OCR Interpretation

The Abbeville banner. [volume] (Abbeville, S.C.) 1847-1869, September 15, 1859, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85026945/1859-09-15/ed-1/seq-4/

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M i . .
The time .seems f;i: I approaching when
the Kngliah language will exercise over the i
oilier languages of tlio \voil<l a prcdomi- li
nance which our forefathers little dreamt j
of. "When f-ord 1'acvn aimed at futurity ! v
in his writings, lie set hitnself to write in ! ii
Latin : " I do conceive," lie says, " that J c
the Latin volumes, being the universal Ian- , n
ijunge, inav last as h'lig as boohs I'i
Milton?" being content >ri111 these i>l:?u?U I
as my world"?confined himself in hi> d
great works to the language of these is- ; >1
lands : ho " cared not to he once named ' n
abroad,'' though perhaps Iio " might have e
attained to that" had In: dt-Mied it. So J'
little was Kngli.-di literatuie known in France
two huiidrcd years ago thai in ?**-rl-?in ?Ii- h
ructions given for the arrangement of a li b
brarv all Knglish books are parsed over ;
with tlio curt observation, " vix mare trail-*- ' p
iWittnnt." According to Walter, it was a ti
crowning achievement of Cromwell's vast tmind
that our language is spokt n even , ti
"under the tropic." The language nf I'.ii* ;
tain crossed the sea long before i'-> li'.'-ra- '
til re, for in Swill's time t tie lileratnie is |*
ppoken of as being slill confined "to the.-e , ''
two islatuls." 1 >r. .Johnson, about a ecu- 11
tury ago, when applying to I>! it:iiu a pa-- ,
tfagc in the " S.nniiiiun S ipioui.s" of Cicero !'
?,l oitniisr cKliii terra eolitur a vohis, "
! |
nngnsta vertieihus, Iateril>us latior, parva
qoa'diiiTt insula esi"?procee<|?.?l lo apply i '
tu our islaiul the conliuualioii of 11n: same j ''
passage, forhi<hli?ir us to hope that its iv - j
liown will ever pass the stream of < ianges j
or the el: of Caucasus.
l>ut one of our Klizahethan po? !s, the '
gentle Daniel, who has been spoken of a* j u
the Alliens of his age, suimisetl that l etter ls
things were in store for u?. After lament. l'
itig that the speecli of our " searee-<Ii?C"V- ' Ll
ered isle" is so little known to the rest of 1!
tlio world, lie expresses :t wish a.- Miuu.s : i
"Oli tlinl the oeeun ili<l not hound mil' si vie
Within these strict. inn) narrow li.nits.so ; . e'
Mut. llinl the inelo'ly of our siviTt i-!o I j'
Mijjlil now be henrd to Tiber, Ann*, ami I'ii ; . K
i'liut tliey might know how Air Tliumcs does ,
outgo j (
Tlio music of tleclinvl Italv!"
. i 'J
Despairing of its gaining ground in
?taly, lie foresees its triuinjili in America :
l '
" Wlio knows wliitlicr we may vent
The tr-ami.e our tongue? To what stiMii^'* j
aliorcs | U
Tlrs gain of our best glory may by sent, ' c<
enrich unknowing tuitions with our .-tore-; |
AVhnt world* in the yet unformed Occi.h-nt j ^
May eoine r<>lined with nee- i.l* that are our.'JS'lio
noets nstiirations n? ? now fniii>It
JSoou after lie wrote this passage tliu Kng- | ''
lish language was planted on a narrow '
slip of land on tlie western continent; it ' 11
grew apace, aiul its prospects are now'1,
t'lie most splendid that tlie world has ever 11
ecfcil. Tlie etftire number ot persons who '
speak certain of the languages of Northern s
Kurope?languages of considerable literary ! 11
repute?is not equal to tlie number sim- J
ply added every year, by tlie increase ?.?!' j '*
population, to those who speak the Kug- ! ?
]ibh language in England and America !
alone. There are persons now living who "
in all probability see it i!ie ver- | ~
nacular language of one bundled find 1'
lift)' millions of the earth's civilized pop- "
illation. Although French is spoken bv I !<
. ' 1 -i
a considerable proportion <>f the popula - j "
tion in Canada, and although in the l.'uited 1'
i 1
Slate;: there is a large and tolerably coin.
pact body of German- speaking Germans !
these languages must gradually melt away, j
as the Welsh and the Gaelic have melt- j '
ed away before the Kngli.-h in our own : c
island. The time will speedily bs here v
when a gigantic community in Ameiica . ?
--besides lining and important colonics in , o
Africa and Australia?will speak the same :
language, and that the language of a na- , ltion
holding a high position among tin; ! ''
empires of Europe. When this lime -shall 1'
have arrived, the other languages of Mil- j <
rope will he reduced to the same relative I:
position with regard to the predominant j 11
language as that in which the lSasipie stands j
to the Spanish or the l'inni.ili to the litis '
?5an. 1'or such predominance the Kng'.ish ' t
language possesses admirable <jiia!ili rations ; j '
standing, as it doe?, midway between the t
Gfermanic and Scandinavian branches of i I
the aitcielit Teutonic, and also uniting the j 1
Teutonic with the iiomanic in a manner to
which no other language has any preten- ] i
sion. A prize was veil in ,706 by this <
Academy at lierliir for es^ay o;r the I <
comparison of fourteen ancient and mud- j I
cm languages of Europe, am! in that essay | i
tho author, Jenisch, assigns the palm of! I
general excellence to the English ; it has a
also been allowed by other German critics '
that in regard to the qualifications which j i
it possesses for becoming a general inter- '
pretcr of the literature of Europe, not even |
their own language can comelc with it.? ! I
Edinburgh Iicview. s
When to Begin.?'That you may find t ,
rhca'ss,' said llcv. Charles llrooks in an j j
address lb' boya, 'let me '.ell how lo pro- i t
ceed. To-night begin your great plan I i
of lifo. You have but one life to live,and i
it ia imineasurablj important that you do \ <.
not make a mistake. To-night begin care- j
fullv l?Sv i'niii' ni*a ai? 'iw. '
*"V' ~ J^ w vr" vmum j car j
of your age, and then say to yourself, At i "
the ago of forty I will bo a temperate man, 1
1 will be an industrious man, an economi- 1
cal man, u benevolent man, a well-read n
mail',- ? religious man, and a useful man. ! (
will be such a one. I resolve, and I will u
ktHml to it.- My young friends, let this >
resolution be firm an adamant; let it stand J
like the oak which cannot bo wind-sbak- "
, I
en.' ,,
Thero is no safer protection against n
burglars than to fee I your baby, before go- g
ing to bed, with green apples. I'twillcer- ''
tainly begin to cry before midnight, and it ^
is equally cerium-that it cau't be stopped ti
before morning. p
( w
Tin.' Ilotiiu Journal Contains tin! follow-|
ng i*?*iii:ii IvH I v Mi. upon dross,
ml**, Arc. :
4 Tlicro arc rcvcial artistic points in
i-Jiicli the drrss of tlio iii.-niy li:is v> i v miit-li i
mprovui!. Tim collar ol tli?* coat is now
tit as :i sculptor would have it so as J
ol to interrupt the naturally eurved lino
oil! the ear to the turn of tho shoulder.
