j. DIHSTOL NEWS TUSdy, JUNE ?, 1874. Ar.Hl '"AL am. PEFAltTl'RE OF TRAIN? ITMXTIf, nis. SLCUIO B.C. V.";Jii!iil!f'Tl life-. I;:firn Trains: love Lrml.l.ur-4 6'1 r -M mid 5 a r,j;i lirirtul 4 ttt am "4 30 i,..,vs Hristol 11 1 1 a u ' S I S i'nir,- at I.vuol.b'g 10 10 r m " V :0 a M. M. V. M. !r.i:wnT : i,iv- "t Bristol C Of. a m. t fi 15 r m T. T. T.l. tr.i Cl. R. R. X'vJrtltc Time. r..LG:.r. Train : J(.ve P.r.-tol -1ft a m mul 4 10pm. Ktioxviile 10 38 a JJ & 10 .r,8 P M. Arrir in 'lt;itt!noopa 4 .r,0 p a l S' a m. I.ae CliutUiioe?" & SO A M & 10 fiy I'M. l ::i!)- Kr.nvi1!e 11 44 A v JL. 3 f.5 A M. .me Rtutol 7 .1 l" & 10 2? A " I'r:::jt;iiT Trains : I.taves RlisU.l ft a m k f. ."0 p M. Arrives at Ibistol 9 30 M & 8 r. M. Amiounoemen. V"o nrc authorized t( announce .Tamis I. IIaii:k a candidate for re- !-tion to l!ie ofliee of Clerk of the County Court of Sullivan County. A CAItI. To the People of the Second Sen. atorial District, Composed of tlic Counties of Sulli van, Hawkins, Clai borne, Hancock, and Hamblen. I take this method of annonncins: to von that I nin a candidate to represent you In the Senatorial branch of the ktth Central Assembly of your State, in makir.ir thi nniiouncenient, I am 1'ree to state, (bat I have no disposition to disregard the w i.-lnn of the people, but on the contrary. I cannot be tn iJneed to b ud myself to a policy that will, in any way. disturb the harmo ny of tin- 'pnftv or contribute to its U f. at. Knowing that the .people are p.-if etlv competent to make a proper M-b-eiioIi. I shall hold myself rea.ly to nibuiit to their wishes, be tl.ey what t'li v may. llcspcctfullv. I,. 11. Dkxxv. April -Tib. 1S74. We are authorized to announce V. JI. (Ill si. KH a candidate for the ollice ..r ib-venue Collector of S;illi van Coun ty nt ihe August election. We 'ire nn'borised atid requested to ; i,t.t!l'.0 Col (Iko. It. McCl.Kl.I.A.v, .f Sullivan County, as a candidate to l. picsi'iit the first" Coii'jresMonal Dis 1 i-i.-t of Tennessee in the44lh Congress of tb.e I'nitnl Slate. 3Ietcoio!of?ical llcport. ::n at Noo.v Ti:ki:mo:i:ti:k in SlIAl'K. Mav .lime, 174. 12 M. lui',. 1 27! b. I 2sib, I 2!'tb. , .".()! b, Ht, 74- ; I Tti' ; j M ; I S. ; S2J ; , 1-'. K; ; AT P M. IT, I,. 271 h. 1 2S:!.. 2!Ii. I -'VMb. i r,i. 7 ; i M ; i W : I s:' ; I 's7 ; i i-t. A. PICK FN". Pi: ( tk ai. W A'i't'Si m a k ru ash .Ii:v'.i.i:i:. P.ristol Ten:). "l.r Strnwht ri ' tfifif. L;ist. Fri- inl.t t r the hiixl'it f tb- civ I ..I !. li iwlliil (.ll'l- f'4"l. V. i huh iiv.. - X ir ArfrtiCMitHiifx.W'e call :t. f. iitiiii t! tbi advertis incut of M r .b.bn W. .lett who can show you a ?!ck r roods as new and bright a ii vi r ;aw. I he Va. Ib'use is advertised fr Sale on the 11th of July. The pro pel ty i" very valuable. r.'itim M an!.- The town of C.ood . n cal's on jH ople indebted for lots 1i I'nnif forward and pay at once, or suit will be brought. At ,hhu;h:.-yr. W. W. Hurt, has now a line stoek of goods at the Abingdon Depot, and he proposes to sell at reat advantage to Purchasers. J! urorni . Mr. J. M. Barker has removed his Store to his own building, which was burned last fall and has been throughly repaired. Infirm for ?A iar Mrs Mary Worley. widow of Thomas Vorlcy !eccastd. and who died recently at Mr. Win. Ituthci fold's, in this vicinity at lb-? age or 70 years, hail been unable to walk for thirty four years, a third of a 'century, the average duration of human life she ft in a chair, unable to take a step, the victim of rheumatism. J)r. Mimfry.WMl deliver the annual adJress at Sullins College, uext Thursday at 2 o'clock 1'. Mj Important ,V.-Fq C C. Cambell has sold Ids Hickman falls property seveu miles south of Abingdon to the niessrs Johnson, two gentlemen from Canada. It consists of 14 j acres with a mill, and the price is $2.5XJ. cash. The purchaser expects to developc the lumber business, a:id we are . gUd to uelcome them to our county. Jiatc Hull, Abingdon beat the athletics last Saturday, but by the tkln of l heir teeth. Score G3 to 33. Dutl.yir. Samuel Booher died last night at his residence four miles v est of Bristol, aged perhaps Go years, 7i BluHt. Messrs Gallop & Son, having completed their improvements will make their first blast at the Eagle Furnace next Saturday. Thr Hucf-alattratc.VrebWlenl Sul. litis preached, last Sunday, the Bacca laureate Sermon to his own Senior Class, Rev. W. W. Bays being detaiu e I by an attack of fever. 1 1 is sermon was based on "Mary w ho hath chosen the better jart," and was intended to !''- practical more than eloquent, and while it was so the speaker frequently Save Vent 1 spontaneous bursts which 'iht well be characterised as the tlow of true oratory iiig CoVcyr. Next ' Tuesday '-veiling the young gentlemen of King 'Vdoge will contend for the King M-dsd. Wedneailay evening th? 10th, the vf!nir.eneement exereir. xt Sunday the Biocrdaureate rinonhy pj-of, Vaughnn. CIOODSON TOWNSHIP KLKC TIO.N. Conl rary to our expectation there "was considerable interest manifested in the election Inst Thursday. There were polled I'M votes nt (Joodson and j 44 at Hall's Jiottom. Here Lithe i result : a 3 t Z r a, o ' c M srptHVisoi:. Wallrr .Thi;'or, J - j (r, il. 1'. Calculi, ;(i ii ;s, jissrsson. W. A.r.ndfr, 7J 4 S. K. u. Carinnck, js, -14 w J. T. Il-jcy, u " j u ci.'M.r.cTor.. It. Thompson, 170 41 - COJI'r. OF UO A U.S. I. It Uolilp, 14fl u J. T. !!anl)yv 2 A - I. VValriiisiui, 2.1 21 oveusekr or roou. Nick Dcbtui, , a ' JUSTICE OK PEACK. A, A. McCoiincIl, HG 4f 10 CO.