T Fit MS* X~~ Vot fl per a'■ * • • !••*) •* '• »u »'va;j<:e.— Flo Mih. *7 »»ti r<*' • • • t f<*f h''-*' mi** tin i %>\ .u.MUha „a,,nr will iM-MutlH.: -I r lo»*)tb« iir»< Uuia, and .17 l-‘J ..lur each 1 liaiauea. Tlwao from a itutaiuu mutt lie |>»nl fur .... to tiioiriu -rtimi, or ;hc navm. nl uaMniwJ by S»» ,«,|.ou*ibl# perauu in Lyulhbui*. r Chancery Ordara auteaveading Iwutqoara.ara in , .riad fur ti* dollar*. iy 411 letter*addwaaod lo thn Kilitura muai be po.'i ,r ibov will uolbe altaodod lu. r1 _ Dn,£s, Medicines, Patent .Medi cines, >ils, Paints, Dye-Stulls, Window (Mass, &c. &c. f fjTALTEK tt. MIDDLETON, IVholtsult and litluil DltUUUIH T. ISNO'V n ee ving large supplies of article' mi liis line, embracing the must eilen«ive Kvoilmeiit that has aver lieen brnught to ibis j market, anil in point of quality and nuamitv, in: rinrtu none in the Slate. AH 'vliieti !),• is determined In sell mi the itvisl 'avertible arms. U* Opposite Pm! Office. I) e. 22. pott tsars VEGETABLE CA /’// >LICOX ONLY #2 PER BOTTLE. unparalleled reputation of this m<*d cme4* sucli, anti its pre-eminent virtued (ire well established, and so fully acknmveg (edged hv an intelligent public, that »» is scarcely necessary to say any thing further than that it is V SOVEREIGN REMEDY Tn Disease* of the Fiver* Debility resulting ^fom infirm 'eranci* and dissipation ; Old and ill vetei uo Fleers ; Pain* in the Bones, attended with swellings of fhe joint* : (edegest »o Blotches mi the Face, Pimple*, 6w. Syphilis Futatieous diseases generally, and letter in po iindart Mercurial anil Serafnlow* complaint* The certificate* of wonderful cure* perform ed by thet'a'hol con, have become so mioier MiH, as to preclu I * their insertion ip any tiew* .taper, and ha-< trie it imce*«ary for the pro :>riPiof to print them it» a pamphlet of about • (t) page*. Thi- will be forwarded its bomii a* uostihle to the seveial Agent* tor gratuitous dis iibiitiou, and must, on perusal, strengthen the •/ond opinion now entertained by the triends cd ihig niedierne, and liinrni, e* it is honed, the prejudices of those who view with distrust any medicine not known in what is called tegu lar practiry” Facts arc sluhbun things, and jamiot be gamsaid. At the earpest solicitation* of member* of the medical faculty, and other* who have witnessed the Astonishing cure* etVerted by the use of the Vegetable Catbolicmt and * ho are anxious that 4u benefits to mankind may be more widely dif fused, the proprietor has con*' tied to re 1 to the culture ot Tobacco an t the diticient l.iud oj grain usually cultivated m the neighbor I*"*'oi , is well watered, and lies f etter than nnv tract of its vntt* in tin*: part of the country. It is tfasuuated as to be entirely exempted from d.'t w.ig** by heavy rains or high a atcr f fie terra* w»ti K«* very accommodating; soy one. two XtVxl three years, upon a small payment in hood. Kwjmre <»f>he >nh>t nber, one mile amt a hal •outh ot 'sew London. ALCX. ArS'i’I.N. .)ao 17 t*24* V.comHn^ h, ev»i\m\\Nj \ f f l.llPKK disposed to Kennnmigp in dresj '\i!l find it to thei advantage to call fit as wed, and a* triitldully made n» il made to order, as l,e work may be depended upon, this pstab ‘'dnu.it will be found to be n gieat couveni t-bce to tlie Cilizan and top l 'livelier, Us tll'*y rAn he supplied with every n HI cl e ot Dress, Al o Huns, 'lites, fine ml i coal ;e Hats, eve description ol Cloaks and ovei Coats, A i; * • is * v.