Newspaper Page Text
tM iMiPENDENT: OSKALOOSA,1 Mn&aS,' 13Ct6bER( 17, lSftT It u H'll 5 IK . I ill t S3 , i :i ADVERTISEMENTS Wat. EVAS, a I j. x XCFABLASp. EVA1S X MCFARUM0. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. (Shapea Sen'h M earner H PbUic Square.) OSKvLOOSA, KAftSAS. AKE arenaied to fill onion tor all kind o srark fat tbesr lirseia the beat atvle. Bw Contracts for the ereciion of but -in kea ea Mti sfactory teraw-3 1-tt PAUL E. HAVENS, lepity Clerk ef tie Bistriet Ceart fer JEFFERSOX COUXTY. KANSAS OONVlYANOlff, REAL ESTATE, WSUBANGE AND (OLLEITION AGENT, SKAfcassMA, KANSAS. ;".W iH attend aremotly la all batiaesa entrusted to his care. C'lsn trial attention given tnthe iavHent of tar a aaa the collection of claim fir noil-resident- pah inquiries promptly an were!. P. . HAVENS. Mr, "1). F. T. SPEES, uOSKALOOSA. KANSAS. Tenders bis avotisninnal atrvict s to the auzem ef Oskaloosa ajad Yiciaity OSce North" ire comer of Publi; Square. THE PRESS, j. w. remr; naamk trifrm. fuUkatiom OJke, 417 Chttima St., raaLABELFllIA. The following are ke term of the term' editions: Dailt bnt-$aVW pw annum, payable in advanc. Tu-Wcxstr Ianm-io pablbkcd on Ta dajt, Wednesdays, aud Saturdays, at. 3 pet aaasBvii ajdrauao. ; ' C ' - a. WkkKlV Pbb'-b containing Qeaerar News. Editoruti, Market, AcstMoed ewj Wedoet- Sineta Comae, ti.M per.annam, in advance. Tanas S5 - Fira s " Tin " $13 - " Twurrr " SM (when forwarded to oot Terea.y cotiea,'i)revcr. W address of each ub senber.f IJH asrfy. Al-n THE PRAffilE FARMER. THB TweatvFirs. v. Ibse of ibis tld an. oytilar agricultural paper coiiimues4 on tin first day oi Jaua y, 18ii. It will be ibe ami ot tlie poMuher in ilie fu ture as in ibeDast. uraakranair iLat sba be a favorite win. ths Frrm-r, tin Htimcliral. ist, aaa at the breside. In each drpirtm. i.t ui rball n leavor toa-swt in'miprore ..em ami in atruction, and m-.k- it a fax.nie with tlie yuui g er portM ot tbe bum" circle, by so traiing . Subjects that a rfcire o nme liufuuhly an .ei land tbe Tat'B K-Jner of f-niiiin;lmll Meii that tke eaIlnK tniy h Im.kerl upmi a-it rel iytf, 'tke eaoM UaJtbTel and iulcpc-udeut on. kaowB. I ksjliat of practical c.ntrillon wW l-mnel cnlanced another yean aad no expeofe .-ecrwan to tuaka it TSK Agrtcaitanl jucr uf the H'c-i willfcassridr , ,. -1 , r Toeaaaerwll erer be found the work-n: man's irie.4 and adfiite. TnM f the Frairie rarmer for 1860. GREAT 1NDUCEUENTS! ).ie Copy, neyetr. 1 in- Three Copiai, one yrar 50' Six Copies, oaeyrar, aad one to as;, at 9 Ot Ose adduioaal copy to ike rlub axent fw every ten csire over eta. For sack one of iity Bereaa seidiRc tke fi, lute of twrBtyubrrtberOB above terms, all i itiij iat-. are arill give a b an.i v.ilamu 4 T l'raiiie Farsser fur tke test half td the pretcn year. To the rl ii Brrmer who will scad tie lit of Jttr ar Jre sob-enbers -b the t m e wilciS) a copy of Webttei'e Unabiidei Dirtienarr (i-i'iotial aritiia) coaiaiains; r if i.e. Uasdred iJlesC-aakmi. Fr.asale at be Frairie Frnr, yoa ran A. saach t- oxtel the tsjrfalacai aad dicuktiu. of Tht- FaraiT Will you try it? We will m-A sasaetr copies and propeo-oc. fp-e to any wk will try txx'eii vt clrcii tatisn: A'r-.. F.MEUV A CO . 11-tf K, tt.Cbtcaj , III ! 0SKALU0SA AHEAD! NEW STOVE STORE . A'i TIN SHOP, (North side of Public Square.) W. I. TrilTIETT, Prsprlttet. rpTOsMbsajtiUrateeas cnountly oa hand a X-fosl) assohsnent ot the best- varieties uf Anionj which Btay be named Giles F. Riley "t well kaowa aud wmversallyeelebrated CHARTER OAK, whisbfc an naisai ivf sals wbewaTerMHtodaced btcaisja itjaaw wall adaatsd ta tke waats at the t l wti. Ales tke i - ViLLEI FI1GE u. HTIICTI MCI, whietWl.liei-V fuel, aad saswnonts. e-r'- eaj. t, asviogei I sapon.jntv.of aneraueM, Wlal UaasfHlMaU 1 assehavceaaataasiyoalsaadafoed assort- of tay awn amwastiiat. allef which ie srarrsnt diociv . PERFECT SATISFACTION. I aa prraand bj cttcy aa:icuiar to execute JOB WORK OF ALL KIND with aeata-as aad siispaick and a cheap aa ant koose io Ksiisaa tbaaeiB tkertrar towas not ex- eaaiff 1 3 v 4. ' ' t .