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12 THUS iUDVOCA.T2. KANSAS POLITICS, Straws That Show Which Way the Breezes are Blowing. "Buffalo" Jones spoke before a large audience at Guden City, Friday evening. A week's sickness has interfered con siderably with the campaign of Dr. E. V. Wharton. Jewell county will have Its wind-up rally at Mankato on November 4. It will doubtless be a " rouser." The time of holding the barbecue at Silver Like has been changed from the 22d to the 20. h of this month. Dr. S. F. Neeley has declined the demo cratic nomination for state senator In the Leavenworth district. It was a very pa triotic move. Majah Hudson, of the Capital, Is not on the regular list of republican orators, but he ia used to "fill in" at school house meetings. A banner carried in the Hutchinson parade was Inscribed with the words: "We want but little here below, nor want but little Long." A regular old-time rally is announced for Valley Falls on the 29:h. Some of the bast speakers will be there, among them S. M. Scott and James F. Legate. In the Thirty-seventh district, Shaw nee county, John Campbell has been nominated for representative and 0. W. Berry for commissioner. Good selections. The Santa Fe Reporter la the Teople's party paper among the railroad men. County committees where railroad em ployes are numerous would do well to help Introduce this excellent paper. It Is published in Topeka. Mr. Iogalls, in his Topeka speech, made an underhanded thrust at Ft. Sxtt Harris by saying that he "would have something of a contempt for a man who would now admit that he had been wrong during the war." Some young ladloa of Concordia have formed a Burton club. They ought to send their president to Topeka to look up Burton's "Ulster Murphy " bawdy house record before they proceed to bring dis grace on themselves and their families. Mr. Swan, the downy faced candidate for representative la the Thirty-sixth dis trict, Is violently opposed to all labor . unlonr, as well as to the farmers' alli ance. He says they are against his religion. Swan down will be cheap after the election. It will be down. Nearly every county baa on exhibition some of those passes that were sent out from the railroad commissioner's office as an Inducement for people to come to the bolting democrat's convention. It looks very much as if Anthony pulled the string and Mitchell did the work. The nominees for the state senate in the Sixth congressional district are as follows: District 33, A. S. Cook, of Mitchell; district 34, W. A. Helm, of Ellsworth; district 39, J. J. Greible, of Rooks; district 40, Geo. E. Smith, of Smith. They will all be elected. The hotter the fight wages against Jerry Simpson, the more publlo sym pathy drifts toward him from every part of the state, and many an honest heart Is praying for his re-election. Even those who claim he has made some mistakes are enthusiastic because they believe he Is honest and true to his people. Percy Daniels' county (Crawford) la one of the moet enlightened In the state. According to the Headlight (republican), . the people of Glrard, "Weir City, Chero kee,, Frontenac, McCane andEoglevale turned out with flambeau clubs, fire works and bands galore to hear Jerry Simpson at Pittsburg on the 13 ft. Mr. LewelUng and Tully Scott met with a great reception there this week. Chairman Simpson has seemingly ac ceeded to the wishes of the Populists, and billed Mr. Ingalla for nine speeches In the state. If he gets through with another repetition of his bloody shirt screed without being Invited to give his opinion of the egg Industry in Kansas, he will be a dandy. He is to speak alBO in Chicago the 24th. Here's something new for this year. Over In Clay county the republicans had secret meetings In all the townships on the 8th, with the purpose of making a kind of a round-up of their scattered herd. Some of them did not understand the program, so they invited Populists to attend, but In each case the latter were invited to leave again while the plotting was going on. In answer to certain late Inquiries re garding a paper called theJarmer's Wife, which is being quoted largely by repub lican papers, the Advocate is compelled to say that the paper is almost unknown, and that Its circulation at present de pends almost wholly on the courtesy of republican papers. Also, that while the paper may express its political opinions In good faith, the man who pretends to bd the head of the concern Is not morally responsible, and for that reason every thing quoted from it should be read with a grain of allowance. The rally at Hutchinson, October 11, was one of the largest People's party gatherings of the many big ones of the campaign. Without much previous ad vertising, 15,000 people gathered in the city and the crowd has been estimated at even a larger figure than that. The pa rade In the morning was one of the features of the day. It was one hour and twenty-six minutes passing a given point, and created great enthusiasm all along the '. line of, march. In the after noon Riverside I park was thronged with people to hear the address of Hon. Jerry Simpson, but the crowd was too large for all to hear, and It was divided, Hon. S. II. Snider speaking to nearly 3,000 in the large auditorium. The meeting is con ceded to be the largest ever held in Hutchinson, notwithstanding the fact that the day was windy, dusty, and al together unfavorable. Cheap Bates for Winter Trip, Via Santa Fe route, to Texas, New Mexi oo Arizona, California, Utah and Old Mexico, are offered by the Santa Fe. Tiokets now on sale, good until June 1, with suffl oient transit limit in each direction to en able passengers to stop off at all points enroute. List of destinations inolude Corpus Chriati, 1 Paso, Galveston, Hous ton, Lampasas, Rook port, San Antonio, City of Mexico, Monterey, Phoenix. Prea oott, Saltillo, San Luis Poltosi, Las Vegas, Hot Springs, Grand