Newspaper Page Text
U. S. Land Office, Kirwin Kansas. Complaint bavin'zr been entered at this office J. L. Cronk against Ludwig Han som for abandoning h'13 Homestead En try No. , dated July 20, 1880, upon the a hf nw qr sec 9, t 1 s, r 18 wt in rhilliDS county, Kansas, with a view to tne cancellation of said entry ; the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 22 day of July 1884, at 10 o'clock a.m., to respond and furn ish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. John Bissell, R. li. Hays, Register. Receiver. m29jull7c Wra. Bissell, atty. FINAL PROOF NOTICE N0.748S. Land office at Kirwin , Kans. June 18 84 Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the Clerk of the Court or Probate Judge at Phillipsburg, Kansas;, on Augnst 1, 1884 ; William H. Emer son, II. E. No. 11179, for the w hlf ne r and the s hlf nw qr Sec 31 T 1 R. 17 . He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said, viz: D. K. Williams James Collie, John Hill and George Bauin all of Hillside Kansas. .John Bissell, Register Wm. Bissell, Atty. 6-26 7-31 Land Office at Kirwin, Kansas, I 7S74 May 17, 1884. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register or Receiver at Kirwin, Kansas on J une 30, 1884 , viz : E, A. Mitchell, one of the heirs for the benefit of the heirs of flartwell H. Mitchell, deceased. Hd No 11178 for the w faf sw qr, sec 30 n hf nw qr sec 31 1 1 rl7. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land viz : Wm. H. Emerson, Oliver Whitney, A.Isbelland Frank Borrell, all of Hillside Kansas. oiin Bissell, Register. Wm. Bissell, atty. m22jun26 FINAL PROOF NOTICE NO. 7488 Landoffiice at Kirwin Ks. June 19 1884. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make fina in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the Register or Receiver at Kir win Kansas on August 5 1884 viz: James M. Overton H d No 19737 for the nw qr Sec 6 T 2 R 19 w Ha names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz : W. W. Wagner and Albert Crusha of Long Island Kas. Frank PoyseT of Goode Kas; and P. C . Wagner of Long Island. ' John Bispell Register Wm. Bissell Atty 6-26 7.-31 Land Office at Kirwin, Kansas I 7395 May 24, 1884. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register or Receiver at Kirwin, Kansas, on July 16 , 1884- viz : A. J. Brown, DS No. 19810, for the se qr sw qr, s hf se vr and nw qr se qr sec 4 t o r 18. He names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land viz : David Lee, Charles Lee, John Chester, Amos Ewell all of Marvin Kansas. JohnBissell, May & McBride, Register. Atty's. m29ju!3 Land Oflice at Kirwin, Kansas. 74r3 June 9. 1RSI. Notice is berety given that the following nained settler has filed notice of his intention to make final troot Th support of his claim; and thut said proof will be mad a before the Keg'Pter or Kecsiver at Kirwin. Kansas, on July V.K 1884. riz: Henry Woolf lid Mo 107&4 for the nw qr Fee 28. 1 1, rl7. He names the following wit nesses to irve his continuous residence upon, mid cultivation of said land vir. Samuel l'hil lips, J J Fisher, J M Allen and O V Bogenrief nil of Crow Kaiuas. JOHN BISSELL, May tfc Meliride. attyt. U-:6-p KeRisier. Land Office at Kirwin, Kansas, 74tU June 10. 1884. .Votico is hereby piven that the following named settler has filed notice of hi intention to oiftku final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be wado before the Register or Receiver at Kirwin, Kansas on July K. 1884. viz Thomas J Jaikson lid 10831 for the nw qr sw qr spc i. la, r In, e ht nc qr ne qr se qr sec la. t 5. U. lie unnie8 the following witnesses to prove Lis continuous residence upon, and culti vation ol said land, vtx vuinam Uutler, John Nel.mi. -William J ilenrv and E S Jackson, all of ig Bend Kansas. JOH N BISSELL. Don Carlo A: Son attys. 