- I kiiosebv strict attention to I an resa and 'an -- -- sjjt vasa " ts aeesmavsiatipf,10 rnrit a liberal rhare otaabitr patrnnaaa; w. u. vsujaai i. OsksJocai.Kaa.Joiy. i", ?. -K!3 J- C- re. ir t NEltFllU AND MEW COODSl :frlCa.4WsfMLlV : i,s? AIjOOJU KA5SAS.V - . B TfrpiLrD S; iijx V , VI TU - MM t TAF jittitrt'S'AimsnoEs Or UK CaWrVANKKJTieN-s, JKVKUtr.MialMt ever rs;auatly k-Bt f BassMBT .- fr wiM 'call ir.rtaculai .BtteatlaiB to oar ateek ef Sk.f a-ade H-jU and WBIKB WO SWSJ'MSI M.1F4I SffBMVH aaa twsetr-fvst Mr cant ekeafwrl tkjr aay other bqbbTss IsaWesa C. Cstsawy -Frtdaea taken , esaaaate U: foeds. xH . .. A . Seal f-ajH the ala. leatk nde Park. J tMttuilprtei KISER IHSLtY, ,''")" Curoer of ttiawiue aid Filth directs; LEA VE'Xw6RTRCJTY,kAXSAS Ujc Le-ive ibis ti u-e daily, an J uFr.fO inn but ruu Iram tt,c iluoae to tUe liovle.. f 3-n. . fSJ. BROWN, D0WXE1T & CO., Wkeleule Retail GROCERS, Shawns R'rret. Vctth M he'wren'lth LEAVEXWORTB, KAXSAS. .. n , ., a-lai. . mm. ariLBtno. axbx v. artDtxa. AZEL SPALDING b SON. 1TTIR.WS INI CDXSELLRS AT LAW, OSASSHOPVER FiXZ.St " JEFFERSON CO., KANSAS. W"A pi act ire -n the Curia of JVfienwin eknn and A'rhin Counties and in the anprem Ctwrt f the TerritirT. i-i Ecpec-nl attrntinn fr'vcn to collection ratturing ta Nortbora Kai.aa.' 4 (in WANTED. A FARMof tw.n.rt rr iu.p'rnl ucecf, ill. JX. ipim (rt- r an tn ber uii n t. H(l t lr ...i what iniir.i'. Mini stuaiet w.iun a ew iii:li-s l O kal.xj. A,i prr-..n d.a ri' U rell urii m pla' e lor as tin u, 1 1 r a-oi.abl. pric-', l I pU a rail lip-Jti II. U. 1 uttua. I tlie UutlOM tibUET. UskaiUU-4. C'tl MULES FOR SALE ! OVE a ir f three yi ar old Mules, wrll broVe to wmk in bareev. nerec'ly nnd f ipp- dumxite, forwheh I will Uke .uu, ana tnrt of t - puicM man T, l wi i we acre Lnd Wairant at its cafcjale B. DLLER. NORTE MISSQUE1TS BROAD GUAGE ItAILttOAD. (ONLY ALL RAIL ROUTE.), rpilK h rt st aii'i Qh k-i nm i . Su L, X L niviile. L xingvn Cu.ciiiniii' Mem phis. KahviHe. and all E-iern nl &.ailiern Cities: "Fas-ewe-" 'ea- J5!. J--epb ni 6 A. M. r til- Hai.inluil A St J.-srph Rii riad n .1 con rc ni Ilu-lsvn 'i lillieN"r'h Mis uri, nik nu ilie ru. in 18 hour. t.ff.r.'iiij: c" ihi's rrt 'ii St Lonia an ' irH imi tl ein tir h f ill It-tads out ..f S-. Ijiui-. .r the K.t aw oulli: Uylakilig"tfee North Missouri. En- KAVE 13 UOK S TI.T1F.! th- connection IS SfRK AT HfT) .all Tr-iinsrp I-eoted to Mt linriivil I 'h--II & -'t Jo. Tr..i-. md t li" "', .''', j ft. Ini.nn.iat natiiri. on art iitiinsvi'wrn ft.. l.Ivm .. mC . ..Eu.d It.' ill.. ,No-in Mi- J...... -.i a.. ..t ...r. ...... i.t.i.-L . t'r r-df tnnc'iiii'i'v ur tirJvlrihrirr t . : . . r ... . . .i :. -onie. wnereuenv is aiinosi iitiiiu hi j a"n of ih i ear ti is r. BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH and hnndled rsiefullr. Tcki-t for s lr a-the ofSce of the It St. to. R. R. at St. J. ph. j n Mnci.rox. spt WM E. WIIONVGenera T.cUet Agent. St. sii. Mo Maj WM. MORIS. A-cnt at St Josti b. August 29th, lS60,Stf DUTTON HOUSE 31. R. DUTTON, I'raprirlur! n.tvin; recently fitted up. and funi brd ihr jb.. new house, which is i,lcaiitly l.icat'd at be flonri-him .if JefferNin sua n to aeciaio. J-te bn inreline 1 uMic. NO PAINS WILL BE SPARED o rMxW -ut .faction tu all who may I iv. r bim with a cal', and cuJeavnrins;- to krn no t tli not to1 "f "LIVE AXD LET LIVE The proprietor hit-s to uvrit a liberal patrw ,. (iOOO STAIII.INU md a carsfat assn lwaTS u& band to attend th n. O0i-e f the Kaivat Stars Co. at Ibis h us-. M. U. DntKin, Ag-Lt. Si.s arrive an.l it. imrt duly, einn cirg with I ties to all iuts Ea-t, West. N"t'h and South. - J To Sllror Bent. A HOUSE Ntd 1. 