OCR Interpretation

The Liberal democrat. [volume] (Liberal, Kan.) 1911-1924, November 24, 1911, Image 3

Image and text provided by Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85029856/1911-11-24/ed-1/seq-3/

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Great opportunity to get an up-to-date suit at very little
cost. Prices range as follows:
$10.00 Suits for $7.95
15.00 to $16.50 Suits, $10.75 to $12.50
20.00 to 25.00 Suits, 14.75 to 18.50
The above is just a few to show the reductions. All
others will be about the same proportion.
Mr, and Mrs. Isaac weicn and
Messrs. J. N. Hanner and H. G.
Clark we-e in Liberal last week.
Cark was proving up and Welsh
and Hanner were witnesses.
The seeders are cleaning up the
late picking of the last broom
corn. , '
Ed Jones and family spent last
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Wright.. ' ".
W. F. Melvin and family spent
Sunday afternoon with Geo. W.
C. E. Rittenmore and family and
,1. N. Hanner spent Sunday with
J. O. Hanner and family.
H. G. Clark spent Sunday at
W. P. Wrights.
U. J. Bowman is helping J. N.
Hanner pick grain.
H. G. Clark called at H. L.
Mills Thurday.
II. L. Mills went to Tyrone the
first of the week.
Bob Mills went to Liberal Sat
urday and visited over Sunday
with his brothea Lorel who is bus
iness there. '
J. E. Wright and Lena Purkey
made a business call on Lon De
Camp and J. O. Hanner the first
of the week.
The Welsh brothers went to
Liberal on Tuesday.
Mrs. Bertha DeCamp and son
visited at J. N. Manner's one day
last week.
Cyrus Carr is helping R. L.
Morrell run his seeder.
Fred Meudenhall and wife were
visiting home the first of the
Bob Mills returned to his claim
For Sale
A good National Cash Register,
good as new, with electric attach
ments. This is a bargain and will
be sold for $150. by
Farmer Brothers.
We will make no deliveries of
meat orders on Sunday, but our
shop will be open until 9:30 a. m.
City Meat Market, tf
Three-room house, convenient
to school. Apply at this office.
Edison's chocolates are deli
cious. Try them. Made in Lib
eral. tf
nJ"l",T'""""" '"J
50 Ladies Suits
The literary at Hayne Friday
night was well attended.
Mr. Chas. Tils and family
took dinner with Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Detmar.
Mr. Davis spent Sunday with
Mr. Henry Detmar.
Guy and Robert Taylor spent
Sunday with Will and Ed Brier. .
Misses Anna Dettmar and Alice
Taylor visited with Miss Anna
Brier Sunday.
Miss Jessie Howard of Liberal
called on her sister, Mrs. Eli Tay
lor Monday. '
Mr. Sam Todd comtemplates
building a new house soon.
Miss Dora Swan spent Thurs
day evening with Miss Anna
Sam Dodd, Henry Dettmar and
Charles Tils took their cattle to
Charles Grimsleys where Mr.
Dodd dehorned the animals one
day last week.
Mr. Sam Dodd called on Mr.
Delmar Monday.
There will be a program and
box supper at the Elma school
house district No. 29, on Wednes
day night, November 29. A cor
dial invitation is extended to- all.
The ladies are requested to come
and bring boxes and the gentle
men should come prepared for the
South Liberty
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Will
Couch, on November 3rd a boy.
Misses Mamie and Eunice
Fincher called on Mrs. Lydia Mc
Clure Saturday.
Mrs. Ethel Akers is very sick at
this writing with T.yohoid fever.
Miss ' Grace Gleeson closed
school for one week as she was
sicb and could not teach.
Ralph Henman visited with
Raymond McClure Sunday.
Mr. Oliver Akers just finished a
nice new house for Mr. York.
The Literary at South Liberty
is just fine and has some able
speakers on the debates.
Mr. Arthur is' running his
threshing machine again. Thresh
ing eighteen hundred bushels for
the elevator at Kismet.
Remember the Palace Cleaners,
all work guaranteed. East side
Kansas Avenue.