- iia.r ,» » , | iiarg iio<, vv*i*11■ I do we to faVat us with a cull. VV A LKKK At Co. Kmpuriiim ol Fashions. Msitn ai'reer. Lynchburg, next to liiu Virgi n»«M0,fice. I>M ff. |. Lottery and JExchftwjc Office. *|MIL *»iusfriuer has removed his Lottery I nid Kxrhauge ()tfi *h i<> the house lately eccupied f>y Mr. M. White, nearly opposiL Mtwrb. Jolul, VV iltimu ci C as.vell Poe. \i VV ii KVVS0?C Successor to S At M. Allen Co. Nov 14 BLAHUS O all kinoj for skk :u i i0 New Kail Arrivals, of 3TEDICINKK, 1»UIM.S. D.uxrs. oils. mrt;-yivrrs, dm WOODS, jgr •hi"I nnJ in thrkt, !f IXno'I' oi.ass, I’irri Y. mtr siii s ii ixi s s XI It '.S'. II MY I ssy.Xi fs f IV' I s >ads, PMtrutfEHY, srtKirs run vi xri.xi: ai.coiioi.. clhdlsiim so ID, SDOAIIS. fr ii<■ 3.On) lbs. l>e*i K|>u>ni salla 3,00 d*> do GlHtibrrs, do 500 bottle* Castor Oil m-1 Kinds* 40 » k»*gs belt White 1* ad 4tN> Jo dn Spanish Brown 1 O"0 lbs. di v While Lead 1.000 dti do Spanmli Brown 500 gallons Spirit* l urptnliiiQ 75 do Sweet Oil 20n lbs. Chromic Yellow loodo do or Paieoi (j'fen do Pru*«iiin Blue 10.Od 1.1 NX) do do FllStiC 1,000 dot lick do 1,000 dugroiiiMt Camwood 50 »do Nirara>>oa t»0 do Arrow Knot ad kinds 800do Starch, sitpenor 3dX.NI do best AitliU 3,0 do Sal 5ona Bxiilo Super Caib Soda 2'XI do Lump 50 du Calcined do 1(V) do Spanish Flieg 500 do Cream I at tar In 1 *ln film) Cam-djof 2,00ft do While Chalk 2/On do Spanino t\hitin> 3,< xmi do b»*st Puny 200 du Atpia Foiti* r>0o do i > I Vitriol MH) do :V1 it iitic. Arid 60 do Nitric Arid—ttlrow* 60 boles \\ mdow til.ins 600 lbs. Snurts—ail kinds, in bottles and i jars 600 lint*- Segars —}»oin Si 50 • .22 per ♦. thousand Old PORT and MADEIRA IVINl S ill bottles, and by the ga'luii, oi, c.isk, or largo quantity. Prime Claret \V ine Paint Brushes, ground and ungtouud Sg*h Tools do do. Scrubbing Brushes Hair do ' ¥ Tooth do a &re*t variety Du ding «b* Cloth do Comb d«% . Velvet do Cnmelf'Hur d» Brushes tor marking Toncco and Co lon FHchqyor marking Brushes policy fcoaifts—French, Kuglith and \tncr jc^U.i^gnat vhi ivty Wate^qluurt, and colours foi Velvet paint Pertu rfery —Fancy cut and plain Smelling Vials—the great*;,! v triefy ill Virginia A most splendid assortment of Fancy I t seuces and Waterl—viz Honey, t o* logne, Lavender, I' smi ine, Mti»U,Vi olet. Olio of llaw, A' k.r. Shoe ami Boot Brushes Shoe, Boot ;L I acres of land, lying in Campbell 1 count,, 11-nr Candler's Mountain, and in the vicinitv of (lie town of L\ nchbtir j An undivide! motetv of the Black Water M-lU, and the laud* thereto appurt»oaiit, situ jute in the immediato neighborhood ot the tow n of Lynchburg. (I bo property above I described, belongs to the concert) of Galt, I Bulock Co ) A Iso, the | olid wing real F.stat**, belonging J to the concern of Gall fc Bullock^ to wit : riio Mouse and Lot, won the aptv.irtenau !ce* in the town ot Lvnok bur', formerly or. | cupboi by the said concerns, ns «i Stout, and | now in tilt* occupancy of McKee Ai Aleem. Alio, tint House end Lot immediately in ! the rear of the one last mentioned, and now occupied by Lankford vi Vedd *r l he terms of sale will be liberaf, and m ole know 11 on application lo IIih iiiiijrrilii*r, who will c.onvev to the purchaser re pnc,;lrr*erc sorb title a* is vested in him by the deeds «*: trust afor*.- *id, and no other. CftUBWKt L D.TONKV, TriMfe?. Ao- ei r ■« f/Oinmissiuii business. r II ^ * I !"