>V making the arm hole larger, too, the
islocatcd or joiiied-oti appearanee of the :
leevu is remedied, while the greater full
ess ol the sleeve itself lihoaJizes the yen- ^
ral air of the garment.. Trowsers arc im >
roved 11y making the leg .-mailer as it
I'l'ioae.hes the instep, thus tapering it
atidsoiuelv into the l:n?j of l'ie well niruh;
u,,t- t i
' ? it it the ^ru:it<--t advantage of nil is tin;
t f.i^ 11i* 11 of wearriij; \\ai>t<*oat and
iittM'is of the same inateiial, thus i;ivinir
> the advancing limine a continuity of coloi
oiii head to loot.and *><! !intj to 111? height
. wc*il as thf harmony of tin- proportions,
lie stripe ?.lown the outside seam of tie*
atilaioou ir, an advantage to the height,
i weaiin" of tin.: cravat. which i*. now a
lere tic around a low-cut. shiit collar, one
! the finest point* of masculine l-i-au'y i>
reserved ? the sli:ij?? of tlie thioai. and
cck helow tliat coiiiincneiii^diiic of the
card wliieli is so universally hand.-ome.
lie increased attention lo tin* sliii i \vi island
adds to the look of cicanline-s and
' lla's are in <ptite a state of auntvhv. '
*,d-ody knows what tlie fa?lii>>n i*. S??m
reros of ail dtscriptiotis pievad. J Jut .
hile the general appoaranee of the croud
thus made va-tly more picturesque,
?e individual jdiy-iognoniv .-u tiers propor
' IJ. 11 I > . "lilYC IIICI1 N'Mll'CIV IOIIK VtllV
i the ' loudv hats' now so common :
loanwhile nun look untrustworthy?:<Tr
iutis 111 i'ii look abandoned ? poels neglectI
? politicians reckless. l>rady, the ?;.t
hoto^rapher, should be busily at wml; col.'Ctiiij;
for posterity the incredible auto-'
uicaturcs of men ol standing and morals,
> scon in their present day I,at wcariiM's.
>f su-pcndcd convMotis respectability in
ic outer man it is a most curious j^y- I
liological era !
' May We hope (o be excused if wo add
> this generalizing refold of fashion, a
inpaialive remark which may pos.-dbly be
?n>idored somewhat in favor of our own 1
x ? j
4 Thy democratic principle seems to he
jiially at woik in tlie dresses for ladies?
II classes going it equally strong,' v.itli
lost inconvenient crinoline, and all bmii.*Is
equally desperate in covciing only the
lore sen-nous phrenology. Put while
iih vulvar men the expelimcnt is neaily
jeccssful, with the similar class of women j
is wholly unsuccessful, h rcf|iiiivs more '
an one look to te?i whether your wellivsscd
male iV!!?>iv pa-sen^- r on the deck
f u steamboat is a ^eiil'eiintn or ;i
ill at thy very lii*t glancc yon know
hether yon si-e a lady or a chnmh-rinaid
?albeit tin: !;? !y an<! the ehaitilertn.iid wear
rcei>ely tin; i-anie I;is!?i->i?s. J'lul-aUv it
i-'jniies nicer skill to nnpcar a l.tdy than
> aj>|?ear a gentleman I>tiL v.e leave the;
ul.jeet al this difliciill ami dangcroii^ !
oinl, lor uur leaders to argue.?N.
' w' _ ..... .. I
? ! Juke fur Ihe '' Sons <>/* Mult!?.*'?The
Sons of Malta,"'as well as a good many
titers will Miijoy tlio following goou jokei
diich is toM by th? Senet.a Advertiser, and
> said to have ocemed in cue of the intelir
villages of <>!iic :
44 A woitliv member of the M?-tliO"li?t
.'hiireli, slightly tombed with Mi!lerisii,J
ad never lead in his J ?inor in the news,
>aj?er, of the4 Sons of Malta, " and had no
I... tl.-.t c.-.t :- -
..... ?....? .m?v? .?? *Jt g . !! /,-Itl'/H lit f.\>tence
in his town. The older determined
poll having a parade at 12 o'clock precisej',
in regalia, making them look lV>r all the
rorld as ifju-t i isen from slumber." Willi
lie drapery of their couch around them,
the Sons issued from their council room'
he procession moved sloly along, and ni
heir route, passing Deacon A '?
louse, the strains of music and the sound
d' feet' woke him from his dreams. J >ra\vng
his cnilaiu aside, ho saw tin; ghostly
rder tiling hy, and rapidly concluded the
lay of judgement was at hand. < 'ailing to
lis wife and children, lis exclaimed '/'There,
here, there, the day of Judgement is come!
lie spirits ofthedoad Methodist grave-vard
.re going to join the spirits in the Luttieian
jrave-yjirc', and noii3 of jou are ready but
lie. ] told you it would be so'.-'
T;:r;c wears slippers made of list, and
lis tread is noiseless. The days come
oftly drawing, one after another?they
:rjoj> in at the windows; their fresh
norning air is grateful to tho lips that
art for it; their music is sweet to the
iars that 'listen to it. l?efore wo know
t, a whole life of (lays lias |>ossessioii of
he citadel, and 'lime has taken us for his
Destruction of a City.?Constantinople piiporx
ti lion nee I lie total destruction of lliu city of
'.r/.'-roniii l?y earllnpinKc.s. Krzeroiun was I lie
irinei)is?l city of Armenia, in Asiatic Turkey,
apilnl of a piisliiiliu of the same name in a plain
n tlio Karu Soo, or west branch of the lOupltra.
pa, 1*20 miles HoutheaU of Treliizond, and l.r?5
lile^ west of Mount Ararat. The population)
uforc the Russian invasion in 18,10, was cr>tinin
ed al 100,OoO, hut in 1811 it was only 40,000 ;
I was, however, regularly increasing. It. wuK
>artly enclosed hy u wall thirty feet high, and
tad an extensive citadel. Its vicinity wan ex
reniely fertile, and uonr it many cutlle, homes,
Utiles and sheep xverc roared, wliicli, with furs',
;J?ll8, ?tc., formed the princi|ml exports. ICrzeoiiin
was fotuidod about <115, near the site of
lie ancient Arzo, under the nanio of Theodnnipolif,
and it was tlic bulwark of Armenia under
Itc Byzantinea, aa it was undor the Turks, it*
oiitiou ioudcriii!? it uu important military pool.
f'li'f.'fwi/ Mtdt.? i'lul. Uatines<|ue sliotitf
iy denounces llie use of s?altpelre in biinc
intended f..r tlio preservation ot llesh to
keep for food. That pint of the salpetro '
which is absorbed hy thy local, lie :iay?, is :
nitiio acid, or aquafortis a deadly poison? j
animal llesh previous to the addition of the
furtucr only possessing a ntilritious virtue, i
1 hi? i; destroyed by the ehciniciial action |
of s>alt ami salpetro*, and, as the I'rufessor ^
remarks, the meat becomes as different a j
.substance from what it should bp, as leather !
is from raw hido before it i.s subjected to j
lli'j process or tanning. Jle ascribes to >
the pernteiou-i ellccts of this chemical
change, al! the di>eases which arc common j
to marnners at!J others, who subsist princi i
pally upon sailed meat?such as scurvy !
sure gums, decaved li, ulceis, *V? ., and
ad \ i--.es a total abandonment ??t* the use ol
saltpet re in making pickle for beef pork,
iV>:. The best substitute for (hat article 1
being, 1m: says, a small (ptantily of sugar,
which renders the meal sweeter, more,
wholesome, and equally as durable.
