OCR Interpretation

The Liberal democrat. [volume] (Liberal, Kan.) 1911-1924, July 13, 1922, Image 5

Image and text provided by Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85029856/1922-07-13/ed-1/seq-5/

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the Liberal democrat
Next Sunday th Missionary tour
ists will visit the Phillipinea and Bee
the work of the Sunday school there.
It will oe inwsreowisj iu
ments. This is during the opening
worship period and will be missed'if
yottre Utter than 9:45. , .
Tonight (Thursday) the mid week
service is in the hands of the Inter
mediate department of the Sunday
school. . They have prepared some
thing interesting and worth while.
The bulletin board in front of the
church reaches all the time. The
message is changed every morning.
Get the habit of watching for its
messages as you passby.
' The Men's Class Sunday in spite of
hot weather and mid harvest had 40
men -present Tihs is not up to par,
but a good showing midharvest '
Next Sunday the pastor will preach
both morning and evening. The morn
lug sermon will be the intra in we
sories 'The Christiaity of Jesus." Sub
ject 'His Thot of Kingdom Growth".
In the evening the third in the series
of studies of Unfamiliar Bible Char
acters, "A Man Sucessful in 'Wicked
ness". The Epworth League at 7
o'clock will be led by f rank mgniana.
Subject "Only they who know Can
Serve." You will be welcome at all
of these services.
While it is vacation time, let us not
take too much vacation from Sunday
school and church services. As Satan
never takes a vacation we must be
careful or he will, while we are va
cating, get such a start, that we will
not be able to catch up with: him un
til next vacation time. ' .
The Sunday school meets at 9:45.
Every teacher and every member of
the school is urgeS to be present
Divine worship at 11:00.
"God's Surprises".
vor ot 7:30. Immediately after this
meeting a set of slides on Old Testa
ment history will be in connection
with a lecture.
Chrisitan Endea-
On Sunday, July 9th, the Episco
pal Congregation of Liberal, Satanta,
and Meade, held a basket meeting at
Stout's grove, reaching there about
noon. Happy greetings were ex
changed, then preparations were be
gun for dinner. There were so many
baskets, and buckets, and cans all
. full of such good things to eat Tables
7 were arranged under the trees ' and
Improved Square
15 miles north of Liberal, new
six room house, barn; granary, well
and windmill, fenced pasture, ' 800
acres iff cultivation. Will sell at at
tractive price On easy terms or ex
Ask change for unimproved farm land.
at Griffith & Baughman's offifice '
No. 555. I. O. O. F.
Over Citizens State BanV
Meets Tuesdays, 7:80
C. J. Borden, N. G.
O. E. Robbins, Sec.
M. W. A. meets 1st, 2nd
and 3rd Thursdays in hall
over Citizens Bank.
H. N. Wilkinson, Consul
H. P. Bergen, Clerk
Bill Onions
Shoe Repairer
1-2 Block East of Post Offifice
Physician and Surgeon
'. Special Attention Given '
to Obstetric .
Phones: 147; Residence 180
Office Phone 188 ;. Rest. Phone 477
Dr. E. H. Neighbors
Office in Peoples State Bank
, Vulcanizing ,
and Repairing
;WUh the Brooks Auto. Co.
Phone 130 ,N. Kara. Ave,
r i i ' ii- , m. i n ii nut i
Avnii o ix turn iiuiiu.
H&mtg in tlie Balance
Right now you should be in the field turning over the stubble, stopping the pores in the ground to con
serve every bit of moisture for the growing of ne?ct year's crop. Nine years out of ten early sown wheat
produces more abundantly than late sown and the farmer who gets his crops in early, has the balance in
his favor. Here is where a tractor can more than pay for itself in a season. It enables you t sow a large
acreage in a short time and will do your wVrk satisfactorily under conditions where it would be impossible
to work under the old methods. A tractor works long hours uncomplainingly, and if it is 'the right kind
will stand up and give service for years.
The Allis-Chalmers
Is constructed on scientific lines, overcoming difficuties heretofore experienc
Tf ed in lubricating, cooling and fuel consumption. From the standpoint of up
keep the Allis-Chalmets is the most economical tractor on the market today.
jf?. This is true because
Allis-Chalmers Service Is Superior
Factory branch experts instruct buyers in the running and handling of tlheir tractors and give advice on
any point not thoroughly understood. Delaays which might be occasioned by the breaking of a part are
eliminated by reason of our great storehouse of parts and supplies. In Quality, Price, Service and taitn
ful performance Allis-Chalmers delivers to purchasers the very highest attainable.
Let Us Demonstrate That This Is True
James I Darst, Mgr. Factory Branch
Liberal, Kansas
about 76 sat down and thoroughly en
joyed them selves.
At 8 o'clock services were held.
Archdeacon Jones preached a very
appealing sermon from thet ext found
in St. Mark, VI, 81 j "Come ye your
selves apart into a desert place, and
rest awhile." The service was heard
by a large number of campers, and
tourists, who gathered around the
united congregations. Appropriate
hymns were sung, not only from the
lips but from the. hearts of the sing
ers. Archdeacon Jones then left for
Garden City to hold services there
that evening.
Refreshments were again served
then the congregation " parted, the
Liberal people reaching home about
6 o'clock.
Dr. M. H. Levi made a business
trip to Perryton, Wednesday.
C. F. Hobbs of near Liberal was op
erated on at a local hospital the first
of the week. .
Mrs. Don Rinenour of near this city
broke her arm Tuesday, while crank
ing a Ford. . - . - -
turned the first of the week ; from
Souix Falls , where she has been vis
iting with a sister for some time.
She spent several days visiting with
Mrs. W. 0. Nelson. .'
Need Money? We Have It!
h : ir - ; We want some good
Oklahoma and Kansas Farm Lxoans
Inspection every week. See Us :
Citizens Bank Building Liberal, Kansas
Fact i about your name; lb kUloryi
meaning; whenct it mat dtriotJ;
$tgnlficancs your tacky day
