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16 TIJJff ADVOCATE 8ReEKBES We hare lone been the LEAD ING LOW-riUCED GROCERS OF KAN3A8. It will pay you to write ui for our WHOLESALE prices to Farmers and Alliances. We will me you money on any order, large or small, whether you are near or distant. GREEN & KALE, "WIIOIjIE3AiiX3 and. TUHTAHj CrR-OOlEiRS, Refer to any bank here. TOPEKA, KAS. J. H. CANNON, M. D., TOPEKA, KAN8A8. Office 62S Kansas ave. 'Phone 435. Office hours 10 to 12. 2 to 6 Residence 1401 West 6th it. M. B. WARD, A. M.v M. D. Practice limited to IHseases of Women. Office, 209 east Seventh at Private Hospital, 311 west Seventh St. HENKY XV. ItOBY, M. P., Consulting and Operating SUHGEON. Office, 118 W. Sixth Ave., Topeka, Kas. 1 1111 Notions Ladies' and Gent's Famishing Goods, Hats, Gloves, And everything found In a first-class store, and at the cheapest prices In the city. Waiting-room for ladles. N. W. SLY & CO., 827 Kas. Ave. DENTISTRY A. C. SLOAN. The famous RTEADMAN process for partial plates used. Best work at reasonable prices. S. XV. Cor. Eighth and Quinsy (ground floor), TOPEKA, - KANSAS, J. C. McCLINTOCK, A.M..M.D., SUROEON. 330 Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kansas. Office hours, 3 to 4 p. m. J. H. ITOXJOHT, DEALER I If Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Carriages, Wagons, Agricultural Implements, Etc. I will save you money on anything In my line. I will order direct from factory for you and thus save you 25 per cent, on buggies, carriages and Implements. Let us see you before you make a purchase. No. 82S North Kansas Ave., Topeka. COAL . CITIZEN'S CO. Wholesale and Retail dealers 1 1 Osage Shaft, or any Soft or Hard Coal you want. By tbe car or ton at the lowest prices. J. V. McNEELEY, Tel. 84. 4' h St, & Santa Fe tracks, Topeka. FILES CUBED AT HOHE ! Without the use of knife or other surgical Instru ment by using WATT'S FAMILY HEAUM OINT MENT, guaranteed to cure Chilblains, Eczema, Teeter, Itch, Corns or any soreness or breaking out of the sklu. 25c, 60c and $1.00 per box. Ask your druggist for It or send to J. K. WATTS, 1020 North Kausas Ave., Topeka, Kan, B.P.EWAHT -DEALER IN- LUMBER, LIME, CEMENT and COAL. SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, tto. My prices are as lowastheXOiravr.buton presentation of this advertisement I will make a SPECIAL DISCOUNT. E. P. EWART, W. Sixth St Van Daren Sts. D. H. FORBES, Hardware ami Stoves SPECIALTIES t "Acorn" Cook Stove, "Charter Oak" Cook Stoves, Genuine "Hound Oak" lleatars, at Low Prices. 616 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kansas. WESTERN FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS. II. L. COFRAN, Prop., Topeka, Kansas. MANUFACTURER OF ENGINES AND BOILERS. GENERAL MACHINE WORK. HUNT, EVANS & CO., 118 West 6th 8L, Topeka, make LOANS on Farms at RKA80NABLE RATKS. Every privilege given consist ent with safety. See them or write for terms. HANSON GREGG, GRAIN DEALER. All kinds of Wheat bought on track on any road in any town In Kansas. Milling wheat a specialty. Good weights and quick returns. (et my price before you soil. Office over Cltlzeu's Bank. Tel. 277. NORTH TOPEKA, KANSAS. THE BROOKS & MILLER LUMBER CO., Dealers In LUMBER, WINDOWS, DOORS, LIME, HAIR, CEMENT and STUCCO, 614 Van Buren St., Toptka. Kansas Avinus a Railroad, North Topeka. "VIS3IT o o o o STEVENSON & COMPANY, 717 and 710 Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Where you will find the largest stock, the greatest variety, the latest designs and the lowest prices of any house In Kansas. We are anxious to see you and to da business with you. STEVENSON & CO , DRY GOODS, CARPETS & MILLINERY. HARDWARE, STOVES and TINWARE. Anything you may need in our line at prices never before lower. We want to do a cash business, and propose giving you the benefit of the best goods at the lowest price ever offered in the west All clean and new. You will lose money if you fail to see our goods ana prices. HENRY & CO., 839 Kansas Avenue, NORTH TOPEKA. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF NEW STYLE OF MILLINERY.- Fa 423 Klaus Ann.!, Tcpiii. The ir We will sell for anything in any of our lines of goods, comprising ail kinds of useful and ornamental housekeeping articles, at less price than any house in the city will make. Come and see us and you will come again. CONSIGN YOUR TO Matt & Lee Commission Gomoany, 321 Exchange Building, KANSAS CITY, MO. Highest market prices realized and prompt returns made. Market reports fur nished to shippers. Correspondence solicited. Reference Any bank in the city. s. i mi & co., GENERAL REAL ESTATE and EXCHANGE AGENTS. 534 Kansas Avenue, Topelta, Kansas. 609 KANSAS TOPEKA, KAS., Offer Stock Farms, Iianches, Wheat farms In all parts of the State; also city and suburban property, at very low prices. Easy terras. Send postal for our 'Real Estate Register." Sent free. We can do you good. FRED RENKER, MERCHANT TAILOR. Suitings for the fall and winter of m now In full stock. Made up in tne new scyies. dosi oi work manship and materials. A good lie guaranteed and reasonable prices assured. Write for our sell- measuring Instructions. Union labor only. 624 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kansas. FARM LOANSJ Lowest rates and every accommodation to borrowers on farms In eastern Kansas. 8peclal low rates on large loans. No applicant with an accepted application has had to wait a day for money, write or see us before making new loan or renewal. T. IE3. BCW-A-N SS CO., 116 West 6th St., Topeka, Kansas. IGUSHARD & EORABAUGH.I 834 Kansas Avenue, -"THE North Topeka, Kansas. STORE." DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, FURNISHING GOODS, ETC., ETC. Tha iarirAt and ltuiiiw nnrt.h Hidn drv poods store. We want your trade and take this means of asking you for it. A visit will Insure us your constant custom when you learn our prices. JjMES C. SMITH, (Successor to Smith, Biggs & Koch.) DEALER IN Hiies Wool, Tallow, also Butchers' Tools and Supplies.- T-iELAJDINGr HOUSE IN KANSAS. 108 Kast Third Street, Topeka, Kansas. P your Butter, Eggs, Fruit, Vegetables, Poultry, U U OR PRODUCB OF ANY KIND TO THUS CHAS. LEWIS COMMISSION CO., 206 Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kansas. Best prices. Quick sales. Prompt returns. We can find constant customers for your produce at good prices. Refer to banks. riease mention this paper. ONE WORD TELLS OUR STORY. COMPARE Not only our prices, but workmanship and styles, during our now famous SEPTEMBER SALE. We Invite the test. We believe the judg ment of thousands during the past two weeas will be yours. There is nothing more to say. THE GOLDEN EAGLE CLOTHING HOUSE, 618 KANSAS AVENUE, S. ETTLINGER, Proprietor, FRANKHERALD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 410 Kansas Ave., Topeka Kan. B. K, CHXSNIY. J. T. WARD CHESNEY & WARD, Attorneys at Law. Practice In all courts, state 533 Kansas Avenue., - Topto, Kan. CO-OPERATIVE COAL CO., Wholesale and retail dealers In THE HOME MINING CO. COAL LUMP AND NTJT. Office, 636 Kansas ave., Topeka. Telephone, 247. O. 8. BARNETT, Oen'l Manager. Linirp D( noi endanger your health by fill r taWoS Poisonous drugs. Write nUILU to pr pate. 334 Kansaa Ave., Topeka, Kas. Enolose 50 oente and get a sure preventive for all trouble. Perfectly harmless. ' 11 v I v'VV i- V I I J i If V . .7 Vh will fh joq on frf. WHt il "J" THE NATIONAL DUEDER SOLID 81LVERINE SI FREE A rninlm joiiafltrf w.u-h to nnTTmlir of thlt pPr. CUT THIS OUT and sd It to oi with j our full nun nd llmt, na w. will Mnd yon on oi tSfM kint, ncnijr jcwrl.d, g .num. watchn by l- prnta tor ciuh m(n. II t tnt ixprof offlc and It yoa think il 1 br- 4 to y ,14.00 w t c k yoa T.ruw, p.T oar m p 1 prirr1.fc4.ind 'exprtM ehf Jtn md H yonn. With th w.t. h w.wnd 'Viyftr iimraatM forth. cm udIO T.ari forth.moT. mrnt, ftlMonrprinW i rnar&ntrc thst too can return th, w. 1ST tlm olthmODt Ttu If Dotastitfactoryodif yoa II or c-auM th. ul. o( ill w on u w. .h 1 1 .ra d ou I nmpl f or MFQ.&IMPORTINB COm 334 Dearborn St., Chicago, III. X 4 A