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TBOE ADVOOATffi 11 PEOPLE'S PARTY NATIONAL PLAT FORM. Assembled upon the one hundred and sixteenth anniversary of the declaration of Independence, the People's party of America, in its first national convention, invoking upon their action the blessing of Almighty God, puts forth, in the name and on behalf of the people of this coun try, the following preamble and declara tion of principles: The conditions which surround us best justify our coopera tion; we meet in the midst of a nation brought to the verge of moral, political and material ruin; corruption dominates the ballot box, legislatures, congress, and touches even the ermine of the bench. The people are demoralized; most of the states have been compelled to isolate voters at polling places to prevent uni versal intimidation or bribery. News papers are largely subsidized or muzzled; public opinion silenced; business pros trated; our homes covered with mort gages; labor Impoverished and land con centrating in the hands of capitalists. Urban workman are denied the right of organization for self-protection; Imported, pauperized labor beats down their wages; a hireling, standing army, unrecognized by our laws, is established to shoot them down and they are rapidly degenerating into European conditions; the fruits of the toil of millions are bodily stolen to build up colossal fortunes for the few, un precedented in the history of mankind, and the possessors of these in turn de spise the republic and endanger liberty; from the same proliflo womt of govern mental injustice, we breed two great classes tramps and millionaires; the na tional power to create money is appro priated to enrich bond-holders; the vast public debt, payable In legal-tender cur rency, has been funded into gold bearin bonds, thereby adding millions to the bur dens of the people; silver, which has been accepted as coin since the dawn of his tory, has been demonetized to add to the purchasing power of gold by decreas ing the value of all forms of property as well as human labor, and the supply of currency is purposely abridged to fatten usurers, bankrupt enterprise and en slave industry; a vast conspiracy against mankind has been organized on the two continents and is rapidly taking posses sion of the world; if not met and over thrown at once It forbodes a terrible social convulsion, the destruction of capitalization or the establishment of ab solute despotism; 'we have witnessed for more than a quarter of a century the struggles of the two great political parties for power and plunder, while grievous wrongs have been'lnfilcted upon the suffering people; we charge that the controlling Influences dominating both these parties have permitted the existing dreadful conditions to develope without Berious effort to prevent or restrain them; neither do they now promise us any sub stantial reform; they have agreed to gether to ignore in the coming campaign every Issue but one; they propose to drown the outcries of the plundered peo ple with the uproar of a sham battle over tariff, so that capital, corporations, na tional banks, trusts, watered stock, de monetization of silver and the oppression of usurers may be all lost light of; they propose to sacrifice our homes, lives and children on the altar of mammon; to destroy the multitude In order to secure corruption funds from millionaires. As sembled on the anniversary of the birth day of the nation, and filled' with the spirit of the grand generation who gstab llshed our independence, we seek to re store the government of the republic to the hands of the "plain people," with which class it originated; we assert our purposes to be Lio-cal irith ths pur poses of the national constitution ; to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for common 'defense, promote general wel fare and secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity; we de clare that this republio can only endure as a free government while built upon the love of the whole people for each other and for the nation; that it cannot be pinned together by the bayonet; that the civil war is over and that every passion and resentment which grew out of it must die with It, and that we must in fact, as we are In name, become a united brotherhood of free men; our country finds Itself confronted by conditions for which there is no'precedentin the world; our annual agricultural productions amount to billions of dollars in value, which must in a few weeks or months be exchanged for billions of dollars worth of commodities of. other productions; the currency supply is wholly in adequate to make this exchange, and the results are falling of prices,' the forma tion of combines and rings and the Im poverishment of the producing class; we pledge ourselves that, If given the power, we will labor to correct these evils by wise and reasonable legislation, in accordance with the terms of our platform; we believe that the powers of government, in other words, of the peo ple, should be expanded (as in case of the postal service) as rapidly and as far as the good Bense of an intelligent people and the teachings of experience shall justify, to the end that oppression, injustice and poverty shall eventually cease in this land. While our sympathies, as the party of reform, are naturally upon the side of every proposition which will tend to make men Intelligent, virtu ous and temperate, we nevertheless re gard these questions, Important as they are, as secondary to the great issues now pressing for solution, and upon which not only our individual prosperity, but the very existence of our free institutions depend; and we ask all men to help us first to determine whether we are to have the republic to administer before we differ as to the conditions upon which it is to be administered; believing that the forces of reform this day organized will never cease to move forward until every wrong Is remedied and lawful rights and equal privileges securely established for all men and women in this country; we declare therefore: First That trie union of the labor forces of the United States, this day con summated, shall be permanent and per petual; may Its spirit come into all hearts for the salvation of mankind. Second Wealth belongs to him who creates it, and every dollar taken from industry without equivalent Is robbery. "If any will not work, neither shall he eat." The interests of rural and civic laborers are the same; their enemies are Identical Third We believe that the time has come when railroad corporations will either own the people or the