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r i THE EADE COUNTY MEW X vs.,,. VOLUME XIII. MEADE, KANSAS. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1912. MBER 43. M t. Y H. J. SLOSS Rep. 122nd Dist. II. J Sloss, has, signed state ment No. (1) pledging: bis vote in the legislature to the candi date for United States Senator receiving- the higheat popular vote at the general election to be held Nov. 5th, 1912. In case II. J. Sloss is elected as your repre sentative he will carry out his pledge and vote for either Thompson or Stubbs, the one receiving the highest number of votes at the general election. Has the Socialist or Bull Moose candidates for. representatives signe.d statement No. (1)? "Be sure you arc right" (vote a straight Democaatic ticket) "and then go ahead." Married Last Sunday morning, at the borne of J. H. Randolph Mr. Lloyd C. Ogle, of Penalosa Kan sas and Miss Nellie Thompson of Lakeland Kansas, were unit ed in marriage by Judge Ran dolph. Only the immediate rel atives were present. . Miss Thompson is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Tbomp son.of Lakeland Kansas. She was one of Meade county's suc cessful teachers. She is a most esteemable young, has a host of friends in Meade and is well liked by all who know her. Mr. Ogle is a prosperous young man and highly respect ed wherever he is known. Mr. and Mrs. Ogld left on No. 2 for Kansas City and other points for a short wedding trip, after which thev will return to Penalosa Kansas to reside. The News extends congratu lations to these young people and wishes them oceans of suc cess. The state needs a Governor and a good one. Elect Geo. H. Hodges. A. F. Gorman and wife were Meade visitors Friday and Saturday. "V- O T 33 For United States Senator WILLIAM H.THOMPSON X Democratic Candidate And the People's Choice Against Stubbs, the Millionaire Candidate JUDCE THOMPSON STANDS FOR Progressive Democracy, Highest Official Service, Best Interests of Kansas. SOME REASONS WHY THE PEOPLE SHOULD FAVOR JUDGE THOMPSON'S CANDIDACY: BECAUSE Is', He It a Progressive Democrat of the strongest type, and ha the unqualified endorsement of the three greatest Democratic leaders. 2d. The President and House will undoubtedly be Democratic, and It Is essential that the Senate should be also. 3d. He Is young, er.ergctic, fearless and aggressive, and can accom plish wbat he proposes. 4th. He has alwaya "ilADE GOOD," and has never violated a single oflicial trust or confluence of the people. ' 5tb. ' He Is the choice of the plain, common people Is a man of moderate means, and his heart beat In perfect unison with the pulse of the people. 6th. Tbl Is the first chance the people of Western Kansas have ever had to secure this importanfrrfflce, particularly valuable to tbem at this time when so much it desired in national legislation to secure a greater development of this section of the state. If the people or Wes tern Kansas will simply stand together, an 4 not only vote for Judge -Thompson direct, but also for that candidate for state representative tod senator favorable to his candidacy, they cm elect a "abort raas" man. TOM NOVINGER Com. 3rd Disf T. B. Novinger, democratic candidate for Com missioner from the 3rd District is a man whom the people can well trust to man age the business affaias of Meade County. Tom is an old timer who knows from personal ex perience what is to endure the hardships of pioneer life. He knows,! as everybody knows, that taxes are too highland if elected he vjeconomize all along the line, to the end that expenses may be kept to the very lowest limit consistent with good busi ness management. He is a man of considerable experience, un doubted integrity and unques tioned judgment. - If elected Commissioner his constituents may rest assured that no- money will be expended through any act of his -without just compen sation to the County, nor unless such expenditure is necessary for the welfare of the County. He has seryed as Township Trustee to the entire satisfac tion of the people of his township and four years ago was a candi date for County Commissioner, being defeated by F. M. Paul by a majority of only one, and this too in face of the fact that he a was afflicted with typhoid fever during the campaign and was unable to see any of the voters, and that his opponent was con sidered the strongest man the republicans could bring out. A vote for'Tom Novinger will be a vote for the best interests of the tax payers of Meade County. Wm H. Thompson for U- S. Senator, the people's friend The Farmers Iustitute will be in session on Saturday November 9th. President R. W. Camp bell, urges that every resident in the county who possibly can be in attendance. Bring samp lesof your corn, kaffir and milo. The success of the meeting will depend upon the co-operation of the people. Do your share to boost the Farmers Institute. PEARL