( tT' ii <i rnyC st ? III deSciibing
the culture of the grape before the Mora"
nice. I' rlicultura! Soci :tv, Mr. Haven said
thai every tear there was cloaking about
rot, el., but that lie had always found they
paid and that this year the crojt would be
large. Mr. Uavcu exhibited ajar of "? </- (
rtmiuil j?s," nude of green grapes, a !
preserve that, while it is sweet, has got an
arid that makes it unusually agreeable to '
the taste of every one. Mr. Haven gives
the following recipt for making
CI trout:."/ (I'rupta.?]'rc|>are a clarified
-vrnji by dissolving eight pounds of sugar
with one ijuarl of water, and add the white
oi an eg'_f ; then boil in thissyinp eight i
pounds of green C atawba or Isal ella grajK s !
until thev be-jiu to shrink, w hen thev should
be opened on dishes to col. Keep tin: ;
svinp boiling, and when approaching the
usual consistency of good syrup, replace j
the ifrapos ; boil about ieii minutes, w hen j
they will become lit for the jars and for
i:-e during the summer and fall mouths.? |
If r<? !? * f.iv v^fnv m.iJ ?i * c 1
.. . ? ... | ?.v.v. ii ^Mnuci Ul a
pound nioic of MiL'iir.
. i
('itnit 't (' t'l t'tl JjiViiS l"i' II nitri' / SC. |
Pick good, tender, sweet string beans, cut
them into pieus about thrce-onaiters of an I
inch in length, throw them into l???i!i*j-?
water, let ; 11 *11: stand live minutes , then,
having the oven healed jn*l hot enough to
avoid burning the beans, spread on tin or
enrilx n ?1 i->h'-?=. set them into the oven, and
let lltcin remain there till i>erftellv drv, '
i . . i |
when they .should he put up in small bsi?;s?
and hung in a cool, dry place. When
you wish to cool; :? mess of coin and hcans i
put them to soak over night in warm water,
and cook them as usual.
Slill'J O/" /j.srts. Tllt-r.! - ?>'<? tllilllf l-IIK.a I
for Mings, lint frequently tli?-y arc not on |
hand when wanted. Every housowile lias '
in her garden a superior remedy, which j
shonid l>e known 1-y all. Take a portion j
uf onion, either lop or root ; brui?e, and :
:ipp!v lor a few minutes to the wound. If
. . . , I
applied iuiiiicdiaii-ly, il prevents future sore- '
isvj-s and inflammation. as well as irives iur ;
mediate relic!.
I 3
/ ;./ Ud (>rt' U 'fount(of..? I'mu tiirc the j
tomatoes with a ->ik, place thein 011 a j
dish, and spiiuhle with salt. Let them rc- j *
inaii. for two or lhive days, then linst oft j
the salt in clear water; put them in a pre- |j
servii g kettle, cover them with water,
| which keep scalding hot for one hour; then j
, take theiu out, let them drain, and put them
I l>uil the vinegar, with so:::s cloves, all - | C
| .T)Mce, and stick cinnamon. When cold, ^
i pour over suHirient to cover them. Wid?
dilield* Cook J?ook. ; ^
j ^ - ip
II you wi-,11 to offer your hand to a lady, 1
1 choose your opportunity. J Iks best time w
to do it is when she is getting out of an 1 ^
omnibus. . y,
IYciimco' of the Louisville .Journal, Fays, ' p
( in reference to some remarks made concern- .
i ing him: j n
' The assertion is an uixiuulified lie. H
; though made by a thoroughly rpialiiied i
i. . . sS
j '1 he gifts th:it circumstances make iu our j H
i character we arc apt tu regard as its native j ^
ii nil.
JVace is the evening star of the Bold, J
! as virtue is its sun, and the two are never
! apart. j,
Kurgel not that life is liko a flower, "
which no sooner is blown than it begins to a
A lady thus addressed her servant in ?
the presence of a fa-diionablo parly :? l<
i ' Mary, relieve that burning luminaly of
j ihe superincumbent dross that bears upon
I ? i \f.r? _~..r i i .
it. . nallU .u.?l^ , tUIIIUU-U ill Wliai I
lier mistress cou'il mean. ' Take,' said Lite ^
lady, 'from that luminous body its super
incumbent weight of consumed car- K
bun.' Ma'ni ?' repeated Mary. In haste
replied the lad)', ' SuulV tho candle, you
hussy, you.'
A country newspaper, recording the
running down of a cow on the railway,
said it was cut into calves? An astonished *
naturalist waited on the editor, for what ^
the auctioneers call ' further information,' tj
and received it in the following form?' Er- |>
ratum?for eulves read knives?
Longfellow, in his ' Hiawatha,' thus
elucidates upon tho tendency of young women
to run away with the ' fellers :'
' Thus it is our daughters leavo us,
Those wc lovo and thoije who love us,
tiiiHi wneii nicy ii<1 vc icarncu 10 neip us,
Comes n yonlh with flaunting fcathoib;
Willi hi* flute or reeds a stranger
Wanders piping through tlio villago,
IJcckons to tlio fuircnt maiden,
And bho follows where he leads her,
Leaving all thing), foi the tflraiigci!"
.1.: .. ?i fc >J<PT
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StU-ir/l.li ami lilV; lit)-tiii-> t-ii-l Dr. I!- -l-tt.-r j
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SMITH. I'il!-!;!::::!i. ni.ti -cl.i lit nil
?-r*. ih*;:lrr. ;:T!HT;i!iy
flirutitr.ioil: Mil 1 ?5:#.1 M.<.!i::i-I i. .'until
Aim lien :r:i! I : !}.
'.I Atjt'llls.
suM) i:v
! >n\ mti MiI.m iiiii.i A lili.vii!?- ('. I*.
i:. M. 1*1 (\ II. I
May J, IvV.< ly
tiu: s.avi:st
I'UKI'AIIKI) ISV in:. SAM'Dlil),
ojiii?oiiii(Ic(1 Entirely from (.I MS, !
[SONT. OFTIIK IIKST i'i:;ti:.\Tivr. AND i
1.1 V Mil .M K IMC INKS now In-fore ilic i
TI|.-S? cr.M.-i romovft nil or l>a-l j
mailer from I li?* svslt'tu, Htippl vim; in (heir,
. il.;... ,.f I.;;.. <i... '
i J " . |
I I'imacli. eausing feod l<? digest well, /'urif'i/- ]
| inif l/n HI,,ml, L'ivillj; t >H ; aixi licallli to I lie
. whole maeliin.ry, removing the cause of the
r lw'-jifi- _i-tlV-cliiiif ? radical cure.
I I'.il'ioiis attacks arc cured, and, v.int i- letter,
prevented l?y thu occasional 11 ? ; of tli'
I l.iv< r luvitrorator. |
' < >.io .lose after eat jut; is snOicieiil t < > relieve j
' tlie stotiiai'li ami prevent lilt* food from rising i
I and souring. |
j ()i.ly one di'-e taken before retiring, pre- j
' vents iiiolittuure.
r < >111 v one iloMi talcen at night, loosens tlie |
' bowels gently, and euros eontir.-rrss.
| One ilosc taken after eaeli meal will cure j
I <>ne dose of two teaspoonfuls will alwavs ,
relieve Siek Headache.
( Only one dose lmnudiatciy relieves t'ol-e, '
while all who u.?c it are giving their imani |
I Ijioiik testimony in it-? fivor.
One (lose often repented is a sure cure f.?r ;
' Cholera Morbus, and a preventive of Cholera. |
I Only out; bottle is needed tothrow out of Hie |
I sysavnt the elfccta of medicine iift-.r a long
' sickness.
I < hit: bottle taken for Jaundice, remove* "II
tmllowiit'HH or uitiiuLnrul color from tin: .-kin.
| One do*e Iiikel) a short linn; In-fore eat ill<j
I give* vigor to the appetitu and makes ilio food
| digest well.