-JTAELK. Jrl GalliW, 4 in:. Jtio. Ctrmack, il " ;,' S. A. Oammfii, j; jo C'ubine. 2 2 C.EKIC. T. J. Millard, 1"0 22 122 Dorlnt.lti in receipt of many new articles of handsome jewelry. Secretary RHnrd.son fouud tli2 Treasury too Vol for liim yesterday, and resigi.ed Delano succeeds him. The Civil IJijfbts Hill. The following are the provisions of the civil rights bill as passed : J Section 1 That all citizens and other persons within the jurisdiction of the United States shall be entitled to the full and equal enjoyment of the accomodations advantages, j facilities, and privileges of inns, pub lic conveyances on land or water, theatres and other places of public amusement, and also of common schools and public institutions ol learning or benevolence, supported in whole or in part by general taxation, and of cemeteries so supported, ana al.-o the instii ulions l.nown as agricuhuiul colleges, endowed by the L'nited States, sul ject only to the conditions and limitations established I by law, a:.d applicable alike to I citizens of every race and color, ; reg'idlcss of any previous condition of .servitude. Section "2. That any persrni who i shall violate the fcicgoing section by j denying to any person ei. tilled to it. ; benefits except, lor reasons b' 1 1 v ! applicable to citizens f every race j and color, and regardless ol any i previous condition of scivitude, the i nil ci jovnicnt of any of the jiccoin i inodatious. advantages, facilities or i privileges in said section entimeratt d. j or inciting m:c!i denial, such person ! .... .v.j .-..v.. ........i. i.,.u j.nrn i I I. If O'.'OIV LlW'l i ,ktit A v. .ll f..il..t ; and pay the sum ot live hundred i j dollars to t!:e pe:Mn aggrieved : tbeu-by, to be iccoveud in aiiiicini j ' o.i the ease ni-h lull costs, and .shall I a bo for every sue Si i-Hense be deemed j j g'ui ty of a ini.viij ineaimr. and upon I conviction thereol shall be li.icd not ! more than ?l ()()0, it: siiall be inpi isen ! ed not more than one v ear. piovided j that the party aggrieved shall not j reci'vt r more than one penalty, and when the oliense is a res. lit of btn i iJ. ; the penally in iv bo r. covered by the process at Ian- ol the 1 eirs of the person , who had been refused burial, r.n 1 prn- vided luit.her, that all persons may j elccito sue for the penally afore-aid, or , to proceed under their rigth at com j moo law, and by the State statue, ai d I have so elected to proceed in the o'te . mode, or the other, their right proceed j in the other jurisdiction shall be i barred. Bus this provision shall not apply to criminal proceedings either under this act or the criminal law of any State. Section ,'). That the District and Circuit Courts of the Fni.'cd Slates shall have, exclusively ol tb.e courts of the several Stales, cogv.uice of all crimes and offenses against and violations of the provisions of this act, and actions for the penalty given by the preceeding section may ie prosecuted it: the Tenitoral, District, or Circuit Courts of the United States wherever the defendants may be found, without regard to the j oilier narty, and the district attorneys, j marshals, and debutv mar.-diiSs of the : United States, and commissioners ! appointed bv the Circuit and Tcr- ri'.orial Courts of the United States, are hereby specially authorized and leqniied to institute proceeding against every person who shall violate the provisions of this act, and cause him to be arrested and imprisoned or bailed, as the case mav be, for. trial before such courc of United States or Territoral court as by law has cognizance of the offense . except iu respect of the right of itctinn accruing to the person aggrieved, and such district attorney shall causa such proceedings to be prosecuted to their termination as in other cas Provided, that nothing contained in this section shall be construed to deny or defeat any right of civil auction to any peison, whether by reason of this act or otherwise. Second 4. That no citizen pos sessing till other qualifications which J- arc or may be provided by law shall be disqualified for service as grand or petit juror in any court of the United States, or of any State, on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude; and any officer or other person chargtd with any duty in the selection or sum mooing of jurors who shall exclude' or fail to summon any citizens lor the cause aforesaid fchall, on con viction thereof, be deemed guilty of misdemeanor, and fined not more than one thousands dollars. Section 5. That all cases arising under the provisions of this act in the courts of the United Stales shall be reviewed by the Supreme Court