1, hull e one ai d" l.irh tbrre y.M.uu inl.iw ad mi ha'f. ahoTr tell risl, and lo-me-ii ilKr.' town. Fuepar.icuUrs n quoe a id s FOR SALE ! TI1E nndersiiird affisl r si'e, st rea"iiablc fitarts. a qnaritr tm 1 1 I. a ml, I .uti(... iv sitaateti in ihii-vi inrtTt-.ipoiii.-n" . 1 .an.n 1 A g'xs! Sritla meat unmnd- it. a d iwai tarrila.. I mil road' p -as by it. There i no befer uHand i . the Terr toy. JOHN W. DAY. I w. K raHBOLBt 1 T ritUOLM. r it ni rnritfif Uf" 1. V . J. AlltJlUiliJl C&IAJ., ' ef - ' . . Tj BLACl5,SITrj.S MANUFACTURERS OF, PLOWS, ' frJ8KAlt60!t.fKANt.AS.Wl t" - -. 1 .'-Vsr. t- U riittnl - afi.:. ft... : .u..aI-Att.eM hiiinsaiit Ike 11 o4 the. &tsrl4hlle of fcf; j son wfT-t. lEn.1 ..IlliH Putffri-qil.rr. wlfiiH resjMdfiil v aiiiiouncf ta Hie clix n a-l u ! saatiH virility ;tbureyase'iwwpiesred udo loonier ' r ALL KINDS OFBLACKSMITING on H.thie and lUnannble terms M'eb.'il-l.rsriveei.Teailn.e,stomsnufac!un- a-v.rv'tkefi .'ion i4 ' 1 BfiEAKI v. FALLOW AND COUTLOWS whielfwa'will warTMittiiiun well and SCOUR IX ANY SOIL. Particular at'cntiot pti J to UAOOA'S, CiRWACEs'i IJUKtSTl". in i'ie niiwi spp'ovi-al airl tfkmiiiliVc iiniimr I V KaIkuolm hftVin;Vvileieirrnl '.rr to the bu-i-aerf ill Pairft ant, 'Inaj Catruf-, for rua.ames in the rawwstlnd betijlA J A liberal share of BMi-p-iNn-ie-i-solicited. -if. it. kAianouiixo. OF TUB INDEPENDENT. The Independent is published every week, in O.kalooa, Jellersun County, Kinsas and is devoted to Literature, Arts and Sciences, LOCA'i AND GENErAlNEWS. Agriculture. Horticulture f& Markets, and nil fe:i lures necestary to make it a suitable and desirable ""Ter ,or THE HOME CIRCLE, ; Tie Mcrtitit, Ieebaile aid Farmer.' As its came indicates it wid be independent on all suhject-s (not neutnil,) and in all respects up with the times 'a lice paper, fenrle-ly 'following where Truth shall lead the way,' careful, of 'others' lights firmly maintaining its own. In conducting this enterprise, the proprietor brings to his aid the fi nable knowledge acquit ed in Ten Years 'ExcriericVas an Editorand Publisher, and knowing no Mich word a Jatt,-lie feel. confident of success, and Imjies to meet a kind and welaime.recept'toii among iiew acquaintance and future fi.iend. Until the underMi'iied arrive- at his future home, to take ciia:ge of the oliice, the business and local in terests of the paper will be conduct ed by Jons V. Oav, Estj.tOskaloo'sa, Kansas to win 'in applications .should be made or letters addicted. J. W. ROBEIMS, Propiietor. TU v- y AYER'S jgne Cure, -' ,f ITB TBS SVECOT Ct7KE, Of IwtemiUect Ferer, er Fever aaa! Arbc, CMfAP. fhtll S7nVnv tlumt.! i a.....,.. ..,y -wot... w., m.a...M Ase, Periodical Headache, or Bilioas lTeaaUteke aad Bilioas Fevers, indeed .for the whale das er diseases orisi aatiaz in Biliary dcraaseaiCBt, canted hy the Malaria er Miasmatic countries. No one remedy is louder colled fur by the aeeesMties of the American people than a sure aad safe cure for Fever aud Ague. Each we arc now enabled to oflrr, with a perfect certainty that it uill eradicate the aiscae. and with assurance, fnut tied mi iirnnf, that ' no harm can arte from it use in any quaii tity. That which protects from or nrevents this I disorder mm be of immcisc cricc in tlia communities where it nrcvaiN. I'rcrnitiu is better thai cure, fur the pattc-it rcai(M tlio. - 2.1. !.. 