothor weeps
for her lovely first-born, to the mansion
where the demise of an aged and wealthy
parent has at length gratified the yearning
of expectant heirs; from the colliu of the
young wife, perhaps the bride of a week,
to that of the faithful partner of joys and
sorrows for a quarter of a century. There
i.? a variety in llio " mode nnd shows " of
grief, but to the habituated eye of the mi
dertaker, they come alike naturally in the
way <>f trade, and lie moves about his mel
ancholv business quietly, delicately?with
gravity, yet undoubted indifference to tears
and the all consuming ^rief that scorches
lip Llio lolints of tears.
Tin Jh/iiKj Xcnr \\r(ij>.?IL is ;i striking
fact?tbr il;/iti;i nrvi r inn p. The circle
of sobbing, n^oiiized hearts around, pro
duces not oho tear. Is it lliat ho is iusviisi
Ido and still' already in the chill of disso
luliou ? That cannot he, lor lie asks for
his father's hand, as if to gain strength in
the mortal simple, and leans 011 the breast
of mother, brother, or Bister, with still con
scious alleclion ; and just before expiring,
at eve, after a Jong day'.; convci.sc with
the Ang>d of Snmiiions, In: says to his
oldest biuther? the last audible good night
of earth ?' Kissnic ?kiss me !" It must be
because the dying have readied a point too
deep for earthly crying and weeping.
They arc face to face with higher and holier
beings, with the Kalher in Heaven, and his
angel throng, Jed on by llio Son himself;
and what are the griefs of a morning, tears
of a dying farewell?bo it that thoy are
slied by tho dearest on earth?in that vision
bright of immortal life and everlasting re
union! |
The following is certainly the most touch
ing moonlight sceno wo liavo ever read :
After whirling sotno liinu in the ecstatic
mazes of a delightful walus, Carolino ami
myself stepped out, unobserved, on to the
balcony, to enjoy a few moments of the
solitude bo precious to lovers. It was a
glorious night?the air was cool ami ro
freshing. As? 1 gazed on the beautiful he
ing at my side, I thought I never saw her
look so lovely ; ono of her soft, fair hands
rested in mine, and ever and anon she met
my ardent ga/o with one of pure, confiding
love. Suddenly a change came over her
soft features; her full, red lip trembled
with suppressed emotion ; tunr drops rested
on her long drooping lashes; tiio muscles
around her faultless mouth hccatno con
vulsed ; she gasped for hreiilh, ami snatch
ing her hand I'roiu the soft pressure of my
own, she turned suddenly away, buried her
t. - " *
muu hi nor nnu cambric handkerchief, ami
C.'n^ar, what's become ob dut darkey
wlio stole do taller 1'
i llu was takftu uu <m an- sfTTHavy, and
carried up to do ppeim com I lo liab it in
' On an aflidavy, ('{Mar ?'
1 Vw, 1 seed do handle ob it.' |
im?I ?%t- va?>. MMMMMI
l is H i/ " Clio U-nn "wit," in ii->
J oldest p^nerally implied ? i ,
? tionalilv, Mini m> wo uudeiMaud il in il?
' deiivations "in wit," (i<? know,) "hall wit \
i ted," "wilU-RH," "wiling," A>\ In tli?* litm: <
- I nf I hydoti, il tta* expressed fancy, goniut,
1 ! aptitude. 'J Imn tlio famous couplet? ,
, I Omit wit-* l? uiA?lnc?s puroly oro ullinl.
i Ami litiii |i:iiIilmiM il" tlivir l?wun-li tliviilc, ' '
! is nliiiosL an amplification of that "lino I J
J | frenzy1' which Kliakspcart) lias dulinoated, J 1
I ari'l "w il" in this kcihc is merely a synonym '
'of imagination. I.ocko, who was A con-'1
j t< iiteiiipui.n y of Pryden, deliiiei wit m,|
lying niu^l in the jissoinhlage of ideas, ami i '
^ pulling iIiom: together with |ui<;kucss an<I * j
j variety, wherein can 1ms fun ml any lesetn- !
1 | lilancc or congruity, (hereby to mako up ' j
j pleasant pictures ami MgrouaMu vis-ions in ' i
llie failev. I :
'I ho definition of wit lie places in oppo-' i
j suioii to jii<i<riiici>i, which ho says, "lies!
I <pii(*: on ihij other si<l<-," in carefully s?*p- I i
j arating ono i-lca from another, wherein ! ,
' can !?j found the <litfereiic", thereby j i
' ! to avoid Initio misled 1?v similitude and I v i '
i . . ! '
i alhmly, lo lake one tiling for another. I <
Addison <pioluH litis passage in tin: Spec- I ]
lator, ami says : "This is ahotil, I think, 1
tlii; host and most philosophical account of ' j
wit I Invt; over met with. I shall only ! I
i add to il, l>y way of explanation, that ; j
every resemblance of ideas is not what wo j .
call wit, unless it he such a ono as gives j 1
?lelii?lit ami surprisu to the reader. 'J lioso j ,
two last properties seem essential to wit . J
more particularly the last of lliein.'' I ,
1 To
come down still later, I >ug:il>l StewarL J
endorses Locke, with this addition, that*! i
wit implies a power of calling up at leisure i '
| the ideas which il combines, ami Lord j i
jKanies denominates wit as a <|ii:ility ??f j J
certain thoughts and expressions-, atnl | j
adds : " I lie term is never apj>licl to an
action or passion, ami as little to be an external
object." Wit, in the. inuilum sense, t
lias a very dillorent meaning. i
77<<; tfirHinu lV.vy;</\\\? It was the TlleS (
lay alter Kastor, in I lie year ]'JS2, a ?lr?y ^
devoted to the festival of the 1 l.oJy Spirit.
