Agnea Wehrle, Ed.
! '
In various parts of the world, the
Crer elksses consume little or no
Ml. Baked loaves of bread are
practically unknown In portiona ol
outhern Austria and Italy, and
throughout the agricultural districts
of Roumanla, say a the London Stand
ard. Austrian aver that In the vil
lae of Oberstelrmark, not very far
from Vienna, bread ia never seen.
The staple food ia ateri, a kind of por
ridge made from ground beech nuts,
taken at breakfast with fresh or cur
dled milk, at dinner with broth or
fried lard, and at supper with milk.
The dish is also called helden, and Is
substituted for bread, not only In the
Austrian district mentioned, but In
Carlnthla and other parts of the Ty
rol. Northern Italy offers a substi
tute for bread In the form of Polenta,
Nrhlch la a kind of porridge made of
boiled-grain. Polenta Is not, however,
kilo wed to granulate like Sootch por
ridge or the Austrian sterz. It is in
stead boiled Into a solid pudding,
which Is cut up and portioned out
with a string. It Is eaten cold as
often as It is hot, and Is In every
sense an Italian's dally bread. There
Is a variation of polenta called mams
Ilga, the favorite food of the poorest
classes in Roumanla. Mamaliga re
sembles polenta inasmuch as It Is
made of boiled grain, but It is unlike
the former in one respect the grains
are not permitted to settle into a solid
inass, but are kept distinct after the
fashion of oatmeal porridge.
Some people do not like cats. That
la up to them probably they have a
reason. Other people don't like dogs,
and such also -may be looked upon
with charity. The other day, we are
told, a dog with a broken chain came
back to Its Pittsburg home carrying
In his mouth the trousers and cap of
his 11-year-old master. The dumb brute
thus attempted to notify the parents
.that the boy had been drowned. So
the father of the family followed the
dog back to the Allegheny river,
where he found the rest of his son's
clothing and the rest of that dog's
broken chain! The dog had not freed
himself from that chain In time to res
ue the boy, says the Cleveland Plain
Dealer. But the strong link, snapped
In twain, showed that the brute had
tried, superhumanly, to do so. That
dog had not been in time to drag his
little master out of the water but the
lhalf of that little master's clothing in
the dog's teeth showed how sincere
the struggle had been. Some people
do not like cats. Others do not like
dogs. But there are are animals
for Instance, dogs that are likeable.
They may not succeed In being hu
man but they try!
An old man arrested In Cincinnati
on the charge of vagrancy told the
judge when his case came to trial
that he had a business which enabled
him to make a living. "What is it?"
asked the Judge, and the old fellqw
answered, "Bleaching sparrows." Then
he explained. He catd he was in the
habit of catching sparrows and paint
ing them with peroxide of hydrogen,
which changed the color of their
leathers, so that he was able to sell
(them for canary birds. Perhaps he la
pot the only man In the world who is
apable of this villainy. It may be
wise for everyone purchasing canaries
to adopt the precaution of hearing
them sing before paying for them.
1 Kidney beans we have all heard of;
kidney feet" seem to be peculiar to
Pittsburg, says the New York Sun.
A physician there says Pittsburg Is
more blessed, or cursed, with them
than any other town. Pittsburg men
are flat-footed. We suppose the in
habitants of that city find it hard to
stagger along under the weight of all
the things that are said of poor Pitts
hurg, and the burden breaks down
the arches of their Insteps.
The "pushmoblle," which has taken
possession of Cbloago all at once, Is
an Ingenious device whereby a boy
with an old pair of roller skates can
make them cover 60 times as much
apace as heretofore on the cement
In the news columns of the pa
pers appears a story about a Massa
chusetts girl who carried a live lis
ard In her stomach for a long time,
and reading the dispatch reminds ua
that this is the first time that
story has been printed this season.
A Chicago minister says there art
not enough husbands to go around,
and that old maids are heroines. Bui
the name of this champion of abused
eplnsterhood will be lost when the
name of its traducer is still allvt
enough to be anathema, for such Is
the way of the world.
.;, The half-sister of an English duk
is to appear as a danceif Vn New York
"'The peerage has certainly fallen or
'hard times. .1
(With acknowledgments to the late Homer Davenport.)