of the United States without regard to til1? sum in controversy, under the same provisions and regulations as arc now provided by law for the review of other causes in said courts . Wm. F. Payne. Agent Weed Sew Machine, keeps on hand, needles, oil, and all attachments for Machines, at Mrs. Dowkr & Frost, Main St., liristol, Teiin. May2G. tf. Fresh (Jardcn and Flower seeds, just j received. Call early if you wish to se ! cure your 5eed- for Spring gardening, i J. G. PErPFIi. Feb. 21. tf. t j Horrtcr Fair Xoticel ! Stoikho'ders in the Border Fair As j soeiation are notified that a call for ! thirty per cent, additional of their sub j script ions has been made by the board i of directors, and it 13 hoped that ' prompt payment will at once be made to the undersigned, j F. B. McCbNAIIAX, i .-. Secretary. I May 2G, 1&71. 4t. Fine, medium, and cheap Picture frames, both square and oval, at the Book Store c.f King & Hill. Mav 2G-2t. Fresh Beef, every Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday at the meat market n Cumberland Street. WlIKIiLEIt & EmVAKDf?, April 7. If. IHtlSTOI. MUX. An Interest for Sale on extraor dinary terms. I will sell a one-half interest In the finest Mill property in the State of Va. on the following terms to-wit. 1 will take in cash, the amount that, it would yield in five yea r3 (proftit) to the purchaser, we rurning it to its full capacity the amount to be ascertained by fair tests C. C. Canmbe.I. We will also pay cash for good clean wheat and keep on hand constantly the different grades of Hour also brand and chop and will sell at the lowest figures possible for cash alone. We must keep our money in shape to be used at any moment, therefore no order will be honored, except the cash accompany the same. Parties can have their grinding dona on short notice full satisfaetio guaranteed. Cami'iiki.t, & Williams. Nov. IS tf. 77e Question has often been asked where can I get my fine watch or clock properly repaired, to that I can rely on it. That question can casiry he solved hy having yonr time keepers repaired, adjusted aiid cleaned hy A. -Pick ex, practical watch-maker and jeweler, from London, England, Bristol, Vn. et Tenn. June 24. tf. Garden Seeds, warranted fresh and genuine, from most approved growers, are now being receive ! at Bunting & Peppers. Also the justly popular Pure White Lrad from the Southern Manufactur- ui 'JO., .V.. Ji-ms. .M:., ami Sta" Lead from Newark, N. J. A full line of Bnigs, Tedicine Notions, Oils,. Varnishes, Coolrs ft ii;-,lsiies . j o'oacco Ci'ars , k:. . Feb. 10 If. Sish, j,'iii, Jlior, Monblings 'Scroll Work. Ihackets, Mill Work, Flooring and Weather Ho ardiiiij. can j all be bad of Lee Ferguson at thcii j new Sum m Factory, between Lee and iVater Streets, tjnodson. Jjinnbci i will be fnrnislicil. or not as d-sired. ! Work done in first class style in j short order, and at prices to suit the i people. The Factory is two stories i liili, with "ii-rine room 12.2" ' with eniiiue of '20 horse power. Ad- I I dress j MATTtlX, it Fi-:i:rasoN. i Briblol Va., and Tenn Feb. . tf. Good Idea. Fine Cijrars, fine To-, baeeo, and the finest wines and liquors to be had at (Soon Idka Saloon, by Capt. Jno. V. Davis, ou Front Street. April 21 tf. We desire, in all Kindness but iu jr.no J earnest, to say lo our subscribers l bat we are positively in need of the little amount they are due us. It is absolutely neccessary that we must collect at once and we hope they wil without further delay, let us have our money. This call is intended to apply to every subscriber who owes us as much as ten cents. i: w ai v r. h t i . km t: sth NEW STOEE On the Cash Basis. I have opened a select Rock of GOODS iu KELLKl'.S'S BLOCK, BRISTOL, and propose to deal with the people on a strictly Cash basis. Selling my Goods at one tis.ifonn low cash rate, and paying a uniform cash rate lor the products of the Country. On no other basis can a correct and satisfactory business be done. 1 will have fo sale Dry Good", Hardware, (Jueensware, Notions, Dru f. Hats, Boots and Sht.cs anl all the Staple articles of trade needed in the country. I wish to buy all good produce for the highest cash market rates. Having" the advantage of experience in the trade and of long acquaintance with the people, 1 appeal to them to Come and See what I can do for them. XO trouble to show and price goods. All arc invited to call and look. West of the bridge, Main Street, llristol. JOHN W JETT. June 2, 17-1. tf. NOTICE. Sale of Valuable Hotel Property in the town of Goodpon, AValiin ton County, Va. D 51151 A XT tn decree of the Clrrnit Conrt f.f r Washington Comity, Va., tendered In the cane of Sarah K. Usrlii, Exwitrix, ice.. Ar T. Mry Lljroii, et t and K. B. McClannnliait, Aiim'l. if., ri. Jlary Lionetiln. at tho May t rm IS74 of said t'onrt, . Iha ndrstned Comtniniionerii will, on tlie 11th Jar of July, oell on ths iremie at public out-rry. lo Ihe liicliest bidder three-foorthd interct in the I.