Newspaper Page Text
FARM LOANS ..... An unlimited supply of money to loan on Patented land In Seward, Stevens, Beaver and Texas Counties LOW RATES AND EXCELLENT TERMS S. W.-SMITH Over Citizens State Bank " Liberal, Kansas THOS. L. HICGINBOTHAM, M.D. Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat MILLER BUILDING LIBERAL, KANSAS FLOUR GROCERIES We lead in Fancy Groc eries as well as Staple Groceries When you want something extra fine Phone or call on the CENTRAL GROCERY CO. PHONE COAL 1 WHEN YOU THINE! OF fLOUR, think of PRIDEOFLIBERAL. When you buy Flour, ask your Grocer for Pride oH-iberal There is None Better BOLIN, HALL Gity Meat Market Fresh and Cured Meats, Poultry, Fish, Oysters, and Celery My Desire is to Cater' to all Trades PHONE 86 Kansas Stock or Hog Melon Just the Thing for Western Kansas Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1-4 lb. 20c, lb. COc WRITE FOR OUR CATALOG The Barteldes Seed Go. LAWRENCE, - - KANSAS For Bargains in Land Write to Gardner & Shinkle, Liberal, Kans. 151 FEED x & COMPANY Cantaloupe Culture. It matters not to me about the weeds as long as I can get at them. 1 cultivate once a week. A can taloupe requires plenty of oxygen and hydrogen and every time you stir the dirt around the hill the vine takes on a new supply and makes a stronger and healthier growth, and causes a more robust vine and this is the kind of a vine you must have if you want a per fectly netted, sweet, brittle and juicy cantaloupe. A poor half starved vine cannot and will not produce for you a well developed sweet, lucious cantaloupe. How ever, this amounts to but little if you do not look after Rre'r John Rabbit, for he will knock all your best laid plans into a cocked hat if left to have his way. You will need to use strychnine and salt plentifully, for the rabbits are many. J. W. Wartenbee. Notice On the second Sunday a series of meetings will start at the Bap tist Church, liev. Agee will be assisted by Rev. W. A. Strickland of Hooker. All are cordially in vited. '- In referring to our article on the Nebraska and KaDsas railroad, the Garden City Herald says: "We would like to see this lat est hope of Liberal fulfilled, and the Nebraska & Kansas extended from Garden City south, and we think it will be some day, but the Democrat should not get the men who are building it confused with those who built the G. C, G. & N. They are entirely different, and notwithstanding after they built and paid for sixteen miles of road and got pretty badly squeezed, the Santa Fe hasn't got the road and the chances are it wont. The road would have been built and in operation to Stockton long before this, had it not been financed by the Carnegie Trust Company which failed, and the financing all had to be done over again, but everything now seems favorable for an early resumption of tiie work on the rcmd: -r. 1 he Herald would like to see Garden City and Liberal, the two best towns in Western Kansas, linked together by a rail road. Intended for last week. Eureka Items. 8 miles south and 3 miles west of Lllwral.) C. II. Morehouse was In Liberal Monday. W. L. Hooker, Ed. Evering and C. E. Morehouse were In Tyrone Mon day. Bro. Maricle from near Indepen dence preached at Eureka Sunday. Mrs. G. A. Kail and Miss Bertha Lubbers were In Liberal Saturday. John Tcek raised the piping from his well and made repairs last week. The stewards and teachers of the M. E. church met at the home of Ed Hudkins Thursday evening. Several of our farmers are cutting oats this week. Chas. Capps' little daughter In Lib eral has typhoid fever. Miss Ada Hob ble, trained nurse, Is calng for her. G. A. Kail and family, Miss Bertha Lubbers, Walter Elliott and Levi Newman and wife were down on Sharps Creek after wild grapes. They report lots of grapes this year. Intended for last week. ' On Route 2. William Gralms moved uTthe VIck ers quarter last Thursday. Marion Carson is helping I. 0. Sew ell with his harvesting this week. C. E. Corklns spent Sunday with Marion Carson. William Dale spent Sunday after noon with Bert Phllippies. Harlow Corkins and Dave Bruce left last Saturday for harvest tlelds In central Kansas. W. E. Collett is working in Liberal this week. There are many harvesters In this vicinity. Kay Corklns Is harvesting his oats. Mrs. W. E. Collett visited at John Preifert's last Thursday afternoon Bert Coday is helping I. O. Sewell harvest his wheat this week. John Priefert spent' Sunday after noon in Liberal. Buy those town lots now and re alize a nice profit on them. They will all be gone in a short time. Inquire for particulars at Ellsaes ser & Henry's office. Little Oversights. A coquette doesn't mean more than half she says and a prude doesn't say more than half she means. ' It takes an amateur photograph er to prove to a woman that truth is more terrible than fiction. A woman who tells a friend she looks well in an unbecoming hat will talk about her behind her back. But