Newspaper Page Text
THE INDEPENDENT: OSKALOOSA, KANSAS, iQGIDBERiaiSGO. Hv Vi . i f f f u i 1 JfBI 1 81 ri Ui tf ADVEUaaSKHENTS i CABINET- WARE ROOMS! "ttm undersigned "Is prepared to manufacture t !J. order oh shorfaoUce, and at reasonable prices, aUkissts-ss ! -, 1,8 CABINET FURNITURE, such as Bureaus, Bedsteads, Breakfast and Ultacy "Tallica. Outre Tablet, Lounges. &c, &c Furniture kept on band for aale at all times. ir5rJ?OWJfHS,-covered or plain, made In the neaiestnd,bearat), 'and in the shortest possible time ' Alforders win receive prompt attention. Shop on theaartastde orJeaerton street, opposite lie Prints Ossee. "(G-3m) n ft A ar , c?d o vr. ,,. oijuint j &r. Uu i. - Terttry T Kansas.), In the First District Co art tint District, - Vof said Territory siuinf in , Coaaly of JeShrsoa.) aald County of Jefferson for -iR4K i me inai or causes anstnr under ; rvs-t) un o sent Territory. M J Aff KA1SMJNT JNOi'IUK. j CsnwiB ar. Goes soignee of Geore Bart, a $xym aenaenr, ana Mary B. Kennedy. , I'lm avenaeav x jury x- Acuncaj acienoanis. . VAA Skttl in... .lrt....l. nf lil' rAH.I. a 'heVabV'Bot&edtnatl wiU. on Thursday, the 25th day of. October A. D. I860 between the hoars of 2 and S o'clock V. at. of that day, at the North East cornerxciae irses oi una, nerein alter in their no tic a swsaftbed, eanse to be appraised according lo -Uw, the.lbHowin; described tract or land to-wit; thb Son West quarter of Section Kb twelve (ISi In, Township Ho nine (?) or Range So sixteen (16) la aha Coeaty f Jawenoa, and Territory of Kansas, the said send to bo Bold by me. as directed by an or--derlasaed ha, law above aaUUed caase, out or the said FiMt District Coast. t- . J. OII.I. RPIVRV waster Coaiailasioner of said Court. -3w Oct. Sd 1666. I iijiuos.;; i ' k .SELECT SCHOOL. THE undersigned would inform the citiseaa of Okaloosa and vicinity, that-the third term oi his school will open on the 21th of September 1860, in Back's building on the east aide of the Public Square. KATES OF TCITIOIf; Orthography, Beading, .Writing and Primary Geography, Arithmetic and Grammer, per month. SI. 00 AJI higher branches, SI ,35 no deduction will be made for absence of pu pils except in cases of protraoted sickness or by fpeciareoetract. Boarding Tor pupils from the country can be obtained by application to the undersigned. ' VWXo abecedarians will be admitted. 10-lt W. C. BARNES' Principal. ri !?DR. F. T. SPEES, TJ0SKAL00SA, KANSAS. Tenders bis professional services to the citizens orOffcalooaa and.vicinity. .Oftce, North-west corner of Public Square. ZdJ To Sell or Bent. A HOUSE and lot, boase one and a half story high three rooms below and one abore. lot well kneed, and located in a pleasant part of town, orparttcnlars inquue at this o: Territory or Kansas.) Tn the District Court ef said First District, I Territory sitting in said Coun- County or Jeffersen.) ty for the trial or causes aris ing under the Laws or said Territory. George Bart ts J. L. Fpeer and John Speer. APPRAISEMENT NOTICE. To John Speer, one of the defendants. Vou being a non-resident of Jefferson County, are hereby notified that I will, on Thursday the SSth day of October A. D. 18C0 between the hours of 11 A. M. and 3 P. U. or that day, at the Korth-east cor ner or the tract or land herein afer, in this notice, described, cause to be appraised according to law, the following described tract ofland to-wit: the North East quarter ofSecUon thirty -two (32) in Town ship Ko nine (9) or Range Ho Seventeen (17) of the Delaware Trust Lands In said Coanty or Jefferson and Territory or Kansas, the said land to be sold by me aa directed by an order issued in the abore entitled caase out or said District Court. J.GILLSPIVET. Master Commissioner or said county. Oct. Sd 1860, OSKALOOSA AHEAD! NEW STOVE STORE AND TIN SHOP, (North side of Public Square.) W. I. WMITSETT, Freprictor. TOE subscriber keeps constantly on hand a good assortment ol the best varieties of COOK STOVES, Among which may be named Giles F. Filley'a well known and universally celebrated CHARTER OAK, which has an extensive sale