• *'•'*’*1 ilin i .ivmi into ih»* v < nmum-noti Imnih-h, oilers liim *er*i | ”»m to the hi. i ninrtlt and planters trading to lid* place ( *i#acru, Khmr, and *fher pi o ace, confided to fm <-*!«• h, well or nhip, wild he strictly attended to ||n if, provided mi h Storage to a t»re pi'iiol hmuit on main street, tor til*- n*. ep ,.,M „( i*’|inirt Wit key and pack laes III (iood». SA I . 11A NN All. Jan jo,,, Mitkanh ai \KI»c;.—Ti.i suh-crihcr. at the U»wi i end of main direct,in addition toliit Hope and t win** teak ing hoim*r .£ Dyer ; KLsf*|,(' I fl |J.\ iid.trin* )d«ttnd 1 > the | mi I • 1 it*, that h* lins opened ho e*t*ib 'i' .inent opposite tlie franklin Hotel, Main Slreat, wlineln intend ! cleaning t ift«l»*incite Coals, Pantaloons atul Haul tools, OF F VP.KV UP Si HI FT Off* BLUrS. lli,\aa, VILA2, BTC. (In quite it diiferent plan pursued l»y Dyers. •Iv ontpaiing the nrii^-!es scour* d by him, •bey Hi t* pronounced by good judges . <| ,t| t<> • whit h b . aheat \ ■ u •• iced by tin I dibln . Spot . f.reas , *•»r hi Hie *fnni*, and M lierevi r tne p *rt- are tad. Travellers a ill be hftf ndrd in srdli * »• •• t *|f»' ice. Tv:,s; i\otick. Ladle C'dit - mid i b»lb Shtw Is that have grease tpo's cm (bent, or have b»st their bright ness, cleaned ip rite ainlsnmrM t\|. p |. will keep s?. tuple*. i> specimen* of i.i-* woiU. which may be seen h* Itie phop \iticle* <»l soparel will be sent tor. N K T iloring, U* pairing, k« . Htlended to Dr.:. II i f, W VV*oni\ \t.V VTV.VvV 31 VTg:S2I vs.s y | HI, •'•iiim'i has jus! iecf|\t>r| Irmn >VlV \ | k, 1! I|l|l ||(||(| m -'trtinenl of n»’w Mali in kIc ih Ihf* Ini'-si last) inns, of r«r« Ilnil Woi k m.itifthip und l»«- t [\Ja i«rinl* —Amoiip tftiijdi air Mipeihne Mats*. ■iinniilarlHi fioin t.i fur of tlie liorky MountHin. .Misomn. fiiruiti I'tver »nike\.i*e on hmid, a g«;i-, r;,t nnt>,t m uf and girnt variety of HATTFhh’M V». I f/, | \ Fs Con*isiing of S|imii»ti Wi> ,| Ho.',;,., s, „„ |, a,,.t ( nniel’k liare. imisi.i l».„e •"t'H.V »' Li . ..I linet.* I „i:,I HhihIk. st.-. I mi l i iiikf loothi (1 m o'* > |„„ mnl > c*tI->w Sk„ i-r., n q -»nf t>- ,,f \.i „hol (,urn S • Ilm , A K nti*, (sui-.-iioi) lickkilvt'i', Oil of Vit i i. , i-'-gWoOil. 1 o-li- , Air. -\if if -• n *’"v r!lit- | l.-ilge- himself lo -o-ll tvliiili .-lo of fiifiiit, iijiim tlo- too.I re* iiimUle lioto . 1-- 'ivitl-iei, «miiiii^ Hal*, Halter. on-l im-r , eliaotg «v' C. (or p R *• f favor*, lie turpef, hy his routi n'' ,•] exertion'* t" accominodHle ill. m, siill to 1 itrive HbliMip ol llitfir pHVroitnge W.M lAKDY, Ag'l. f Dec. 1. tl.JiJ ;; - \xirr.L i lk viiv;. is> ><« or ».>« hi inhabitant ot tui romiiinu\cr.tif h, we hereby not it v voii that ho s'nll I »ke the depo sit mu of .Li men I) A«ke\vf at tin- iLisselvdle Ifb'el. in the tftvvn of Itiinxclville, l.d|*Au (nun tv, Kentucky, oil M md.iv the i|;»y ,,j the pi••*ent month January, to be read evi dent • at the trial of the su"t dej 1*11 ing in Campbell cotmly civirt, \vii• • i* in "r, i nces *>i said A skew are p'niiiMlVx and y-n me Hef.-nilnnts. Should xaid deposition n»>t In* l i ken on the day above named, then it wdl be i.i ken on tin* day aftei, or continue lion day in day tiil it is taken. P ANN ILL k NOWLIN. .1 an 5. w4*4l E n \ 1 ■ I, e ft e i • fi if Ihtf subscrher by I !io>. Ivers, be..mg , dale ill** I t day 'd Keti lbJ7, recorded 111 tbe cierk’s oliice of Amherst county court, Ini put poses therein mentioned, I -hall proceed, on Sitr.rdiiy the 21th .Lhi. next, oil llie premises, to sell, to the highest bidder, for chxIi, the re sidue of a tract of land, lying in 'he i entity <»t Amherst, adjoining the laii'Lof Phineas I'cu:*^ Saint |> Christian and others.