when it gets to be all business and no pleasure with a man, it's time for him to change his busi ness. When all your neighbors speak well of you, you may expect to hear a barber speak well of a safe ty razor. Every girl believes herself a sure cure for inebriety until after she has tried marrying a man to reform him. If a man can remember once in a few years to ask his wife to wear her bridal gown for him, he need n't ever give her a cent. Our idea of a woman with won derful selfcontrol is one that never buys anything at a bargain coun ter that she doesn't want. An Ohio mother of 95, upon be ing told that her son, aged 73 had eloped, said: "Well, boys will be boys." There is quite a difference be tween the man with a long head and the man who rushes into things headlong. A woman knows her husband is a good Christian if he doesn't make suggestions about the cook A man thinks he understands gardening because he knows the difference between a furnace poker and a spade. Women have no monopoly on curiosity. Many a man will work harder to find out something of no benefit to him than he will to pay his debts. Green Valley Greetings A nice shower fell here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. llaynes are enjoying a visit from their daughter who lives In Kansas City. Bro. Latlirop took dinner at Mr. Ilammontree's Wednesday. Mrs. Morss and daughter Lilly took dinner with Mrs. Shall'ord Sunday. Misses Nettie Russell, and Dora Swan, and Messrs. Staker, Bay, Wells and Shappard called at Jacob Orth's Sunday evening. Elza McDonald and Will Morss have gone East to harvest. Mrs. Shalford called on Mrs. .Barks dale Monday afternoon. Bertie Lathrop was the guest of his aunt, Mrs. Russell Friday. Mrs. Hullet was in this vicinity Monday. To Whom It May Concern: Homer F. Myers will present his application for a parole to the Prison Board on the 6th day of July 1911. Commnnications fa voring or protesting against his parole will be considered by the Board. J. K. Coddino, Warden. To Whom It May Concern. J. J. McNeal will present his application for a parole to the Prison Board on the 6th day of July, 1911. Communications fa voring or protesting against his parole will be considered by the Board. J. K. Coddino, Warden. Eggs for Hatching. Thorough-bred Golden laced Wy andotte eggs at $1.00 per setting. Phone Eureka Line. V. Capps, tf. Route 2, Tyroue, Okla.' List your land with Gardner & Shinkle. Your Neighbor's Experience How you may profit by it. Take Foley Kidney Pills. 'Mrs. E. G. Whitine. 360 Willow St.. Akron, 0 says: "For some time I had a very serious case of kidney trouble and I suffered with backaches and dizzy headaches. I had specks floating before my eyes and I felt all tired out and miserable. I saw Foley's Kidney Pills advertised and got a bottle and took them ac cording to directions and results showed almost at once. The pain and dizzy headaches left me, my eye-sight became clear and today I can say I am a well woman, thanks to Foley Kidney Pills." Sold by all Druggists. First Published June Oth, 1011. PUBLICATION NOTICE In the district court of Seward county. Kan sas. SS. Anna Ilullett, plaintiff, vs. Hoy L. H ul lot, defendent. The State of Kansas to Roy L. Hulleit, (Ireetliur: You will take notice that you have lieen sued In the district court or He want coun ty, Kansas, In an action therein pending In which Anna Hullett Is 1'lalnllfT and you are defendent, and that unless you answer the ie- tlllon or iilalntllT men therein on or nerore me JL'iul day of .luly, A. I), mil, said petition will lie taken as true and Judgment rendered there on In favor of plalntitf Kiantlnif her a divorce as prayed for and adJudithiK you to pay the costs and attorney's fees therein. K.H. ItiWIN, Clerk of the District Court. (SEAL) CLYDK U. COMMONS and V. A. MeCOY Attorneys for plaintiff. First Published JuuelHh, Hill. ORDINANCE NO 1US. An ordinance directing the calling of a spec ial election for tun purpose of submission to the electors of saiil city, the proiswltlon of voting bonds with which to extend the water works system of said city. Bo It ordained by the mayor and eounell nienof Lllwral, Kansas. Section 1 That there be a sts-clal election held in the city of Liberal on thetithdayof Jul v. mil. for the punuseof submitting to the electorsof said city the iittestlnuof granting said mayor and council of (.literal authority to Issue negotiable coupon lionds of said city for the purport of extending the present city waterworks and supplying the Inhabitants ih.tfoi.f w th water. Section 2 The said amount of bonds to be u Tlilrt.v Thousand Dollars k).U0u. to lie In denominations of Five Hundred Dollars (aoo) each, to bear Interest at tne rale or u per cent per annum and to be payable one-tenth each year, beginning twenty-one years from date, the last maturity to be thirty years from date. Section 8 That the mayor and city clerk nr the .'it v if I.llieral be and lliev are hereby directed to cause to be published for three CI) consecutive weeks, a notice calling said spec ial election, said notice to state tne amount 01 Iwnds proposed to bo Issued, the purpose of the Issue and tne polling places at wmcn me eiec rim, whsll tie held. Section 4-The said elections shall be held at the city hall. Section 5 Aii emergency existing this or dinance shall therefore Iw In full force and ef fect upon Its passage auu puoticatiou ui tne ofticlal papers of the city. Dated this third day or .tune, mil. (hiai.) K. T. NICHOLS, Mayor, JENNIE KAKAU, City Clerk. First Published June Mil. mil. PROCLAMATION AND NOTICE CALLING. MI'ttUlAL.