One dose, often repented, cures Chronic
>iarrhicn in il* worst form, while Summer and
Iwwel Complaints yield almost to the first
A few bottles will cure Dropsy by exciting the
We take pleasure in recommending this ntediine
as a preventive for Fever and Ague, Chill
'ever, and all Fevers of a Bilious type. It oprates
with certainty, and thousands are willing
> testily to its wonderful virtues,
Mix water in the mouth with the In vigor lift-,
and swallow both together.
I'KICK ON E 001.1.A It I'l.K IIOTIl I..
Dr.. Santokw, IVoprietur, No. IIItroadwny,
inw York.
Ketailed by rill Druggist*. Sold, also, by
DfN.vi.n .M" LAiHiitt.iN, andliitANi n, Ai.i.i:n it
>i>w.\i:iis, Abbeville C. II., H. C.
April i28, 1 H.Vj 1 ly
Augusta, G-a.,
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
^111ANKFIJL for (lie liberal palornagc tliey
8. have received hcrelof9rp, oiler for Bale til
lie 1owebt market. prices for cauli or oti time to
roinpt pitying customers?
1*25 Bales Kxt.ru Heavy Gunny Bagging,
Holla Heavy Patched Hugging,
100 Pieces Dundeo Bagging,
3.'?0 Whole and Half ('oils Hope,
7ft Hilda New Crop HoIudkch,
(iO Bbls N. <>. mid Sugar Iloimo Syrup,
125 " (''ruiliril A. 11. <fc. C. Sugars,
tif?0 Whole nnil Half Boxes Candle.-",
100 Boxes Tobacco?various Brando.
50, ' 'JO Cig?rr,
lOoO Hack's Salt, in Twilled Sacks, 1
lf>0 Whole, Half ami dr. Rlls Mackerel, 1
50,000 Lbs. Tennessee Bacon, Hog Round, 1
'2(Jo llhlrt. Fresh Thomiiftloii Lime,
2S0 " Liquors and Wines, 1
5,000 Lbs. Hemlock Sole Leather,
i?5 Bales Heavy Oanaburgs,
i!00 KegH Nuila At tor ted Size*.
March Ul, 1 ?7 ly
TIio Stato ol South Caroliiui.
A /;/:/:17/././, hisritli l'.
/ % tilfit /' !'tl< f !>' injits ?</' //". / i i/iuitf /></.'
?</ '.? . I /
I A MIS A. rAI.IAVAI.I.. wli.. U In (lie rtis j
t.tnlv <>f lli" Sli.-riir < ! AM., vii:- I>i>ti-i.-t,
ul tin* suit "f I". II. l.ivr"H I in vim if lil.:?l iii mv
ioiji'liurl- wi'li ;i m'Ik ail oatli, <>f liis
iv?la!v- ati.l t-il'.-.-l . iii.-. | < :iti'.ii ('milt of |
I ' iniii. .ii I'!-.is. |. ravin:; lliul In* i:iav !> a.lmii
I I to lli<: Ii.lulit, ol lilc A' IS <'l III'.; ( villi.il ,
As.s. inliJy ma.!.; lor tlic relic! ol iiusolvviit ?K*lit- j
It is < >r.]?r< .1, Tlial *!ic sai.l T. II. (.i^oii, i
aii.l nil otli. r I'rv.iitors t<i wliuiu tli sai-l .lanu-s .
A. Caiilwcll is in anvwi. c in.|. 1 ?t !, In-, aid :
tliov arc li.ntliv .Miiiiiii?'ti"<l, aii'l l.avc noti.-c ]
l<> appi-ar, I i-l'ilip- (' lift a!. AJiI.evillc (.'unit
I loll-c, on tic: 111 i r< 1 il.iv 1.1 ( II. M, ! > j
-livw can-,!-, if any t!n-v '-a:i, vliv tlic j.rnj c|-of
(in- I't liiii'ii ,-!.*.?ii-i not !" I'uinii -I.
M.VITlli:U M. I ION A 1.11, ....I'. I
< lijicp (if ('naillKMI I'l.-il: , j
Alili. v ill.; I >i?i ri'.-i, tlii.-i - I
l!Ntli ,1 imc, ]" >'. . ?. ) '.i '/in
Ti;Slato oi South Carolina.
M:/:i: 17/././ : /?/. "//. /' r.
Iin ?' ? /' //?? 11, '.!?/. * 1
.1-'. j
Ii'ilN W. r.!M I\V >., who i- in lli<- i-ii<tu.]\- :
of til.- Sli. !-i:.' . I Al,!.cviil.- hi-'rii-l, Iiy ,
virtue of a V? l it I l aoi-is a-l >al Maci.-n.i'iin :
a! t51? :! 1 "t \\ iiiirt-n ~ : s at ! . 11 ?-. is :r !;i.-l
ia lay < silcc, lo_-.| I.- : v.i'i a >?-Ii.-i'ii!--. on oa'li.
of lii-i i-lat'- an I i-I'Vi-t-, l.j-. |-tiIi.>:i to tin-j
Colli-', of >'..in:n..n Pit-as. |.rayi! -.r (I.al lie ina\ j
l?- a.imii I t-.I to l-i.- I . r . liu i|,.- A* t< of tin- ;
(IciuTa! A-.-? ial.|\ ma.!-.- f t lie r-Ii. I of insol :
\ .-ill !. !.!>.. . !
l! i- < >i ii-iv-l, Tlial tli.- -:ii ! William S'l.-rnnl
an.I all oJlu-r '-I-. .!il.-r- to \v!i..in Hi.- ai-t .'..lin i
\\". IJi-own i- in a. \ u i .- ii . 1. 1,t.-.!, 1.... ::m] Ili.-v
alv In r- liV sU'aiiioti ?1. :i:i ! Ii:f. n<>ti'-- to II| - |
I'viir, l"!"i ' in: vii<! ('">iil at 1 .i v i !' ("niut
11.>?!-< , on Ili?- lliir-1 .lay ?*t' < .!..I..-r n-M. In :
v-how an--. :! any t v '-an. \v!i_\ 1 jiiayrr I lie
I'clili'Mi ?? ). :,..! ! ! ; -! i-i-.iriI?- i.
ma i i iii.u : <?na!.i>, !
? IIU.M- of I ' -rutin | "J.::-, i
AM"-villi- I I :t, -<-h [.Inn-,
\ * ::"i !
The State of South Car' linn.
.1 /./;/. i //./'./ ; ! /:
]'.tilf Juit.. |
I'AMT'..- W. ci:.M?V vIi.'U in Hi- -ii-l.-lv :
ill ill.. r \ .. I A
v i rT >.! ? :i ! ; lutn
at til*- M:it nf >:i:i :. ! .". I .il'l.i; 1 !'<1 ~ '
lirivin ' (':! ' Mi li.y u it'll :i
> !. ! i:i:iii ' i < ! !. i- ' V I:i
J., 'i'i- il ?!?* ? I (' tl!i:iii|| 1*1. if. JirilV- i
it * ii.i' In- tiny :. ! t! 1 n-lil- > t
lit.. A<-l? ? ' ti.-' I ! ral mlilv in:. ! : fur tlio
i r it.- * v i.t !.-!
11 i-i)r.|. r. |. l icit i i. i ! S-i'it'l S. I'lirrar '
aii'l I Ifi-. in: i al! !. ! i-r.-.I." ; ! > wlmiti
tin' -a: 1 .1 ii if W. > '. < i in ai.y wi- in - i
i|.-l i 1. 11.-. :i : i t'|. v at' ii -! s v -11111iii >ln- !. j
an'! Iiav.- i <*t" In :nr. I-.-!" >r?? tin- siti-l j
1 " ?i: it a' -1... v 11!.: i mil: 11m:--.* <>a tin- tliir-l
lay <'1* ' :. }.< ! i.. \t. i :.. \v . ,i: . if anv tli' ''
in. \vli\ tip- jt i '. i- i.f t::- | .Ti??st :ii ! |
M M i lll'.W M I >: i.N Al I ),< .> i\ i
i >:ii 1 i ' >i111!> r 1 '! i I
Aiili- I ?i-i: . -J :!, -
iiI v.V>. \ ::n. |
Tiic State of 'south Carolina, j
.i17/././ : r.
