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14 COME DOWN, MAEY ELLEN 1 Mrs. M. E. Lease got oft her old story about her father and brother or two being killed to the Union army during her speech here Friday even lag, it hai been aim ist two yeart since sha was known to tell this on thrplatform. Th last time ihe told It on the stump was two years ago, la a southern Kansas town, when a man arose la the audience and stated that he had worked as a hired man for Mrs. Lease's father back In the 60i, during the civil war, and that be knew her famlW tor some time, and that her father not only was not killed In the Union army but that he never enlisted in the same, but stayed at home and worked his farm. The hired man also stated she did not hae any broth ers old enoutfh to enlist In the army at tha close of the rebellion. The statement made by the gentleman who called Mrs. Lease down on this matter two years ago was fuly substantiated later on by affidavits whhh wwe extensively published. She must have been little short of campaign thunder this season If she had to re bash ex ploded hash of 189) to Interest her hearers. It may do for Geergla, but Kansas people are a little more Intelligent, as a rule, even In Atchi son. AlohUmn Cham pwn, July 10, 1893. AN OPEN LETTER TO THE EDITOR OF TH ATCniSON "CHAMPION." Dear Sir: Oq laat Thursday, July 8, I bad the honor to speak In your city, and addressed a great, lntellent audience for more than two hours on the living Is sues of the day. You have not attempted to deny an argument or controvert a statement made In regard to the political situation, and this la moat flattering to the principles which I advocate, and surely indicative of the fast falling pow ers of the forlorn political party you rep resent But evidently feeling In duty bound to say or do something valiant, and with "the ruling passion strong In death," you accuse me of falsehood In re gard to my soldier father and brother. I herewith enclose the name, regiment and companies of each, that you may, by writing to the adjutant general, assure yourself of my veracity. My father, Jo seph P.Clyens,of Ceres, Allegheny county, N. Y., was a private In Company B, One Hundred and Forty-seventh New York olunteers, enlited, I think, in May, '62. Was taken prisoner at the second day's battle of the Wilderness, while giving water to Gen. Wadsworth, who lay dying on the field; was taken to Salis bury, N. C, afterwards to Andersonvllle, Oa., where he starved to death the fol lowing Auguat. If you will write to John Holcolmb, Ancln Creek, McKean county, Pa, (his fellow prisoner) he will tell you of the dying memge sent by that well loved father to his little chil dren In their far away home. He will tell you, too, that while he was yet speak In, the dead cart" rumbled through the yard, and my father, while )et breathing, was added to the ghastly load and carried away. Mv eldest brother, Patrick Henry Clyens, not quite seventeen, enlisted in Anrll. 'Gl. in the famous "UucKttii" regi ment of Pennsylvania sharpshooters; he was ahot throuch the heart while charg ingupthe bloody slopes of Fredericks burg on the mornioe of December lo, oj, If you have any curiosity In regard to him, 1 can show you the testament stained with his life blood, and a minie rifle ball taken fiom the dead boy on the battlefield by a comrade and sent to hla mother: also a letter to that mother from his commander, Coif Kane, in which he said, "no braver soldier ever laced death." My adopted brother, Daniel Green Clyens. in the same regiment ana com pany, enlisted in the same year; he was among the "missing" at the battle of Lookout Mountain. My mother's brother, CoL James Murray, fell for the flag while leading hla regiment at the battle of Gettysburg. Now, sir, you or any soldier can cor robobate this statement if true, or rb futb it if false. If I have had the temerity to blazon a falsehood to the public, let It be known. I wlU cheefully pay all expenses for witnesses and "affidavits of those who testify different from above. The truth will bear any amount of In vestigation. If. on