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14 Asmbld npom the on hundrsJ ajl eja. CMnth aonlTsmry or ins uwiurmuam J v.- D-.U'. rmrt-m nf Amarlda. Is 1U first national oonTenUon, CiTokin W.f actum tfc blsasin of AlmlghtT God, pats forth, Jo the mam and on behalf of ths pppl of this country, the following nreamDie muuwi. - i Tk Mnrf t nu whldh surround oa Ut iastify our oo-oprtlon; we meet in the midst ol a nation Drongm w , v political and material rain; eorniptlon domi. .,i.. the m-nune of the bench. ins people are demoralised; most of the states hate K compelled to laolate toter. t poUlng places to prerent anitersal intimidation or bribery. Newspapers are largely sutaidised ormuzalea; pa dug opuuoa juiwwju, Eoetrated; onr homee ooTerod with mortgagee; bor impoYerished and the Umd concentrating the hands of the capitalists. Urban workmen are denied the right of organisation for elf-pro tection; importeu, pauperised i&imr w uuwu their wages; a nireiing, lanumi miuxj uu;,- j i u ..... i . I. ..ahlinhH tn ahnnt than Dual ut uur . ' -- 7 down, and they are rapidly degenerating into European conditions; the fruits of the toil of millions are Dooiiy suoien wj uuuu ui wu.. fortunee for the few, unprecedented in the hie. tory of mankind, and the possessors of these. in torn despise the republic and endanger liberty: from the tame prolific womb of goTornraoBtal Injustice, we breed two great classes -tramps and miluonairee; the national power to creaU money ia appropriated to enrich bondholdera; the Tart public debt, payable In lgal tender cur rency, hae ben funded into gold-bearlnjr bonds, thereby adding millions to the burdens of the people; sil?er, which has been accepted as ooia since the dawn of history, has been demonetised to add to the purchasing power of gold by a, creasing the ralue of all forms of property as well as human labor, and the supply of currency Is purposely abridged to fatten usurers, bank rupt enterprise and enslaTe industry; a rast tonspiraoy against mankind ha (Men organised on the two continents and is rapidly taking pos session of the world; if not met and oTerthrown at onoe it forebodes a terrible sooial oonrulsion, the destruction of capitalization or the establish, ment of absolute despotism ;, we have witnessed for more than a Quarter of a century the strug gles of the two great political parties for power and plunder, while grievous wrongs ha?e been Inflioted upon the people; we charge that the controlling influences dominating both these parties have permitted the existing dreadful conditions to deTelop without serious effort to prr ent or restrain them; neither do they now promise us any substantial reform; they hart agreed together in the oomlnj campaign to Ig nore erery issue but one; they propose to drown the cries of the plundered people with the p roar of a sham battle over tariff, so that capital, corporations, national banks, trusts, watered stocks, demonetization of silver aad the opprss. sion of usurers may be lost sight of; they pro pose to sacrifice our homes, lives and children nthe altar of mammonjtodestroy the multitude jn order to secure corruption funds from mil lionaires. Assembled on the anniversary of the birthday of the nation, and filled with the spirit et the grand generation who established ear in dependence, we seik to restore the government to the hands of the" plain people," with whioh class it originated; we assert our purposes to identical with the purposes of the national constitution; to form a more perfect union, es tablish Justice, insure domestio tranquil ity, provide for common defense, promote general welfare and secure the blessings i liberty for ourselves and oar posterity; we declare that this government can only endure as a free government while built pon the love of the whole people for eaoh ther and for the nation; that it cannot be pinned together by a bayonet; that the civil war Is over ana that every passion and resentment which grew out of the war must die with it, and that we must in fact as well as in name become a united brotherhood of free men; our oountry finds itself confronted by conditions for whioh there is no precedent in the world; our annual agricultural productions amount to a billion of dollars in valuo. which must in a few weeeks or aaonths be exchanged for billions of dollars worth of commodities of other productions; the tvrrenoy supply is wholly inadequate to make this exchange, and the results are falling of prices, the formation of combines and rings and the Impoverishment of the prodaoing class; we pledge ourselves that, if given the power, we will labor to correct these eviie by wise and reasonable legislation, in accordance with the terms of our platform; we believe that the pow ers of government, in