-irx and eorainodionit Hotel property known the Virginia Hnnse. TKKMS. A nui in eauh down, mtTici.Mit to pir (he eootK .f fnit ami coiumlio:i and cots of nn'e, Ih t lialief In eal lntnlln.eiit of oni, two and .i.......m villi intcirtf from da!" of :ile. bond nn.l amnio necaritr reenir. d and a "o n r-Ottiiod ! on the properly t-X 1 lie puiehase iiioiiey '. paid. j j li . , . " lf, - r X. M. TAVLo;:, J CuiviuVk J!;"y Wlh.tdi1, "THE WOULD WOXDEUS WHY IT IS THAT Anstins Lirer Begn lator, ; ' So Fa?' Excells all Oilier Noav Before the People, j Tim r.anon it i tho reiu'.t 'of thirtT-flre y year fiC.licrlngan 1 t-Xjprimehiiii writli the Hctnn j ic med'.cincs nntil we hae brought it to t!ie pri' a. lit lt4f perfection nd nf.w jir'.vH il won- I il.'l ul virtues i ti".'i iv uci.irf g.unc nong mmii ....nd -e nowboidir ci.aii.7re, o. world , i.rodnre its fcui'ALs m gcnnii SAFKand ke- l.lAKI.K KA4I1LV in.dicine. li curen all derane n:ept of the l.iver and bowels, and pnrtliea the blood, ha enred eTeial rate of fcrnfala, prerpntK and' rnre ilise? "em" rally il lalsen In time. (Cholera and 1 Fevern not pxreptvd) lienre erery family hhoalJ keep it in I heir house and ihns pre vent ficl:neh and Pix-tor blll-i. It ia a purely Trgelable compound ntade of the l.onfs f Ameri can growth, their Medicinal prnpertixs extracted with pare applo vit:e;:ir wiih. ut one tiop of spir its. Where is inedicine that brings you audi an arr.iv of HOME TESTIMONY OF Grntlcmcn of Oflicial Standing:. The number enuM easily lc d'tttded with in one mile of the place or iuunuf:icturi g AUSTIN'S Of prentlcmen of equally uiiibmbted vpracJy,! bat lie that will not believe tins cloud or iriisjzssizs tvouM not believe tliOug'i ene rose from leaI. itl i i. . the Johnson City, East., April !.", lSit. We tlie citi7.cns of this town an'! vicinity lu liciirtily reeoaimenil Austin's Liver ltejj tilator tin beinz one of the safest nml lie-t f fniuilv iiieilicint'S we lnive ever useil. It is excecdi'irly nopnbir here where it is ni.nle ami has perloraicd many -wonikfl'iil cures amoucc us, B. F. .Swingle, Clerk anil Master Chance ry Court. O. I'. Childress, Merchant. 11. Hurroulis, .Merchant. h J. Adams, House Builder. "II. II. Crunch, 15uild?r, A. 15. Bowman Post Master. 1. B. farnswoith, Express and Depc.t Aent. A. .1. Topping, Surgeon anil Mechanical Dentist. ' K. F. Akard, Attorney at Law. Kev. T. 15. Felta of the M. E. Church, S nth. I!ev. F. I). Crtunly, P. C. of JonesboiV Circuit, II. C, M. K. ChiKch, South. Col. P. 1. C, Nelson, es-Stnte Senator of Tenueseee. Pr. II. II. Ciirr, es-rteprctfcn.ilivc of Teti ness e Legislature. Cul. J. K. Miller, U. S. Itevciitie Collec tor. 1). W. Crumly, Cit- Mayor. Oinrlc S. liiilli.w.i y, fitv Marshal. W. II. Taylor, Oity Alderman. Jaco'i Mc.Vcesi-., City Alderuian. . J. M. Oarr, Citv Alderman. Kev. J. 1. DanIierty, of M. E. Church. A. J. Daugherty, 8hoe and Boot maker. I. M. Taylor, bej uty Mieritf. E. S. Crnnily, Tinner. J. 1. S. Itylmrn, Tanner. A. S. I'.rownlow, t'laini A";ent. E. I) !!ss, Hotel Kee cr. (i. W. Micky, Hotel Keeper, S. II. Miller, Justice or the Peace. J. M Williams, Justice of the Pe.ai-o. J. B. .ove. Farmer. This Medicine is made and sold in John son City, E Tern., hy .nstin Brother at '. per Lottie of ' bottles to the j; dloii. a 1:1 eral disconnthy the do.., all liliciled with pvint-e-1 ilireelioiis. Send lor printed circulars. c j tree, giving imicii information al.-o for Mc-:i- cine to Austin broihcis, Jol.nson City, East ' I'enncs.-cc. May l, J.s72.-3in. NEW SPEING GOODS. OPENING THIS WEEK ct . 8. DUNN & CO'S. A handsome Assortment of COOLS suited to the Spring & Summer Trade. WE NAME THE FOLLOWING: I'M pieces New Spring Prints in all shades and at prices from 8 to lwU Id ps cambrics in all colors. 1') pieces bleached cotton from 10 to 2-H Japanese Poplins. Grenadines, Bcr ags stud Alpacas, all styles and colors. Drillimrs, j)nini"i, Niltonadcs, Jeans Tweeds, and Cottonades for men aud boys. 3-4 7-S 4-4 o-4 brown shirting and sheeting, all prices. Bibbons, laces, cpiilings, edgings and Bufihngs, Green and brown Uerage, Jhrnatinie and silk Berate veils. 4 doz. Ladies French Corsetts, from 6o to 7oc, for best Fresh covered, steel, kid and plain corsett stays. New style hoop skirts, such as Sly Quaker, Novelty. Alice and Mariata skirts, new styles and cheap. Ladies Spring styles of Skirls, em broidered and plain. Empress Kid Gloves all shades, sizes and colors, of best quality and cheap. Lisle, Belvin. thread and silk gloves. Ladies and Gents linen, heni stitched ami cam bric hankerdiiefs. Lace edited collars and cutis, Pat. Leather Belts. Gar ters, for ladies and children. Hosiery in all styles at prices from 10c. up, both mis-es, children, and la dies. Spool cottons, best O. N T. and L'OO yards glaeed thread. Patten black and Brown llax thread in hanks and on spools. Needles, pins, mourning, gilt edge aud common. All the new styles (jlass, Silk, Basting and Wood I buttons Envelopes, plain buff, white tm-bass-etl. luitial and fancv paper and envelopes o match. Fools ('ap note aim icirer pajer. rtioe lacets, uorseit strings and knitting cottons. Pique white, colored and striped. Very cheap Pitpie trimmings, buttons and fiinges. 