OCR Interpretation

The Liberal democrat. [volume] (Liberal, Kan.) 1911-1924, June 30, 1911, Image 3

Image and text provided by Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85029856/1911-06-30/ed-1/seq-3/

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y t-
J. E. George, Pres. L. A. Etzold, Vice Pres.
C. E. Woods, Cashier
First National Bank
Capital - - - - $25,000
Surplus and Profits $25,000
. mm
The Meeting Place
of value and money, is at our store.
It will be a profitable trip for you to visit our store
and see the new goods we hav) on display.
, The best always in nobby clothes for particular
The best Hue of hats, shoes, and work clothes in
Palace Clothing Store
W ,
! A. L.lCniselyaidFurgTOn
f Office Over P. O. Res. Phone 180. Office Phone 235
Additional Locals
WVA, Custer went to Topeka
Sunday on business. ,
Jake Brown went to Hutchinson
Monday on business.
0. C. Jones, the contractor, has
returned from Pratt.
S. W. Smith made a business
trip to Hugoton Sunday.
Southern Missouri farms for sale
or trade. Farmer Bros. Liberal
The Beaver Democrat has been
sold by the sheriff to L. B. Took
of that city'.
Mrs. Daisy Latshaw of Pratt is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George
Anderson this week.
Jim Bolin and Robt. Hall left
Tuesday for a business trip to
Pratt and Hutchinson.
Mrs. T. K. Crookshanks of
Sherman, Texas is visiting her
niece, Mrs. A. Shumate.
Miss Eunice Adams of Hooker
has taken charge of the music de
partment at Taylor's drug store.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Nuss have
returned from a visit with friends
and relatives in central Kansas.
Joe Black returned the first of
the week from a visit with relat
ives in Hutchinson and Spearville
Hal G. Reid's Jewelry Store
For Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Cut
i Glass and Hand Painted China. We do Watch
Repairing, and "if it ain't right, we'll make ,
it right" :: :: :: ::
Watch Inspector for the u C. R. I. & P. Railway.
Koscoe Morrell has joined the
pluts, having purchased a new
Brush runabout the first of the
Mr. and Mrs. Wells of Lone
Star and Mrs. Hawver of the Eth
elton neighborhood were transact
ing business in Liberal Monday.
. Earl Fuller left last week for
Goodwell, Okla, where he will
spend his vacation with his par
Do You Llk& Missouri?
We have six well improved farms in the Fruit and
Truck Belt of Missouri that we can trade for land in
Southwest Kansas and Texas and Beaver Counties
Okla. These lands are all good fertile fajms and
in a fine-section. The prices are reasonable and if
you want to get a good farm where there is no ques
tion about the rainfall and crops, come and see us.
With a good farm in Southern Missouri your crops
are assured and your living easy. Come in and let
us tell yon about it-
Pat Craig and family of Liberal,
Kans., was in this city the last of
last week to witness the Couch -ball
team win but were disappointed
La Kemp Mirror.
Misses Edna and May Stevesson
left on No. 4 Monday for a several
weeks visit with friends in Hut
chinson, and Wymore, Central
City and Gothenburg, Neb.
Mr. S. H. Judy, accompanied
by his mother and sister, left the
first of the week overland in the
Ford car for a few weeks' outing in
and around Colorado Springs.
The boys' base ball team has
been circulating a paper this week
giving the merchants of the town
a chance to subscribe small amounts
for new uniforms for the team.
Kelly's Famous flour
Has made friends in every
home. Buy Kelly's Famous
and you'll be delighted
with the results of your
baking. : : : :
Enterprise Mercantile Comp any
Phone 8
Sunday Clarence Hubbard's car
was laid up north of town with a
broken casting. Monday evening
Sheriff Eidson came into town with
a team of mules ahead of his car,
and a spring wagon behind. It's
been a little tough on the benzine
Doys the past week.
VVe acknowledge a very pleas
ant; call from Mrs. T. H. Vaughn
of Pratt, who was here for a few
days last last week, the guest of
Mrs. George Anderson. Mrs
Vaughn left a program of the
chautauqua which will be. held at
Pratt beginning on July 12.
The city of Canton has voted
municipal improvement bonds and
now finds it impossible to sell the
bonds because they fall due in five
rears. The council here has had
the forethought to avoid such a
situation here as the waterworks
bonds have already been contract
ed if the election carries.
From the fact that Johnson has
a barber and that Hugoton has be
come a citv of the third class and
KichGeld going red-eyed after a
steam laundry, it appears that a
strenuous time in the history of
southwest Kansas has set in. when
thiDgs of small proportions are
cneezed at and only things of great
magnitude receive any attention.
"Grant County Republican..
On Wednesday evening, June
7th, 1911, at 8 o'clock, Miss Kate
L. Asher and Mr. Nathan B. Bean
were united in marriage at the
home of the' bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. W. Hodgson of
