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Historical Sockt
"Successor to The Liberal Independent"
Liberal, Seward County, Kansas, Friday, November 10, 1911
$1.50 Per Year
Vol. 5. No. 28
L (ulilljo
The Wichita Falls Line Most
While the attention of the peo
ple of this section of the country
is really being occupied with the
Wtchita Falls & Northwestern,
there comes a rumor that there
will be another road invading this
section of the state, if the neces
sary money can be produced. This
1 1
time, it is a road from Amaruio
to Garden City, and while no very
definite information on the subject
has been given out by the men in
charge, it is said to be a revival of
the Nebraska, Kansus & Southern,
which has several miles of grade
northeast of Garden City. In
fact, the Garden City Telegram
says that a party of Amarillo peo
ple is expected to drive to the
Sugar Beet city for the purpose of
promoting the road this fall.
The-' hope of the five railroadlcss
counties of Kansai now seems to
be a lost one. Last woek, the sur
veyors of the extension from
Dodge City, completed their sur
vey to the east line of Haskell
county and then turned back, to
complete the drainage survey.
An unofficial report aays that the
people of Haskell and Stevens
counties failed to exhibit the prop
er amount of enthusiasm for the
the road, and that it will not be
built through those counties for at
least another year. Haskell cornty
is said to have failed to produce
the right of way through that
county, which fact is, given as the
reason of the abandonment of the
of the further extension this year.
While the general ppinionhere
seems to be that the Santa fee will
build at once, it is more than pos
sible that the extension to Colmor
is merely another bluff to keep
out other roads. If this is the
case, the people . of the counties
southwest of Dodge City will take
their time to closing any contracts
'and give the first road there the
bonus and right of way.
WESTERN The grading on the W. F. & N.
is now completed to Supply, and
the laying of steel commenced the
first of tho week, and it is said
that the steel will be laid to that
point by the 15th of this month.
Judge Loufburrow of Beaver,
who was here the fust of the week.
says that the .Beaver people still
have hopes of getting the road.
He advises us that the grades on
the south side of the river are
about .06 of 1 percent, while on
the north side of the river, the
route now surveyed by way of
Gate and Knowles, the grades wil
be about 1 percent. The Judge is
a strong booster for Beaver, aud
says the road will be built into
Beaver county next year.
The contracts for the grading of
the W. F. & N. have been let as
far as LaVerne, and work is pro
gressing rapidly. Mr. Kell, the
, president of the roid. is expected
in Beaver within the next two
weeks to confor with the people
concerning routing the road
through Beaver. From genera
appearances, it would seem as
though the road would build up
the north side of the river from
Gate to Liberal.
The surveying party is now re
ported as being ten miles west of
Knowles, working from that point
east Judge Loufburrow is of the
opinion that if tho road goes to
Beaver, it will cross the Rock Is
land west of Liberal. He says.
however, that il the present sur
vey by way of Gate is followed
the road will come to Liberal
.President Kell seems to know
' where he wants to build the road
. and he isn't wasting much time in
We Have Surprised Ourselves
Ti 1
l X i:f
L j t ,.
il f V XC
; Did you ever sur
prise yourselfJ Well,
we've done that very
thing for we've sold
far more Men's and
Hoys' Suits and Over
coats than ever before
in our "33 Years of
Successful Merchandis
ing." We've been getting
in express shipments
to meet the demand.
There Is a Reason
$2.50 to Jtf.OO saved
on a suit or overcoat
over last year. We
deliver the goods that
make good--and back
them to the limit.
33 Years of Successful Merchandising
Always at itmorning, noon and night
Liberal, Kansas, ' Q?J ((X
Ouymon, Oklahoma ' iyiUlUntM
alhart. Tsxas SJniMMSEJDL
As a special inducement' to the
people of this community to stim
ulate the voting in our piano con
test, we have decided to run the
voting for subscriptions on the
following schedule:
One new subscription 1500 votes
One renewal 1000 "
Mew subs, for 2 yrs 3500 "
Renewals for 2 yrs 2500 "
New subs, for 4 yrs 7500 "
Renewal for i yrs 5500 "
There are a number of commun
ities where the contestants have
fewer friends, but whose friends
are more loyal than in the more
thickly settled communities. In
order to give these a fair chance
to win one of many valuable prizes
we have decided to make the above
schedule. The Democrat is the
biggest weekly paper published in
this section of the country, and
the broomcorn news is alone worth
many times the price of subscription.
running around the country and
talking about it. On the whole,
there seems now to be every indi
cation that the road will build in
to Liberal next year. W ith the
extension of the Santa Fe through
the counties north and west of us.
nbandoned it would seem that the
addition of another line of railroad
to Liberal would put the town
ahead another notch.
The following appears in the
Guthrie dispatches: Through the
Santa Fe circles it is learned that
with the construction of the Col-
mer cutott southwest ot uoage
City, Kansas, to Colmer, N. M..
there will be built another con
nection to Santa be's fanbandle
line across northwest Oklahoma.
This branch will be built north
west from Woodward, Oklahoma,
through Beaver, Oklahoma, which
is now forty miles from a railroad,
will cross the Rack Island's El
Paso line at Liberal, Kansas, and
bteven9 county, tapping the big
broomcorn county in that locality.
This branch would give a railroad
to a country that now has but the
El Paso line of the Rock Island,
which from Liberal runs southwest
to Guymon, Oklahoma. The build
ing of this branch, hinges only on
whether or not the Colmer cutoff
is built. One third of the right
of way for the Colmer cutoff has
been secured. Topoka Journal.
