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15 FARMERS, TAKE NOTICE. - The famous CHAMPION WAGON Is now for sale direct to the farmer by the general western agent. Examine thin mgon btfure iou buy. The tongue will not whip the horses; the bolster will not tilt over on the wheels: the box sots on springs; It will carry a heavier load ; It will run lighter, and Is guaranteed for a longer time than any other wagon, and costs no more. For circu lars and prices, address J. 0. MKACHAM, Gen. Agt, Atchison, Kas. WEBER OAS AND GASOLINE ENGINE Simplest ana moat wxhhwuww engine on earth. Fully Guaranteed. A boy starts It, requires only a few minutes' attention a day. Guaranteed coot of running l et. "TiV... - ir Writ for 'catalogue. AddresaDrawet; 0 jWeHer Gas UM Worn, KANSAS UTXt JUV "fr ;'. .-: ' , 11 num. in mm tmM& ''J, ' ' ' t"-' I f' 'T' ' 1 N r iMllii iJ I'l'hi.. ' -' "' - UREKAffEHICLEG HARNESS v SADDLES ARE SOLD TO ,w l0P .4t.50 THE ft3?P Phaeton $60.00 CONSUMER 8100 Top Surrey 809.50 AT 8 l Boad Wagon 30.00 WHOLESALE 8 Platform 8pr. Wagon 13.00 PRICES. 81ngle Buggy Harneei 3.00 Write for Free lliunl rated 4'ataloffii and N 4'iMh PriHi of our full line. Address EUEEKA CAEKIAQE & HARNESS CO., Cincinnati. 0 Vis- MONTY SAVED BT JtUYINO DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURER iir 1 avV We make Wood and Galvanized Steel Mills. Wood ana steel rowers. Mills sold on trial and on time. GET OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY. Write for circulars, prices and terms. Address CURRIE WINDMILL CO., Manhattan, Kanaaa, KINS OF MACHINES. "The Self-Heating Washer." Complete Success at Last. A Washlne Machine with ga ollne attachment; heats aad J Keeps waier not ; aoes noi slosh or steam, but rubs the dirt out. Four cents worth of gasoline does a wasnirjg. in o iud, wasn board or boiler needed. Wringers, $1.65 each Agents wanted every where. Send for terms. Address the manufacturer, P. T. BENBOW, Wichita, Kas. n I I 1U0 Af??yili!i(!M'il- m'i r.iA'm irKi: SOU1' Flew mention Tbb Advocatb when corns-pocCOEgwltiadTerttjari. IHPROVSD "piimbiiw (f'wnyl-'r' AHwi ''iVV r ' ' T'ilB?" '''' '''' ' ''''Iji wwWi'TpVW-lll fSWff "ifr '-Mm' Y miiiVih I'LtL k siril tfaiT f1 ( & Hay Press Supply Co., Kansas City, Bo. Tk ia sas I'll M Yarflsi4 U lU UJLi 1 (JUL UU 5jJSS Are the most commodious and best appointed tn the Missouri valley. The tact that higher 'prices are realized here than In the east Is due to the location al these yards of eight packing houses; with an aggregate dally capacity of 3,600 cattle and 37.200 hogs, and the regular attendance of sharp, competitive buyers for the packing houses of Omaha, Chicago, St. Louis, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, New York and Boston. Taa eighteen railroads running into Kansas City have direct oonnecUou with the yards. Oifteial receipts for 1801 Slaughtered In Kansas City Sold to feeders bold to shippers Total told In Kansas City in 1891.. Cattle and Calves. 1,347,487 670.761 237,660 366,625 1,163,918 IlOgt, 2,599,109 1.096,662 17,672 6H5.330 2,BC8,6M Sheep. 388,780 209,641 17,485 42,781 Horses and Moles. 31,740 Cars. 01,438 C. f. MORSE, C. E. RICHARDSON, H. P. CHILD, I. RUST, fisnsral Minagtf. Secretary and Trtasnrtr. Asst. Sen. Mgr. Supsrlntandinl i Top oka, Kan., The Leading Western Importers and Breeders of Clydesdale, Perclioron, Cleveland Bay AND French Coach Horses. Also Importer! and Breeder! of Registered Hereford Cattle p$ Mir, TERMS TO SUIT PUROHASEHS. Send for lllastratod catalogue. Stables m town. E. BSINNETX & SON mi m uii m 8UCCE3SOB TO AUSTIN & GRAY BROS., EMPORIA, - - KANSAS, Importer and. Broader at Mot Fundi Frill E111M Ste, Glyflesflale, Perctaa and Standard Bred Stallions and Mares. My horses were selected direct from the breeders of Europe, and are descendant i ol t the rr niuM nf tha cm wnrid i nuM inot cash for an ht stock and got the best at great bargains and was not obliged to take the refuse from dealers at exorbitant figures In order to obtain credit, thereby enabling me to sell better animals at better prices, longer time and a lower rate of Interest than almost any other dealer In America. i- m. I have also the most superior system of organizing companies and stock irnmcatei In tnis eoantry, and insure satisfaction. I call especial attention to my references. By these It jslll t seen that I am not handling on commission the refuse horses of dealers la Europe, wlta me yoo get a square transaction, a good animal, a valid guarantee, and will compete wlta any firm la America on prlcss and terms besides. K7Wrlte me for descriptive catalogue and mention Tn Adyocatb. moot IDUTTOIT HOUSE. Nsxt Door South ol t jurt Haass, i optica, Kansas JSfc. H. BUTTON, Proprietor. 