tSlijlIviRGINIAW.dOHNSON. 1 Tnsernational Press Assm V! 5C CHAPTER I. (Continued.) The fragment of conversation, audi ble to the new comers, appeared to disturb the old man. lie abandoned his hold on the stalwart arm which had served him on the path, and groped for the gate. Ilia features twitched convulsively, and the look of furtive distrust doepened in his rest less eye-' "Rich!" he repeated, as if speaking to himself. "Why should Dolores wish, for wealth? Ahl Poor child!" He stared at his companion ab stractedly for a moment, and then pushed open the door in the wall. Under ordinary circumstances the officer would have pursued his way, thus evading all expressions - of gratitude on the part of the old man's family, but the laugh of the girl Dolores, floating out on the sunny air, had bewitched his ear. The sailor on shore wished to see her. Accord ingly, he followed his recently help less charge, who appeared to be more discountenanced than gratified by the measure. A girl, small, slender, and very young, stood beside a fountain in the middle of the space of garden, with the branches of an orange tree, laden with blossoms and fruit, brushing her shoulder. A young man lingered opposite, gaz 'jff intently at her. The garden was full of flowers, un trained and luxuriant in growth, yet such life, bloom and sweetness as he spot could Luaat belonged to Dolores, glowing on her flimsy red and yellow gown, adjusted with a certain grace by means of a crimson sash confining the little waist, the rose fastened in her black hair above one tiny ear, and 'the softly rounded brown face, with two large and limpid eyes. At the moment she was a presence full of vivacity and gaiety. And the young man, tall, olive hued, grave in bearing and in dolent of movement who was he? Was he not a lover? Did not the mas culine instinct of hostility, ever ready to flame in the breast of man under similar circumstances, swiftly supple ment in that of Lieut Curzon rival? . The house differed from those mansions of modest dimensions often to be found in the locality, built of stone, with an occasional balcony, and even some curious effect of liarocco ornamentation in the heads of Nereids and Centaurs carved on the cornice. This habitation was an ancient square tower, resembling an old Norman keep the base of roughly-hewn stone, and filled in with rubble. Above the door was an armorial shield sculptured in stone, with the nearly effaced de sign of a crane bearing a blade of wheat in his beak. Like the casas solares of similar spots, a lack of re pair and the ravages of years were clearly discernible in the structure, which had not attained any height, as if an original project of building had been checked before the completion of parapet Who had designed the tower Moor, Spaniard, Sicilian or French conqueror? Why hnd the task been abandoned? The girl Dolores lived here, as a rose blooms where grim sentinels should keep watch for an invading foe. A do?, resembling a ball of white floss silk, and scarcely larger than the toy animals mounted on wheels of shop windows, announced the new arrivals with shrill barking, then prudently re treated behind his mistress, and peered forth from the folds of her dress with a miniature countenance full of canine wisdom and absurdly shaved in the semblance of a military mustache - Dolores turned her head quickly, with a rapid change of expression to one of surprise, and sprang to the side of the old man. "Grandpa! How pale you are! Has an accident happened?" she inquired in English, and speaking with affection ate concern. Lieut Curzon lifted his cap court eously, thereby revealing his golden curls, and apologized for the intrusion of his presence. Dolores regarded him with her dark eyes diluting, and her color ebbing and deepening with rapid pulsations of emotion. She reminded the sailor of a pome granate blossom, such as he had seen ripening to perfection on the terraces of Grenada and Seville. He accepted her faltered thanks with the more complacency that the opportunity was afforded him of studying the purity of her profile, the piquant carves of red