Newspaper Page Text
FARM LOANS An unlimited supply of money to loan on Patented land in Seward, Stevens, Beaver and Texas Counties LOW RATES AND EXCELLENT TERMS S. W.SMITH Over Citizens State Bank Liberal, Kansas THOS. L. HIGGINBOTHANI.IVI.D. Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat MILLER BUILDING LIBERAL, KANSAS FLOUR GROCERIES We lead in Fancy Groc eries as well as Staple Groceries When you want something extra fine Phone or call on the 'CENTRAL GROCERY CO. PHONE 151 COAL WHEN YOU THINK OF FLOUR, think of PRIDEOFLIBERAL. When you buy Flour, ask Pride of Liberal There is None Better BOLIN, HALL City Heat Harket. Fresh and Cured Meats, Poultry, Fish, Oysters, and Celery My Desire is to Cater to all Trades PHONE 86 For Bargains in Land Write to Gardner & Shinklc, Liberal, Kans. Feed, Seed and the Best Flour "Larabee's Best" "Old Glorg" "Pride of Liberal" " Call aud get our prices, it may save you money . HOSKINSON & TITUS Successor to Funk & Son Liberal, Kansas FEED your Grocer for J & COMPANY f Additional Locals Clean up your back yard and swat the fly. i Miss Rena Booher of Floris was shopping in Liberal, Monday. Mrs. Kathryn Larrabee spent Friday and Saturday at Arkalon. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Erlewine of Hayne were Liberal visitors Sun day. Henry Tucker left the first of the week for a vacation in Colo rado. Dan Henry of Hutchinson is here this week visiting his brother, D. A. Henry. S. W. Smith made a business trip to Texas county, Oklahoma, the first of the week. W. C. Stout, the Arkalon mer chant, brought bis family to Lib eral to celebrate Tuesday. Miss Winifred Kelton of the western part of the county, is here attending the normal institate. Cecile and Billy Stout of Ark alon spent Sunday with their grandmother, Mrs. Cathrine Lar rabee in Liberal. liYantr Xiimmnrs rAr.nrnerl TliflS- day evening from Claremore, Okla., where he was taking treat ment for hay fever. A number of young people had a picnic supper on the pretty lawn at the home of Mr. and Mrs.Chas Summers Monday evening. Miss Grace Odell of Folsom, New Mexico is the guest of ber uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. L, D. Longnecker in this city. Mrs. U. G. Warren and daugb ter Rita of Guymon spent Tues day in Liberal, the guests of the former's parents, Judge and Mrs. Hultz. John Kelly of Hugoton came over in his car Sunday to meet George Neely of Hutchinson who made the address at Hugoton Tuesday, x Sen. J. L. Caldwell of Ft. Scott accompanied by his son was here Monday, assisting in the defense of the case of Wood vs. Board of County Commissioners. J. Goldsmith has bought the street sprinkler of G. W. Youst. His work was very satisfactory this spring and the business men are glad to again see him in charge of the work. The county normal opened Mon day morning. The enrollment to date,' is a little less than thirty. It seems that the normal should be more liberally patronized by the teachers and prospective teaeliers of the county. Hon. W. H. Thompson and court stenographer Jones arrived from Garden City Monday morn ing in Judge Thompson's car to hold a f pecial term of court to hear the jail injunction suit and several pleas of guilty. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stutzman are enjoying a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Roark who were married in Newton, Kansas, last week. They leave today for their new home iu Arizona. Mrs. Roark and Mrs. Stutzman are sisters. Hon. George Neely of Hutchin son, who was a candidate against Ed Madison at the last election, was in town a few hours Monday, shaking hands witn the boys. George is a mighty good fellow and might be induced to make the race again next year. Miss Freda Harris was riding on one of the floats in the parade, Julv 4th, when the wagon lurched and a stick to which she was cling ing broke and gave her a fall. Miss Harris sustained a dislocated finger, an injured armand several bruises. She was able, however, to be on the street with the rest of Tuesday evening as H. G. Clark and family of near Ematon were driving up Lincoln Ave., their team became frightened at a dis play of fireworks and started to run. The doubletree broke and the horses dashed awny, leaving the vehicle with its occupants standing uninjured in the street. A. T. Barksdale returned Mon day from a business trip to Med- ford, Okla. He says that chinch bugs and dry weather have great ly damaged crops there and the fruit is drying up before it ripens. A. T. says that things look better here than they do in Oklahoma where land is selling for $9,000 a quarter. List your land with Gardner & Shinkle. If you want to make money, see Ellsaesser & Henry regarding their town lot proposition. ,It will interest you. Watch Your Kidneys Their action controls your health. Read what Foley's