wbereverintrodoeed. because it is so well adapted to the wants of the people. Also, the Y.LLEY FIRGE aid FLTIIDTI MCI, which, for mtplicity of arrangement, saving ef fnel.and superiority of operation, 8tanf Uaofialled. I alto have constantly on hand a good assort ment of v tm wftii - of my own manufacture, all of which is warrant ed to eive PERFECT SATISFACTION. I am prepared in every particular to execute JOB WORK OF ALL KINDS with neatnss and dispatch, and as cheap as any house in Kansas, those in the river towns not ex- MOORE & MCCLELLAN, OSKALOOSA, KANSAS. DEALERS nr STAPLE & FA NC Y DRY G 00DS CI8ICE FAMILY GROCERIES, READY MADE CLOTHING, -HATS AND CAPS,, BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GLASSWARE, QUEENSWARE, TOBACCO, DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, OILS. DYES, WINDOW GLASS, Fancy Goods, Yankee Hotions. Books, Stationery, c., and all other articles usual iy sold by Country Merchants. 9Tbe greatest care and attention has been exerted in the selection of the above stock, and all the goods will be found of the best quality and sold on the most reasonable terms. Clean Linen and Cotton Rags and all other kinds of Produce taken in exchange for goods. WANTED. A FARM of two ortlirte hundred acres, with good water and timber upon it. and Ij be oiurwhnt improrul, and a'tuated within a few mi lea 'or O-kaloossu. Any person desiring to cell surh a place for rash down, at a reasonable rict, will please rail upon M, R. DuUoa, ntahe lutlos House. Oskaloosa. 6-tf JOHN N. HALL, SORVEYIR AND CIVIL ENGINEER, OSKALOOSA, KANSAS. THE undersigned takes pleasure in announcing to his friends, and the public geuerally, that be is prepared to do surveying on rhort notice, sad at reasonsble fees. Persons wishing survey ing done will please give me call. July 15th, 2-3m JOHN X. nAI.L. G. J5. CARSON, DEALER IN STAPLE ft FANCY DRY GOODS, GROCERiESj BOOTS AMD SHOES, HATS & CAPS. HARDWARE, &c. KEEPS constantly on hand a well sclrcte stock of goods for sale at fair living profit for cat. O. B. CARSON, West side of Public Square. Oskaloosa, Kansas. Jul , 11 NORTH MISSOURI BROAD GUAGE RAILROAD. (ONLY ALL RAIL ROUTE,) THE shortest and Quickest route to St. Louis, Louisville, Lexington., Cincinnati. Mem phis, Nashville, and all Eastern and Southern Cities: Passengers leave St. Jireph at 6 A. M. by the ITannibal A St. Joseph Railroad and con nect at Hudson with the North Missouri, mak ing the run in 16 hours, allbrdinir a cood tiinhts rest in St. Louis, and giving them the choice of all Roads out of St. Louis tor the bust and South. By taking the North Missouri, passen gers SATE 13 nOITKS TIME X as the connection JS SORE AT HUDSON. as all Trains are directed to await the arrival of the If. St. Jo. Trains, nnd the delajs and dan gers ol Steamboat navigation are thereby avoided Be sure to purchase, tickets by me iortn Mis souri, And do not suffer parties interested for ether ro ids to exchange your tickets for the river routewhere delay la almost inevitaoie at uiis season of the rear. BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH and handled eaiefully. Tickets for sale at the office of the II. k St. Jo. R. R. at St, Joseph. J. B. MOULTON, Supu WM. E. WILSON, General Ticket Agent, St. Louis, Ho. t & llJ. WM. MORIN. Ageat at St Joseph. August 29th, I860, 8 tf . r. ruinous. -WVK. FAIKHOtJI MANSION HOU SE, RISER to INSLEY, Froprietni. Corner of Shawnee and Fifth Streets, ' LEA VEXWORTIfCITrtjtiiySAS Stages Leave this hoaseekrly. and a Free Omai bus runs from tie House tn the Bo Up. 9 3 in. k."5ETEH,'S cepted. I hope by strict attention to Lusinew and an accommodating spirit, to merit a liberal rhare of public patronage. W. H. WHITSETT. Oskaloosa. Kan , July ;$ WJ '( "T ;PAUL E. HAVENS, tjity Clerk f tie Biitriet Geirt far JFTRSOX COUNTY, KAXSAS GOHVEYAHCER, REAl EST ATEt INSURANCE AND COLLECTION AGENT, r- r -OSKALOOSA, KANSAS. Wat, XTAX6. K, MCrAELAXB. EVANS Si MCFARLAND CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS, (Shop on South east comer of Public Square,) OSKALOOSA, KANSAS. ARE prepared to fill orders for all