lips and dimpled shin, the symmetry of slender hands and feet He asked himself with awakening interest how this Spanish maiden happened to be dwelling with an English grandfather in the mixed population of Malta. Dolores nrged the stranger to accept m chair and be served with fruit and wine. Was the irirl inspired by the innate instincts of gratitude and hospi tality, or mere coquetry! At the same time she bade Dr. Busatti, with a little inflection of authority In her tone, test her grandfather's pulse and as certain if he were stronger once more. The doctor, whose aquiline features had darkened ominously since the un expected intrusion of the handsome officer, found means of speedy re prisal. "The fainting fit was nothing," he said, touching the wrist of the old man lightly with his long and sallow fingers. "Nothing at all!" echoed the patient, pettishly. ''You must show the young man yonder some of your treasures," added the Maltese, lowering his voice. "He doubtless has a sufficiently heavy purse to pay a just price for a Cinerary urn, a good specimen of Tharros glass, or " "Or a Greco-Phflcnician medal," added the old man, eagerly.' His eyes began to glisten with a greedy light; he raised his head and looked at the visitor with an expres sion of kindling animation. "Eli! I know!" he ejaculated sud denly, and shuffled into the house. Dr. Busatti observed the effect of his words, while plucking a leaf from the orange tree. The thin and acid vintage proffered by Hebe on this occasion may have been true nectar of the gods to the re cipient "You have lived here for some time?" Lieut Curzon ventured to inquire, sip ping his wine and continuing to look at Dolores. "Malta is my home," she replied, with one of those sudden and dazzling smiles peculiar to the Latin races, which revealed pearly teeth. "Our isl and is the flower of the world, Forio del Monda" "I begin to believe it," he said, medi tatively. "You have not always believed so?" she questioned archly. "Not until this hour," was the de cisive response. The rosy glow deepened in the girl's cheek. , Dr. Busatti thrust the orange leaf between his thin lips, and flecked the surface of the fountain basin gently with a twig. Lieut Curzon was conscious that his heart throbbed more qulcky beneath his uniform. Dolores stood betweon these two young men, her brown face softening to a dreamy expression, the full lips losing their provoking curves, the gaze of the limpid eyes straying wist fully beyond her companions toward space, the infinite and vague. What were her thoughts? Alas! At this moment the grand father approached, prompted by the wily suggestion of Dr. Busatti, and placed on the table some specimens of the relics of the locality, a vase in which the Maltese kept the Fungo Maltese; several bronze and copper statuettes of idols; and a number of clay or jasper talismen, inscribed with sacred Phoenician characters on one surface. These objects, much worn, cracked, and dilapidated, evidently inspired the possessor with an interest he would fain impart to the visitor. LIEI7T. CtmZON EXAMINED TI1R KKLICS. The mobile countenance of Dolores clouded, and she frowned. Lieut. Curzon examined the relics, and listened attentively to the gar rulous speech of the old man. The reveries of the previous moment were rudely dispelled. Dolores caught up her little dog Florio, placed him on her shoulder, and whispered treasonable confidences to the woolly pate pressed closely against her cheek. Youthful indigna tion and mortification at the course pursued by her venerable relative lent an additional brilliancy to her beauty. Doctor Busatti . smiled faintly, and gazed into the stagnant depths of the fountain. Cupid is apt to take wing when prosaic barter intrudes on the scene as an unwelcome third presence. He had thus his revenge. "Your collection is interesting, only I am awfully ignor ant about such matters," said the officer, with easy good humor. "Perhaps you will kindly teach me something more of the Greeks and Phoenicians another day." He stole a glance at the grand daughter as he uttered these words. The old man blinked. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. "Here is a rare medallion, if yon wish to secure such a souvenir," he re joined, curtly. "It Is worth a great deal of money, but you may have it humph! under the circumstances, for, say, a couple of sovereigns." "Grandpapa!" implored Dolores, in an undertone. The warm blood mounted to the girl's temples and she stamped one lit tle foo on the ground with an Irre-1 pressible movement of anger. Dr. Busatti became absorbingly in terested in the orange tree, and touched a golden ball pendant among the glossy leaves without plucking the fruit Lieut Curzon's Hp curled involun tarily. He took the medal, which was bronze, representing Astarte on one side and three sprigs of grain on the reverse, emblematio of the fertility of the island of Malta. "I should like to send this medallion to England," he asserted, after a pause, with assumed fervor of en thusiasm. "And this gold Lamina!" added the grandfather, eagerly receiving the coin of payment in his shriveled palm. "I found it myself near the Grand Port " "I hope the gentleman does not con sider us too ungrateful," interposed Dolores, with a sorrowful and de preciating dignity, which was sot un becoming to her dimpled youth. "We do not forget the service he has done us in helping grandpapa home from the temple." The old man looked at her with an irascible impatience, resenting frivol ous interruption. "Your grandpapa mutt be very clever," said the ofiicer, thrusting the medal into his pocket, with every ap pearance of rejoicing in its possession, and rising to depart ' 'Either the old beggar is poor, or he is fond of money," was his mental ad dition of decision. "Would you accept Florio?" sug gested the girl, holding the little bundle of canine life toward him, with a graceful gesture of deprecating submission. Lieut Curzon shook his head, caressed the tiny animal, without accepting the gift, and replied "Thanks. Flor'o would be sorry to exchange masters and knock about on shipboard. " Forio cowered back in the arms of Dolores, inexpressibly relieved by the decision. "I should like a Maltese rose," supplemented the visitor, glancing at the bud in the girl's black tresses. "No flower is sweeter." She detached the rose and gave it to him. Her face had cleared once more, and gratitude beamed on her stormy brow. "Farewell!" said the blue eyes of the young Englishman. "Farewell!" replied the dark eyes of Dolores, a flash of mockery gleam ing in their liquid denths. Lieut Curzon had scarcely quitted the boundary limit of the garden when he was joined by Dr. Busatti. "You are returning to Valletta?" he inferred, bowing courteously. "Per mit me to show you a better path." "Thanks," assented the officer in a somewhat dry tone. The two young men walked on to gether. The Englishman, with an in herent sentiment of national super iority, found the Maltese tall, thin and slightly cadaverous, with a cer tain resemblance to plants which have grown up in tho shade of a damp palace wall, or lu a church cloister. The bearing of Dr. Busatti was in offensive, even ingratiating. His te nacious pride in his nativo island be came speedily apparent in the desul tory conversation which ensued. He spoke of historical sites with enthu siasm. He dwelt no less warmly on the delicious oranges and apricots ripened here to send all over Europe; the cauliflowers, so superior in size and flavor to those of Italy, Holland, or the Island of Cyprus; the delicacy of the artichoke, pea, and bean, in perpetual supply for the need of man. Lieut Curzon, in rueful remem brance of tough beef and mutton, as well as of months of sirocco, lent an abstracted ear and monosyllabio as sent Then the other adroitly men tioned tho persons just quitted, the eccentric grandfather and the maiden Dolores. The old man, long a resident of Malta, was afflicted with a malady of the heart of which he was ignorant, and should thoreforo avoid all excitement while he appeared to be consumed by a restless fever of agi tation, wearing alike to mind und body. A similarity of tastes in study had led to an acquaintance between