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(Ql Fl, Cff la F&B lla fsl n TO lAn Kann th V.HATV INO LOW-PRICED GROCKEv OP KANSAS. It will pay you to mrita na tiT nnr irilOLKULK price to Farmers and Alliances. We will save you money on any order, Urge or mall, whether yon are near or dlatant. GREEN &, KALE, Refer to any bank here. TOPEKA, KAS. FRANK HERALD, ATTO BNEYDAT LAV. 410 Kansas Are., Topeka Kan. JL B. OHUNIT. J. T WABD. CHESNEY & WARD, Attorneys at Law. Practice In all courts, itate and federal a Kama Avenue., TopeKa, Kan. J. H. CANNON, M. D., TOPEKA. KANSAS. Office 026 Kansas are. 'Phone 435. Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. Residence 1401 West 6th St. M. B. WARD, A. M., M. D. Practice limited to Diseases of Women. Office, 209 east Keventh St. Private Hospital, 311 west Seventh St. iieniiy w. koby, M. D.f Consulting and Operating SURGEON. Offlce, 118 W. Sixth Ave., Topeka, Kas. s Notions Ladles' and Gent's Fnrnishlng Goods, Hats, Gloves, And everything found In a first-class store, and at the cheapest prices la the city. Waiting-room for ladles. N. W. SLY & CO., 827 Kas. Ave. DENTISTRY A. 0. SLOAN. Tlie fainons STB ADMAN process for partial plates used. Best work at reasonable prices. 8. XV. Cor. Eighth and Qalncy (ground floor), TOPEKA, - KANSAS. E.REWART -DEALER IN- LUMBER, LIME, OEM? NT and COAL. SASH. DOORS, BLINDS, Eto. My prices are a low as the 10 WEST, but on DresentauOn or mis aavernflrnifliiii i ww iua&e a SPECIAL DISCOUNT. E. P. EWAKT, W. Sixth & Van Karen 8ts J. C. McCLINTOCK, A.M..M.D.. 330 Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kansas. Office hours, 3 to 4 p. m. J. H. ITOXJOIiT, DKALKB IN Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Carriages, Wagons, Agricultural Implements, Eto. I will save you money on anything in my line. I will order direct from factory for you and thus save you 25 per cent, on buggies, carriages and Implements. Let us see you before you make a purchase. No. 823 North Kansas Ave., Topeka. COAL . CITIZEN'S CO. Wholesale and Retail dealers li Osage Shaft, or any Soft or Hard Coal you want. By the car or ton at the lowest prices. J. V. McNEELEY, Tel 84. 4th St. & Santa Fe tracks, Topeka. D. H, FOKBES, Mrae nuil Stows SPECIALTIES i "Acorn" Cook 8tovs, "Charter Oak? Cook Stoves, Genuine "Hound oaa." ueaien, at Low Prices. 610 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kansas. CO-OPERATIVE COAL CO., Wholesale and retail dealers In THE HOME WHIG CO, COAL LUMP AND NUT. Offlce, 635 Kansas ave., Topeka. Telephone, 247. G. 8. HARNETT, Gen'l Manager. Walts' Veterinary Cures Fistula, Poll-Evil, Barb-wire Cuts, Bruises, Old Sores, Thrush, Foot-Rot, Scratches, Grease, Sptd Cracks, Corns and Contracted Feet. Price 25 cents. At druggists, or J, E. WATTS, Veterinary Ilorse-Shoer, 1020 N. Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kas WESTERN FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS.- It. Hi. COFILA.N, Prop., Topeka, Kansas. MANUFACTURER OF ENGINES AND BOILERS. GENERAL MACHINE WORK. E utynsiia iz HUNT, EVANS & CO., 118 West 6th 8L, Topeka, make LOANS on Farms at REASONABLE HAI KU. Every privilege given consiss ent with safety. Bee thom or write for terms. HANSON GREGG, GRAIN DEALER. All kinds of Wheat bought on track on any roal in any town in Kansas, niuiin hull a anulii.lfv. ilnoA Wfllffhfa An quick mums. Ot my price before you sell. Office over Cltlwn's Bank. Tel. 277. KORTll TOfKtLA., BAJf. CONSIGN YOUR Q-.ZT TO Moffat! & Lee Commission Gomoany, 321 Exchange Building, KANSAS CITY, HO. vAfiirna mftdfl. Market reports fur- nished to ehippera. Correspondence Bolicited. Reference Any bank in the city. Mention tins paper, FRED RENKER, MERCHANT TAILOR. RniHrtM for thA fall and winter of 192 now in full stock. Made up In the new styles, best of work manship and materials. A good fit guaranteed and i!??! measuring Instructions. Union labor only. 624 Kansas Ave.. Topeka, Ksnias. 