1 .. - ,. i.' i r I risk which hi must run in vjoknt attacks isj, thu baleful ilistcmiicrT TIitH "fjcuu" expels .!..: - . - .:. :. r v.. t. the mtaMnatic tooi of as: Aoua from the system "and prevt-nts the develop." Bent of the disease, if takni on the lint np- pvoach of its premonitory ym;itnm. It ii not only the best remedy ever yet discover d for this clas of comjilainn, "but al-o thu . cheaprst. Ilie lar? quantity wc supply fur 1 a dollar bring it within the reach of every body; and iu t'iliotn districts, where J AJiti Aoik prevail, every bo Iy should have it and use it freely both for curc'and pmtectiun. , It is hoped thi prirc will place it within till teach of all the poor at well as the rith. A great superiority uf this remedy over any other ever discovered for the Miecdy and cer tain cure of Iiitcrniittcnt-i i, that it coutuius so Quinine or niincml, coiiHqueiitly it pro duces no qitinini' or other injurious dlbrt 1 whatever upon the constitution. Those cured by it arc left as healthy as if they had never aaa tnc uncac. Fever and Aguefc not alone the contequenco of the miaatatic poion. A great variety of disorders nric from its irritation, nmonR which are Neuralgia, Khcuniatifln, tinirt. Headache. Blind 'O. Tnothaclic, Ivaraihc. Catarrh, Ath aa, ralpitation, l'ainlul Aircction of ths Spleen, ily.'t erics Pain in the Bowels Colic. Paralrsis'and -Derangement of the Stommh. all of which, when originating in this cause, put on the intcrmittciit,tyr c. or become period ical, litis CcnE ' expels the poinc from the blood, and conseauently cures them all alike. It i an invaluable protection to immi grants and persons travelling or temporarily reading in the malarious districts. If takcii occaonaJIy-crjdafly while exposed 'to the in-, fcction, that will be cxtrcted 1mm tl c system. and cannot accumulate in sufliiirnt quantity to ripen into dsease. Hence it is even awre valuable for protection than cure, aud lew will ever suffer trom Iutt-rtnittei.tF, if they avail ux-intcivcs 01 tnc prutctuon uus remedy at ford. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FM AU THE rURPOSES OF A FAKILY FKTSID, Me so composed that disease within the ranre of JJieir action can rarely ftiilln-tai rl or csnr'c them. ' "fy penetraiiiiir pro'rertirs srarrh, and cleanse, ffr taTBor,c txnT portion of the human onjan fssa. correcting its diseased srtion, and restoring it healthy vitalities. As z cmiseqiimre of these ' Properties, the invalid who k'.liowed down with C or physical delility Is astonished to find his sJih or ereroy restored by a remedy at once so atomic and iuvitiiiK. ftotonly do tbey cure the everyday cossplamU every body, but aba many famutiibfe and dajaveroos diseases. Ibe agent below named is pleased to famish gratis niy American Almanac, eeataiaiag crrtklcates of their cures aad directions far their ase in the folloning comnlsints : Coif ire Saaw. tleortbunu ZraoVrrAe orixiua mm ditanirrrd Stmmack,Kmuta,ItuHytttim.l'aiuiHaiidilcrbi4 itmction of tht Bowtlt, Flatultuey, Lou of Apt- arising from a tewsiate of the UyiiroUmictiuB HaftHxctions. They are aa excellent alterative far the renovation of the blood and the n atura. tioa of tone aad strength to the system debilitated hy disease. ' Aycr's Cherry Pectoral, . a thb sifrro'ccBt oV Caacfci, Colds, Ialacaza, nearaeacsa, .CreBB, Ereackitist lacipieat CeanaiB , i,tjea, aad fer the relief ef CoasBBiBtire 'Faticato la adraaced atasea ef the Se wide is the fcld of iu usefulness aad so b Baerous are tke cases of its cures, that almost everv section ef caartrr al ounds in persons aub- Kdv ktiown, who ha-e been restored from alarming ua crcn OLSfiuui. ciscaaca 01 iuc iuuj(s wy ii ase. When once tr:d. its superiority otcr every atber medicine of its kind is too appart nt to escape etsakrvation, and where iu virtues ere known, the Bsusfic no longer hesitate what antidote to esaploy isr the distressing sad dungcroajs affections of the puhnen ry otgaiis that are incident to our climate, while many inferior remedies thrust upon the rnaiii.nnity have railed ana been aikcaraca, tnu kas gamed Mends by every trial, conierrcu oenenu aa the afiicted they can never forget, and pro duced cures too numerous and too rcsiarkaUe to be forgotten. . MEPABED BT