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OOOOOOOCOCOOOCOOOOCSOOOCIOOC)000 ocooooooooooooooooooooo Hal G. Reid's Jewelry Store LIBERAL, KANSAS. For Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Cut Glass and Hand Painted China. We do Watch Repairing, and "if it ain't right, we'll make it right" .... :: . :: " - Watch Inspector for the C. R. L & P. Railway. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooocxooooooooooooooooooooooo Kelly's famous flour Has made friends in every home. Buy Kelly's Famous and you'll be delighted with the results of your baking. : : : : Enterprise Mercantile Company Phone 8 For Cement Work Septic Tanks A THOS. L. HIOGINBOTHAIVI, M.D. Diseases of the Eye,. Ear, Nose and Throat MILLER BUILDING LIBERAL, KANSAS City iuit Market Fresh and Cured Meats, Poultry, Fish, Oysters, and Celery My Desire is to Cater to all Trades PHONE 86 For Bargains in Land Write to Gardner & Shinkle, Liberal, Kans. Feed, Seed and i "Larabee's Best" "Pride of Liberal" Call and get our prices, it may save you money HOSKINSON & TITUS Successor to Funk &. Son Liberal, Kansas and Concrete See WRIGHT Specialty the Best Flour "Old Glorv" Harwood Items Robert Davis aud sou from the Uiuiarroii wore iu tbis neighbor hood Wednesday to see after some cattle they.have up here. Florence Whiteford and sister, Mrs. Knox and children, were pleasant callers here Monday. Patton Brothers are helping William Hyde harvest this week. Lee Rhiness is at home again after a two weeks absence. He has been up in Haskell county, fixing wells. Mr. Lamberson and son, Ray, were in this part of the country, Sunday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Swink, a daughter, June 28. Miss Leary of Wichita is out on her claim. Miss Johnson accom panied her. They will return Sunday. Sheriff Eidson and party were agreeable callers here Tuesday. They also called at the Evans home. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Burr called to see Mrs. M. E. Pinkorton, who is laid up with a very sore foot, caused by stepping on a nail. The dance at Vm. Aubuin's Saturday night was well attended and all present report a fine time. Mrs. Lucy Patton and children visited with Mrs. J. II. Burr, Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Burr and daughter. Roberta, made a busi ness trip to Santa Fe, Wednesday. Tuesday evening Miss Ula An trim entertained a number ,of her friends at her home. A pleasant evening was spent. Party games were played and all present enjoy ed themselves. Light refresh ments were served which consist ed of ice cream, cake and lemon ade. Those present were: Misses Emily Bennett. Helen and Ruby Rhiness, Audrey Burr, Mrs. Nell Shanlovv. Messrs. Ben Pinkerton, Lee Huffman, Emory and Alvoree Burr and Maurice Graig. Miss Ula is a very popular young lady of this neighborhood. For Sale A limited number of White House Pantries to be sold in Lib eral at 50 cash down, balance $1.00 yer week for sixteen weeks No interest. Write or see U. J Warren, Guymon, Okla. Methodist Church The Woman's Home Missionary Sq clety will meet with Mrs. Keating, Thursday, July 20, at 3 p. m. PROGRAM Keynote The true solution of the Negro problem is in the religion of Jesus Christ. Song "Hark the Voice of Jesus Cajl Ing." Scripture Reading "Peter's Hard Lesson." Acts. 11; 1-9. Mrs. N. L. Smith Prayer. Roll Call Respond with name of some Home in tiie South, either white or colored or name of mission ary. Paper Work for colored girls, Mrs. Meek Work for white girls. 