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I' TH3E iUDVOOA.THi 10 CFFCIAL DI8E0T0RY. NATIONAL FARMERS' ALLIAKOJS AND INDUSTRIAL UKIOlf. PretUent L. L. roLK,Washtorton,p.O. VTmT President H. L. Loucks. Huron, 8. D. 8cretorr..! .. J. n. Turxkr, Washington, D. 0. LecturOT.."."...J. F. Willim, McLouth, Kan. NATIONAL CITIZENS" INDUSTRIAL ALLIANCE. President I.. ..Noah Allen, Wichita, Kan Vice President.. ..E. Gerry Brown, Boston, Maas .JLnnle L. Dlgs, Washing, D. 0. THumr P. B. Maxson, Emporia, Kan Lecturer 8. ZL Snider, Kingman, Kan KANSAS FARMERS' ALLIANCE AND INDUSTRIAL UNION. Prudent W. H. Blddle, Angusta Vtoe mddent Mn. F. B. Victory, Emporia BaCTBton J- B. French, Topeka Treasurer.. A. 0. Easter, Burllngame Lecwrer V V.V..V.........8. M. Scott, McPherson ii?tLoctur8r..Mrs. F. McCormlck, Great Bend PLATFORM Adopted by the State Convention of the People' Party at Wichita. Resolred, That we, the representatives of the People's party of Kansas, in con tention assembled, ratify the Bt. Louis preamble and platform of principles of February 22d, 1892, and reaffirm every sentence and line of the same as fully aa though set out herein, and we only de sire to add to it by epecializin g and emphasizing some of the vital truths therein expressed. Resolved, That we believe all leg islation should be directed to the end of securing to the laborer the full fruits of his toll, and that the betterment of his condition, morally and Intellectually, should be alike purpose of law. We therefore denounce all monopolies of the products of labor, and all monopolies of the soil and other natural resources of the earth, like the minerals and coal, and all elements of nature, like electric ity, by the use of which the human race through labor subsists. Resolved, That we believe that gov ernment only Is good where an Injury to one la the concern of all; that public needs should be supplied by public agencies, and that the people should be served equally and alike; and that among other things the government should pro vide public telephones and telegraph lines, and a postal currency for con venience In transmitting small sums of money, and that as nearly as practicable the mail of all the people be delivered at their homes free. Resolved. That we favor a liberal pen slon law, and a law making good to the old soldiers their loss by reason of pay ment for services In depreciated cur rencv. and that the government issue United States notes, full legal tender, to dav this difference. Resolved, That we condemn the pres ent board of railroad assessors for their action In reducing the valuation of the property of the railroads of the state, whereby the burdens of taxation already Imposed upon the people have been un justly Increased; and we commend the bold stand taken in congress by the sen ators and representatives of the People's D&xtv in their determined fight against monopolistic corporations, and we here by cledee to them our united support, and express our unbounded confidence In their wisdom and ability. Resolved, That we approve the wise said progressive legislation passed by the lower house of the legislature at its last session, and condemn the Republican senators for non-concurrence In the came. And especially do we commend the action of such house in passing a bill pro viding for the weekly payment of wages by all corporate companies, and condemn the senate for defeating the same; and we demand that the next legislature " enact such law. and for the benefit of our xalnori we favor the adoption of J the Missouri screen law as the law of this state. We condemn the betrayal of the prom ises of the Republican party In Its plat form of 1890, by Its representatives In the senate, in defeating by non-action the Australian ballot bill and the bill provid ing for the election of railroad commis sioners by the people, both of which were promised In its platform, and we com mend the action of the People's party representatives In the lower house for redeeming their promises to us. We oommend the People's party repre sentees In the lower house for the pas sage of the bill making Plnkerton's detective system amenable to law; and for the passage of the bill prohibiting the blacklisting and discharging of cor porate employes without an opportunity to be heard In their defense, and we con demn the Republican senate for failing to pass such bills. We also favor just and equitable pen sion laws for the benefit of railroad em ployes who are Injured In the company's service, such pensions to be paid by the companies, and to be a first Hen on their property. We commend the People's party representatives of the lower house at the last session in passing the maxi mum freight rate bill, and condemn the Republican senate for allowing the same to die on Its calendar, confident of the fact that if it had become a law the in terior cities of the state, which are justly complaining of discrimination against them by the railroads in favor of Missouri river points, would find the evil removed, and we pledge the people In city and country to remedy the same by legisla tion. Resolved, That we favor the abolition of the system of pasres In general use by railroad cpmpanles as a species of favor itism dangerous to the freedom of Amer ican sovereignty. We favor the election of United States senators by direct vote of the people, and favor the submission to a vote of the people of Kansas of an amendment to the state constitution pro viding for equal suffrage of all American citizen without regard to sex. Resolved, That, although the People's party of Kansas Is largely composed of farmers, we sympathize with all classes of laborers, and will aid them In their contest for a better system and more equitable division of the profits