Canon of Colorado, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Franoisco, Salt Lake and Portland. New Mexico is noted as having one of the moet equable climates in the world, sudden changes being almost wholly unknown. It is a most desirable place either for the busi ness man, pleasure seeker, or the invalid, while it is the haven for the immigrant. No portion of the United States can compare with the fertile valleys of its rivers, and in the production of the field, the market garden, the orohard and the vineyard. For full particulars regarding the coun try, rates, stop-overs, etc., call on or address nearest Santa Fe agent, or Gio. T. Nicholson, W. J. Blacx, G. P. & T. A., A. G. P. fc T. A., Topeka, Kansas. Topeka, Kansas. All genuine Spooner Horse Collars have this trade mark. Ba not de ceived by imitations. Jk DO NOT GO TO SCHOOL until you have written to the and School of Shorthand, Typewriting and rroansnip, and received an elegant Illustrated catalogue. ii is one or me nnesi, ana it iau oi iacts pertain ing to this live, progressive and prosperous insti tution. No school Is more thorough and none so economical, uas a superior class oi students. Located in a model city. Good board, $1.60 per weeK. Address v. js. u. rarker, Principal. A Good Cheap School In a city without Saloons, and with a strong Pro- niDinonisc ac we neim, is tne STANBERIiY, MISSOURI, Normal Bnsiness and Sbort&aiia Collegs and Schools of Muslc.T'elegraphy, Penmanship, Elocution ana Art, This school Is In Its eleventh and most pros perous year. Last year It enrolled students from twenty-seven states, Canada and Wales. Stu dents may enter any time, select their own stu dies, rent books, receive private help free, get good board and tuition for 12.75 per week, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed. Thirty-two special ists comprise the faculty; fine three-story brick building, low rates, excellent moral surround lues, (food church and publlo shool facilities, and a live city, with electric lights and waterworks voted, jxo saloons m our county. send lor a large free catalogue to JNO. E. FESLER, President and Proprietor, Stanberry, Mo. REMARKABLE 8TJCCES3. In treating catarrh Drs. Copeland &Branaman stand pre-eminent. They have had such success as to place them beyond competition. Mr. Thomas McGUl, a respected citizen and farmer living near Yates Center, Kas., said: " When I went to Drs. Copeland & Branaman mv svmDtoms would cover the whole ranee of caiarrnai sunering. my nose and throat were clogged up and my head was sore and aching. I bad pain in my chest, and my stomach and lungs were affected. I went to Kansas City expressly to have an examination and place myself under treat ment, as I had read so much of their wonderful cures. I hoped that they would handle my case with the same success they had many others, and now, alter taking a course of treatmeut from them I can say that all my nopes nave Deen re alized, for my head is sound and wen. l nave no mora sore throat. I breathe freely, with no cough; no night sweats, no dizzy spells or heart palpitation; I have no more lung or stomach trouble and tne pains have left my limbs and other parts of my body. Mv health U excellent for a man of mv age. All these wonderful results have been accomplished through the skill of Drs. Copeland & Branaman." Catarrh and kindred diseases treated until cured at a uniform rate of $5 a month, medicines free. Question blank sent to all applicants. COPELAND MEDICAL INSTITUTE, 1203 Broadway, Kansas City, Mo. Mr. Thos. McGlll. v.i' ATv"..- THE Brae? Mil Pronounced the best mill yet made. Farmers and feeders say it runs the lightest and does the most work in the shortest time. SAVES TIME, - SAVES MONEY, and adds to the early maturity feeder Interest on nis investment, sana ior catalogue and prices, BLUE VALLEY FOUNDRY CO., 3IAXIIATTAX, KANSAS WELLS WELLS The 11V.HT MAt'IIINKK V and TOOLS in the world for succeeding in this business also Horse Powers, Steam Engines. Pumps & Valves, Iron Pipe and Fittings,Weu Sup. Dliea. Honest and reliable work I assured. Catalogue mailed Vee. LOOM IS & IN Y MAN, o goods in to nouns Mi' IT ONE MAM Bend forfree Illustrated catnlofrne, showing testimonials from thousands who have sawed from 5 to 8 cord dally. It saws down trees, folds like a Docket-knif e. welfrhsoulv 41 lbs., easily carried on shoulder. One man can saw more timber with it than two men with across-cutaaw. 57,000 in uw. We also make larger sized machine to carry 7 foo inw. Klrstonler secures the agency. fOlDINQ SAWIN1I MACHINE CO., 31 to 249 So. Jefferson St., Chicago, III. IS THE BEST MEDICINE for the General Ailments of Horses, Cattle, Hogs and Sheep. They purify the blood, prevent and cure disease. Honest and reliable, in honest packages; used ana warranted ioroveriwenir years. Everyone owning a horse or cattle should vo ll a trial, jtiaue uy ciihikt rttuminiAjii ., Chicago, 001a py au druggists. 00, GHJYSSE Patent CWmltal Ink Rnli,; I'meil OH SALAT17 l.tohnndlotheflew t&V per week. Moowe Hf '. x -: f UDrmw.W'- Farmers Si 1 i E-rai J OmCE 511 CHAMBER COMMERCE BLDG, D. M. FULWILER, (Bus. Agt F. A. I. U.) PTTTP A flfi TT T A General Mercantile and Grain Business. ORDER GOODS FROM HJB1AD Q UARTE R8. WHY HOT SHIP YOUR Ol'JH GRAIH? We have successfully demonstrated that the farmer can do his own shipping and save money. He pays the same freight as the local grain dealer, Is at the same expense In Belling, gets the same prices and saves the dealer's pront. ixiaa a car, bill to us. and we will do the rest and make prompt returns. Should you desire vou can draw on us for three-fourths the home value, attaching draft to bill of lading. We send market reports on application. Many farmers are now shipping grain to us. Why not make a trial shipment of a car and find out if direct shipment will benefii you? Consign the car and mail bill of lading to our address.