kinds o work in their line in t lie best style. EST" Contracts for the erection of buiMinir ken oa satisfactory termj-j3 1-tF Will attend promptly to all business entrusted to rus care Especial attention given to the payment of tax es nud the collection of claims for non-residents. All business inquiries promptly answered. ,-if , P. K. HAVENS. ,011v. - , . JJTNA INSURANCE COMPANY a ' HAKTFORB, COJUT. "rsTesVw CHARTERED 181J. Oath? Capital, $ 1.500,000. ChJLmett, 82,000,000. !! E. G. RIPLEV. Prest. if. AALEXANDER, Seey. 13-aIV JEINETT, Gcnertl ignt, j Clwinsuti, Ohio. SaCPM V. DY, Ainu If-.,-, 1 - 1L6H1, KANSAS szeL sraLDiita. itssi w. spaldixo. AZEL SPALDING & SON. lTTOrLNEYSANBCOBXSELLflRSAT LAW, GILASSHOPPEB. FlZiLS, JEFFERSON CO., KANSAS. WILL practice in the Courts of Jeffcrron Jackson and Atebiscn Counties and in the 3upreme Court .f the Territory. ST Especial attention given to collections matariag in Northern Kansas. 6m ftmaAIRIE FARMER. itTV eus t TtlK-Twentr-First volnms of this old and pcufsr'gricnltural paper ummenced on the hrvr- ay of January, 1860. 9twsUbe'ine aim of the publishers in the fu taMfaWthepsei, to asake a paper that shall bafaf aVoriie with" the Farmer, the Horticultural- islsM "atbe fireside. In each department we .uvtiv.l . : r r . . mi ciiiiciiui wii ia improTeiieni ana tn strefion,'BBd make it a favorite with the voune;- rr portion sf the home circle, by so treating of mujrci mai a ucsue o moie inoroughiy uniter standbetntJX soecoe of fanning shall prevail, that "tie sailing may be 'looked upon as it real ly it, the most healthful acd iadspecdent one known. 1 he list "'practical contributors will bemuch enlarged another year; and no expence icestary o fcejtT" Agricultural ,per of the V.'e.t witrbs''partd ' v The paper wiU ever be found the working mast at friend and advocate. TrjbiTof the Prune Farmer for 1860. GREAT; INDUCEMENTS! sVrfO?y, one year $2 00 ThV(fe Copies. oae year"- .....500 Si5,ppies,.p6eyrsj"aodoue to agent-- 9 00 One additional cepy to the rlub ageo i fur very aen;onft over ni. erjeiub vtie oi fitly Bersoaa sending the first lists oi.twjrnty.hubwribers on abuvjierms, alter ihi 4lv, 'we will give a bound 'volunss The Prairie Farinor for the last half of the present year. To tbe firrt ix pton- who will send us li.u of fifty or snore sob-cribers on the above t. nns, re will give a copy of Webstei's Unabridged Diftionry.C40torulrH.itljn) containing tifnen Hundred iliusttsUuti. Friends at iba Prairie Fanner, you ran do much to extead the sset c4aeas and circulation of The Farsssr WiU ya try it! We will stud simple sepias and prespeeiases free te any eoe ho wiU try to extend its care lation. Address EMERV A CO., 11-tf . Mi Lake street, Chicago, 10. NEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS! MARSHALL 8. CRAWFORD, OSKALOOSA, KANSAS. DKALUt IN DKY GOODS, GROCERIES. HARDWARE. NAILS, HOOTS AND SHOES HATS AND CAfS, YANKEE NOTIONS, JE WELRY. and ia fact everything usually kepi in a country store. We would call particular attention tn oar stack of Shop made Boot and Shoes, which we can jell at from fifteen lo twenty-five per cant cheaper than any othet house in Jefferson C. Country Produce takr-n in exchange fo gnodV. Don't forget the place. South side Park 3 BUTTON HOUSE OSKALOOSA. K , M. R. DUTTON, Proprielor. flaring' recently fitted up, and furnilied the above new house, which ij pleasantly located n, the flouri.hing , fjjffj!MTV iX of Jeffenon Cooniy,is now ready to aceuuoiMi. the traveling public. NO PAINS WILL BE SPARED torendr at"-factlori io nil who ir,ay with a tall, and endeavoring to ktnn motto if Ague Cure, FOK TBK SVEEDr CVKK OT Iateratltteat Fever, or Ferer aad Agate, Kradtteat Ferer, Chill Fever, Dhbib) Agwe, PeriWical Headacke, or Dilicma Heaslaeke, aasi Bilieas Fevers, indeed for the whole class of sUseases arigi aatiaff ia Mliary deraageaaeat, caased hy the Malaria of aiia atir owaatrie. No oat remedy it loader called for by tb ceasities of the American people than a sure and safe care for Ferer and Ago. Each we are bow enabled to offer, with a perfect certainty that