Their Party Is Split Wide Open By
Third Term Movement and Demo
crats Are Keenly Alive to Their
Opportunity to Win.
In his trip through New England
Governor Wilson was everywhere re
ceived with vast throngs and every
evidence of good will. The impression
he made justifies the hope that No
vember will show that he has brok
en the Republican Bolldlty of the
northeastern corner of the country.
There is, however, more substantial
reason than crowds and clamor for
expecting the addition of some of the
New England states to the Democratic
column. Governor Fobs of Massachu
setts, has been elected twice in suc
cession and is well enough satisfied
with the prospects to make the race
a third time. The primaries held In
that state showed keen Interest
among Democrats and discouragement
and decline among the Republicans.
At the primaries for governor 99,422
Democrats and 97,526 Republicans
voted. Here Is a state has has beep
supposed to be rock-ribbed in its Re
publicanism where more Democrats
than Republicans took part In the
The significance of this fact is
greatly increased by comparisons with
last spring and last year. The presi
dential preference vote in April was
taken before Governor Wilson had
been selected, and before the break
in the Republican ranks had occurred.
It seemed to be haVdly worth while
for Democrats to take the trouble to
express their preference. Only 28,000
did so, while 171,000 Republicans ex
pressed their preferences for the pres
ident or Roosevelt. But Wilson's
nomination has aroused the hope of
every Democrat In the country, while
the third party movement has para
lyzed the Republicans'. At the state
primary the Demochats cast nearly
four times as many votes as at the
presidential preference primary, and
the Republicans cast less than three
fifthB. Not leBs Interesting Is the compari
son between last week's state primary
and the primary of last year. The to
tal vote this year Is about 16,000
greater than the primary vote a year
ago. This Increase is made up of a
Republican loss of 15,017 and a Dem
ocratic gain of 31,378. Applying those
percentages of gain and loss to the
presidential vote of 1908, the Demo
crats would nearly carry Massachu
sets over the united Republican party,
and the party Is split from top to bot
tom by the third term movement.
Colonel's Trust Program.
Col. Roosevelt denies that his trust
program was formulated by men Inter
ested in trusts, but the country has a
distinct remembrance of the- time
when George W. Perkins announced
his retirement from the firm of J. P.
Morgan & Co. and outlined a plan for
the regulation of trusts In all essen
tials like the Roosevelt plan. It was
while the colonel's administration was
framing up the notorious Standard Oil
That Invisible Empire.
"The transaction itself and the
whole alliance between Mr. Penrose
and Mr. Archbold and Mr. Penrose's
actions In connection therewith are a
startling example of the workings of
that Invisible empire to whose reign
we intend to put an end."
That invisible empire in which Mr.
Roosevelt aud Mr HajTlman worked!
That Invisible empire which Included
MX, R6osevelt and George. W. Perkins
of the harvester trust and "the Mor
gan Interests that have been so
Governor Is Making the Kind of Cam
paign That Is Sure to
Gov. Wilson Is making the sort of
campaign that wins.
He is making the sort of campaign
which proves not only that the party
has a good candidate, but that tha
country will have a good president.
Gov. Wilson has shown a dignity,
a fairness, a sincerity which has gain
ed the confidence of the people wher
ever his words have reached.
Gov. Wilson is the reverse of a spec
taucular grand-stander. Yet on his
western trip he has had by odda the
largest audiences that have gathered
during this campaign.
They have come, not to see a show,
but to judge a man; not to pay hom
age to a. self-made Caesar, but to hear
and pass upon a program of national
They have heard, they have judged,
they have approved-.
They have found Gov. Wilson a
man whose prime desire Is not to exalt
himself, but to serve the people.
They have found Gov. Wilson a man
who refuses to be drawn from the is
sues of the campaign Into an exchange
of barren personalities.
They have found Gov. Wilson a man
who never hesitates to say anything
good of an opponent that may with
honesty be said.
They have found Gov. Wilson a man
who respects the office of the presi
dency too much to seek it by a cam
paign of billingsgate.
In a word, the people have found
Gov. Wilson the sort of man they want
in the White House. They will put
him there.
