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The Chanute times. [volume] (Chanute, Kan.) 1897-1913, October 15, 1897, Image 5

Image and text provided by Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS

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$1.00 PER YEAR.
Local News.
Subscribe for the Times.
Len Barber has returned from Mis
souri. Doll Wlltse, of Vilas, was In town
C. E. Alexander, of Urbana, was in
town Monday.
Mrs. Art Gilchrist visted relatives
at Erie Sunday.
A. D. Mathias, of Thayer, was in
town Wednesday.
Dr.G. II. Brown made his usual trip
to Erie Wednesday.
The people who have telephone?,
claim they are o. k,
See the ad of D. E. McClelland & Co.
in another column.
Grade Cakds for country schools,
for sale at this office.
Capt.G. W. Johnston Sundayed with
relatives in Pittsburg.
G. W. Farrelly has been on the sick
list, but is improving.
Mrs. S. A. Wlckard is entertaining
a sister from Oklahoma.
C. II. Carter, of Vilas, was in town
on business Wednesday.
Senator Forney, of Sumner county
was in town yesterday.
John F, Roe of tljc Blade, was at
Erie Tuesday afternoon.
Don't forget the bean supper at
Earlton tomorrow night.
Chas. Foetisch, of Earlton, was in
town a short time Monday.
II. G. Lowrance, of Thayer, was In
town yesterday and called.
MM. Geo. flaston, of Erie, is visit
ing friends in town this week.
Editor Allison is at Leavenworth
this week on official business,
W. II. Fowell went to Crawford
county on business yesterday.
Bo9cherfc& Williams will move Into
their new building next week.
J. W. Arthur Is attending the reur.j
Ion at Leavenworth this week.
II. P, Farrolly attended the fcbpo
crat rally at Benedict Tuesday.
Mrs. W. II. Latim'er is visiting her
sister, Mrs. A. Barttey of second ward.
Report cornea that the pop gather
ing at Betwdlct Tuesday was a flzjle,
C. R. Snyder and wife of Biertha,
Visited friends in town over Sunday.
Jno. S. Gilmore, of Fredonla, editot
of the Citizen, was in town Saturday.
D. E. McClelland left Tor Missotii?.,
Tuesday to close a large real "estate
Mrs. Dundee, .of Molinre, 'was the
guest of Mrs. LeMasters Ihe first of
the week.
J. W. Lowey has removed his tin
shop to his new bfilldlng next to the
opera house
Miss Ltoie Ke'iter returned Monday
from a pleasant visit with relatives at
Leaven wortfrv
A nilmtieT of Wilson county soldiers
went sp to Leavenworth Monday to
attend the reunion.
We would be glad if our Turkey
'Creek correspondent would call in and
see ns when in town.
R. J. Barkley has just finished a
Very fine board walk about his premis
es on west Second street.
T,. V. FulKhum, of Fredonla, was in
town Wednesday on business for the
Deming Investment Co.
T .rJ. Binning, Wm Hanson and B.
Henenfent of Colfax township were In
town on business Monday.
Miss Ora Baker went down to Wal
nut Wednesday, where she will spend
the winter with, relatives.
Beatty & Nash will move their real
estate office to the Chanute National
Bank building about the 20th Inst.
Mr. and Mrs.Chas. Hutchinson took
In the Topeka festivities and visited
Ottawa friends before returning nome
rant. Rralnard was in .town again
Saturday. Mr. Braiuard contemplates
buying property and moving to ona
Work is Drocressing nicely on the
sewer and before a great while Cha
nute will have drainage for its gar
D. L. Houston and P.. N. Allen,
Erie Tuesday, attending the
meeting of the republican central
A fine shower fell Sunday forenoon
and another the same night. They
served to cool the atmosphere some
what and also to help growing wheat.
In another column will be found the
official statements of the Chanute
State Bank and the Bank of Com
merce. Both of these banks arc in
a flourishing condition.
The city council met in adjourned
spsinn at citv hall Saturday night
The regular monthly batch of bills
were allowed. Councilman 1. D. iso-
Rrhertof the first ward offered his
resignation giving as cause that he
would soon remove to tne lourtu
See the new ad of Volk & Miller in
another column.
