nywfrm,"" m(wBfi7W nwiinwp.
We have two nice four room houses close in that we. want to sell on easy terms; They are priced right and you
pay for them JUST LIKE PAYING RENT. BUT IT ISNT. This ought to interest Vou. When vou make a
payment to us on one of these houses you get more than a receipt, you get credit for every cent paid on your ac
count Would you like to see these houses. Electric lights, water in the house, and all conveniences.
Better look today. They may be gone tomorrow. Our autos are always at your service.
Copyright Hirt ochaTncr 3c Uttx
For bad weather, or work
that exposes you to storms
or cold, nothing is so good as
Hart Schaffner & Marx ad
justable collar ulsterette.
We have it single and double
breasted. And plenty of
other good overcoats; and
plenty of smart suits.
Overcoats $lti.0 and np
Suits $18 and up
Suffrage Debate
The Y. P. B. Society will have
a debate and box supper at the
city hall Friday evening, Decem
ber 1st. The question of Equal
Suffrage will de debated, a short
musical program will be rendered,
the shadows of the ladies who
bring boxes will be sold to the
highest bidder and aftef supper
Mrs. Grinstead will give a talk iu
favor of Woman Suffrage. Ad
mission 15 and 25 cents. The la
dies who bring boxes will be ad
mitted free.
On account of the illness of one
of the debaters the affair has been
postponed from the original date,
but we purpose to carry out the
program as advertised, Decem
ber 1st, sure. Committee.
Apron Sale
The annual apron sale, bazar and
lunch of the Ladies Aid society of
the Presbyterian church will bo
held at the Star grocery on Sat
urday, December 2nd.
The Ladies Aid Society of Beth
el Baptist church will hold a ba
zar and give a dinner in Liberal
Saturday. December lGth.
(Continued from first page)
that the entire right-of-way for
the road accross Haskell has been
arranged for, with the exception
of about two miles. Latest rum
ors are that the road will go south
of the present town of Santa Fe,
and there branch, one line going
west and the other southwest
through Stevens and Morton coun
ties. Stevens county is busy this
week arranging to submit a prop
osition to the officials of the San
ta Fe for the new, road through
that county. It is said that the
right-of-way will be given, and
the people promise not to go af
ter any more roads if the Santa Fe
will build through Hugoton. This
is the proposition that will be put
up by the Stevens .county boost
ers. It does not call for a bond
issue, though the railroad may
later demand it. It seems as
though Stevens should be careful
about making a contract with the
Santa Fe which would keep out or
even tend to discourage any other
roads. . Stevens county could use
two lines just as well as one, and
there are three others headed that
way. Of these, the Wichita Falls
seems to be the most promising.
And while that road has not asked
for bonds along the line in Okl
homa, it might be a good induce
ment for the people of Stevens
county to offer them within the
next year.
As a special inducement to the
people of this community to stim
ulate the voting in our piano con
test, we have decided to run the
voting for subscriptions on the
following schedule:
One new subscription 1500 votes
One renewal 1000 "
New subs, for 2 yrs 3500 "
Renewals for 2 yrs 2500 "
- New subs, for 4 yrs 7500 "
Renewal for 4 vrs 5500 "
There are a number of commun
ities, where the contestants have
fewer friends, but whose friends
are more loyal than in the more
thickly settled communities. In
order to give these a fair chance
to win one of many valuable prizes
we have decided to make the above
schedule. The Democrat is the
biggest weekly paper published in
this section of the country, and
the broomcorn news is alone worth
many times the price of subscrip
tion. Notice
There will be, a meeting of the
Goodfellowship Club at the office
of Ellsaesser & Henry! Tuesday
evening, November 28 at 7:30 for
the purpose of arranging a Christ
mas treat for the poor children of
Liberal. Every one who assisted
in the work last year are request
ed to present. We will appreciate
the presence of ladies.