WOOD SMITH Co. Superintendent Pearl Wood Smith, Candidate for County Superintendent does not have to import foreign recom mendations for political effect. She holds a first grade certificate required by the laws of the state of Kansas, making her eligible to superintend public schools in the state of Kansas should she be chosen for such position by the qualified voters in the Coun ty in which she resides. She has resided in Meade County for over twenty years we now ask the voters of Meade county to choose between the two candi dates whether you wish to vote for the one coming before you with foreign recommendations, or the one that holds, and is ready and willing to show you a first grade certificate which is the best evidence of her splendid qualifications required by the laws of Kansas. Mrs. Smith is a daughter of J. M. Wood, one of Meade county's oldest set tlers. She has been making her campaign entirely upon her own merits, and has made no attack whatsoever upon her opponent, has not even mentioned his name in any of her campaign literature or otherwise. Her qualifications for the office she seeks could not be better, her woik as a teacher cannot be question, in rural and graded schools alike, she has always given satisfaction she is a teacher whom the board, scholars, and parents always "want back." Do not fail to cast yo.ur vote for Pearl Wood Smith. America has no more brill iant man than Woodrow Wil son. Elect him for president. To the Voters of Meade County: In this my last letter to the voters of this county. I shall endeavor to call your attention to a few very important facts. Do you know that in this toun ty about 85 per cent of the teach ers are ladies? Do you know that in this state about 50 per cent of our Super intendents are ladies? Do you know that our adjoin ing counties, Clark, Ford, Gray, and Seward, all have lady Super intendents? Do you know that in the his tory of this county there have been but four men Superintend ents? Do, you know that the last man who ever held this office was de feated by a lady for his second term? (An almost impossible undertaking in this county.) Do you know that the best records we have in this office were made by a lady? I ask your earnest considera tion of these facts as gathered from the records of this county and if after due consideration you can concientiously give me your support at the coming election, I assure you it will be greatly appreciated. Very Respectfully, Pearl Wood Smith. Advertisement Geo A. Neeley has made good Re-elect him to Congress Geo. T. Pitts, of Wellington, Kansas, was in Meade Monday. Mrs. Pitts is a son-in-law of Z. B.. Ragland and came to take him back to Wellington, where be says Mr. Ragland will be wel come to stay as long as be likes. J. H. RANDOLPH Probate Judge J. II. Randolph, Democratic candidate for Prabate Judge asks your support on his past record as Probate Judge of Meade County in faithfully per forming the duties of the office in which you have elected him to. He is not appealing to the sympathies of the voters, or com ing to you with foreign recom mendations. The office of Pro bate Judge is being handled by a capable and faithful man which is very essential to the people of Meade County. Geo H. Hodges forGovernor promises to reduce taxation by curtailing unnecessary expenses A Last Word About Probate Judge I learn that a story is being circulated to the effect that I am well fixed financailly, that I am the owner of lands, moneys, notes, mortgages and other securities, and that my oppon ent, besides being a cripple is a poor man and needs the office' in order to help him to a living, and that on account of this story considerable sympathy is being worked up for Mr. Paden.' f,v" Now the facts are that I do not own a foot of land, outside of my home in Meade, but Mr. Paden does: I have no horses, cattle or o.her live sAock, and Mr. Paden has. I have practi cally no income aside from my office. As to the matter of world ly goods Mr. Paden is probably better off than I am. I ain not making a poverty plea, nor asking the support of anyone through sympathy, but make these statements simply to correct the erroneous idea that some people have conceived as a result of the story referred to. While I deplore, as much as anyone' can, the unfortunate phy sical condition of Mr. Paden, I do not believe that physical dis ability nor financial adversity should be a political asset, but oelieve that all officers should be chosen on their merits. Mr. Paden admits that he will not make a better officer than I have made, so why risk a change? If you believe that Count offices are not charitable institu tions, if you believe I have made a good Probate Judge, if you are satisfied to let well enough alone, I ask, and will appreciate your support next Tuesday. Very truly yours, J. II. Randoi.i-h. Advertisement Geo A. Neeley