Tariff and Bloated Fortunes.
Enough instances have been given
by the Journal to show that the tariff
Is the creator of bloated fortunes.
The way It works is so simple that
It can be put In the form of a recipe:
"Get a tariff, form a trust; then
pluck the public in the stock market
and rob the consumer with high
The tariff shuts out foreign com
petition, and thus offers an- oppor
tunity to rob the American consumer.
The trusts are formed to take ad
vantage of this opportunity.
They are capitalized at their so-
called "earning power," which means
their robbing power under the tariff.
This capitalization is from two to ten
times the actual investment.
The watered stock thus Issued
costing nothing but the printing of it
is sold to the public at high prices.
The promoters keep control of the
trust in their own hands, that they
may vote themselves fat salaries and
rich perquisites.
The prices of the trust-made articles
are kept up to the highest notch to
take advantage of the tariff and pay
dividends on watered stock.
Then a portion of the profits thus
made is set aside for political cor
ruption to keep the tariff graft from
being disturbed.
It is very simple when the trick
Is exposed. It is very profitable to
the promoters.
It Is Incredibly wasteful, cruel and
debauchidg for every one else.
The only way to stop the accumula
tion of bloated fortunes Is to cut off
the tariff graft that breeds bloated
fortunes. ,
The way to cut off the tariff graft
is to elect Governor Wilson and a
Democratic congress. Chicago Jour
nal. friendly to us!" That Invisible em
pire In which Mr. Roosevelt and Will
lam Nelson Cromwell and the Panama
crowd worked! We know all about
that Invisible empire.
A Bull Moose Killing.
A party formed to further one man's
ambitions cannot survive that man's
defeat. Baltimore American.
Well p"ut; and which is to" say that
some undertaker will have the job of
putting away the remains of a bull
moose after November 5. '
k NV l'V vtt
V3 W 'fC ,
J J.Va''.
Tuberculin Test for Hogs, Intradermal Method, Showing Enlargement at
Seat of Inoculation Due to Positive Reaction.
Tuberculosis in the human family
has been lessening materially during
the past 16 years, but reportB from
the various meat-packing centers of
the country fail to show the same
encouraging condition regarding tu
berculosis in hogs during the same
space of time. It must be admitted
that reports have come from several
localities during the past four years
showing a decrease in the number of
tuberculosis swine sent to market, but
a review of the collective records of
the country at large shows an In
crease rather than a decrease in the
number of swine affected by this, dis
ease. The small amount of money re
quired to begin hog raising and the
quick returns on the capital invested
make this industry an attractive one
to the small farmer. The hog will
make a pound of gain on less feed
than most live stock, and will prob
ably utilize waste food products of
every variety if properly prepared for
him. As tuberculosis in this specleB
Is chiefly acquired by indigestion, the
significance of the latter statement is
The vitality of hogs or their powers
of resistance to disease are necessari
ly lowered by the unnatural condi
tions which frequently obtain In hog
raising, namely, the forced feeding for
fattening and the small feeding pens
In vogue In certain districts. When
the enormous growth of a hog is con
sidered, when it is realieed that In
the short space of 8 or 10 months its
development is frequently 250 to 300
pounds a proportionate increase of
More Attention Given by Farmers
to Rations and Care in Or
der to Secure Profit.
Many farmers have started out this
year with the intention of doing better
by their crop of pigs than they have
in the past. By doing better,. I mean
giving closer attention to the feed
problem, and the care problem, so
that the pigs when mature will have
made a favorable growth at a low
cost, and at the same time have de
veloped strong frames, especially in
the case of those pigs which are In
tended to be kept for breeding pur
poses. it will be well for every man who
desires to bring hiB pigs through the
season In good form and condition
to calculate to supply some of those
foods whlrh are known to have a
favorable Influence on the develop
ment of the framework of the pig.
It is needless to say that corn alone
will not serve the purpose. While it
Is true that corn in conjunction with
good pasture makeB a diet for the
growing pigs which can hardly be
Improved on, it also often happens that
the pasture contains little to attract
the pigs.