— X-* the U Will take place Join the preinir«?, * deem viv 'particular description linnet ^xsary. Ac* ng is trustee,[ shall convey such title only as m ve«fid in me. XX,XI. JkltR'XK, Iruxtee. Dec. 25 • ' ItnflW \N if,. — Dialls on uiulmi, »Ne*v J Y ork. Pniludelpfiia, jBaltiuinre, \Va«h* ' ington t’ll v and Ki« limond, hnsule, ami in sum* to-.uit purchasers, at Him Lottery and Kxuhange Office of b. XV. UKXVSoN, Successor to S. 1l M. A LLKN Co Oct. *0 JUST PUBLISHED Tnlex of t Grand fa $)P .her, being stories taken from Scottish History, by me author of Waverly. fcc. %vc.,loi ; >ahf at the Book .’md Si iiinnui vSt -re of CUAKLKS A. XVI MILKS. March 3 7 m rsr mtLISHED. hy Peici ( ot oni, of R chiAOiid, a'id for sale at my Book U *'ta | • lo'isii'v Store, '* Donald Vdair,’’ •»v a voiiog U | ,lv of Virginia. (M'this work, much liru tieen 'spoken in »iie <*. »v of leroiiinieudaiion ; it is the fii-t oiteii.pt of » N *«ive Xuliioivss. ami aii Mich, ' bv die first critic *»t the Stale, lias tieen pro i nnnrcd u vv ii U of vei y «uperinr merit, eontma i.g heaniiful de^ei ippons. great f»n>v«r d !?*•» s i-»ue, enem-ne height I Intifv. We cad on all i items ol u.*.U>e » !>:ui* »u i ill and pincJuise a copy. ABRWIR NUB Ilf ' • f i., • •*' ■ jgsjw•-rrr* rjLi—1—".*9 POiMHY. /VAm. Ihn i rtf e TIIK bU.N Ol N.vPti EON. H\ l‘. M Wet wore. “ An artirle from Vinton mention* the nr riCmI ol lliiriv Ihoiiiand tninjn at (he ramp near Drey Kir#« h *n. \< they d* tiled before (he Eltiperer, the young fctike «»| Heiehafadt, (\v ho appeared fur the fit at time in uniform) nttrarfed »roai and uni verbal Mil**nlia»fl• Joy h* anted itihif cotinlrnariite." Son nf the mighty • onipinror Thy course i# well hugun j *. Th\ home should ho (hr Held oTnafi Where nohle v\ rath— Win ii hi«t*»r) give# thy tinmen plu<^ . f .« t gh.r\ lii*lit thy path Ht ill he the |)||h of life unread Thatspiuk* thv .1 . * tiny ; The nuiiiu mm gather fiointlo lnj.l F.nouilll fill |»| ipherv ’ I'rom th»* A i nm 411 !• .inner INDI AN < DUN. Hichmond, Jan ft, lb29. Mrt SxfWKH Sir,— I imu* been indue d to make ibis com* munira'inn to yon by two leceut nolle* in your journal ; I lit* one, ol (be uiiiifiml (ii>im mice ol fi Slalk of ( uni produced m tie. rm jOioJ more Indite to the influence ol 1 • *»'• ,#*ni giiHii by illicit Wfl ar<, not outre* 1| ' ,t!. » «|» m! li lt ng til*' BMimTMT months '.nc inr nl ntui |ih' ••iiird you by I lie gentlm IIIMII ilOlll Virginia,'Ml l, (1*11111,) d-risiiuly in mlerniliiMtion of’ mopassing all others in nojo-rait samples of the Indim corn I shall si ml iron lour years, taken fioin my i rop of 1^ ’*h I hi* liisf of them is rt in tin v n teoglht'H inches ami I Hlh of no im h in cirniiTif retire at 11.*• l.itgi f e.*»l, n»nl rni» lan»« l‘Jf U ifcaitts fin* seeoinl t* »i n»n length ;» inches in • tCiitnfeteiu e at llm lai ;• i end H 1 - I ncheti, uml contains 1 !