OCR Interpretation

Hutchinson gazette. [volume] (Hutchinson, Kan.) 1895-1902, September 12, 1895, Image 1

Image and text provided by Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85030687/1895-09-12/ed-1/seq-1/

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3 JH j,jtj0
a mi miMiLUtmnnw m iiu.Jiiir-----------"
If you want to buy dry goods, mil
linery, shoes, cloaks, notions, etc. and
not pay 10 to 25 per cent more than
the value of them, then "Martin's" is
the store for your cash. Don't be mis
led by false assertions and be sure you
are in "Martin's,"
Look for the name on front of Store
At 25c Yard.
30 Inch all wool Flannel Suitings in all
At 39c yard
. 54-inch Glendownr suitings in every
imaginable color (all wool.)
At 29c yard
30-inch all wool French Serge elegant
value, all colors and black. J
At 39c yard
40-lnr.h all wool, blue blnci Henrietta
sntiu finish especially good value.
At 45c yard
40-inch Runen and bine black, a!l
wool French 8erge, extra good weight
and weave.
At 5c yard
The best calicos made that yon pay
and 7Jc for elsewhere in Indigoes.
turkey reds, Silver greys and fancies
Cheaper grader at $o and 4e yard.
Hutchinson, Kansas.
M. O. Dept., Attention Strict and Prompt.
Big Four Route
National Convention Knights rf St John,
Eviuyvir.s, lui!., Jnne umi !.
International Conference ICpworth
ChittlHnooga, Tonu., Juno '"t-xo.
Nutiowil Young People's Union,
Boston, Mass., July lo-il.
United Society Christian Endeavor,
Rallimore, Mil.. July 1S-J1.
Knights Templnr Triennial Conclave,
Boston, Mass., August 6-.".0.
O. A. It. ' National Encampment,
Lo::i-vilk, Ky., September 10-11.
Wrlto nvaicrt airiint "Ilipr Four Itoute'' for
routes, rites uml full particulars.
l'as.Tralli Mann. Gen I I'a.s. it Ticket Ant.
310.00 in PRIZES
for feenn county prol notion I will xlv
to (be person or pereotm who will brlnir
ta my store between the dales of August
16th and D winner Ut, the lrnet or tho
following (lesorlhed products raised in
Ktno county, payable in cash :
Largest Ear of Corii, - . $5.00
Largest Apple - - a.50
Largest Sweet Potato - 3.50
At the expiration of the above datca
the priHlnrts will be examined by com
petent and uninterested parties and
prists joa:ly awarded.
Corner Mnln and Sherman Streets,
hctciiisson, . . '. Kansas.
The Wsstern Pacific Tea Co.,
Jo. 6 South Main.
The only exclnslra Tea, CoBee. Baking Powder
aa4 Spice bono la this el'?. A valuable
pratentgtMa wltheneb lb of bakluj powder
Jreah Roasted Coffee 20c per pound,
At 5c yard
28-inch outing rlnnnels in light and
dark giouuds, checks, dots and fuucy
At 5c yard
The best ginghams ever fold for the
money, In apron checks and drees stripes
and plaids.
At 5c yard
82 inch soft finish percale for boys and
ladies' waists and men's shirts extra
At 85c pair
Child's "Young America" school shoes
sole leather tip. inner solea and coun
ters 5 to 8, at 85o pair, 9 to 12 at $1.10,
13 to 2 at $1.25.
At $2.00 pair
Men's calf boots medium we'ght war
ranted all solid extra good value.
We've a secret In our hearts, Sweet Marie,
And a t ile our song Imparts, Sweet Mario,
If you'd ever fairer be
At the Parlor Grocery,
Sweet Muric.
Would yon make your dollars buy, Sweet
Good" tit prices not so bl'h , Sweet M nrif,
Yen moft l uv for cash jour bi:oi!x
Where they keep the choicest fiods,
With ilie savings buy your duds,
tweet Mail
The wido-awake housekeeper has
already learned that she cannot only
net tho very be3t groceries that the
market affords at our store, but that
she Ciin buy them cheaper than any
where else. The money saved by trad
ing with us will buy a pood many dain
ty dressses in the course of a year.
