OCR Interpretation

Phillipsburg herald. [volume] (Phillipsburg, Kan.) 1882-1905, July 09, 1903, Image 8

Image and text provided by Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85029677/1903-07-09/ed-1/seq-8/

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Arthur Clark,
Jim Alford came up from Bellville,
& A. Mattcson writes farm and hail
Ode Smedley went up to Logan on
T. E. Burns visited friends at Phil
lipsburg, Sunday.
Homer Wilson of Logan was in Agra
Monday visiting friends.
Leslie Powell visited fricndsat Riv
erton, Nebr., last Saturday.
Champion blnders,mowers and rakes
at L. W. Underwood, Agra.
Mrs. Grace Morrill went to Formosa
for a visit with friends Sunday.
Miss Elulda Hawkins spent Sunday
evening with Miss Itowena Otis.
Mrs. Ebling, of Downs, spent Sun
day visiting relatives and friends.
Miss Hattie Underwood returned
home from Riverton on Saturday.
Mrs. L. J. Bevans and daughters, of
Speed were in Agra last Monday shop
ing. Roy Barker returned from Colorado
last Tuesday for a visit with his par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gray took the
train Sunday night for Brighton,
Chas. Underwood went up to River
ton, Friday to play with the Riverton
band on Saturday.
Handyville vs. Agra crossed bats
here Monday. Handyville winning by
a good score.
Champion binders, mowers and
rakes; come and sec them at L. W.
' A'good many of the Agra people at
tended the celebration at Mankato.
Do you want an Oil Stove ? If so,
buy the best. They are found at T.
E. Tipton's.
A pood many people attended the
celebration at Matteson's grove. All
report having a good time.
Two Tennessee boys, ffm. White
and Chas. Jackson, came in on Mir
train Sunday night to go will) Harry
Otis' machine this summer.
The band boys accepted an invitr
tion to play at Matteson's grove on
the Fourth. Those attending were:
W. II. Clark, leader; V. Dundas, bari
tone: H. Smedley, clarotiet; V. Smed
ley, cornet; E. Underwood, clarone';
T. Benton, alto; W. Barker, alto; .1.
Smith, tenor; R. Tipton, tenor; K.
Smith, tuba; P. Bennett, bass drum;
W. Voyles, snare drum.
Good Teams and Carri
ages. First-class ac
commodations. Special
attention to Commercial
J. CARROLL, - Agra, Ka it a?.
$1.50 a day.
Livery Accommodations in Con
nection. T. II. UNDERWOOD,
All dUeanes of Kidneys, ,
siaaaar, urinary urgani. i
Also Rheumatism, Back
acb,HeartDIeane. Gravel,'
urop.y, remaie irouoies.
Don't become discouraged. There Is a
cure fo you. I f iiueuiMiiry write Dr. Kennor.
ilo hue k'snt a Ufa time curing Juet mob
eaeeiaeyuurs. All eoniuUailoin Free.
"Your Kiilney and Hacknclie Curo lias
cured two very bud case ainmiKour custo
mers tho pnst yi-iir whom the doctors hud
Riven up. J. L. STILL & CO., Woodland, la."
DrngglM. BOc.. tl. Ak for Cook rtook-ITee.
CT VITIIC'n AWPC Pure Cure. fMrculur. Pr
Ol.VIIUO UAMUC Tenner, Frodonia.N.y
Sold by J. L. McCormlck.
Professional Cards.
til ill j u wrL
Real Estate and Insurance.
The only complete and carofullr ro compared set
of Abstract Hooka In l'hlllli couuty.
Phllllpsburi, Kansas.
Ofllre Flrat rlonr oath of Herald office nndei
fbl lip County Hank. Law nnd ahataacU.
fipertal atU-ntlnn gten to Comtnorclnl Law.
Pollfctlnna and Hankroptry practice; alao Keal
Fatate and Inrnranre. Notf' In nfflre riffle
flmtrt-Mir went of the port office Phllllptbarg,
Abstracts and Loans.