T. J. McDermott, who is one of
the old timers here, came up from
his Frisco farm the first of tbe
week for a visit with friends and
Judqe Finley of Dodge City
was here last week getting ac
quainted with the people 'around
town. The Judge is a mighty
pleasant fellow and apparently a
very popular
lar judge in his own
Big Convention There Satur
day. The coming convention at
Dodge City for the purpose of
nominating a candidate for Con
gress from this district, next - Sat
urday, promises to be the most im
portant political meeting in the
Seventh District this year. While
there will be more than 200 dele
gates here from over the district,
there will also be a number of
other prominent politicians in at
tendance. Champ Clark of Mis
souri, who is a very probabe can
didate for President just now, will
be at the meeting and address the
democrats there, and will sound
the keynote of the campaign.
The eyes of the nation are focused
on Kansas, and the early action of
the Democrats of this state will be
looked forward to with eagerness
by the whole Union.
It is rumored that the delega
tion from Seward county will
have a boom to launch at the
Dodge city convention, which will
probably affect the future of one
of the most prominent men in
Southwest Kansas.
Business Change
The lirst of this week, a deal
was closed between J. F. Black
and A. B. McGuire by which the
former becomes the owner of the
Smoke House. In the transaction
Mr. McGuire acquired the title to
a number of residence lots in the
Summers addition.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John De
Freese, on November 3, a boy.
Jail Almost Done
While the bad weather of the
past two weeks has delayed the
work on the jail, it has been re
sumea tins ween, ana this morn
ing, it is estimated that it will be
completed within the next thirty
days, ana ready to turn over to
the county.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Loopp, on November 5, a boy.
Dr. A. L. Knislcy is now settled
in his new suite of office in the
Miller block.
Instructed For Neeley
The county convention hold at
the City Hall last Saturday was
one of the most interesting ever
held here. A few hours before
the convention was held it was
rumored that there would be two
tickets in the field for the delega
tion to Dodge City this week
There was much uneasiness among
the good brothers for a time, and
the premonition of trouble did not
disappear until the close of the
convention. J. E. George, D. A.
Henry, E. S. Irwin, A. A. Far
mer and C. G. Eddy were elected
as delegates to the convention, and
O. M. Woods, George Quinlan,
O. T. Woods, Dr. R. T. Nichols
and C. V. Manatt were elected as
alternates. Owing to the bad
weather but few of the out of
to.:n democrats were present.
There was a desire on the part of
those present to scatter the dele
gation over the county, but it was
impossible to lind men who could
leave their work at this time.
There was a good sentiment at
the meeting here Saturday for
George Neeley, and tho delegates
to the convention at Dodge City
were instructed for George Neeley
for Congress. That sounds good
to us, and we believe that he de
serves the nomination, and like
wise, has a good chance to win.
Contractor Sutton is pushing his
construction work here now, as he
and his father have been awarded
the contract for the erection of
the new Knights of Pythias Home
at Springfield, Mo. The price sti
pulated in the contract is a trifle
under $103,000. and is one of the
biggest awarded in the west this
Rock Island Officals
President Mudge, and a number
of the other officials or the Rock
Island were here on a special trah
Sunday on a tour of inspection.
The train arrived here during the
forenoon, and left about one
o'clock in the afternoon. The par
ty did not go outside of the rail
road yards here, on account of the
bad weather. The only informa
tion given out during this trip is
to the effect that all of the road
from Liberal to Hutchinson will
be ballasted d uring the coming
Miss Kate
from Pratt the
Wright returned
atter part of last
W. O. Woods has returned from
a business trip to the eastern part
of tho state.
Mrs. Frank Wheeler and -little
daughter, Effie, returned from
Olathe last week.
Mrs. Launah Myers, who teach
es in the Meade public schools,
spent Sunday here with her sister,
Mrs. A. D. Robert.
The Needle Society was enter
tained at the home of Mrs. J. A.
Black last Friday afternoon. Re
freshments were served by the
hostess, assisted by Mrs. R. T.
Mr. G. W. Reno of Monett,
Mo., was here the first of tho week
looking after his land interests in
this section of the country. He
says that the crops in the east are
in excellent condition.
The farmer who wondered why
the editor didn't make more mon
ey from his large subscription
fist, dreamed' one night that He
had 2,000 bushels of wheat and
sold it to 2,000 different people,
each one one bushel, and they had
all stood him off for the pay. He
had such an awful time trying to
collect the $2,000 before he woke
up that he went right to the news
paper office and paid his subscription.
Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
The dining room at the Carson
Hotel was closed' last week and
may not be re-opened this season.
Judge Loufburrow of Beaver
was here Monday on his way to
Guymon where he will hold court.
Mrs. J. S. Miller will be hostess
to the Needle Society of the Chris
tian church at her borne on Friday
Roy Gaut of Dodge City was in
Liberal over Sunday visiting his
little sons who live, with their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
The bad weather of the past
week has been exceptionally hard
on the rural mail carriers. The
government doesn't take many ex
cuses from the rural mail carriers.
In fact it isn't necessary if they
are all as faithful as those which
work out of Liberal.
Foundation of
The foundation of every success, business or pro
fessional, is money. Save your money and a good
OPPORTUNITY for you to make a profitable invest
ment will surely come. Begin saving and you will
get ahead. There is no other way to do so.
Make OUR Bank YOUR Bank.
Deposits Guaranteed by the Guaranty Fund of the
State of Kansas
Liberal, Kansas