it wfll eradicate the disease, and with assurance, founded an proof, that no harm can arise from its use ia any quan tity. That which protects from or prevents this disorder must be of immense service in the communities where it prevails. Pretention is better than cure, for the patient escapes the risk which he must run in violent attacks of this baleful distemper. This "Coax" expels the miasmatic poison of Favzx ahd Aoca from the system and prevents the develop ment of the disease, if taken on the first ap proach of its premonitory symptom. It is not only the best remedy ever yet discovered for this class of complaints, but also tho cheapest. The large quantity wc supply for a dollar brings it within the reach of every body; and in bilious districts, where Fetek axd Aoob prevails, every body should have it and use it freely both for cure and protection. It is hoped this price will place it within tha reach of all the poor as well as tbe rich. A great superiority of this remedy over any other ever discovered for the speedy and cer tain cure of Intcrmittcnts is, that it contains no Quinine or mineral, consequently it pro duces no quinism or other injurious effects whatever upon the constitution. Those cured by it are left as healthy aa if they had never naa wc cuscase. Fever and Ague is not alone tha consequence of tbe rniasmatic poison. A great variety of disorders arise from its irritation, among which are Neuralgia, Rheumatism. Gout, Headache, Blindness, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asth ma, Palpitation, Fainful Affection of tha Spleen, Hysterics, Pain in the Bon els. Colic, Paralysis, and Derangement of the Stomach, all of which, when originating in tha cause, put on the intermittent type, or become period ical. This "Cubk" expels the poison from the Wood, and consequently cures them all aHke It is an invsluablo protection to immi grants and persons travelling or temporarily residing in tbe malarious districts. If taken occasionally or daily while exposed to tbe in fection, that will be excreted from the system, and cannot accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen into cKscase. Hence it is even more valuable for protection than cure, and few will ever suffer from Intermittent, if they avail themselves of the protection this remedy affords. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, m AU the ramsES of a family physio, are so composed that disease within the range of their action can rarely withstand or evade them. Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human organ, ten, correcting its diseased action, and restoring to healthy vitalities. As a consequence of these properties, the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find his health or energy restored by a remedy at once so simple and inviting. kot only do they cure the every-day complaints ef everv hodv. hut ol.n .... nJL:j.v.f j The proprietor bone to merit liberal piru g dangerous diseases. The aacnt below named ia GOOD STAHMXO pleased. to famish gratis mT American AlSanac! and aeareful man ALWATSf n hand to attend th eeatanung certificates of their cures and direction nr war use in me following complaints : Cottitt- le fan.r him nD to -li 'LIVE AXD LET LIVE' same. Offioe of Ihr Kana Sie;cCi. M. K. Dotton, Ajrnct S- - e part daily, wnncci-j; vi'b I i Eait, West, North aad South. il Ms liou 'frM- and a i U, itit THEERESS. J. W. FOlITEY.Mit raai Fiwarietor. Puili'lim Ofct, 417 Ciettnul St., " " "aWLABEWMIA. ThsHestoariagate the tanas of the several editions: ' ' - PAaJrssniia aOw'per annum-, payable ia . adtaaer.