The inhabitants of Palermo repaired in
crowds, on that line summer's evening, to ,
a village church dedicHtei! to the object of! ,
tl.e day's reverence. French soldiers, more (
police than soldiers at the time, caino to the f
number of two hundred to the fmht ; with .
their usual insolence they began to hustle
the men and insult the women, under tlx;
preleiico of seeking for concealed arms. A
French soldier, na' >cd I >rouet, behaving in
this manner to a young Sicilian wife, was f|
fcU iiclc t?y Jici husband's stiletto. "I'lio cause |>
and" ll.e result of tho quarrel soon spread v;
through the crowd. "I 'calli to tlio Flench!" s|
was the universal exclamation, no sooner w
uttered than cxccuted. All I ho French
wero killed. Tlio rumor, tlio passion, and
ll.e cry wero communicated to .Palermo,
and found a population hut loo ready to
echo and embraco il. The French in 1'al
crmo were attacked?soldiers, and monks,
civilians. Sicilians reminded each olhc* of
tlio massacre of Agosta, where the French
ha<l ]>ut all the inhabitants to the sword,
and the terrible precedent was eagerly lol
i lowed. Not only in Palermo, l?ut through
out the island, Ihu rising became general,
and with the samo immediate result, except
at Mussina, which tho French ft>r some l ime
defended. According to Villain, four thou
sand French perished in the massacre of
| tho Sicilian Vespers.?I'. K. Crowe.
Jiltn' >S'lufkl 1)1 f Club.?Tlio colehralcd
Mrs. Moutagii'i was ii: habits of ftioiitl.-vliip
with the first wits and scholars of the age
ami was the reputed founder of a society
known by tlio namo of tlio "IMue Storking
t'lub." This association was foimed on
tlio liberal ami meritorious principle of
substituting the rational delights of conver*
salion f<>r tlie absurd ami vapid frivolities
of tlio curd table. No particular attention
was paid to her, but tlio conversation was,
general, cheerful, and u a restrained, far
dill'erent from what is insinuated lespecting
the company by a .satirist who accuses
tliein of going
'To Icirtcr jir.'iifo f??r p?iij? with M?.iiil;i^nu."
The namo of this club is said to hu derived
from the following circumstances :
One of the most distinguished characters
in the early days of tlio society was Mr.
Stillinglleet., who always wore blue slock
ings. J lis conversation was distinguished
for brilliancy ami vivacity, insomuch that
when, in his absence, tlio stock of general
[ amusement appeared deficient, i t was tlio
common exclamation, "We can do nothing
| without the hluo stockings." And thus
was the appellation acquired, which is now
j become frequently in use for all learned
and witty ladies.
Life after Burial.? A singular occurrence,
says tlio Albany Kniekabockcr, of
the U7tli, was discovered in a vault attached
to one of our burial grounds, on Sunday
last. It was that of a female, who was deposited
therein for dead some two months
since, being found, on opening the cofiin,
to be lyin^ on her side, with o o hand under
her head. From this, it was evident
that tliu Woman was ulivn u;li/.i. ?.1 >
...... v >I*IVM I'iUV/UU
there, and awakening from tlio franco into
which she had fallen, endeavored lo exlri*
cato herself from her entombment. This?
of course, wa? an impossibility ; tlie cover
was not only screwed down tightly, but the
Rpacu was too-contracted to allow of even
an effort. It was evident, however, that
the unfortunate became convinced of this
fact, and concluded lo die. She therefore
look the easy posluro in which who was
found, and breathed her last. The thought
that-lbcy had Mimed her while yet alive,
set hei friends almost crazed. The father
| and mother of the deceased had just arrived
from the old country last week, and
were b>o'?ght to the vault la suo their child.
The bccnc is lolated.as licait-ieuding.
]*, ri>ih'n( N-i||?i- fi-\v of |I|C *'|||.I III j
?ul>iluni>" ivttn-mlw r (b?? t?ru:?ili>. lint i loniin, j
l"V:iMiitiou, \\ liicli sw i'|i| iln--iij;h I It I? iii-iY:bbot ;
111 11??? .-pHlil! ol I MM. Sunn >I (In- piisent '
'i lirinlinn iiiiiv tlwilp lo kinnv totm llnt'U nbont
i, mill lii'iu*" \\ > i>\li;?i'l llw ! >1 |i>\\ iiijj Iii-iii llul\
i??l?l H //l Ill \Y ill II f.| l\ , \|I| ll lltll, 1 M'l .
. I "_/ >/'I Ctntsllh ll
" Ifttivli'nl 'J\>rnnt!->.?*l'li?n H<lnv lu?l ^ April
lib), bct?vei?n tlio boiir* nf tbr?-o nml 11 v n n Vine It, '
!?. in , cx In In 11 I in iim l Im ntiixt e.\ t ra?iliii:\i y com- i
'<11<<I1011 <>f nature, that it i< p>??ililv f"i tli-) rniuil i
ii rmirriM' A |iii| |.'|iIiiii* i-liiinl, nf Mi<> npi ' ii j
*n*?i-?i|" lii|>ii?l li%v:t am*o fmm tlioti/i-n, iiihI |
was ?ilnfi\ri| t>i |in>:;rf-*H in a ion from I
\bnul \ve*t.ami by south, to northeast. If-1 aspeet
tcrrlir ln>yoinl ilin-rijilinn nml it iv.illy I r
<i->Mm*>l to involvo tlio wreck of ii.nuro! Willi |
!ii> most t-npiil ninvoinoiils, it frequently cli.in-- | '<
I it? form nml rnlori ami in its a wl'ii I p :i I i I-'
iM'lllll Hulls INIjjo, prov-il iK.-ll p .l lll.oi.iil III nji. ; w
j-o-ilton ll, Cfo.-seil tin-Savannah rivi-r mt ' i
ilnvt- inili-j nhnvi1 lliiw city, ni CiuiipholHoti lm.il . I'
k nfils. I'arryiii'j l\v<> Imals of theptorlis nml <1 :i?li- ' !l
ins* (linn iii |iiiT<'<; it ml what i* very ii'tnaiUa- j A
Mo, lull ripiallv true, olio Jiioo.- of hc?vc?l tiiubi-r, ''
ixly six I..-I in l- nt'lli. and I'ouili-on |?y I!ii 1*1 ?? !! a
inelin i:i I hii-lm?-*s. wa-t rniioveil fr?in lis pins !