Chas. W. Ellsaesser,
H. Hobble.
Farm Loans S. W, Smjth
Drummers Sample
We have recently purchased
and now have on sale the sample
line of one of the formost whole
sale houses in the country com
prising 330 separate and distinct
styles in Mens, Womens and
Childrens shoes. These shoes
were purchased at about one half
of the regular wholesale cost which
enables us to sell you these goods
These shoes represent the very
latest of this seasons styles and
being sample shoes naturally run a
little better than regular goods.
This is an opportunity for you.
We are not only offering you a
superior class of goods and an im
mense assortment from which
to make your salection, but at
prices less than cost to the manu
facturer. This is an opportunity
you cannot afford to miss. These
shoes will be in pairs and display
ed on shelves and tables, especial
ly arranged in a department sep
arate from our regular goods so
that customers may inspect the
entire line at their leisure. Noth
ing in boxes and everything
marked in plain figures.
We wish also to call your atten
tion to our regular line, which for
solid worth, fitting qualities, up
to date styles and patterns, and
best of all, prices cannot be ex-
colled by any firm, corporation or
Catalogue House in the United
States." We keep a Sears Roebuck
catalogue laying on our settee for
the convenience' of any skeptical
customer who wants to be shown.
These are very strong statements
but please remember that as a
matter of business policy, we can
not afford to make any statement
which we cannot back up with
the goods.
Come in and make us prove it.
BELT, The Shoe Man
Greater Value For Less
2nd street, 4 doors west of Enter
prise Grocery.
Electric Grease, Paint and Tar
Will positively remove all Urease, Stains, Tar
and Taint from Ladies and Uenttemen'seloth
tng. A wonderful cleaner for Men's clothing,
felt and panama lists, coat collars, dresses,
taut) curtains, rlhlwiis. ties, carpets and rugs,
and other goods. Will make them look like
Large Jar II. 00 Small Jar .50
For sale by all druggists
Erery bottle guaranteed and manufactured
by W. C. Wortuen, 1'ratt, Kansas.
Accept oo substitute.
Ervin Clippings
4 miles east of Lorena. Okla.
The pretty weather continues
and the farmers are improving the
time sowing wheat and topping
maize and kaffir.
A number of neighbors gather
ed at the Burch home Wednesday
night. Mr. Burch had received a
barrel of fine apples from Missou
ri last week, and music and apple
eating were the order of the even
ing. Grandma Ruoert and son Jasper
went to Libral Thursday enroute
for Dallas, Texas.
Joe Spradling1 was a visitor at
the Ervin ranch Sunday a. m.
The Hibs boys called at the Ma
gee home and at the Ervin ranch
Sunday afternoon. For some rea
son tne roads seemed to be throng
ed with autos Saturday and Sun
day. W. M. McWethey and familj
spent Sunday at the Burch home.
Charley Stricklin and wife called
at the Burch home Sunday even
ing. Mrs. James Smith and babies
spent Sunday at the Yarberry
Bro. Gray went to Liberal the
16th enroute to Anadarko, Okla,
to hold a revival;
Mrs. Ernest Hynen and child
ren spent Sunday at the Atkison
home. ,.
Friend Smith and wife called at
Dr. Messersmith's Sunday even
ing. A. G. Stewart and family and
W. B. Abramsand wife spent Sun
day at Charley Johnson's.
J. F. McWethy and family spent
Sunday at Mr. Cullins. They
called at Mr. Cullins' in the even
ing. The writer has just received
some fine samples of Graham flour
and corn meal made at-the new
mill in Floris, Oklahoma, by J. M.
Austin, the miller. We would ad
vise all to patronise the home pro
The Hart Power engine pulled in
at the Ervin ranch Wednesday
morning. The force came from
Liberal to thrash kaffir. corn and
The Dave Boyd threshing out
fit is threshing kaffir com and
maize in the district east of us.
This weather is delightful, but
it is a little too windy for broom
corn seeding and maize gathering.
For sale or trade for Liberal
property: 1C0 acres relinquish
ment, level lond, running water.