I I'mlt l tif' I in 11 i ... i'i >i'/>' .. ' His. j
N. I\ Ilutl-T, ivoi i
\ A:" : i1? .
Win. I!. !?!"} !, ^ M. <liiv.nii. I'l ill'V Alty. i
\ V" H I' I' !'"A' !? ' I'lai;.! I'll I li?* i;i:i<-- j
\i t. - ts:! i '!:iy of N iiv.-iii!i. r. fi*j 11: .-:i linn
ili'd : n<! tii'iv-'-ijIit, tiIii ?! > -!:ti*:i:i?>tt a^aui-t
t!:?- I :i.!.i-i?. wli-i. it is mh.1, i- ul.s.at iVuln j
mill \vitlni<:i I in- rnr|."i*att! limits of iliis Sta.i' |
iiii'l let - in-illnr wife nnr a:ii'l :i< v l;i:"Wii w itKiis 1
ill'- samr, iij"in v. imni a <'"] > of s-aiil <!<-'-!:il a'i"!i [
lliiljllt In- - rVf !: ll is !ti' I. t :> "i.!'-l ' 'l, I! :st '
'!.f i'l i. 5:?nt i!o :i{i," :r a:.i! ( ! :s I 1m tin '
> !:i;*:ili<ia. on <>i 1.. iii- I v. <-ni i :ii '-i!
ii! .\"Vfitlii.T, i ;!:! 11 h'lii'ir i an I ti:?V-1:::i?*. !
nsl|. I'U . liua! j'i<! 'Ii?.-lit \\ il! til'Ji j
!? "IVI'H ami :iV.- 11".I. i a ' t:ll-* 1 al.
MATiHKW M' III >NA!.I>. c. r. I
r: u -nii N..V. :J". | I2nt '
Stnlo of Sontli Carolina.
mam: i 7/././; /'/.> /;. /' r.
t /jfi ; i .i'll ! < ' iihiiuli /'/< -( ? if/"( (i'iii'J v.
N. K. I5n:|.;r ) ;
vs. J- A::!S'-lnii'-!it.
Win. I!. I.Ioyii, ) Mfiiuwau, I'it'lV'.s Almfiicv.
\ YJ I I Kit l',A S llif I: lit i iV li'ul, nil tiic niun- |
V t.-. i.tii .!:iy i'f NoV' inJ'i r, l i.-liti-cu linn- j
!ii iI ami !if?y ?;j!it, ill- li:s i-l.ii;ili<?ti ii'^ains! j
tin' I > -f"tul-iiit. \v!i'i, il is Mii'l.. is itlisi'til. fmin .
a:u! witliotii liii- I uilt.i of I Iii.-. Stall-, iiii'l lias in.'i
tlivr wif'- nor altoim-v known within the saiiic,
upon wliom a i-ojiy of sni.l ?]. i-!aiaiio>i mit/lil In*
.sitvi-iI : ll is tln-rrfi>tv ot'li-ri !. tlial tin' sai?l !>? Ii
inlan! ilo appear ami j-lraii In (In* t-aiil iliurlar- !
atioti. mi hi I"-:*, if tli t w?'ii!i' *li i! iy of Nm. ai- '
In'r, 1-i.rlit' in linti<it'i'il am! li'I V iiiin1. ntl'Tu iss
jiual am! alisiiiiit'- l.n i.t will iln-n l>t> ipven ;
ami av. anli il a-r:;iii>t li11it.
.M \'l rilKW Mi I>< >NAI.1?, . <-. r.
CI, rk's ?N-.v. vi'i. Is.'.-. :! .??I-Jni
Tlie Stale of youth Carolina.
a /;/;/; i//././ ; />is'//;/cz:
1 l<-n<k*ison, Kiillaii'l, I
North ?l J'iatl, j iliil for A eel. Mar.-ii.ill
vh. ) .\r cli.
I (n>i<len, >la;;. r ?t (."o. )
I USI AN T to i>r<Jvr of I*?> !i*(. !? r-ivlit- j
oi-ol (lie ji1i.iv.- iiain. il linn of Slatr.-r, j
llndd.-n l'n,t Imjli iiniivi-1 u.i 1 cm] pari??-r? I
shij, are hereby r.'.juiic.l ti> pre.-eiit and :
|.i-uvtr lln-ir <l*Miiiui.U beforj 1:10 ??;< or //?< j
first '</' ft,/ / r u' ji.
W.M. ii. I'AUKi:u, C. K. A. 1>.
C'<i!ii!:ii.-- ioii-'I' s Olliee, )
Imiu US IS.'.'.). ) 0 "m
Intho Mattor of tlio BcalEstato
ofRobort Smith, dec.
Stato of South Carolina,
Aunuvn.u: />f/cr,
In Ordinary.
I'Yuiikliu I'.owio and wife, Aj>j>"t )
vm. i>ofeiulaiits.
\Y. S. Smith, ft. al. )
IT appearing l<> my satisfaction tlial .lames j
Smith, ami Uhiic Smith, two of the I lefts I
in'this ease, reside heyond the limits of t his State. ;
It is therefore ordered Hint they >lo ii|>|iear |
anil olyect lo I he s:.le of I Ii 0 Ken I Kstate of Uohor
I Smith, ileeM, on or lielore the I'.Mh November
next, or their consent to the Name will he entered
of record.
\\ ,>I . I 1 1 I .1,, 1 \ i\ . I t.
August 2.">, IS.'iO IS Jim
tmi: ckli-:i;i(atki>
^11 ITCIIKM/S I'nt.-Iit, Mciulic Tip, <lr?iu'iic?l !
? V fi. especially fur llnys', Youths' and Children'*
An improvement lias Imeii applied to Hoots
mill.Shoes, I?y whieh a saving of expense i<> tin;
commuter, of two thirds, is realized, l>y actual
experiment. The Tip consists of a piece of copper
or other indihtriictihlo material, neatly fasleiiei!
to tin' toe of the hoot or shoe, forming a
oomploto protection. This invention is now
tri.tii'iif pfl In llio untitle willi ll,.. fnllitul I ..?n. I
edge of its practical utility, having been le.stcd
over two years, and is destined entirely to supercedo
ihe old style, for Children's, JSnjh' and
Y mi lea' JSnots and Shoe, 'l'he iumorlauci* of
this invention will lie readily appreciated, as it
is well known t hat children inva; iaoly wear out
their boots and shoes lirst at the toe,, anil, with
inih proicction, iney win, upon an average, wval*
ut lensl two to three limes u* long uw the old style,
wliile the expense in luit 11 triflt* more. Tliis invention
is also especially applicable t<> Miners'
Boots, ami all occupations subjecting the loe of
the hoot or kIioo lo bo cut or worn. Merchant*,
unci llic public generally, will sec tho importance
of obtaining these goods immediately, oh they are,
destined, for general vise, lo supersede all o!lier
kinds. The goods may be obtained of nearly all
tho wholesale dealers in the principal cities, or of
the subscribers.
Oil ASK, Ml K INN KY ?fc CO.,
(Owners of the Patent.) Billon.
Aug. 10, 1?59 16
Tlli:<'lU?.INAI, i:|IT l:?)DK STOKK.
i>. v.. i:\ .. t it., 't
t.'.v i,,v
j'stai'-i I- h::i> it" i.