The only ahanlnh'ly rellahle t of Abatracl
Bnoka In thu connty. Money nnd on real
it. No rid mix). Ofllce la biuementof tbe
Phllllpi Connty bank.
W. H. PRATT, Lawyer.
Philllpsbuff , Kansas.
Onice over riillllps County Bank. 20
years residence In county. Special
facilities for making collections.
Ilefcra by prmllnn to Phillips County and
Klral National tlanka.
Treatment of Chronic Diseases
Our Specialty.
Office on the South Side of the Square.
Tbone 40. Otllce over rostofilee.
i'blUipsburn, Kansas.
Teachers Wanted.
We need at once a few more teach
ers, both experienced and incxperletic
od. We have more calls tins year
than ever before. Schools and col
letfes supplied with competent teach
ers free of cost. Address wltb stamps
American Teachers' Association, J.
L Gkaimu, LL.D-, Mr., Memphis,
Thousands Have Kidney Trouble
and Don't Know it.
How To Find Out.
Fill a bottle or common glass with your
water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a
sediment or set
tling Indicates an
unhealthy condi
tion of tho kid
neys; If It Etaina
your linen It is
evidence of kid
ney trouble; too
frequent desire to
pass it or pain in
the back is alr.o
convincing proof that the kidneys and blad
der are out of order.
What to Do.
There Is comfort In the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every
Wish In curing rheumatism, pain In the
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part
of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability
to hold water and scalding pain In pasnlng
It, or bad effects following use ot llqucr,
wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant
necessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to get up many times
during the night. The mild and the extra
ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon
realized. It stands the highest for It3 won
derful cures of the most distressing cases.
If you need a medicine you should have the
best. Sold by druggists In 50c. andjl. siies.
You may have a sample bottle cf thi3
and a book that tellsatfWiPHrifi!
morA annul it. rjnm sftnTH.-'-ir.-c::rr m.
absolutely free by mail, "-aaa-ygij
Address Dr. Kilmer & iinmo of swamp-Root
Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men
tion reading this generous offer in this paper.
Don't make any mistake, but remember
tho name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, and the address, Cinglumton,
W.Y., on evory bottle.
Dealer In
Official Watch Inspector fjr the
9 9
J West side cf the Square. J
Worth Telling
We never tire of telling- the story
of Unseda We do not
believe that lovers of good, whole
some food ever tire reading it.
UftSQCJa EJssySS arc the result of
two ideas. That soda crackers could
be made better than they had ever
been made before. That it was pos
sible to convey them to the home
fresh, crisp and clean.
The importance of the soda cracker
as an article of daily consumption,
made this worthy of extraordinary
effort. True, many people laughed at
the idea of so much thought time
labor capital, being devoted to a soda
cracker. But the greatest industries
of the greatest country in the world
have been developed from smaller
thincrs than a soda cracker, and so
it seemed worth while to make the
best soda cracker that could be
made and to place it on the table as
good as it had been made.-
To do the first required the selec
tion of the best materials, of the best
equipment, the highest skill. To do
the second upset all traditions. The
oldest bakers said there was no
way to keei) a soda cracker, good.
That no one expected it any way.
That people were satisfied to eat them
stale, as they had been in the habit
of doing. And so it fell to the lot
of younger minds to do this unheard
of thing to keep a soda cracker good
until eaten.
The result was the In-er-seal Pack
age identified by the famous red and
white trade mark design. An inven
tion that kept out the air, moisture,
dust and germs; that first retained the
natural flavor of the biscuit, keeping
it crisp and fresh until it reached the
table. And so Uneeda Biscuit be
came a reality. The little thing that
seemed hardly worth while became a
To-day over 200,000,000 packages
have been consumed by the thought
ful people of this country and the de
mand is ever increasing.
That is the story of UnoGda
CJscusfc. Some day we will tell it
over again for the benefit of those who
are still "satisfied" with the stale and
broken crackers that come
in a paper bag, when they ffi
can get Unsoda Biscuit
whole, fresh, and clean.
' - .