40 pieces Swiss muslin, Bcx)k, Victo ria, Plaids Brilliants, White cambrics and Jackonetts, all prie-es. Ladies new style cloth, hid. calf, glove-tipped, misses and childrens shoes, a large line of best work and at tire lowest prices for good goods. Mens and boys shoes, Balmorals, and Brogans of" best slin k and in all styles. Our stock is just coming in fresh and at bottom prices GASH JUL. OH GOOD PRODUCE. AT CASH PRf-CES- VK keen the best stock 01 Groceries, 1 1 l ,, ,.,nr i..t.. ..ii tlycs, spun cotton, ca ..er na , pntty , glass, saddles, clothing, for me and ; boys, ma:s. caps, oMs. bu.iM.,iary C.,j 1 . : . . ' 1 : ,nv,ie ,lu; tri,;!e to, ;" o,;r 1 ; yru-v ami uouus. -xw .iiuu-.,, Smm.s : j kept or sobl. - . . j I. Il- l)U- & CO. Mi.v a.-lf;!. Wool Wanted. AT THE ROTHERWCOD WOOLEN j MILLS. ! CABBING, SPINNING & ANU i FACTL'BING DONE IN THE I BEST A.VN' ER fe ON I SHOUT NOTICE. HAVING employed hands of long experience together with my personal f .. .,i, v., ,:. if .. i attention to i be bussiiiess will enable me to warrant satisfaction to all who nttij favor me by bringing their votd to lliis mill. I will keep Jeans. Cassi mers. Flannels Blankets, ami Spun Yarn to exchange for wool at the-mill. TERMS. For Boll Carding, White, Ste. per lb. Mixed liie. " Carding and Spinning 2'!e. " Or will card and spin for one-third jeans made fr 50 cts. per yard. Blan kets two dollars each or one half for the ether, and other goods in propor tion. X. B. The wool brought to be car ded into rolls should be greased at home. That which is to be carded and spun bring one pound of grease for 8 pounds of wool. Borni:pAvooi), Near Kings port Jlawkins, Countv, fenn. 2C. P. JORDAN, Proprietor. IfiTCASHPAID FOB WOOL. May 5, 1S74. tf. NEW OFFZRS ! NEW IDEAS ! See The Grand Gifts ol" Our lireesid Fi-ientls to Suba-ci'iboi-fis. Eiitirely.now niiI nnpredrdrnletl.nnd miiIi , u ill inter t vrry !. Yimi ml it ifyon don't itriid lor miiiiiiIvh hikI lull itiirll iiIiiin wnlt'ii are sent I'reei SEE THE G BEAT WATCH OFFER ! liL R FIRESIDE FR1EXD is now in i s Fiith Volmiie, thoroughly estaldishcd as ihe leading; family and story Weekly in the I'ti ion, hart the largest circulation, and the Lest appointed printing puhlishin; e.-tab- lisluuent nn't tiiiiiiiiug in tlic nest, t n lare. eight-page illustrated an. original family W eekly, price $.5,0(1 per year. Every subscriber -retribution. Subscriber how WE WANT AGENTS. Vi'e want a representative in every neigh borhood. Nothing etjiinlts it for agents, iiih!p or temale, young or old Liwrjc C'txh YaCH and a Superb Outfit, exclusive territory, which i rapidly filling up. Must apjjly at once. Subscribe by sending . and receive the paper one year, a magnificent premium, a share in the distribution, and receive also Fkee Complete Outfit, or send for particulars. Name terri'ory desired in writting. Address Watkks & Co., Publishers, Chicago, IU, May 2tli, ls7i. Oni. Grand, Spars, anl UpiM PIANOS. HAVE received upwards of FIFTY FIBS r PREMIUMS, and are tiniong thr; best, now math,'. Kvery iiistruinent fully warranted for live years, l'riees as low its the exclu sive use of Ihe very best materials and the nit thorough workmanship will I Hermit. The principal Pianists ami composers and the piaiio-pr.rchasiuir public, of the South especially, unite in the unanimous veidictof the supe riority of ihe Stief? Piano, The BUI! A BI LIT Y of our instru ments is fully established by over SIXTY SCHOOL1. AXD COLLE GES in the Pianos South, usimj over of our Sole wholesale Agents for several of the principal manufacturers of Cabi net and Parlor Organs : prices from' $) to S()"00. A liberal discount to Clergymen and Sabbath Schools. A huge assortment of second-hand Pianos, at prices ranging from $7-3 to i'.V)'.), always on hand. Sfinl fur f llimt r.-iti'il I'jif nlniMip. foil- (aining the names of over U.tMD South- erners who nave uougtit anu are using the Sticir Piano. Chas. M. StiefT. Warerooms, No. !) North Biberty St. J.ALTl.MOUK, Ml) Factories, 84 and Sb' (Jamdeu 4 and 47 Perry St. May L'7, '7.,. ly rtstol Woolen .Mills. Building Completed and Ma chinery Here. Now Ready to Keckivk Wool and Convert the Same into Whatever the Ccsto mek May Desikk. Picking, Carding and Spir.ing into any sized yarn, "nets, per lb., custo mer furnishing grease. Salt grease not used. All Vool should be thor oughly washed and tags clipped.