the father of Dr. Busatti and the Eng lishman, whoso name was Jacob Deal try. Under the circumstances, it was to bo expected that all means of sell ing the little objects (for the most part worthless) which he picked up should be eagerly embraced. Jacob Dealtry was poor, and possibly a struggle for mere existence induced the restless ness cf temperament characteristic of him. Such was the volunteered explana tion of Giovanni Battista Busatti. Tho town gained, the young men separated, with mutual coolness of civility. Dr. Busatti was convinced that the officer had placed the rose given to him by Dolores in his pocUelbook, as he did not wear it in his button-hole. "May San Gregorio confound all Englishmen!" muttered the Maltese as he pursued his way. As for Lieut Curzon, dislike of the native, whose thin lips, in smiling, re vealed long teeth, unpleasantly dis colored by the use of tobacco, led to the reflection ' Dolores, poor girl, may be left alone in the world at any time. She would be quite thrown away on this fellow. The cad! I am' sure he is in love with her." (to be continued. A Search for TrMMnn. Little Johnny I've got on my rub ber boots. Little Tommy So've L Little Johnny Have yeh? Let's go hunt for a puddle. Heloua, Mont, is 4,?00 feet above the sea and has an average of 260 sunshiny days every yea Sugar employs 20,000 Hawaiian!. The people of Great Britain consume less tobacco per head than those of any other civilized country only 23 ounces to the inhabitant. British savants say the Influenza mi srobes breed for their world-circling journey of destruction in the big, bare, cold churches of Russia. The College of Physicians and Sur geons has received from the Vander bilt family and from Nr. Sloan since 1884 gifts amounting to 13,270,000. Elbert, the center of tho French woolen manufacture, is so well-off that it has abolished nearly all Its town taxes, and now petitions the govern ment for leave to do away with the octroi, the duty on provisions entering the town. In France, a very good gas is made from the fatty material contained in the soapsuds, after washing wools and The wash water of a woolen mill with 20,000 spindles will annually yield enough of this substanco to produce 1,- 100,000 feet of gas. A new imitation of gold is made of 04 parts of copper and six of antimony, with a little magnesium and carbonate of lime added while It is melted. It is said that it preserves its color, is an almost exact imitation of gold and that it costs only a shilling a pound to make it A Russian Church, to be known as kha Church of St Nicholas, is to be opened in New York city shortly after Easter. Prince Cantacuzene, tue kus sian Minister to the United States, is one of the trustees. Deafnees Can Not be Cored by local applications, as they can not reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure Deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its nor mal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine coses out of ten are caused by catarrh, wulcb Is notmng but an In flamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrc Cure. Bend for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY, Toledo, O. t3T" Sold by Droeeists, 76o. Hall's Family Pills, 25a Mexico produces anything that can be raised in any other country. Sova ried is tho climate that in the same State can be raised any product of the tropics and of the polar regions. Cot ton, wheat, rje, silver, silk, cocoanuts, bananas, rice, cocoa, vanilla, logwood, mahogany, hides and wine are the principal products. The yearly production of peanuts In this country is about 88.000,000 pounds Virginia, Georgia, Tennessee and North Carolina harvesting the most, in the order named. But, after all, the A uerican crop of peanuts is small com pared with that of Africa, which in 1892 shipped 400,000,000 pounds of pea nuts to Europe. Notloa. Drs. IT. IT. Green & Sons of Atlanta. Ga., are the greatest dropsy specialists In the world Cure mure patients than the entire army of physicians scattered over this beautiful land of ours. A val uable discovery ouislde any medical book or published opinion. A purely vegetable preparation. Removes all dropsical symptoms rapidly. Ten days' treatment mailed to every sufferer, bee advertisement In other column. Spelling Ten Tear Hence. Teacher Spell "laws." Pupil L-o-z, loz. Teacher Spell "paws." Pupil P-o-z, poz Teacher Spell "cause " Pupil C-o-z, coz. Tern-her Spell "legislature" and rive definition. l upil Can't be spelled, but it's a clic of barbarism. The Malucca Islands have a combln id area of 24,000 square miles, a little nore than Ohio. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and Improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly usea. The muny. who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, 8yrop of Fit'- Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative; effectually cleansing the system, Jispelllng colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It bis given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable sultance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drag gists in 50c and $1 bottles, bat it Is man ufactured by the California Fig Pyruy Co. only, whose name is prirted on every package, also the name, 8yrup of Figs, and being well informed, vou will not itft?nt any substitute if offered. IOYAL BAKING POWDER1 r I '- w-r I received the highest award at the U. S. , Gov't official investigation, and at all the Great International Expositions and World's Fairs wherever exhibited in competition with others. It makes the finest, lightest, sweetest, most wholesome bread, cake and pastry. More economical than any other leaven ing agent. I 5 I ROYAL BAKINO POWDER CO., Idaho Is twice as large as Arkansas. Sumatra is nearly as large as Cali fornia. Pitt had a fiery red face and a terri ble scowl. Napoleon III, had a dull, almost stupid face. He generally seemed half asleep. The Duke of Wellington has a great Roman nose and a stern, forbidding face. Germany, with 211,000 square miles, is almost the combined size of Nevada und Colorado. Mexico has an area of 751,000 square miles, or nearly one-fourth that of the United States, After six years' Buttering, I was cured by Piso's Cure. Mahit Thompsos. 2tJ Ohio Ave., Allegheny, Pa., March 19, '04. Montenegr" having 3,800 square miles is almost ex i tly three times the size of Rhode Inland. Paganini looked like a caricature of a man, so thin was he, with every feat ure exaggerated. Short Journeye on Long- Road Is the characteristic title ol a profusely illustrated book containing over one hundred pages of charmingly written descriptions of summer res rts in the county north and west ol Chlcapo. The rending matter is new, the illustrations are new, and the information therein will be now to almost everyone. A copy of "Short Journeys on a Long Road" will be sent free to anyone who will enclose ten cents (to pay postage) to Geo. H. Heallord, Goneral Passenger 'Knt, Chicago, Milwaukee & Bt. Paul Hallway, Chicago, III. "Hanson's Matgio Cora Salve." Warranted to cme or money refunUed. Atk your drugtflxt fur It. l'rlco 1ft ceitu. Humboldt had a broad, well fed, in tellectual countenance, showed a love for the good things of life. Raphael s face, painted by himself, represents him as a man -v'.th more than ordinary personal atiu'ic'ions. There are alluminlum beer checks FOR ALL THE ILLS THAT (S CURE IS KING Till nisn steei larms with covers, all cat- vanlzed attar completion. in nests of ten. 8 to 1 2 feet high and 30 to 3d Inches In diameter, at 2So. per gallon, They do not rust, shrink, lack, five taste to water, nor allow foreign aub stances to sot In. They can be put In garret or barn ond thus ere protected from freezing. They take no setting, up, are choapor than wood. Tank, suestructurssof ell sizes made to order. 