I rale position iiml carried by tbo bla?l lip all >
iiiini'iiri' of I \v< ni v lift, ami lo I lo- '!i>! tin >1'j
l\v*i hllmlfil y>* Ik. :,"'I there j ??>il ! b-avim; I
iiiiplo tviimoii v lii.-biiul of lis route by the rav- y
ll?l-M it riltlllilitli-<l. ^
Tlio farther |iroi?ivss of Iliif* ilro.nii'iil formi'lo j
iv nK nmrki'il, wo. are sorry lo relate, l?v more inel- j
nnoboly ilovaHialion, au>l such :n ou^bt, by-lli?. .
l?ve, lo eall tlio alioiilimi of tlio nei;{liborlii-ii-l lo 0
In- ciill'i-iin?s of llin:-o who liavi- beeoinc victims i
fits raijo. I louses, eall l>-, itioleveii j-inniy oal>-? a
lvi-i-i* biii'b-1 in ili-striH'iurn : ami ol tin- l--rni- ;, ! ,|
-oiin- of wbiuli. lliero is nul. a vv-l ici! to b-- loinnl. 1 /
\ mi.ni; I In; n 11 m I r is I In.- In.uso nl ;i |i<mr wi<low, ' w
ivlio has allllVr. il l?y tills <'iit:iHll'it|i||i- tin: Ins A III'
M-r t\v>> il.mirlil'-is ami an infant ciiiM K111 < < I. g|
[tl aiHiillfl- Ii'iUm', nut of live inhabitant*, nuly ).|
mo !? at li, tin- iii'>lln.-r ami I lirvc < li11 I n
in ? Kilt< i; ami in olhtr Iii.iifi-h, a [rrcal many j*;
;><'.i|n-il nuly Willi ( :.-!! of 11li11im ami mi- j,
iisinii'i. This hurricane, uii|iar:tll<-|oil in tins
111 :t r t r nf tins wnrM. cnufuietl itself aliout I li ! ? |,
|iuirt<:l's <>f a inili' in wi.lth, in which s|i;n-.- it |(|
as In-, n almost < < j 11 .a 11 y fatal li> every nl.j.'ct j
hat mi'l ils n.iirn-, Imth ithovc ami lie low this ^
ity. for tin; ili.-lance of at lca>t forty miles. As
,-rt. \vi* have ri f.'ivi "! ii" correct. account* of its
iilllii'i ravajjes. Iinlc.il, it. is imjM.sMliic to say
i>.\v f ir lli>* mischicl lias cxlumleil, ami wo much
' in of h<virin<; more of ils calamitoils cll'cct s. ll ,,|
; inn* instance of tin: many i:au?'ii which oimlirniH ) j.
In- instability of fortune, ami tin: uncertainty ri s,
iiiniaii {ireatm-s-*, ami i^ therefore a lit sul.ji-et ,,,
i' III" moralist am! religion* man lo coulcin
late." |V
' S]iwihinir "I shaving,' sai<l a pretty girl
o an obdurate old hacholor, 4 I .should
iiink thai a pair of hadsonto eyes wmiM ^
o the bust mirror In *havu by.' ' Vi!st
?i*ll? \* ? I'.lli .iw 1. ?* j 1 -'** ~' ' 1
.. iviivu una uu'jii F/l'tnu l#V
llelii,' he replied. 1
' ? in
? 11'
' Wile,'said :v I vraiiical liust?:?n<l to liis ,;i
nuch abused consort, ' I wish you t'? make
lift a pair of false bosoms.' ' 1 shou'd
liiuk, replied si 10, ' that one bosom, as j?
also as yours is, would be suNicicut.' Exit
msbaiid in a brown study.
i\ Hibernian had conic to sec the Niaj* ?
ra, ami while lie jjazed upon il, a friend
-ki ll hint if it was nut the most woudciful
ii11ho ha?l ever seen. To which he re
lied, ' .Never a bit, man*, never a bit !
lire it's no woiiiler at all that the waU-r j\;
liottld fall down th?ro, for I'd like lo know
... V
hat couhi hinder it.' ,
jtf/r //<< curt ? /" /';/ >" / "' '? /. * //;/'1,1
/*?\s *>/ .!/?/" 9?ft\ t,r ti't-'j / ///'??# ft*
CoHtf*ltti?f-1 7 />< /// ti r'.'Mc/iV/ft j_;,
t r,i .i/.-r/'iit, ?t*i.
In vi?-\v <>f tli" frI 111:?.? ev.-ry ni>-inl>er of
tho human family is ??r Milij*ct?(l to
some of tin- aliove f?<, liesi.le.s in- ?
liuui*-ral>l*- other conditions in life, which,
l>y tlio assistance of n I it?knowledge or
( x**reisn of common sen*.*, th^v tnny In* aMo
>o to tli'-ir Im*?it-? ?if di*-t, ntid with
the u?.si.-lnTi>'>' of n jt-mh! tonic, t^curi* per- II
tnniiont li'-nlth. I ti order to accomplish thin
dc-dr*<l oVji-ct, tlir* Irno course to j*ur?uc is,
C'Ttninly, thai whie'i will produce u natural j[
Mat** of tl>iii?f-a a* tli" l<a-t hazard of vital
Mrcnirth and 'if-: fur this end Dr. ll?sWtcr
ha- introduced to tlii-> eoiiiitrv a po-pani* I
tioa called llosTKTTKUS' STO.MA0K
lit I T!IKS. which nt thi* ilav i" no! a new *M
Inedieiue, l.til <': lliat Ii:n ) n 1 1 for ' I
years. ??i v i i: if sa; i-*fa-''i*<n to nil who have
li- ilii. Tin-i;.!:.T?o|..-ia.<-|.o\\ rfulU upon l'1
IMoii;:i.-li, I .v !- mhI liver. r??toeing su
tli* in to a h? :;1l!iv and \ i-^oii.i, l* !i<*ti, atel w
thn- l*y 11** -i!i?J|?i of |- -n??lhi-liin?f ?r
liatnr'*. < iri'ih* Jim* :-\-ti*tn ! > triti!n|ili o?? r t!i
disca.?\ I >i:i*rleea. <1 y ;* nt*ry or llux. so
K**??*r;tlly contracted 1-y n -w Ili-r-. nn?l
cause.I principal!y I v 111 - ?*!i ? tf' of water
*m*l diet, will |- !;!-. r* ;.*ul;:t?--l I>v* .1
liri* f u-" of this pr< p-iraiiou. 1 >y-pepsisi,
ii wlti'h i~ |.r**l*:il*!_\ rnor** prevalent
wh*-u taken in all it-* various fnriii*i, lltitll
any <* ti*-r ; the e-m-*- of ? Itieh in;.v always
lie attril>ut<'*l t*i *1* r.m.'* :e*isi- of tii*- diije.sli
v.- eivans. can I * cup 1 w ithoiif fail liy
u^ii.ii llosTKTTKUS STOMA I'll KIT- f,
TKItS a- i -i ?!i? * t iioii. mi tin* I.,.nt.. l*'..?
