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MEADE COUNTY "'NEWS THE VOLUME XIII. MEADE, KANSAS. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1912. NUMBER 41. JUST LOOK AT THOSE BAGGY KNEES, Why don't you have your trousers pressed. Old CROWDER. Clothes made New and hew Clothes made Too. 1 f;; :) U A Local Candidates and Issues As election approaches it be hooves each and every good citizen to carefully consider the merits and qualifications of ev ery local candidate, and to en quire into the merits of any prop osition to be voted on It is not the part of a good citizen to vote blindly for his party nominee without regard to the candidate " fitness, but county officials should be chosen entirely upon their - 'merits, the same as any employee is chosen. It is not a question as to wheth er a condidate is a good demo crat, repuDlicau, socialist or oth r partism, because be can neith er hinder or advance the interest " of any party by reason of his holding a county office, but it is important whether lie be honest, y efficient and qualified, snJ in" Choosing these officers fee only question should be, whom of the candidates will give the best ser vice if etected? There is a general tendency, not only in Meade County, but elsewhere, to keep a good official Jvheti you get one. The old idea J that no man should have at of fice lcmger thafl two terms orltfU haled wfaen the doctrine that a public toffiCe was a private snap was in Vd;i but tinder the ntw dispensation-, tinder the Uta that a public office is, a public trust, and not reward for parly work ers, kt people have learned that there no more reason for drop ping a man from office because v he has served so long a lime than there is for discharging an 1 employee from a business insti tution for the same reason. Acting upon the above theory the democrats did not bring out a candidate against County Clerk Pressly, Register of Deeds Gray, and Treasurer Sweet. And for the same reason the republicans placed no one against Clerk of the Court Elliott and County At torney Sullivan. There was a general belief that well enough should be let alone, and so these gentlemen will succeed them selves iu office, without opposi tion, as they of right should. There was also a general dis position among the republicans to bring out no one against Judge Randolph for Probate Judge, and no nomination papers were filed by or for any republican for this office, but there was one man in the County who consid ered that the Judge had held the office long enough, and so caused his friends to write his name in upon the republican primary ballot as the republican nominee for this office. This was comparatively an easy matter as it requires but five per cent of the party vote for a man to get his name on the ballot in this way. Judge Randolph has made an exceptionally good Probate Jud ge. No more honest, courteous, manly man than John Randolph ever braved the wintry blizzards and summer suns of Meade county, and Meade county has ever been blessed with the best people of the earth. He settled in Meade county twenty-eight years ago and is too well known to need5ny testimonials. The records of bis office are models of completeness: he has thoroughly informed himself in the law per taining to his duties, and his long service, his careful and system atic study, research and investi- '&ations have so qualified him that be is now one of the best Pro bate Judges in the State of Kan ' t8. His defeat would be a gen- Machine-Shop and General Repairing The power has just been turn ed on in the building east of Sell's blacksmith shop, and west of the Southern Hotel, to operate the machine and general repair shop which A. Afanador and his son, A. J. Afanador, have opened in Meade. The machinery is about ready to operate and the new shop is now ready to take any work in the machine line, automobile repairing or repair ing of any kind. Mr. Afanador will represent the Model Gas Engine Works, of Peru, Indiana and will hanele the Congo auto mobile tires. Mr. Afanador of fers the community, his services as a competent mechanic aud wishes to thank the pepple of Meade for their co-operation given hyu in locating his enter prise here. uine loss to the County, and it is a dut that every citizen owes to himself and to the public, to re tain J. H. Randolph In his pres ent Office RS long as he can be in duced to accept it. - Thomas Martin is asking for a .second term as Sheriff. If any one knows any reason why Tom should not bg re-elected he. has So far remained mute. There has not been the slightest criti cism of his work,' and no higher recommendation tlan this can be given an official, "for there are always plenty of people to crit icize an official for the least mis take of commission or omission. For the important office of County Superintendent the dem ocratic party invites you to sup port Pearl Wood Smith, a Meade County girl who has made good as teacher who will make good as an officer if given an opportunity. This is an office which for many years, by common consent, has been set apart especially for the ladies, and if anyone knows reason why it should not contin ue to be held by a lady let him speak now or forever hold his peace. While representative is not strictly speaking a county office, yet as this district comprises Meade County alone it is prac tically the same thing. Do you know of any reason why Dr. H. J. Sloss should not represent this district in the Legislature? Do you know of ANY reason why his opponent would represent you better? A man of good judgement and big ideas and ideals, a man with a level head filled with good common sense, a man about whose integrity of purpose there is no suspicion is the man the voters should send to the legislature, and just such a man is Dr. Sloss. There is one important matter to be submitted to the voters of Meade County and that is the matter of extending county aid to High Schools. There, is