For the finest apples, see Black
at Cut Prices
Ethelton Items.
28 miles northwest of Liberal.
The Methodist minister from
Hugoton preached Saturday night
and Sunday morning at Ethelton.
Will Schweitzer, W. E. Ogborn
P. H. Day and C. I). Day and
wife were business visitors in Lib
eral last week.
L. G. Vandeveer worked for
Herschel Murphy last week.
Elbert Allen worked several
days last week for A. P. Ridenour.
Rev. Murphy returned Thursday
of last week from Missouri where
he has been visiting his children.
John and Leonard Day were
Don't Burn the Turkey
in trying to cook it in an old cake pan. Buy one of
our self basting Roasters. They will more than pay
you in satisfaction.
Carving Sets
of all kinds and description-r-a doen different pat
terns to select from, in prices ranging from 75c to $5.
We also have gravy ladles, a nice assortment at 50c
to $4.50.
Come in and see our line of seasonable hardware.
Blake & Son Hardware Co.
When it comes to furnishing lumber and building
material, we have the finest
L-U Rfl
in town. Call and get estimates for the material
for your building
i i
business visitors in Dodge City
last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs P. H. Day took
Sunday dinner with his father, R.
T. Day and family.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Vandeveer
were callers at Ethelton last Sat
urday afternoon.
Mrs. C. D. Day spent the latter
part of last week with friends in
Mr. and Mrs. Lawyer, the par
ents of Mrs. W. E. Ogborn, left
last Wednesday.
Misses Audry and Adzel Hoyt
called on Mrs. Bell Diehl Saturday.
Beatrice (Okla.) Items.
Fine weather again this week.
Mrs. J. T. Jones and Mrs.
Bumingham called on Mrs. E. W.
Parks last Wednesday evening.
J. W. Stephenson and son Hen
ry, came in from Colorado last
Friday evening for a short visit
with A. E. Stephenson.
Mrs. W. T. Potter and Mrs.
Ella Terrel made a trip to Floris
Saturday afternoon.
Jerry Hinds and wife visited at
W. J. Harlow's last Sunday.
Mrs. W. J. Harlow is on the
sick list this week.
A. E. Stephenson and family
visited at Dr. Messersmith's last
B. B. Boydson and family spent
last Sunday at Sam Ware's.
R.O. and R. I. Walker and
families visited with Thos Land
reth's last Sunday.
Quite a number from this vicin
ity attended the revival at Floris
last Sunday night.
Public dances will be given
every two weeks at Craigs' Hall,
beginning Friday, November 17.
Everybody invited especially the
young people from the country
and nearby towns. A floor com
mittee will see that no objection
able persons are admitted. Music
furnished by Photoplay orchestra
of four pieces.
Eureka Items
Drilling wheat is the order of
the day now.
Bro. Williams has been holding
revival services at Eureka last
week and this. He has been giv
ing us some fine sermons and those
who do not attend are missing
something good.
Mrs. V. Capps has gone to Eric,
Oklahoma, to visit her parents.
She took the train at Liberal Wed-
Mrs. G. A. Kail and children
took the train Wednesday for Ex
eter, Nebraska, wehre she will
join her husband.
Last week Ed. Vanderbildt en
joyed a visit from his brorher
who lives in eastern Oklahoma.
Lovica Morehouse took supper
with Mrs. W. A. King Friday.
Mrs. W. A. King called on Mrs.
Morehouse Monday.
Mrs. Ed. Vanderbildt called on
Mrs. C. E. Morehouse Saturday.
W. L. Hocker and family have
started on an overland trip to
eastern Oklahoma, where they
will spend the win tor with rela
Mrs. C. E. Morehouse took din
ner with Mas. I). Ireland Sunday,
Mrs. C. II. Morehouse and lit
tle daughter Violet spent Friday
at C. E. Morehouse's.
Grandma Newman had the mis
fortune to fall from the doorstep
last week. She sustained only
slight injuries and is improving
right along.
Mrs. Ed. Hudkins and her fath
er spent Sunday at Shaffer's on
Sharps Creek.
Fred Coats and family visited
at Charles Newman's Sunday.