lliis ilistu-i1 i-v.tv |'liv ii-i.m will iv-cnmliv'-lul
I'illi r< of :-iiu'* Kili'l, llii-li wliv not,
1l.-i> all :i i"! known In l?> i 11T: 11 i i 1111 - V
]'.v. rv r..iintrr li*?\? lin ir ISilii'ix its a |\
vwitiw <,( i'i it il * I sln-iiirilii-niiii' i>f 1
On-syst'-ni in .' -iii-lal, nn*l aiming iIh-iii all ill
lln-iv i- n->1 |.> In- I'iiiiipI a iiiii'i' lirullliy ill
]h-h|i1i* llian tin- ( riiian-i, from wlima 1 lii.4 ai
|iri'|iaratinn inaiuii. 'l, I>.iI iijmhi M-ii'tililic an
fX|? riin<-iil-i \\ 11ii-li lia< iiM' ImI'-iI I.i a-lvanci! lli
til"- destiny nl' tliis i'1-i-al. |>i'i |iaratiuii in tin)
lll<:dii*al wait* nl' si'irlM*i\ |j,
Tlii-' trying ami |.|-nv*il ii>.* >li---a.? . ulmli li\i\q 1(4 "I
rel' lll|. << ur.i?|i mi tin- 1 <nl> of muii, mlm nig him to
ft 1111 re sliiiil'iW in 11 r-ti< )t s|<!i?v <?f liiin*, ami n-u?lrriii|(
liim |'liv.-ii :ill> :ini| mint.illy n.?i-li-.?i, run l?- ilrfi-atiM
nnil ilrivi-ii fr<nu Our ' ?!;. I \ lli" 11 i.f IIO:iTKTTKIlM ?
ItKNOWNKIi HfTTKItS. 1-iirtlnr, any i?f llie al?.vO
(tak'il liso;i".i-i ran li<>t In; i-iiiilnirti.il wlion i-fcpiiMNl to
?iiy nnliiiary ciiiilili--in |<i'"ilii-'in^ tin m, if tlio Itittira
mo iisril as |>i-r ilirii-liuiK. Ami :u? it n?itln.'r rn'.ilei
nnil-t'.i nnr I.ir. i|.|i tin' |.'ilati'. ami ri-mlrriiiif IliinoeCi- N,
ii.iry :niy rliam.'' "f 'I"' "r iiili-irii|>ti-ni to iiHial |.urmils,
lull iiroinnli'S m-iim! .-! | ami liraUliy ili/istmii, \v
tin- coni|ilaint i.- tlnw ri-iimvi.il ai F|n i ilily as m run* 11
lisl'-llt Willi till! I.l'iiillli'tiiin Af n lli'.ioii'rl. ui..i
i ? ? ?a" ?? | *.???? f
iiciil curc.- (|ri
For Persons in advanced years tli
Whrt ar<- MIIT. riii2 f>>in :in I'lif.'.'Mr.l c>1i<uti<>i ami ""
Infirm l<?ly, iIhw itiiti.Ts are iuv.ilii.ii.lt' as a rcslora*
live ft strength nn> 1 vigor. ami ni-i .l.s only to le tried "I1
to U1 : A 1 to ;i lii'.th*-r wliilc lllloili'4, St*'
lliiso r.itti rs arc imli-|?'i;<.iM.\ <'."|>tfially wlirrc llio
m.illier'.s IK-iiri-lim* lit i - ( > Dm- ilmiamU '1
Of I III' child, r..ii-.'tii.ully li'T Mit'iiKlli iinot yiiil, !l'
Ami here il 1.4 wli- ii- a fm?l t Mirli ;n H'tsl'lli'r'j
Stomach Hitlers is nrr.l.'.l to iin|.ait temporary Mrcnglli
ami vi^or lo the system. I.nli<* :<honM l.y all iikmiih
Ity tliis remedy f.>r all o?r.< of debility, and'l>cf<.rc hi>
da'ii;;, ask your physician, who, if hi' i* acquainted r?
nhli llio virtues of ilii' Itiit.rs, will rccomnicnil their
use in all cases ?.f weakness,
C.U'TIOX.?Wocaiilii.n llio pultlicAgainst
lining any of tlio many imitation!* or rutinIcrfoits,
lint, ask for ll<isrKTri it's Cki.kiiratko < >1
Htomaoii Jltvrv.RR. ami so llial. onoli Ixilllo fa
hart I In- wor.lrt " J )r. .1. IIimli'tlor'K Sloinneh J|
ISitliT*" Mow lln- si<|>* of llio lioitlo, ami y,,
Blani|M'tl on 11 Mi iin-iallic cap rt.vi'riiifj llio
KmiL .....1 ,-l.u....... it. .. ?
*> v UHI ?|?r HUtint:
is on llif
II r Prepared mill sold by 1I0STKTTKR k
SMI TH, I'ill.sbui^li, l*aM ami sold by all oj
Drnjrclsts, ^roVrrs, ami dealers generally jj(
thioiicliouljlie lulled Stales, Canada, South
iuic riia mtd (ieriuauy. ?r
NEtV ?!II,I:ANS, I,A.,
H liuli'Milu jlKt'lll*.
T>onai.t> McI.w-(mii.in', Alibovillo (J. II. il
I". M. I'hNv. KdgeficlJ C. II.
May 4, 1S59 U ly
? 13 W X tM O
1^111". I liavinti llio <s.xi,liisiri'Agtiiioy
of A 1>I" viil<* nil*I lvl?<afirlil 1 riclH, for
rover aii-l iSnkniV I'rinviill.-d family ami I'lanition
S>'\viro_? Mai liin-s i |>i< |>>> < <I |o till onl.rs !