In that case they are sure to lie
around the yards and stuff themselves
with grain In preference to seeking
the grass and exerclBe a conjunction,
which is so essential to the health
and thrift of the animal.
The best bbne building foods are
those rich in protein and mineral mat
ter. Skim milk perhaps stands at the
head of the list, and it will pay to
lay In some tankage, shorts and pos
sibly some bone meal as well as some
pure mineral matter.
It cannot be expected, however, that
the feeding of foods bearing large
amounts of protein and mineral mat
ter, such as have been mentioned, will
change the conformation of any part
of the skeleton or, for example, make
a pig stand straight.
This improvement will have to be
made through selection, using no male
or female that is faulty.
It might, too, be urged that If care
ful selection were practiced It, would
be unnecessary to consider the diet,
since strong boned breeding stock
would naturally impress these good
points on their progeny.
' On the contrary, it may be said that
men have been trying for years to
breed poor hogs out of their herds
without giving attention to a balanced
ration problem, and they are practi
cally where they started.
We generally find that when men
feed little or no grain and do not
. care to hasten the growth of , their
pigs, the quality of the bone is generally-
very satisfactory . -
weight unknown to any other species
of domestic animals tha great meta
bolic changes which must necessarily
occur can be appreciated. Such rapid
development 1b very likely to take
place at the expense of the. disease
resisting powers of the animal.
When tuberculosis results, the le
sions usually observed are discrete
and of a chronic type, at times retro
gressive and at other times slowly pro
gressive, as manifested by calcaerous
deposits and fibrous encapsulation. It
is not Infrequent, however, that a
more extensive and spreading disease
is seen, and the lesions indicate a se
vere Infection and rapid generalization
of the bacilli, which In these animals
may quickly follow the initial attack.
And whether the disease assumes an
acute, sub-acute, or chronic type, tu
berculous growths may soon be found
attacking lymph glands In widely sep
arated parts of the body.
The Intradermal method of testing
hogs for tuberculosis has given ex
cellent resilts. Two drops of tuber
culin prepared by evaporating away
two-thirds of the volume of the tuber
culin previously prepared for the
sub-cutaneous tuberculin testing of
cattle, is Injected Into the dermal
layer of the skin near the base of
one of the ears of the hog. If the
animal is not affected, no change In
the appearance of the ear will result,
but a positive reaction will at the
end of 48 hours cause a swelling near
the seat of their Injection. This
edematous enlargement may remain
visible foplO to 12 days after the
Injection in case the animal is affecteid
with tuberculosis.
Feature of Structure Is Closet
Form for Protection in Coltf
In the curtain-front type of poultry
house used at the Maine experiment
Station, a feature of the original plan
on which considerable stress was- laid
was the canvas curtain front of the
roosts. This curtain, together with
the back wall of the house and the
dropping board under the roost,
formed a closet In which the birdB
were shut up at night during cold
When' the curtain-front house was
first devised, it was thought es
sential to provide such a closet to
conserve the body heat of the birds
during the cold nights when the tem
perature might be well below zero.'
Experience has shown, however, that
this was a mistake. Actual test shows
that the roosting closet Is of no ad
vantage, even In such a severe climate
as that of Orono.
On the contrary, the birds certain
ly thrive better without the roost cur
tain than with It It has been a gen
eral observation among users of the
curtain-front type of house that when
the roost curtains are used the birds
are particularly susceptible to colds.
It Is not hard to understand why this
should be so. The air in the roosting
closet when it is opened in the morn
ing Is plainly bad. The fact that it Is
warm in no way offsets physiological
ly the evils of its lack of oxygen aud
excess of carbon dioxide, ammonlacaj
vapors, and other exhalations from
the bodies of the birds.
For some time past it has been felt
that the rooBtlng closet was at least
unnecessary. If not In fact a positive
evil. Consequently the time of begin
nlng to close the roost curtain In th
fall has been each year longer de
layed. Finally, In the fall of 1910, II
was decided not to use these curtains
at all during the winter. Consequent
ly they were taken out of the house,
or spiked to the roof, : as the case
might be. The winter of 1910-11 was
a severe one. On several occasion
the temperature dropped to 30 de
grees below zero. During the wlhtej
the mortality was exceptionally loe
and the egg production exceptionally
In view of this experience the sta
tlon has decided to discontinue tht
use of the roost curtain. It would
seem to be generally undesirable, ot
at least unnecessary.
