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Image provided by: Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS
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Ervin Clippings 4 miles east of Lorena, Okla. Still the wind blows. How much a good rain would be appreciated here. Row crops look good and continue to grow. Saturday and Sunday were two days tc be remembered, as they were our first experience of hot winds in Beaver county. Mr. Alton Hopke and daughter, Mattie, were callers at W. M. Mc Wethy's Tuesday. Children's Day was a success at Ervin. If the hot wind did blow 'all day, plenty of ice water was at command. A good dinner was en joyed by all under the Arbor, 'made for that purpose. Misses La Faun Wilkins and Laura Woods from Liberal, each favored us with an oration. - Mr. David Ilarter and family from Nabisco spent Saturday after noon and Sunday at the Midway farm. Now is a good time to kill weeds and a goodly number and using the time. T. D. Ervin came very near loosing his barn, feed and horses by fire Sunday evening. Thought fulness and tirm-headness by the few who discovered it and water being close at hand, they soon ex tinguished the fiamcs. News was received here by R. M. Culling telling him of his mother's death, the 18th inst., in Arkansas. It will be remembered that Mr. Culling made his mother a visit in March, when she was 84 years old. ' G. A. Stewart, R. M. Cullins, A. Burch, Jim Ervin and VV. M. WcWethy enjoyed a few hours of leisure Monday afternoon. The time for harvest is here but it will be a short one here this year, some few pieces of speltz and wheat, and very little of oats to be harvested. Mrs. Sam Prough was unable to attend the Children's Day prog ram but is better at this writing. Mr. Beauchamp and son, Henry were on the sick list Tuesday. Letters received in this neigh borhood by different parties from eastern Oklahoma all speak of the continued dry weather there. Cotton still looks well, but will need some rain soon, fruit is con siderably damaged. Material for the artesian well, northeast of Floris continues to arrive, the drilling is being done now. T. D. Ervin is adding a shed to his barn for his machinery and buggy, a good idea, for more to do when able. Pleasant Valley. It has been awful hot out in these parts the past few days. We need a good rain, but every thing seems to be growing nicely. Some farmers are still planting maize in this neighborhood. John Hall was in town last Sat urday afternoon. Ed Scott has been running five cultivators in his big field of maize and kaffir corn the past few days. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd were trad ing in Liberal, last Saturday. The tobacco worms are eating all the leaves from our cottonwood trees these hot days. Tom Taylor is cultivating his castor beans this week. Mr. Cox is running two culti vators in his big field of corn. Willis Jones was trading in Lib eral last Saturday. Henry Berg was. in Liberal last Saturday from the Hitch ranch. Mr. Kelly was trading at 'the county seat last Saturday. A. P. Ridenour passed through the Valley the fore part of this week going to the county seaf -on business. '. Messrs. Barker, Weir and Burr were at the county seat one day last week. C. R. Weir went east of Liberal to work a few days in the wheat fields. , There are about 165 acres' of melons planted in this vicinity this year for a seed crop. Ye humble servant took dinner at Mr. Jones' home last Sunday, bob Hall is getting some nice locust trees started along the south side of his farm. ' Not much news these hot days, Mr. Editor. Get a lay-off if you can and come out and help us kill a few jack rabbits. j Bluebell. Health is good in this part and everybody is busy. The shower Sunday night cooled the air ani benefitted the crops a little. The wheat is being harvested this week. Saturday and Sunday were scorchers. J. H. Hammontree and wife were in Liberal Saturday. Jacob Clauson of Liberal was in this part last week. Messrs. W. P. Davis, Floyd Davis, Ray Jones and Jacob Claw son made a trip to Hayne, Friday. Rev. Lathrop took dinner with the Hammontree family, Tuesday of last week. Rev. Lathrop will preach at Blue Bell next Sunday. Mr. Norton and wife made a trip to the county seat, Saturday. Several of the Blue Bell boys are harvesting in the vicinity of Bucklin. Jessie Ponting has been helping his father cultivate this week. Don't miss, the one-half price millinery sale at the Economy Dry Goods Co. The tornado season is here. Do not go without insuranbe. See us for particulars. Ellsaesser & Henry. Eureka Items. 