--(loods made with special reffereiice to the F irnier's needs. Shall endea vor to ha'e always on hand, an assort ment of Yarns and Woolen goods for sale and exchange. Also hale cotton from the new Cotton Mill. Wool bought or disposed of in any manner to suit the customer. Blaukets made for (10 each, or for onp-lialf. Soin- ,,jnjr for one-third on share. Jeans made for 4-j cts. per j-arI, Jiinsei' 2cts. Wool sent by rail will receive prompt attention. Instructions should I sent by mail. 01 tracked on the inside of the sack. All persons are respectfully invited to call and see the new Factory and Machinery. Work done by experienced men, sand business done ytA cash ba.ds.' For further parlieuh7. address Bristol Wooi.kn Mill, or C. II. Lkwi.", Proprietor, May I23IU. NEW PHOTO GRAPH GALLEHY. ' Vi'f).Li Rospe'tfully announce to the ; citizens of IVsiol-Uojxlson and enrrotirtfling ; cijiitiirj ilitit he lias leased the King Cluck ! .PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, ,, ,, ,,. , , , . , , n.l has thmotialily refitted and rcfurnndicd , , - now IirC(, todttM wi in Kne i ef ,c . eevmi rnn periem-e ult in" iiii rvarini iro . arti nine iai tut 1 est .rtist in the ji.,te i. tcu that i.c m h the ?u r.lM.ee satLsracttnia. fall an.l examine any work wUtlicr you i.le - ire pictures or. l. I May 12, 2.-.l.-3u. feS" S PURCELL, LADS f CO DEALERS IX MKlJlC'IXl", I'll K3IICA LP, l'A I NTS, J)YKS, V.MtNlSlIKS, Frer.t ?1 1 Pol il ted I'la 1 1 :u u I Cvlindei" Window Glas tOUSLH SLATS t:oei'ISO I'aIXThi Scud fur Circular and Testimonials. PUBCKLL. I.ABO & CO. iV?. Main and IMU St.e.-ts. , ife.i!'! V; Pk :iir biciivono. va. , M&?23$m ,. ;-.Kf-'rzlj :v::vK PETERSBURG PRICE C'JRREST. : , ,SSv?. UOItRKL'l hi) BY ALLEN & PRICHARD, 1 IiwIcmxIc- lirorri!i A CoiiiiiiiKMitiii Mrrrltnnlv. so. ii eu sin-n, t'ETtit'ir.rs'i, va. rKTrsnTs, V.r CI. g i:r.v. WHEAT. rriiii Wl.ite K.-,l COUX Crimr W,itn Vc.Iuw anj Mix.-.I OAT.-. BUTTKK. rnme X. Y. fi. sl n. " M.nnr;titi, Lower j;ia h .M.miihi.ii, REKSWAX, l.ffcil'tf j i sf.-ii:i a.-4i s' MV i-i-.r air i 11 A V . .'t:i:M..-l DHIKPFRCIT IVarlr, IVal.-.l. lil't ' I'l.I'.illfJ, t. -.So FEATIIEKS, CiaT.V W'UWU- W-fti-.T, aa4r Vnvra-li.-il, i:tN !'' v. Jiia'.'-.V rE:VS. SI..I-K Vfl", -1.7."s-J I'll FielJ " ! .l.".al.-.'. EOi:s. 2u.i-J-.V POTATlES. Iiih, :!..i.4.'! Sfffi, a.'Zjji.i.'t AV r','i,rf fallv n.irrt C..ni-nnif.nt of prfH'uri" s.'.-iihII., I" tlm salo i'f whi.-li ire will gir." o ii-.ti n!trlii"li, (;u:ll:inu I lie 1 i x 1 -1 niaikcj frt- s nut niujt return". ALI.EX i: rillCHAItrt. Mar .1, l?ri. f v. BOOKS ! KIIXGr & HILL, fAIX STIUCET II R I ST O I T7"EEP always on liaiuls u lull Stock of School, Blank :iml AXlSCKLI.AN KOL'S JOOKS, Letter, A'ole, Cap, Jfoitrniiiy and Initial 'liicr, A'n c lopes, 7it, (2 eix, Pen cils, tOc, Ac. Agents for Snt:n-'s Piano. Feb, 2-tf. Mrs. Bettie Galloway AT her new stand South of Reynolds Hal, has now opened the most superb stock of Miilinery, Dress and Furnishing GOODS FOR LADIES Ever exhibited in South-Wcel Eas Tennessee. All the latest and in st elegant article.-, which ii to make tip the mitiiuiu of the fashionable lady, are to he had at her estab lishment. i:o.vnet.- hats, GLOVES, IIOSIEKY, CO K SETS, SKII'.T", IH'STLES, r.isuo.NX, LACKS, TKIM.MlIiGS, LININGS, L),y:j:u, and all of the el ceteras, April 21 tf. .:p:pxJ:iLTONrs' AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA. .eu IttvcJ Eds ion. Kutirrly rwrillcii l.r tlic nl'ifst writ.'r .n crcry miiij'ii-t. 'linloil from ru- type, ami ijlntr.it. il wita Several Tlioaij:iii. l.iii? r;i un.l il.ti.s. Tint w.iit otijjinallv jiliiM-il umlr llio tit I ..f TlIK .VfcW A.MhKll AM t.V. I.wl'u-I.IA WjtMSMll!. ! d in iMia, inct- uhicli t i in e I lie v i.le cir.nlan..ii uiiii-U t lias .ill:iin.-a hi nil .art 4 of tlio I'liiltil St.ttm, itii.l Ihu i.'nnl .luVdl.jiiH-ii!i wlucli havt- luKru placf in t-rtry brain-It ..: i-ci.Mi.-r, liit-ratnre. an. I ait iiavr iit.luf-ed Hi.; a-iiit.ri h and j-ibiiht!ri to Milt luit it to an exact and thorough r.-Ti.M.m, and to run a new rdiiio.-i cnlill-U 1 lit Am kkli . C . 1.0 raruiA. XV it Kin tin- Iiil t.'ii v.rari tlie roj;r.,i4' of disr.iv ry in every dpartniKiit of knowUdif.. Iin inai!-; a ii.-w irork of 11-f.T ;nc" an ini'rativo w.mt. Tin riioTcnivnl of n-ilitici aduir. Int.-. k't pare Willi tli- di.covm i.'i of xrii'iici', and tli.-ir ti niiliil appliration to ttio tndiTrial ami u-'fiil ::rt- and the convrnit'iipt. and r.-lirn-iiirnl of social liiV. t.r.'ttt wars n.l rotir..ii'nt i-vi.iuii"- liav..- m-t-ur-r.-tl, inv.l viinx naticiiat t-ahnK'-4 ol pi-ciuiur inoiii.rt.t. Tin? civil war of our o-n r.iin.tiy, wiiit-h wa at It.-hciglit when tin-l:o. Yi'lnmr of 1 1. . 1 .1 w.'ik apptari--d, liaa liappily lifrti Glided, iml a j V'",;"1 ",,d i"JUl,u' ""'" l.i- l.art acc-f!iot: to our e..i:raplilral knowlcd? Ii:ire liecn luado Uj .h india ig ibln rxplor. is of Airica. Tin-great poliiic! r.' ulnlinii of tbi-l;ot iter p, witli tini national r.-Milt of tin' lapstj of ti.n-. Iiavr brought into poblit- vo w a inn II ii tnle ul new nmn, nrhihK tiillnert arts i't ereiv .ii'ja itit.illli ai.il ot n'LU'KLY St.. illld wli" lire irvery tt-e i- ri'ri..in t. k'i'.v the par I Oculars. Ureal battles hare hct-ii fctihl and mi- portant cli- niaintain. .1, of which Ihe Uali.i. are as yet prvMerred only in II. c i.-w -.paper .r l.i tl.e tranl.