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Image provided by: Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS
Newspaper Page Text
The Liberal Democrat (Successor to Th Independent) ' Th Saward County Publishing Company CARL 0. EDDY Editor and Publisher. Published every Friday morning -at Liberal, Seward County, Kans Entered as second-class matter January 0, 1911. at the post office at Literal, Kansas under the Act of March 3. 179. ''Thnre'B go much eood in the worst of us, and there's so much bad in the best of us, that it doesn't behoove any of us to speak ill of the rest of us. The Goodland Well Tbe county well which has been at fionHlano. Kansas, is UllliVU -ww 7 now at a depth of 1C00 feet, and the $10,000 voted for the well by the county has been exhausted. A few weeks ago, the well showed a fair flow of natural gas at a depth of 1100 feet. This, however, Droved to be little more than a Docket, and was soon exhausted. It is also interesting to note that several years ago, a well was drilled at Oberlin, the county seat of Decatur county, a similar pock et of gas was found, and also i feeble flow of artesian water. The same experience occurred at Chey enne Wells, Wyoming, the year after the well was drilled at Ober lin. Sherman county is now en deavoring to raise a fund among the other counties in the north west corner of the state to contin ue the drilling to 2000 feet. How ever, the Oberlin proposition is still remembered by the residents of that section of the state, and it is hardly probable that there will be much enthusiasm for the pro iect there. While the surface formations of Sherman and Stevens counties are practically identical, there may be a chance of striking gas, oil or a good flow of artesian water at Hugoton, and for the development of the southwest, we hope the ven ture may prove more successful than that in Sherman county. mclinea. Then we have no'state advertis- ing-no immigration commission or other official agency and Sec retary Leahy won't allow the governor to issue the Kansas Post- card proclamation, that would help some. And then, again returning to the Time's way of looking at it and the Times is right there has been too much political disturb ance. But listen to the Times: "The eternal political agitation and turmoil is undoubtedly also retarding the growth of the state. Persons who as possoble settlers should have conveyed to them a favorable impression of the re sources of Kansas hear nothing upon this subject, or if they do, the memory of it is speedily lost before the more absorbing tales of the freaks and isms of the Sun flower state. "It is about time that we in Kansas settle down to the busi ness of building up the state on a sound and sane basis. No state is more generously favored with the things which contribute to growth and thrift. "This, it may be observed, is vastly more important than the initiative and referendum."--Ralph Faxon. "Kansas In Trouble" Under the above, head, the Leavenworth Times prints a very thoughtful editorial based on Secretary Coburns's statement that Kansas lost 10,000 population in the past two years. Tho Times pointed out that Kansas investors were going out side of the state and outside in vestors were scarcely coming in at all. What's the matter? There are several things. In the first place, Kansas has had, as tbe Times stated, too much political agitation and constant turmoil. It has had a governor, who, instead of working for Kansas usefulness and progress and deyelopement, has been ranting and howliDg around about alleged liquor viola tions; approving recall in places where no recall was needed, and bellowing about this thing and that instead of standing for Kan sas internal movement. A gov ernor might do a lot if he was so The first important decision ren dered by the Court of Commerce, the new court appointed by Pres ident Taft, with power to annul the decisions of the Inter-State Commerce Commission, is not sur prising. It is in favor of the Mis souri Pacific railroad. The Payne tariff law increased the duty on imported lemons. This was done ostensibly to help the lemon growers of California. But as soon as the new tariff went into effect the Southern Pacific in creased freight rates on lemons and the additional rate was