•**■* no . I In ttiii i| i in length ') |-4 in cbm. ; in cii tomlftreitt c, at the liirgei etrl H.'l 1 inch** am) contains lf:.»i). The fou.tl i .'ll’ on • trim: in length ;i | ■' inches: in eimtmfetef. •» I I inches, ami contains lul l gaaius *1 hr length ol li e e *iiis has been taken so ter only im 11cot- t covi it*if with gift ini the* oh itself, in c rh, prntt tiding hey ii I loe plains ftiul it in route a hat • tiioos 'hat the our her ol gmins inctcaH- I eii inverse11 with the 'eo • Ui of the i*fu t on nec'edw ith the piodttt tiotf of thr corn, ere ■••me fac’is ten iinvvoilhy p*tha| *»I In in- no fed, HM‘ltttirh a they nianlfe-t, I thllll , in a sii-..if' light. flu inipot lance of n .nrI hiu* anji v, d t. ii ! a'so hi show that the lildiHtt coin can not the great rxliatuit' r ol land w hich hi miniv it tiuii I mg been deemed. 1 he mus of c•;» is* c** oi skill m Hgiicul tun*, inv walk lit lil«: having led trio to poefhnrs of’ a wholly dtlVerent diameter My course rtf husbandry s*it howoyer, hern tim. About fw he chi* sine** I ri.imiM need the rollivailoo nl a H'liall I'm in in t.d* v i* nib v, enmnstiug (\v ith !i.«- ' *cr|tiion «*i n few iirh - *#t In Horn laud, ap not rial* I e*\ hnnyr ly l.f g* u»h.) of high land only. I lie sod mg, or i other In leaving Itie Ih-iU !••«> high, • aiiiV”* *»n the »n face*; lint ihi* w.i- corieiteri i and tin v now a-e reduced him ly to a level u» if*** pm • i • - n* ti!I.igc by »be f..v hoed t uliiv . tor, un * I . I tvipj ali.nt ,i. a guide for p#a» ii, • ihe m.ninre for the *u*. #•< * ding * yop. I I In-« nil*»l * npfovo** j. o deiine.t ted, th inainii e ha#. b**e.i ‘boot i lusjvcty -applied V my Imm stahlc, nry Cow vanl ni which cv*i> *"i it *tulk, •‘•••I every other spec •** ol litter hav* ■>t n call cl" ‘ * «’• ; ! and rout nry »;uhU in fOwti, in wliieli nnl) llitoe horses an* kept Hot | find in aelfdi'l »iiu; into rt pmlil C in ni» ntii i % , ti hrii >vii* d"»tgtud In In* n tun | (tit* notice ui mi iiiitsiuT oi luxuriant'eg♦ latino. I will therefore conclude, aifli the u | mark, lliai taking into \ icw the prndiu t of wy < 'i o, the tegular mutual contribution from the lawd uod the ptogieaaivr niuelim ntinii ol do a**•!. I think I may venture to anticipate yum umpirage upon mt title to Mi. t’paluir* barrel ni hi* crop wi«s g1 dieted and drown into bulk, In-line bring dliu kt'd, lit# ir came #n a Iong aert'-on ot w'iiiin iam, hy wblca an a< l* * wan ft'iMamed. Uy Ihr same CtiUte many *• mweir dWeoInmi, but a do y examinaltto will shniv 'that the grunts base brni pm Itcliy IouiiihI and hnalund. v Vu.iri, retv respectfully, V. V. UANII.Io * VK«.I "I A Hi, < (1110811 V «V f bo l*i> i tiiirfini' <»i ibr fins* Hurl icultlt fa I Vurii’t >, » I<*hI \v h ■ mb i bnrd ol dir III i**u t««I t*alm, oi I nl'i «d urr, whirl) bad born In U-'M from a Irrr m C!r\ l<*n, upwards of Add Irrlbi^b, in d un-. |»i-«- ••ol* <1 lo tlie Society by the I • I v <»f lieu. Hir Hubert lir<*w ni i ;g. T measure no leas llinii dU Ire' in i»ciitnlor* enec. | /.rig ji«/»er. \ hii.iM \ i.' i.isi.ATI HIS. HuUHh OK Id LKi.A I i s Con v' in i ion Mo* #/<11/ Jtm I Mi Mooup, of Vtorkhrblgr ron«i«|fi(.|l die Miil'ji <• n« nl 1110*1 exliiMinlnl: vfl he would re plv If* some of tlie higuuif'iit* of tuottleiiicii ||i would no! jf<» into their political creed*, toil eoiitiin- hiiosell lo what had heru *uttd tin that Doiii —Ornc yinp, us he and lus comnhieots did a rent! a I position in the Slate, *hey were not e»post'd to the runs** fit excitement which , seemed to operate upon »dher*. I hey owned a till! * tini e of lil.it U * and paid iheir lull pi opoi - l ion of ihe la xe*. That nil men were ritual: that all power wuxdetived from the people . that no mao nor net of nu n were entitled to exclusive pi ivilrj*es < weir great lundaitifrtla1 