31-36-c Register. U. S- Land Office, Kirwin, Kansas. -603H- May 7.1834. Cotn;daint h aving been enterod at this office by John 11 Mitchell atiainst the heirs or legal representatives of llartwell 11, Mitchell, deoM. lr failure Jo comply with law as to Timber Culture entry No. C529. dated Feb. G. 18S0. upon the so qr tec 25, town 1 s. range 18 w, in Phillips county Kansas, with a view to the cancellation of said entry: contestant alleging that Ilartwell 11. Mitchell is dead, and that hi heirs and legal representatives did not cultivate the timber r-lanted on said land the thirrl year, and tailed to cultivate, or tnusc to be cultivated said land during the third year 3ince the date of said entry: tho said imrties are hereby summoned to appear at this otuce on suh day ot June. 1884. at 10 a clock a.u. to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged failure. JOHN L1SSELL. Register. R. R. HAYS, Receiver. 30-33 Land Office at Kirwin, Kansas. j 7341 May 13, 1884. Notice is hereby given that the follow-ing-named settler has filed notice of his intention to transmute to Home Entry, ami mako final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register or Receiver at Kir win Kansas, on July S , 1884, viz ; Wil liam Douglas, DS No. 14074, for the s hf se qr. sec 25, t 2, r 18 , and w hf sw qr sec SO, t 2, rl7. He names the fol lowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz : Sarah Wright, William King, F. B. Cannon and James Johnson all ot phillipsburg Kansas. JohnBissell, Dadge Chapin & Donge, ' Register. m29ju!3-c Att'ys. V. S. Land Office, Kirwin, Kansas. 5807 " May 13, 1884. Complaint having been entered at this office by J . E. Sanson, against To bithaA. fcshinn for abandoning her homestead entry no 14095, dated Feb. 17, upon the sw qr of section 21, township 3 south, range 19 west, in Phillips countj, Kansas, with a view to the cancellation of said entry ; the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this oftice oa the 11th .clay of July, 3884, at 10 o'clock a m, to respond and furnish, testimony concerning" said al leged abandonment . " John Bissfcll, Register. R. K. Hay 8, Receiver. LTodge, Cfcapia'6 Jdge, attv$, rj2iJ9 Kirwin, Kansas. June 2. 1&S4. -472: Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notico ef his intention to make final proof in support of his cUim, and that said proof will b made before the Register ot Receiver at Kirwin. Kansas, on July 16. 1884, viz : JAilEs A. -bEKEDICT, DS Ao. 19622, for tie se qr of sec 19, 1 1, r IB. He names tne follow ing witnesses to prvvo his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz : N C. lle.aton.C W. Rigging, A, Rigfiinsar.d frank Justin, all of Matteson: Kansas. JOHN BISSELL, Register. Dodge. Chapin fc Dodge, attys. iunbjulllO Land Office at Kirwin Kansas, 7416 May 28. 1SS4. Notico i9 hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in supoort of his claim and tha t said proof will be made befcre the Register or Receiver at Kirwin, Kansas. n Jfily 8. 1884. viz : ELI W. BEBK, HE No. 6362, for the nw qr section 6, 1 1, r 15. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence up on and cultivation of. said land viz ; O A. Por ter, W, G. Davidson and IV.ncia Yocum, of Nance and Thomas Henderson of Leota Neb. WILLIAM G. DAVIDS O . DS, 1S6S2 foThe nw qr sec 11 1 1 r 16- He names the following witnesses to prove hi9 continuous residence up on and cultivation of said land vfz: C. A. Por ter and Daniel Marshall of Nance Kansas, and E. W. Beebe and Lewis Monk of Leota Neb. JOHN BIbSELL Register. Dodge & Chapin, atty's. m2Hjul3 CONTEST NOTICE NO. 6188. Land office at Kirwin Kas. June 19 1884 Complaints havinsr been entered at this Office bv James Orfirtnn flo-ftinst Wilson Hcvlin for abandoning his Home stead Entry No 11864 dated July 19 1879 upon the southwest qr Sec 32 T 1 s B 19 w in Phillips county Kansas with a view to the cancelation of said entry ; the said parties: are hereby summond to appear at this office on the 5 dav of August 1884 at 10 o'clock a m to re spond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. John Bissell Register K . R, Hays Receiver McElroy & McCormick Attys 6-26 Land Office at Kirwin, Kansas. I 7J3o June 3,1884. Notice is hereby given that tha fnllnwinc- camed settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in sumiort of his ckim. nurl that said proof will be imule before the Register or Receiver at Kirwin Kansas on July. Il,.18i4, viz: uuu. w. WIDNER, HE No- 14134 for the tw qr of section 3, town 2. range 17. He names sne ionowmg witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said Innd, viz: John Collins, and L. Uollins. of Hillside Kansas, and C. Plummer and Ward Mitchell of orow, Kansas- JUlliN U15SELL, Kegister, Wm. Eissel!, Atty. jun5ju!10 Land Office at Kirwin, Kansas, 7340 May 13, 1884. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing-named settler has filed notice of his intention to transmute to Home Entry, and make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register or Receiver at Kir win Kansas on July 3 1884, viz : Sarah Wright, DS No. 15075, for the se qr ne qr and n hf se qr see 25, t 2 r 18. He names the following witdesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cul tivation of, of said land viz : illiam Douglass, William King, F. B. Cannon and James Johnson all of Phillipsburg, Kansas. John Bissell, Djdge, Chapin & Dodge, Register. m29jul3-c Atty's. l and Office at Kirwin, Kansas, Jun 2. 1884. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice nf his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register or Receiver at Kirwiij, Kansas, on July 12, 1S84. viz: LEONARD. W. UNDERWOOD,: Hd. no 4921, for the e hf nw qr, nw qr nw qr sec 20, se sw qr see 17 t 2, r 16, He names the follow ing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Patrick Pnrrnll nnrl'.Ulin ."nrrnll nf MoIiacai, , Otis Wit ham and 11. P. Underwood of West cemr, ivanaa. JUHS IHSKLL, Kegistor. May & McBride, Att'ys. juiiOjulyl0-e Land Office at Kirwin, Kansas. . I 7401 May 26, 1S84 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of hi claim, nd tbatsaip proof will be made before the Clerk Dist Court Probate Judge at Phillipsburg Kan sas on July 9, 1884, viz: AREND NYLAND, HE No. 11154. for the e hf nw qr e hf sw qr see 26, tl,r20. He names the following witnesses to prove hit continuous residence upon. and cul tivation of, said land, riz : Herman Kr.izer, A, Kipp. Abram Cappers and L. B. Roland all of Prairie View Kansas. JOHNBISSELL, Register. W m, Bissell, atty. in'jul3 Land Office at Kirwin, Kansas, J 7337J May 12, 1884. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Clerk Dist Court or Probate Judge at Phillipsburg, Kansas on June 23 1884 viz: Hell en . Watson, Hd No, 55G9 for the nw qr ne qr ne qr nw qr sec 12 sw qr se qr se qr sw qr sec 1 1 1 s r 20 w. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuousres idence upon, and cultivation of, saip land, viz: David F. Young, of Long Is land Kansas, H. S. Poling, N. Poling and D. L . Smith of Phillipsburg Kans. r John Bissell, Register. C. A. Lewis, atty m!5jl9 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. State of Kansas, '.1 Phillips County, S3 In the Probate Court in and for said Co. In the matter of the estate of E O. Germain, deceased. Creditors , and all other persons in terested in the aforesaid estate are here by notified that at the next regular term in and for said county, to be begun and held at Phillipsburg, Phillips county, Kansas, on the first Monday in July, A.D. 1884, 1 shall apply to said court for a full and final settlement of said estate. Ida A. Morse, Administratrix of the estate of E. O. Germain, deceased. May 23, 1884. m29jun!9 Land Office at Kirwin, Kansas " May 21, 1884. Notice is hereby eriven that the follow e at ing-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof wifl be made before the Clerk Dist Court or Probate Judge at Philliipsburg Kansas on June 28, 1884, viz: William Dickey, Hd. No. 11352, for the n hf sw qrof sec 8, t4 s, r 18 w. He names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land viz : E. F. Hughes, Fred Veeh, J. H. Close and Thomas Eay, all of Phillipsburg Kansas JohnBissell, Register. Q. A. Spfccldlag, atty. "C222j25 Phillips County PHILLIPSBURG, - KANSAS INCORPORATED, -- 1880. IJ . PAID UP CAPITAL, $10,000, DEAL IN REAL ESTATE Choice improved Farms for sale or rent JCSTA personal interview'or correspondence solicited from parties desiring to buy or sell Real Estate in Phillips county, Kansas. Agent for the Old and Reliable DPlxcerxis: Insurance, CO, Of HARTFORD, CONN. H MAKES FINAL PROOF. K and