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a THE AJDVOOA.TIS, 13 ATTENTION! People's Party Speakers Please Take Notice. Enterprise, Kan., July 21, 1892. At a meeting of the state central com mlttee, held on the 18th and 19th, It was determined that all speaking done In the state during the coming campaign would be under the management of the state committee, who will establish a lecture bureau, embracing all speakers other than candidates. All speakers in the state or elsewhere who desire to work the coming campaign will please com municate with the undersigned at once giving terms and particular subject which they will discuss, length of time they can devo-e to the campaign In Kan sas, and give references as to their quali fications. Jno. W. Breidenthal, Chairman. All People's party papers of the state please copy. NOTICE. To the Members of the State Central Cora mlttee, the Members of the Conirres slonal Committee, and the Chairmen of all County Central Committees of the Seventh Congressional District. Enterprise, Kan., July 21, 1892 At a meeting of the state central com mlttee, held on the 18 h Inst., the chair man was instructed to call a meeting of the above named in each of the several districts of the state for the purpose of discussing ways and means of con ducting the coming campaign. In ac cordance with these Instructions a meet ing is hereby called at Hutchinson on Monday, August 8th, at 10 o'clock a. m It is Important that every committeeman designated above be present at this meet Ing. If from any cause any member can not attend he will please send a duly authorized proxy. Jno. W. Breidenthal, Chairman State Central Committee. NOTICE. To the Chairmen of the People's Party .County Central Committees of all Coun ties in the Fourth Congressional Dls trict. Enterprise, Kan., July 21, 1892. At a meeting of the state central com mlttee, held on the 18th Inst, the chair man was directed to call a meeting of the chairmen of all county committees members of the state central committee members of the congressional committee In each district In the state for the pur pose of consulting as to the manner of conducting the coming campaign. The congressional committee of the Fourth district was called to meet at Emporia on the evening of the 3rd of August, at which time the chairmen of all county committees in said district are requested and urged to be present. If you cannot attend please send a duly authorized proxy. Jno. W. Breidenthal, Chairman State Central Committee. Papers In th Fourth congressional dis trict please copy. Fourth District Conmlttee Meeting. A meeting of the Fourth congressional district committee of the People's party, will be held at the hall over the Alliance store in Emporia, on the evening of August 3rd. It Is earnestly desired that every member be present. The chair man of the various county central com mittees are requested to attend. Chair man of the state committee will be pres ent W. T. Walters, Chairman. C. A. Yearout, Secretary. Press of Fourth district please copy. J. II. Foucht Will sell you mowing machines for $42; buggy harness for $3; buggies, road wagons, surreys and spring wagons way down. All other goods have been re duced in price. Give me a call and save money. DILATED INFORMATION. John Bobbit, of WInfield, Kan., writes as follows to Father Mclntlre, of the Ar kansas City Democrat. It Is a bit of hu mor which all Kansas Democrats will ap predate: Piab Sib'ano Friend: I a mall broke up on politics. The Demooratio contention at Topeka indorsed the People's party tioket from top to bottom and, after due oonsidera tion, I concluded that it was all right, and that it was the proper thing to do. But after I had hung out my flag for Lewelling and the other fellows evidence began to ac cumulate from Republican sources that the Democratic party had always been a party of principles; that it had been a brave, courageous, patriotic party; and some Re publican papers go so far as to intimate that the Demooratio party was loyal, and that individual Democrats drank very little whiskey, and never did steal a horse. No, never! That we were good readers, and don't stick out our tongues when we write. Now then, can you wonder, that when I find all these virtues ascribed to the Demooratio