Tit' '"Hnwi:!^ I. ii |?:i * t i:t I Ii-t <f |>r< t v
wlii'-lt v. ill In- "ivcit I" j">i'.'h?M is uf Hm.ks
:il thu liiiiv o! aaic :
W I Ii ft ui't
< J.M \VaW'h>-.<, 111-rIi -!i l.''Vrr, .
i'.iti-ul 1,1-ivr ;tin! I.? Mil's. t t..| Id ?|lifi i>0 :
Silv. r Wal. l.^, i'.il. i.t l.-vt-r, " J
full 'I limiting rasfs,
I'ji'-u t.* **.? anil < ) iitiil- f vM:a|t<.'- ! i
tin-tit. 1:2 0<) In -JO ()'? | |
<JoM l.m-kcls ? I.iirgo m/.*\
four glasM's, ami two glasses
with Hiring?large mid small ' t
si/.'! with stt;i|>. !J ,'iij to I(in | (
( *;l 111 * >. M?i>'ai''. 1'inl'l ItH , I'.I i II j (
! !, I. .v.l. <m>M-I'.|I(! (!;!!' i
lu-t ami C.iral ^1 Is ul l'ius
jiiii! I'i. j". ,"i HO ul) |
I.:i.!i- :< <; !.I ' ! !: ! I'ltnii; , . ,
F..,i- v N.-.-k ch ;i!.<, Cli.it.!.
I i I' * > II' I I.I Is III I j
II.-tils l'\.1i siii'I \ .--I ('hiiins. 1(1 llll t.i :;i? ill) I j.
Sl'l s t'iilll" J?.iV !,., I'.vtl- i |
I' ll, A!..- I |. v. I III
irr.lVi'l ;iIi*1 1".'!.| L" 'III
u> iiuil I!I?"!U S'ii.r< .'-I lo ) (III ;
< .i I i . - s' - u. ! i I '.-ii- , lai^- ,
it:* 'iiiisn, mill .-in..11. ;; .".u to V ;,(j ,
Silvi'i* 1'. iK-.i-.. wi;Ii i J ! ! !' ,
I:il 'j-'. lit. .lit:!. Ii. .1 > -i.,
i-.I- . - u < 111 i . ;? ?.'i j
I!? : i v v l.'inuii, 1
l.ii.l:. i
I'iain !:inI I.!) l<> 7 r.C
(ji-nt- < I11
11 v/iiii .-' .iif I'iiii,
< \ <>uiu<'l, <\ < J fi (in ;
I sii!, I?i. I*:i*' in-, 'j'J i'" i? <
"illn? M " i 1 . * "? ! al. ' : ' II !.
'. "!?:?- I :tll<! I'aill <>\.i! l?l'.n*v*
!< !<. <iM In .-!!? (In
Sllvi!' :i 11' 1 <:.. ! 'I'ilil.ll.lrs. .'> ! In ?' I '<1 |
C.-nt-' 1 11 ati-l l*?.c*!j.*t K II;!' . fiU l" I .
iVarl it ml M.m ....... 1
111 I :I:i .".'I ||> U ."> > '
T . i> . Wai.l. K,-v-i,
<: ti t.. :: :,?i >
*. -1.1 I "riu.-mall, Ij: !iit 111
sis,-: !:.u-,. do i.> 7 Ml i
:!:< i (i:i! . , i>iiii,: i-in? si lai'ir* sus'l
vs;ll|:,l,!r ii-x.s-lii' s.i "1 in!: '..tin liJ j
\ arviu r !! v I ! |(l.
r.i- i! " ?>;.! !: t rxrm:- j
?.!i r i">iii,!:i; iriii: im 1
I i'.i< .-TATi>, ! r il,.' ?u.:t:uj?t..cs ; *. -:>
v.!. .-ii !iii^ f-.fA n< .i ;!i- ir , imi- i . illiri -.i? j ! !
i'nii.lj l Ii ! ! v-at . v. n!?! i> tin n I :? :
i:. i l!.:.; I. til- Sill!.'::- ' ; .I..!- 'I', j
v- . ill |. I . . - r. Jl? I.. I -II. v !l|. j
. Tal | --J i i.. - ii : 1: i t!i 1:1 : sisr! wmsil ! \. r j
a -HI I', T I. . .i Il I : 11. i !i-t ally. li ..I t! i - . i
i,if i-xi..-m.-1 hi-11 ..<! , a! vis- |
I lit I 1:1 :!'-i'illiT :. ! ::!? S* lit. liiati ;
i-v.-s", hi,'I ?i?-ii ai". , s s s s ! :"?, iria ii i.f any '
'.li.it..I' ' al :. 1.i.i '.t in I ii.* si:l rv ; at:.'. |i| .c ,
ill li..-. til** li'li \ .:!* i.l" lL.il !?.,*:i! :t.|| ill i
N \ >i Lin's ...t: n. *."-* ! ii ,* -1,!J .
t? r :ilt?i-iri'is r v;iI:I ;:lnlv;i- ,
!; iv. .\ I i!i i:it r ;>!. i l i 1 *v < ! !
mini- ' " i'l'l'ii;' itii-ut- !" ??!ii!is ritid In i
:i \\ li t :c v. il 1 > \ ti!i* l! -is* ti ISI-- t?> j
-M* I 'i.-il:*, - : ? ? t!i it th v. !; (!> .-srv i :iu .
W 11fii" ! < -Vri!':!i ni< in j
\\ ii :'i Ih" I i-1' i >m: -. m> *l.:it all w Ii -
w.ltli.fiV i ii l.y <>iir ! i -imI s-\ Is: I
\V li :\itii> il T II. < i?-\v.-. mil <!nlv* nil- ;
limi.'..<l ii ! .Mi!" vii'i- :tin! \i.-:i..:v. v.ln? j
u 11! iv i !' ?\v:?: ! .. ! ? ." ! t . \v ills
,\ m.w and i:i:\'i- :.n c.vtw:'> n: I
).-:n!\ Si* ii 'i.i>ii:.?;i. ! ::t.:?i::< v> rv r!? -ii;i i
! !< linn!;, nr < '?!, nmv in j-i.i.I : :n.i! in-- j
I I I : . . I 1 ' - 1
I. ...... I am i, I ::..? iltl'l I i I .11' V Ili'-ll 1 < Inl!if
i?i".-l ? ?!?;? .iti'l li.'-t ? ! t.-.-iiii-.l ever i?ti !,
willimil an t-M-'-j*!
*> .11 i i?l
:iii- ron.lv 1" ' > v. ii iiw.iV. l:i-i!!"l ;'i. " In jiiiv j
a-Mr. In :i!i |i:i:I^ nf ill.* v.*.;! ! !. |i cicitaiti*ajl I
wirk-i mi Ait, ii.-.., :t n i > I JI! -; -r y. J
?I v. 111 iir*:', 11A tri i.-uhnt al in;.I I'.i- :
lin-.-t ! !?- .:n Ii.v. Mi!-.- I. I; I !--::\s. <Y.o.. J
|!:'V , 111"i i :; iii* -. I liirlim ari'-s, /.Ih-vi.-IiiJiji- !
ilill.-. <:.!/ s:. I'l i:..-. J.lii.-.ll .1.1.1 l'|.il
?Vor!:-, III--..: UII.1 Mi-.:- linn-nils, IWii<%il, I
Til....;. *. iif, l.nw, M.-.!,.-al, Mum i.i.-. I
St::ii.!iir.i I 'i<t i'-r.-, I *i \ - r. Il.:.:i ii:nl (ili-c |'
IS.m.Ks T. \t Ii..i !.- :'-i . f \r .