-' a- f-WaxSLT TatCX-is published on Tues Weasaanaya, and Saturdays, at tt per aikprnSaslraaMu 9 Mmmwfavm. reatinlec- General' News, Edjwrssl, Jlswaels, . Isasl .every Wednes day. rtfwat CatnaaV'tt par hnnan, in advance. Xifaxt " -i - STfrflT t, $ Vf tt 'if a5s $J' e Twnrrr " 20 (when forwarded to one cddresB.) - t Twenty, conies, or ever, to addrtss of each sub acHaw.i(JPweeay. l-tf H. H PORTER, Desler in Fsmily Groceries and Provisions FLOUR,' FRUIT, PORK, PRESERVES, FISH. . PICKLES, , SUGAR, ' NUTS.,' TEA, COFFEE, C NDLES. PASTRIES, CONFECTIONERIES, AC Kncps con-untly on hand a full and complete stock of gosds which he ofiurs lor sale cheap for cash. fcs7"Plrae call aad examine before porchae ing elsewhere fj 11. R PORTER, Public Square, (east aide.) Oskaloosa. if Kansas FOR SALE! TilE undersigned offers f t aaTe, -it reasonable figures, a quarter section of Land, beautiful ly situated in one of the bet nnrliuna of Knnaas. A good sttl nient surrounds it, and fwo territo rial road' piss by it, There i no better upland on the Terrlto-y. - JOHN W. DAY. Fever and Ague; from which mankind suffer over a large part es? the globe, is the consequence of a diseased action in the system, induced by the poisonous miasm ef vegetable decay. This exhalation is evelvcd by the action of solar heat on wet soil, and rises with the watery vapor from it. "While the son is below the horiton this vapor lingers near the earth's sur face, and the virus is taken with it through the tanss into the blood. Thereitactsasanimtatine poison on the internal viscera aad excreting organs of the body. The liver becomes torpid and faus to secrete not only this virus, but also the bile from the blood. Both the virus and the bile accumulate ia the circulation, and produce violent couatita tionsl disorder. The spleen, tha kidneys, and the stomach sympathise with the liver, and become disordered also. Finally, the instinct of our or ganism, as if in an attempt to expel the noxious infusion, concentrates the whole blood of the body ia the internal exerctorirsJo force them to east K out. The blood leaves theSurface, and rushes te the central organs with coazestive violence. This kthcCmix. Butin Ihisetfbrtitftils. Then the Fever follows, in which the Mood leaves the cen tral organs and rushes to the surface, as if in another effort to expel the irritating poison through that other greit excretory the skin. Ia this also it faili, and the system abandons the attempt exhausted, and waits for the recovery ef strength to repeat the bop;le effort another day. Theso ore the fits or naroxrsuis of Fevhr and Aoca Such constitutional disorder will of esurse uuder- mine the health if it is not removed. We have labored to fiai, and hare foand, aa antidote, Ayer's Ague Cure, which neutralizes this malarious poison in the blood, and stimulates tbe liter to expel it from the bojy. As it should, so it docs citrs this nfflieting disorder with perfect certainty. And it does more, or rather docs what is of more service to those sab ioct to this infection. If taken in soason it expels It from the system as it is absorbed, and thms keeps those who use it free from its attacks; keeps the Srstem in health although exposed to the disease, onscqucntly it not only cures, but protects from, the great variety of affections which are induced by this malignant Influence, such as Remittent Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb, or Masked Ague, Periodical Headache, or Bilious Headache, Bilious Fevers, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Blindness, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh. Asthra. Palpisa tW Painful Affections of the SpleeaTHysteiies, Colic, Paralysis, aad Fainful Anectiona of the Stomach and Bowels, all of which, when arising from this cause, will be found to assume more or less the intermittent tvne. This "Antra Cbmb" removes tbe cause of these derangements, and cures the disease. This it accomplishes by stimulating the cxere tories to expel the virus from the system; sad these organs by degrees become habited to do this their office of their own accord. Hence arises what we term aeeliniatutiou. Tisse may accomplish the same end, but often life is not leng enough, or k sacrificed in the attempt, while this Aoca Ccaa " does it at once, and with safety. We' have great reason to believe this is a surer as .well ss safer remedy for the whole doss of diseases which are caused by the miasmatic infection, than any other which has been'discovored: and it has still another important advantage to the public, which is, that it is cheap as well as good. rr.nrARro bt DR. J. C. AYER & CO! LOWELL, MASS. PmcB One Dollar vzb. Bottlh. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such a renown for the cure of every nriety of 'throat fnd Lung Complaint, that it n entirely tinneceMary for to recount 'the evidence of its virtue, tlicrcver it haa beeaent plojcd. As it has lonir been in constant use throughout thii section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best tt ever has been, and that it may be relied oa to do for their relief all it has ever teen found to.'do. A, Ayer's . CathailicPills, FOR AU THE PURPOSES OF A NRGATIYE MEWC4RL , Vnv PfMBTi vcrrm - For tor Cuke op Dtsi-btsia ; Fob Jacvmct. ; Fon Tim Ccne of I JtntaEsnoa ; Fou Hkatmchb; Fob tub Curb or Dtbbxtsbt; For a Foci. Stomach ; For the Cure op Ertsifblas; For the Piles ; For the Cure of Scrofula ; For all Schofcloi-s Complaints ; tor the itjrr of khbumatism; , For Diseases of the Skin ; ' . For tile Curb of Livbr Cosulabwti .- a - . Fob. ,T)noPsrv i "" , H. Fob TBI Cpu or TsTrxa,'TtrKaa ajtd uk? - "JWKux; ' - Foa Worms; Fon tbx Ccaa or Goer; ' Faa a Onma Ptu;' For the Cure op Neuralia; Fob PcBaTTiNe pa Blood. They are sngar-coated. so that the most nve can take them pleasantly, and being purely vegetable, no harm eaa arise from tkak ase at aav quantity. y lrk 25 cants per Box; Hra bote for fL06i Great nmnbers of Clergymen, Fhysieiaaa, States men, and eminent personages, have lent their names to certify the nnparsUeled asemmess of these Vnrw1lS linliik.iM 1ak ssaaall SMS ' sbbVa ad is too apparent to escape i :irr " ".."" mK" "'" !"V . " -": "" oh!ervatien,dwhereit.virtne.-.lmown. the 2JEfcWJ2EHX: mmic no longer hesitate wnat annoote w emwoy Z..M.rtt?5ZZL?Z tor the atstressing ana aangerons anecoons or me pahaenary organs that are incident to ocrctiaute. WhOe many inferior remedies thrust upoathe eewmunity have failed and been discarded, this las gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits i.v:iairhom:&co., BL A C K Si.l.TtJS AND . MANUFACTURERS OF PLOWS, OSKALOOSA, KANSAS. This firrn.ha ing recently opened , buMm in the large stone shop on the North side ol Jetlir-soaStrt-et,(Eastoftho Publie Sqaare,)" would respectfully announce to the citizens of Orkaloo sa and vicinity, that they are now prepared1 to do to oroer a ' ' ALL KINDS OF BLACKSMlTlNG on short notice and reasonsble terms. ', , We hold ourselves in readiness to manufacture every description of ) BREAKING, FALLOW AND CORN PLOWS, which we will warrant le run well and SCOUR IX A NY SOIL. . Particular adentioa paid to ironing WAO0MS, CARRIAGES & RITttCIES in the moat approved and workmanlike manner I V. Faibholm, having devoted several years to the business, will Paint and Trim Carnages for customers in tho neatest and best style. A liberal share of publie patronage i solicited. -II. 1. V. 1A1KHU1.M A CO, m mi jujgr .iiwj 01 DEPUTY COUNTY CLERK, !ft.ii vr v a aMvw t REAL ESTAT1 A,CttUCTtHS AHST, Office .adkuaiar theDatUa-sasefiOsltaloosa effejMaCoaatyiVasat.; iPi 1 1 ' Will psyTAXanVseli tuxaa,akake cotxxoTioaa, and attend to any basiaess that neeanidts assy wish in Jefferson County,' and Northern -Kansas, All basiaesw1 entrusted to my care will receive prompt attention on reasonable terms. COUNTY SCRIP sUways on aad for sale at THE GOOD TIME SO LONG TALKED OF HAS COME AT LAST! f THE subsesiber wishts to inform the ejtjsens of Oskaloosa and the surrounding eodntry, that hr is now prepared to manufacture to order. all kinds ot rjt r t j- . che iper than ever oocredJwest of the Missouri River. Mr. Kxaa,-m"well-known and practical workman, will beconstantly on band tJ make and mend for his old customers, la conclusion 1 will savtA" Cosae notth, come south; come east, come west; ror here s uie pioce oiu soies can r si; Come poor, come rich, come hardened sinner, Aud help along tbe new beginner. NORMaN MACUMBER. Oslulooss, Kansas, Spt, 2tUi, 1350. 