pays out on Pre emptions, Loans Money, Discounts Notes, Issues Certificate or deposit, payable on demand, Sells to and from Europe, Buys awd sells does a General Banking Business. Passage DIRECTORS geo. w. young, h. c. spaulding, henry stivers, b. l. Harding, j. f. morse. OFFICERS B. L. HARDING, President. J. F. MORSE. New Goods. e e x ' C cityJLand therefore tne besL9 Dry Goods 1 ave o me Jour interests R ROGEivS, PHILLIPSBURG, KANSAS LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, II AT?. CAPS and GLOVES, BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBERS. Buying from FIBST HANDS, I ahvay receive Frch Goods and Lcttcs f Style, and am prepared to sell goods as low as any firm in the IVest, and am always ready to wait upon my customers. Ideal in nothing but GENUINE GOODS, Eggrt all and Examine ?ny goods before purchasing clsewere.-Z, M Y M O T T O IS QTTTCSTZ SALES. SMALL PBOFITS ZETTTXili WEIGHT AITD MEASUBE. The Farmers' WEST SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE. PHILLIPSBURG, A FULL GROCERIES AND DRY GOODS And in fact, everything usual! kept found here at the lowest possible price for MALLBTT, 3, DEALER IN Window Glass, Cigars Notions, elc. ESPrescriptioaa compounded WEST SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE Pliillipsbtirg, is AUTHORIZED CAPITAl,$50.000 exchange, makes collections, and GEO. W. YOUNG. ...Vice President Cashier Low Prices. a. Groceries. hereto" are mine. -3 . KANSAS. STOCK OF PROVISIONS. Tic Store. BOOTS. AND SHOES in a GENERAL STORE, will be CASH. ' LEFFINGWELL & McCLUNG. with the greatest care 3. it;b i ''HIV: : ipaiitpg mm Mo. P. R.! R. Time T bie. Mail ami Express, goin? east 5:07 a- w " west 1:19 " Freights goinff east Tnes, Tour- Sat. 4:35 " " ' Test Mon,, Wed,, Fri,, S:-7 v. t. W W Fagan, Supt, Atchison F L Maxte Assistant" (ireeuleaf 1 Ch"ndltr Gen"! Pass A gt St Louis h Emerson Gen W'n Frt & Pass Agt Atnhison J E fretz Freight and Ticket Agt Marvia ELDING'S . 'SupEBsoa Fori Tkreao II U ITT! IM G 18 'rl?"1 anyother for KNTTTINQ. BECATJSB of its UNIFORM XiUSTRE: BECAUSE it RETAINS ita BEAUtV BECAUSE IT WEAES WELL, And keeps Fresh and Brilliant to the Last. Ecu tallow shopkeepers to impoas npon you by sell ing yoa other Silk.repreaenting that it ia "just as pood as Beldingr's." Time, patience and money are "V???, B5?.K yn bay an inferior Knitting Slik. JUelaing's Silkcosta but little more than other makes and its beauty and wearing qualities are far superior. rniB 1 O f ROCKVILLE, CONN, fcwd B EnfLaO 1 MONTREAL. CANADA, c . . J NORTHAMPTON, Mass. ten cents in Stamps for Self-Instructor in BWs. Knitting:, Crocnetiner and Embroiderr and a free package of waste Silk. BROWHif3GgCOyiE,St.LouisJilo. Agents for the West and South. For Sal by Dealers Everywhere. If you want the vxr WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE SEE BY EXAMINING 7 " ' If you propose buying a Windmill a QET rOLt IKKORMAnOS OT TH CT3 '-Jif-v' nfi chi is ur I rib wM AIYi rIOfl. feqfP vliV?, V5 E7ery 7 warranted and ALWAYS givoa SatlafacUon. f;vlvii7;H tVl'"- 20 year3 exPrienco ln. tfre mannfactare f Pumps and WLadail!. fpyfflfrrt' A lOfl mill' will pu.mt7rninM to 3rt0itrrl of watr ovwU fv-v, vll $nxr'' ftwtM handle a pump in a vHl Irt fwt dn. Also ma'nu. 3wrfttttttr'f (?ct"Lr? .of Ahf tar KMHl " ! lHraud Window Kcraeiw, SfWS0UVvteErVHM -slckle "rlnders, Etc. To thattrs wo ran offer Superior In T -O ,f.V r diu-enifnts to hatKlle our good. Over 3,J0 Dealers nre now hnd- flj -Jyj Hug our luanufactures. Ohicaco, Rocu Iolaho a '.'.Pacific E2?