other words, of the people, should be expanded (as In case of the postal servioe) as rapidly and as far as the good sense f as Vntelllxent people axd the teachings of ex perience shall justify, to the end that oppres sion, injustice and poverty shall eventually sease In this land. While onr sympathies, as the party of reform, are naturally upon the aide f every proposition which will tend to make Men intelligent, virtuous and temperate, we nevertheless regard these questions, Important as they are, as secondary to the great issues now pressing for solution, and upon which not only at individual prosperity, but the very existence f eur free institutions depend; and ws ask all Cea to help n first determine whether we are to ive the republic to administer before ws differ as to the conditions upon whioh it is to be ad ministered; believing that the forces of reform this day organised will never ease to move for ward nntil every wrong la remedied and lawful rights and equal privileges etourely established lot all men and woman ia this oountry, we de als rs therefore; hirst That the anion of the labor forces of fte United States, this day consummated, shall he permanent and perpetual: may its spirit com Into all hearts for the salvation of mankind. gecond- Wealth belongs to him who creates It, and every dollar taken from industry without equivalent is robbery. "If any will not work, neither shall he eat." The interests of rural and a vie laborers are the same; thsir enemies arc eaticaL rbird-We believe that the time has come when railroad corporations will either own the people or the people will own the railroads, and sacald the government enter upon the work of wainf and managing any and all railroads, we ahoeid favor an amendment to the constitution fcjr which all persons engaged in govsrnrasnt service should be placed under civil service reg. iations so as to prevent an increase of the power of the national administration by the use Si each additional government employee. If earth We demand a national onrrancy, sals, scud aad lexible. Issued by the general govena. reai.sksal tmUrn ft aUeUata, pai-C and private, and that without the vac of bank ing corporations; a inat, equitable, efficient means of distribution direct to the people at a tax not to exceed 2 per cent, per annum to be provided as set forth in the sub-treasury plan of the Farmers' Alliance, or some better system ydno by payments in the discharge of its obligations for tinhlia imnrovements. We demand the free and unlimited coinage of silver and gold at the legal ratio ot 10 to l. We demand that the amount of circulating medium bo speedily increased to not less thai 50 per capita. We demand a graduated lnoome tax. We believe that the money of the country should be kept as much as possible in the hands of the people, and hence we demand that all state and national revenues should be limited to the necessary expenses of the government, economically and honestly administered. We demand that postal savings banks be es tablished by the government for the safe deposit of the earnings of the people and to facilitate exchange. Transportation Transportation being a meth od of exchange and a pnblio necessity, the government should own and operate the rail roads in the interest of the people. The telegraph and telephone, like the post, office system, being a necessity for the transpor tation of nsws, should be owned and operated by the government in the Interest of the people. Land Land, Including all natural sources of wealth, is the heritage of the people, and should not be monopolized for speculative purposes, and the alien ownership of land should be pro hibited. Ill land now held by railroad and other corporations in excess of their actual naeds should be reclaimed by the government and held for actual settlers only. UFFFLXHXKTABT JBISOLtmOirg. Whereas, Other questions having been pre sen ted for our consideration, we hereby sub mit the following, not as a part of our plat form, bat as resolutions expressive of the senti ment of this convention: liesolved. That we demand a free ballot and a fair count in all elections and pledge ourselves to secure it to every voter, without federal inter vention, through the adoption br states of the Australian or secret ballot system. Keeolved, That the menus received frea graduated lnoome tax should be applied to the reduction of the burden of taxation now resting upon the domestio Udostrias of the Country. liesolved. That we cledm onr sunnort to fair and liberal pensions to ex-Union soldiers and sailors. liesolved. That we condemn the fsii&cv ct protecting American labor under the present system which opens our ports to the pauper ana criminal classes ot the world and crowds out our own wage-earners, and