OCR Interpretation

The Liberal democrat. [volume] (Liberal, Kan.) 1911-1924, May 04, 1922, Image 12

Image and text provided by Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85029856/1922-05-04/ed-1/seq-12/

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The home of Mr. and Mrs. George
Hall of Fowler burned Friday evening
about 8:30, Mrs. Hall was at a play
practice and Mr. Hall was at home
with the little daughter Florence, and
while sitting in his chair reading,
dropped off to sleep. He was awaken
ed by the smell of smoke. Mr. Hall
and little daughter hurried to the
neighbors and gave the alarm, but the
fire was too well under wa and there
was nothinsr saved. The inside ot the
house was entirely burned, the walls
are still standing. It is thot that the :
fire started in the basement, near the
furnace. Altho there was insurance
to practically cover the loss it was,
nevertheless, a great misfortune as
the house was a new bungalow and
just had been nicely furnished. The
little daughter, Margery, was here
visiting at the home of her grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Etzold.
Are you insured against Fire?
Insure with A. C. Reed, and be safe.
fcl hvuLilkiLi U LI u bWbuuW
The small two-room house owned
hv Mra Adams of Dale Rose. Colo-1
rado, and occupied by Mrs. Violet'
Campbell, burned Friday morning
when an oil stove explodedThe twi
children of Mrs. Campbell were alone
and not knowinor how to manage the
stove, the flames were well started j
before the fire department was able
to get there. Nothing was saved.
Are you insured against Fire?
Insure with A. C. Reed and be safe.
L. D. Griggs made a business trip
to Satanta Monday.
C. H. Stewart of Gray, Oklaho
ma, .was attending to business, in
terests here Monday.
Mother Superior of Hutchinson, is
In the city this week visiting with
the Sisters at Mercy Hospital.
H. A. Wedel was over from Kis
met the last of the week transacting
business matters.
Mrs. Woodward and daughter,
Miss Blanche, of Tyrone, were shop
ping in Liberal Tuesday.
Miss Margaret Etzold assisted in
the County Clerk's office a few days
this week.
Mrs. T. W. Gaw left on No. four
Wednesday morning for Kansas City,
to attend the wedding of her son,
Lieut. Richard Gaw.
J. R. Peters and wife were up from
Boyd, last week to visit Mrs. Peters
father, who is ill in a hospital in the
Mrs. Lydia Augerot and daughter,
Gertrude, left Tuesday for Emporia
whi-re they will visit with relative's
for some time.
Mies Grace Jackson of near Dom
bey, Oklahoma, is visiting with her
sister, Miss Hazel Jackson, and at
the George King home.
Mrs. Rush returned to her home
at Dalhnrt, Texas, Tuesday, after
visiting in the eastern part of the
state for sometime.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Robinson and
Mrs. L. B. Robinson arrived the first
of the week from Clovis, New Mexico.
They will visit at the J. B. Winstead
home for some time.
Mrs. Myrtle Remmeth returned to
her home in Clinton, Missouri, Tues-
day, after Iinishing a successiui
term of school in the Advent school
of this city.
L. D. Griggs and wife drove to
Forgnn, Sunday, and Mrs. Griggs
and the children took the train for
Oklahoma Citysfor a visit with her
Mrs. A. E. Hazel and family, who
have been livilng on the Ben Carson
farm near town, moved to Liberal
this week. Mrs. Hazel is playing the
piano at the Tucker Theatre.
Ben Carson is moving his auto
shop from Second Street to his own
building on West First. The 0. T.
Wood Motor Company, which has
been occupying the Carson building
has moved to the south side and is
located with the Automotive Garage.
Mrs. Ira Riney, who has been in a
hospital at Halstead for the past few
weeks is improving nicely and is ex
pected to be home In a couple of
weeks. Mr. Riney left the latter
part of the week, with little Helen
accompanying him. She will visit at
Wichita with Mrs. M. E. Clark.
Mrs. A. M. Hines returned this
week from Long Beach, California,
where she has been wih her daugh
ter, Mra. Myrtle Dilllnger, who is In
a hospital there and has been seri
ously ill, but now Improving. Mrs.
Dillinger was Miss Myrtle Brewer be
fore her marriaire, and formerly
lived here. ' . .
I have just returned from the
markets where I made some
in mens and young mens
CLOTHING and fur
nishings. I had to buy in
Big Quantities to get it at
a Price.
- FOLKS!'.
I am going to give you the BENEFIT of my purchases
so as to make a Quick Turnover. Below I am quoting
a few prices to give you an idea of the Wonderful
Bargains I am offering you.
A most wonderful assortment of From the assortment I have you Say! I can sell you a good quality
Suits for men and young men. cannot help but find what . c
All colors and styles at you want Elk Shoe for 1
$1 g.00 fA $7C.OO $-1 .95 a. $C.95 That nobody shows for less than
JL HI 0 $2.50, and I have shoes from the
That are regular values at mu c? T r- cheapest work shoe to the finest
$25.00 to $40.00 Tne SavmS Is BlS glazed kid at a big saving
Boys' Suits from size 6 to 16. A big assort
In felt, fur, straw and Pana- ment of good clothes
r1.1 KeT.t0,00k to $5a to $7a" '
I cannot enumerate every article in the lot, but if a saving of from 25 to
35 means anything, you had better come in Friday or Saturday and look
them over. I know you will be more than satisfied.
I Door South of Postofffce
Liberal, Kansas
1 Door South of Postoffice
Liberal, Kansas
T)t! F. M? Beaty made a business
trip to Satanta Wednesday.
Miss Helen Fox returned Tuesday
to her home in Stafford after visiting
with Mrs. Brewing for several days.
Paul Wright of Optima, Oklahoma,
was in the city Wednesday visiting
at the home of hit mother, Mrs. I. N.
Wright. .
C. A. DeCamp and son of Hugo
ton, were here on business Saturday.
F. Sullivan of Arkalon, was in the
city on business Saturday.
Harry G. Armstrong
Fir. Year a Bonded Abstracter.
All Kind of laiaraae. Written
Fone $9 Court Hoate
W. M. Dfthms of Kismet, was trad
ing in the city Saturday.
P. R. Buckley returned to his of
fice Monday, after a few days illness
with the qulnsey.
Mr. and Mrs. W, S. Durst returned
to their home at Optima, Oklahoma,
the latter part of the week, after re
ceiving osteopathic treatments here.
J. T. Newby made a business trip
to Moscow Monday. -
, The Harmony school closed Fri
day and a big country dinner and an
interesting program were enjoyed
by a large number of the patrons.
Miss Nora Morris, who taught there
this term, will be back with them th.
coming year.
Wm. Engle left Tuesday for hia
home in Alden, Kansas. ' for several
days visit with his parents.
Bill Onions
Sho6 Repairer
1-2 Block East of Post Offifice

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