834 Kansas Avenue, - "THE NEW DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, FURNISHING GOODS, ETC., ETC. im.. i i,,Mn h m Hr mwii tnr w want vout trade and take this means of asking you for it. A visit will Insure us your constant custom when you learn our prices. THE BROOKS & MILLER LUMBER CO., Dealer in LUMBER, WINDOWS, DOORS, LIME, HAIR, CEMENT and STUCCO 614 Van Buran St.. Topska. Kansas Avenut a Railroad. Worth Topska. HARDWARE, STOVES and TINWARE. intv;nn ah mav tmu in Mir linft fit mices never before lower. We want to do a cash business, and propose Riving you the benefit of tne best i i i i l - - f 1 tU. nrAcif All laan art1 na Vftn gooaa &i me lowest pnc evr uutsreu u mo nw. vu will lose money if you fail to see our goods and prices. HENEY & CO., 839 Kansas Avenue, NORTH TOPEKA. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF HEW STYLE OF MILLINERY. f.C'iiiiilll tie ir air "We will eU for anything in any of our lines oi pooas, compnua u kinds of ussrui ana ornamsnuu V(MiAVAATtin? articles, at less Tjrice than any house in the city will znaxe. Lome ana see us suia yuu 1 1. WOOD & CO. GENERAL HEAL ESTATE and EXCHANGE AGENTS. B34 Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kansas. ertholom ewilo 609 KANSAS AYXL, TOPKKA, KAS., Offer Stock Farms, Banehes, Wheat farms In all parts of the State; also city and suburban property, at very low prices. Ea.8 terms Send postal for our Keal Fstate Keglster." Sent free. We can do you good. FARM. LOANS J Lowest rates and every accommodation to borrowers on i farms In eastern Kansas. Special low rates on large loans. No applicant with an accepted application has had to wait a day for money, write or see us before making new loan or renewal. 1. E. BO"WE-AJbT SS CO., 118 West 6th St., Topeka, Kansas. iGUSHARD & ROKABAUGH, Forth Topeka, Kansas. STOKE." JAMES C. SMITH, (Successor to Smith, Biggs & Koch.) DBALKB IX $Hides Wool, Tallow, also Butchers' Tools anil Supplies.- T.-fflAPTWQ IIOUOIB IN KANSAS. 108 East Third Street, u opena, ivansus. OiJE WORD TELLS OUR SIUKY. l COMPARE N Not only our prices, but workmanship and styles, during our now famous SEPTEMBER SALE. We invite the test We believe the judg ment of thousands during the past two weeas win be yours. There Is nothing more to say. THE GOLDEN EAGLE CLOTHING HOUSE, 618 KANSAS AVENUE, 3. ETTLINGER, Proprietor. kM"WVfc UX""'" vXfc JA1 ' U . . 7 t"(LSiMvffil Wftii mix lltV IIV(1 V lCllCiAV( e)omtvrfosinessfodcticeJto A LARGE, THOROUGH, PROGRESSIVE SCHOOL! SUPERIOR, INSTRUCTION Catalogue ana Deauurui specimens oi penmnnnny huh uw by mentlonlag this paper. lioara aaia room, u pr ww, Aaaress. 621 and 523 Qnlncy Street, TOPSKA, KANSAS F ARMS ARK CHEAPER NOW than they ever will be again. Buy a farm cheap and on cast tibmjs and low 15T1BXJ3T Of the LANDS in every Till AMERICAN LAND county in Kansas. & IMMIQRA'N CO. Over 2,000 farms at a VXBT LOW PKICB. It will pay you to write now for list with full deaoriDtion and num bers of land. J. H. BRADY, Gen. Man., TOPEKA KAS. KANSAS BliiiiSil its Tur nrcT MPDICINE ter the General Ailments of Ilorses, Cattle, Hogt and Sheep. They purify the blood, prevent and curs disease. Honest and reliable. In honest eackajres; used and warranted for over twenty rwtT Everyone owning a horse or cattle should ttnltatriaX Made by EmmkbtFrophixtajit COCnlcao. Bold by aU druggists. 423 tows -AT80BI, Tajiii. will come again.