-V, Being the Creat Central Line, affords to travelers, by reason of Its unrivaled geo graphical position, tha shortest and best route between the Cast, Northeast and Southeast, and the West, Northwest and Southwest. It Is literally and strictly true, that its connections are all of the principal line of road between the Atlantic and the Pacific. By Its main line and branches' It reaches Chicago, Jo!iet Peoria, Ottawa La Salle, Cenesee, Moline and Rook Island, In Illinois Davenport, Muscatine, Washington, Xeokuk, Knoxviile, Oskaloosa, Fairfield, Des Moines, West Liberty, Iowa City, Atlantic, Avoca, Audubon, Harlan, Cuthrle Center and Council Bluffs, In Ipwa; Gallatin, Trenton, Cameron' and Kansas City, In Missouri, and Leaven worth ad Atchison in Kansas, and the hundreds of cities, villages and town intermediate. The as it Is familiarly called, offers to .travelers all trie advantages-and comforts incident to a smooth track, safe bridges, Union Depots at all connecting points. Fast EaprS Trains, composed of COFJIKSGDIOUS, WELL VEMTILATEtJ, VCLL HEATED, NZLY UPHOLSTER CD and ELEQANT DAY COACHES i a line of tho MOST MACfiiFiCOiT HORTOM RECLINING CHAIR CARS ever buiit PULLMAN'S latest designed and handsomest PALACE-SLEEPING CAR3, and DINING that are ac-know'edged by press and people to be the FINEST RUM UPON ANY ROAD IN THE COUNTRY, and In which superior meals are served to travelers a the low rate of SEVSNTY-FIVE CENTS EACH. THREE TRAINS each way between CHICAGO and the MISSOURI RIVER.' TWO TRAINS each way between CHICAGO and MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL,' via the famous . L la lift. ti A Hew and Direct Line, via Seneca and Kankakee, has recently been opened, between Newport News, Richmond, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and La Fayette, and Council Cluffs, St. Paul, Minneapolis and intermediate points.. Ail Through Passengers carried on Fast Express Trains. ": PC? r ore detailed inforrnationsee F.Tapsarsd Folders,-which may ba obtained, ae jve4 ac .ckets, at aiipHnc'ipaiTJcket Offices tr'the United States and Canada, or of he H, CADLE. .. ' v '? ; E; GTv iSOUUy r:: v Vloe-Prss't A Con'i Mnassr, Cff)1! fb 4 Pa4'f Aj't, CMiGAGQ. FASTS RECASrJXS It will pnrlfy and enrich the CLOOD, regulate the LIVER and KIDNEYS, aud lUsiont. tiis UKALXJi and VIQOS. of TcOUTH: la ail lliose diseases requiring a certain and ethclenfiONIC, especially Dyspepsia, Want of Appeiite.l ytHfus tion, Ijaca of Strengtli, etc., Ita use is marked with immediate and wonderful results. Hones, muscles and nerves receive new force. Enlivens the mind and supplies .Brain Power. I A Tkl TS suffering from all romplaln'fj &mea LJ peculiar to their sox will Hud Ik DR. HASTSK'S IKON IONIC s af and tpf-edy cure. It gives a clear and lieallliy complexion. The stronsest testimony to the value of Ik. " JIahtkr's inns Tonic Is that frequent attempts st counterfeiting have only added to thepopular Ity of the original. Ifvou enrnostlv desire health do not experiment get the Ohmuixi. and liKsi . Send your address to The Dr. Barter Md.Co.Yw St. Louis. Mo., for ir "DREAM BOOK." f .Full of traaeeand useful Information, 1r.jr Dr. Harter's Iron Tonic is for Sale by au. Dt.jqq-ts and Dealers EvrRYWHffRE. SO Tears Experience I"BEE. OHETREATLlBir Of Nervous and Seminal D billty. Early Decay, Loss of klAmnrv. A r Jb o. SURE YOURSELF! Recipes advice forSelr-Tretmr.t," ave Tims and Mnne uml .mlH rkn.oVAn )UM lr and Trial Ptwkape of Reradi FKEE. A6drv . L Pr T. WTjLIJAia:3: 3gUwtt,ultee Wfs. OTgmaie ve&knaM sal : 1 cay. Slid aiunarsM ob ckiURU payateika. nxaT iron ypManu tnauer tioas, too free indalmoc sad over brain wort. 1 ' not temporiie whiit . eaemies lurk in rtmr . ten. . Avoid being lxpo.c4 en by pretention cUiau at other rauedlea for tbe troubles. Get our Ire circa, lor and trial pacttge aul Icara important facta baioir taking treatment eiaevaera -Tate a remedy that baa enroi ; thousand, and doet no fa terfera with attention to bsa nct or cause pain or iaeo venience. Founded an aaa AE&diealCura r Ten . SPERHATORRHES IL1P0TEKCY. C3"To8ted for over 6 years by use In thou sands of casos. eotine medical princlele Growing in favor and repacaa -tion. Direoi application o n est of disease makes its apa cine insuence felt wIUmms l TRIAL " PACXACS. life which bars tees i wasted am civea Wsk. f The patieat teooaxi SEND ADDRESS ionf iBi ana gau J streagta rabidly. HARRIS REMEDY CO Hf g aeiaJiti 806 North lOta Kt., St. LoslH CO. Che Vonth'S Treatmekt. tS: 2 month3.5 ; 8 Moma, V mi m ti 3 Br " , i Vaneless Self-Regulating 1V1 rXT agsnoy for tne best windmill lures tt gat tli WAUKEGAN, ILL., U. S. A. v. -or . v CEOCRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY, WILL THIS MAP, THAT THE LEA ROUTE.