. Pleasant View
There will be a spelling match
at the Pleasant View school house
on Nov. 24th.
Mrs. Ralph Nichols who on
Nov. 14 had the misfortune to
break her arm is rapidly improv
This neighborhood was well
represented at the Sbafer sale
J. W. Brooks rnd i, A. Waugh
have been in Guymon the past
week attending court as jury
Blanchie Harold visited at the
C. E. Seward home Thursday.
Mrs. Roxie Humphrey visited
her mother, Mrs. J. W. Brooks
Thurman Sbafer returned from
Colorado where he has been the
past year, he was seen in our
neighborhood last week.
Nettie B. Lynch, the county
superintendent, visited our school
Sneakin' Back to Kansas
Ihe're sneakin' back to Kansas, Reps, Demg
rronios and Pops.
They have heard the wonderous story of tha
world-surprising- crops
They have read It In the paper that the old
Is a passiii' the procession at a mighty lively
In her days of woe they shook her, gave It to
her in the neck.
Jest as rats out In the ocean'll desert a slnk-
, in- wreck.
But she weathered very breaker and she's
right In the advance.
But they're sneakin' back toKansas as repent
ant Immigrants,
They're sneakin- back to Kansas, don't you
see the rising dust?
Don't you see the awk'ard mottoes, "Git a
Claim Agin or Bust!"
Don't you hear the Jolntln' wagons In the
long and wtndln' trains
Glldln' like enormous serpents o'er the spread-
in' seas o' plains?
Don't you hear the movers slngln' song of
soul-euthuslug cheer?
Don't you hear the whips a crackln' on the
heated atmosphere?
Don't you smell the fryln' bacon In the prairie
camps at nlnht?
They, re. marching back to Kansas fur they're
neara mat sne s all right,
They're sneakin' back to Kansas: when they
left her every tongue
Was aglow with wild Invective. Jest the hot
test ever sprung!
They were lalklu' of the bopuera and the mur
derous cyclones.
An' the drouth that dried the cattle till their
hides stuck to their hones.
BIhh her up 'long side of sheoU some quite
ready to aver ,
That the torrid realm of Satan wasn't In the
game with her.
Left their claims for anybody when thoy took
the out'anl track,
Now they're sneakin back to Kansas, wishln'
that they had 'em back!
For the sun of tardy glory has arisen on the
She Is wlunki reputation most magnificently
great !
She's surprtilu' all creation with her crops o'
wheat and corn.
An' her people are a tootin' of a load, trium
phant horn!
Seems that heaven overlooked her fur a while
In keerloss way.
An' Is making restitution In a most prolific
Is a touchlu' up the ranches in tho brightest
green and gold.
An' there sneakin' back to Kansas like the
prodigal of old. Anon
Floris Philosophy
We are having tine weather at
Wm. Bathlot's sale was well at
tended. Mr. Walter's sold some
of his stock and also machinery.
Everything went pretty high. The
Christian ladies served lunch.
Bob Dickerson and wife of Lib
eral spent Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday with II. B. Ausmus
and wife.
The meeting at Floris is pro
gressing. There hare been eight
additions up to date. There is a
large crowd very night. The
meeting will continue over Sun
day anyway.
Wm. Bathlot moved his house
hold goods to their new house at
Floris. Floris is getting to be a
great town.
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Bennet
took dinner with M. D. Ausmus
and wife Sunday,
Mrs. Grimwood is able to bo up
after a two month's illness.
E. L. Wilgus moved to the
Bathlot farm last Monday.
O. L. Adams and wife and Mr.
Stipp took dinner at G. L. St,
Mary's Sunday.
Backache, Headache, Ner
and rheumatism, both in men and
women, mean kidney trouble. Do
not allow it to progress beyond
the reach of medicine but stop it
promptly with Foley Kidney
Pills. They regulate the action of
the urinary organs. Tonic in ac
tion, quick in results.
For sale by all druggists.
Get M Prices
For Drilling a
Well. All Work
Guaranteed. The
Best of Refer
ences. Call or
John Stith
Care of Paul Light Lbn

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