Kidney Pills have done for vour neighbor. Mrs. H. W. Allen, Quincy, III., says: Aoout a year ago my kidneys began bothering me. I had a swelling in my ankles and limbs, then headaches and nervous dizzy spells, and later severe backaches. I was getting worse when I began taking Foley's Kidney PillSy 1 kept on taking them until I was once more free of all kidney troub le and suffering. I have a great deal to thank Foley's Kidney pills for and shall always recommend them. For sale byall druggists. How to Get Rain Norton Republican. Dey Cook and wife of St. Joe, Mo., and Mrs. Walter ' Jarrett of Alberta, Canada, came in from St. Joe, Mo., June 8, on the Burling ton to visit the Greer men who are brothers of the ladies. John Greer introduced us to Mr. Cook Friday morning,' and while the old gentle man hails from Mo., he don't have to be shown. He likes the appear ance of this country but thinks we need more rain. Said he, "you old fellows out here don't know how to go about it to get' rain. When you have tried for it you make the effort all in one place, by the rain makers or at some church by prayer. Now, down in old Missouri every man is a rain maker. We all drink heavily of beer which causes ius to perspire freelv all over the state and this perspiration goes into the atmos phere and causes rain, because ev ery man in Missouri is on that per spiring committee, which is a unit ed effort all over the state." Con tinuing he said, "When you fellows out here in Kansas go to drinking beer and sweating freely, you will put more moisture in the air. which will return in the form of rain." Now, we have been preaching prohibition, but if the old man's theory is correct and it looks like a more reasonable proposition than to employ the rainmakers, or to go to prayer when the wind is in the southwest. Maybe it is worth thinking about. Missouri is getting plenty of rain, and they are .con suming lots of beer and doing Tots of sweating, but whether that will cause rain or not we are undecid ed. Kidney Diseases Are Cur able. under certain conditions. But the right medicine must be taken be fore the disease has progressed too far. Mr. Perry A. Pitman, Dale. Texas, says: "I was down in bed for four months with kidney and bladder trouble and gall stone. One bottle of Foley's Kidney Rem edy cured me well and sound." Ask for it. For sale ,by all drug gists. Methodist Church Sacramental service at the Metho dist Church next Sunday morning. Professor Gilson, head of the School of Oratory of the South western College, will' si ve the mes sage in the form of a reading from "The Dawn of a Tomorrow." You are welcome. First Published June 9th, mil. PUBLICATION NOTICE In the district court of Seward county, Kan sas, SS. Anna Hullelt, plaintiff, vs. Roy L. H Lillet, defemlcnt. The 8tate of Kansas til Rnv L. Hnllnt.t. Greeting: Vou will take notice that you have licen sued In the district court of Seward coun ty, Kansas, in an action therein pending in which Anna Hullett is Plaintiff ami von defeudenl, aud that unless you answer the pe nnon or planum men tnerein on or iierore tlie SSiwl day of July, A. 1). 1!H1, said petition will he taken as true and lodgment rcndci-cil there. on in favor of plaintiff granting her a divorce as prayed for and adjudging you to pay the costs and attorney's fees therein. K. H. Ulvt l., Ulerk or the District Cou it. (SKA I.) CLYDE U. COMMONS and P. A. MeCOY Attorneys for plaintiff. First Published June llth. 11)11. ORDINANCE NO llu. An ordinance directing tho calllngof a spec ial election for the purpose of submission to the eleclorsof said city, the proposition of voting bonds with which to extend the water works system of said city. Ho It ordained "by the mayor and council men of Liberal, Kansas. Section I -That there be a special election held In the city of Liberal on theiithdayof July. Hill, for the puriuse of submitting to the electors of said city the nuesllonof granting said mayor anil council of Liberal authority to Issue negotiable coupon lionds of said city for the purpose of extending the present city waterworks and supplying the luhabltants thereof with water. Section 2 The said amount of lionds to be Issued is Thirty Thousand Dollars (k),Ul)), to lie in denominations of Five Hundred Dollars h"i00) each, U bear Interest at the rate of tl per cent tier annum and to he payable one-tenth each year, beginning twenty-one years from dulo,, the last maturity to be thirty years from date. Section 3 That the niacin and clt.v cWlr of the city of Liberal lie and they are hereby d I reeled to cause to be published for three CI) consecutive weeks, a notice calling said spec ial election, said notice to state the amount of bonds proposed to be Issued, the puriiose of the Issue and the polling places at which the elec tion shall he held. Section 4 The said