at present but one accredited h'gh school in the county and that is located at Meade. Both Fowler and Plains have felt the need of such a school, but have been un able to conduct one on account of the expence. It has been all that Meade can do to conduct such a school: there are now in Meade high school a considerable num ber of pupils from Plains, Fow ler, and from other parts of the County, and the tuition charged is only one dollar per month, but we are informed by the school board that unless relief be ob tained from other sources it will be necessary to raise the price oi tuition to possibly five dollar f Wilson Leads At the farm of one of our pros perous Meade county farmers, last week, a straw vote of the grain haulers and threshing crew (nineteen in all) was taken'. The result was as follows: Wilson " l :i Roosevelt 4 Taft 1 Debs 1 And this is at about the same rate that Wilson is going to take things at the November election more than twice the vote of his opponents combined. per month in order to raise funds with which to carry on the school. Under the Barnes law, under which this question is sub mitted, any high school receiving county aid must admit, free of tuition, any pupil residing in the County. A graduate from such a high school is admitted, with out examination, to the State Uni versity, or to any of the other state educational institutions. Without such a high school in I the county students desirous of taking a university course must spend two years away from home taking a preparatory Course before entering the uni versity. The law now provides that after May 1st, 1913 no per son shall be granted a teachers certificate who has not completed, at least one year of school work in an accredited high school: two years after May 1st, 1915, and four years after May 1st, 1917. So unless Meade County can maintain such a school in order that teachers may be prepared, it will only be a matter of two or three years until we will runout of qualified teachers. And that no school district has sufficient valuatian to mantain such a school without County aid has been fully demonstrated. The question of adopting the provisions of the Barnes law will be submitted to the voters at the coming election. If it should carry the Commissioners are empowered to levy a tax, not to exceed six-tenths of a mill, for the benefit of such high schools, and the funds derived from this tax are equally divided among the accredited high schools of the county. The increase in taxation will be so trivial as not to be noticed: should' the max imum tax be levied the man who pays tax on one thousand dollars valuation will pay but sixty cents in high school tax. Should this measure carry Meade can con tinue her high school, Plains and Fowler can both establish such a high school, and the tuition to each will be free to all pupils re siding in the County: teachers can prepare for their profession without leaving the-county: the cost will be less than a bushel of wheat for the average taxpayer, and the advantages will be such as cannot be measured by money value. And yet the financial benefits will not be lacking: good schoolsaretnebestadvertisement any country can put forth: the very fact of the assurance of one or more accredited high schools in the county will increase the value of all real estate many times the increase in taxation: it will induce immigration, and en courage the investment of capit al, and the money sent out of the County every year to defray the expenses of pupils of high schools and in ' preparatory courses will be saved our citizens and this saving alone would near ly, if not quite, equal the amount of the increased taxation. Died Captain W. C.Osgood, one of the oldest and best known citi zens of Meade,, has answered the last roll call. Mr. Osgood had been quite sick for more than two weeks but it was thought that he was much better, but a turn came for the worst and on October 12, 1912, he passed to the great be yond. Mr. Osgood was born in Law renceburg, Indiana, November 1, 1833. He lei t Indiana in 1858 for Kansas, 'where he became associated with and fought in the border war with Colonel James Lane, afterward returning to Versailes, Ohio. When the call for Volunteers was made at the time of the rebellion the was among the first to organize a company. He organized Com pany E, of the 40th Ohio, and the following year was commis sioned Captajh, Jfj tjjis capacity be served with great distinction through th.c war, In this great 'aiise, he was accompanied by bis father and two brother?, In action, his father gaVe his life, in Andersonville prison tttf bro ther died, and fVOtti it !R other brother escaped-, After the war Mr. bsro'dd. Yeturne'd to Ohio Mer tec Several years he suc 'cee'ilfully engaged in the grain aTid mercantile business. In 1884, responding to the "call of the west" he came to Wichita. where he again engaged in the grain business. A little later be moved to Meade, where for a time he conducted the, Osgood Hotel, and which was "home" to many a weary traveler in the early history of Meade. Later he was appointed postmaster, and the duties of that office he most faithfully discharged. Since retiring from the office of postmaster, he has lived rather a retired life. - In early life he united with the Baptist cjiurch. He is known to every resident of Meade coun ty as an honest up-right citizen, a man strong in his convictions and one always to be found, in favor of what was for the best of all. He was a familiar character upon the streets of Meade, and many will note his absence. With his departnre the first link of thefamily chain is broken. His wife, Mrs. William C. Os good, his son, William C. Os good Jr., of Pratt, his twodaugh ters, Mrs. R. P. Smith, of Wich ita, Kansas, and Mrs, F. Gray, of Hutchinson, two sisters and three drand-daughters are left to mourn his loss. The funeral services were held jSunday, at the residence under