1 principle acknowledged hv all lit* rm inilt i etl Han Hidt i Kpublic >hi }ir*ipf>«ition that j,rn ‘ fiitjl should in* repievt nteil. It wax one of , tie* principles, on ihc conti.u v. mi which mon archy was foil in etl, N<» well (minded appi< , iu’tituon eutild ex in, that (lie light* of pi opt i ty vmuld be in the least tlangt r. trtnn Hie In rdon of property limn 11 pi«'senh«'ion. l ire wi«doni. intellig^jice and vitim x of If e pa >p|f 1 Were t.ie • iift-guard« It had In an atgneil ilia' i if the principle of e<|iiatiiy iiiiioii!'. lu-u lierai lied to it* lull efieiit • would he enltilrd lo rept* Rental ion lo leply to this .»| *ineni lie contended that alave* were im um mfi inled . to lie embraced by tlu* proposition ; that i« aj» plo d exclusively t » while people,who alone had cciiiiectimi with government* Oid it i ver eii trr into the mind* of a y body that slaves or Indian* were lo have n«»v agency in i OveFft oientid ii»a'ter* ? Slave* were ot b putted as person*, but a* pioperty ; il they were regar ded a- peismiH. lin n mere miyht he some gtotind to contend that they wi re entitled to representation in the Conversion, lie had limed il said that the reason lot having rrpre senlative* at alt, whs that the people weft* not competent to do tin ir own bu«htes* , but Hie true rea-'ut wax. it wn* inconvenient, uay, ini . n at t|f*«^hjk lor tbein to n**emble in pef*ou, am! !»ifrf|fel||^ 'they *eut agent* or drouth « In ml tor tlM'iHi* But »l properly was, in any •Imp* to b« represented, that tepicsen afn.n ought to he in the Legislature and no! hi flu- f ouven lion. A Convention pre*»iippose* a Stale "! Nature, and wa inifecedei t tight* »■! pin peril. The lftitf i ven* regulated hv iaw, and grew mi i of the or I it in lit * ol tsuciely, ail * thr consent oflhe svhob* people. The principle I taxation bad no c» noi ' »ion vs itt. »epti**i'iifnt»mi ; but re*ted mi ibe ability to pay I . ■ (frtu e lie deni'd H at rept«-*i u tat) ot and taxation ought lo go band in baud, hi had been contended (nr. **>i*ir**• |i e light to all properly was deiiv fl from, find seemed by, tlu* guv* rmurnt, property bolder* might In* f • 111v said i«i deiive gu-aiet benefits from 1 J*rx et iiini-nt iIimu tlu*v** w ho dfil nut hold propel lv, amt ought In |*ay iiiok loamili it* vttppnrt. An individual le-inin ■ in the reee*»ffi of lip* mountain, nml holding lillltt or no propet tv, whn ie, v I»111«* mil i sli d n g .vei nmeiil. 11• • Ii iiihI ihr* pmpmulinp that ulave* »dd« d to ihr U ' ngili ol ii nation In time of wai loo many \ | pi i*oit» hn.l In 'lav Al home lo keep I hr in i1' I I iil.ji-1 lion 1 In*v, lherHoie, wrakemd ihr • miuiry. In 1 »• late wai, lh« people (rum Ilo* ' nionnlnin had In eume below lo deb ml bol'i 1 i e ra ist- I < and the slave*. M tit* I i»i pa d j t more ta; rtr fh .n ‘be wi l. they ought lo do so j j lor Ilo* eypemte* of war w hi e lotiiried uiH'o v I I n f hr i< lielenie. No tmcli rt peine roold or i i nr fin the protection ol 1 be w ••■d. 11 Hie •mall ' cminticK should lie maided lo ie’;»i.i ibeo pn i poodii .ince, hi* thunglit ihei* womb he i* a-uii , to tear the roiuiqnfincrs. He ridel red lo the i otnpitt i on Mi Old had in.idu heir • eu I’n" I | hat l» and I'lmtnii. and m*i*led. ilk* I H •* bo j ^ mer denied so moth more b« in lit limn ihi government, they ought lo pay oi<» e 'axe*, lull j Ihi* out*hi nol lo givu lo Ibal enmity riloiii weight in the gnvei iiiiienl