1. Rebecca McClesky Home and its Settlement Work, Mrs. Malone 2. Community Schools and American Highlanders, Mrs. Hopkins Reading "Down the Road," Mrs. S. J. Crothers Paper Signs of Progress, Mrs. Buckland Reading "Rebuilding Peck Home," Mrs. Phillips Read ing-" What Money Can Do," Mrs. J. Dunlup Home Mission Enigmas. Song "Nobody Knows de Trouble I've Seen," Mrs. Net Mrs. Falls, Miss Lawrence, Miss Falls. - Kidney Diseases Are Cur able. under certain conditions. But the right medicine must be taken be fore the disease has progressed too far..' Mr. Perry A. Pitman, Dale. Texas, says: "I was down in bed for four months with kidney and bladder trouble and gall stone. One bottle of Foley's Kidney Rem edy cured me well and sound." Ask for it. For sale by all drug gists. Ten Acres of Land Adjoin ing the City, For Sale Cheap; Easy Terms; See Farmer Pros. W. C. T. U. Notes . W. 0. T. U. will meet at the M. E. Church, Friday, July 14, at 3 o'clock. All members and friends are requested to be pres ent. The following program will be given: Song, Scripture Reading, Prayer, Music. ' . Roll Call, answered by' some ques tion pertaining to the W. C, T. v U. work. Question to be answer ed by members of the Union. Readings or Recitation by- volun teers. News from the Union Signal, Mrs. S. M. Lane Discussion on Community Work. Business, Song, Music. Free-will Offering. We extend an invitation to the Y. P. B's to be present at this meeting. Those Who take Foley's Kid- ., ney Pills for their kidney and bladder troub les, and for annoying urinary ir regularities are always crateful both for the quick and permanent relief they afford and for their tonic and strengthening effect as well. Try Foley's Kidney Pills. For sale by all Druggists. $100.00 Reward. I will pay the above reward for the arrest and conviction of any person or persons illegally hand ling, driving off and disposing of tcor buhering any of my stock. C M. Light, Liberal, Kansas List your land with Gardner & Shinklo. COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS Office of the County Clerk. Howard County, Kuiimis. Liberal, Kansas, .Inly It, 11)11. Tlie Hoard of County Commissioners met In regular session. Present were: ,1. I'1, l-'uest, Chairman,. W. W. Antrim and Kli Taylor, memliersof the Hoard, and Clyde It. Com mons, County Attorney, and K. IK Coooer. County Clerk. The following claims aiialnst the county were lev i he hoard exam ned and al owed A, C. Olin, erroneous tax, - - - tM.K Jennie Karau, copy jail ulans. - - ll.ixi Star Lumber Co.. coal for Jail. - - N.50 Hutchinson News Co., Jail notices, - 10.12 K. W. William, hal. assessing Liberal two. Sl.ixi Kd McCue, bal. assessing Seward two. KI.0U (i. M. Tri'Moonler, assessing Liberal City, HkYiH) K. W, l'cmi!ni:ton, assessing 1'iiiko twp. 10B.WI Liberal Kray Co., Drayau'e, - - 3.00 A. H. h'ullinei', exanilninirco. treas. honks, II.U) ,)ohn L. Holes, examining eo. treas. Ixtoks. tl.tNi City of Liberal, water tux, - - 5.UU II. W. Lane. cartienUtr work on court house. - - - - - 3 7.1 Hutchinson IVIntlnu Co., county suuulles, Crime Co., i-oiiniy sunplics, 1W.H1 hi.:!0 run HU5 into li.'-'O Hlnier Thompson Jury fees 11. w. Norrls, I'. .1. Murphy. " " Wni. Hyde. " " L. II. hliicher. " " A. K. Somonson, " " W. B. York. " " Snm'l Jones ' " W. T. Casey, " " E. K. Kiirch. " " A. I'. liidenour. . " " . II, V. Thompson, " " W. II. Leuper. " " I.J. Aliotl. " " D. B.Snyder. " " K. K. Richardson " " Kred Deal, " " It. H. Whiteford. " " John !U alone, " " .1. W. Kosson. " " H. O. Ihiwnlnir, " " T. J. Kuehlen, " " N. B. Hwlnk. " " J. A. Hall. " " L.C. (iano, " " oils Clark. " " .1. T. Enifleman, " " C'lias. Chapman, " " Lee Larraliee, " " I'. S. Clymer. " " O. 51. Nix, " " T. V. Hopkins, " " John Flzer, " " T. A. Teitarden, " " (i. M. Nix. " " U. A. Walker, " " Win Kusvo, " " It. Homer. " " I. . V. Gardner. " " W. M. Miller. '- " II. Umert. " , " K. H. Klcli, " " N. U t ails. " " E. H. Irwin, costs, State vs. Murphy, (.co. A. tiulnlan, sherllT fees, .1. 