actual ly equal to the increased import duty. The lemon growers appeal ed to the Inter-State Commerce Commission and secured a decision ordering the railroad to restore the old rates. The company has appealed tothe Court of Commerce which has reversed the ruling ot the Commission, The lemon growers do not de serve any sympathy. In the hope and expectation of securing power to plunder American lemon con sumers they demanded from Con gress the increased import duty. When the Southern Pacific snatch ed the loot from them they howled and fought. The lemon consumers, bound to be robbed in any event, have no cause to be anything more than disinterested spectators of the fight. Thanks to the Southern Pacific railroad and Mr. Taft's Court of Commerce,, another ob ject lesson has been furnished of the great truth that protection is a fraud as well as a robbery.' Ashland Clipper. It is said that Frank Rockefel ler of Russell, who was defeated by I. D. Young in the Sixth dis trpt tnr nnncress last vear. will again be a candidate subject to the Democratic primary. The Man Ahead The papers have a lot to say about the man behind, as though he wore the essence of all virtue in mankind. The man behind the counter and the man behind the gun, the man behind his whiskers and the man behind his son, the man behind the pitcher and the man behind the bat, the man be hind the pulpit and tbe man be hind tbe hat, the man behind the kodak and the man behind the scars, the man the behind the en gine and the man behind the bars, the man behind the golf club and the man behind his fist, the man behind the footlights and a lot more on the list. But there's another fellow of whom nothing has been said, the fellow who is even or a little bit ahead. The man who pays his bills when due and keeps up with the grind, he's vastly more important than the man who is behind. The papers nev er mention him until after he is dead, but still we take our hats off to the man who is ahead. Blue Mound Sun. An Extra Sunday This Year There will be an extra Sunday this year, making 53 in all, for the first day of the year was on a Sunday and the last day of the year will also be a Sunday. This is the only time people liv ing now will be able to go to church 53 Sundays, for it will not occur again for .109 years, the al manac men say. Mr. Gieger, after running his ir rigation pumping plant tbe third season, estimates that it costs 30 cents an acre to irrigate alfalfa one time. He cut his alfalfa four times this year and considers pumping for irrigation a great success. Syracuse Journal. Say, don't you neglect that Fire or Tornado Insurance. Tornadoes cyclones and windstorms are com ing. Nine standard companies. You will never do better than to insure today. Ellsaesser & Henry Tells the Cause of Appendicitis Chas. Taylor & Co., Druggists, states that much appendicitus in Liberal is caused by constipation, gas on the stomach or sour stom ach. These troubles are almost INSTANTLY relieved and appen dicitis guarded against by takiDg a SINGLE DOSE of simple buck thorn bark, glycerine, etc., as com pounded in Adler-i-ka, the new German appendicitis remedy. $100.00 Reward. I will pay the above reward for the arrest and conviction of any person or persons illegally hand ling, driving off and disposing of or butchering any of my stock. C. M. Light, Liberal, Kansa . Notice The Needle Society of the Christian church will hold their annual Apron and Fancy work bazaar and Food Sale on Saturday December 9. Place will bo an nounced later. TS ne C oetest Have You Seen the Doll and Doll Baby Carriage in Our Window? With every cash purchase of ten centa or more, we give a ticket entitling the holder to credit toward the Doll and Doll Buggy. On December 20th, the person holding the highest credit in tickets will be given absolutely free of charge this beautiful Doll and Doll Carriage. Come and see these beautiful prizes and let us explain the plan more fully. KIRKPAT RICK ill O OFFICIAL DIRECTORY COUNTY. ( J P Fuest. Chairman Commissioners: W. W. Antrim I Ell Tai lor County Clerk E. I). Cooper County Treasurer George A Hniltli Clerk District Court E S Irwin Iteuistur Deeds - C W Mnloy County Attorney , C. K. Common Probata JuUKe J. V. ('amiilx'll Sheriff .. H. 11. Kldson Surveyor J. (i. i