Ii lias been -aid Ihal the lb vnlulionin y war bad commenced on tire ground, that latalmii and lepie-enia ion shunII go hand nr hand. I his iv** riglil to Home dent. I he pi int'pl'* a . hi* uiul mood It, vi Us, that the people should uul be Ittftcd wiihmil their consent. In r« ply lo the tesnftik* Inal had been mnde in relation In the (.inutile 'wf'i fill app* «l ha* hern made to the in • e»e»rv id inc suiao i .mill*'*, (l was tin1 artful i • ondm l ol pe; n * in i Ihce in tin* small conn , o'* tbal flail kept ol.' ft convention *u long, j I he lim lie tr n*lr«lt Irrnl airiveu. When these I . liter* *i* md pi ■ o'diee* a mild have (<» lie give ii I ailed |.# to per,o imie .. m-e-. 1-. rnpfy *'» ill , ope rdlmi, wl.Ml light lh * I* g.-ki'nre had » t . Him lie ba-o* ol i* pn i ntalimi. he w* nl • only . tlial the legishitilie had tnu big •' do • »»;i • U m.cj a mat' d \*r the Qinivainl.d'1,. I Me thought ihnlfhe eglen.mn of Iha right ft/ i mllia*. .'nil. n HWlu r 1.1 «ri. ..i impnrh.ure. and j lamandad l.v tin- Hn.Imm lilal pmn ,f,l, , ahnd, ..I. i lam ilia ripi*liiy ul man I '1r 'V ilhmila ul Mali lann, vml, Hmi |,e rr I Ilia.aula,t n riinnljr that Imil given It,mil lin Hi i uni am i.in—Ilia ml,fart IniH keen agi 1 Ill'll fi.r •naral yeitu, and ha had hn 11 ail,ml ll., n grain i| linn Mr, Tarnll'a inude.iv Iia4 prevented him hom allowing 'o dig i i.ii miil, u -hv they •Imuhl agree I,, tina plan of minify lapraaaiilaiinn. Far hi. naif M (\ » ,t .liould rntalni nnjpropnajdnn that did nn( place n" I.pin upon i hmiliig a.|u*li, l'«.l nn par.,Mini view* In anawet Hut hn Ihmighl il,*' .uuia g ui'eniim «e,a h.nkina prnj piili.iiy lla til* < tight t hay w, in aha va hi a pil l, n, Inii 1 iia. uniat e*nh»n him Inr •dmouikh I'H ill. ill III ilia danger oi ... Hn mknln* In ll a Fllapii mi, .if aa idling In ; al m ilia I nil.an liii.i lla I.pnmrniad an iha nmlai.mnding nil 11, ha fining hi hail I* ait had among ilia |0lv , ■ .’ii miry ll nil ilia .mail emmtina Ul Hn* wa.i, • l« Ionian I a,I a., iha l.nnt nf fiaa while pnpilin nun ; Inn Iran d ilia nparnliim ..I In, HI mleirau and "I lli.il vinwa lla pn.la.lad MgHin.t cnm. |nnmmng Iiif prmriple, Hhlmugh I a i »rf haa,i a„ .•Impieilllv ,1 kail In do it. II, imped II,;,I Iha Ham a aiihl mil lla mv,,,,,| p, eiunr lain any '•'"I”*" I Ihair prim ip1, a ll liny npr'a p-in. Il.m traranga ||,nr iv-nlrd in a new , uiitry-a-h.d Ilian aiig i/v-d in dealing ihrir Imi l., and lipiduing Ilia ».lilernn., uf miiuia. Ilul Huy vVaia.1.,1 In ha hi, ha. I, „i hi i.ughi ovt-r l.y liny l"" k, 11,111 II. Fall la,I pi III. pin., ill "Hurl ,11 to lie ll lunik nl ,V|| pmhai th»l ha \r mi til a Illy |,„ iha lai l llluliim uf ilia fhnda fur nii,|u.,l inifiian men! in Ilia wy.l, pmvidrd it *"* "• I"' .'i',ihad m hfiillmn. ■ pm pri.ag. \\ hat ...* IhU Mini . , g> aHainan al. nut. vntad upon Him pm,i ip a f |ja Hiunght dial all Ihr •mull (iwiiiiaii III Iha wa»l, avaipt |» limp. Iwo, would.ii Im lillall up will, pup •ilntinii, uid tikiunia H.aii pn.par mah. Iln re plied in the glluiimiF Ihul I, id ham ii.nila In ■rlml IihiI Inan dime In ill. warn, will, •mau ol ... Ha .Hid Hint guide,nan a a "'"all In llllUk Hill aval y ||l'Ug ||>*I I Ilf We«t luul a iain.,1 van, giutmiou. mid pi near dad ham Ilia In,uiify nl Ilia a ial lla in.ialad Hi ll ih. y In,,I never Naked h,i oi .aa„ivail any Iking in lain, h Hay had nnl haan | i. |v a tlllla.l, ||, • pnka of Ilia mat ul ilia l nn a, any nail nl the annual iippmp mi mi |« n ,,l ««|.