1). Norton, sheriff fees. Shawnee Co. K. S. Irwin, cosls, State vs. Mur phy, -IliK). A. Oulnlan. sheriff fees, ' - l.7;i l.l.lkl hi. hi hi. 15 4.iH ht.'fl hub lll.'.H) 4.10 I4.S0 K.IU 17.40 hi.'.io l4.:t 7.00 14.30 9.10 4.40 12.00 14. mi stl.O 2.00 2.110 13.30 2.1V 2.00 4.00 2.IX) 2.1X1 2.00 2.00 4.00 8.IKI 2.(10 4.00 2.00 1.2; 1.40 6.! . H. heather, furniture for court house, 20.00 I.IImtoI Llirht. I. 1'. Co., Current and Ice 1H.20 Clyde K. Commons, salary co. attorney, 200.00 Summers k Sons, mercliaudlse fur Jail, 2.H0 T. (i, Hiibliard, salary Janitor, - T. (i. Hubbard, bailiff. - - 12.00 K. S. Irwin, salary clerk dlst. court. less fees. ll.HO ico. A. Smith, salary co. treasurer, - 201.00 LUieral Telephone Kx phone rent aud tolls. 21. 1 (i. M. LeMonnler. looklnir after poor and exiense on paupers, - 27.30 II. II. L i son. fees and expense to Wichita, 02.50 II. II. Eiilson. lall attendance and lioardimr prisoners, - 17.40 II. II. Eidson, sheriff tt fees, 12.4! II. II. Eidson. " " 5.:.: H. II. Eidson. " II. II. Eidson. " " H.Ufl II. II. Eidson. Jail attendance and boardlnif prisoners - 72.HO Win. Irwin, Jailor and court attendance. :i.oo C. l. Cole, court attendance, - - 1.1.00 E. W, Williams. Jailor, - - - lo.fio lien. H. Smith & Hro county supplies, 7.8j (,co. K. Smith, salary CO. health ollh-er, SO.0U E. I). Cooper, salary co. clerk, less fees. 2s4.s5 N-andretl & Euest. county supplies, 10. 10 Kay Mlllman, comity iirlntiin.'. - 1I0.H2 J. V. Campls'll. salaotirohute Judire 4:i.oO Mary E. Todd, salary co. sup't. - I7.V00 .Mary E. Todd, VIsiiliiK schools, - 2H.H0 l.llieral Democrat, county prlutluir. 110.02 J. K. Euest. salary county commissioner 21.00 W. W. Antrim, salary co. mmmissioner, Ell Taylor, salary co. commissioner, 23.40 Thou. Martin, sheriff Meade co. Expense of prisoners In Meade co. Jail. - 33..V) C. II. Leel. laundry for Jail. - I. jo July 5. Hill. The remrt of the Register of Deeds. Clerk of the District Court and County Clerk were hv the Hoard approved and ordered iiimi. also the report of .LAV. Campliell, I'robatn J'ldire anil .lolin U lioies and n. it. runnier, as ui the ofll'-e of the County Treasurer was by the Hoard approved. The sheriff was by the Board ordered to col lect the hill tax on the personal property of A J. Murphy, same a I writ to be sold by The Wilson Land and drain Co., of Plains. The Board thereupon appointed J. F. Fuest as local superintended! of the Jail and to look after same between mcetlnirs of the Board which shall be on the first Monday In each month until the Jail incomplete. This completinK the business of the meeting the Hoard adjourned to August 7. lull. (Seal) E. D. COOl'EU, County Clerk. NOTICE Ifirst published July 14, Itllt. Notice Is herchv tflven that J. V. Fueut. and L. V. Gardner have Hied their petition In the orllce of the City Clerk pray Itisr for and asklim that the Mayor and City Council by proper or dinance order and vacate the following tracts of lund now platted as alleys In the city of i. iKTiii, ?ewaru county, state or Kansas, to wit: A tract described as commenchur at. the southeast corner of lot No. ten (10) In block no. at, tu tneoriirlnal town now city of Liberal and runnlnir thence west 140 feet alonv the south Hue of said lot ten thence south 20 feet ttience east 140 feet thence north 20 feet to the place of lieirlunhiK. A tract commencing at tile northwest corner of lot No, II in said block 15. iu the city of .literal auu niiiiilnn (lie nee sou in 1.