elections shall he hold at the city hall. Section b An emergency existing Hi Is or dinance shall therefore lie In full force and ef fect upon Its passage and pub cation in the official papers of the city. mi led tins until day or June, mil. (SHAD K. T. -N ICHOLS. Mayor. JENNIE KAUAI', City Clerk. First Published June 9th, 1911. PROCLAMATION AND NOTICE CALLING SPECIAL ELECTION Whereas, on the third day of June, 1911, there was duly presented to the mayor and conncllmenot the city of Liberal, Kansas, an ordinance directing the calling or a special election submitting to a vote of the electors of said city the iiuestlonof voting lionds of said city In the sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars (SW.OOO) with which to extend the present wa terworks system now owned by the city, and Whereas, on the third day of June, the mayor and councllmeii of said city of Liberal duly passed said ordinance, which authorized, ennwwered and directed tho mayor and city clerk to call a special election of the said city to vole on the proiusltlon of issuing negoti able coupon bonds in the sum of Tidi ly Thous and Dollars (SW.iHKt) with which to extend the waterworks system of said city. Now therefore, I, H. T. Nichols, the duly elected, iiualltled and acting mayor of the city of Liberal. Seward county, Kansas, undei and by virtue of authority In me vested by law uud suld ordinance, do by these presents here by declare, proclaim ami give notice of a siwc ial election to he held within the city of Lib eral, Kansas, of the electors thereof on Thurs day, the sixth day of July, mil, to vote upon the said Muest loii of Issuing bonds of the city of Liberal in the sum of Thirty Thousund Dollars (SIO.IKK)) with which to extend the wa terworks system of said city for the purpose of supplying- the said city of Liberal anil Its Inhabitants with water. Said Ixmds shall bear interest at Ihe rate of six Ul) tier cent tier an num, payable seml-anuuully, both principal and Interest payable ut I he Slate fiscal Agen cy. Me Slaui t reasurer s ottlce. touch u. and shall mature one-tenth each year beginning Iweuty-oue years from date so that the last bonds will lie paid thirty years from date. Said election to lie. held at the cltv hall. I hereby designate (). M. Woods and lion llenrv as clerks and uuv Lenionuier. .1. A Cornelius and T. W. Hubbard as Judges for suld election. For such election the lulls shall lie open at the hour of N o'clock a. in. aud shall close at the hour of u o clolock p. m. In testimony whereof, I, U. T. Nichols, Mayor or me city or Liberal, Kansas, have hereunto subscribed my name and caused lis proclamat on aud notice to he attested by the city clerk with Ihecorporale seal I hereof herein alllMd tins mini day or .nine, lull, It. T. NICHOLS. Mayor. (Seal) JENNIE KARAU. City Clerk. First Published June llth, 11)11. PUBLICATION SUMMONS The Stale of Kansas to the following named defendant, W. VV. Stewart and Slew art, his wife, whose name Is to the plaintiff unknown) Henry Parsons and Par wins, his wife, whose name Is to the plaintiff unknown; W. O. Aiphlu and , Al- ublii his wife, whose inline Is to the plaintiff unknown, ir they or ell tier or any or them lm allvfl, or ir tneyor eltneror any or tliem lie dead, then then unknown heirs, advisees, ex ecutors, administrators., trustees or assigns of such as he dead: You and each und every one of you are hereby untitled that you and each anil every one of you have been sued In the district court, of Seward county, an action therein siidlng (cast No I77U) wherein John It. Ilbike Is plulutllT and you and each of you are defendants aud that you and each of you must answer the petition tiled In this ac tion on or iierorntlie .'1st day or July, A. I). 191 1, or suld petition will lie luken as true and judgment accordingly rendered iiuletlng and perfecting plaintiff's title to anil ionllrnilng plalntllT s possession or tlie rollowlng describ ed real proiierty, to-wil; ionitncnrlng 120 rods North of the Suiilliwest corner of the North west duarter of section 1, township J4, range XI, thence North -IK) and four-tenths feet; thence Fast .TO feet, t hence South two and four tenths feel: thence West HOI) feet U) place of lieglunlng, containing two acres; also com mencing HI) rods North of the Southeast corner of the Northwest iiuarter of section SI, town ship .'U, range Itl, thence l rods West; thence at) rods North: thence, III rods East; thence 20 rods South to the place of lieglunlng; also lots 21, BS. Zt and 2-t In block 5, of the city or Llli eral, Kansas, according to the recorded plat thereof, sltuaUd In Seward county, Kansas: and a further Judgment, adjudging aud de creeing that you have no right, title, interest, equity or estate In said real estate aud bar ring, excluding aud enjoining you and each and all of you and all