Mrs. Ally Dickinson, senior vice
president, Kansas Division W. R. C.
and Mrs. Cap. Harmon arc attending
the soldier's reunion at Leavenworth
this week.
M. T. Peterson, of Neodesha, pass
ed through town Tuesday, enroute for
Humboldt to attend the grand lodge,
A. II. T. A., which met at that place
this week.
The Bank of Commerce has put in
some very fine railing and otherwise
Improved its appearance. Cashier, J.
L. Lyen believes !n keeping up with
the procession.
Dr. Edwards, Alex Baird, S C.
Brown, Dora Herod, F. M. Dawdy and
others went up to Humboldt Wednes
day to attend the state meeting of
the A. H. T. A.
Take a look at Chanute's bank state
ments. Never in the history of the
town was there so much money on de
posit as at present. Kansas is all
right and Chanute is all right.
Tlie S. of V.'s and L. A. S., held an
open meeting Monday nigh to which
they invited the different soldier
organizations of the town. A splen
did program wa? given.
The Bank of Commerce, publishes
their last call statement in this issue,
which shows a reserve of 73 J per cent
of cash on hand. This bank always
makes good statements. 4
Preston Campbell, of Rest, was in
town Wednesday fixing up his resi
dence property somewhat. Mr. C.
will remove with. his. family to this
f ity about the first of November.
Mr. J. D. Hildebrand and Mrs. Ida
B. McCracked were married at Augus
ta the 12th inst. Rev. Dr. Carr of
thlscity officiating. Mr. Hildebrand
and his bride arrived in town Wednes
day. AJawycr Sent the following words
of consolation to the widow of an edi
tor: "I cannot tell how pained I was
to hear that your husband had gone
to heaven; We were bosom friends
and it grieves me much to think th?.t
we shall never meet again." Ex.
Quilt number of M. W. A., from
Humboldt, Altoona and surrounding
tH)intry, came in Monday night and
assisted the M, W. A., of this place to
initiate some candidates-. We noticed
from Altoona, Sam Tjiarnder. Arthur
Richardson, Mr. Sfcaftbrd and others.
There are m'ott dwelling houses in
course of instruction in Chanute
than any V&her town in southern Kan
sas. Wr population is increasing
raWftty and our citizens all appear to
hive work, but would it not be wise
o make an effort along the line of
eettine some manufactories to locate
here so as to guarantee regular em
ployment for our population and for
many more who desire to locate here.
We need a flour mill, a canning fac
tory, an ice plant and many other in
dustries. Why not make a united
effort to get one or all of the above
named plants here before spring?
Lets organize a commercial club and
get after them.
Ringling Bros.' famous World's
Greatest Shows will exhibit in Cha-
nnte Monday, Oct. 25. The event will
be an Interesting one, not only because
of the popularity of this wonderful
amusement institution, but also be
cause the present season marks a dis
tinct era in the growth of this biggest
of biff shows. Since last season the
paraphornalia of the show has been
entirely reconstructed, while the en
tire exhibition has been so vastly en
larged that it is now fully twice as
large as during the season of 1896.
There are twice as many elephants;
twice as many railroad cars; twice as
many people; twice as many perform
ers; twice as much seating capacity;
twice as many arenic spaces; twice as
much space on the huge hippodrome
course for theexclting racing contests,
and twice as many of the great and
distinctive features which have hith
erto given Ringling Bros.' famous cir
cus its superb individuality. It is
evident that such an enormous en
largement of an exhibition, already
vastly larger and better than its con
temporaries, must have entailed the
expenditure of a princly sum, and It is
not a surprise to learn that the actual
capital invested in Ringling Bros.'
World's Greatest Shows this season Is
over $3,700,000. This, moreover, com
prebends only a portion of the outlay,
for the daily cost of operating this
stupendous institution averages $7,400
an aggregate of over $1,200,000. The
most interpid riders; the most grace
allv athletic acrobats; the most start
ling mid-air evolutionists; the most
wondrously trained animales, embrac
ing 23 reasonendowed elephants a
happy family of wisest pachyderms,
ranging from the tiniest of baby ele
phants to the largest of living beasts;
the most beautiful animal in all crea
tion, a pure white elephant; the most
massively gorgeous dens and cages of
rare wild beasts, in countless num
bers and endless variety; and over all
the largest, the longest, the highest
canvas pavilions ever constructed;
absolutely waterproof, and affording
vast areas for the exhibition or the
zoologlc, ethnic, equine and gymnic
wonders of the great show.
