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The Chanute times. [volume] (Chanute, Kan.) 1897-1913, March 07, 1913, Image 1

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Uate Hulorlei Afleltlj
$1.00 per m.
VOL. 41: NO. 25
McCune Drug Store, Wall -Paper, House, Barn and Carriage Paints. Phone 828, Street No 111 W. Main
Names and Polling Places-
Same Ones for Spring
At the meeting of the board of
City Commissioners Friday after
noon Mayor Lapham submitted the
following names for Judges and
Clerks for the primary of March n.
For the First Ward; Judges, K zea
Parsons, Clay Dryden, and Leni
Wood, Clerks; George Miller and
Mrs. Letha Hawicins. Fur the
Second Ward; Judges, A. W. He
deen, Chas. Larrick, and S. G.
Isett. Clerks, Guy Jifftrs and Ira
Orr. For the Third Ward; Judges,
Fred Gray, C. P. Swank and M.a.
Zetta Meeker. Uerks; M s
Campbell and Frank Steiumez.
For the Fourth Ward; Judges, W.
J. Flemiug, W. C. Penfield and W.
H. Smith. Clerks, Dean H. Davis
and Mrs. May Shepler. For the
Second Precinct of the Fouith
Ward; Judges, J. S. Hollenshead,
John Hudson and Mrs. Ralph
Keys. Clerks, Mrs. Curtis HuHp
and Ira Hardendorf. For the out
lying districts which vote on the
school board members Judges, J
M. Davis, E. S. Myers and Joe
Plummer. Clerks, E. H. Monteguc
and Chas. Clem. The Polling
places are as follow;:
First Ward Furnitdre store
Hetnck building.
Second Ward Rest Room under
Bank of Commerce.
Third Ward Sample Room back
' of Racket Grocery.
Fourth Ward City Hall.
Fourth Ward, Second Precinct
Butcher shop of W. M. Sharp. ,
Outlying District Townshipjj
"i am looking forward to the time
when all churches of the Protectant
Christian faith will bi united, aad I
do n t think that tlie time is far dis
tent when a united church mill be
realized, and it may came in fcbeaext
ten j ears," says Rev. Harry C. Stagers
pastor of a Kansas City Presbyterian
church. Four of his reasons far so
ibeHevIng are:
"We all agree that there is bat one
religion. That is the faith that is
handed down to us sinee the da of
.Jesus Christ. Protestants are not
divided on the question of the eternal
welfare of souls ,'
"The present separation of the .de
nominations results in coofiuLea io
the unbeliever."
"These are too many churches fat
one conamunity and not enough Con
centration. of labor."
The teak .of bringing- men And
women to Christ is big enough for
.united church. We need to support
.each other is the great cause."
The Band committee have been
bcey for several days canvassing the
Mala street district tor subscriptions
for the support of the hand to be paid
in monthly Installments. J. L. Mor
rison, T. A. Jeffers and Stacy Gordon
compose the committee. They report
that they nave met with good success
being "turned down" in only one or
two instances. Io many cases the
subscription has been Increased and
In a few cases doubled. More money
Is needed this year than last as the
bandmasters salary bas been in
creased to 11200 per year.
Only three new motor car licenses
went out from the city clerks office
daring the month of February. They
were for a new E. M. F. belonging to
A. H. Mullen and two Fords belong
ing to W. S. Barnes and John L.
II. n. McCall, D. M. Kennedy, Win.
Burbee, W. B. Solomon, Ell Leslie,
and Chas, Rumbley are the
names of the candidates for school
hoard that have been tiled with City
Clerk George T. Atuvx. A petition
rr (J. K. Eklund was tiled but wan
later withdrawn, Voters at the Pri
mary will vote for three of the tlx
A small blaze in the jewelry store
of W. C. W. Kuehner was discov
ered about 9:15 Saturday evening.
The fire department was called and
the fire extinguished by the use of
chemicals. The fire had gained
little headway but the whole store
was badly smoked and was the
greatest cause of damage.
A fire of hedge wood was burning
in the back of the store and it is
supposed some sparks popped out
and landed in a broom that was sat
urated with floor oil. Dry cheese'
cloth and paper caught from that
and blazed up in what promised to
be a bad fire for a few miuutes.
The funeral services of Mrs. L H
Thompson were held Sunday after
noon from the home 40? North Ever
ureen by Rev. J. R. McFaddn, pa
lor of the Methodist church at two
thirty. Intermeut was made to
Eltnwood ceme ery.
Mr. and Mrs Thompson moved
fn m Iowa nearly nine years ego to
Chanute. Up until a number id
months ago Mrs. Thompson bad been
to unusually good health.