: 11 |iron:|<lami ?li*|>atrl?. I> KM KM III!I! I
NT i'i llivhi* MmrllilH'S ii-, llial. Uo.y I
i c M WsKI.KSS. Mr. IV I*. IShihI will rcll
lai'liini < :> 11 1 a> I :i?iiiv sitr"lil in AI ?l???vi 1 !? - ?
<io r.il l><>|iol, iiml Sulcs Uimiiii, Jir.-l ilimr
litivo Win. Hill's IIar?l\var<: Store.
I l.uiiljiirvr, S. <?., M arc 11 IKV.I.
m a ij * vci l\l
II Housnns why tin: <?rov<-r A linker Sewing
larliim; id universally preferred lor family
Int. Il i-* more simple ami c.HMer k?.*|?t in order
an siny other Machine.
iM. Il makes a s?*i!hi which will not. rip or ravI,
llinti 'li i'vcry third stitch in cm.
uil. !i M.*\v> from I w? ordinary ; ami thu*
II trouble of winding I luvad c n void'il, while I
n: same machine can he adapl'il al pleasure.
'</ a writ ihunj> ij' aiiihpI, t'> all varieties of
11 li. Tin- Minn* machine runs Kick, linen
ireail, ami evmmon spool cotton, with i-<|ual failiiy.
fitli. The n-ani i-" as ela.-lic as Hie tnoM. clastic
ilirie, ;. > ilia) ii i* li'-c from all liability In hrcak
i Wilshin^, ir<niiiijl? or id her\\ise.
(itli. The .sliteh made hy this machine is more
auliful than any ether made, cither hy huril
r machine.
'"pi/of Lcflir Hi-rein 1/ from J fun. J. //. Hammond.
Wasimmiton, l>ec. 11,18.18.
Si is: In reply ( your letter asking my opinion
(irnvir & ItiikcrV Sf\v int? r11u<-1111n-n, I takv
[ensure ill saving lliat I hey have iim>i*o than alivcrnl
rny ex|ieeliitions, after trying and returiii?
mil. r .
I have 1 lii*i*o of Mk'iii in operation oil my ilifiirlit
|.lnei-s an< 1 alter loiirycnid trial liuvo no
Llllt, to I'linl.
Yoilir, IS?*s| :! fully,
To M. A. Hansom, Ks-?|., 1 lamiiiiij.', S. t'.
' /<?/ <if It'iiir /null .Mr. ./ mdlii'ii ,M. Miller.
I I: * n Isi.ami, S. < I ?.-ir. I Sth, I ?.Ys.
M. A. I?\n- -\t : - /''<?/ Sii : In ivjily to your
niuiry how I lite I h<-11 rov? r ?V. I!al;>-r's Si-wii5
maehine, 1 titk?- |il<-a-'tti? in ?:tym'-t llial after
-i?ij? it. lour inontln it has ?iv?-n ??/>/ ? :atisction.
It issini|ile ami :wv lo uii'li-l lainl.
ml has lnver hi'-ll llllt of oriliT. My \vif?* liar
i ilillieulty in iii>trm:lin;r aju-rvsmt in the use
I* it. I am fully |?el'i?iiaile?l I hat iio invention j
lln-ai;i: is more worthy the atli-uiimi ol the
ililie than that, of Sewiii" Machines.
Very llcs|o'('l fully yours,
.H IN Ali IAN M. MII.f.Kli.
March K', 1W.I !<> ?in
i . w
The Stato of South Carolina.
a i.r.i: \n. /./ : distkict,
In Equity.
. K. I ikI Icr, ct al. |
v?\ Hill to s?l nsiilo. Jmljj'ill.
It. Lloyl, ntnl. J Infills, Injunction, \.c.
T Al'I'KAllI N(? to my suiisfaeiion ilirit Win.
15. |j|o\i|t Albert <?i|hcrt, :mtl Thomas S.
ay?lon, ?U*feii?l:i:tl-< in tin'! iihovc slaleil casu,
s'n!o I> ><>11 I 111 limitsol litis Sion motion
T .Mi'4jowan, l'oln|>. Snl, Onli-ri-il that hniil
Ti-inlaiil< ilo appear ami ple:t>l answer or domr
! > saiil Hi 11 nrCoinpl linl, within three tnoiilhs
mi ill.- puhliealion hereof, or lliti 5aniu will bu
ikvii l'ru ('<<n fi-x.ui against I hem.
\v. ii. r.vKKKi;,cE.A.i>.
CmiimissioiieiV ()
iMurcli 18.MI. f 4'J 3tn
Tho Stato of South Carolina.
.i/;/;/;i //./:/ : district.
In Equity.
'cin1or.*r>n, Kirflaml, )
' '11,1 115,11 ^or Ii>Juiico?]ili?ii,
Sl'a?jpr <"o. ) lion, Ac.
mid others. y
T appearing to my salisfiiPtion lhal A.Wilson
IhoMon, Abraham ' Slairer, Minis Slajjer.
i:...- *. i>_. .i? i < - i - - '
- IV in'li-llillillis III lllll II III IVI'
nt -iI i'ii^ii. I'l'siiii' ln;V'iiii*1 tin! limits of llii.-iSl.ttf.
i unit inn ill' .1. ('. < 'ullioiiii, ('omp. Snl., <inlo:i'il
at said il( f? nil:uil? do :iJ?|mid plrad, nil,cr
or il?>:tiiii* In (lie snid Mill of Complaint,
itliin I hri-e months from I lie |iiililir:ilion ln>ri'of
tin: Minic will lie taken ]u<>. euit/tuso aeani.st.
W M. 11. I'AUKKll, r.K.A.u.
('ontmis-ioner's OHiee, I
Keli. *21, I h.V.>. .11 Hin
Tho State of South Carolina.
.inn/ii/!././ : /i/sThivr.
ifier ('mill uf (.'oHUHoil /'lea* ?lli / (till I Sessions.
. K. Ilut.k-r, Survivor )
vs. > Attachment.
Win. 11. I.loyd, ) Metiowmi, I'l'ill"* Ally.
\f 11 K U K \S lli?: riuiiiliir did mi I In: niiieI?
ti-nlli day of Novi-inlii-r, ciijliti'i-ii Iiiiiiril
ami liIIy-ci^lil. Hie liis dreluration against
e I><'li'iidiinl, wlni, (it is K?id; is klisi-ut from
id witlioiit tlio corporate limits of this Stale
id lias ni'itlier wife nor attorney known within
same, ti|ion wlmm a ropv of said dcelitra'ion
iglil l>e served: It is therefore ordered, that
'said I>i:|.'in1:ilil do ii|>|iear and plead to the
id declaration, on or before the twentieth day
I 1 i r.r...