Ati-l ii lli'Mi?:i:ul vill i- !h\s ?> |?!i*i!i'-ali'.n- ii. j
vttv i!. |-it:: in. ; ! * !.T??!" . Wo .-. !! :t>- !>.\v
a?:ii:< 1, in many . i.-wor llmu- :i!-\ ?-*livi* | .
in i o-nint i v ; :i!..l wi'.li ovi |-y !? . !? j
llii* v;il<i?r l'.II.ir f>i l:i"iv w<- |i-.-.-riit i-oiiio ;
iiM't'ul I..!', willioiil an !i i-_"-. j
l.--t - v. i v mi.; iiMili I.is own inl.-rri-l atnl ;
buy iii i:\ AN-;' ':!f: 1 ??r*-, o.viniino tin- j
|ilii;.-? of In h.-i; ill.- Ii. - :i 11! it'll) ffill? .-n V
?oalfi-ri-.l r.iii.iiur (.i;r |. ilini.s, ail.! I v -a!i-lici I
(hilt llii' on! v inn>iiii?,:il way of 1.11 viI?l;-< |
is at Ni>. r.i 7 I'.n a.nvav. llotrl liuiM- j
ii.g. \W L'liiir.iiit'-* I rl'.-oj s.itisiaoiioii.
j! <.i: i'<>k Yi>ri:-i.i.vi:s.
KxainilM- niir | t.i 11 of l.nsinos.-'. Any 0110 0:111 j
who will. Oli.-'rrvc llio l.ii 1 \~ ?1 i-!silmtinii of
wall-In-!', ; ! 1 ai.il hilvi-r ; v 1, oh-'folaino ami i
i;iiiii 'l i-liain." : liraoolol.--. r :j:i?-i?, Mnasii', oor.il, >
l?i?l? I >t<mo, ;> irn It - * ? -!.-? ol |>i 11 ami i
i-l.i>|>s ; IiH-k.-is, la.'iro. iii. ilium iii.-i small .-!/. ; !
nit-.'-', ohasoil. plain ami si-l Willi oatni-o, ,
.'ol !.-'..in- onral; Mn^aio anil rr.^!mv?.i S:m!s j
an! -!-ov.-lnii!i'iis : 'rail j.iii.?. cri.?-.s, ! j ii - j
? i!: ci'l-i [ >,ns l!i \. r aid morocco im.-. - ami ;
a liinii-.ni.i i.iln-f article:. ?:.-? an ! valiii-.
A Willi CVi TV Im. |i V.oltll iVlllll o'M'IS. In 1 ]
SI Hi).
si:ni? foi: a <atai.<-(m i:.
I: will < -! \ mi iml hiir.'. ::: <! will In: v:i !n-i ! ! *
as a l.'oisk rul'.Tvii': , il i?< !I?ii?u more. A.lili\< J
11. V. . r.VA N> A. CO.
,\... I-:)' IJro.vl way. Now V...!;, j
Jiiiio 11. I'ii'.t t> * :'.iii 1 y. j
HOOTS AM) sn0)5s.|
j.. Til I". I'ihIi having fuiincd a !
| :ii! :ii-: iii j> l'nr lilt.* purpose of cmi- i j
illlct illij ! he
Boot and Shoe Businoss*
wniiM inform I In* |nililii! lliat we haw recently j
purchased in l;..-l(ia, I*lii!:<<lol|>lii:?ami New YorU, I
i In* l-ir^i'.'i. a.?iiii'tim.iit < t
Ladies' Shoos and Gontlcmons'
Boots and Shoos,
of every enncoivah'o ;-ly 1?* aid pattern ever if- 1
fered in this market. Our <-it I ir?- stock Ii as I.ecu
I'lin li'isC'il Iiy a piaeiica! Iluot MhI.it. W'? let I i i
assured that wi' ran. with irrent cmit'di'iirc, re- |
commend mil' stock 1 ; iln* |Mililii; as heiiiir ?.f a j
Miju'iior (jualiiy. more durable than iiiiv lh.it i"iii j
1>>: found in this latitude. We intend In deal
oxi:!u -ivi !y in J
Lcathor, Boots and Shoes, j,
and wc shall In- i'iiali!"'l in sell 1?? 11?-r work for
less money, lliaa anv li-talili>hmcrit in Town.
Wc wili l> iMrr Leather or work for l.'a\vl<i.|. s.
Tin' materials of our Slock were sclecled l?y
I-*. JlOt'll K, o:ii' uf the jinn, an-l llic work
\Y I- llii.'i'? furi- know I Iio "siiitF i:.< made of,'' and
can Mil'cly rceoiuiiK'UdJl. Wc have ii nuinlicr uf |
lirsl. cla-s limit, iiinl Shoe .Makers in connection
with our Fstuhlishmeiit, and arc jirepaivd to
Manufacture to Order
any work wliicli may In1 desired.
i'all at Timlin's iluildiiitr, next door to Cohli,
Hunter it Co.
March III, !K.10 -1 (? If
To planters.
<10TT0N (jTNS of tho Mont (jualiiy, willi . I
J Ten Inch SAWS, delivered a I. any Rail- j
road Landing in the State, at ?2 per SAW.
For particulars udiiicss
t 1 * vw i t/v??m t
.1. .>1. 1,1,1.It 'II, I
WiuiiHlioro. S. (!.
Premiums awarded at the State Fair, Movent* .
April 1 f.l Rm i
Dr. D. A. Jordan
Wl 1,1 j s?li'' coaliituc the practice of Medicine, j i
an 1 may ho found at llie Marshall Mouse, j t
in lUioiri over Mnrsliidl & Lee's Law Oflki'.
May 1*2, 3 ly
"Wanteci. ,
BUB'S Wax. Pewter niui Copper. I will give
i2.r> els. per ll>. for Bee's Wax, '20 els. for <
old Pewter, and 12J ela. for old Copper.
11. W. I.AW.SoN. J
Augu&l In, 10 tl
. , ?. ??
Oiili'icu y,
ittii<*111:Mm :i ("afi'liilalv for Oriliuury ?t tlic
11-11:nlc < ! 11
Tli<- liinuls it' .M ?l I N A. Ill NTKIJ r?|i<
1111!I v :tiiiiott:i<-i- liiui :i '\;in!i.! ,'. j-.r i}|C y'Vit.-o
>1 Or<iiiiiirv, ill l li'- in-.Nl ! t
*?. i..!." r :iV. I >."iS.
For Tax Collector.
'I In-1rit-nils til ! I K.N I! \ S. ("ASi ?N uiitioiuico
liin :i ?-;iit :i<1 :it?* for tin? olliei; ol Tux I'wflcctor,
>1 tin: next elcrt|<>||.
i \Vr :irr HMlli'M'i/'"'! t" siiitimuirn S. f*.
lUli'i I :i? u t"iisitlnlulo lor 'lux t'ullictur, ?i
In* i-iisuiiiir ?"!( < *icm.
C?;"Tlio friend* I.f CAI'I'. W. S. HARMS
cmpci'tfull v stitii<>iiin*** liim it Ciimlidnle for t1i?
?lli**i' ol Tux Culli '-lor of Al>iiv*i!lc J'wtrict;
* ?> " Tl.- inline;..:is of \V KS| ,|| y /\,
ISl.AfK. Km| , i!'ii!!v :uiii?>mih'? him jv i*mill>i.it<
!' ! Tax I '..lire'' r, lit 'lis: < tlMling il.rtioi:
i Tl..' tVi.-H.ls ?.i C. M. .MATHSIIN, r-j.? :i"iill_y
itiiiiiiiiiiiK: linn a < f.rr Tr?