Publka'loii Njtice.
(No. MGI'.i
In tho Dift'li'l 'oi:ri ( I'hiliip. Cnui tv K 11 -
Hi in id V' ii Vi'i v.fi in fill li.r'.Jj .111
i:. 1 Hi in. 1 . 1 ii
Wot-on fi"lit)iiii. il f. r.'l'ir.t
Vh',imii (; ilili.i'iH vill tiilid 11 n!:cr Ihut M'll til'VO
been mi' I n 111" nli..'n n mi; I full f I mm -1 - : r V"H
iiiii-t itii.-uiT f'i! I'li'luii fl:-il iliiriin ly
tthiivi- , 1 t in f I Itintiil. mi nr I. f -r. ilif I'ith div
cf Aui'n-i. i'li'.i or i.;iul tu't'l i.n wit' In- tali, n iih
turn mil jiinfiii' nt ir lii-rril 111-11:11 y u fi'rcii'w
ll'Kl liliii li.j; 111 i'. In Hi.' ..r'li ! cf Mi linn II,,
'I'ow ll-lilii J l.miij" :.!l. Mrtli'H ri.rintv. Khi...i.
ntf.iiii.1 h nntrt.' 1 f nf -.i-:nil (tntnl .Ini't' lii'li,
lMtt U'Vimi liv llnriiriii lvr..i'Z i u-nl 'l'lnil.
Mill (il'il)il I- I1M.1 i-iivcrli- I.I-I Ill) U'i. i.., ri'.t
IhikI. Mi'it iii'it. L'ai?. r- riir (i-il in U ink l.' nf lur'-bii-i.
Hul'ii i.f ih'! t'ltiiil-i- -(.ii!im rii'Tiii.
hi il f-Ti v r t ur'i' ir !-1 . rt nl mnl nil i.i rnn
-In 1 10 i ir irid.T lii.u m v r s.'lir . I t V i.r iiiti-rcrt
In in 1.1 nut I.111I. W'i MNuKl.V
1 M'c-M AM.,rni. l..r I'i niiitin.'.
II. WW, '!. il.cf fir Ii r!,-i (Virt.
1 frMfox
pu'ii'c.i'Joii r.'it'.
To I).' Ill i' III IV rutin.; 11 : .
. 11 1 fi. I 11, l 1 1 1 1 . ! !li:l' , Ml' i'i II l
hu l' li'i il ill III I)!mi h'r rlh t "f I'd 1 1 1 'i i'i nr 1
tv, M .ri: nf i mi. 11., ni.il w I: 'h- ,-i.-. i t.-.i in ;ii'l
(li"l I'I. I nil 'I ill I- I , 1 r. '.' II 'IT i 'Il . pi l il
Inr lln' Vrti"i""'i nf 11 1' 1 in-!ni.. i 11 ; rlili'i' i 'in
I 11 rin r f iiil lili ni In Ihi' (i.h n nf 1 n. In I'll'! I.
cnnnlv, Kir. in.. ninl nil llir .iri r tii.il -. in
niiiil li'ni u mil ii'jii'it 'In 11 In ere ji'ii Hi"
imii'ic ni 'I i-r Ml'Iih nn Hi i nl n-l" nf mli i
ill) rk II' 1! flr tin- i-xr ,.j..n ,.f II, (r 1II1 Ill"
n ri'nraii' linni ilii; Ii (. "r ' imil- nf "-i '! inw n
,1'HiN AIH'IW Md M. M I. .'AN.
!! C A I iwi", tiii ir (Uiiir. cy.
Coiistinalion ianothinfimore
':;.J tlian n i:lni.'jfiiijr of tlio liowch
ami iKitliini; U'fi tli.'in vital staff'
:-' anil tiutimiLtiiv.'itii.'in vital stair-
l'tition or iliiitli if nut rulicvod. &
IE every constipn.tod mffirer Y
A roiild n alii! tliat lie h nllowinff f,
N.iiiiC r.l !'i.ial Si.tt;ii:::'.
lutV I'im' 1 :j ' met, in ilin I'M ii.ty nf I'll' !'i.