>,•., Iii . ... ||,,. wralri ii i iilr with .l.iiin , Kuri l, „.ii| to ri,mini I il III" liiwrr rountiy, ninth il nnnltl nml to rich. He nr*l replied. |o ihr iiignmriil il,ai pro ,. ||. |I» nml rep e.rntniimi ahnnlil go Ingrihn . If Ihr power irimiioril in th» hnmla „f M(1 i "■ri ll' V. wmihl II mil nr in Hu ii p,u,„ u, .I t"** »#■ • nog Ihr prrmni nml even live,, III' llmar wlm IihiI till piopniv—nml «,,« |,r In hr mill dial pi,,petty i>n. nl in or r enure |,,i,,„ Ilian prianniil lihi ily 1 IVr mcir I,,hi, I,,. 1Mln that n munlv ri pir«i olHlinn wmilil give in n,,. went at many n preaenrnlivra, „a it Inia a of while impn'alimi, II liilaMrir mm ao.it •• mill mil nltar ihn uhjti limi io tht principle • I Ihr thing Will, Ihrav mil ,,t||n |urr, * . wrc In hr fol ml,, Cmirimlion lie,I ami flock l»4 In anrh u wav i nl ilircirnl g iirvanri rr,ii|,lnim1,1,in. Mr I’m her iif Nnriliniupliin, i,, v| im.li the llm,r nml *imlie,i|in|( hi .,,n>r I, ngili, the tiewn hr hull p,ovimialy tnlirn. Il I.hiI hrrn an,,I IIihI ihr rn-l l,a,l atthili,ri! the we.i Si, i war* ,i"l, nl Inf iipinion, die htrr |'he met |ooli» 'l *« IIH* • td*II < < hi till' vvf»nl • * t'rir'main ncurdy. Thf'i* tvati it rooiliiiMitl S f mil . *1 In*!* itii them in i| hfnrr tiny I. -1 ir.l it w '*h r Hr » ... .in pi hit .1 tu lif ir in. Ull *1 h I hlfc Inin* ttlHlle fn t) • < * ('<o*|. Hu* (Jitivemiiy \t g* um-ipnird to him. 1 ha 1'iititu tun wini a* titnco the child oMheweil .ii id the !.#.•'*»• Me. V line went i t , a lit *• !• t v of ill enlahlfdtineiit and Imalnn hy u l» aid leln't* d ttmri thr Sruat.iMal .l|st||CU id the -jt de, mid tefetred In the rflnrU that m eiu math- tn have it locate | ,.vri the nidjntnii. It wa< an I lotifnhofi d<*-,n;iii*d for the benefit of the hide State Ma.Tririll next io*e. ivplninril ahr course. nr luiil pot itird, and I'Wnfi'd himgHl oil the 1C round !' ni hr w«t ni lnjf m obedience to (he known will ni hi« < ousttaurui*. Mr. Havley « • I** a lew remarki in reply ♦ollir •♦»*«•! v itiooii of \fr. Parker, retaliv? K» rrrtniai fuC-tI went* n the Kimf' rn .Shoie Mi. G o.!.n» rrtoaik d, (hail he had not ua It'iHteii, In « v any linn-’ oil Ihtai o« CainlUI), Hud only H»«r tp reply to I he all ndon to tin* roat or • hr Univei tv, mid t hr ripeu.rc of education at It- It** •■'-1*1 *1 I1 -»i it \a ,»* now nt rheiip u* »»nv fiinti uiion i I hr 8 if , and had. in (*«■( i outiihnl. il a. a nlncr thr pi ice of rdotitlion a{ nil the other intiitotioint—(i ivm^hi NCCiiinbks to the \ -m t'a of flu* w h ,t4 ih i a of tho rest. Unroll r • nt Plo|rss«»r* W»n ii ft rntlemflkl [:init» l»* < 1-it.j.!t.un, who !oni hern » ducitled H.I 1 I ti ll I • "'ion. I hr i .u nitire 11.* n los.* and obtained lri»fr. 1 to nt ti”«oi. ’ [)i ha ■ i hi • nt. finucd. ] i Sntuidm/, Jan. 12. ■ Thr 1rM joiiil ortler of llu thiy (lor the . « . ! tio'i of a Hrljjadirt Gem ml of ilie llih ttrig:.«i- t» j supplv I lie vnc.mrv nccnMnttet! hy the test unit* ! tion (j ?* f ir n, Kdw.mi (_ ( iitTiu>> tun,) 4vai4 taken i up—^ "I. Ihoiinis H ( hn ke of PifUv Uati sa t. | uax luoniu tied hy Ur. Wichrr. Mipputlcd hy Mr Ihwhli idirr ; Col I hnui..a I) Hahla.t. j u.ii o hi m t»n| b) Mr. Atkhnon of Halifax. 'Hippo h *1 hy V|». f*Cull ; and Col. CbaCes WooiGo.i, v\ «•» nominal* d hy M*. Duptty, tup j p tried hy Xo so, MrMabor, A ndrruoii oi » l*t iu*j' Md-.vui », TV"mu of 1 !ttvann:i, f ^ nci * i a i d » ^ I t