for Congress The man who does things that will live in history. Last Friday was another big Democratic Day in Meade, and enthusiasm was notlacking. To the music of the Meade band the crowd gathered at the opera house where Hon. Thomas II. Gresham, delivered a very able address. The county candidates were present and helped make the meeting a success. A lack of space prevents our going more into detail regarding the after noon's program, more than to ay that it was a dandy and the Democrats received additional assurance of a sweeping Demo cratic victory on next Tuesday. Thomas R. Marshall for Vice President. JOHNCORDES Com. 2nd Dist. John Cordes, Democratic can didate for County Commissioner of the 2nd district is well known to the people of Meade County. John will receive the hearty sup port of the voters of his Dist. on Nov. 5th. Mr. Cordes is a Progressive Democrat. He has lived in Meade county for nearly twenty-eigljt years and knows something of the hardships and privations which the eaily set tlers have undergone in laying the foundation upon which the prosperity of the county now rests. He remained with Meade county when times were hardest and the future prospects looked gloomiest. He is one of the heaviest tax-payers in Odee township. He believes in guard ing against un-necessary 'bills and m keeping expenses as low as good business judgment will permit. If there is a candidate in the field any more deserving of your vote, or any better quali fied to fill the office he is seeking than John Cordes, let him come forward. Wm H. Thompson, for U. S. Senator, the candidate who tells the people where hestands Car of Poultry F. VV. Heller, of the,, Meade Poultry Co. shipped a carload of poultry to San Francisco, Cali fornia. Mr. Heller is conduct ingan up-to-date poultry busi ness and pays the highest mar ket price for all kinds of poultry. The car was loaded , on Tuesday and left Meade. Wednesday. It will be opened at various points oq the way at which places poul try will be .sold. v Mr. Heller expects to enlarge the poultry as fast as patronage will permit. A carload of turk eys will be shipped aboutJNovem ber20. ' ' Elect the whole Democratic ticket and make life worth liv ing. Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Beutler who live south of Meade, were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs II. II. Butler, last Sat- urday and Sunday. r Democratic Nomi nee and Progress ive Candidate For Senator, 37th District ELIJAH H. HURD f i k " ' ' i ' , j A . . i r ! i i 'V . I , ' - y I - TOM MARTIN For Sheriff Thos. Martin Democratic Candidate for re-election to the office of sheriff has made Meade County the most faithful and ef ficient officer we have had for years. The voters of Meade County know how to select the best qualified people for the dif ferent offices and will prove to Tom, their appeeciation of his valued" services on Nov. 5th. Wm. H. Thompson candi date for U. S. Senator has al ways made good. Sheriff Martin Talks Dear Mr. Voter: You mav thlak that because I have not been around to see you that I am not interested in your suff rage, but such is not the case. I have been so busy performing the duties of my office that I have not had time to do much campaigning. The office of sheriff is one, which if properly filled leaves but little time to do anything else, and I would rath er have it said that I put in my time during my term of office in earning my salary than in work ing for a Becond term. However I am a candidate for a second term and I want to be elected. There is an accepted custom to give a man a' second term in office always, provided he bfis made gctfd. 'I have tifd to make good. I have tried' to do it with as little noise and fuss and with as little expense to the County as possible. How well I have succeeded it is up to you to say. If you think I have made a satisiactory sherilt it is your duty to vote for me for another term. If you think I have failed to make good it is your duty to turn me down, I will be very much pleased to have your re commendation and commenda tion expressed by way of your votes on election day, and assure you, one and all that I will ap preciate your support, and if a majority of you think I am en titled to another term I will do my best to see that you never regret the confidence you impose in me. v ery truly vours, Thos. Martin. Advertisement Geo A. Neeley for Congress- the old Veterans friend. I wish to announce that as a candidate for the State Senate I will during my Senatorial teim, if elected, work for, and help in every honorable way I can in the making into law of the progressive plank's of all political parties of this state as the same were in substance adopted by' the party councils of said parties and whiqh may be rat ified by the voters of this district at the election NOVEMBER 5,1912. Elijah H. Hukd Coldwater, Kansas J