party by the Republicans of Kansas, whose veracity we (never) doubted, I am discon solatefor having even temporarily aban doned suoh a party, for the purpose of de feating the Republican party, and several of my Republican friends have assured me that they felt just as bad about it as I did However, if the Republicans are defeated. they will have no one to blame but them selves. They should have imparted this in formation to us sooner. They have always contended that we didn't have any prinoi pie, that we were dirty, whiskey Demoorats rebel Democrats; that all Demoorats were not Ihorsethieves, but all horsethieves were Demoorats, and we thought they meant it, But they say they did not mean it at all, that they always knew we were a grand, glorious, patriotio, courageous, loyal party, and had principles. On the first page of this issue Is a cut of the great Stanberry, Mo., Normal BusI ness and Shorthand College, and Schools of Music, Art, Elocution and Telegraphy. This is the school for farmers' sons and daughters. In the last two years it has enrolled students from twenty-seven states and territories, from Canada and from Wales. It Is now closing its elev enth and most prosperous year. The prospects for next year, opening August 30, are even better. Students get good board and tuition for only $2.75 per week They may enter any time and select their own studies, receive private help free, etc., etc The school Is only forty miles from St. Joseph, and many Kansas students attend it yearly. Nearly every member of the faculy was reared on a farm. It has large and fine buildings a strong faculty of thirty specialists, and there are no saloons In the county. Satis faction is guaranteed, and car fare is paid both ways if the president does not do just as he says. Snd for a large, free catalogue to John E. Fesler, president, Stanberry, Mo. Pythian Sisters' Headquarters. During the Knights of Pythias en campment in Kansas City next month spacious room of 15,000 square feet floorage in Bullene, Moore, Emery & Co.'s mammoth store will be official headquar ters for the Pythian sisters. Where Will You Spend Your Vacation ? The Burlington Route has on sale round trip tlcketa at greatly reduced rates to Denver, Colorado Springs, Salt Lake, San Francisco, Portland, Yellow stone Park, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Spirit Lake, the Black Hills, Puget Souno points, and to all touriBta points in Colo rado, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Dakota, Minnesota, Alaska and Califor nia. For rates and further information, address, A. C. Dawes, eneral Passenger and Ticket Agent, SL Louis, Mo. A LARGE, THOROUGH, PROGRESSIVE SCHOOL SUPERIOR INSTRUCTION. muwrira cum uoauiuui Bycvuuoua oi ptiumansuip sent iree by mentioning this paper. Hoard and room, $2.50 per week. Address, 521 and 623 Qulncy Street, TOPEKA, KANSAS. BLOSSOM nocsx. Opposite Union Depot, Kansas Cltv, Mo. The Blossom House is convenient to all parts of the city. Cable cars run In every direction. It is Just across the street from the union depot, just the place to meet your friends. Members of the Alliance make the Blossom Ilouse their headquarters when in the city, and their general place'of meeting when at tending conventions abroad. Marshall Connty Ratification. Jhe People's party central committee of Marshall county has decided to open the campaign by a two days' ratification grove meeting on Tuesday and Wednes day, August 9 and 10. Entertainment for all will be provided, and a grand time is anticipated. The grove Is three miles east from the center of the county, and about equally distant from the railroad stations of Frankfort, Beattie and Home. James Shearer, Jr., Secretary. To Pennsylvanlans. The annual meeting of the Pennsyl vania Settlers' Association of the state of Kansas will be held at the capltol, in the city of Topeka, on Wednesday and Thursday, August 24 and 25, 1802, com mencing at 10 o'clock a, m. of the 21th. A rata of one and one-third fare for the round trip has been secured over all rail roads in this state, and from St Joseph, Mo., and Kansas City, Mo., good from August 22 to 27, when signed by the state secretary after the olose of the meeting. It is desirable thatPennsyl- vanians In 'the several counties of the state effect