We are now selling:
IB lbs. Crranulated Hiiiiiir ....S
DjiInv Hums, per lb ".
1 In Winnie & pi'sbee linking Powder
Two lbs Full Cream Cheese
Same wholesale, perimnnd
.Incol) l:old, Snprr cured Hani, pjrib.V."
Dry :tlt meat I c II), :i Urn
Hrciikl'at h:icun. per lb '.
Mok.iik:i 1 (illee, pi r piu ktive
rliii kle ( nl!en per package .'.
1 sheets fly n ipcr
!-t Gal SI0110 Fruit Jars, perdu
1 " " "
Qt Tin Fruit funs, per "T.
Three io-ta. cans (limit powdered lye
7 ll'S White Navy lieans
1 ean, Niwloir, hiilmon
i onns, Alaska, Salmon
U runs, Warren. Salmon,
1 11) can beet chip beef
1 ran potted ham
I Citn mackerel
1 oan potted turkey
1 ran potted chicken
1 can deviled tongue
lean deviled ham
1 oan phi-imps -.
1 ca.i k.b!ters
8 cans oil sardine
Cyclone Wiahlnir Finld
ipsekugea Ki.grlne Washing Powder....
7 bars bilk Soap
AJllngton Creamery Butter pir lb
. . . M)
. . . -")
... 10
. I
." fie
. i!I
. 2
. M
. a-'
Big Cut in Prices on
Halstead Flour
Cream of Kantas, per sack f M
Checkmate, per sack 1 (V
Iloaa Patent, per sack I '"
True Grit, per sack 1 1J
And while you aro Riving your
orders you mijiht take a peep at the
Mountain Lions. They are always in
teresting. Winne & Silsbee.
No 22 South Main street, Hutchinson
Telephone 99.
Reno Redeemers Meet in Con
vention And Formulate a Platform. -the
For Free Coinage of Silver Re
sults in a ''
No Attempt Made to Endors.e
the State Administration
Or the Nomination ofDavid Mar.
tin for Chief Justice.
Burns, Yeager, Ragland and Pat
ten the ones to be Slaughtered.
Tho child is born. It i3 not very
healthy, iu fact, it stands on one Jeff.
Theo Lljtkin acted as wet nure and
the Valley State bank is its god-father
and it was christened by Banker Elliott
of Nickerson, and the A. P. At. of this
city. Nothing went as official unless
it bore that stamp and every nomin
ation was dictated by that un-American
The ticket nominated proved the
truthfulness of what this paper had
said "some weeks ago that, the
local redeemers would trade any and
everything for the office of county
treasurer, by the nomination of Cipt
JJurns,coramander-in chief of the Cow
Creek brigade, veterans of '03, for
that office.
The convention met at the Salvation
Army tent and was called to order by
Chairman de Jure A. M. Switzer, but
John Vincent sat directly in front of
him to see that he acted right.
The first contest was over the selec
tion of temporary chairman. The law
ami order fellows nomlnatad Z. L.
Wise, acting county attorney, vice
Fall, who can)t; while the Mayor Vin
cent crowd nominated that prince of
egotism, Dr. Coladay. Geo.
Mitchell, of Abbyvillo, was also
nominated, but declined to let his
uame be used. The vote resulted in
the election of Wise first blood beirg
won by the Jerry Ballanger crowd .
To throw a little sop to the libtrnl
element Elmer May, (son of Doc Jlny)
was chosen for secretary.
Itt-juHer of Deeds JSarrett moved
tliiit a cciiiniittee of iive ba appointed
en credentials. Amended by John
Vincent, that it be increased to seven,
who r.lao moved that 11 ornmiiti'e of
like luimber be appointed 011 rules,
resolutions, order of business and
permanent organization.
Thia brought a country delegate to
his feet who wanted to know, if Vin
cent would act as chairman of the en
tire list of committees. This some
what "rattled'' the chairman, who, :n
fact, hud just returned from Ciipn'.e
Creek, where, since that state has been
redeemed, bull lights are the order of
the day, and was a little oil 011 par
liamentary usages.
