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TJXX2 AnVOOJiTL 11 " Them Guhd Moses." To the Editor of The advocats. What I mean by the above are those colored men that are peeing before the public as representatives of the n gro race. In time past, and up until very recently, Tope ka was very ell supplied with this class of Simon's, and they, too, are men whom the more uneducated and unrefined look to as their leaders and ap ply to for advice. They are men whom we had confidence In. They are men that we expected to come to our succor when In our humiliation our judgment was taken away. But we have been de ceived; They tell us to stand up for Kan sas, and never say a word about standing up for ourselves. The voters of we common people have helped to elect some of these leaders to office more than once; and when we voted for them, we thought that we were voting for men that would raise their voice In our behalf at all times and under all circumstances, when the rights of their people were at stake. But to my sorrow we have been deceived; Moses has lost his moral courage, else he Is playing the part of Judas for a few pieces of silver. Since the decision of the civil rights case has been handed down, I have not heard a word nor read an article (from those leaders) denouncing the decision. These men have always been so ready to advocate our cause. Why dont they come to our rescue now? Will they play the man, and let their voices be heazd, or will they continue to play the coward, and be mute? In my opinion, there Is no negro that Is Informed and who respects his race but what thinks that It Is an outrage to society and an insult to good morals for a man to be denied his social rights in free and bleeding Kansas on account of his color. Very likely, if this had taken place in Texas, Georgia or some other state that we are prejudiced against, there would have been indignation meet ings held In this city, presided over by the "Moses," denouncing the decision, and allotlng the judge his future potion with those that have gone the wrong way. But in this case they are not as active as they might be. I sometimes think that they care very little for their people, or they are present when the dividend is declared. Can they conscientiously ask our future confidence and support? They remind me of some people I know that went west to fight the M Injuns" until the war was over, and now they talk of the M great honors we received, and how we have restored peace and brought prosperity to our country;" and, in fact, lots of those "Injun" fighters never had an engagement. I guess my men are away fighting M Injuns." In conclusion, I will ask If some of those honorable and influential gentle men won't make a fsw suggestions to we Ignorant and unrefined class? Let me hear of you doing or saying something at least that will give us comfort and ease our troubled minds. Topeka, Eas. B. G. Duke. Graham County. To the Editor of Ths Advocate. Noah Allen, one of the presidential electors on the People's party ticket, spoke here this afternoon to the largest audience that has assembled here this year. He has been named the "thunder bolt orator" by the Denver News, and is well named, for hie drops like a thunder bolt on the "stand ups, keeps his audi ence well entertained and interested, and made very many strong arguments in favor of the People's party. David a Kay. Morland, Kas., October 10. Agaisst Jerry. Wichita Beacon. Advices from Kansas contain much to warrant the hope that the lion. Jerry Simpson may be elected in November to stay at home and grow up witn the coun try. In that event the Bootless dema gogue of the untutored west will be very pleasantly raised In the halls of congress. New 1 ork Frm. The above is run on the editorial page of the Hutchinson News and various other republican papers. Now the ques tion is naturally suggested: Why should people in New York desire the defeat of Jerry Simpson? There are no New York papers taking any particular interest in the defeat of Funston. Then it must be that Jerry Simpson's vote in congress is not given every time in the interest of New York, while New York republicans have no reason to be displeased with Mr. Funs- ton. The majority of republicans sent to congress from Kansas have been mere tools In the hands of eastern monopolists. The republican congressmen from Kan sas vote for any and every single gold standard scheme originating In Wall street and every robber tariff scheme In the Interest of New England. That is just what Chester I. Long will do If elected and that Is just what Jerry Simp son will not do, and that is why the mo nopolies all over the country want Jerry Simpson defeated. This vigorous fight against Jerry Simp son by monopolist organs all over the country ought to open the eyes of every voter of the Seventh district So far as the interests of Kansas is concerned the people of this district would just as well allow New York and Pennsylvania mo nopolists to elect their congressmen as to elect a Kansas republican. Reader, if you are a subscriber, notice the date at which your subscription ex pires, and if you want the paper longer, you can save us trouble and avoid mlBs- ing a copy by sending your renewal early. You will not lose anything by so doing, as the credit will be given from the date of your expiration. Everybody Interested in politics will want the paper during the winter to get the congres sional and state legislative news. Persons traveling from the southern part of Kansas to St. Louis and