J. C. AYEKdVCO. Lb WELL, UAS8. e r; t, a is, Dcalerfn Panuly-Gfocuiel iifjWitfc'infis. FLOUR, PORK. FISH. ,? SUGAR; FRUIT, PRESERVES. pickles; n VVTA. J U ')( 'I EA. s-cofeee. W VtafA-JA. IjsAf C NDLES.;i3.RASTJUES, CONFEUTJONERIES. dtp. ,, Kfvp cuii lanti. ii I.iiimI u till,nntt cnitrte 8ttK.k 'F o(is vkluc'i lv oIji lor aa e cliva lor caMi , t3"PIcae call aniLrsaraine liefore purclim I iik Ur liereaSt It l? li iTri j J'uWicSquare, (tatt tul. ,) 0.k !.... tf K-i'ij-is CABINET WARE ROOKS! THE uiidoniKurd i irourct tu iaaiiufattur3 t. irleriii,shurt liot-c, and at raunuble irko, all Liuds of 'CABIJJETURNITUREr tncli 4 Buie iHi.-faVilflcajb. BrjiWfaH JudMuiae; Tabl.-s. C -i.Ir-Tjbt.-s, l.oui.Kf. dtc.&r." " " Fun.itur-; loj.t on liainl lor sU ul all llmrt. '' COFFINS, toyuT.d ,-or j.L.iii, nuxle in tlio ni-cU'itaiid l.-jt tli-r d iaf Iba sliortc.t -iillj tiiii.. All rJr will r. c'-irj ".rui;t jtt.-i.tiou. M.op on tlio I ortli ula ot ivtnitvm rtrjdL'aitioite bo 1'ni.ti!.; Officii. (C 3ai) U. V. fai't..K. FOR- SALE VU t zci..iiiw lor rul is io i he new Eure hi U-kal4ta. J ki Kl.iurmx ami Sa Milm ..a. . Fur rs mquiie f y f' J. c- burnettHO Uoklivw, Kauu. tf. TOE GREAT E1STERX HAS ARIUTEO! Oskahosa a'aost-.tae World! CHEAT EDUCTION IN FUICR OF GOODS! STEWhRT Xs-CRABBS iTT V K just rr.'ivrtl a txic li ck tl StnpU XI nn I Knrv l'r (So i(- c'ii.iii a mI nil ih. :ni.iin) aMi.-:.s ii-iinl X lit in rsTrn retail M.r. j;hi)s. nirv pr.nlucc tnki n in ixelmi gelor I.iili.sin.l (Jei ih-mrn rrll m tbe;Pefpli-t St. ire. S.iulli-.nit cirti. r. f Pub'tSquntp. 4 j i : fsij- k Fever and Ague, from which manVi .d suffer orer a Urge part of the clot, ii the roasrquctiee of a diseased action in the sTitrm, iiidjreil by the poisonous miasm of vegetable drear. This exhahtinn is evoked by the action of sol ir heat on wet soil, and riM nitn the watery vapor fm.n it. While the sun is below the horizon thi-t vrmr lingers nenr tlie earth's sur face, and thevirtH is .taken with it tbrmigk the Iun.M into the bloid. Slicreit art an irritatinc fuHjnn nn .ti. inl.Mfl twMW. ..1 ..i- .. i.v .... ...v, wiiu ai it.iiii; v.K... lne V- ne rpr. "ccomca torpia aim tan j to kviuw ..u, uii.v .... ... im.l iiuv ii. e uiir iii.iii the bli id. Tilth tievinu and the bile accuinulite in the circulation.' and proJuce violent coiiilitn- tionil disorder. Tie spleen, the Vidticyj. and tlie sto-uich srinpitliUf witli the liver, and bc.-niue disordered ali. finally, the instinct of our or Rinifin, as if in ar. attempt to expel the noxious infusion, tlie whole l.Ioo 1 of the body in the internal cxirctorics to force then to cart it out. Tlie blood loves tlie surftce. and rushri to ti? central organs vith cnnjrMtit c inlc-icc. This is the C.lir.t.. Dulin this c firt it f ills. Then tlio FcVK.a f illun-j, in r!ii -h the lI i J le ives the cen tral ontint and mhn to the surf ire, as if in another c:fm to etrrl the irrit itins n-)inii thrjuah that othr ereit hrretory the a'siu. In this also it fjiN, and tli? Mitem aliainliiis the attempt exninteit, ami wui tor tlie rcenrcryo' streif-ia io rejic it me n jjicirst en in nniincr n it. inc-tc are the 5t or nintVm of Fkvku. 'sr Anrs. Such coiwtiinii iiiil.liwinh'r will of cojre under luinelliehciltti ifilitn'rt mnvreL . --. We hise laborsl to aud. aud have found, an antid ite, Ayer's Ague Cure. hieh nentrjlircs tits milirt-nj nnisnn in the bloi I, aud slimul ite ihs lit cr ci;n I it fm 11 the bo Iv. As it I, o it dor cure ibis aill.cU'ij; dis ir.lcr tvitli perfe-t t linty. And it d ics more, ar r ithcr d svliit isof mire service t tlmsc miV ject to this iufetii ut. If t ikrii i-i aewo 1 it espcli :t from the srstcm ns is absirlftrd. and thus keeps thiie v'i nv it freer in its ;ittie'cs; keens the STSteiu in heilth nll'isili i-snoic.1 to the disea.c. Co i.c-icnily it not I)r cure. Iat pntc.ts fr. 11, ine ureu virietr 01 aiccttous tviiicii are iiuluced liy Hut milieu-nit i.:oieiicc. such tu Itciuittcnt Kcftcr. Chill l-'cicr. VutVi. or Mj-tkcd Acne. Peri lie il Ilea I ic!ie. niUili'ius He id irh". Bili ins Keren, Xcutnlii, It'ictm uis.a. Gout, Olmdiiets, Tooth Hie. Ein-Iie. Cit.irrli. Asthma, Palpita tions Piiin'il Alfoctb.ijof I lie Sph-en. Hysterics, Uolie. and tuuful ArTcctious of the tito uicli ami Uiftcls. 