&LirAii.lUI.H . Whereas, on tho third day of June. 11)11 there was dulv uresented to the mayor and councllmcnof the city of Liberal. Kansas, an ordinance directing the calling of a special election submitting to a vote of the electors of said city the iiuestlonor voting nonusoi sum city In the sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars (S10.UUO) wttn wmcn 10 extenu me present. t..rwnrkwsvstem now owned by tiie city, and Whereas, on the third day of June, the mayor and councllnieu of said city of Liberal duly passed said ordinance, which authorised, empowered and directed the mayor and city clerk to call a siieclal election of the said city to vote on the proposition of Issuing negoti able couuoii bonds in the sum of Thirty Thous and Dollars (iMO.UOU) with which to extend the waterworks system of said city. Now therefore. I, It. T. N Ichols, the duly elected, cinalllled and acting mayor of the city of Liberal. Seward county, Kansas, under and by virtue of authority in inc vested by law and said ordinance, do by inese presents! Here by declare, proclaim and give notice of a spec ial election to be held within tile city of Lib eral. Kansas, of the electors thereof on Thurs day, the sixth day of July, mil, to vote utsm the said ctueslloii of Issuing lionds of the city of Liberal In the sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars (Ssto.otiO) with which to extend the wa- Lii-wnrlis svstem of said ell v for the purpose of supplying the said city of Lllierul and Its Inhabitants with water. Said lionds shall liear Interest at the rale oi sis u percent is-r an num, imvable semi-annually, both principal and Interest payable at the State Fiscal Agen cy, the State Treasurer's office. Topeka. and -.hull mature one-tenth each year beginning twenty-one years from date so that the last bonds will be paiu thirty yearn rroui nate. Sn lil election to lie held at the cltv hall. I heraby designate o. M. Woods and Don Henry as clerks aim liny i.emoiinier. .1. a. Cornelius and T. W. Hubbard as Judges for said election. , I '- such election the no II -4 shall be open at the hour of s o'clock a. 111. and shall close at the hour of UnVkrinck p. m. . In testimony whereof. I, II. T, Nichols, Mm or of the clt v of LllsM'al. Kansas, have hereunto subscribed my name and caused this proclamation and notice to lie attested by the city clerk Willi tne corporate seat uiereoi hereto ulllxed tills third lay or June, iwi 1. K. T. NIOHOIA Mayor. (Seal) J ENN IE KAKAU, City Clerk First Published June 9th, 11)11. . PUBLICATION SUMMONS Tho Stale of Kansas to the following named defendants, W. W. Stewart and Stew art. his wife, whose name Is to the plaintiff unknown; Henry Parsons and Par sous, his wife, whose name Is to the plaintiff unknown; W, O. Alphln and Al- ptiin bis wife, whose name Is to the plaintiff unknown, tr tuny or ettner or any ot uieni oe alive, or If they or either or any of them be dead, then their unknown heirs, advisees, ex ecutors, administrators, trustees or assigns of such as be dead: ' You and earn and every out of you are hereby notllled that you and each anil every one of you have been sued In the district court of Seward county, Kansas. In an action therein pending (case No I7T0) wherein John It. lllake Is plaintiff and you and each of you are defendants and that you and each of you must answer the isttltlon tiled in this ac tion 011 or before the 31st day of July, A. D. hit I, or said petition will lie taken as true and Judgment accordingly rendered uuletlng and perfecting plaintiff's title to and continuing plaintiff's possession of the following describ ed real properly, to-wlt; commencing 120 rods North of the Southwest corner of the North west (ttiarter of section XI, township. )4. range St, thence North HH) and four-tenths feet: thence East SCO feet, thence South Mil) and four tenths feet: thence West :t00 feet to place of beginning, containing two acres; also com mencing HO rods North of the Southeast corner of the Northwest uttarter of section it), town ship ;M, range it), thence 10 rods West; thence 'M rods North; thence 16 rods East: thence 20 rods South to the place of beginning; also lots 21. 