. , . <11111 ii < y niim%
licrwinc final ami :tl>s>>1 ille judgment will tlien
' ^ivcii ami uwanlril against liim.
.M ATTIIKW Mi DONALD, ? . c. r.
Clurk'u Oflico, Nov. i2o, 1^58. iiii?12m
Stato of South Carolina.
'fire Court "/' Common 1'lcax ami (I'citl Sensiunx.
. Iv. Iluilcr )
vs. > At IiirIi incut.
in. II. I.loyil, ) Mc(i?nvaii, l'U'ff'K Attorney.
VHKUKAS llio I*l;i!nl.i(T iliil, on lliu niiiotri'iilli
<lay of November, oit^lit-oeii lnuicil
and fifly-eij*hl, (i his declaration a^aiiiRl
n I ><-f(<iiilanl, who, (it i? naid,) in absent from
il williouL the limits of thin Stale, an<1 has neii?r
wife nor attorney known within the sam?,
on whom a copy of said declaration niijrht ho
rvc?l: II. is t herefore o.nltjrcd, (hat the said l>eulant
<1o appear anil ftttimMo I ho mill ili'vliiron,
on or In-fore IIm I ^vOTtJfttli ilay of No ventr,
eighteen hundred aiiil^ fffty-nine, otherwise
ml and absolute jndmimifll will then ho given
d awardeil against Iiini.
MATT!II0W MeUONALD, c. v. r.
Clerk'n Ollico, Nov. 20, 18.'>8. 32?112m
TTT* A f\/\TT A
Skco.ni> UmmmkntCavai.uv, S. C. 1\|., )
I/OiiginircH, Edgefield, S. C. \
lOKIt NO.?
1^11 K "Squadron of Cavalry, will
asscmblo at Kdiji'lield ('. II., on Saturday
u 7lli May next, Tor Drill hint Itcvicw.
Tlic Abbeville Squadron of Cavalry will-nsinlilo
al Abbeville, C. II., on Saturday, 1-Hli
ay next, for 1 >rilI and Review.
The Commission ?*d ami non-Ommisaionod
licerx will assemble the day previous for
-ill and Instruction.
Lieut.'Col. BATKS and Major PsltttOlIf,,
o charged with Ibe extension of tlieso orders.
JNO. T. nUURIijg, Col.
April 11, 1859 62 41
I'U 1,1, StJlTM* of all UmNKW S'I'y l,V?B
L .lust opened, and for calo A'l* ('((ST, by
M. 16K A KL <k UKUSfclX*
May 1. 18.VJ 47 if
/jgA Till-: l>i\lnft ?Vrt??nunt.l
l<> pt-rmtim nlly in lln* town ?>
A litn'V illp, |in|ii'?, In Crtilliftll XVtij V mi'' allii't *1
trillion tu |ihmIi(mi<, lit lMi'iil n lilii t.il hlinn' i?t
1111 vine jjn-t vr>liiini'<l Irnnt mnrVrl, In* r*rl?
is full ??i>l rnlnplrlt' liroal ( ate nn<l pci*oiinl
Uttclltioll linftlx-ili liri?lit\VV<l ill pill i'llD!>llii> Mouillinn*
i.r tliu inott ilutitblo ipinlii), Inlal mii.I impr.'V.'.l
With jjmil malt-rial ami thr hunt t-killftil
wot Umrn. and nftrr liai ini? mi v< >1 nil fppr> nl
rlii|i Iiiiiim U ?if l?n v?-ai\ niiilcr lln? nin-l ?iioi-?-k-?IiiI
wnilitnali in tin* Sin1??, lit' li"|igii |u lit up
work thai will hiiiI llio In-li! ill' any, <-v< ti Ihe
most faptnlioii , n:i well iik llm uin*l iilililai ia!i.
Also, a full jiimI ?:omp|..t?. SinrU of t-vcr\ tiling
llisil la u.-tially Urpt in an (4tal>li-liiii<iit. of ilt(.
t.lll<l, Mltl'h ill
Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Whips,
Collars, Hido Whips,
Ijoatliors, tfcc.
lie returns liis lltaiiks* to Ins lnMnci' I'liKlimiprit
for llii-ir |>?li'iniii?i'. with a nucere disirii tn cv j
liMi'l mill iiii'iit a still larger share of ptililio sup |
All or>lerM fill?>l willi |?r'iinplnr'rfK, wliiln nirict 1
ill teniion will !? ijiveii lo repairing.
'f( ' Will In* I 11 <I Ourim' lilisiui-.ss Iimih on
Washington Sr., No. x!.
.Inn. IS, 1S.r.!l e'.i ('.in
sourrinxc mm\
or tiik city of
T~t ft 11 i m o X" o , IVt cl .
SmiiIIhth ami Western Orders.
(Jn nlcr IihIii^i'IiiciiIs I.I 1:111 cwr JielWo oll'i-ri'il.
SKNI> TO Til KM I'oii A (JATAI.o?;i!K.
/I tl'lf't ? >! Ill I'l'OlIt I' l/h/ ( ' III* I"
omi luvwv&wi) IDD&XA&S
s oV'.i'y J took.
t9r <-A'i'Ai.o<a:Ks OIVINO rci.r, PAR.
What tlio Press Say.
Tli'-y liavo it iniitfiiiliwiif assurlriii'iit. of llnuki:,
ami liavc |?n-|?arril iliriif-clvi.-, with in 11 <1 nit-r:iI>! ( guilt
01 In ! > l?: <!iflril>iiti<l among lln ir
*411-? ? ! ??l" fi mis ?ii<l ciimihimtm al lurg?."?
llxlI. >s"/<.
Not only may .1 ^ k,i,ti?n 1?; mii-lu of any
olioi"!.! work, l?ot with ii tin- (inri'lias^r is ??<> ? t?>
iiii n il: in .n-vvciry. winch in many
?::i.?i->, proves *|?iil vainalile.? f/iiily ftVi'/n/H'/r.