The committee of ten east to whom
tue choice of school wnldincs who
eft held a meeting Misnday and de
'Cided that the Senior High School
should be the one erected on the
Pioneer site. The Senior High
school in casts the (bonds carry will
be erected on the present High scnoi I
cite at a cost not ta exceed tortj-Hve
thousand dollars. Ct is likely that
the present hitch school bulldln, or a
oar., of it at least will be repaired and
refurnished for a gymnasium.
A deal bas just been conttumated
whereby J. W. Phillips & Son have
taken over the stuck and fixtures of
tne Ilosbaw Drgtore. Dr. II as ha
expects to itfxe his at
tention exclusively to his practice.
While the definite arcangenients have
not been completediit 4s probable that
the drug stock will 'be enlarged and
placed in the caonr .now occupied by
the Phillips Jewelry store, The two
lines of business will fee conducted
ifrom the same store.
6001 SAS wen
A good gas well was brought In
Mosday on the Curtis and Kaoey
lease east of the river. Tbe well Is
claimed to be a two and a half mil
lion producer. This Is well number
2. Well number 1 was also a good
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Appletrad were
given a complete surprise oo Monday
afternoon by a number of friends,
Mr. and Mrs. Appletrad wilt move to
their new home this week. Tbe
ladles enjoyed the afternoon socially.
At five o'clock a delicious luncheon
was served after which the crowd left
wishing them happiness and pros
perity in their new home. Those
present were Meedames n. L. Synder,
B. Prather, W. J. Aller, J. N. Hill,
Viva Blazler, Julia Exum, Clara
Noble, J. W. Wright, W. H, Deen,
a V. Sullivan, II. Frye and mother,
Misses Elsie Eernen, Pearl Cresey
and Wilma Deen.
Charles Gallgher has returned from
a years stay in Mexico.
Mens Names Number 2382
Women's J 689 Primary
March 11th.
The registration . books for the
primary March nth closed Fri.
night at ten o'clock with a total on
names 407 1. This is an extremely
heavy registration. The bocks are
closed now from Fri. night until
after the primary and then they are
open again ten days before the next
election. The registration by
wards was:
First Ward, men 311 women 224
Second Warmen 589, women 391;
Third Ward, men 519, women 37 ;
Fourth Ward, first precinct, mtn
687, women 522; Four h Ward,
fifth precinct, men 286, women 183
On Saturday evening the Santa Fe
Reading Ko jm Entertainment Bureau
furnished the railroad employees and I
olben a very pleasing entertainment)
by the Unity concert and Dramatic
company. A ubod siizi crowd was
la attendance and seemed well pleased
with the entertainment which con
sisted of plauo solos, vocal music,
readings sn1 a popular lecture in
"The Care of the Teeth," by a bona
Hda dentist, Dr. Florence Atkloson,
Tne company which Is ct mposed of
six members has Its headquarters in
Chicago but are now making a tou
of the Santa Fe system.
The State Manual Training School
of Pittsburg which last year pres
anted the opera, "The Chimes
Normandy," bera under the auspices
of the Senior Class of the Chanute
High School, will return this year
with their oners, "Bimlrrfe. The
elans however, Is not backing tbe
production financially.' The Normal
Glee Club will stap ( It here on their
way tron loi where tifcey produce
their stow ou Ttwrsday olght. They
will stage their opera 'fcere 00 Friday
nigat, Mar. JW at the Hetrlck. There
is a cast of Jstxteen principals, fifty
la tbe chorus and a twelve piece
orchestra, Tbey ewvj a car of scen
ery for the staging Of tbe play and
this Is tbe work ff the manual train
irjgdetpiTtsneot o? the school. Tbe
tour of the glee club ibis year
will Include the (owns of Iola, Cha
nute. Independence and possibly Erie.
However the stage facilities at Erie
are barfly such as will warrant the
production of a flay with such a large
cast. Several familiar names from
tbe "Ohlmos t Normandy" cast ap
pear (a the cast for "Ermlnie.'
L'oyd Mldeap f Chanute who is 1
student at tbe Normal Is a member
of the chorus.
According to the report of the
schools handed in to Supt. Hughes
the attendance and the percentage of
attendance has been increasing each
month for the past four years.
that is the attendance in Feb
ruary is better than at any time dur
lng the last four years during that
a com enrollment or ib63 was
shown, while for the last year the
enrollment was but 1803, a gain of 160.
The average dally attendance for last
year was 1708 for this year 1894, a
gain of 125. The percentage of at
tendance was 06.11 for this February
and 95.66 for February of last year.