In f'O r.i'i' cf K im. 1-.
In Hi. ill Ic- cf I'i Krt.itit nf .l.i'in ll'i-mki.
ile , ,. ll.
r.Itri. 1 (ii rchy t'i'.cn In it!' rr" ft r nnil
'1M.1T 1 1 r-ci H ilii.r, pi, ! I-, ll... ili vr i-i tr .,1
111 iiu-r hit I wi'. it'.- x'l. i 11' iv " -liiir.
im't tn;i .i' :1 ii! ciif. i:i' i;t ..r ; ," ,i i ,, IhIi i
HClllllU , ll''' 1. it -t l'i -.1 f ii-. t t UK'
iln.lv in i n- PmIhi C' li f nf I'iiii.1;. c 'iiniy,
'. II 1.' It! (I -I'll -I'L' (1 -i ' itil.i'll.i 1 itnr iiT fUl
ni.l IKl.ti'. ,1 I' M.'MM,. i.lllli.ilrtr.llnr.
IV. riullclfs Cur.T.ive (J!.
I if iiitci Mii! 1 r 1 xii'i:i;il use. C'tirpf
r'.ii'iin.all.sin, iii'iiialt'i.t, tiiulli aulii,'
i'ur,iv.'li.', )ic;i(liiclie, son; tlirmit, lame
I)ac!, alii in tl.c slninach, ciamp
colic, diarrlKica, (lyMuU'iy, Miintiier
Cdinplaliit, clidliT.'i inmljiis. wounds,
cuts, sprains, lirti sj. sw iiiti:s, I 1 it
h:i inilan.al iufi, iy ui.M i luc
stints, ti;T Jniiits, (."lit, tvntracud
imiscli's, deep M'.itnl iitnl niiiscular
pains, IT' is, liili's hm.i His, (i.iiis, vln
lent itc!iink"'f t lio skih an I itill ima
t inn hi tin; kklnrjs. ll ' is M'ui iniu
and h.Mliiij:. it isa ri'tucivtliat, pnnco
sncccss'til in a!r"st ivrry cum il
taken in time. It n!l ri-iirvo tin
ninst o' stinate casi-, nti l ut'rcn .saves
life. 'J'liere Is no nicflieino i m p .r
tant and neeiirul over i.Ji r il to Hi
pu'ilii1. unsuccessful an I eir.-et :ial in
relieving pain. It isa true f r i -! I in
t itnes of al lies and pains, j; dals it!i
t lie (INra.se rrtYctii.-i'lv. s: n! 1 at
the veiv riK'l, rcinnvii: f l;i-. a u--.-. II
lias b( i n t I'strd I v 1 !i ii 'is i.t pi 'i
pie and fn in l t iicri'-irm v."H ic. s. if
mnr h tak'"n hx i ;nvl "in;i i.f
li'illisex. tlnnd for 11. ,111 atd li'.nsr.
Prrr.ared only liy Ir..I. I'. M.i!l-tt,
riiillipsliiirk'.' Kansas: price. ,VJ cents.
poi.-ioiious lilt ti to remain in lna
cyst.i-111, lio vimlil soon pet relief.
ConKtipalion invites all kind of
tMiitagiiiii. Ileadaclies, liilions
ii"hs, Collin and many other ail
meiits disappear when consti-j'-aled
liowels arerelieved. Tlied
iurd's Iiliick-liraiirrlit tliorouglily
cleans out tho bowels in nn easy
and natural lnaimrr without tho
purrrinp of calomel or other vio
lent cr.tliartirs.
; I .e sure that you pet tho onpi-
lirl 'I'hedfi.rd's Dlaek-Dranr-lit,
V ) made Tlio Chattaiieopa Jledi-
17 f. 1.1 1.. n . 1.
in.; vu. 'ii'i iy till ill HL'y I.Tta ill
'Si tent and 1.00 packages.