the other hand, you have causelessly and maliciously assailed a soldier's daughter and sister, whose whole life has been a struggle with pov erty because of that cruel war, then I call UDon every soldier, every G. A. It. veter an, by that solemn obligation which he took "to defend the widows and orphans of his dead comrades," to denounce you as a cowardly fals.fier, beneath the con tempt of men and women, and unworthy a membership In any political party. Yours for truth, Mary Elizabeth Lease, Wichita, Kansas. A MNISTEa'8 OPINION OF THE POPULIST CANDIDATE. From the Haven Independent. I cladly comply with your request to give a few words of personal testimony to the People's party nominee for governor. I had the pleasure of receiving Mr. L. D. Lewelling and his family into the membership of the Fourth Congrega tional church of Wlohlta when I was pastor there. The church was one of the newest and weakest in the city, and nothing but ther highest and most un selfish motives could have led him to Join us. Since then I have become quite Intimate with him and know much of his Inner life and the motives that Inspire him. He was born and raised a Quaker, and has in him still a strong vein of the re ligious fervor of that church. He Is never so Interested or so eloquent as when dwelling upon the religious phase of the coming reforms, In which he be lieves the Holy Spirit la leading the mlnd8of men. Indeed he would have entered the ministry long ago had It not ben for some theological dogmas which he could not accept. He Is a deep stu dent of history and of present economic questions. A real, practical "father hood of God and brotherhood of man" is the foundation of his plans for all re forms, ne is as far removed as possi ble from the rantankerous, demagogic leformer, whose strongest motives are excitement and notoriety. One proof of the purity of his politics is the fact that he made absolutely no ef fort whatever for the nomination, and did cot even know that his name would be presented until a few days before the convention met. Lewelllng Is a poor man, and if he makes a vigorous canvass at his own ex pense It will about bankrupt him. As to his position on the great ques tions of the day, his own speeches are the best witness, and as to the merits of the reforms which hla party proposes each mutt judge for himself. . I wish merely to bear testimony to the personal character of one who is appeal in to the suffrage of all the state. I have known Mr. Towelling for five years and can testify that he Is an edu cated, pure-minded Christian gentleman, with whom an oath of office will weigh more than any supposed party advan taee, . Festcs Foster. Pastor Congregational church, Haven, Kansas. Announcement. The thirteenth annual camp meeting of the First Society of State Spirit ualists and Liberals, of Delphos, Kan., will begin August 15, and close the 22cL Good speakers and mediums will be In attendance. For full Information ad dress, L N. Richadrson, Secretary; DE. GBEGG'S "Foot Warmers" AND OTHER APPLIANCES In proportion to the time since Introduced and the limited extent they have been advertised, have a demand and sale mat by alx. odds BREAK THE EECOED and place the Ore?? Electric Cure company In the TAN of the tfRONT RANK of electric concerns. At the present rate of Increase, the sales of Dr. Gregg's Electric Goods will aggre gate millions of dollars within a veryfew years. T11JS ISJiMAlitV-aiSUX. OI WM business tna uast tnree months Is a matter In which we naturally take GRKAT PRIDK and arouses a desire to swell the 1A.J 3 to the Greatest Possible Extentla tiie bhortest Possible Time, and we shall spare no expense that will materially aid us In climbing higher and higher. ONE CAUSE, AND ONE ONLY, of thll marvelous Growth Is ACTUAL MERIT. By merit we have accomplished everything, and by merit we SHALL I&XSXD until Dr. Gregg's Electric Goods shall become HOUSEHOLD TREASURES In each and every MALE AND FEMALE COMPLAINTS, COLD FEET. KNEE and JOINT DISEAS ES, and all EXHAUSTIVE CHRONIC all mti MnHR nnirKl.V and PERMA NENTLY CURED by them