we denounce the ineffec tive laws In regard to eontraot labor and demand the further restriction of undesirable Immigra tion. liesolved. That we eordiallj sympathise with the efforts of organized workin r men to shorten the hours of labor, and demand a rigid enforce ment of the existing eight-hour law en govern ment work, and ask that a penalty clause be added to the said law. liesolved. That we retard the mutnnoe ef the lanre standing arm v of mercenaries known as the Pinkcrtoa system, as a meaaoe to oar liber ties, and wc demand its abolition, ami we con demn the recent invasion ef the territory of Wyoming by the hired assassins of plntocraoy, assisted by federal officials. Besolved, That we commend to the favorable consideration of the people and the reform press the legislative eysteaa known as the UltlaUvs and referendum. Becoived. That wc f aver a oo Mutational re vision, limiting the tenure of oflioe of Dresidsat and vice president to one term, and providing (or the election of senators of the United Btntes by direot vote of the people. Resolved. That we oppose any subsidy or na tional aid to any private icsjwv.t.lesi Ut say purpose, The Advocate and Tribunk and the Kansas Farmer can still be had at $1.75 for a year. Every farmer needs them both. niGQS cormissM co., F 413 Exchange ltnlldlnsr, KANSAS CITY. MO. Only authorized Grain Agents of Kmsas Alii ancfl Association. Liberal advancements made on all consignments. Market reports furnished on application, Vree, IF YOU WANT ANYTHING IN THE LINE Of PRINTING, BINDING, STATIONERY, BLANKS, Toinshlp, Scijol District ir Ciij Sa??!!:s, KANSAS LAW SOOKS, ITO., WRIT! T Geo, W. Crane & Go. 812 Um An., Tc?:ii, Km. Sad for OataUoffDo it la tare ted. NOTICE WHY fPL! VfltJi? PnOniJCF "t bne it T"a can utrike a better tnarketf WHY aVsl leaf A m Waft M lyf 4V bWuL.eJ ssi till oetter joar condition by making year shipments direct to asT n are tna only commiation neuiw narv to solicit tha farmer' trade direct. We receive and sell CUTTER, ECC3, POULTRY, VEAL, BEANS, SEEDS, DROOM CORN, POTATOES. HIDES, PELTS, WOOL, HAY, GRAIN, CREEtt AND ' DRIED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, Or anything yon msy have to ship. We always make prompt sales at the highest market price and send qalok retnrna. We arc handling ahiuments from hundred of farmers. WAX can't we handle yours t Write oa foi prices, testimonials, or any information yon may want., r.lORKISON & CO., Commission Herchants, reference Hmmun t0u' B 1 74 SOUTH WATER ST., CH ICAGO, ILL Of Pure bred and Registered Wednesday, November 2, 1892, at Alexis, Illinois. SO HEAD SO. Twenty Mares and Fillies. Also ten Stallions of onstandlng merit aud choicest breeding. Sale without reserve. Send for catalogue KOBT. HOLLOWAY, ALEXIS, ILL. f Q O; ir '1?5T IHJCrX Can get the market value of their horses and save the ,JiUiiiuW profits of middlemen by shipping direct to U. O. wwUrun union stock yards, CHICAGO. Established 27 ears. References: National Live Stock Bank. Chicago National Bank. SPECIAL SALES OF "WESTERN RANGE MORSES m HOLCOMB, SNYDER & CO., onifw nnMinooTfirj OlUUft UUllildlOOlUll II. Room 105 Exchange Building, Kansas City Stock Yards. MPDPimTrnc1 IMlUfliil 1 1) Correspondence Solicited. Market Reports Furnished Free. REFERENCES i Commercial National Bank. Denver. Colo. : Interstate National Bank. Kan sas City ; Merchants' National Bank, 1 Dorado, Kas. ; Farmers' National Bank, Arkansas City, Ka. Please mention Ths Advocatb. SHIP YOUR HOGS, SHEEP and CATTLE TO PETERS BROS. Live Stock Commission Merchants, ROOMS 119, 120 MD 121, KANSAS CITY. We guarantee you the highest market price Money furnished at reasonable rates to feeders. Reference: Metropolitan Nat'! Bank, Kansas City. GEO. R. BAR3HL Preit J. 1L WAITS, SecT and Treas. G20. HOLMES. Vice Prest Late of White & Holmes. BUSINESS ESTABLISHED 1871. OAPITAL STOOK $250,000.00 PAID UP. THE GEO. E. BAESE Live Stock Oommission Co. Bsoas 90, 91, 92, First FIssr, Lb) Stack Eicbsagt EBlHIig. KANSAS CITY, - - - niSSOUEI. Consignments of stock reoeire the personal attention of some member of the compa ny. Parties wanting assistance in feeding accommodated on reasonable terms. OF Yoa need Letter and Bill Heidi, Envelopes, Business Cardi.Clr culars. etc. well sxeculsd and mmm... ai rair prices. We also Want Your Order for CAMPAIGN PRINTING! Posters (In one or more colors, or chromatin col ors), hand bUls, dodgers, tickets, candidate cards, done quick; and promptly shipped. Call, write or telephone at. l& Djiita-Piiiter-Tojsta. kJ BICYCLES 915 A 11 kind, abeaptt Uiu i whr. Bfbr yon tmj. ThePoweil4Cifiie)itCo. is uu aw, UMUH,U H. TAYLOR, PearL Dickinson Co., Ki., 8hort , horns, Poland-China Dogs, Bronze Turkeys. W a. Ill U r. W. UMTOS, tmbtUktn, rriM. Cs 4