41 of itlurli. ivhcn arising fro n this ciuc. vill hefonnd lo assim.c more or less the intermittent tre TliU "Aot'K CritB" re uiftcs the cu.ccf lUccdciangcmcnts, and cures llu dic isc. Thiiitnconpli-iheoy stimulating the excre Juries to etp.l the tins from the system : and these orpins by d-uTcc become Iml itcd to do this iliwrolfi-eofilit'irownlcrnrd.1 Ilcti'eari-eswhat re term )-7miaiih. Time may accomplish the .1 lie end. but often lif is not lmi( nr ! icriiiceil i-i the atteuii. while this " Auua Cuius " I I js it at once, and nih safety. We have great 1 "n hi .icin-ve inisisasurer as ttcii as saier n-lr fir the whole ilaas of ! which are naseil by the tni.ism.-rfr infection, than spy other fthich has lcn diM-ovrril ; and it has still ,-ii otLrr mportint ndvatilnge o the public, which i, thit it is cheap as vtell as swd. r.-.lj-AUW BT DR. J. C.AYER & CO. LOWJELL, MASS. FmcE O.nk loLUit rcu Bom.". Ayer's ClJerry Pectortil has won for itself sub a rrnown for the cure of every vnriclv of I bnit and Luna: Complaint, that it js cntirelv nut tits.irv for 111 to recount the evidence uf its vines, sshercver it baa laren era ;lo)cd. As it long In 11 in constant use throughout this rrsni. rte nerd not do more than jsMirc the (irnple it iulil is kept up to tlie best '.I evrr bus l.rcn. nil 'it mar Le relied on ta Jo for their relief al it has ever Iccn found to do. 1 Ayers dithartic Pills, FM AU TK rWlia SF A IIWGATrVt UBtKmL FiiiCosTiVKxisa h Fuu iiik (uk or U.sitrsiai -. FBiJAiMtita; v -, Foa.TBa;tuu up IXBiecsnoxt f. l( IjKAIItCIIK: , , Fok tiiCi'iib or Dtsi.ntwt; ' , ,' Foit Fori. Stomach ; Fok tiibL'ikk ur EmMi-am; ' lot Tin. Pma; For tiibCdkk or Sct:urotj ; ' FUU AIX LltOll'I.OIH Comi'Ijiints; Fuu iHspuiiB or Kuct matism ; ; Fob Ik us 13 or tiik Skin ; ' Fou tub Cue or Livku Comi-uust; Fuu Duorsv ; Foa tbs CuBJtlr Tktteh, It mobs axd sUit iUintfn; Fott Woiims; For he Cuue or Gotrr; FojA UiNMEu Pill: For TiijCcBBltrr HkVBALout Fob tub Uxoou. They are suga coated, so that the most sensi tive can take tl m pleasantly, and being purely vegetable, u ba a can arise tram their use ib any quantity. Fries If ant m xszriTehaa ier $169. Great number if Clergymen, PhysicLins, States men, and emit it personages, have lent their names to certify e unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but pi spaccy here will tot the insertion of thci The Agents below named fur uishgraiisoBrJ BtuCAirAtMAXAcm hkk they are given ; witMso (UII descriptions of -the above complaints, and ie treatment lliat should le fol lowed for their 1 re. Do not be pj off Vy nnprinriplrd dealers with other nrenarati s thev make more profit on. Demand AYr.uland tae ro others. The sick want the Let ai there is for them, and they should have it. f All our llemi ea are for sale by 1013 k XeCLELLU, Ageiti. Oil-all, Jffjrsoti Co., Katwit nnf. i j;"T wayl 1U 11 Vj immi ni 'civic zkmEi J g ohIaloo'sa1, Kansas. I ti TME un'erKigiw.l'iaVe pK'artireiiimfidnneing t hi fririi-l", and the public genuially, thai le ..xp.reil tod rurretlMi; ..ii -lu.ri uo'ice 4iitatHi.M(inle taca dVivonrwiek ra;iurt Utt iliV-Wlil'p ese sWm.; VtsAr - L" July 1JIU, --.Jin . JUUA.,UAI.I. J EOWARD ASSOCIATION,. . . PHILADELTIA A ITenrro'rnt Iiiitinion ertillih hy nreui!, JCiiil.iiiieiit. fctU rel'et of ili Suk am Di'in -I. flltc'til a nh Viiuli nian 1 Ep ',' n: i -iwt-. nun .p rimy lor tie rur. l Hi liiTS' Xil ft. . , MKDICAI. ADVICE v'irji gr,t;.. brjjii; A tiiiSnrgi Ii. lO.l'lwh" Jby If It r. nl. :i il'fcrjptJoii il it.. ir e li iiiHi (iv cch- pnlii.ii. Ii.lit.or IITm. die.) .iii.I ii el. n x- f inn . orery.Mi!itiu.s Inr. islirdlrrt-vfcl nre. y.liiablerejxiis -n.Sjiprm-'Kr'lirei. mill i.f - -r .t-ite (.f iIm. JsexmMOrgt.s'-ii.r.,n,tte NW IkMllltlirh ini.'llt.ll in llit I)in Mirr . ... to h-ntSict d ill .nl d fre f 'I? t'. t wj or imee ri.nipt, r pv.tigd win Ih- nfte talile ,, Al.ire-, DR. J. SKIf.LW nOUfiHTONV Ac linu 11 wird -.