-nt pnMie.itifMis ..f the dar, bin wiilclt .oiic'it now tolaku their place in permanent and DDthrti- I lie Lislury. In preparin:; th present edition -foi the pr- s, it has nccoiitinriy been the :tiin oftli. r.!l.r.t.. brin; down the information to thn latest possiiile daten, audio rurnish an aeenrate p.rrnniu olihe nioHt recent discoveries in science, of erery fresh production in lileraliire, and of tin; newest inren liotis in Mm practical arts as well a I.. give a suc cinct and original lecord of the pr.tei f poliiial and historical erenix The wm k ban been In'sn after lonjr ard rarefnt preliininaty labor, and with the nn.t ample resour ces for ruriritix it on to a iiccesfMl terinination, .ne of Ihu origin! Hterotype plat.:s hire beeh nsej, hut erery JHi has Leen printed on new (yc lopiedi.t, with fee same plan and compass as its pre decessor, hut with a far greater pcriiniaiy ex pen dltore. and with micli it iproremeiit j in lis roinpo vition bare, bean ii,'estcd by longer jjtpeiicnce and enlaiged knowledge. Tlie illustration which ar Introdnred for the Hrst time in the present edition hare been aild -d not f.r the sake of it-tori il ell. -el, bill lo K're greater lucidity and f rre lothe explanattti In Ihe text. They embrace, all hraitelieff .f sei,-!,.,, i,tl.i of natural history, and depict Ihe riost finor and remarkable feature of scenery architect lire, :nl art, as well as lh r iriiu prmress,. and nie.-Uan-ir and iiianiifactnre. vtllhotih li. tended f.r in stroctiott rather than emh.'lishn.ei.t, i.u pain have ben arel lo ineiire I heir artistic mi-el l.'iice ; thn cost of their eXcnulon I eirorinoit, and il is believed they will Hud a Welcome reception as mi .f.lniirel.le feature t.f lha Cyclopaedia and Worthy of Its hi'h character. ThU work is old to S Ibsrriber only, payable on delivery of each r.'ln me. Il will be completed in sixteen lare ca-tarr. v..!niie( each ciitainiu!; al.otit Soo rn:;e. fnlly lllis?rated with eT'iral th.msand WimmI pt.erariiixs allli with nnmer-us colored Lithographic Jlaj Prirranil Nljle oflliiKlin In extre Cloth, per vol., $-".N In Library L. all.er. per vol., fc on In Half Turkey JIorr.M-c... per vol., 7.00 In Half Knssia, i xtra gilt, per vol., S 00 In Kull MorriKrco, niiitqtie, jiitedge, per vol lo Mi In full J.'ussia, per vol., )o,ih Fire volnme n.w ready. Succeed ititc rolnmea antil rom(ilelinn, will be issued once iu two mouths Specimen page of tho AKirx fr. i.opjr Pli. showing type, illustration, ect., will ' e cot giatis, on applicall.m. riaT-.'l.Ai Ca.rKmMi AoK.tr WiMrn. AUres the I'ublislier I). rn.KTOX CO.. & ,v"I ri'Uiiv, .. r. A Big Chance for Agents cf Either Sex. WANTED, Agents and Teldiers f. r our r-RKSS A.M .ST R A I N V. 15-- Prense and fctmins jam, jcfiien, herbs, vegetal. I s. bird, t.-illow, mcitF, chese. !:v. t'ver riT.Oiio j sold in a few localities. Sillioitiiek. Every ( lamily want It. I f-ne f the j.Ieasanfesf , moat usefnl, enccessfnl nd i i r.n.Htable j Weighs "ix t utensil ever old bv nzent. rounds. Trice, 83.00. 1. . . 1 .XCbjRivp territory I etven. t.ircntirs irerj. iiini.i.nr.i.n ,v: , - i'f.nr t-f-rt-. r. l'. i DAMC, 102 Washin-jton Si., Ronton, .Mais. May 2C ft. ' CORKELIUS A. GRAY Reirhflt nn MftiP-riP.'at'ipr 1 FRONT STRKET, one d,Kr fmith of Runt-! in-x & Pepper I-'rn T- -re, t. ached. ..May lt,'IS7l. tf. Latu liO'iw t I I I - .. i .fcJ 97 tia- LJ" i 1 mhimmmh i i I I - ilt tho Old Corner f JOHN A. JAMES, AT rOo JilMi2S? SLOCK, I 1 1 AS JCST PLBCWASBP LT XV.Xr YOBK AND till NTr; at the old stand on lorm r of Front and Main M reels, 1 i-11 i , V,-, ' lirotojk f fj?nera!ly aborted MerrlHiiHit. Y,y-rr rfii fii.tn ti least unto tbf greatest is j erffi-tly n-w and has f.-eh !-!i-t!i 1 tiiui v:u-bf.;n j With great care. To those piiiebast is I am prepared ( rnTor rare inducements, and nil I ask is s cxaMfnnfiMi mv stock and prices. , I have employed a Sab'snten Mcssr. Toltn ICrjs r.m! Tlic-f. V. I who will bt triad to nil of t heir Ti Mar. il, Ts.-tf i-hang.-d July 1. . A!. WIIITTEX. 1 i dMshdmi THE EUSSELL SEPAEATOR IS IIKP KSENTi;i) JN THE AIJOVE Cl'T. WE al.-o furnish th World Beuown.d THLESHLB with, r without Power, and we furnish Machines and lbe Powers cither mounted vr net, a Puichacrs may desire. WE KEEP CHAMPION BEAPEBS. MOWEBS, and the I).V':CN r: KY BAKE Bepairs and Extrns Tor ihe BUSSELL MA CI 1 1 N E.-' fi.misl ed to oulcr. Office and Wakkkooms on.Main Street, nc irlv oj.po.-ite Setifker A Bro. wiirri S jfi cowan, April 14th. IS74. tf. SULLINS COLLEGE, 'MB ISTO L-GOODSON, V A . r 11 K next ?iion nf 1'ire Mfilh, of lliii St-hn.-i I f..r YrlfiS Ladio". will c .liniii-iir.- mi On 211! Imy or .tli;ilit, 'T.1, :ii rl.aijje of In; fi.tli.wing; t'-arlnT' . REV. I. Sl l.l.iXS, A. Jl.. l-rinripal, mnl I'r .r. of .Vrntal, JI.Tttl S'.d AdTaiird Aat. .'ritfiir.-a, Trnf. K. ).'ii-hr.:ni. I. I'll., rrofexnmr of Ma;ii.- Inatit'-i ami I.ati-a..n.'.4. Mr-. I!. I . CuuiriMulni rtnflal Aradnni'- P partinetif, Mrs. Snlliti. rrint-i; at I'rimary and l'r'anttry l.-parf inetitK, uu I u-i K. Cox and .lis 'l imiuiv t'ardweii, AnsistitntH. I'r-'f, K. K. Ilai-k-r; TimcIi -r of JIasic ami l'aii.t- in-; and nrawine. Mr A K. Suiiins, M.it ron . TE.iM.S, p-r S.-.!..ii i:f Kir- M..,.tl, -..ne-iialf in adjnrt, nnjesn hy special contract : Kriinai v l-p.Hrtnn'ii: J'r.-p:!taiory hepartn. nt. .. Act l'inic in.p'l in Two Cl.i- irln ro l-r hi 11 no 1-1 cia.sH. J'l t-ias 1 f'olIcL-:ale liei.arinient tnr Mo I. 