JI'TTiti, 4rh., J;.!tS.", mni,
I runnel rrrni'inrnil Tlicilfnnl lllm k.
)i. if .III loo hi .'liir. I kci p K In mj house
fll tin' I ; mi' end lure usvU II fur (ho last
lin si'iirs. I ncrcr pmii mv l,ililrM
any iiilnT lmnllif. I think 1 rnulil
iirTi'f lie ulil'i In wnrk wtllmnt It
w nn Hrrnimi nr iirinn Irnuiili'il t 1 1
K.S-? "n-tlt -Hi ion. Vuur tuidklno U ,
: nil Hint ki.ntM in.
C ". ll- .l inl ivn
Dr. , MMl'sMebUiTHUw Crijil.
Puii.ies the li!iio,l and reulati's tin?
kiniie.is and liver. Cures scrifula.
iini.s. ciy.si p 'las. eczeuia, .sail ilieuin,
eattanii, dives, pimple, riieiiniatiMii,
siililiis, vi't,"ie;il di'seasi'. and skin
iTiipi ic'is, ii i' Hlarityaii'i inli-iiiiation
of i In' ki'licvs. i)iii'iii.,in-M. sick liead
aciie, iinli; c.si inn, dyspepsia. MTi'ular
ity and C'lisi ipalioti !( iKiwrih, sink
inir sei:s:i' inn. iltiucrimr of the heart,
lack of etuijiv, iiei'vuiisiii'fvs, sleepy
and drowsy reeling, dizziness, and
l"s cf appi'litc. It strcn'tliciis and
liiioiisiii 1 1 10 most delicate system.
Jt Is ;i pleasant laxative. Cures hal.
it tiitl i ons! ipat ion, icIievlr:K' I tie bow
els of all iinpiii il ii s, viraiisii! the
sjst.Mi i-tf-vtiialiv. Its action U mil j
and soiiniiii . prevents fevers, and
It ii ' ils niili the
r mii ives I he ci ise
"kcll Cull-.! iMit j,)H.
I lev t!:ot;:t;i'!s nf
i p i f "tin alni''.st
taken I v old and
Larhi's whuse del-
li :-io M.t"i:l re-i.i:es il remedy thai
vifl act fen i iv and he eiiiirej.v sale
Lii.kr all luudiliui.s, bliuuid take it.
pleasant I : i ,i!.i
di.-iMv.1 :is ii ei
'.i"l u ! tie t.pi
it i.-.s !;.:, ! '.sl'd
I , i . i.t.'l ii i i,d 1 1
tolr-i'des. i: r.'v l,i
ti'lif X 'f I"' ! ll S'-x.
Ready Filixed Paint.
Wo pay tho freight.
The finest n?scrtmont of color enrds ever Issued.
JUST NOW, befcra you forget It, write for theo color carcja,
Honest gcodj iiindc by Eu!!!etl v, orkmnn.
A SrE0!AL rnsrCSlTiSJj F03 PAINTERS. :
Liberty paint 1.3 guaranteed for five years by a million Collar company.
Active men nr. J women make 200 a month representing us.
phant A
aai3 99i:sscca0itiasMBeMitMititciitiE9i9ita
But a real up-to-date,
paying lum
ber yard, for any
purpose that you
want. Our prices
are the lowest
for the material
furnished. Come
and figure with
us and we will
convince you that
it will pay you to
patronize us.jj
It will eive vki strfnirtl), new life
and ambition. Yw.i .should nut delay
bi;tfoa!i one and secure a bottle.
Tiepared only by Dr. 1. F. Mallctt,
riiillipsliurir. Kansas. Trice fl.OO.
For sale by Wilson fc Atliey and J. L.
RTP'A-X'S- Tabulcs
Doctors find
A gooi prescrlptl m
For mankind.
Tk. K .Mil tia V.ff la nnnvh for n.nl ttcriuu
j 'ot Th" fim'lr b ill iffl crnti) cot Ulu. tup
1 . I .... a 11 J.n..l... -. .hum
yi ivr jt, ma ui.h,um m.vh.

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