-j ti n. N .. 2 Somh inn h ireel, I'liiN.I Iphii. P. Rv nilrr .f il.e -Itr-ctwt. EZR II. HE VRTWEI.L. Prr-'t 10-ly GEO. AIRCIIILD, SeerHit.y . i . s' fsi n f . ; I e::B.cAids; DKAI.KltlX i & STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS, If GROCERIES! BOOTS ANDigiltt "5 8J s HATS &XJAPS. HARDWARE. t - TT-'F.I', WMtMi'i i-1 tin t on Ijiml n Vi i-ll t. 1. 1 ! mds lo s jbtnir (? irTy V fit O It. C. RSO.V," iVVocklbf; f-i-rMi. W. si side . f PuIili.-S-iuarf. O.-kilotna. Kans.f. 'lilt , ii P. E. HAVENS. JUS ICE OF THE PEACE, (District Clerk,'; Otlici-) . ' tlSKAI.OOS.l, K.1!.!.S. "err torj of Kansas.) JI Fir.tlil,tri.t,. Tel Jour.1 ul JtfTc-ri.-ii.) tr I 7lutli nitritt Court ofpjM Vrntort s!ttii it. s-.l.l Com.- for tl.utril of t'-ili-i i.r.r lu.r ul u.-r llu l-.i of sal.l Trriturv. Coonrn Burt 11J.L y-ieer and Jolm i part. APPRAISEMENT NOTICE, t To JiilinK-er, 1.1 e i.rtlia .icfn.l-i.U. 1 011 boil j; a li" ot Jcd-run. Loji.n. are iior.-bt i.i.till .1 . at I u 111, on "Il.url.ft llio Ulli U l Orl.ilH-r .. ). IcC. bjiue.-i. llu iiousotll A. il. kii.i s; f. . r tl.. t .!-; , U tlio :ort!.-..t or-ni-roftlitf ir..t orUi.l herein uljr. in tins iue. I -M-ril.?.!. cjlso tu l.j up, rui.e.1 tcronlii c t.t Lor, m.v n.-Mrniioi ir.ti u ul'I 10 uii: tiiv j- ilirrrtci! I.j 11. .inter lue Ii. ibo t.Niiu u.t.tljd rs.uouut ..r Mid M-trtl Court. J. CII.I.MMVKV. Master of said com tr. Oct. Cll'CU, n-3w sit JU-c-'u. i! J ) .".x'.tifnrtli'.rt-tAi. 3-.)m la.wu lili. o (!) r K.iijri- .No kei.t.n-i. (P.) of Hie IK-Uftibrolr l U.i..ili. aul.l t 0111 tft fjellfrxiu:i. Tcrrlion r K1.1 il.f h.i.1 l-i .1 1".. i... .t.i 1.. ... . I mammUXXmi. W.A.' J laajCTBBBBaBBjBBBajaCj m tfinminiUL m j V i w .islasiBBiassaBBr J f' "' '" ""' 'rl " mJm - j V? V-yaBSaSy saW BBBBBBBBb1 aW SHBBsBB BBBaBBsfS sl fBBBBvaf .JP02PKSSP4 bbAbbt tsst'?- ' 4 The above Cut rcprcscotsour new 14X18 Jnch sliect-flyins x "of tlie kifttl in use. Corunktc description sent on 4 THE CINCINNATI TYPE-FOUNDERY Co. I ESTABLISIIISD 1830.) 'J' " " ' Corner of Vine and Longwortii Streets,. ,?' 31 aBufUctairca a grrcatcr Tarlcty of THAJSr SLSTY COMPLETE ISTEAVSPjPEII OFFICES Fitted out in a daji and at lower prices than they can to hadTcIsewHefe. , ..", Hand-Presses, MrolaliDLO tJolD-Fire.BvSe.9, CYLINDER -caxno Orders furnished from s,;.Atr,y i hm STEAM FLOimiHG MILlSr ' w aMIfaSjal nor at mc m. i V 0SKAL00SA:KAX6A8r rpiIE fcbove ii w anU etnalib e-labl.i) JL iiieul s rtnw in complete tana S ortknand oV'ubsutibvri'prrparea tu do catu.mVtrort1 in t sa'iMac'ucy luiiiiier. .)t t , . Atluchcl t- iRe olxire mil's is a' Steam Saw Mill, HU'reaR kiad(of lumber can bo obtained it rcM'Hiinbla rair. Onl nir iumoer filled ! I ... -s-c r. J ''r-' ' -i H.r. iiihicc. i- hWU li renna;bje.-pnct, O 7 2-if. ,nJJC. aY"Sawiag done in eooil style a r T)TTtVl?-lT t'ZJ .HfclCtJJ rrsvfy"""'- ius. ?. .ritn Ii,Qi s Sim MOORE & MCCLELLAN. OSKALOOS KANSAS. DEltlaT IN STAPLE & FA NfiY-WKY. WOODS. T. 1 ClfllfE TASILiiiROlTEIUESl itEADY JlADBjQLOTiilNG.. HATS AND CAPS. $ Bb4T6 lAafDiSHOEJiJ HARDWARE, CUTLERY, T (JLASSWARE. Xf QUEENiSWARE. " TOBACCOf DROGS PATENT MEDICINES, .OILS. DVES. WINDOW GI,ASS, FaM7 Goals. Yankee Hotiou. Bosks, iml ill o-l er hfiiLis u-.ii 'I y' sold br Caantrv MlCb.lllls , ., ISTTIifureite-te-ire and attention hi been x-rtnl in Him srirc-iiui ol ilu- above Mock, nnd ill the ! ill I ir found .if i be.; beat quality iti'l sol.l on the mi rr-inninl.le trrm. t.Vrn i I.itteir.