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Image provided by: Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS
Newspaper Page Text
THE LIBERAL DEMOCRAT 1 WW . IS ' . I he4rt -.,v ieiiiKiAujij jjam-Yuip neari13 singing r " - ""Y""" y10 worp resuessi leet ma' rwhen comes the4ime ohollv-WaviU n f.ud. That rharKo' the' glory ot the da tvU rAriL-nJ 4 Then nil ahraft on M if 7 I-i J . . 7 i. -wKi. j u oji ai uuiiui on monnum mntn nW , r l y rr' " ine nean smgtm home agalni-the heart is 'siniing ho; wanderywve ! It learfa us -il younunsus witn tempting nahds fr noma. w 4 earth fam be. .V-iUpUHg iraiiua i H lunres u where the lotos dreim is 'ItvtfuWes us where the -silent snois rfi. 'But nSw, to all who Wander far . . - luaiijf icuius atari lied with rare delight i gleaih through the endless nitfht. beneath thd sKy'k broad dome. is singing home again -the, heart is slAging home. brings ipidture of thepast-a picture fair arid free- picturte tof thegood old home wherever it mav bei ''AnHA'cr lVll Ufairs t cinWa 4a SW Ullt r .1 i iX v v j"b-' "ji au us) uis iuu ana piaini lentil the s6u within is seems to echo the refrain. Wherever upand downHhe world the restless feet may roara The heart is Siriging homeagain the heart is sindinrf hom pvortr tviawv t i i .w Tf Is kx wranaunung songi v uses ure a Biorv Cnnni in cadhnrp full anrt ew u nun.wnoieeps upon his arms beore the UrelessNfce. - ...y. "" wve ma aesn, me cojcmg strains musiJVnow. i-or. sweeier tnan the clover-tang hat drips frofiT honey corri i10aii. sjnng nomeagain-yheart is singing horn iw- - 2 J- It Pays to Advertise in the LIBERAL DEMOCRAT The Paper with a Big Circulation Special Christmas Prizes A beautiful locket 'and chain, which is now on display in the windows of C. S. Jarrett's jewelry store will be uiven on Decembei 27, to the candidate in our bij; contest, who has made the greatest train in votes between Decembei 13, and December 27. All winners of previous prizes are barred from competition for this prize. To the contestant who brings in the Krealest number of votes from Taylor's Drug Store, we will eive and handsome leather covered writing set. To. the contestant who deposits the greatest number of votes from new or renewal sub scription to The Liberal Demo crat, we will give a beautiful gold and pearl trimmed fountain Den. These greatest gains in the votes in the classes above mentioned must be made between December 13 and December 27. The last two prizes will be given to the winners in these classes regardless of whether or, not they have won prizes in this contest before. This makes it possible for everv candi date to win a special prize, beside making a nice gain in the conies' for the big piano prize, which will be awarded at the Hoal count. Up member the color of the votes wil change the tirst of - the year, anr all of the votes issued prior i January 1, li)12. must be plac( in the ballot box before the lir count in Fpw i r . Mote business The t-'tardard Oil (Jo. has rr cently added to their equipmem here three new oil wagons. Oni of them goes to Ochiltree, and i. driven b.y T. G. Atchley. Thi waon is on the road most of the time, und often takes a trail wagoi along with from three to eighi barrels of oil. The new Beavw oil route is being madt hv If . R Iume, while the Hugoton route is looked after by Sheriff McUim of Ilugoton. These three wagon will take out, About ixin of oil per week, and the install tion pf this new t quipment to the Liberal branch will tend to mak iberal nnn i f a business ceutei Workers' Dinner ..Las( Saturday about twentv boys and a few of the men of the Christian Sunday School met at the new building and shoveled tin dirt from the north basement pre paruory to putting m a cement floor. At noon the young ladies and matrons served a chicken din ner which was greatly appreciated by the workers. "Pence routes iuitlj Ijadiitg fartingelt no mnn." "Hapuhiee from bluing friennc about m." "Contentment luljen me IjaOc bone our part." May these three dwell with you this Christinas Day and the days to come. Everybody Loves a Winner , Year after year, as steadily as clockwork the UNDERWOOD Typewriter demonstrates Us superiority in speed and reliability by winning every typewriting contest in every class at the Annual Business Show, Madison Square Garden, New York City. , , 1911 RECORDS World' Professional Championihip (One Hour) 1st, -UNDERWOOD H. O. BhinMI 112 word per minute 2nd-UN DKR WOOD Florenc E. Wibon 111 " 3rd -UNDER WOOD Ro. L. Friti 1(17 i 4th UNDERWOOD E. A. Trefzger 1U7 " 5th UNDERWOOD J. L. Hoet ' 1011 ' World't Amateur Championihip (Thirty Minutes) JStrV- nrnw',' Gu"' Rl T'"fiSer 118 WOrds Per n)lUte 2nd UN DMIWOOD Margaret B. Own H8 " " 3rd -UNDERWOOD Bmi Friedman J0 " '' 4lh-UNDER WOOD Louie E. Ueiu 83 ' World't School Championship (Fifeetn Minute) 1st UNDERWOOD William F. Oswald 77 words per minute WorldVEidion Trantcrtbing Contest (tn Minutes) 1st UNDERWOOD Lottie E. Bettt NOTE Above recordt are net. Five worjn were deducted for each and everg error The Otllcial Record of the UNDERWOOD for one hour's work is 2ti words per minute greater than the best official. record of any other compel ins inachlnp. Every UNDERWOOD used In above Championship Contests Is a STOCK machine, an exact duplicate of which can be purchased In every lai jje city in'the world. "The Machine You Will Eventually Buy" Underwood Typewriter Co., Inc, 1631 Champa Street Denver, Col. And Save Retailers Profits. PRICE $2.50 PER HUNDRED iolin-Bfall GUIIng Go When it comes to furnishing lumber and building material, we have the finest L u Ml IB E M in town. Call and get estimates for the material for your building CRAIG BROS. Lumber And Goal If you want to keep abreast of Times on all the Important Topics of the Day . SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR THE LIBERAL DEMOCRAT $1.50 Per YV