8 miles south and 3 miles west of Liberal.) We have been having verv hot, dry weather. W. A. Kinir and V. Capps were in Liberal Saturday. Mrs. D. Ireland,. Mrs. C. E. More house, G. A. Kail and family and C H. Morehouse were also in Liberal Saturday. Bro. Williams preached at Eureka at 10 o'clock Sunday. He will hold communion service and open the doors of the church the first Sunday in July. Chas. Capps of Liberal spent Sat urday night at the home of his moth er, Mrs. S. A. Capps. Mrs. Shaffer and a friend attended church at Eureka Sunday. W. A. King and family and V. Capps and family were at Mrs. S. A. Capps' Sunday. C. II. Morehouse and family and G. A. Kail and family spent Sunday at C. E. Morehouse's. Geo. Everlng is sufering with rheu matism again. Robert Sellers went up into Kan sas to harvest last week. W. L. Hoc ker was in Tyrone Monday. The wheat is ripening fast, but the crop will be light. Mrs. S. A. Capps and Mrs. W. A. King spent Mondav afternoon at C. E. Morehouse's. The one-half price sale on mil linery will be welcome news to many of our friends who would rather buy our hats at regular prices thad risk others at one- half price. That's because they know our styles are right. if to ; A H A'y Up F. 0. BOLES Your Interest, and the interest of all our customers, have always been the first consideration with us. We believe that if we give you the best that money can buy we are serving your interests. This is ivhy we have the exclusive agency for the justly Celebrated Carhartt Brand of Working Clothing. There is no other brand better than this brand. There is none as good. We invite your inspection. Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods, Notions, Shoes LIBERAL, x KANSAS Ethelton Items. 58 miles northwest of Llleral. E. E. Harrison, E. J. Hoyt and A. D. Bumgartner were business visitors in Liberal last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Day spent Sun day with F. II. Day and family. W. E. and J. I. Ogborn were freight ing out groceries for Walter Ogborn's store last week. Ether Frye, Will Warford and Al bert Allen started for the harvest fields Sunday morning. 4 Mrs. E. V. Allen spent Monday with Mrs. P. II . Day. A. D. Bumgartner and wife left Sanday morning for the harvest fields. Mrs. C D. Day, John and Leonard Day attended the camp meeting at SantaFe last Saturday night. Obern Observing. . 23 mill's Northwest of Liberal. We are greatly in need of rain at this writing. Miss Nora Jerman returned home from a two weeks' visit In Sedalla, Ilearaan and Clifton City, Missouri, last Wednesday. Claude Davis and wife and Bro. A. J. Murphy took dinner with John Jerman and family Sunday. Jerry Whetstone, wife and daugh ters, Pearl and Hazel, of Wnodsdale were the guests of Henry Whetstone and wife Sunday. Mrs. B. F. Brown returned home Sunday from a visit in Missouri. Earl Davis and wife of Ethelton spent Sunday at B. F. Brown's. M. B. Cooper and family spent Sun day with Henry Whetstone and fam ily. Walter Whetstone and Ople Rowan were callers at Plains Friday. M. B. Cooper and Bro. Murphy were transacting business in Liberal Mon day. Pearl Odneal is reorted quite ill at this writing. Last Saturday night the team of Jerman & Weir broke loose and ran away. A western wagon spring seat was lost. Finder please return to John Jerman and receive reward. For Sale A span of young black mules, weight about 2200. Terms. J. J. Calvert, 0-26-tf Liberal, Kans. SUMMER SHIRTS Here you will find the best assort ment of standard made shirts in town. All the new stripes and figures in madras,1 linen, percale, silk and pongee. All styles and sizes at prices that are right. We Are To Celebrate The Nations Birthday This we believe is entirely proper, and The Eagle Mercantile Company will keep open house until 1:30 p. m. providing a cool airy place 'for all from a distance to spread their lunch. An abundant supply of ice water and Lemonade will be provided free and in honor of the day. You are cordially invited to' visit the "Eagle's Aerie." - Yours Sincerely, The Eagle Mercantile Co. Jarrett Convicted After a fair and impartial trial lasting a little oyer three years, the firm of C. S. Jarrett has been found guilty of having the finest and most complete line of watches, jewelry, cut glass and china in the south west. Their store will be closed Saturday night and will not be open until Monday morning. iTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTtTTTTTTTT fTTTTTTTTTTTTTf f fTTTTTTTT Mayor's Proclamation Liberal, Kansas. Owing to the great danger to our city from fire during a Fourth of July celebration, and to the fact that we have, at the present time, very inadequate fire protection; ( Therefore I, R. T. Nichols, Mayor of Liberal, Kansas, do pro hibit the firing or use of any kind of firecrackers or fireworks in that part of the city of Liberal, Kansas, north of the main line of the Rock Island railway, east of Grant Av enue, and, south of Fifth Street. And for the protection of the pub lic in general, and especially the children, the sale of all firecrack ers over three inches long is prohibited. R. T. NicnoLS.Mayor. Methodist Church Sacramental service at the Metho ist Church next Sunday morning. Professor Gilson, head of the School of Oratory of the South western College, will give the mes sage in the form of a reading from The Dawn of a Tomorrow." You are welcome. Wm. T. Ward, Pastor. , 5, 10, !5c STORE Meet me the 4th iu Lib eral. It will be one of the most liberal 4th you ever celebrated, we are going to try and please. You can get you a Palm Leaf Fan at our store as long as they last FREE. S. A. FIELDS 5, 10 and 15 Cent Store For quick sale list your farm or city property with Gardner & Shinkle.