Mrs. John M. Cooper died in Man
hattan, Kansas, October 10, 1897, at
the age of 27 years, 2 months, and 23
days. The funeral services were con
ducted at the home of her mother,
Mrs. Anna L. Boman, of this city
Wednesday, Rev. G. W. Stafford offi
ciating. The remains were interred in
Elmwood cemetery.
Mrs. Cooper, whose maiden name
was Lillle May tBoman was born In
Indiana, August 7, 1870. She witli
her parents, moved to Kansas in 1881
On Thanksgiving Day, November
1895, she was united In marriage to
John M.Cooper, who now, with his
little daughter Ruth.and the mother,
brother and two sisters are left to
mourn their irrepairable loss. Earth
is the poorer, but Heaven the richer
by her transition.
If you want a first cliiss photograph,
go to Jones in Lindsay block. tf.
Turkey Creek.
Monday, October 11. We had a very
pleasant shower yesterday that did
away with the dust.
Uncle JohnnyJWinnell is fomeb2tter
at this writing.
Johnny Cassinghan is herding cattle
for Grandpa Midcap.
Elva and BIrt Poppino went over to
see Com. Pat Mitchel, Sunday the 9th
Miss Susie Brickler, of Wichita, is
visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs.Mar-
tin Clatfelter.
Miss Amandy Johnson, of Buffalo,
is visiting her sister, Mrs, Arthur Ea
gles at present.
John Lynch is at his father's home
north of Chanute. Mr. Lynch is not
expected to live,
Mrs Albert Ewen and Mrs. Noah
Clemmens visited with Mrs. J no.IIark
ncss last Wednesday.
Two small houses in Chanute to
trade for a farm, and a fine stock farm
to trade for inside Chanute property.
Apply at this office. tf .
Light shower Saturday night.
Stock Water is getting scarce in this
Elva and Ora Poppino returned
from Sumner county last week.
Mrs. McAtee am! Mts.Maclary visit
ed at Mr. Irwin's yesterday afternoon.
Misses Ada and Gussie Bertram were
the guests of Miss Nellie Pullen Sun
Mrs. M. D. McAtee and daughter
Miss Mary, spent Sunday with rela
tives in Cedar Valley,
Rural school is dismissed until
Thursday of this week on account of
the death of Mr. Boman's sister.
Some farmers have begun heading
their caffer corn, which in spite of the
dry weather has proven to be a fair
We have on hand a lot of Neosho
and Wilson county maps, they sell
ordinarily for $3.50; subscribers to the
Times get them for $1.00 each.
Wednesday Oct. 13. 97. Mr. Crock
ran and Guy Medford attended the
Lacen Bros' sale last Wednesday.
Bert Wimans is quite sick.
Frank Hanks is remodling his barn.
Grant Hanillne Is building a new
Billle and Bricker, of Earlton, was
In our neighborhood last week.
Mr. Orput, of Kansas City, is visit
ing his sister, Mrs. A. Medford.-
Ralpoh and Butler, of Centervllle,
spent Sunday afternoon in Austin.
Jesse Parsons was In our city last
week, looking after his political
The home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Cowan was the scene of a very pleas
ant surprise last Thursday night.
The gathering was in honor of Mrs.
Cowan's birthday and all had a good
time. She has the best wishes of her
many friends.
School chalk, three boxes for twenty
vefl cents at ITardesty Drug Co. tf
Shaw. .
Wednesday, October 13. Jake Glass
went to Erie Saturday.
C. R. Fanati is quite sick this week
F.J. Paulstring begun-school at
South Valley Monday.
Our school beganMonday with W.
II. Waggoner as teacher.
Walter Knetzer went to Severy last
week to work on the steel gang.
Joe Waggoner fell from a wagon and
sprained his arm one day this week.
