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Image provided by: Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS
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rare iviroaiiTEs. 1A TRUMBULL, STREAK A ALLEN SEED CO. Grass. Field, Oarden and Tre Seeds, Onion Sets, Etc. &$nd for catalogue. Mailed free. 1428-1428 BT. LOUIS AVM., KANSAS CITY, MO, (arOTira J- qARA ,400-1402 US10S AY, I ,a r"3 J ) J Red, White, Alfalfa and Alsike Clovers, ..,.- ,. . . . l!3 t V-a Timothy. Bine Grass, Orchard Grata, Red VAMCAC PITY fffl tu j k "w-- T Set8iTree seeds. Cane Seed. IVHIIOHO Ul I I ) UUi SEEDS POSE j ,p IMPROVED s ? .:o:!Ton nay press mm 11 ' " ' J ; '!",";'"a";.';'L'. . i,'; mi.,1,!-;;! in i-r' Aany tf. 5. ay Press &ppty Co., Kansas City, Mo. Please mention Th b Advocatr. "A" Grade $40. UNION. PATRONS. F. M.B.A. Have You Sean Our to Catalogue for 1892? It contains more valuable In formation to the page than any catalogue you ever saw. We can't begin to tell you about It in this small space. Bend your ., , lAiurr r.RANCE name and V. u. auarcss ana ALLIANCE. GnMiiiit. - You will besur- LEAGUt. prised and pleased at what you get. We're Headquarters for everything on Wheels: BUGGIES, WAGONS, SURRIES, ROAD CARTS HARNESS, SADDLES. SALESROOMS AND FACTORY I -s-r , mMo tvnamore ana uanui oia.. " n-nfl sn.isii f urauo o i ijt j- - - ALLIANCE CARRIAGE CO., CINCINNATI, OHIO. Please mention Tim Auvocath. era cr";"3 y i Topeka, Kan., The Leading Western Importers and Breeders of Clydesdale, ' Percheron, Cleveland Bay AND French Coach Horses. fl"J , Registered Hereford Cattle , Also Importers and Breeders of TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASERS Send for illustrated catalogue. 8table ,, In town. '::'iit'l''Jf--A';'; E. BENNETT & SON. v 'waH- - ' wM9 rip SUCCESSOR TO AUSTIN & GRAY BROS., EMPORIA, - - KANSAS, Importer and Breeder of UK Fungi Fnnn Coach pjP your Butter,. Eggs, Fruit, Vegetables, Poultry, HiS U U U U OB PRODUCE OF ANY KIND TO THS CHAS. LEWIS COMMISSION CO., 206 Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kansas. Best prices. Quick sales. Prompt returns. We can find constant customers for your produce at good prices. Refer to banks. Please mention this paper. - M. H. SNYDEK & CO., (Successors to CUSTER & HASKELL.) LIVE STOCK COPffilSSION COi'.i ROOM 30, EXCHANGE BUILDING, KANSAS CITY STOCK YARDS. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. MARKET REPORTS FURNISHED FREE. References: Inter-State National Bank, Kansas City, Mo.; First National Bank of Arkansas City, Kas.; Merchants Bank, El Dorado, Kas. G. H.PIERSON, President. Late of O. II. Fierson & Co. CHAS. W. BLACK, Sec'y and Tbias Late of Geo. B. Barse Live Stock Com., Co. The PIERSON & BLACK Live Stock Commission Comoanv. Capital Stools $100,000. . BOOM 18, SECOND FLOOR, LIVE STOCZ EXCHANGE BUILDING, DIRECTORS: Geo. B. 8.' Roberts, J.T.Tbue, J.H.Goddabd J. M. Nevill, G. H. Piebson, James Pabsons, Chas. W. Black Prompt sales and remittanceR. Market reports by wire or mail upon application. Consign your stock and nddrefw correspondence to PIERSON & BLACK, Live Stock Commission Company, Stock Yards, Kansas City, Mo. CEO. R. BARSE, Prest. J. II. WAITE, Sec'y and Treas. GEO. HOLMES, Vice Prest. Late of White & Holmes. BUSINESS ESTABLISHED 1871. CAPITAL STOCK $250,000.00 PAID UP. EiM lie, Clyiesiale, Percin and Standard Bred Stallions and Hares. My horses were selected direct from the breeders of Europe, and are descendants lof the most noted prize winners of the old world. I paid spot cash for aft my stock and got the best at sreat bariralns and was not oougea w uk me reiuw irum ueier M nwuimui, um u. obtain credit, thereby enabling me to sell better animals at better prices, longer time and a lower rate of Interest than aknost any other dealer In America. , .. . , ... ram ui JHnr vtm of - nrimnizinff companies and stock syndicates In this eonntrv. and insure satisfaction. I call especial attention to my references. By these It will be seen that I am not handling on commission the refuse horses or dealers in Europe, wim me you get a square transaction, a good animal, valid guarantee, and will compete with any firm la America on prices and terms besides. , k ly Write me for descriptive catalogue and mention Th a Advocatb. THE GEO. E. BASSE mission Rooms 90, 91, 92, First Floor, Live Stock Exchange Building. KANSAS CITY, - - - MISSOURI. Live Stock Com m Consignments of stock receive the personal attention of some member of the compa ny. Parties wanting assistance in feeding accommodated on reasonable terms. m e a s til! Slid Irt Are the most commodious and best appointed in the Missouri valley. The fact that higher prices are realized here than In the east Is due to the location al these yards of eight packing houses, with an aggregate dally capacity of 3,600 cattle and 37,200 hogs, and the regular attendance of sharp, competitive buyers for the packing houses of Omaha, Chicago, St. Louis. Indianapolis, Cincinnati, New York and Boston. The eighteen railroads running Into Kansas City have direct connection with the yards. Cattle and no, Sh- Horses rr, Calves. mg, sneep. and Mules. Official receipt for 1891 .. 1,347,487 2599,109 386,760 31,740 91,456 Slaughtered In Kansas City 670.761 1,996,662 209,641 Sold to feeders 237,560 17,672 17,486 told to Shippers 365,625 585,330 42,781 Total sold In Kansas City in 1891.. 1,163,946 .2,598,664 269,844 C. F. MORSE, General Manager. E. E. RICHARDSON. Secretary and Treasurer. H. P. CHILD, Asst. Gen. Mgr. E. RUST, Superintendent OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE PEOPLE'S PARTY OF KANSAS. AND TOPEKA TRIBUNE. CAMPAIGN BATE: k ml, 25 nt -4