TIh-v make no |mii.-it-s tlmt arc not performed
strictly l<i tin- l. n.-r, anil I.y lliu* punctually
cancelling 1 lieir oldn.rat ions, liavt- trained llie cn1
ire conlideijce of not only our citizens, but the
country abroad.?ll-i/l. 1'iilr'ml.
A yiinnix lady ac.ijuahitaucc of ours purchased
fur Sil a Monk at tins establishment, a few (lavs
since, mi* 1 received :i double-cased (in/if Walvh,
i'ti/nf 1/ at urn /,.(,?lrcl>l..l/iirx?Cli,
Tlii* sin-cess which attends the (Jilt. Hook
lloii-cnf Messrs. II, l-I. IHlVT iV C< >. has 1111
picecilcnts in tins .iniials of (lift KnterpriseP.?
A ryn ?.
I <'all nnd see them, ar(d our word for it, you
will not regret v 1 uir visit. ? his/mlili.
' A1H >rder.s should lie addressed lo
No. 41 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md
Maii'i 17, 1 n.Vj -17 *J!iii
1 Augusta, GJ-a.,
i Wholesale and lb-tail l>ealers in
frflllAN'KniL for lli<* lilicral nnlnriiage lliey
1 JL have received herutofire, oiler for sale at
(lie lowest market prices for ensli or on time to
prompt paying customers?
l I'25 Hales Kxtra Heavy ftiinnv Tlnggiug,
3" Ml I lolls Heavy Patched Magging,
11 ?iI I'lOCcs iJimdcn Magging,
mm isin i.oil* Hope,
"J.'i Ulnls Now Crop Molasses,
ir>n l>l>ls N. (). ami Sugar Utilise Syrup,
1 J', " Crusln'il A. It. ?V. (!. Sugars,
i ii.M> Whole ami Hall l>o.\rs Candles,
HID I'.nxi's Tnliacco?various iSrainld,
f>ii,iiihi Cigars,
IiihII Sm-k'sSail, in Twill.-il S:i ks,
I ."ill Wliulf, Half ami ?jr. Itlls Maokeivl,
fill,Hull l.lis.'IViiih'.-wi* I'at'im, lIoj? Round,
t?i|n HIils. l-'n-sli Tlioniai-tiiii Itiinc,
i.'ilI " l.iijiinrs anil Wines,
fi.lllll) l.lis. Ili'tnlfii'k Sole Leather,
L'.'i liali'H I li-avy ' Isnalitirirs,
L'lHl Ki'^s Nails AfMirh-il
Marrli::I, lSfi!t, 'M ly
\S7"IioIo?rtIo tSo .1 lotail
I) It li (i (r 1ST,
180 P.IK IA l? KTKKT,
J\. U SLl S t a , Gr ZX my
WOlM.l) respectfully invite llio attention
..f M Kl.t'll A NTS, PHYSICIANS,
and I'liANTMUS In Itis lar?n slock of
Medicines, Paints, Oils, &,c.
Wliicli nrc linii^hl. direct front Importer* ami
Miiniifai'iiir.TS, ami will In; gold as low and on as
at't-iiiiiiiiinlal in* terms us anv oilier hoiiae in llm
iSoutlM I'll country.
lOvory arliclo sold will l>e warranto*! strictly
II i* A call from tlioso visiting Augusta is
Mnroli 1 Si?f) <15 3m
Foreign and Domestic, Staplo and Fancy
Masonic Hall Building, 248 Broad St.,
Would l'CMpciM fully invito allfiilion to tlmir largo
and "vvnll si'locU'il Stock of Spring (Soodn.
Marrli 17, IH39 47 *3in
W. V. Davis,
Attorney at Law Solictor in J'Jmiitn
JL %/
Aihikvji.i.k, S. C.
Will |>roit*|>llyitlloiid to nil hiiftiuesw entrusted I o
liif) rare. He e.Aii bo found til the olliec of the
Abbeville) tanner" July tin Hi
Brick Work find Plastering.
ri'MIK undersigned having located permanently
JL at Greenwood, oflrrs his Kcrvieea to <he
citizens <if Uk> District, and lite surrounding country
, a? a llnck-Layer and l'lasterer. ilo warrants
nil work not only to look well but to be
durable ami lasting.
Address? P. B. PATTMISON.
Greenwood, S. C.
Grcenwooil, Feb. 2, 1859. 4t 3ni
To Plantors.
CtOTTON GfNS of tbo Host Quality, with
> Ten Ineb SAWS, delivered at any Railroad
Landing in the State, at $2 per SAW.
Fur imrticulard address
WimiblKiro, S. C.
Premiums awarded at the Stale Fair, November,'1**8.
April G, 1359 Sim
For Ordlwnry.
fti* n?n.l??>r ml jntiNtt IIAsKIN
ninuiMtii'^ him n< M'nmlitfota fatOrdinary *ttl?o
fctr Tiieftirmlnor JOlIN' A. IIIJSTRtt r..
'prftl'iilly ntummicr linn n mmliilnlc for tlieullie*
ol Onlitmry, nl tin- election.
?Vlitln>r 'J7, IS.IH.
For Tux Collector.
I hi'lYieiiils t'l II K.\ |{ Y S. ?:,\S(?N nnnoiiii.?
liim H cuiiilnlutc fur tlionfTici' of Tux Cullt'olor,
i*l lliviii xl t>|xirii<>ii.
.1 * Wi' iir>- aulliofifi-l to niiiiouiM'e S. A.
lI'MMiKS n' a Cuinlitluto for Tax Collector, at
flic i-iiMiiug flection.
C*T Tin frii'iuls of CAl'T. \V. S. IIAItltlS
rtT?|ii;?-lliil|y nn'i.inni'e Iniu :i lor tliO
'lax t'ollwlor oi AMn.villc l?i.-arict, ut
tll'1 lll'Xt < l.c-li()ll.
t-TV Tim mirnerollK friends of W. KH''
1.1 N?iSWi il.TI 1 respectfully nniMiiiiiee liim as ?
?';ui>li<liil<- fdi Tax Collector at the ciiHiiiitij. cleo
ti.?ii. *
_ . ... . .
