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Image provided by: Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS
Newspaper Page Text
VOI . IV. NO. 7. $1.00 A TEAK, f A POLITICAL MOVE. Chairman Breidenthal Arrested for Al leged Violation of Law. Last Friday evening the associated preas circulated the following dispatch, which was sent from Enterprise: John W. B eidentbal, state chairman of the People's party of Kansas, was arrested to-day. The charge preferred Is that of dolus a backing business without having compiled with the law. Moey baa own received by Mr Breidenthal from parties who desired it sent to friends In Old Mexico, wuo are reldents of the X pnlobampo colony, and It was transmitted there by him and paid out at the Mt-xlcan i fflce. Tne charge In based n an advertisement pub lished In the i fflctal organ of the coly nubllaned at this pla 'e, which states that thi Kaunas 81na Ina Investment company will transmit money free 01 charge to members of the Credit Ponder company lu ilnaloa, Mexico, the money to be remitted to J. W. Brelden bal, secretary. Euter- Jirl-ie, Kansas, who lssutd certificates of d- polt or the same whUh were sent to the colony by mall. Mr. Breldentbal's friends denounce his arrest as a move for political effect. Tne accused was taken before Judge Humphrey at Abilene, and insisted on having a trial at once. The judge was not Inclined to comply, but finally set the hearing for October 7, and accepted a bond of $300. Mr. Breidenthal arrived in Topeka Sun day and has established headquarters here. He is not in the least disconcerted as to the outcome of the matter, though he 8a j s the inconvenience it is causing t this particular time Is unpleasant. Inas much as the certificates of deposit were issued only to members of the colony of which he la secretary, and the business was not open to the public, he does not admit that he has violated the banking law. As evidence that the charge was sim ply a political move, Mr. Breidenthal cites these facts: Tne charge was insti gated by one Case, an official of an En terprise bank, whose competitor handles Breideathal'a business. These certificates often came to Case's bank and he has known of them for nearly a year. Be sides that, as Breidenthal has for about nine months publicly advertised this manner of receiving deposits, it la pre sumed that Charles Johnson, the state bank commissioner who caused the ar rest, knew all about the matter for that long a time, and if it was a violation of law this state official was wofully derelict in his duty. Johnson is noted as a trick ster of the rankest kind. The Truth Concealed. One of the latest and basest frauds perpetrated by the republican party has just come to light, and is the work of the Chicago Inter Ocean. It has been the unconcealed attempt of old party papers for a long time to deliberately He and to falsify People's party records in order to place the reform movement in a bad light with old soldiers and the railroad man, but the Ananias on the Inter Octan completely overtops his brother liars In a recently issued supplement of that pa per. This supplement gives what pur AND TOPEKA TRIBUNE TOPEKA, KANSAS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5. 1892. ports to be a copy of the People's party platform, and was issued for the purpose of hoodwinking the railroad men. It gives the third demand of the Omaha platform as follows: Third We believe that the time has come when railroad corporations will either own tbe people or the people will own the railroads, and should the government enter upon the work of owning and managing any and all railroads, we should favor an amendment to the constitution by which all persons engaged in government service should he di-franchtoed, to a to prevent an increase in the power ifcortrati- -n, ami that railway emphtii' mhmdd be rxcludfd fnm votmg the tame as in the District Y Vulumoia. Presumably by accident, tne first part of the plank is given correctly, but that part in italics is solely the creation of the Inter-Ocean. It should read as follows 'placed under civil service angulations, so as to prevent an increase of the power of national administration by the use of such additional government employes." The People's party is now, always has been, and intends to always be, the friend of the railroad men. Were its demands framed into laws the salaries of railroad employes would be raised, and more than that, wages would come as regular as payday. Positions would not be de pendent upon the will of a few autocrats who create and destroy offices at their pleasure or to favor friends, but every man would be sure of work, and steady work, as long as his conduct deserved it Every People's party man and every reform paper ought to make it his duty to refute the deception of the Inter-Ocean, for the supplement has obtained quite a large circulation and will be used freely as a campaign document unless exposed. If ever a man's life was made miser able by the ghosts of corrupt jobs, acts of perjury and other dirty tricks, that is the case with Geo. T. Anthony. The people of Harper county are just now reviewing the history of the would be congressman's official connection with the organization of that county. He vlo lated a pledge to the people by organ izing the county before the number of inhabitants and amount of taxable prop erty justified it, and he did it in order to get a delegate from the county favorable to his renomlnatlon for governor, and to have the town of Anthony, in which he had an interest, named after him. He failed to get the delegate because the people who were opposed to the organi zation at that time were in the majority. Senator Perkins spoke to an enthusl astic audience of about twenty-three people in an Ellis county school house last week. How here the mighty fallen? Is Perkins to have no reward for Intro ducing the bill' to steal the Cherokee strip and for going back on his free sil ver speeches of a year ago? One of Governor Humphrey's hench men whom he appointed stook commis sioner Is said to have never owned any stook but two cows in his