(0 feet to the southwest corner of lot 34 of said block 15. thence west 15 feet thence nort h 130 feet thence east 15 feet to the place of hcKinuliiK. Tlio said Mayor and City Council have ordered that due notice of said petition lie puiuisiied and nave set as the time for the hearlntr thereon the 1st day of AuuustA.D.UUI at nine o'clock p. in., of said dale in the office of the Mayor iu Libera), Seward County. Kan sas al which time and place any and all per sons may appear and siiow cause why said tracts should not be vacated as prayed. iiaieu mis loin uay or ,iuiy ion. It. T. NICHOLS. Mavor. (Seal) JENNIE KARA!!, CHy Clerk. Quarterly Statement Ol fieorire A. Smith, County Trensurerof Sew. iinl county, Kiiiisiis, show Inir Imliinee iu his IninilB I o r lire quiiiicr ciiiIIiik June 30, 1011. Funii Dkiiit. CltKlllT. Stnteden Rev f.tM M County lien. Hev $ 8,103 50 Cuunty Houil Fund IM h; County Slnkimr Fund 1.(178 (17 Hulldlnv lund court House ftiiH 20 Liberal CHy 4173 Noruml Fund 07 5(1 Cltv Iinprovment 3112 114 Sewurd Twp. gen rev rarKO 1 wp " is 85 mixnr txind 272 00 Liberal Twp ifen rev 8(156 " snuiir bond 408 III) Cimarron Twp r r bond.. tux) 1)0 ImlKCinont b. u. no. & Ken rev VurioiiB funds and tlsuul iivenev In New York 1 00 County HIkIi Suhool (144 54 Liberal Twp. Road till 75 SCHOOL DISTRICTS. No Dr 1 I 204 bond 3 1,508 8:t bond 772 43 3 (112 17 bond 23 1.1 4 228 1W bond...., 5 5II 40 bond 347 50 (1 ; 77 00 7 52 00 8 II (15 Ml N'l 10 87 50 bond 11 70 12 12 401 28 botid 05 04 13 20 22 bond 13 (17 14 30 IX) 15 107 00 bond 511 03 10 133 93 bond 14 40 17 7. 510 M4 18 II 44 bond 30 12 ID 24 73 bond II 30 20 142 IKI bond 13(1 38 21 W bond 42 113 22 (13 bund lhl !' 2)1 203 i 24 211 14 26 213 HI pond 43 21 2b 184 45 bond iU 8 27 44 110 bond '.'5 HI 28 515 87 bond 3 31 Stiite ol Kiiiisiis, Sewitrd county, on. I, (leorire A. Smith, Treasurer of Howard cuuniWJKunsKR, do tuueuinly awenr tnut Itie above statement Is true mid correct, to the bent ol' my knowledge hihI belief. licorire A. Hiulili. I hereby oertlly. That the IoiuvoIiik stute inent was subscribed and sworn to belnru me, iind ill my preseuesi, hy the uliovo mimed this 3rd day of July 1011. attbst: E. D.Cooper, (seul) County Clerk. First I'uhllshcd June 30lh, Hill. PUBLICATION NOTICE. ThoSlaleof Kansas. lo.LV. Hays, Mrs. J. V. Hays, and the unknown heirs aud devisees, trustees, administrators, executors aud tile as signs of each of the alsivc named defendants, if ihev or either of them are dead. You and each of you will take notice that you have Is'eu sued by .Moses Allison In the District Conrt of Seward county, Kansas, and thai unless you answer the petition tiled by tliesald plaintiff III the said action on or be fore the llth day of August, 101 1, said petition will he taken as true and a Judgment rendered aualnst you and each of you accordingly, of the following nature lo-wlt: adJudirliiK that the said plulutlff Is the absolute owner in fee simple, and is In theiiulet. peai-able. open, no torious, undisturbed, exclusive and adverse possession of all of the following descrllied real fit ale. slluuted In Heward county, Kan. sas, to-wll: the west one half of the north west quarter and the uorilieasl quarter of the northwest quarter of section thirteen, aud the southeast quarter of the northeast quaruir of section fourteen, all In township thtrty-twn south of ranife thirty-four, west of the sixth principal meridian. And that neither you nor any nor either of you have any rliht. title, estale, interest, clulm, lien or encumbrance in, to or uisin the said real estale or any part thereof; that all title or claim which you or any or either of you may