Tins iiuitinmiiH friends of WKSI.KY A
IM.At'K. Ks?|., ri-s|MTifiillv aiiiioiimrw liim a etui
didnie li>r Tax t'idlector, ill tin; ensuing election
II ,'Tbe fii>-ii<U of tl. M. A1ATTISON, r?_
*t|**:?ilfully ainitiiiiicc him a candidal'.' lor Tat
Colb-eti.r, at tin;ensiling eleetiuii.
11 Tli.; friends .?r .1A M KS A. iM?:C< >lil? ro
r|?'?lfiillv itimoiince liim u Candidate lor Ta?"
'olli-f.tur, at the next Klectioii, for Aubcvilift
1 lisll let.
July Ih.V? 11 *t.\
Till! UltSIIAIJ, now.
j BY E. COBB, Propriotor.
TIIK l'ro|irifinr of lloi MAItSIIAT.T>
.LiU!? IMM'SK w.inltl inform tin: public Mint liis
11<i-> still t.|,i n for lit.; rt'i*<.|it iun of visilorn.
Having mini: xpci-i?-ii<-o in llotol-kei*|>in<;, bo
Ibiilors 11ii i-<-l 1" tlnit ln> will lie aide to pleaPu bin
lrnMi'l< and i'IisIuiihth. 11 in talda will at all
limes b<-Fii|>|ilit'd willi
The Very Best The Market Affords.
llis I louse is wtdl provided wit.li attentive nervaiiU,
and everything t<i render lint <:u.-ti>iuoi?
I.M.UU1>W \ * t I ? *.
I l ei., til, Ih-,0 i\ \ if
-i / /:/-;i //,/./ ; s. <:.
Till'. I'mlt-rsi^m-il wmiI'I inform
/C"? \ tli w public ill nt 11 icy )i:i v ? foriuc<l a cop.irLlli-r.-hsp
fnr lln: plll'pnw of colu|u<'|i|||r
the A/m.T .s'/'i/;/./ : nisixi.ss />
.'1/y/y / 7W /?*//. I xc/i t-:s.
They liavc taken the well-known Stuhlos at|
tached loiliu lot. of tin: Marshall Homo, accu!
pie-1 last veal" l>y I*. S. Uulh-d^e,
These Slal.hs, fronting mi Washington Street,
have ln -ii repured and refilled, ami arc now well
provided with provender mid attentive llostleia,
for tin: ai'C<niinio)lntiiiii of Uie public.
1\1k. t"RAW I"t)UI), one of llie lirin, niny always
he found at the Staliles, nml lie hopes, hy
close attention lo business, to merit ami reccito
a lilieral share of pnldie patronage.
i in; .->i;ii>lis will In- |iruvnt(Ml willi RI'OfSY
AND SADDI.K IIOKSKS, to hire, tog.tlior
\\ i'li uvi'ry otln*r :n-c<>nin.<><lut ion usually olT-rcil
l?y a similar <-.-tal>li>lniii-ul. Tiny liiivo also,
I'O.M MODIOI S I.< )'I\S for tin* nci'iiiiiiiilatiuit
of STOCK DIIIVF. US, mul will furnish lliuiu
with jirovuiitlcr, at living ra'os.
IV1?. 23, IS.10 44 If
r I ^11 K Subscribers having liml lli? luislortuiio
1 inlos.-, hv tlx- fir?-of tli" U'.Uli January, tlio
STKAM M11,1, ami MACII1NKUY coiuieelcJ
willi their
in fSrt-onvillc, lake this method of nppri^iti(^ tlioir
friemls anil patrons llial they will rsl.itI cont.iiiuo
biisitieiw ns heretofore, without chan^o in their
I'irni or iililialfmuut of lliuir exertions to ploono.
Tlioy Havo On Iln-xicl,
anil are constantly finishing, nil the Tarictie* of
Kvcr maiie by thftiii, to which they invito the atIi.miIion
of |inr?:liiiMT8.
They lake pleasure in correcting nn impression
that their Slock of SKAS< IN I'll) I.CMItKIt wims
In.-. I. willi llie Mill, ami would say that, ill ?juanI
il v* Jlllll fill!,Ill V
Tlii'ir Liimlur Has Never Been Inciter.
The ^ciicnms paWouagn hitherto received
warrants ilic ennidiisioii lli.il tlit-ir elfortn are appr?:ci:il>'(l,
and stimulates tlicin in making furl Iter
exertions. Their experience will etiabln iliem to
seh-et. and operate the mostapproved Maehimiry,
wiili advantages not surpassed by any Manufacturers
either Ninth or Smith.
Crecuville, S. C., March 7, Itf.VJ. -10 tf
For 1859.
I it 2 C li :i m l? <: l* Street,
Comer of College I'lacn,
(< )|i|H>tii(o Hudson River Railroad Station,)
Now Yorls..
Finest. WINKS, Finest ItltANPIKS, Finest
SKCAItS, Finest TKAS, Finest. ('(H'FKES,
Finest SI'liAlfS, Finest lil'ITKR)
And Finest l**.ituiI3* Oroeeries,
iff every description, put up for Shipment to all
parts of the World. Catalogues will bo furnished
upon application.
A lll'l I 7. 1 M/.'l 'ifi
WIJ< at nil liiiieH l>o foiln?l nt. (Jrponwood
Depot, where he will, willi plennure, wait
those who may ilrMie his services.
All work wnrranU'cl Kulinluctoiy.
Kpk J>, 1H50 41 tf
Grainer, Marbler, Paper Hanger,
Abloovillo O. XX.
Fcl>. 21, 1850 44 12m
3Dv. F. Gr.
(:i;i:i:xwooi>, s. v.,
I/TIKI'S constantly on hand nil articleR usually
.I'V kej>t in a Drug or Fancy Store, at market
Professional aerviecs rendered when
called for.
Fob. 24, 1R59. 44 6m
'"I^lIK Koniilur Communication of CLINTON
1- LOHU i:, No. 3, A.'. F.-. M.-., will be held
on Mmuhii) Evenhnj, ID/A of June next.
By order of the W. M.
A. BRUSSEL, See'y.
May 12, 1869 3 'v
jflLttornoy at Xcaw.
Wil.i< I'rnolice 111 (he Court* of Edgrfield,
Newberry, Lanrcns, and Abbeville.
Office?Nfuety-Sui Abbeville, S. C.
Oct. C, lt>58 34 tf

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