than by any possl- Die medical or otner mode or niecmc iruauueuu The Gregg Electric Cure Co. Is the YOUNGEST, MOST PROGRESSIVE, KNTEKPKISIHO Electric Belt ail Appliance Coijaiy IN TEE IE WORLD, and has an UNPRECEDENTED RECORD of DEMAND AND SALE of Goods, as com pared with the extent of advertising done THE NATURAL RESULT OF MERIT. Complete catalogue 6c Circular free. Address, THE GEEGG ELECTRIC CUE CO.. 601 Inter-Ocean Building. Chicago. III. BIENNIAL SESSION OF THB Supreme Lodge AND ENCAMPMENT UNIFORM RANK T OF mis TO BE HELD AT KANSAS CITY, August 23 to 27, 1892. Missouri Pacific R'i Will oflar tie following a'tractlons (or this occasion: "- THE LOWEST OF KATES SPECIAL TRAINS SPECIAL SLEEPERS SPECIAL COACHES For Ihs different Lodgts and Divisions The Finest of Equipment, consist ing of Vestibule Sleeping Cars, Pull man Sleeping Cars, Pullman Parlor Cars, Reclining Chair Cars seats free), Elegant Day Coaches (adjust able seats). All Missouri Pacific Lines Lead to Eansas City. For further information address J. H. LYON, Western Pa::. Agt., 800 Main St. KANSAS CITY, MO. DR. WINCHELL'S TEETHING SYRUP Is the best medicine for all diseases Incident to children. It regulates the bowels; assists denti tion. Hlirrhma and Hvwntflrv in the Worst form's; cures canker sore throat; is a certain pre ventive 01 aipntnena ;;quieis aim suum" w Invigorates Hie stomach and bowels; corrects all aciaicy, wm cure griping iu ure wmcuauu colic Do not fatigue yourself and child with Bieepiess nienis, wuen it is wuuui jum cure your child and save your own strength. Emmcrt Proprietary Co., Chicago. 1 . RLESS FEED GRINDERS Grinds front 100 to IDA Baskels to fineness. Grinds ear corn, oats. for any purpose. We warrant the! BEST nd CHEAPEST MILL ON EARTH. f at nnn far nrirea nrl Ifpjm. There is money In this aaill. Made only by the JOLIET STROWBHJDGE CO., Jcllat.Mll. (General Western Agents for the CHAMPION WAGON. The Horse's Friend.) ff ACT IN A" Tha Great mm Restorer I only CATARRH cure. Tunnw 1W1Y YOUR SPECTACLES. ACTI5A. Is the marvel of the Nineteenth Century, for by Its use the Blind See, .v. ir..T anA nn.ta.rrh 1 Ira. DOlslble. Actina is an absolute certainty in Lids, Glaucoma. Amaurosis, Myopia, Presoio--j finmmnn. dor KuA. or weakened vision Bfrom any cause. H"o animal exoept man !. '....,..1.. 'V'tlT'.TL?. WTSIl HOT M A SPECTACLE USED OH nra C21TOTt!TA n 9 VTTE WOULD. AJTO KASEiY TO BEAD WITH. Actina also cures Neuralgia, Headaches, Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis and Weak Lungs. Actina Is not a snuff or lotion, but a Per fect ZLEC-nilO POCXXT BATTEBY, usable at all times and In all places by young or old. The one Instrument will cure a whole family of any of the above forms of disease. A VALUABLE 2300Z 72X22 on applica tion. Contains Treatise on the Human System, its diseases and cure, and thousands of Refer ences and Testimonials. Beware of fraudulent Imitations. See that the name W. C. Wilson, Inventor, Patent No, U1.719, Is stamped on each Instrument. None genuine without . rW-AGEJTTS WAHTED TO C0 TKOL TSSSXTOST FOB TEEM OT PATxanr. lakqe incoite cah sa xi ass. vrsaxs fob terms. Ilev York 8 London Electric Assn. 1021 MAIM ST., KANSAS CITY, M0! TIIE Clicap&ioiEI Stone Ballasted Track. Finest Pullman Vestibuled Trains BETWEEN ST. LOUIS am CHICAGO, ST. LOUISA KANSAS CITY, KANSAS CITY!L CHICAGO. No Extra Charge for Passage in PALACE RECLINING CHAIR CARS NOB IX Fast Vestibuled Limited Trains. Ask your own home ticket agent for tickets via the Chicago & Alton Railroad, and thus secure the lowest rates, the quickest time and the best accommodations. Chicago Ultu Railroad Ticket Offices: St. Louis-216 North Broadway, near Olive street, and Union Depot. East St. Louis-Relay Depot Kansas Cmr Grand Junction Office, Ninth, Main and Delaware street: 1038 Union avenue (opposite Union Depot), and union Depot. Chicago 196 South Clark street, and West Side Union Depot Information as to rates, time, connections, etc, will be cheerfully furnished on application to D. BOWIES, General Western Passenger Agent, - 216 North Broadway, SL Louis. Mo,