Some improvements, $750.
3 room house, 2 lots, fenced,
well, windmill and stable. Snap
4 lots, dug cave, finished good,
Both properties close in. $200.
Clear residence property in
Enid, Oklahoma, to trade for land
around Liberal.
See J. W. Kiley, room 4, Fizer
Rooming House.
Gilo &
The Great Spectacular Drama with the
most remarkable pyre technic display
ever photographed in motion pictures.
Palace Theatre
Saturday Night, November 25
10 and 15 cents
Everything for Your
Thanksgiving Dinner
at the
PHONE 151 '
For Rent For Sale or Trade
One set of Stinson's Computing Scales for sale or trade.
Four passenger Ford Automobile for sale or trade, cheap.
40 acre farm in Missouri for sale or trade. This is also
10 acres adjoining city of Liberal for sale or trade.
This is cheaper than any of them.
4 room house close in for rent.
5 room house near the High School for rent cheap.
Ordinance No. 123
First published In the Lllieral Democrat and
the Liberal News November 24th, ltd I.
An ordinance levying an assessment against
certain loU In the City of Lllieral, Kansas, for
the purpose of derra.vlnif tlieexpense incurred
be the City of Liberal In constructing certain
sidewalks abutting on said lots and levying a
tax to pay for the construction of saiu slue
walk on the lots abutting thereto and bene
fitted thereby.
sirrrinv I That whereas, the mayor and
coiincllmen of the City of Lllieral, Kansas, by
an order heretofore inane under and by vir
tue of an Ordinance heretofote passed, antirv-
ed and published according to law had ordered
certain sidewalks laid and constructed by the
owners of the lots ahhuttlng thereto to said
walks, and whereas, sam ordinance ho pro
vides that In case that the owner or owners of
mi- lots shhiitrinir on said sidewalk so requir
ed to be constructed shoo Id fall to construct
such sidewalk so ordered in. upon notice for '
days after service of notice tbeu the said city
should build and construct said sidewalk and
assess the expenses thereof against the lot or
lots ahbuttlnir thereto and whereas, certain
sldewalkssoordered to be built and due and
legal uotlce thereof having been duly served
for Bore than thirty days as required and af
ter such failure of the lot owner the said city
was compelled to and did construct said skle
walk as provided in said orulnance and where
as, the cost and expense have been assessed
on all the lots blunting on said sidewalk ac
cording to the front foot thereof and the as
sessment to each of the said lots of the cost
and expense thereof for the construction of
the said sidewalks la as follows is Is respect
ively sot opposite to sirtll lots with the
amount to lie assessed against the same for
said purpose to wit: In the city of Liberal.
Seward county, State of Kansas, as is shown
by tlieottUcal plat thereof:
Lot 10. Hlock 4, 12:50: Lot II, Block 4. ft!2.5u:
Lot 12. Hlock 4. 22:50; Lot lit. Block 4. H..KI;
Lot 14, hlock 4. .".'.50 all In the original town
site of the City of Lllieral, the total sum of
Therefore there be levied and assessed and
the assessment is hereby made and levied
against each of (he aliove lots In the amounts .
respectively set opposite to said lots for the
purpose of paying for the construction of said
walks abbutlliig on said lots,
miction ! This ordinance shall take effect
and lie In full force from and alter Its approv
al by the mayor and after Its full publication
In I lie Liberal Democrat and the Liberal
News of the City of Liberal, Kansas.
Passed I his 21st day of November. A. D. 1911.
Approved by the .Maj or this 21st day of Nov-
aider, A. I). Mil.
Attest R. T. NICHOLS,
Jennie Karau. .Mayor,'
(seal I City Clerk.
Buy your goods at the Economy
mlAta tt mi r iiflm i m rv a t m
goods cost you uo more and your
premiums uust yuu uuiuiug.
So as to get acquainted they will
make your baby's photo free on
Saturday and Wednesday after
noons, at the Swastika Studio, No.
9, East Third St. It