Mrs. J. C. Colaw went to Lansing
Saturday to visit her father. J. B. El-
I have purchased theRustler 2nd hand
store and will continue the business
at the old stand. All kinds of second
hand goods bought, sold and exchang
ed. J. F. Tomlinson. 45-tf
Township Notice.
There will be a regular meeting of
the Township Board of Tioga-tp., at
the Township House in said township
on Monday, Oct. 25, 97. All persons
having claims against said township
will pleas present them at that time.
S. E. Beach, Trustee. 3tf.
See Dawdy 's fine sewing machine for
$22.50 spoi cash. tf.
Wilson County Teachers Meeting.
High school room," Benedict, Kas.
Satur lay, October 16th, 1897., (1:00 p,
m. sharp.)
Prayer, G. K. Bideau.
Song, Association.
Minutes of previous meeting.
Song, LaE'ontaineViuartet.
Reaiing How to Teach It Miss
Fannie Butts. Discussion, Miss Clare
Loether and Wm. II. Martin.
Solo, A. I. Decker.
Nature Work Mrs. Winnie Morri
son. Discussion, Misses Allie Teter
and Mary Babb.
Recitation, Pearl Killion.
County High School II. II. Peyton
Discussion, F. N. Howell, G. C. Lines
and C. E. Kessling
Song, Association.
Roll call.
All patrons and pupils that can do
so are invited to attend.
W. G. Fixk, President.
Ella Sheedy, Secretary.
The merchants of Chanute are not
complaining of hard times. Chanute's
merchants know the value of adver
tising and are bringing in customers
from many miles distance. The facts
are that you can afford to come a great
distance to trade with men who car
ry large stocks and do a big business
on a close margin.
Boschert & Williams will ex
change all school books used
in Kansas. tf
Doctors report business in their line
extremely dull.
We want your young and old
chickens Tuesday, Oct. 26. tf.
BtooMHEAR?, Wright & Co.
Howard Jones makes all kinds of
A. II. Turner Is very busy inter
viewing the farmers on the broom
corn question,
Money! Moneyl Money!
If you wish to borrow moneyonreal
estate security, see L. II. Johnson &
Son before making application else
where. Office in Gray'a harness shop,
Lindsay block, Chanute, Kansas. 42tf-
John Gray is one of the busiest men
id town and has one of the best har
ness shops in Kansas.
rtar real estate men are all very
busy showing farms and city property
to eastern investors.
I will make a special run on all
large work from now until holidays.
Picture enlarged in Crayon, Pastelene,
Oil, Pastel, Water Colors and India
Ink, at a very low price and any one
who has a picture they want enlarged
will do well to call on me and get
prices. All work guaranteed. Yours
respectfully. Howakd Jones,
Lindsay Block, (tf) Photographer.
R. Dove, the liveryman has moved
to south main street.
R. M. Cox has been qnite sick for
some days.
$200 Reward.
-On Sunday morning, the 19th inst.,
Jesse Wilkins, living one and one-half
miles south of Vilas, lost his stock
barn by fire. Everything indicates
that it was the work of an incendiary.
Mr. Wilkins offers a reward of $100
for evidence which leads to the arrest
and conviction of the perpetrator
Sub-order No. 141, A. JI. T. A., of
Vilas, also offers $100 reward for the
same, making $200 in all. 1-4
(Vilas, Kansas, Oct. 14, '97.
il, Philip Ware, will notify
the public that I will not stand good
for any store bills, doctor bills or any
business transacted that C. A. Ware,
my wife may incur.
Philip Ware.
T. II. Inman is still improving.
Chas. T. Burch is expected home
from New York in a day or two.
Editor Roe will not move into his
new house until after the election.
J. M. Gentrv sold his fine team of
drivers to Chas. Harkness the first of
the week.
Mr. and Mrs. O. Bonebrake, of
Emporia, are In the city visiting H.
J. Bonebrake and wife.
Prof. Frank Nelson, of LIndsburg
College, will lecture at the M. E.
church next Tuesday night. Admiss
Ion 15c; children 10c.
The Tuesday Reading Club was de
lightfully entertained at the beauti
ful home of Mrs. J. L. Barnes, Tues
day evening. A musical and literajy
program was rendered and thoroughly
enjoyed by the guests.