6end for price list and ornamentol wotor supply. . I V V XAEHMOTOR CO.l I ...'t.iuiuuin tub jiob u m . Drdraamr to think hw omitul Um itnaotet Ov. a4 nodtrn windmill butinmf How M bu onop 4im4 ihi tadr Um tt taaufactur btcatst f Ha tdM. tavtoUena, designs, qnJiti u4 pricM, or foierd Umts ill, ths) tttt towsra, txl ao4 toltiouj, titt nlnnis'Rt of wrk ftr ompUUofi, tb frindtr anirifuftl fd. u isjppma irrtfaujif aaa ur fmp. ut bji sum tnlt w M l tt not sxmylar turn far Val ul ih tll ataraff an stock tanks. aVmtaii f ban Mehsd w fMvs bUre4 trxl hrapol II fa t thlnff w ava 4thi hwd im anJ it k -a ntd. W bar tsUMuatd a mn at braocb bMMt, m as to Itiva ail tbs footia ajaar Ums wbo snotlawaa. Tb Aftaotor Co. baa but onm toota atahiboo. it ana ta bvlM anal IH am mn aw baiMint. It baa t act at Ian at ita araatnt loaatio anoeniptad by bsjlldlnn. It as pwU t eo la Jan t tvar tkal t asrraa arub a notl ku.kLa. Tatastsa bib. This will fir It 14 mar acraa at loaf taaea. Tha wbaa tha fruMt aman4 raqsiras) Bar ffo4 lata caa e arods4 wlb ihts addad apaca, it will rtfusa aa titoas! (rtar. ar aaaka aa effort. It anil bavadona Ita shara te iiptv lht f-ajn4. U will lhn tarn away alt nawciarrs. rimrntTTinKiTrrtTTo costiiVi to sipph THI WUaUft W(T TNI faR'al Hit Of ITS WML mr.i ysnuR ktu stprl to no tToci Tiuu .f.l uritmtrm U r. Lmtrc fliu Taxi. .rrr roirtmni, rr wi r TinnTo UK Li, ,rUHIIU!U WITH YHIrTniU, IMlt-H I. flIRS if A tOW mir-L III) il TMI UkTiT RODIL fell sJIK.DEtU.1g Wn fOKPlt i'B WlTIB I PTLf i is the purest and strongest baking powder made. It has 104 WALL ST., NEW-YORK. London has 100,000 night-workers. A London writer estimates that the amount of British capital Invested outside of Great Britain is fully 815,- 000,000,000. ; French Africa comprises a territory of nearly 3,000,000 miles, about the size of the United States. - The immigration from Ireland last, year is the lowest recorded since the collection of returns commenced In' 1851. i Rubinstein wore his hair lu the Bee-I thoven style, which has always been rjomilar anions' pianists. I . i A teleo-mm from New York to Aus tralia has to go nearly 20,000 miles, 15.0U0 of wnlcn are Dy suDmarine ca ble, and it is handled by 15 operators. What an ordinary man eats and the way he eats it would be enough to give dyspepsia to an ostrich unless the os- j trlch were wise enough to as-1 sist ins digestion from time to time with an efficient combination of vegetable ex- Jr 5,prepar&tion Is aDr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. TIiau arm ill nilla Jf . tar excellence M J? Jjefor those who CSt" C&r gonietitnes eat the wrong things and too much. They stimulate action in all of the digestive organs. They stop sour stomach, windy bclchings, heartburn, flatulence and cure constipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, In digestion, sick headache ond kindred derangements. , Onco used they are always in favor. Ely's Cream Balm QUICKLY CUBES It Air m L.u COLDil!EAD Si I Price 50 Owita, 3 Apply Hilm Into eaon noetrll. Eli Buoe., MWerren St., N. V. PAIN CAN BRING Ja, HSU" Ji T. JACOBS OIL Uite vitrj ACHES h EverytJjIrjj. VV. I. Douglas S3 SSIOEriTFORAKJNO. ?3. CORDOVAN, FRENCH I.INAXCUI.OCAU'. 50 Fiur Pn r t IfiNftlMfl ) '3.BJPQLICE,3 SOLES. "' J2.I.7-9 B3YS'SCHMltol 'LADIES SfND TOR CATALOGUE BROCKTOtCMASd. Over toe Million P pit wear the W. L. Doug'as $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory They live ths bet value for the money. They equal cuetoni Shoes In style) and lit. Thdr wearing qualities are unturpaeied. Tha price ire uniform, tamped en toU, From $1 to j saved over other siaket. Ji your dealer cannot supply you we caa. TREATED FREE. Poeltlrely Cured with Vegetable Remedies Hart eared Uiouwndi of csm. Core caaee pro nounced bopeleae by bet. phMlolan. Front drat doe vymptoniedlaappear; la ten dafAetleaaltwo-tblrda all lyaptumi remofed. Send for'ree boos tetUiDO nlala of mlraeuloa enre. Ten dara' treatment free by mall. If Ton order trial aend lOe In sump to pay postate.Da.kl H.OKitM ABN.Atlanta,Oa. It rod order trial return lb la adTertiMaunt to ee PATENTS Tnomae P. Slnrnon, Waablnftoei U.C. No attVa f until Ftf ill o lained. Wrlteforlnveutor'iUuU fiBv"ooeJor wuri earned Stro.aua, orerSldAlnM. P.O. Bqi 1S71, Nw Tor nsrJsiorKiTaaii'fi E'Succeitsfuily Prosecutes Claims. f LatePrlnclpallxaalner U.&PiallM Bureau. hi jn la Wt war. U euju41oailii.elaiiai. atty alace. W. X. C, WICHITA-VOL. 8. KO. 17. Wham Aatwering AdvertlaeaaevU rieae Mrntloa T "Nper. ST