Rockville township. While a well-
ding march was being played by
Mrs. Paul Light of Liberal. Kan
sas, a sister of the bride, the bri
dal party took their places under
a beautiful canopy of lace and
roses. The ceremony was per
formed by Rey. Martin, former
pastor of the M. E. church at
Windom. After congratulations
a two course supper was served.
Lyons Republican.
Miss Asher proved up on a
claim here several months ago, and
is well known to many people in
Liberal whose good wishes follow
her to her new home. '
A. Franz of Plains was in Lib'
eral last week on business.
We have absolutely new stocks
of groceries and dry goods which
we will exchange for good farms
or town property, if the title is
good and the mortgage small. Ad
dress the United States Investment
Co., New York Life Bldg., Kan
sas City, Mo.
"Detectives will guard the fe
male duck's nest," was the big
head line in Monday's Topeka
Capital. And this from the editor
who wants to be governor of Kan
sas, ihe man wno win discrim
inate in that manner against the
male duck's nest must be legging
for the female suffrage vote.
Troy Chief.
Traver Troubles
9i miles east of Huiroton.
Our county superintendent has
appointed two members of the Fair
View School District, (at Traver
P. O.) as clerk. So now we will
have something done. They are
Frank Livy and Otis Nix. There
must be lots to see to, to require
two of them.
The Sunday School at FairView
has adjourned sine die, as it has
been held at Mr. Frank Levy's for
some time as the school house was
struck by lightning along in May,
and has not been fixed up or clean
ed out, and now Mr. Levy's have
returned to St. John to harvest
their wheat and do some thresh
ing. So we do not know when it
it will commence again.
Miss Carrie Sessler is staying
with her brother and sister-in-law
at present, helping to take care o
that big boy.
Say, what a difference in the
temperature between Sunday and
The Hohn threshing machine
will start out this week.
Not much of the wheat in this
neighborhood will be ready tor
haryest before the 4th.
Misses Ethel and Bessie Loges,
and Messrs. Harvey and Elmer
Hohn and Carl Jones were visiting
at Mr. and Mrs. John Traver's
home last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Trayer
were fooled last Sunday as they
got almost to Frank Levy's bouse
for Sunday School when they
found that they had left for the
harvest. Hope they will have bet
ter luck next time.
Mrs. L. S. Curry and son, Cal
and his family were visiting Mr
and Mrs. Otis Nix last Sunday
Say, but those Sunday dinners are
the death of the Sunday School
Better read Heb. 10; 25.
Well, a good rain would be very
For Sale
50 head of mixed cattle, consist
ing of yearlings, two year old
steers and milch cows.
Fbed B. Hcllett,
6-23-2t. Liberal, Kans.
We are daily receiving new
goods and are better fitted to serve
you in every branch of the hard
ware 'business. A trial will make
you a regular customer. Come in
and see for yourself.
"Everything in Hardware"
Successor to
For Cement and Concrete
Work See
Septic Tanks A Specialty
R. 1 Nichols
Office on Kansas Ave., 2d Door South Taylor's Drug Store
whatever it means it should
stand for taking good care of
your horses. It is a fact too
simple for argument, that it is
economy to protect your horses
from their enemies, the flies
We are prepared to furnish at
reasonable prices, a variety of
and stable sheets that will give
good protection and good ser
vice. Don't delay, show your
good horse sense by buying now.
It I 7 m if M F-f T
One-tenth cash and one-tenth
per month is the way Ellsaesser &
Henry are selling those choice
town lots.
No matter what one gets at the
Economy they always know the
price and style are right,
A Pleased
Is The Best
This thought is back
of every statement or.
promise we make. You
can't always dodge us
we are are here to stay
so why not' call and
get acquainted? We
always handle good coal
and lumber.
Big Jo Lumber Go.
Have you pioked out your town
lot yet? See Ellsaesser & Henry.
They have some choice lots on the
payment plan.
You cannot obtain from any
stock corset the classy lines,
tyle, taste and absolutely
perfect fit to be had in a
Spirella Corset
A type for every figure
Let ma select
the model your
figure requires
and fit it to you.
retain its shape
permanently, al
lows utmost free
dom of motion;
gives supreme
satisfaction, per
fect comfort
My training and
experience are at
your service.
ApfxrfntiMflt. to Mr
pi uf l your huBM.
Put rnJ or phoo. Mil
wiU bring mm.
Rati HpMa vlTirthmnta tn LaW Horn
Journal. Dauoaator. IMrM, Nuw 14m aiid Vusua.
SptreOa Boning
PHONE 2281
Middle Aged and Elderly
Use Foley Kidney Pills tor quick
and permanent results in all cases
of kidney and bladder troubles,
and for painful and annoying irre-.
gularities. Sold by all Druggists.
Any kind of a town lot you may
desire can be found at Ellsaesser
& Henry's office.

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