BW,M Now is the Time for Soups Heinz Cream Tomato Soup Van Camps Chicken Soup Vegetable Soup Turtle Soup Ox Tail Soup "CHILIMAC" a combination of Macaroni, with ex tract of beef, Celery aurl Mexican Chili Pepper. It makes a delicious and nourishing dish. 7f Enterprise Mercantile Company Phone 8 When it comes to furnishing lumber and building material, we have the finest Is" fs) Ji lia Hi L in town. Call and get estimates for the material for your building For Rent For Sale or Trade One set of Stinson's Computing Scales for sale or trade. Four passenger Ford Antomobile for sale or trade, cheap. 40 acre farm in Missouri for sale or trade. This is also cheap. 10 acres adjoining city of Liberal for sale or trade. This is cheaper than any of them. 4 room house close in for rent. 5 room house near the High School for rent cheap. See FARMER BROS. County School News. ' By Mary & Todd. Come Let Ve Live For Our Children. If we knew what hearts are achlnir for the comfort we might bring; If we knew what itoula are jearnlutr for the sunshine we inlitht fling: If we knew what feet were weary walking pathhays roughly laid We would uulvkly hasten forward nt retching forth our hands to aid. If we knew what friends around us feel a want they never toll. That some word that we had spoken pained or wounded where It fell. We would speak In accents tender to such friend we chance to meet. We would give to each one freely smiles of ' sympathy so sweot. The election of President Waters or the State Agricultural College to the presidency of the Kansas Teach ers' Association, the highest gift that can be bestowed by the pedagogues of Kansas, is a recognition of the value of Agricultural education In the pub lic schools and the personality of a strong man. It is a concrete proof of tite interest that is taken by the teachers in education that leads pu pils actually to do things and , of a proper estimate of the important place occupied by the rural schools in the Agricultural state of Kansas. For from the beginning of his active career President Waters has devoted himself to the vocational studies broadly grouped under the head of Agriculture. We used to wonder if anything good could come out of Mis souri, but we have ceased to wonder since President Waters came to us from Missouri. Mrs. Fields and daughter Archie, made us a pleasant , call Monday. We had the pleasure of starting all of Mrs. Field's children In school ex cept Archie, and we had Archie to help us one year in the Kindegraten. Mr. Welch made us a short call one day last week. He lives in the Wide awake distolct and is well pleased with tiie school. If you are a diamond, be sure you will be found out. Cheek, brass or gall never get ahead of merit in the long run.' , Willie "How fast the horse is runnin'." Teacher "you forgot your 'g Wil lie.'" . . Willie Gee! how Tast the horse Is runnin'.',' ; We were asked lately "What are the legal holidays?" New Year's Day, Washington, Birthday. Deco ration Day, Fourth of July, Thanks- elvlrnr and Christmas. "Columbus Day", October J2th, Is a holiday ,hy law In Colorado, California, Connecti cut Illinois, Maryland, Massachu setts' Mississippi, Maine, Montana, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island. Twentieth century farmer to his son "Tom, press the button and start the plow going out in the field." Tom in bed-"Oh, pshaw! Let Bill do it, I'm tired." "Is a lie ever justifiable?" The question came up before the Fisrt Baptist church liiuie ciass in uoium bus, Indiana, and was vigorously de bated. F. L. Hardy, the pastor, told of a case where he had fibbed to spare his mother who was orstlcally 111, and it was voted that prevarication in such a case was permlssable. In tances in this line are clteJ In "Lea Mlrerables" and "Martin Chuzzel witz." Teachersyou know that the new certification law passed by the last legislature requires all applicants for certificates in 1913 to have one yaer of high school work or Its equivalent; and a year or high school work will be added to this requirement each succeeding year until 1917, when nothing less than a full four years' high school course can be accepted It is time to prepare for those high standards by providing means where- Use it Yourself and tell your friends and 1 neighbors about it "The Flour With a Reputation" h i 4 ...'.-. ,ii valvar iwll s Makes rftl 1 vl Lightest. Whitest, Finest Cakes MAKE3 Delicious Anpe! Food and other cakes for Weddings, Entertainments and all Social Functions. Good all the year round, btami h a t :ndKntiittsi Each Package Contain Floor for U Cake and 12 Cako Recipes Bold brthBrtOrocrETMTwhn 7X'; ' ni'i j lw For Sale at The Reliable" Store J. E. George Grocery Co. PHONE 51 nnf ?vrf . y? f by teachers may attain them. Many common school graduates, either fi nancially or geographically, so as to be able to attend a high school for the requisite length of time. Other men outside of the regular scheme of edu cation must be provided. The University of Kansas through its extension department is now able to announce that It will offer through correspondance all of the regular branches comprising a four years' high school course, with