-ii C-.itoiis Res and nil other Lind- of IVotiuci tik n iti exUiancc for coods. a. iaa I Q t DEPUTY COUNTY CLERIC. CONVEY AtiCM, REAL ESTATE ASD lHCTn.iBECTf OfIir noj .imcir the Unit, n ll.u-e, Oskalic fTcrstm C uirr Ku.-i'. ' c ' ' . Will myTXC9,'rll COLLICTIO19, ml i) ln-uiefs tbat innre.i Inns iniy wih ii.'Jfr.-i.i. Ciiiuy, a.l X rllier-; Kan'ns. AI! bn-im-K-. rnlrulf. r.. my cure will ri-cntt- ir'.ii 1 iiiptii ii. mi r.-ns..iinlil Jrrms MIL.MI .MJilir uUaysou band forsal' l urriiit nte. -tf. J. II. BENNET. ATTORNEY AT LA ;7, CetjL-rul ana Ural lEhtateAKcat, GRASSHOPPER FA WIS. (OlTIce .11 the Pt OITTcpI) NOTARV PUBLIC AND CnXVLTlNCER, Cocimissioner for Ohio. ' ' C"Uf ti..ii inn 'e: t.ft.siui.l. Pr.i.-iieil S-ir vey r ltu'iioss .uiru-t d to tny cite mi I Im 1 tJ (-louiptly. 10-if , . x j, 11. i.r...M-.i " . t I . . 1. Job-Press. The best, fastest ant cheapest' Machine , application. Price, $000. With Fit! 350. OTHETTt COrC3ZTOJ 1ST THU &rpPLATEN ,FOVER-PRESSES, '.A.iNrcrg' ' - r Ml." UTXt-JEI OP any Spccimen-Book. For Terms and .iH'ri itn-y shek rr salc. i'errhrjry of KiBSnrr-l r..,.rtiWJ,.iS-l 82 T-rtri - ti DaudiUl! fU4B sUdn. TJfc"e nrrto wmltrscBsi lay. il kW Oejer. A. D. im'L ay, at ikr fJbeVt rfcoW.rthri5 r. asasLss.. .- w tislite R 03). iaatlrkt.8 ; llbnml Dollars, T:iYL"ll lonxsr x, STittbOs 4 IUtm. iw-eS v11ai.nflsA, Attnraiys. lu ra A i4 Ui .If ' SHERIFF'S SKttiJ Territory ot K' n-M, , L' - . f C'.unti ol J.fleiron. John K. Uriel, ,n , l " J. L. Speer. ' '' -d. Hy virtue of 'aa eiecutWi 'to me d rec'el. sssue 1 br ih-CIeik.-f.ikjFir.ilH in i Court 'iitn g in .. d C.-U ity fn'the nal of miis- ar n g ai..1er the Uusof .it 'le-ni-rr. I nli .... . iir :.y.Oj'obrrt OlBl l, A. O. . he:w n IIil- b !! of .'in -i.d i. ar o. kick r "at. ut tint d.iy, ar ih-Conn nr.u-d.T.r in the vuLia af it-adeiMimy oC-rstuiMeTsaIa l tll-J bieheM bhldi-i f .r ra,l. in il.the f..ll .v. I'lg real . state t.Swmtln nrdiridrd one hall of tlio Nolb .We5iquar.ri.trctioo twrat mn-'C.9j in'p ni e ('.) ..f range inn. teen ( 19; of ih 11,-1 .war' Trust Lid- inJefTro i&ns-ia TcrfiH.rv. lavirtl iib lh uri.urrts of J. I L. Sjesr, to satisfy said Ear ca'nr J l-.HIXTOX, S''sr (T -flEi 0.kd' K ni-a. JonxsTOv. Stistos k llavt.s. Atfy fr P.1E SIlEltlFfS SAIJE. ' Tsr t fa nl kanau ftt-s iiimj v. (. a-rr Ciity t Jiifrsti .f "iisL 1 ..mi. t, t..,tll..t .... 1 (, iii cits ft ichiici uri. x Spiiner Jc Fries. By v;rtoe of aa or der ol an alia and rluris ixt-cutton t.BtRdi- fe' e-ti ory. ng-iuMi ih- oods and c'tatl. Is, la.sie ml lemmeiiisolSamu. 1 H.S, nn;rrand Cba'ti Fr:-. had t the foil wm desenbed Reel t, to wi': Tie north-west r of sreti.itt (Siiuw.'shipe'gliMo' ol range iwiity (20) in J IT-'ii i'.iuh y. Kin-a T wkicb ' I nill .T-rJ-rs-iUiit t.ubl( TrrulaelhKiltch-, b d r f-r ra-h 'n haml .41 Kcnl .y th 19ih I y O1 IX-n-lier, A. 1. I83ti.althe u.iort Ibn it. 11 e villag o. 0 tulo-n. County an I Tn-ntry af 1 r-m I. Ifc-iwrt-o Hi j h ur f .ie o'cl i P. M anl si cl i-U H.M. I that dv. JsheniTa Cffici, Oskil m 1, J. -..fll.VION, SherffN Jou J Pi.ndi.v An f" I'f . IM HENRY BUCKMASTER. M.tD., Physician ami Sargeos, , OsKAXsA,KAH!lja, . Oflic- & u liu'd of Publu.gnuare. ai'j.iain 3 nwior r :n i. K-li. re- in the fttorte dwelling ttotise. fiitfih ! lM-rteitrrt. IJ-lf TJTTrON". " I. J 1 AT1T1 parficufars, address X. T.WELLS, Agen, k lUA hv f(a fmSS&lLR u'.urr iara laws ul said tBitn I si.- . - i'KtlaOSl.milt(t-eHfat' Ir.Sliafi&SS S, ci ion thirtr-ii t i:lite Ka noart.rof yetIo . thirty tw-TSfcL!': .1. t. .,l.i R l o.. :!..' .T,wm TOWW- .. r . (,..- v... invc SBBBB IA . r.,rty.rf,uTv!iaw.-d J.(Hj aW xiomlrrsoid...l,r. t w ., .IT Fj"" IB. .hfi.lviSiu,inr3. i,. j, ,MM " -P -WV. t i m I . J"- t , f i ' f H v.