1 JBO per day. Special rates to Alliance. aiennon ihi ad v wax CALIFORNIA. l home seeker's book on seml-tronlo lands. climate, toll, Industries, products, homesteads and other claims, etc. Invaluable to home seek ers, tourists or capitalists. Illustrated. Price, 28c, postpaid. noToaiAL a n. rrjB.w.,gt.iiOUUkJao. ioo:So;;gsu ords A Muslo Com Diets hnlm vl tiiiia at mm onlr Kkl QUIDS tVB. CU. bT. UKU 1W BE3HOBI3I3rJS US . t AND FOREST TREES. I N i' rt roc Wind-breaks, Om anient, ate, M J 'i HardlMt VartoUM. Munerv tTOWO . T 8ootch Plna, S to S feeL tlO pes -r 100. Scctei and AaaWan Hoe 'A Uotrs, 11 to 14 tnclxt, $10 pw 10CO. L otimr turn aad virkKHi In pr iporttoo. OverlO mUUoo lor sal J fiood local Aflixrs Wixrxn. t i i 3 5 0. BILL, BrsrgTtea IssclaUst, Diadse, IlUaoU. - rriiiihin iTiri--i.iafc I mm ta uiiiri Ll - W Save tla Litest Ispronanti t WELLDRILLS Send 80 cents for mailing com olete Cataloirue. b F. C. AUSTiM UTQ, CO., Kti'i' CHICAGO, ILL. DR. A. RUPIN, 106 EAST SIXTH ST.. TOPEKA, KAS. THE NOTED GERMAN PHYSICIAW. Has a profeislonal record of 30 years. Cures an Chronic IMseases of long standing, Epilepsy, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Gastritis, and Catarrhal flections. Seud description of your symptoms. Diseases treated by mall and at ofllca. Send for testimonials of hundreds of wonderful cures. DR. WINCHELL'S FEET 111 HE SYRUP I the best medicine for all diseases Incident to children. It regulates the bowels; assists denti tion; cures diarrhoea and dysentery In the worst forms; cures canker sore throat: Is a certain pre ventive of dlphtlierta;Ulets and soothes all pain. Invigorates the stomach and bowels; corrects all acidity, will cure griping in the bowels and wind colic. I)o not fatigue yourself and child with sleepless nights, when It Is within your reach to cure your child and save your own strength. Sold by all druggists. Prepared only by the EMMCRT PROPrlltTAHY CO., CHICAGO. faCTINAn $3& Restorer! Ths Great only CATARRH curb. THROW AWAY YOUR SPECTACLES. ACTI3JA Is the marvul of the Nineteenth Century, for by Its una the Blind See, the Deaf Hear, aad Catarrh la im possible, Artlna in nn absolute certainty In mecurtoj vuiaraan, rwryyiumi, srunuMeu Lidt, Glaucoma, AmanroiA, Mijopia, J'rtibio pia. Common tiert tiyet, or makttud vldon from any eauss. JXo animal exoept man weare ipeotacles. THSHB TiX3 HQ'S SB A SPECTACLE VBTO OX TH3 STKEBTS OT THS WOULU, AJSTD SAAl'LT TO EH AD WITU, JJXaZSY OLAS3S3 ABAjrSOJ?2. Aetina mUoewt JVmraMa, JJeadacAti, Void, Sor Throat, BronrhUU and Weak lunft. Aetina Is not a snofr or lotion, but a rr feet 2EXECTHIO VOCXX'TSATTSXT, nsabla at all times and in all places by yonvg or old. The one Instrument will curt waois family of any of the above forms of dlcease. A VA1VASLS BOOS PnrUI on i loca tion. Contains Trtatlse oq the lianna &ystem, Its ulseasM and can, and tBOMaode cl lUfsr nc aad Testimonial. Beware of fraudulent hniiviixa, CS f-tt the same W. 0. Wilson, Inventor, FafiecT Hi. S4L71A1J stamped on each fcatrsaeaA . &s yrtv without r.arAOf;.TT3 xtaxttts ri est- KX1 MAIHI IT.. KAXIAS CITY, IS 9. A BOOK FOR EVERY W Only $1.00. StrengtM Vitalilj! KIIGiV THYSELF. Or SKLF-PItnSKK VATION. A new and only Gold Mednl PHIZK KS AT on NKKVOUS and PIIVSICAL DKBIUTT, ERROK8 of YOUTH, KXFIAUSTKD VITALITT, PRE niATl'KK DKCLINK. and all DISEASJCS and WEAKNESSES of MAN. 800 paea, cloth. ellt; 125 Invaluable prcHcrlptlons. Only ULOO by mall, double sealed Dcacriptlve Prospectaa, with endorsements of rnrPI SEND the Ptcm and volunUrv 1-KhP I Hu testimonials of the cored. 1 IIUI-I ftUW. Consnlutlon in peron or by mslL ExpertUyat ment. INVIOLABLE BECKECTand C3Sa TAIN CUBE. Address Dr. W. IL Parker.ct The Pcabody Medical Iaetltate, No. 4 Balnach Bt, Bonton, Mass. ... lte Science of life, or Self-preservation, la a treasure more valuable than gold. Head it now, every WEAK and NEUVOC1"! man. aad lean t be BTllONU. Ifcrfwal Bmm (Ceyyrlgfcts&j