Mrs, A. B. Armstrong and daughter
Roxy left tbe middle part of tbe
week for their home in Trlnadad,
Colo , after a short visit with friends
here. They wllfhe joined there by
Mr. Armstrong who is employed as
Santa Fe engineer. They have a
host of friends who wish them much
success in their home.
Miss Jessie Spenser of Fredonla
was In town Saturday on business.
Aunt Sue is Given Title Over
All Candidates Would Use
Police Authority
Auut Sue Hudkins is without a
doubt the busiest woman in town,
There is apparently no limit to her three out uf towo guests and honary
dctiv'ty. Tred or not she goes on members tbe fun of the eveniDg be
her energetic way with out faltering gan. T. A. Cordrey and F. L. lJ,net
and bright and early next morning of Parsons and J, l. Stryker of Fre
after a busy day is ready for a don la were the out ( town gursis.
counterpart of the day before.
A few of the incidents that go to
make up the life of Aunt Sue may
be shown by a few of the things
happening in an average day.
Early in the morning there was a
family washing to be done. Low
nas pressure made it an unusually
loiia task. A trip to town must be
made to purchase and send some
clothes away and then dinner is to
be gotten for husband. This is in-
terrupted by , coup,e of jong dis
,ance leiephone cans from a nejgh.
boring t0WQ gskig ,hat she pre
vent a girl and young woman from slated of five minute talks by repre
leaving Chanute. A message had sentai Ives of the candidates, running
just been received that one of her and withdrawn for Chanute Mayor
poor friends was very sick and for this year. Each gave their
wanted "Aunt Sue" at once. She reasons for being a candidate for
makes the trip to the station and Mayor, or their reasons for with
settles the first matter satisfactorily drawing from the race,
sending, the girls to their hemes, John Lapham was represented by
again all the better for the care of T R. Evans, Walter Clover by T. R.
Mrs. Hudkins. And now is on her j0Qn8, James Young by Jas. Reld, J.
way again to her sick friend where l, Morrison by Judge Finley, J. M.
he brought comfort and cheer, and Massey by T- F. Morrison and D. W.
not forgetting the material things Matsler wac epresented by Flelcher
they need, went armed with a few McClary.
MAiKf.a'f.AA I T m M aAoln Kitt V.I, r
dened this time with a number of
soiled garments which she set to
work to wash. A churning must
be done then and the dishes washed;
the house set to rights, and again a
meal cooked for herself and husband,
with the prospect of another tele
phone call or so before her. And
it is just an ordinary day for her. 1
When asked "Aren't you tired?"
"Well, yes, but really I haven't
time to he "
Mr. Hudkins is the first woman 1
of Chanute to be Rive the star of a
Police Matron. Her fame has
reached even so far as Arizona and
she has received inquiries from
there as to her duties, her pay and
the sice of her star.
"Yes, I would ke arrests, says,
Aunt Sue, "Or at (east I would try
if I taw something that should be
attended to and mo one else. was
near, the one thing above all
others for which I would show my
authority is this; if I should see
young men and young women, boys
and girls drifting into evil ways,
1 am more interested in seeing
girls live good clean lives than in
any other phase of life."
The High school teams of the Cba
oute High school expect to go to In
dependence Friday evening to win
back If possible on the Independence
boys who were victorious over the
Chanute five last Friday night, This
will be the third time that the Cha
nute basket ball five have met Inde
pendence this season and have lost
both games. But tbey are taking
heart from the fact that Iola beat
Parsons on Friday evening, and In
dependence on Saturday evening by
10 points. Iola bas beaten Chanute
but by only two points and Chanute
bas won from Lawrence, a team that
defeated Iola. Tbe dope is some
what mixed but if Chanute can hold
Independence's classy center down,
tbey have a good chance of winning
from the Montgomery county team.
W. E, LoDg will go along to act as
rereree. The regular teams will be
lined up for the contest.
Temple Johnson of Crowder, Okla.,
Is visiting friends here for a few days
Mr. Johnson was formerly employed
In the Santa Fe offices here.
The Saturday nightclub held their
regular annual Stag banquet on Sat'
urday night at tbe Oriental hotel.
After the very appetizing batquet
bad been prtaken of hy the sixieen
members, sixteen guests and the
E. E. Kelly of Toronto wa9 also ex
pected but failed to strive.
A program was given which con
sisted of talks on the following sub
jects: "Irish Stew" T. A. Oordrey.
"The Bee that (langs Around the
Hive Doesn't get the Iloney" J L.
"The Lowly Onlou" Judge Finlcy,
"The Farm Adviser" S J. U 11 ley.