12.3m !'Hir'trittIIeadoeht Sriting from disordered ' "fomaeh, Natuea, Iudigution, Pain in and Morbid Inaction of the Uoiceli. Flnlulettm. Ijo nf 4- $ki Jaundice, and other kindred comphunts, arising from a low state of the body or obstruction rf to tactions. They are an excellent alterative for, the renovation of the blood and the restora tion of teas aad strength to the system debilitated 7 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, OB TBB BAKD CVBB OF Caveat, Cttfa, Ialaeaaa, " Creatp, BreachHia, Iaeipieat tiaa,aad fat the relief ef CoasaaiBtive Patieato ia aviraacesl atag ea t)f the . So wide is die fidd of to usefulness aad as an merous are the cases of its cares, that almost every section of country abounds inf persons pab Mcry known, who hare been restored from alarming ana even desperate diseases of the lungs by its ase. When once tried, its superiority over every viacr ucuioiiv 01 lis unu ts sou apiHucut mj ic afflicted they con never forget, ana pro- remaraaate aa duced cures too amaersas and ase M forgotten. riErAUD BY IT . J. C. AYER St, CO. LOWILL, MASS. are nven : with also full deserintieaa of the complaints, and the treatment that skeald befe- i towed ror their care. Do not be putoff bynnprineipled dealers with other preparations they "make" more praftt ea. Demand Ater's, and take no others. The siek 1 .want the best aid there k for tham,aad they aaeaM VS, II. H All oar llemediss are for sale by MOORE . HcGLELLAlf, Agcits, Otkaloma, Jtftnon Co., Km FOR SALS aT'nR to exchange for real estate the new Earc- J ka Flouring and Saw Mills, nt Oskaloosa, nanas. ror larticuiars inquire ol J. C. BURNETT, tf. Oiialws, Kansas. TIE GREAT EASTERN IAS ARRITEB! Oskaloosa against the World! GREAT (-EDUCTION IN FRICB OF OOODs! STEWART Afe CR ABBS HAVE iu receivrd a large stoclc of Staple and Fancy Drv Goods, consisting ef all tbe various articles u-ually kept in iveStern retail Stores Country produce taken ia exehange for glMKlS. v ..Ladies and .Gentlemen., ealL. at the People's Store. South-cast corner bf I'ublic Square. i-tf Oskaloosa, Kansas. JH7 BVWNET,a ATTORNSTAT LAW, CeaersU aael.Keas4Eatate' Agoiat, GRASSHOPreR FALLS. ' (Office in the Pjst Office,) XOTABT FCBUClJsH COHVITAJtCIR, CaMuiitier Ht Ibio. Collections madas taxes aaid. Practical Sur vey r. Basiaraa entrasted to my care will be aitentea lo proasaeiy; 19-tf V' J. H. BEN5ET. ' , P.E. HAVBNS, ' :JU8TICI IFTIE PIACI, (District Clerk's Office) 08K ALOeWA, K AM8AS. STEAM FLOURING MILLS1 ISSilift W-ASfJ OSKALOOSA, KANSAS, THE abore nt and commodious establish ment is now in complete running order; aad the subscriber is prepared to do custom work in a satisfactory manner. Attached to tne above ranis is a Meaaa saw Mill, where all kinds of lumber can be' obtained at reasonable rates. Orders for leather filled oa short notice. fcj" Sawing done in good style at reaonab!e prices. 2-tf. J. U. BUKflaVrr. HOWARD' ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPIA. A Benevolent Institution established by special Endowment, for the relief of tbe Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and EpiJem ic Disease, and especially for tbe cure cfDi sea'es of the Sexual Organs). MEDICAL-ADVICE given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, IO all whonpply by letter, with a description of their condition, (age, occu pation, habits of life, dec.) and in cases of ex treme poverty, Medicines furnished free of charge. aiuable reports on spermatorrhsta, and otn er dieacs of the Sexual Organs, and on the .irw ivimeuim eoipiovea in me uispenrT.eni to the afitctrd in realrd letter envelopes, free of cnarge. i wo or three stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address, DR. J. SKILLIK HOUGBTOK. Ac ting Surgeon. Howard Association. No. 3 South ninth street, Pmlsdetphla. Pa. By order oTthe d irrctor-. EZRA D. HE ARTWELL, Prw't. 10-ly GEO. AIRCHILD, Secretary. DQO)0GH!89S wwmm. "The iDdepeaaiaat m yMUbi Uoanty, Kansas, aad m ferttotj tr LOCAtrAlJ,QINHUl.i.iriW8, Agriculture.