'in I.anila--..s. e;'ch . .Music or. l'niiioaiid m:iI.ii i.Iii.i; Latin '.''' I a .0 I'D M. Il, villi .1 rial Pain tine and lrawit:', ei.ch, .... 'edlework rii'l Kii.l.roidery, each Vocal l.e.sons ?o t l?e rt hole school Special Vocal Leesiuis-,,... .... .... oard and w.hi.I, on . In on Ii no Kre. . O0 llo.ii.iiu.t: department in clnrj; of I'riucipal and his wit'.-. Vounif l td"- I'lrni-h their own pillow cases, sheets, towels and lights. Wjsliini( can be h:ol at a dollar per rimnih. ,n deduction from bills nnle.- in rases of protr.'cled sickness. rs for particoiai uJJr.ss tin) I'lincial at ! Prist il. Tenn. Jan. "J . '7:t. t f 1874. W. G. STItiilOX, 31 KR CHANT TAILOR, Mm'it Utret-t, URISTOL, V. 4 Tr.x.. ITlLSfl nnl rrnl.-ir ni:riT:)!.s of fb'jrftut Ci.'.i its, .i::skis, Tani v I'.i.'.-uini, thI hIso the best (idihIs. from I be Wooii'ii Mills o Viijini.t int'l Tcnurest e, tuitctl fur cTt-ry .iy troar. t'n.iTs, l.M-, Vkst-j, S.c, m-i'ie to or'Ier in tlic latest New York styles tit inc'leriiic prices aii'l Batiefaet ion niiraiiteel. I? Aent also for the Xmv Victor Srwlrtj .Tlacliinr. Mr. Tetter an cxpeiioLce'l itin chini! has In en f -jrncil to exiiib't nnd run these machines. All onlrrs for this ftij.cii orHiid reuUy sj.leiuli.l n i.iachine will receive twmcuintc attention. W. (J. STKATTOX. FebV IK, '7.I. tr. T II E (J K E A T W E S T E II N MATTRESS MART, AND Hair Manufactory mm: mattkkss am hah: m.im- X FACTORY ofCIIAS. 1. I KI.Dr.Ul'.-J 1ms been removed to the New Sfwe of Wm, Kel ler, next to the creek, cm Main ntrert, where he wmild he gbt'I itr .vr Lis oi l frrctjiis and patrons. I'tirticul.'ir fittel:fi)i f ni.l to the renovn- tion i? M-ittrenrs. !.l Mattresses in.-nli new at Finull cna-T. The pair nac of the public Ko-Lrifrd, Wilh trcnty-five years experience in the hiiMDOi-rt, feels himself ennipcteut to pive entire eatisfattion. All work vrarranterl. CII.U-M'. FELbBURfi, Xiit Jth if Sts EB. HARRY, HOOTS ASii SIIOi:?- r.--tisKr ,AI,h 10 ji-W-'.a ! . .Mm it street, l.ri.ttoL j I est of ; Trim.. Kiti- i one door w . Hill's I'oIi lttne. O L'LtEVIXlf thtt pit exriri-ie,-.ce is u ti r. I I.) f:oient e-ii,,niBtee of "aWtifataion t i ; dio a eriininalinc public th has H'-coi-dcI in T8 pa 1 riiwiz." 1 ti a irri Li-nrriiiis nriiiiiri in i ', ' . , i. .... e .1 (iff l.l, I aer. a I'uilll iiiikc tH ttio saiue, aKi'itv' not! with thr fn'l 11 ssn ranee or art hut that mliK-h 1 only to exec' ' ....nn.i..r. nr... fif. tl, .'oo... roe V .. tilt . f their". onS.Iet.c. ! lbtvin the 1 i!tt ratter f, 3.! wtil; ra v. n? asm tnicnt of Fiencli t a!t SKu:h on Land, I . .1.-. ,.,,. .....1 ... . 1.- . r a po I Shoa ju 1 j: .t, I 1 '.-iHen-c en pc i-, ti..n, Jut .btf MM who are ri j iiiid to lends at Ibe iiii.r. J A- JAMIS ALSO CALL AT A. PICKENS' Watch & JpAveiry Store tU sec lis Lirjt -Ji Villi'. STOCK 0? GOLD WATCHES nam .freSCO ilvci- V;it L b 1 ! j:ii. A ; :..--.him". s h OO CHAilS. I.I'Oti II" H.tir, YtM !k ati-I '11 I Nl'Ch, f.l, i.-. Ul, ri-:ei Ladies' Pins Kfir-Kins, J'ffts. in goM mid t"il, j I tt il. Mo.-t t ! ra:if .i.-tipii. SINGS. ;i:i'l cvfry Tartity of si! Ilit'iis in l.i in it I rich lif-iii. ,;.i Gent Pins if i'vtLl: In Ma oi.i.-, t i.hl Fellow, Knipl t.--. and evcrv ether hiTintilul itveigu. CLOCKS'" ha.!;s to n lit the 1.1c to tho f jliirv. multitude nt't'i-ices' kit- O- We.I'!ir;g ; r suits, rich and r.re. Lifts t' pleace the joln? an'l birthday lii:!'.'. v.eddin,: rioire rittkt ll relis these jolons tl.ilipe. Main Street, Bristol, Tenh.&Va. No-;t di"T to .1. Oiii osite Ke'ib r M. Raikri-'n and ilirceJlj I'rewct's Stove Iiouij?. Mch. A N ! r?Iai chin dS h o p . U net" n"je Jlomt Man uhi lure. WK ARK .tow I'RKrAIii.I) TO Ff R1T7.SII all K-td. of C.TI5 In onr line. And d lln isltitii; urirh promptness and In tlie be njf-n...r. I i.r-' i.ilinb. r (.1 ri..,r.. M Kill. c. o hand DIXO.V.Siliril Jk 0. July 21. 171. 0STACLES TO MARRIAGE Ilnpfty Ilflief fmv Yotnjr Hen from th ell. it ol Lrror and Alois.. in early life.' in ho.vd It stored lll.pedll!ell ! Vl.irrii.' r-moe.. X.'W lio Ih'sl of trn.iiiii.-nt. " aej leutai kb'J reineie. Kof.ks and t iretil.trs .nl free, in seal, it .r-toi-. A-lr-s., Il..vlil) AMiAT!".V, I 1 si-MitH :ufh -I . Philadelphia. Ia , at. In tutu. ii L icnu a l.itii r.-t.'il tiion for h'.m ial. r.'it'lnct and I'r.e-sional skill t. 'js if. "a. & Tenn. v Woolen Mills Jhisto Va. Sc Tenn. lord an Pepper, FSOPEIETOKS. l.rii.l.v . rt-cclv Wool on tliel r Jtititr IS. 1. aii-l v.-ill nautili tit tore U i ,.,.,, r on tb-sbaif-, I . f ( '.-i.-siim r otb j.Iain urn! f.tnev. Jt talis, Klai nt- . '( .,,,,, I.,,.k:iiH. Lii.fjvrI Uuk. t-. or 3"arn af various) gr:ii a;n.. roior TKKM.S: ('arilin anl S; I tiniiti Jh' r r;!r! ! lilanki-U $J each ron half fr t'-t Oilier. Cassinit-rcs. I lanncls A.-, a.-cordii - to ntvb niifl tt'Mnro Xlarbinry of tl.e Hresi nimbly a- . ail ivork v arriu.t.il to rive -Hi isbif! : 11 AU'Irt""' II Iett iMant pa. kapes to I A iv I f,N.. ino,t. .wil.l-s, Joitra.vN A I'JTi'l.H. rroj-rie-ffffi. r ' ' , , .Ma. 4 - , - . . I ' . . . 11. ... .... Itf.lc : I i 1 t 1 !