pcisoiisclaimlng, or Ui claim, by, through or under you, from assert ing, setting up or claiming any right, title In terest. eiully or estate In or to said real es tate, or any part thereof adverse U) the title and possession of plaintiff, W itness my hand this 7th day of June, A. I) 1911. E. .. IUWIN, Clerk of District Court. (SEAL) F. H. MACY, Attorney for Plaintiff. First Published June aoth. lull. PFIILICATION NOTICE. The State of Kansas, to . I. V. Hays. Mrs. J. V. Hays, and the unknown heirs and devisees, trustees, administrators, executors and the as signs of each of the aliove named defendants. If they or either of them are dead, You and each of you will take notice that you have been sued by Moses Allison in the District Court of Seward county, Kansas, and that unless you answer tho petition Hied by the said plalntltf In the said action on or le fore the llth duy of Augits. 1911, said .petition will is taken astrue aud a Judgment rendered against you and each of you a-curdlugly. of the following nature to-wlt: adjudging that Hie said plaintiff Is Hie absolute owner In fee simple, and Is In thcoulet, pcacahle,on. no torious, uudlsturlied, exclusive aud adverse possession of all of the following descrilied real estate, situated In Seward county, Kan. sas. to-wlt: tile west one half of the north west nuaru-r anil the northeast iiuarter of the northwest iiuarter of section thirteen, and the southeast iiuarlcr ot the northeast iiuarter of section foiiruseu. all In township thtrty-two. south of range thirty-four, west of the sixth principal meridian. And that neither you nor any nor either of you have any right, title, estate. Interest. claim, lien or encumbrance In. to or uimiii the said real esiaU" or any part thereof: that all title or claim , which you or any or either of vou may have had or claim to have In or to said real estate or any part thereof tie forever barrel, foreclosed and extinguished: and that you and each and every one of you lie forever barred, estopped aud foreclosed from ever setting up or asserting any right, title or claim In or to said real estate or any part thereof. W itness my hand and official seal this 2uth day of June 1911. E. 8. Ihwis Clem or tlie District uourt, (dial) ft. W. Smith. Attorney for Plaintiff. Off toihe Lakes and Woods! Doesn't that make you hungry for the green coolness of the pines, the babbling streams oi crystal, the rippled surface oi the lakes with their white sails and graceful canoes? The luxurious trains of the Rock Island Lines will take you to many such in perfect comfort and at slight expense. Among the most delightful are those gems in Northern Iowa Spirit Lake, Clear Lake and the Okobojis. Then there are the resorts of Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Let's talk it over., I know we can help you plan. We want you to have a real vacation this summer, out you can tget complete enjoyment un less you start off right-on a Rock Island train. Rock. Island service makes the going a pleasure. L. C. YOCUM, Agent Liberal, Kansas Liberal R. R. Time Card. EAST HOUND. No. 82. except Sunday, " ... 7;50a. m No. 1, Limited " ... 7:10 a. m No. I!. " . . .11:20 a. m No. :w, " ... 2:il5. m WEST BOUND. No. AS, except Sunday, " ... 8:00 p. m No. 1, " ... 1:45 p. m No. 3. Limited. " ... . 11:06 p. m No.aa. " ... 1:45 a. m L. C. Yoocm, Agent, Gol. G. XL Wilmeth Better known as Babbit foot Bill" Town site, commer cial and llvd slock auctioneer. Write to tiuymon. Oklahoma, f : ' . .. ' ' v : ft S r v ' H ,- t ' dl....-la.-j...wU'i Herald for dates. Get your dates at this office. DR. E. F. PELLETTE, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Graduate of the American Hehml of Osteo pathy of Klrksville, Mo. I'ostOftice Building Office Phone 257 Re. Phone 262 Liberal, Kans. 7-2tf C. V. MANATT ATTOKNKY-AT-I.AW LIBERAL - KANSAS Practice in all Courta and Department of Interior. Money to Loan On Oklahoma farms, reasonable rates and prompt inspection H.S.JUDY Olllce with C. V. Manatt. Liberal, Ks. J. F. MACY PHOTOGRAPHER Liberal, Kansas S. W. SMITH ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office over Citizeni State Bank Bldg. Phone 271, Liberal, Kans. S. W. SAWYER Lawyer Land Cases A Specialty Miller Bldg. Liberal, Ke. Oklahoma License 275 . Kansas License 7cl DAVID CURTIS Embalmer and Funeral Director Special Attention Given to Dlsentennents and Shlumenta. 10-28-10 R. W. Dickerson Auctioneer Liberal, Kansas References: Democrat office. Liberal, Eans Don't neglect .vour Gre insur ance. You may lose all in a few hours. Without tornado insurance you may lose all in an instant. Fire rates three years 80 cents per $100. Tornado insurance 50 cents pef $100. for three years. Phone 5. Land-Thater Land Co. - Farm loans, easy terms. S. W, the merry-makers later in the day. Win. T. Ward, Pastor. Simth.