county organizations and send such delegations as they may desire, no limit being made as to numbers. A meet ing for organizing a society for Shawnee county will be held at the court house In Topeka at 2 o'clock p. m., Saturday, July 30, 1892. Information as to organizing and program can be had by addressing C. P. Bolmar, state secretary, 535 Kan sas avenue, Topeka, Kan. Veterans' Itaturn to Washington The Grand Army encampment at Washington In September will be the occasion of the re-union of thousands of veterans who parted in that city in 1805, after the grand review following the sur render at Appomatoz and the capitula tion of Richmond. Again after a lapse of 27 years, thousands of veterans will march down Pennsylvania avenue to be reviewed again by the president of the United States, members of his cabinet, and other distinguished personages. It will be a spectacle seldom equaled in the magnificence of the display and In the number of men participating. Excur sion tickets to Washington via the Balti more & Ohio railroad will be sold by all the roads in the west at exceedingly low rates. The chief delight of the trip to Washington will be the Journey via the picturesque Baltimore & Ohio, which crosses the Allegheny mountains and for 250 miles traverses territory fraught with the most thrilling Incidents of the war. For more detailed Informa tion as to time of trains, rates and sleep ing car accommodations, apply to L. 8. Allen, Asst. Qen. Passenger Agent, The Rookery, Chicago. Upon application, Chas. O. Scull, Gen. Passenger Agent, Baltimore, Md., will send free of charge handsomely illustrated guide to Wash ington. ST. JOHN'S SCHOOL, Salina,Ks. reasonable. Rt. Kbv. K. 8. Thomas, 8. T. D Ktctor. For circulars and Information address, Waltkr M. Jay, Head Master. largest, Cheapest ui Beit Normal School la til Wart n a (9i iwaniy-nve Lmpi a. jninj ieacnn,au mumiu Nn vni'Htlnn alnant. Aim k'ntu nmw low. PAID. mT text the merlin ol tn etrn itormal OolWn, we will Day your R. R. far from your home to Lincoln, Neb. Full pnrtlralnra, ant loiiuM and oirci. FREE. Wm. If. Croan, mi. Lincoln, Hit. Bit ill WICHITA, KANSAS. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Book-keeping, Shorthand, Telegraphing, Pen manship, Typewriting, and all other business oranches thorougly taught. Graduates secure Hood positions. BOARD, It. 80 PER WEEK. , Send for circulars. Mention Ad vooatb. QALNA NORMAL UNIVERSITY. Jf NOT The LARGEST, Cl ISA I'KST or OLDEST SCHOOL of the West, but a Flrst-C1MS School, 8 year Old, with good accommodations at rea sonable rate. No vacation. Knter at any time and select studies. Teachers Specialists. We do not pay car fare. no sonool can aflord it. It costs money, and Urns to keep accounts. We expend money legitimately to making the school better. For catalogues and bv waning uie acnooi octier. r or catalogues and par ttculars of "The Growing School of the West," address L, 0. Tuoromam, Pres., Sauna, Kansas. BttUr dmm CAR FARE PAID U 0. 7 )iv :.y J jVJ . m j W WH SKELTON Msn, 1 QQO Fifth year of the old reliable and still In i UJt ne lead. The onlv axcIuia uhnnl in Kansas or the west. Onlv co-ooeratlve school In the world. Hneclal Inducements. Highest and best course. Lowest total expense. Short est time. Graduates assisted to positions. All former graduates in positions. New and Im proved methods of Instruction. students can enter at any time. Many students who have tried other schools in Kansas, Nebraska and Missouri have come to us to be finished uo and assisted to positions. Profit by their experience and come to us at the start and you will save tine and money. Graduates now employed by more than twenty roads. Honest and square dealings with all, fatso promises U) none. If you mean Duslness write at once. Mention where you saw this advertisement and we will send you a '-Special Offer." If you don't want the earU we can satisfy you. Trices advance September 15th, lm. No ladles admitted. Address, Pltor. W. II. SKELTOX, 813 N. 8anU Fe Ave., fiallna, Kan. For FALL SEEDING an Unas of far. the ntw GRAIN andj ffllTMMAV GRASS SEED "I Snl for nwcUl dtwriptU A MAlll70YY uuooiar to 1T4 INDISPCNSABLC. - I -..7.77' ; .. r- PP7 ft mm CUTAWAY HARROW CO., HIQQANUM, CONN. New York Office, 19 1 11 If ft Mew York City.