of their toil, and we invite their co-operation In our warfare agalnt a common enemy. I have a certificate which I find I am unable to use, for a six months course, including board, at a leading Kansas City business college, wmon iwiu otter at a bargain for cash. Address, "Henry," this office. County committeemen of the People's party In counties having Swedish settle ments and who desire the services of Nels Anderson during the campaign, are requested to make application to J. B. French, Topeka, Kan. On receipt of these applications, meetings will be ar ranged as to time, so as to economise in traveling expenses and make the cost upon each county as light aa possible. Campbell University II aa Seventeen De oartments. Including Preparatory School, Business College, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. College of Music and Art, Nor mal Colleee. Schools of Pen Art, Elocu tion and Oratory, Shorthand and Type writing, Telegraphy, etc Independent, non-sectarian. Tuition low. Good hoard tl.50 to $3. If interested, It will pay you well to send for a catalogue. State what you wish to study. Car fare over $4.50 refunded. Address, E.I. Hoskshsl, President, Bolton, Kan. That is not true; It Is a mere after thought While the people had their currency, and before contraction set in, they were out of debt It Is not natural for people to go In debt If they have the moneylo pay, nor did they do so before contraction was Inaugurated by McCul- loch. The people of this country were then out of debt. When they failed to realize upon their investments, when they failed to obtain money, they sub stituted credit for money. But that was all done after contraction began, and I propose to prove that from high authority. Mr. Secretary McCulloch, in his an nual report to congress In 1865, In which he was urging upon congress the adop tion of the contraction scheme, says: The people are now comparatively free from debt. This he gives as a reason why it Is safe to enter upon contraction, that con traction which has ruined and pauper ized one-half of our people. Who can portray the experience and suffering of the American people since that fatal hour? Hoping that the people may arise, and take the government once more into their own hands, and that our civili zation may be made better through our great suffering, I will not trespass fur ther upon the time of the house. Re produced from Iowa Tribune Quarterly. FINANCE THE SUPREME ISSUE. ( Continued from third page.) If you want the best Buy the old, reliable brands, Hnit's, Blool's. Lijpiacott's or Hami's. For tale by all hardware dealers and merchant. D fl C I 1 0 PY WHITJIEH.tONQFaiOW ft TEJW8C1 r 1 1 r 111 A fUurtrated. 3 volume! for oilr 10. I U la 1 41 W f . W. BE3T03, FabUibtr, St. Xm1 gfc SEMI-TROPIC CALIFORNIA. A home seeker's book on seml-troplc lands. ilmate. sell. Industries, products, homesteads and other claims, etc. Invaluable to home seek ers, tourists or capitalists. Illustrated. Price, 26c, postpaid. nCTOBIALAJU.rUB.(JU.,OUliOU18,aiQ. FREE TO T.A.U. flat Colond EngraTlgf howlng Lodg of China Muon at work lao largelllutraUd etwlogu (fall th Maaonle booka and good. bottom pric. Gnat chanrt i' I... A..n. n Ik. .mi. ion. w.rka. KEDpINO CO., Muonic FutlUhr and Mtinufacturari, 131 Broadway, New Yoik. To Regulate the STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS, take Rl PAN S TABULES, SOLD BT DRUGGISTS. S AND FOREST TREES. t For Wlndbreaka. Ornament, etc.. H .V iiardlmt TariatlM Nnrmr rnmmm w Scotch Pin, a to S feet, f 10 pet r 100. Scotch and Austrian Pine seed V Unas. 11 to 15 Inches. 110 per 1000. . Other alses nd wtU la pro- Good local aenrrs Wumn. D. U1LL, Kitrgrsen Specialist, Daadse, IlUioLs. FARMERS OF KANSAS ! INSURE! Your growing crops against LOSS OR DAMAGE BT HAIL COMPANY OF KANSAS. Cost of Insurance can In no ease exceed or. .ml In iiua nf tAtml lnu An crop yon receive jo.wo per aero, k uu Total cost for season of 1891, 17 eenu rsr-For Dartkulars address our local went, oi Mention Advocatjl mcrnerson, Jum. ALLIANCE HEADQUARTERS OCCIDENTAL HOTEL WICHITA, KANSAS, Is Alliance and People's party headquarters. Come and see us when you are In town. We will take good care oi you. E. H. CHAMBERLAIN, Maxagxx. J Whitman's Patont Americus. The Best Cider and Wine Mill made. Will make ao per cent, more cider than any other. Geared outside. Perfectly Adjustable. Prices as low as any first class Mill. Mfrs. of Horse. Powers. Corn Shellers, Feed ft' '9 V ' ' t tuuers eeo jmujs, eic 3 SIZES Whitman Agricultural Co-, ST. LOTIS. HO. TMrealMwst KANSAS I COLORADO I OKLAHOMA TEXASI Now MEXICO! ARIZONA! Unparalleled Resources of Cli mate, Products and Markets. Writs to EDWARD HAREM, Special Immigra tion Agent, SANTA FE ROUTE, 10S0 Unlen Ave., Kansas City, Mo., for latest FREE 'AMPHLETS. In ATCHISON, TOPIKA ft SANTA FSB. K passes through twelve States and Terri tories, and, having so lands of Its own to sell, has no object In unduly advancing the Inter ests of any particular locality, or In giving other tban perfectly reliable Information. Its prosperity being dependent upon the prosperity of the fanners of the Great South west, it Is naturally willing to aid the deserv ing and Industrious Immigrant seeking to es tablish a new home, by giving him all the tacts and data at Its disposal. tt SOLID Iff! THROUGH TRAINS KANSAS CITI AND ST. JOSEPH TO ST. LOUIS, CniCAGO, on&nA, PEoaiA, ST. PAUL AIID DlifflEAPOLIS. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPINO CARS. FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS. ONLY ONE CHANGE OF OAR3 ' TO THE ATLANTIC COAST THE BEST LINE FOR New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, axd all ronrrs 2TOXIT2X AND TTI A fTl'. A. 0, DAWES, tMsrtl Pattsnjsr 'fd, ST. LOUIS, MO.