iutl e Coroner ' A L Knlely County Suyerlnlendant Mary KTotid JutUro.'t-'nd Judicial District, Hon William 11. Thompson, address, Oarrien City, Kaua, TERMS OV MSTKfCT OOtTRT Wednesday after third Tuesday of Aorll Wednesday af tor nucoud Monday of Heotember Wednesday after second Tuesday of December CITV Mayor Dr. R T. Nichols A. K. Bumfer Councilman Police Judge Marshal Clerk Treasurer , C. 8u m mem Tom Smith J. . (ieorire P. A. Cralir H W Lane J. T. Gray J, Karau E. J.Thayer LODGE DIRECTORY. Fargo Lodge No, 300 . " A. F. & A. M. Stated communications first and third Monday of each month. M. 11. FLOOD. W. M. E. 8. IRWI.V, Sec'y. Liberal Lodge 555 I. O. O. K. Vf ets every Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. H. W. LANE. E. D. COOPER. Sec'y. Liberal Encampment 144 ' I, O. O. F. Meets every 2nd and 4tb Thursday night at 8 o'clock. EARL COOPECi C. P. FRANK ONG Scribe. Liberal Rebekah odge 522 1. O. O. F. Meets every 1st and 3rd Tuursday night at S O'clock. , Inez Prater. N. G. Gertrude Thlerer Sec. Liberal Lodge 283 A. O. TJ. W. Meets every 1st and 3rd Mori day night In the Craig Building at 8 o'clock. J. D. LANE. M. W. A. W. PANKRATZ, Rec. Liberal Chapter No. 104 EASTERN STAR Meets the second and fourth Monday of each month. Mrs. J. A. BLACK, W. M. Mrs. CREEK, Secy. ISP Modern Woodmen of Amer ica . W. A. Meets'every 1st and 3rd Mon day nights' of each month, at Craig Hall. .1 .A. BLACK. Consul EZ RAJS HO R B.fcierk. The Royal Nieghbor of America SHORT GRASS LODGE NO. 54. Meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays at Craig hall. Visiting neighbors are In vlted MRS. .I.E. MANN. dine MRS. LEWIS WARD. Record ffsf Canton Liberal No. 22 The regular canton meetings are held the 2nd and 4lh Thursday of each month. n. D. DAVIS, Capt. A. V7. PANKRATZ. Clerk Victor Hugo Lodge No. 186 R. P. Meets every Wednes day night. Visiting Knights are welcome" S. L. Wright, C. C h. O. Chamberlain. K S A ofR. :estion causes heartburn, sour stomach, nervousness, nausea, impure blood, and more trouble than many different kinds of diseases. The food you eat ferments In your stomach, and the poisons it forms are ab sorbed into your whole system, causing many dis tressing symptoms. At the first sign of indigestion, try ii. 5 Dlack-Draught the old, reliable, vegetable liver powder, to quickly cleanse your system from these undesirable poisons. Mrs. Riley Laramore, of Ooodwater, Mo., says: "I sulfered for years from dyspep sia and heartburn. Thedford's Black-Draught, in small doses, cured my heartburn In a few days, and now I can eat without distress." Try it " Insist on Thedford's For Bargains in Land Write to Gardner & Shinkle, Liberal, Kans. And Save Retailers Profits. Jewelry Buying Wise buying in general is difficult. J ' Wise Jewelry buying is particularly so. I Know rh store nnrl von will know the iewelrv it handles. Jewelry buying is largely a matter of confidence, and the future of this store depends on the confidence , we can inspire. . ' We are spending a great deal of time and money in our buying these days. We want your confidence and if we ever betray it, tell us about it. If we ever deceive, we are ready to make amends. JARRE TT The Jeweler The Bsst Goth for IVlen in Liberal At The Palace Clothing Store It is Little Things That Tell ! It was a "'Little Thing" of three who told Mamma that she often saw Papa "tiss Nursey." It was another "Little Thing" who asked Mama if Angels could "11.7," 'cause Papa told Miss Emily she was an "Angel," and forthwith the pretty Nursery Governess "Hew." It is only a "Little Difference" in price, but a great difference iu quality, and satisfaction in buying "KELLY'S FAMOUS" Flour instead of more for your money kind. And another "Little Difference" of a tow cents per pound in buying "BAR KINGTON HALL BAKEKIZED OOFFEK." But the clear, delicious cup of coffee that "BAKRINGION HALL" makes, is a great difference from the muddy tasting coffee you get from cheap coffees. And only another "Little Difference" of a few cents per can, but the quality and pureness of the delicious fruits and vegetables, packed under the "GOLDEN ROBIN" Label is a great diff rence from the poor quality you get in cheap canned goods. YOURS TOR SERVICE . Enterprise Mercantile Company Phone 8 JUST SHOES :3