the present exception of the sciences and the vo cational branches. The work done in this way will be accepted for en trance to the University, and will therefore meet all the requirements of the new law. Write to the Uni versity today and begin. Todav Is short, tomorrow may nev er come. Yesterday Is gone; do what should be done today. Write to the Kansas University for the correspond ance course. The first state in the Union to pro vide a pension for enabling widows to keep their children in school Is Missouri. Three cheers for old Mis souri. A book against war, called The Great Illusion, has made such an Im pression that an unknown friend of peace has given $20,000 to circulate it. Has anyone in Seward county this book? We would like to see it. "What does velocity mean, John nie," asked the teacher. "Johnnie, struggling to construct a definition replied, "Velocity is what you let go of a wasp with." Mrs. Anna Walker made us a pleas ant call Tuesaay. She is one of the pioneers of Seward county having come here with her parents In an early day. Her daughaer, Miss Fran ces, is attending the high school in Liberal. James Whltcomb Riley, the Hoos ler poet has given real estate valued at $100,0000 to the people of Indan apolls as a site for a public library and administration building for the public schools of that city. It is often said that man must be dead before he is spoken of highly, but that isn't true of the popular view of that sweetest of poets Jim Riley. Oh, we sit by the fire and we list to the -lyre he plays as no other can play it, and all the year long we love him and his song, and we're only too happy to say it. The world.s full of noise from poets and hoys, who pound on their harps with a hammer, and often with tears we are holding our ears to shut out the hprrlble clamor. Those singers are hoarse and their music is coarse and their themes are as punk as their cause Is. It eases the pain when the gentle refrain of Riley is heard in the pauses. His songs always start rrom a good gen tle heart that's brimming with love for his fellows. He doesn't make songs with his hammer and tongs, and blow up his lire with a bellows, his verse is as true and as good and as pure as the blue of the heaven above him, and long may he live his sweet lyrics to give to the millions of people who love him. Yes, there Is such a thing as being so white that people are ashamed to skin you. Herbert Brown, wife and little daughter were In for a brief visit last Thursday. He is clerk of district No. 10 and reports everything O. K. in his district. Sixty-live thousand club women of new York have protested against the teaching of higher mathematics. Lat in and Greek In the high schools. They have demanded that the high schools eliminate those studies. Sunday School teacher "Where In the Bible does it say that a husband should have but one wife?" Pupil "I guess it's where it says "No man can serve two masters." Judson Jones of Mankato, Minn., is now bringing out a version of the Bible In his "phonetic system" of Spelling. He is eighty years old and has been engaged twenty years on his work. If he has found an easy way to spell Melchlzedek and Mahershal alhashbar the world will rise up and call him blessed. After years of lighting the woman teachers of New York have won out by securing the same pay as men. Mayor Gaynor told them it would militate against women In the end as it would lead to the employment of more men teachers. While we were enroute to the of fice Friday a gentleman overtook us saying: "When I saw you,. I thought thought of the county treasurer. We have been wondering ever since why we made him think of the treasurer. Bruton Mann and Charles Dunlap came In to talk over the school re ports from the first Bi-monthly ex amination. Both are working hard to follow the course of study and place the pupils In their proper grades. Scarcely a Saturday passes out what Mr. Mann comes In to tell us what his chool Is doing. Where your In terest is there will your heart be also. Next week we will print two In stallments of Phelps And His Teach ers, as It Is omitted this time to al low the newspaper employees a half holiday for Thanksglylng. FREE OTES FOR Our Readers In order to give our readers an advantage in the contest now being conducted, we are going to give away free votes For One Week Only Fill out the following coupon, and bring it to the Democrat office and have it endorsed by Miss Jaquins. Then deposit it in the ballot box at Taylor's Drug Store, where it will be counted on the following Wednesday with the other votes. No person may present more than ten of these coupons, except the candidates, who will be allowed' to present 20 coupons each. You may clip the coupon from your own paper and have your friends cut the coupons from their papers and give them to you. Good for 250 VOTES in Piano Contest for When signed at the Democrat office by Miss Jaquins. FLOUR GROCERIES For the best of everything go to CENTRAL GROCERY CO. PHONE 151 COAL FEED If you want to keep abreast of Times on all the Important Topics of the Day SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR THE LIBERAL DEMOCRAT $1.50 Per Y'r