Old man "Vinne, of the people, w:i3
on the ll ior in an instau t, it'i 1 tak
ing up where the chairman hail gotten
si uck explained tq his own satis
faction, a:, least, why such a inolion
wa made. After this had gone
throuyh, the real Dght of the conven
tion took place and that was h
choosing delegates to the judicial con
vention. A motion was made to ap
point a committee of seven to prepare
the list. This brought Xeddie, of
IIaes township, to his feet, who
wanted the "comity" increased to one
from tvery voting precinct, This was
opposed by the "cold water" fellows
who feared it would giva Gleason a
chance at them.
The "one from every precinct idea"
the won day.
A recess of 13 minutes was taken so
that the chairman could arrange tre
list for the committees. John JJ. Vin
cent had the list prepared b it as his
man had failed to be chosen it was not
Theo Uotkin, the notorous Judge
whose neck cost the state $."0,0OO to
save, as well as a burnt hand for jus
tice Campbell, was called for. He j
took the platform and while the crowd
was waiting for him to talk, ex
policeman 8ickman, John Robert-, A
M. SvritZT and Chairman Wise were
seeu to gather around him and to th'S
day it is unknown to every one but
them and their God, why he did not
make a speech.
At 12:30 a recess to two o'clock was
taken si that the delegates could get
something to eat and the candi
datesaam count noses.
The afternoon Session was better
attended many populists bein. present
to watch the fun.
The Qrst incident that attracted any
attention was when Doc May carried
up on the staud a large picture of Mc
Kinley, the man who spoke here last
year, and some of bis admirers pro
posed three cheers, but they were very
faintones,the crowd responding, Heed!
Reed! What's the matter with Reed!
Seeing no way to create any enthusi
asm in that way they proceeded to run
up the Salvation Army flag above the
picture. This brought forth a slight
applause as it is patent to every one
thit the republican party and it alone
designed the Hag, and we never had
one until that party came in power.
The 3rd commissioner district con
vention met prior to Jthe re-convening
of the county convention.
Rutledge, of Arlington, Bane of
Walnut, and W. K. Noland were
placed in tomination. The vote re
sulted as follows:
R.itledge 82, J3ane 17, Noland 12.
Rutledge having received a majority
of votes cast was declared the nomi
nee, which means that W. K. No
land must go back to hia farm in
Hayes township, and that the Midland
hotel will loose a boarder.
It was nearly 2:30 when the after
noon session was called to order.
The temporary organization was
made permanent.
The committee on rules and regula
tions recommended that the rules of
the last state leglslatuie be adopted
and that the candidates be nominated
as follows: Sheriff, clerk, treasurer,
register, surveyor and coroner.
The committee on credentials began
a long tedious report, when John J5.
Vincent asked if there wero any con
tests ana being answered ln.the nega
tive moved that the reading of the
report be omitted. This met with fav
or with the aelegates and spectators
All was expec'.ency when the chair
man called for the report of the com
mitteo on resolutions.
Would it endorse the state admin
istration was formoHt in the mind of
everyone present. The second one was,
what will it say on the money question V
A. L. Sponsler, chairman of the com
mitlee stated lie would read the ma
jority report. Is . congratulated
the party 111 Ktnsas for in fi rmei
victories and excellent prospects for
future sucre; charged the demo
cratic party witn stupidity; denounced
l!io foreign and liomest c policy of
'president Cleveland; denounced the
populist party as the ins dions foe of
pr.Mpjrity; e.iillau'. tn dictnns
of protection and denounced the dem
ocratic party as iatd by ttie populists
in its attempts at free trade, and tho
pdiisio 1 policy of Hoke Smith.
The llrfht 1:1 toe commit ee was over 1
the silver plank of which four of tint
seven signed, which is as follows:
We declare ourselves favoiablo to
the full restoration of silver us it ex
isted under the Ir.v.s of this cnuuiry
prior to the act of M.i 1J, 1:7."., pro
vided that it tariff In levied upon lor-
eiun silver in an amount eijiiiil to the
diii'erence between commercial mid j
coin value thereof, and ndheiv to the t
battle-cry of limetalism and protec-j
The minority report wa3 sn'onr.tted !
to Ranker Elliott of Nickerson and is
as follows:
That we the republican party of
Reno county, Kansas, in delegate con -
vention assembled, hereby renew and
reaUirm our alleaience to the princi
ples of the republican parLy as enun-dated-in
the platforms of the last na
tional and state convention.