22, 211 and 24 In block 5, or the city of Lib eral, Kansas, according to the recorded plat thereof, sltuatul 111 Seward county. Kansas: and a further Judgment, adjudging and de creeing that you have no right, title, interest, eiittlly or estate In said reul estate and bar ring, excluding and enjoining you and each and all of you and all persons claiming, or to claim, by. through or under you, from assert ing, setting up or claiming any right, title In terest, eiiulty or estate in or to said real es tate, or any part thereof adverse to the title and possession of plaintiff. Witness my hand this 7th day of June, A. D 11)11. E. S. I KWIN, Clerk of District Court. (SEAL) l-'.S. MACV, Attorney for Plaintiff. First Published June 301 li. lull, PLHLICATION NOTICE. The State of Kansas, to . I. V. Hays, llrs.,1. V. Hays, and the unknown heirs and devisees, trustees, administrators, executors and the as signs of each of the aliove named defendants, If they or either of them are dead, You and each of you will take notice that rou have been sued by Moses Allison In the llstrlctConrt of Seward county, Kansas, and that unless you answer the petition tiled by the said plaintiff In the aald action on or he fore the llth day of August, lull, said petition will lie taken as true and a Judgment rendered against you and each of you aci-ordlngly. of the following nature to-wlt: adjudging that the said plaintiff Is the alisoluto owner In fee simple, and Is in theiiulet, no torious, undisturbed, exclusive and adverse possession of all of the following descrllwd real estate, situated In Seward county, Kan. sas. to-wlt: the west one half of the north west ouarter and the northeast iiuarter of Hie northwest quarter of section thirteen, and the southeast iiuarter of the northeast iiuarter of section fourteen, all In township thtrty-lwo south of range thirty-four, westof thelxlh principal meridian. And that neither you nor any nor either of you have any right, title, estale. Interest, claim, lien or encumbrance In, to or upon the said real estate or any part thereof: that all title or claim which you or any or either of you may have had or claim to have In or to said real estate or any part thereof lie forever barred, foreclosed and extinguished; and that you and each and every one of you be forever barred, estopped and foreclosed from ever setting up or asserting any right, title or claim In or to said real estate or any part thereof. Witness my hand and official seal this 2tith day of June 11)11. E. 8. iBWitf Clerk of the District Court, (MAI.) . W. SWITH, Attorney for Plaintiff. Off to the Lakes and Woods! Doesn't that make you hungry for the green coolness of the pines, the babbling streams oi crystal, the rippled surface ol the lakes with their white sails and graceful canoes? The luxurious trains of the Rock Island Lines will take you to many such in perfect comfort and at slight expense. Among the most delightful are those gems in Northern Iowa Spirit Lake, Clear Lake and the Okobojis. Then there are the resorts of Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Let's talk it over. I know we can help you plan. We want you to have a real vacation this summer, but you can t get complete enjoypient un less you start off right on a Rock Island train. Rock Island service makes the going a pleasure. L. C. YOCUM, Agent Liberal, Kansas Liberal R. R. Time Card. EAST BOUND. No. 82, No. 4, No. 2. No. 34, except Sunday, " ... 7:20 a. m Limited ' ... J:U) a. m , . , It :20 a. m ... 2:115 a. m WEST ItODND. except Sunday, " ... 8:00 p. m " . . , 1 :45 p. m Limited, " . . Il;0np. m , ... 1:45 a. m L. 0. Yoodu, Agent. No. S3, No, I, No. 8, No.33, Gol. G. K. Wilmeth Better known an "Kabblt. foot Bill" Town site, commer cial and live stock auctioneer. Write to (luymon. Okluhoma, Herald for dates. Get your dates at this office. DR. E. F. PELLETTE, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN (Iraduate of Hie American School of Osteo pathy of Kliksvllle, Mo. PostOllice Building Office Phone 257 Re. Phone 2G2 Liberal, Kan. 7-2tf C. V. MANATT ATTORNKY-AT-LAW LIBERAL - - KANSAS Practice in all Court and Department ot Interior. Money to Loan On Oklahoma farms, reasonable rates and prompt inspection U.S. JUDY Oillce with C. V. Manatt, Liberal, Ks.. J. F. MACY PHOTOGRAPHER Liberal, Kansas S. W. SMITH ATTORNKY-AT-LAW s Office over Citizen State Bank Bldg. Phone 271, Liberal, Kan. S. W. SAWYER Lawyer Land Cases A Specialty Miller Bldg. Liberal, Ks. Oklahoma License 275 Kansas License DAVID CURTIS Embalmer and Funeral Director Special Attention Given to Disonterments and Shipments. 10-38-10 R. W. Dickerson Auctioneer Liberal, Kansas References: Democrat office. Liberal, Kans Don't neglec your fire insur-' ance. You mav lose all in a few hours. Without tornado insurance you may lose all in an instant. Fire rates three years 80 cents Der $100. Tornado insurance 50 cents per $100. for three years. Phone 5. Land-Thateb Land Co. Farm loans, easy terms. S. W. Simth. p.ii,,ii..ia.. .. i