people must own the railroads, and should the gov ernment enter upon the work of owning and managing any and all railroads, we should favor an amendment to the con stitution by which all persons engaged In government service shall be place under civiLservlce regulations so as to provent an Increase of the power of the national administration by the use of such addi tional government employes. Fourth We demand a national cur rency, safe, sound and flexible, Issued by the general, government only, a legal tender for all debts, public and private, and that without the use of banking cor porations; a just, equitable, efficient means of distribution direct to the peo ple at a tax not to exceed 2 per cent, per annum to be provided as set forth In the sub-treasury plan of the Farmers' Alli ance, or some better system; also by pay ments in the discharge of Its obligations for publio Improvements. We demand the free and unlimited coinage of silver and gold at the legal raio of 16 to 1. We demand that the amount of emulat ing medium be speedily Increased to not less than $50 per capita. We demand a graduated income tax. We believe that the money of the country should be kept as much as possi ble In the hands of the people, and hence we demand that all state andnational revenues shall be limited to the necessary expenses of the government, economically and honestly administered. . ., We demand that postal savings backs be established by the government for the safe deposit of the earnings of the people and to facilitate exchange. Transportation Transportation being a method of exchange and a publio ne cessity, the government should own and operate the railroads In the Interest of the people. The telegraph and telephone, like the postoflice system, being a necessity for the transportation of news, should be owned and operated be the government in the interest of the people. Land Land, including all natural sources of wealth, is the heritage of the people, and should not be monopolized for speculative purposes, and the alien ownership of land should be prohibited. All land now held by railroad and other corporations, in excess of their actual needs, should be reclaimed by the gov ernment and held for actual settlers only. SUPPLEMENTARY BI80LUTI0N8. Whereas, Other questions haying been presented for our consideration, we hereby suomit the following, not as a part of the platform of the People's party but as res olutions expressive of the sentiment of this convention: Resolved, That we demand a free ballot and a fair count in all elections, and pledge ourselves to secure it to every legal voter, without federal intervention, through the adoption by the states of the un pervert ad Australian or seoret ballot system. Rasolved, That the revenue received from a graduated inoome tax should be applied to the reduction of the burden of taxation now resting upon the domestio industries of the country. Resolved, That we pledge our support to fair and liberal pensions to ex-Union sol diers and sailors. Resolved, That we condemn the fallacy of protecting American labor under the present system, which opens our ports to the pauper and criminal classes of the world and crowds out our wags earners, and we denounce the prosent ineffective laws in re gard to contract labor, and demand the further restriction of undesirable imme gration. Resolved, That we cordially sympathize with the efforts of organized workingmen to shorten the hours of labor, and demand a rigid enforcement of the existing eight hour law on government work, and ask that a penalty clause be added to the said law. Resolved, That we regard the mainte nance of the large standing army of mer cenaries known as the Pinkerton system, as a menace to our liberties, and we demand its abolition, and we condemn the recent invasion of the territory of Wyoming by the hired assassins of plutocracy, assisted by federal officials. Resolved, That we commend to the favor able consideration of the people and the re form press the legislative system known as the initiative and referendum. Resolved. Thai we favor a constitutional provision limiting the tenure of offloe of president and vice president to one term, and providing for the election of senators of the United States by direct vote of the people. Resolved, That we oppose any subsidy or national aid to any private corporation, for any purpose y Jj'tfUUUu oujuxs ma. co& tows, aid, t7!XE s M fsor uts ow UlfC IOC W IT FOR TUX IIIMT. 9 1 ) Boji t kOO Imp rat4 OifeH !( V- '" nark, with a mi of lb. lawat lipro4 1 MMcbiiMou rrm. Mcb machine (aamnmd M f "A nn. But dlract from ovr (Mar , ud M.t fcmtr A .-I uotu nntfll. Hand for VKfttC IITALOUCL viotu ira.coar m, dipt b i cuicauo, ill. urr n I. . .'V 1 1 am- ""-Vi.ryKiyg wi ww 11. mi i "i,' w "ii " f ' ' jAf. .- .? Ml. J' I. . n i m I j .iiiii.ii i, p in 'H II pi miiiiii wm tor sal Dairy TtXU, Ttvk Bute, rUektn, ink Put, SalUssaa, s Jars, lit, eta. Summim. LlgtSj tibU. PUIn and Mtmtet. Ilnjl bes.fl till Trls-Krs. Am your dealer tottiX Tha LA1DLAW BALE-TIE CO. MANUFACTURERS OF ADJUSTABLE WIRE BALE-TIE 8. iliaduarf m fcrthli Glass of C::ds WRIT rOIt PRICES Stallsn A. Kansas City, Ifo. Binder a otej MANILLA AND GUARANTEED PURE SISAL Write (or samples and prices if I have not al ready sent them. For probity, prompt new and reliability I refer to every farmer who had dfjallogs with me last year; also to Hide and Leather National Bank, Chicago, and Thi advocatb. JNO. B. MILLEIi, 201 Lake Street, - Chicago, 111. in i i i ii .i ri'ij i - i-' - IF YOU WANT ANYTHING IN THE LINC OF PRINTING, BINDING, STATIONERY, BLANKS, Tovashlp, School District or City SuppllH, KANSAS LAW B00K8, ETC., WHITC TO Geo. W. Crane & Go, 812 Kims Ays., Topeki, Kis. Snd for Catalogue If interested. ,' 1,1 2.1 frf7 A BOOK FOR EVERY UN Only $1.00. Strcnglh I Vitality! lfflS;7TI!YSElF. Or gELF-PKESERVATIOX. A now and only Ool4 Medal PKIZK KM AY on KKKVOU8 and PHYHICAL DEBILITY, KRROR8 of YOUTH, KXFIAUHTKD VITALITY, PRE MATURE DECLINE, and all DISEASES and WEAKNEXKES of MAN. 800 jwiri, doth, ffilt! 125 invaluable urwcrlptioBg. Only $1.00 by nufl, double eealed. Descriptive Protpectna, with endorsement of rnm SFNft the Prwa-and voluntary hit Hi i Snw testimonials of the cured. I HUla NUrft CouaaJtatlon in perron or oy mail. Expert treat ment INVIOLABLE SECRECY and CER TAIN CURE. Address Dr. W. H. Parker, or The Peabody Medical Institute, No. 4 Buiflnch St, Boston, Maea. The Science of Life, or Sdf-Dreecimtlon, to a treasure nor valuable than gold. Read It now, rrerv WEAK and NERVOUH man. andlearn to 00 STRONO.-Jfiica frviev). (Coy Jetted,)