life. KANSAS' SHAME! Congressman Otis Assaulted at Princeton Free Speech in Danger. Ottawa Journal, September 29. Thursday Congressman Otis spok at Princeton, this county. He had a g'X)d audience, and, as is his usual cus torn, he gave a good speech. When the speech was over, Mr. Otis repaired to his hotel When ascending the stairs, on the outside, accompanied by some Franklin county People's men, he was assailed with a shower of eggs. The ruffians that threw them could not be recognized in the darkness and made their escape. A few moments before this Mr.Cowgll. who had attended the meeting and who is about Mr 0 la' build and wore a hat elmilar to his, was assailed in a similar manner, and took refuge in Thornbury'a drugstore. He said there appeared to be nine or ten in the crowd, but he could not recognize them in the darkness. The gang evidently perceiving their mistake moved on, and in a few moments found Otis and got in their work. Evidently republican temper is grow ing as their prospects are waning. It is perfectly natural that the first outbreak should occur in this county. For thirty years It has been the hot-bed of republi can perjury, injustice, hypocrisy and crime. It matters not whether you take the speech delivered in this city by the republican candidate for auditor on the very day Otis was assaulted, in which said republican candidate advised the mobbing of those who voted against the republican party it matters not whether you begin there or go back to the time when Anthony, their candidate for con gressman at-large, headed a mob in the streets of Ottawa, and the present repub lican sheriff stood by with folded hands; or whether you go back to the time when Hawkins, the present commissioner, was councilman for yean, and later on mayor while yet an alien and a subject of Great Britain; or to the time when another alien and an ex convict from the Candian j penitentiary was brought here to edit the Republican, and was backed up in his hellish work by a grand jury of re publicans headed by a republican poli tician; or the time when all these glided scoundrels with their associates organ ized themselves Into a "law (?) and order (?) league," pretending that the law and order of Franklin county was menaced by the only law-abiding class within her borders. It is now perfectly natural that when lying, perjury, official crookedness, bribery and intimidation are no longer effective, that Franklin county republi cans should resort to open violence, and the suppression of free speech. The rubber signature stamp in Hum phrey's office is doing its duty nobly while ths governor and his party of sal- OFFiriAL PAPER OF TflV PEOPLE'S PA MY OF KANSAS. vatlonlsts continue to meander over the pr&Irles of the Third district Last week the salvation outfit wandered across the line of Chautauqua county Into the In dian Territory and was lost fur two days. The governor was tryiog to rind some school house where he was billed to speak. The Shawnee County Democracy. The following preambles and resolu tions were submitted to the Shawnee county democratic convention in this city on Saturday, the 1st inst,and were unani mously adjpted with cheers. Similar resolutions were also offered by Ojcar Blschi ff in behalf of the German-American democrats and were likewise unani mously adopted: Whereas, A pretended democratic con vention has been called to meet in tbe city of Topeka on October 7, 1802, by several pretended democrat, to which call is affixed the signature of one C. P. Spencer, i-f hb county of Shawnee, who has mnoe 1889 held the illje ot police oonimiiwiouer of th city of Top. ka, appointed by Oovernor Hum phrey; and Whereas, It was the duty of Governor Humphrey to appoint a democrat to fill said poeiiion as provided by law; and Whereas, The democratic party of ths oounty of Shawnee in mass meeting assem bled unanimously recommended the ap pointment of one Furman Baker, a true and tried life long democrat, to said position and so notified the said governor before said appoitment waa made, which recom mendation of the demooratio party was en tirely ignored; and Wherean, la signing said call, the said Cntrles F. Spencer aesumed to act for and on behalf of the democrats of Shawnee count); and Whereas, The said Charles F. Spencer acted wholly without authority or consul tation with the democrats of Shawnee oounty; and Whereas, the said Charles F. Spencer has not affiliated with the demooratio party of Shawnee oounty for years, and did in 1838 openly oppose tbe regularly nominated can didate of the demooratio contention for oounty clerk, and did in combination with the republican and at their intanoe and request materially asaiet in defeating said demooratio oandidate and in electing a re publican to said office; and Whereas, The said Charles F. Spenoer bolted the regularly nominated ticket of the democrats in 1800, and especially, the can didate for governor, ex-Governor Robinson, and whereas the demooratio party of this oounty has not for many years considered or recognized the said Charles F. Spenoer as a democrat, but on the contrary have ac cepted his abandonment of the demooratio party as final, and have considered and treated him as a strong prohibition republi can, now therefore Be it resolved by the demooratio party of Shawnee oounty, That the said Charles F. Spenoer is a political renegade, a traitor to the democratic party, and an emissary of the republican party; and in aseumisg to act as a democrat, and in behalf of the dem ocracy of Shawnee county in signing said oail, has grossly and falsely misrepresented the sentiment of the democracy of Shawnee oounty, and is furthering the in'eretts of corporations, trusts, oombines and monop olies, and is attempting to materially in jure the demooratio party of tbe state of Kansas by perpetuating republican misrule. And resolved further, That in the opinion of the demooratio party f Shawnee oounty, in convention asembld, no good or faith ful democrat will participate in r recog nize said fraudulent, unauthorized and cor poration convention to be held October 7, 1892. Subscribe, and thus keep pcctjJ.