The Toast, "To the Saturday
Njght (jlub"-S. C. Brown,
The Mayoralty Symposium" was
tho next on tne pr0(jram an() c,ja.
Tbe Saturday Night Club's next
banquet will be given in April, and
to this the wives an 1 friends of the
membere are invited. -
Twenty seven births have been re
ported to City Clerk Amyx during
tbe month of February, Ot these
,twe,ve nave oeen
, flfteeD Dy9
girl babies and
The number ot deaths for February
although high, does not equal by
seven tbe number of births. Twenty
deaths have been reported to City
Cleric Amyx and of these nine are
males, and eleven females. Of the
twenty, fifteenjwere over fifty years of
age at the time of the death, and
one was eighty-Ave. Only two
aeatns occurred wueo tne aee was
under two years.
Miss Nina Tully of Kansas City Is
the guest of her sister, Mrs. Blthel
Alher Wilson and wife of Osron,
Colo., are visiting Mrs. E. T. Smith
and family.
Miss McLaughlin, who has been the
guest of W. F. Sams and family has
returned to her home in Iodepen
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Elliott and
daughter Genevive went to Iola Tues
day afternoon to attend the meeting
of the Sons and Daughters of Justice.
Nettie Wickstrom has returned to
Baldwin to resume her work at Baker
university after a few days visit with
her parents John Wickstrom and wife.
Mrs. A. C Caylor and daughter
Jane arrived from St. Joseph, Mo.,
Tuesday night to make their home
Mrs. T. T. Cotter has returned to
Yates Center after a few days visit
with Boy Isbam and wife.
Father P. Nagle was an Iola pas
senger Tuesday afternoon.
L. F. Palmer ef Eansas City, field
manager of the Stoddard library, Is
here calling on our literary people.
F. L. Pi net, Supt. of Schools at
Parsons visited In Chanute over Sat
urday and Sunday, and attended tbe
meeting of the Saturday nightclub.
Chanute Business Men Favor
it Also-Old Road Has.
Two Jogs in it.
J. B. Clouse one of the general'
merchants of Stark, Kansas as
written to some of the business mer
of Chanute asking their co-operation
in getting the route of the
proposed county road east from
Chanute changed from the present
route to a more direct one.
At present the road is proposed
to be improved by the county irs
the way of drainage, culverts and
the like. It has two iozs ia Jr.
one ol which will have to r.niaiB
or have another road cut as the
road has never been opened on that
par:;cu'ar line. If the roac3
does not jog this half mile sontb
it comes almost directly throngb
Stark. Mt. Clouse reprtscnts
the merchants of Stark, who ac
knowledge that the Chanute stores
carry a cless of goods that they
themselves cannot afLrd to carry
and that they would be glad to have
that class come to Chanute rather
than go to the north or soutb.
The extra distance forpeeple in
that community if the r jad j -g,s a
a half mMe w'll add considerable
distance to the trip to Chanute and
back. They also point oiaS ta
there will be ex'n distaste to socncT
money on. The road has been:,
proposed by the County Coronais-.
sioners but the Stark people want,
the Chanute Boosters to take 'he.,
matter up with thenu
S. J. Bailey, President' of' tbe
Chanute Commercial Club has re
pressed himself in favor of a direct
route as he thinks it is of more
benefit to a greater number of
people. Dan Bloomhearf, wLo isi
well acquainted with the Uni) iia
that section of the countryexpre$sess
himself as being in favor ol patting"
a new road through directly con
tinueing with the East River icati
out of Chanute, In order to do
this a right of way would have tc
be obtained, either by condemna
tion proceedings or otherwise-.
However he says that if this is ncn
decided to be practical the road he
is in favor of is the one that i2
bring more people to Chanute an5
give more people the benefit of the
good road that this county road)
will be. The direct route would
pass through the middle of Grant
Township. If the . road is pot
through it is expected that it will
be kept in excellent condition.
Drainage is the first matter tbat
will be attended to and that is one
thing that all experts agree on
that drainage is of the first and
pnmay importance in the making
of a good roadway.
An Informal meeting of the Pao
Argonic club was held Monday even
ing at the home of Harry Stockman
Guests of the club were the wives and
girl friends of tbe members.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Devlne, 21 S
West Second Street, a girt, Saturday
Thomas Yordrey was up from Par
sons Saturday to attend the meeting
of the Saturday nlgbt club.
Miss Alma Weeden of Savonbarg
has returned home after ylsltfnga few
days with Selma Benson,
Mrs. Theodore Campbell of Tufca
came op Monday to visit Louts Stein-
brook and family.
Miss Pearl Bicknell returned Men-
day from a weeks' visit in Thayer
with her sister. '

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