have had or claim to have In or to said real estate or any part thereof lie forever barred, foreclosed and extinguished; and that you and each and every one of you be forever barred, estopped and foreclosed from ever scltinir up or asscrtlnx any riitht, title or claim In or to said real esi nte or any part thereof. Witness my hand and official seal this 2tllh day of June 1011. K.S.Ik win Clerk of the District Court, (SUA!,) H. W. Smith. Attorney for I'laliitiff. Watch Your Kidneys Their action controls your health. Head what Foley's Kidney Pills have done for vour neighbor. Mrs. II. W. Allen, Quincy, El., says: "About a year ago my kidneys began bothering me. I had a swelling in my ankles and limbs, then headaches and nervous dizzy spells, and later severe backaches. I was getting worse when I began taking Foley's Kidney Pills. 1 kept on taking them until I was once more free of all kidney troub le and suffering. I have a great deal to thank Foley's Kidney pills for and shall always recommend them. For sale byall druggists. The Photoplay is the real popu lar place these days for those who like moving pictures. For Sale A span of young black mules, weight about 2200. Terms. , 3.3. Calvert, 6-26-tf Liberal, Kans. Off to the Lakes and Woods! Doesn't that make you hungry for the green coolness of the pines, the babbling streams ol crystal, the rippled surface oJ the lakes with their white sails and graceful canoes? The luxurious trains of the Rock Island Lines will take you to many such in perfect, comfort and at slight expense. Among the most delightful are those gems in Northern Iowa Spirit Lake, Clear Lake and the Okobojis. Then there are the resorts of Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Let's talk it over. I know we can help you plan. We want you to have a real vacation this summer, but you can't get complete enjoyment un less you start off right- on a Rock Island train. Rock Island service makes the going a pleasure. n. L. C. YOCUM, Agent Liberal, Kansas Liberal R. R. Time Card. EAST BOUND. No. 82. except Sunday, " ... 7:20 a. m No. 4. Limited " ... 7:10a. m No. 2. " . . ,11:20 a. m No. M, " . . . 2:il5a.m WEST BOUND. No. Kl, except Sunday, " ... 8:00 p. m No. I, "... 1:45 p. m No. 3. Limited, " ... ll:0Rp. m " ... 1:45 a. m L. 0. YoctiM, Airent. Col. C. K. Wilraeth Better ' known as "UalMilt foot Hill" Town site, eommer clal and live Mioelc auctioneer. Write to tluymou, Oklahoma, Herald for date. A Get your dates at this office. DR. E. F. PELLETTE, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Graduate of the American School of Osteo pathy of Klrksvllle. Mo. I'ostoilluo Building Office Phon 257 - Rei. Phm 262 Liberal, Kana. 7-Stf C. V. MANATT ATTOKNKY-AT-LAW LIBERAL. - - KANSAS Practice in all Court! and Department ot Interior. Money to Loan On Okfahoma farms, reasonable rates and prompt inspection H. S. JUDY Olllce with C. V. Manatt, Liberal, Ks. J. F. MACY PHOTOGRAPHER Libers!, Kansas S. W. SMITH ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office over Citizens State Bank Bldg. Phone 271, Liberal, Kan. S. W. SAWYER Lawyer Land Cases A Specialty Miller Bldg. Liberal, Ks. Oklahoma 275 Kansas License 773 DAVID CURTIS Embalmer and Funeral Director Special Attention Given to DlsenlernienU and Shipment, 10-28-10 R. W. Dickerson Auctioneer Liberal, Kansas References: Democrat office, Liberal, Kans Don't neglect .vour 6re insur ance. You may lose all in a few hours. Without tornado insurance you may lose all in an instant. Fire rates three years 80 cents per $100. Tornado insurance 50 cents per $100. for three years. Phone 5. Land-Thater Land Co. Farm loans, easv terms. S. W. Simth.