l2 ani lucky Jewtl
The lowest rates to be had on farm
loans are quoted by Griffith & Baugh
man who are closing loans in Stevens,
Seward, Haskell and Grant Counties,
Kansas and Beaver Countyy, Okla
homa with promptness.
npUK charming name of Vlvi.... m al-
most the equivalent of the adjec
tive "vivacious." It means lively,- hav
ing been derived from the Latin vita
signifying life, Hnd was used by the
Roman Christian to express their
hopes of eternity.
The first feminine name - formed
from vita Is Vlvla. a name made fa
mous by Vlvla I'erpetua, the noble
young matron of Carthage, whose
martyrdom Is one of the most touch
ing histories of the early church. Her
many votaresses gave vogue to her
- In later Roman days Vlvlnna came
to be popular through a Christian
maiden of that name who was put to
death by a Roman governor on the
charge that she ' had destroyed the
sight of one of his eyes by magic.
fnrh Inter a phnrrh ws prerted over
Mrs. J. fc. weDDer oi Hugoton re-L-her remains. Her fame and name tin
gered, and appears prominently again
In "Morte d'Arthur" when Vlvianna Is
the enchantress of King . Arthur's
' Scotland took over the name of
Vivian, applying It as both a mascu
line" and feminine name. France adopt
ed the masculine form as Vivien and
straightway formed the now-popular
feminine ' Vlvlenne. England has al
ways favored Vivian and America re
ceived and popularised the name un
der that spelling. Vlvlana la the fa
vored form In Spain and Italy, the lat
ter country still employing the early
Roman Vlvla.
Vivian's tallsmantc gem la the life
giving ruby. Its Inextinguishable flame
promises her dauntless courage, bodily
health and strength, and dispel evil
spirits. To dream of It signifies unex
pected guest. Friday to her lucky day
and three her locfry number. The Uly,
signifying parity, Is ber flower.
For County Attorney
I hereby announce my candidacy
for re-election to the office of Coun
ty Attorney of Seward County, sub
ject to the action of the voters at
the Democratic primaries in August
Liberal, Kansas.
For County Sharif t
. I hereby announce my" candidacy
for the office of Sheriff of Seward
County, subject to the will of the
Republican voters in the August pri
maries. i .
Liberal, Kansas.
- For County Sheriff '
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the office of Sheriff of Seward
County, subject to the will of the
voters of the Republican party in
the August primaries.
Liberal, Kansas.
For County-Sheriff
' I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the office of Sheriff of
Seward County, Kansas, subject to
the action of the Democratic prima
ries in August
Liberal, Kansas.
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the office of Sheriff of Seward
County, subject to the will of the Re
puglican voters in the August pri
maries. '
For County Sharif .
I hereby announce my. candidacy
for the office of Sheriff of Seward
County, subject to the will of the
voter of the Democratic party in
the August primaries. -
Liberal, Kansas.
For County Sheriff
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the office of sheriff of Seward
County subject to the will of the Re
maries. publican voters in the August prl
Liberal, Kansas.
For Superintendent of Schools
I hereby announce my candidacy
for re-election to the office of Super
intendent of Schools of Seward
County, subject to the will of the
voters at the Democratic primaries
in August .
Liberal, Kansas.
For County Treasurer .
I hereby announce that I am a can
didate for the v office of County
Treasurer of Seward County, Kansas,
subject to the action of the Repub
lican voters in the August primary.
Liberal, Kansas.
For Treasurer
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the office of County Treasurer of
Seward dCounty, subject to the will
of the voters of the Democratic party
in the August primaries.
Liberal, Kansas.
. For County Traaaurar
l "hereby announce my candidacy
for the office of County Treasurer
of Seward County, subject to the will
of the Republican voters in the
August primaries.
Kismet Katun.
ust primaries.
Liberal, Kansas.
For Rag later of Deeds
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the office of Register of
Deeds of Seward County, subject to
the action of the Republican voter
at the August primary.
Liberal, Kansas.
I hereby announce my candidacy for
the office of Register of Deeds of
Seward County, subject to the will of
the voters in the Repubican primaries
In August
W. W. ANTRIM Liberal, Kansas.
-For Register of Deads
I hereby announce myself as a can
Jidate for the office of Register of
Deeds of Seward county, subject to the
will of the Republican voters in the
August primaries.
Kismet, -Kansas.
For Probata Judge .'
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the office of Probate
Judge of Seward County, subject to
the will of the Republican voters in
the August primaries. 1
T.lhoral 1Tlinfla-
For County Clark
' I hereby announce that I am a can
didate for the office .of County Clerk
of Seward County, Kansas, subject to
the action of the Democratic voters
In the August primaries. ,
Liberal, Kansas.
. ; For County dark
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the office of County Clerk of
of the Republican voter in the Aug
Seward County, subject to the will
For Probata Judge
I .hereby announce my candidacy
for the office of Probate Judge of
Seward county, subject to the will of
the Republican voters in the August
primaries. '
W. 0. NELSON, Liberal, Kansas.
For District Clerk
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the office of Clerk of the District
Court of Seward County, subject to
the will of the voters in the Repub
lican primary in August
' . ' ' Liberal. Kansas.
- For Represent tire
I hereby anounce my candidacy as
Representative in the State Legisla
ture from Seward County, subject to
the wishes of the voters in the Re
publican primaries in August
Liberal, Kans.

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