eastern points should take the 'Frisco road. It furnishes the best of accommodations, makes quick time and takes passengers through without change of ears. The Sixth Avenue HoteL When in the city of Topeka, stop at the Sixth Avenue hotel, 107 East Sixth avenue. W. M. Speok, the proprietor, is an accom modating gentleman, and will make your stay a pleasant one. Meals first-class, nice rooms and good beds. This hotel is Alii anoe headquarters, where you will see state Alliance officials and prominent Alii an oe-men. Renew your subscription to the paper be fore your time expires, and thus save the printer the trouble of taking your name from the list. This is also a good way to prevent missing a number. HalfBat Harvest Excursion. To the South and Southeast via the Mem phis route, Kansas City, Fort Soott & Mem phis railroad. October 25, 1892, this company will rell half rate excursion tioketa to points in Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi and other southern states, good twenty days for re turn, with stop-OTer privileges for the in spection and purohase of land. These tickets will also be on sale by connecting lines, east of the Missouri river, on dates here named. Improve this opportunity to investigate the many advantages of south oentral Missouri, the orchard of America. For maps, time table folders and full information, addrees any agent of this company, or J. E. Lock, wood, Gen'l Pass, and Ticket Agent, Kan sas City, Mo. s ARE CHEAPER NOW than they ever will be again. Buy a farm cheap and on kast teems and low intbbmt of the LANDS in every flf AMERICAN LAND county in Kansas. 1 fc IMMIQRA'N CO. Over 2,000 farms at a VKBT LOW VBICK. It will pay you to write now for list with full description and num bers of land. J. H. BRADY, Gen. Man., TOPEKA, KAS. INSUR YOUR PROPERTY IN THE COMPANY OF KANSAS. It costs but little, and In case of loss you do not nave to wale six mouths for your pay. We ire carrying $2,700,000 on our Ms. We pay losses nearly every week, and are doing It on less than agents of old stock companies re ceive for their pay. Farmers Who Want Insurance, Writ FRED JACKSON, Secretary, Mel'herson, Kansas. mmmm KANSAS! COLORADOI OKLAHOMA! TEXASI New MEXICO! ARIZONA! Unparalleled Resources of Cli mate, Products and Markets. Write to EDWARD HARE. Special Imwljrv Hon Agsni, SANTA FE ROUTE, 1050 Union Ave., Kansas City, Me., for latstt FX2I '4MPHLET3. Ihe Atchison. Topika ft Santa Fa R. ft. passes through twelve Suites and Terri tories, and, having no lands of its own to sell, has no object In unduly advancing the Inter ests of any particular locality, or In giving other than perfectly reliable Information. Its prosperity being dependent upon the prosperity of the farmers of the Great South west, it Is naturally willing to aid the deserv ing and Industrious Immigrant seeking to es tablish a new home, by giving him all the facts and data at its disposal. Postal Card Will got ynu a new 46-page Catalogue of the BEST BUSINESS COLLEGE Of the country. Also good advantages in Music, Elocution, and all higher branches. No better place for farmer's sons and daughters to spend the winter months. Mention advocatk, and address LOCK BOX K, S.iLISA, KAS. WICHITA. KANSAS. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Book-keeping, Shorthand, Telegraphing, Pen manshlp, Typewriting, and all other business oranches thorougly taught. Graduates secure Hood positions. BOARD, 11.90 PER WEEX. Send for circulars, Mention Advocats. mi i Stone Ballasted Track. Finest Pullman Vestibuled Trains BKTWESK ST. LOUIS ? CHICAGO, ST. LOUISA KANSAS CITY, KANSAS CITY! CHICAGO. No Extra Charge for Passage in PALACE RECLIfilllG CHAIR CARS NOR IX Fast Vestibuled Limited Trains. 8.W. corner 8eventh ft Main Bts. Elecant new quarters. largest and best school of Shorthand and Telegraphy west of the Mississippi. Ten miles city lines. The most thorough Commercial and actual Business training school; the best teachers; the simplest and best shorthand, learned In half the time required to master any of the older methods; the best facilities for aid ing graduates In securing positions. Kailrcal fare paid. Shorthand by mall, three separate trial lessons free. For 60-page catalogue, address as above. Ask your own home ticket agent for tickets via the Chicago ft Alton Railroad, and thus secure the lowest rates, the quickest time and the best accommodations. Chicago & Alton RiSlroad Ticket Offlsss: 8t. Louts-218 North Broadway, near Olive street, uu uuiuii utiput. East 8t. Louis-Relay Depot. Kansas Citv Grand Junction Office, Ninth, Main and Delaware streets; 1038 Union avenue (opposite Union Depot), and Union Depot. Chicago 186 South Clark street, and West Side Union Depot. Information as to rates, time, connections, etc., will be cheerfully furnished on application to 2D. OOWXD3, General Western Passenger Agent, 218 North Broadway, St. Louis. Ms vjuuit i luiiauriHcru iriruiju!i uur.r in niunvrfna nnix or t r nn. eJomtygusinessltactice A LARGE, THOROUGH, PROGRESSIVE SCHOOL SUPFPIOR INSTRUCTION Catalogue and beautiful specimens of penmanship sent free v by mentioning this paper. ss-- Address, C21 and 623 Qulncy Street, TOPEXA, KANSAS 15? nrevlous agreement the underslirned retire from bnilnAsi at th dnsa of th rnrrnt ar. While our stock lasts we make prices to sell 1C Our stock Is the larwst In the west, and It will ba worth while to buy before It Is broken. A. B., WHITING CO., Glass, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Etc, 521 Quincy St.. &vm ?U. Topeka, Kansas.