the auspices of the G. A. R. Post No. 388 and the sons of Veterans, Rev. Baker of ficiating. Interment was made in Graceiand cemetery. The bereaved ones have the sympathy of the entire commu nity in their loss. You who believe in the de velopment of your County, who believe in having the best educa tional system obtainable, who have the interests of the rising generation at heart, and who are willing and desirous of giving our boys and girls the education al opportunities which many of us were denied, should vote for adopting the provisions of this law, It is not a matter that ef fects any particular district or locality, but is of equal import ance to all of Meade County, and any school district in need of a high school can secure its pro portion pt the revenue raised un der thuact. Vote "YJSS" on this proposition by all means. Meade County Cattle Bring Highest Prices Krom Drove Telegram D. E.Ballard & Sons had 150 white face yearlings here Mon day from their Meade county ranch. They weighed 645 lbs and sold for $7.15 per cwt. This is the highest price on this mar ket this year for yearlings. They still have several hundred cattle of the same kind. They have one of the best ranches in Kansas, and take pride in breed ing good grade cattle. D. E. Ballard & Sons, of Meade Kansas,.owners of 16.000 acres of farm and grazing land, market ed yesterday a very choice bunch of stockers. There were 160 head in the , consignment that averaged 645 pounds and sold for $7.15. Married Mr. Wm. P. Hunter and Miss Nina M. Meade, both of Plains, Kanses, were united, in marriage on Wednesday of last week by Judge Randolph, at his office. Mr. Albert Shelley, of Green wich, Kansas, and Mrs. Carrie Switzer, of this city, were united in marriage last Saturday even ing at the home of the bride's mother. Mrs. Swjtzer is well and favor ably known in Meade, while Mr. Shelley is a prosperous citizen of Greenwich, Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Shelley will re side in Meade. The Ne.vs extends congratu lations. Mr. Harry Belle my and Miss Alice A. Ballard were united in marriage in Kansas City on Tuesday, October 8, 1912 Im mediately after the ceremony the newly married couple depart ed for Washington Kansas, for a short visit with Mrs. Belle my 'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Ballard. Miss Ballard is well and favor ably known in Meade, having re sided here for the past several years. In church and social cir cles she has been a great help And favoiite. She is a most highly respected lady. Mr. Bellemy, whose home is in Santa Fe, Kansas, has been in Meade for the past two years, is known by all as a most enterpris ing and industrious, young man. Mr. and Mrs. Bellemy will make their home at the Ballard ranch, south west of Meade. A host of friends join The News in extending congratula tions to these young people and wishing them all the happiness and prosperity that this life af fords. A Car-load of Poultry We expect to load a car of poeltry Friday, October 25, for shipment, and from now until that date we will pay special prices. Now is the time to mar ket your -poultry. Remember we buy poultry the year around. 10-17-1 Mkadk Poudtkv Co. Advertisement Food Sale The Royal Neighbors will con duct a food sale in the Rest room on Saturday, October 19. This will be the only place in town to get your Sunday dinner already cooked so don't forget it. Births To Mr. and Mrs. Joe N. Ham ilton on October 11, a boy. Farmers Institute. There will be a meeting of the Institute Saturday November 9th at which time the prizes offered last winter will be awarded in stead of waiting till our January meeting. On the acre of kaffir and maize open to any farmer in Meade county. Get a state ment of a neighbor who picked an average row of the acre and bring the scale ticket to the Sec retary. The President will or have it done the same way for the boys. Bring the ther en tries to the court house by 2 p. m. imov. 9th. The following are the contests and prizes offered. This will be mostly a volunteer meeting. ' So arrange to be there and take part. Ladies es pecially invited and will try and have something interesting for them. Best 10 heads kaffir, $2. Best acre of kaffir, $5. Best 10 heads of maize, $2. Best bu. Irish potatoes, first $2; second SC.. Open to any farmer in Mead- county, fiisi 10 ears corn f rom one acre First $5; second $3; third $2. Best acre of kaffir. First $5; second $3; third 12. Boys to be not over 21 Jan. 1 1913." Biggest watermelon, first $2; second $1. For the girls under 21, January 1, 1913. Best pound of butter, first $2; second $1. Best loaf of bread, first $2; second $1. Best cake, first $2;. second $1. Juo. Keith, Sec. Special Pnzts. The following special prizes offered by the merchants of Meade, will be awarded at the Farmers' InstituteNov. 9. Open to any pupil in the pub lic schools not over 18 yearn old. No. 1. Best Booklet on "The , Farm." $2.50 Axminister Rug, Fletch er Furniture Co. No. 2. Best Drawing in the perspective. 2 samples. $2 00 Fountain Pen M. & M. Drug Co. No. 3. Best Essay on "Kan sas." Over 500 words. Pair slippers, F. W. Fick. No. 4. Bet cake made from " Kelley's Famdus Flour. $2.00 cake mixer. II G. Mar shall. Mr. Marshall to have the cake. No. 5, Best hand made Pil low slips. $2.00 Ladies hand bag. Stev ens Mer. t'o. Mat j in J Haigh, Co. Supt. Social, Program, and Contest At the new school house two miles south of Lakeland, in District No. 22, on Saturday evening, October 19, 1912. After a short program the crowd will be served with the best of refreshments. ' In the contest, the young lady receiving the highest ntmber of votes, for being the most popular or prettiest, receives a hand some cake. Everyone cordially invited. Everybody come. Bazaar and Food Sale The (Baptist Ladies will have a food sale and bazaar in the Cones building, on Saturday, October 26. Everyone is invited to assist in any way they desire.