Resolved, That recent events em
phasize the fact that the prlnc'ples of
the democratic and populist parties
are subsersive (subservient) of the best
interests of the state and nation
Resolved, That we condemn the
policy of Grover Clevelan 1 in surren
dering the United States treasury to a
foreign syndicate.
Resolved, That we condemn in un
measured terms, the actions of Grover
Cleveland e.nd Hoke Sini'h in taking
from the defenders of our country the
pensions granted to them by a grate
ful people.
Jude Rockin championed the cause
of the lakers and in a band stand
play said: "Elect tffat man onder
pointing to McKinley'a picture; and let
every man have a chance to earn a dol
lar and jou will tlnd there is money in
abundance, and besides." said he,
Contlmied a Sth pjs.
The Kallal Stocks
Still the
We are busy all the time.
Everyone talking about the
big $ 1 0,000.00 purchase re
cently made by us.
The bargains don't grow less.
More fuel added to the fire.
Still more to follow.
Just think, all at one-half price.
Laces and embroiderys, Kallal's price 5 to Tic yd
Our Price a 1.2c yd
Ladies' fast black and fancy striped hose, Kallal's price 7c
Our Price 3c pair.
Sateen Windsor Ties, Kallal's price S3 each
Our Price 2 i-ac each.
Blue and Brown Denims. Kallal's price loo yd
Our Price 9c yard
Heavy Twilled Crash Toweling, Kallal's price 5c yd
Our Price 3c yard
Cambric Skirt Lining, Kallal's price 5c yd
Our Price 3c yard
Best Spool Cotton, Brooks and Coats, Kallal's price 4c
Our Price a i-ac each
Men's Extra Heavy Cot .on flannel Drawers, Kallal's price 50o
Our Price 35c pair.
3G in heavy Bleached Muslin, Kallal's price Tc
Our Price 5c yard.
Turkey Red Damask Table Cloth, Kallal's price 23c
Our Price 19c
Men's one-half Hose, Kallal's price 7o -'k4$ji
Our Price a i-ac pair.
Large Size one-half Linen To wells, Kallal's price 81c
':- Our Price 5c each.
1 1 ' - 11 1 v '
Money Saved by Trading Here.
Docherty, Kramer & Thompson,
.The People's
Closing Out at CostI
-tp'.-vj?'igg?i nrr.rrTvirr'.TWtx
Of Boots Shoes anil Oxfords for men, women
is the time to 'ret
liabv shoes, size3 0 to 5, '.Wc a pair.
Cluhl's Spring Heal, 70c, 7.V, $1.00 nnd $1.15
Ladies' Button Shoes, 1.1.'), : l.f.t). -'.Oil, 2 50 and '5.00.
Ladies' Oxford Ties, black and ty, 1.00, 1.15, L.'iO, l. K) and
Bin's Shoes, black nnd tan, l.:!5, 1.10. 1 50 and 1.00, V
Men's C'onaress mid Lace, Sue, 1.00, 1.15, 1.25, 1.50, 1.C0, 1.75 j
2 00. 2.25 and lM.
Men's U ;ot.s, 1.50, 2.00, 2.25, 2.50, .'5.00, 3,50 Calf, Kangaroo j
Calf and Kipp. ?
And many more bargains, but our space is limited. 1
Give us a call mdwc will give you pricesthe same as.'J
tntycostus. , t
j .
1 Q
Wc wish to call your attention to the fact that we aro
making a special price on Tanks for Irrigating and Stock pur
If you arc needing anything in this line call and get prices.
Our Bed Cypress, Tank3 are guaranteed and at prices that
defy competition.
The Hutchinson Planing Mill,
Office and Mill, Sherman Street West.
Topic of day.
Bargain Givers.
and children. Xow
North Main,
is Sesiossiel

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