Cherries Stand Age Well.
The fourth year after a cherry orch
ard is planted it will begin to bear
and by the time the orchard is ten U
twelve years old It Is safe to fay w
can pick from three to four crates ol
cherries , off each tree. Fqr the nexl
ten or twelve years they aro equal (r
a gold mine. - . . . ...
In observing the physical character
Istlcs of her children, the careful moth
er soon learns that health Is depend
ent on the regularity of the bowels.
When the bowels become clogged with
the stomach's refuse, loss of appetite,
restlessness, Irritability, and slmilil
evidences of disorder are soon appar
ent Keep the bowels regular and a
healthy, happy child is assured.
At the first sign of constipation tha
mother should administer a mild laxa
tive to carry off the congested wasta
from the stomach that is fermenting
and forcing poisonous gases into tha
system. A simple compound of laxa
tive herbs with pepsin Is highly recom
mended as being very mild, yet poaU
ilve, in its action, a teaspoonful at
bedtime usually serving to bring an
easy, thorough, natural movement
next morning. This compound la
known as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin
and Is sold by druggists everywhere
for 50c a bottle. A larger bottle, put
up especially for the family medicine
chest costs one dollar.
The use of salts and violent purga
tives and dathartics should be avoid
ed. They are too harsh and drastic,
tending to upset the entire system.
Write to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 203 West
St., Montlcello, 111., for a trial bottla
of his Syrup Pepsin, If you have never
used it He' will be glad to send 1$
without any expense to you. Adv.
He Wore a Wig and the Other Four
Men at the Table W(ere Bald
and Talkative.
In the smoking room of a west
bound -ocean liner two days out from,
an English port five men sat at a
"small game" of poker. When the
chips had been cashed in the men re
tained their places, and presently one
of the party said: "That is tunny;
four bald heads out of a possible
five," and then there was a discussion
as to the causes of baldness, In which
all took part except the unaffllcted
man, who was a good listener for a
while. He then bade the others good
night. When he had gone the young
est of the group, who was less bald
than the others, said: "Do you know
why Mr. Blank made the getaway?
He wears a wig, and is probably aa
bald as any of us." And for the rest
of the journey Mr. Blank's head waa
the object of study at a distance
for he never again appeared In the
smoking room.
He Knew.
"'Where there's a will there's a
way" avers Taylor Holmes, appear
ing in The Million. "The way, how
ever, varies, as in the case of a cer
tain pickpocket who was convicted
and promptly fined.
"The lawyer of the pickpocket took
the fine imposed upon his client very
much to heart
"'Twenty-five dollars!' he expostu
lated. 'Your honor, where is this poor,
unfortunate man to get $25?'
"His bonor did not know, or If he
did he refrained from saying so, but
the prisoner was less discreet.
" 'Just let me out of here for ten or
fifteen minutes,' he said, 'and IH
show you?"' Young's Magazine.
Joke on His Clerical Brother.
Two brothers named Chalmers, one
a minister and the other a physician,
lived together In a western town. One
day a man called at the house and
asked for Mr. Chalmers. The physi
cian, who answered the door, replied:
"I am he."
"You've changed considerably since
I last heard you preach," said the
man, who appeared greatly aston
ished. "Oh, It's my brother you want to
see; he preaches and I practice."
End of Famous Vessel.
The Fox, the vessel in which the 1
late Sir Leopold McCllntock made his
discovery of the fate of . Sir John
Franklin and his companions, has beea
wrecked on the Greenland coast In
recent years she has been employed
by the Danish Greenland authorities
on coastal trips.
Always the Way.
"Do you think a woman can keep
a secret?"
"No; she always tries to syndicate
If Judge.
Rural Fate.
"Sims never made a big bit Ha
lust ploughed his way along." ,
"What a harrowing life!"
Don't let a lazy
liver put you in a
rut" Make it ao
tivekeep the bowels
open, the appetite p
keen and the diges
tion normal by the
U daily use of