The gas . main to the waterworks
plant is is all laid and before many
days the plant will be run by heat fur
nished by gas instead of coal.
Tl e popocrats have had public
meetings at a number of places during
the last week and there have been a
number of picnics, but all have been
poorly attended. It is impossible for
farmers to hauljwater for stock and
attend picnics at the fame time, con
sequently they do the sensible thing
In remaining at home and taking care
oftheir stock.
Sm The Mammoth Kacket. mm&K
Men's all wool suits, a splendid fitter and well made.
This suit is guaranteed all wool our prica is only $4.50.
We have men's suits from $1.48 cottonade suit up to
as fine a suit as you can ask for.
Young men's suits from 14 to 19 years, from S1.45 up
to as good a suit as you want.
Children's knee pant suits from 63c up to the nicest
things on the market.
Men's all wool pants, neat and well made, only $1.50
per pair.
We carry as nice a line of men's boys' and youths'
pants as you find in the city.
Our overcoats are now in stock and they are beauties.
Men'sjNo. 901 Rockfod socks, 3 pair for 25c'
Please don't get mixed on these goods as there are nine dif
ferent kinds of the Genuine Nelson Rockford Socks, running
from 101 up to 901, We sell the heaviest and best ones,
viz. No. 901.
the Maijiijiofeh
The Great Department Store.
The lJi)derbUiJers
ai)d lJi)derse))ers
Chanute - Kansas.
H. L. FREEMAN, Owner,
W&s8& The Mammoth Racket mmm
Bank of Commerce,
at Chanute, State of Kansas, at the
Loans and Discounts $ 13,025 62
Overdrafts 158 22
Furniture and Fixtures 447 00
ExpenseAccount 403 42
Cash and Sight Exchange, Legal
Reserve 20,628 80
Total 34,663 16
State of Kansas, County of Neosho, ss.
j L 1 L ' ',V" "r UI "Mlu "an, no solemnly swear mat trie anove statement is true ; tuat
said bank has no liabilities, and is not indorsed on any note or obligation, other than shown on
the above statement, to the best of my knowledge and belief. So help me God.
J. L. LYEN, Cashier.
(SEAL) Subscribed and sworn to me this 11th day of October, . 1 SVt7 .
, Commission expires ou the 24te day of January, 1901.
Correct-Attost : T. C. Jones, Notary Public
B W. Sturdevant, )
S. A. Lyen, V Directors.
J. L. LAen, )
To John Breidanthal, Bank Commissioner. Topeka, Kansas.
T T T T r..l.: :.i l..' 1 1 1
We give the borrower the
any Mortgage Company in Neosho, Wilson, and Allen. Coun
We write our own papers and
office in Chanute, thus saving the expense of a drift every time
, you pay interest.
Your mortgages are never sold to eastern capitalists for a
speculation, but are held as an investment where you can secure
1 a release at any time.
Most important to the borrower. You can pay off your
loan at any interest payment in amounts of $ 100 or any multi
ple thereof, or the ENTIRE loan if you desire, without bonus.
We examine our loans and write the mortgages as soon as
the title is complete. Thus saving your interest from the time
your papers are written until your abstract is completed. Don't
' take competitors' word for our way of doing business, but come
and see us. We defy competitors, and please remember that
! we are the only company that write our own paper in Neosho,
Wilson and Allen counties while our competitors require from
30 to 60 days to close a loan.
EJUiWI t Mm M,kt IhiHIsF IiimIiiiI 3--i"-p
F. A. PEW, I
Nothing but First-Class work done t
-" -
! Opposite Chanute Lumber Co.
close of business on the 5th day of Oct-
Capital Stock paid in t 5,00 B0
Surplus Fund 750, ao
Undivided profits 37 38
Interest 615 19
Exchange 151 40
Individual Deposits 26.052 19-
Time Certificates 2,027 00
Total 34,66 16
, ...... ... ...
lowest rates and better terms than
you pay vo-ui interest at our
frf jMiwi'L j'!iii'L j muni juiniiiRn
3m f f lk j)
' -uin mi 1 U1IIISI1CU

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