' !! i-iiir, ;U 11n* . iiMiiir.' I'Tlimi.
| Til.- !ii- ? l .1 .\ M 1 IS A. M. TOKi), '
] ' !fully siiiliiiu :i (':i?i!i?!i?t? for Tn."
;il tif iif.'il Kl.-ction, for AMjijvili'i'
i 1 i i.-'.
.Iniv ::o. t^.17 it *t.l
THE M:\I1SII.\IJj 1101811
BY E. COBB, Proprietor.
^ *; 1 I!!. 1 :rt??r of lli?* MAUsriAIJ"'
^J.1, 11< >! -i: w'li !<i i ii tniiu I In- |>iili|ic tlial lii.-f
11 ?:?-? i< ~t ill n'lfii f??r llir rf?*?-|il i< >n of visitor?.
I!:ivinj? sum.- < \;>. ri.-in-.r in 11 | K?-i-|>in?j, hit
iril 1 liiii:-i-!l 111.>? lit- \vill 1m* iililf t<i |i|?*;isit liif
fricml* isii-1 I lis tablw will ul itlJ
! :!:! ? In- Ml| 1 wil ll
Tlic Very Bc:;t The Market Affords.
liis I !? !!- i ; w I'll |iri?vnl.-il with attentive pi>'
v:i*i! . ami ?. veryihisij; t<> it-mier Ins customer.)
KHM1N1) C'OliH.
I'll.. Jl, !il tf
i /./;/ ; i //././ : s. c.
'I I111 I 'mil wouKl inform
\., tin- pill Hi! that tln-y hurt; formed u co|i.u
li.' i>lis]i I..rili- |iiii'|insf <>(' i;nii(luciili^
/ ///: uv /:/. r > /;/. /: /; / >7.v/;.s.v /.>
Ai.l. /is /:/; I Xt 7//.X
Ti. \ Ji:ivi (t.hi :i Tin' w ll-l.iniwii Staldos at*
I:tfI the I'll till- Aliilshall Iloilie, UCCMpi.
! I V. ,r r. K
T?i. iV iniiiim on Washington Stroi'l.,
have1 a ii |i ::i-il an l ivlilii-il, ami are now well
Jii'ov .1*1 villi ;-r iv -s. l*-r ainl attentive IIustleiR,
i'ur tiii- st:ti>< "ialii.ii i?f lln; public.
.Mi-., i II AU K >KI>. one of the firm, may al\va\s
1 I- .;:<i :! l'if S':i!i!>-s, anil lie hopeH, liy
i!.. attviilii'ii in l-u-imss, to merit. and itrcivo
a !ii- r il fliai i f pulilii- I'atrniiHite.
Tli - v ill l?- pr..v?!(..| villi IJf'MiY
\NI> .- AI'IM.K IHMJ.-KS. In hire, together
uilli Vi TV ntlii l' s? ii 1 st I mil Usually nllVri'd
!iV a i. i ir i -1 11iii-1 rrsi? !l They have aleu.
( t > M \| i > | > i | ! i S I .(IIS 1<.r )lnr tW'ciillloiliil i"U
u|'ST<'i'K IMiI Y I. US, ami will ftirui.sli litem
w it It |ir?'Vi-iuli r, at li\mi; r.iVs.
i.h.mi'nd cor.n.
.1. 1;. tUAwroKD.
n if
( A I* R1A< i l]S AM) WAIiONS.
r|^lir. ">nl,.? ;II ! !i.-tviiiir lt.nl tin* iiiislorlmte
1 ! ?.-. Iiv ii.*- ti ?>l iIh- 'J'.M li J it ii uar v, tlt?
SIIIAM M 11,1. ami M.UMINKUY coiin'vcUj
Willi t:?. 11"
in f In iivillc, take litis itt.-tof ii|>|>i imig llivir
I: M ill!- ail-! |ialni|i> tiial tin V will .-till roiltintlt*
!.:i-ii . ! !: -!uitiiollt fliainl" ill their
I-!: 11 i" a! St til < !' t!? -.r exert it Mi:* lt> |"leant*.
j71icy 2IIJI-5 vo On Ilnncl,
iti.il ill -* cmi.-lalii'v fitti.-liiti;.', all lite varieties of
Kv.-i isniii- hy litem, t>> wltich 1'it-y invite tin; at!
iitti-M ?>!' J.
T;.-v t:iK I'Ii-iimjk- in corri-i.-lin^ an impressioi
that Ih'-irSt... !; ..? SKAM?NKI> I.I M HKU u?.,
wiili ill" Mil!. iiii*1 would s:iv that, in r^ntiri
lily am! ijuality,
Their Lumber Ifas Never IJoen Betler.
Thtf tr-n-votjs pationngo hitherto reeeive<l
warrants tl.i; eoneiiisimt tli.?t their efforts are sip|ii>-:
i:it? ?!. aii-1 . liiiii'liitc.s ilifin in i.-iaWint; further
i-.vrtions. Their e\|>eii?-iire will ennlilo them t?>
Si li-i-t mill operate tin- li!?st :i|>|iMiVi'<] Machinery,
with ail van tn?r>-H not Mirpasseil l>y any Maiinfactti.
i iv either Xoilh <.r Smith.
i;o\Vi:i{. cc?x, ,M.\ It KT.I.V vV CO.
(i reen % il!e, S. C., March 7, 1 >."i!t. -10 tf
\\T I.I? ut all limes fotitol at (Irectiworxl
\V 1'cjiot, where lie will. with pleiiHiire, wail
those who niav il'-siri* his services.
All woili warrautfil .-atisf.ictoiy.
1-YI..:;, ly.'.v, n tf
T r, "cr 7-r nni) T>fmm
U KJ J.JL J.M IV V/ At JU ij i. 1,
Grainer, Marble r, Paper Hangor,
f?XCii-ZKr Wl^ITER..
f\i>. u?, 1 -n I2tn
rpiir. Ifi-^iil.ir <''Mi)mimical inn of (IMNTON
I l.? )I)C K. No.A.-. IV. M.-., will lio held
tm /'rem' iiii, I >th i,j September next.
IIv order ?l tli'j W. M.
A. KRl'SHKL, See'y.
Anu'. o, I 16 ly
Attoi'iioy at Law.
/ 11,1. I'raesieo hi I lit* (.'ourl? of Eflpeficli1*
V u i\i-wlirrry, I M-ituviis, jtml Abbeville.
Oilier?N iin i v-Six, Abbeville, S. C.
< >h . i;, i !>;?s :i i if
. t
They arc tin- Best Calicoes ycl offered to the
Public for lliu money.
WllfiJ.I'.SAI.r a HUNTS
dkkojmvst, all.mstitoni; A CO.,
1ST oxv York.
IIIlie J?rtf ltTil) 10 Cm
TT- J1 tt i
J11UOS, illClCS.
PB^IIK hiirli??r?l Cus/t price will I>p given for
BL III DlIS. or trade if douirnble. Call at
No. 2. Washington, St.
May U. 7Pr>9 3 tf
W. . Davis,
Attorney at Lam and Solictor in Equity
Jf^V. RXVit'.K, R. C.
^i 1 f ?'/onfntlv n ttend to all biiHinr ontrnsted I o
lif-oaro. KflSAit )m fount] ?t the office of th*
\l>liuville lifiifincr " ^nly 28 16
Dissolu. tion.
I"M!K l'itrtii<*ivlti|> formerly nsllie firm
of Jordmi ?fc McIjiurIiHii, wiih, )>y mutual
loiisonl, dissolved on (lie 1 ?t of February, J8.ril)
1>. A. .M>I(|>AN,
May I?, 3 tl

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