- BmUcMkuri Mrk j "it r . ' I ' t ? ' and all ieqtures.Becesry (o make it a suitable and desirable paper'for EHOME'CTOLE,- Tie lerekut, Iftkoit.t Fuair, As its name indicate, .Hwill"! independent on t all subjects, (not neutral,) and in all respects up with the timtjsri'iwrearlessl' 'following where Trutnsball lead the way careful of others' rights, firmly maintaiaing its own.,4 In conducting this enterpris;the proprietor brings to hts'aiii the val uable knowledge acquired in Ten Years Experience as an Editor aad Pjublisher, and knowing no. such word as fail, he feels confident of success, and hopes to meet a kind and welcome reception acquaintances and future frieiida,u Until the undersigned arrives at his future home, to take-charge of the office, the business and local in terests of the paper will be conduct ed by Jonx W. Dat, Esq:, Oskaloosa, Kansas, to whom applications should be made or letters addressed. f J..W. ROBERTS, Proprietor. (c - w, , SHERIFF'S SALE. Territory of Kansas, Countr of Jefferson. v JobnR. Grist, vs. 'J. L. Speer. ' & Bv virtue of an executioh ta me directed, sssued by the Clerk t( the First Die triot Court sitting in saiiLCoanty foctaetriai of causes arising aoder the laws of said Territory, I wiU on Saturday, Uctoeer taeaath, A. 1. I960, between tbe boars of one and foar o'clock rJL of, that day, at tbe Court House door in the vfibea of Oskaloosa, in said coanty, ewer at naalie sal, to the highest bidder for cask in hand, the follow ing real estate to-wit; the urwivided one half of the Sooth West qaarterofseetieo tweat-aine(2f) in Township nine (9,) 'of range nineteen (19) of the Delaware Treat Lands m Jeiersea'Couaty. Kansas Territory, levied oa as the prepertyof J. L. Speer, to satisfy said Execution: J. F. Hijttok, Sheriffs oflSee Oskoloosa Kansas. JoBNxrox, Sriaroa A iUvasa, Att'y for PIC -"-. . . s . at is ,. , b r? I -JJM - -iH XQ BlaV lis5A HsassssssaV " vyi V sfw eLWAPLWWW Sl t I ' VjIBBBSBM'"-"V AiBBBTBF BBBBBBBBBl v ' I T , ws3TvBa?aB&h vw ' - aBWjW bbbbbbbbb ' li I'atitWaamaaaaafefefsm 1,1 Wft I f A'BBSV Via sflBBBBBBTlBrBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBS BmSBBB " Jw--4anBWaFasBBBmaBaa laas!.PW " - w ' I i7jsllHb9HSBsHHawHaB ('Sf JJ I UHMHassBBBsllS Bl U I -"2Bf 4 (-''i leBaBBlBBBBBmaBBBBBBBBBBBBBaH BBBBbB S Jf -r .If IsVbbbBsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb Hlja BBBBBEB ' iH rM?F mil -rfiBT ' -WMPsWiaBasssBSBamsagsBvaB m afasBaf . fi rl I -frir fits ib i i wr ri-sjiLk-Lir,JKBimmmiWmmw aa m ffffM V SSjLf m I II llBBgBBBBaBBBBrWBBBBBB MbBBbIbI ffS jfffffa X PV f i Y If BBBBBBaBBSBiaKllBBa M BIBBISBbW- , I flSlraSBBBBBBBBgaBBBBBBM -t.'t0 I BaaBBBV MllLLW M-aBkaBaHsBBBBBBBBBBBa j bbbbb8sssbbbbbbbbbB '.asv.oi'I J u - I I TBBBBBBWSBk9!'9aBaBBBBBBm .tO. I TSBBBBBBBSV I KBfjBBBBBBBBaZlSSBBBB BbVsbS BBBBsf mBsl BBBsf. - -,.(. BBBBBBBBSB I SBBBBliBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBSl BBBBV-BSBBBBBv iBBBB X bHbbbbvI s9aKBBaBaBBaBBBBBm ' ' v 0 m afVBrBM -' '" . ( aaaaaV lBaaWIM WMLW l iSk "T I !)' H.-t 111 PsBBBBBBa SbBBBBBBBBBBBBBT BBBL - WBBBl MB T " -r Y - SSSBB. A nmWWW tBBBrBKaBCBBlSBlSBlSBBB StUB&kWf "'"' ' ' w I I jSBBBBBBBBBBBBBT MM 1 BBSS M mWKmWtEi. .?iKSBF Jssa-aW & Jlaf m&lKrlm M?F 'fe4 rAH UsasvA9 r mtsmp 1 Ct NSBBBT nSsBBBBBBBBrEBBPBBBBajBBT AbbT SBSS7 35bbF y iflBaf JBaS,WBlBB7 mmtrmm jig Y - .BBEKcStw-Ba sbbW Bn? V FASb sBBsS9S2Si,aaaf saaff ' a ' kWkWr' CSilfcafats-lalsaSattln ' sasml- ' ; r m The aboTC Cut represents onr new 14X18 inch sheet-Hying Job-Press. The best, fastest and cheapest Machine wa uio aiuu u lUMi. vAJiupiCic Udwipioue cuv oa ppucUOBolTlce9 OUU- Wltfl JflJf a35U. THE CINCINNATI TYPE-F0UNDERY Col (ESTABLISHED 1SSO.) T A V : ". W ' px firvnna r-P TTi-na ovtr T s wnrA4-V Oa.aAm" -" u svwxuvu. vr fiuu CUAU JUUAAK WULIaIX I3UCCIO, ,. . , Watmattmctsarew m'arresler rmrlety f 1 O" ' " !' I "H i I ! I :rTr-!v--fi -. nr rx.-TkVnP j ---2 em T man i smu. J..'taaf' I '. ni "ir T " ' " "rXAJT ANV OTHZS OONOBRIT 1ST TK3B X71Xlo'. COMPLETE NEWSPAPEE OFiF&Tl& Fitted oat in a day, and at lower prices than they can be had elsewhere. CYIaDTOER fc PLATEN IfER-MaESSES -j - Oases Stands Rrel OutBttlrdertfV &! J jATTV IJT FJTIXte, 'A? v, aJi leJ-rLF at.t. JllJd.lJaB,. "I iu TWEiij9,t4iiwt Orders furniihedfrom any Spwcimen-Book. Ft Tortus and parHcutars? addfeaa7 x s2 ? f A i n " Vl T V n "