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Image provided by: Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS
Newspaper Page Text
THUS A23VOOilT23i 15 23f WZDEft QA3 AND QASOUNE ENGINE Simplest and wtoa MoaoaDieH ecgiBM em mtU. Fnlly Guaranteed. A boy starU It, requires only I ' rni 4 Guaranteed cort of rurntps; i w. k. W A hnnr nor II. P. Writ iQX i catoionpia. Aaoresa riraww ,a i iWeixr Gas Enzlns worn; KANSAS CITY, MO. cr3 KINS OF MACHINES. "B3 Self-Hsatlag Washsr." Complett Success at List, A Washing M whine with gi olina attAhrrunt? h-vits it keeps water hot; does not ffff the dirt out Four cent w f sr iSi worth of gasoline does fo-l v washing. No rub, wash board or bollt-r needed Wringers. $1.65 each A peats wanted every- where. Send for terms. Address the manufacturer, P. T. BENBOW, 1814-1816 N. 18th St., St. Louis. 0 M Km tri MONTY SAVED BY BUYING DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURER V- , -v We make Wood and Galvanized f Slel Mills, Wood and Steel Towers. Mills sold on trial and on time. GET OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY. Write for circulars, prices and terms. Address CUKBIK WINDMILL CO., Manhattan, Kansas By previous agreement the undersigned retlr from business at the close of the current vear. While our stock lasts we make prices to sell It, Our stock Is the largest la the west, and It will be worm wnus w ouy oeiore it is uiukch. A. B. WHITING CO.. Glass, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Etc 521 Qulncy St'NuSSSTopeka, Kansas. i lis CI St i mi Are the most commodious and best appointed In the Missouri vallev. The fact that higher Dru. are reauzea uere man m lae east; is aue u cue location ai tnese yaras or ewnt pacxing nouses, witr an ImmxratA tiillv oanalfv nt a ftiYl Mftla an4 vr Ortn hn anil tlx funioi tttamtiniu f ihim competitive buyers for the packing houses of Omaha, Ohlcaiw, St Louis, Indianapolis, Cincinnati New York and Boston, The eighteen railroads running taw Kansas CLtj have direct connection wiia me yaras. Official receipts for 1891 .. Slaughtered In Kansas City Sold to feeders feold to shippers Total sold In Kansas City In 1891. . Cattle and Calves. 1,347,487 570 7(51 257.660 850,625 1,163,944 Bogs. 2,599,109 1,895.653 17,673 585,330 Sheep. 388,760 209,641 17.485 43,781 869.844 Horses and Mules. 81,740 Cars. 91,438 C. F. MORSE, fisneral Manager. E. E. RICHARDSON, Ssorstary and Treasurer. H. P. CHILD, Asst. flsn. Mgr. E. RUST, SuparlntsndtnL ( yiA fy sft vim ., THE Bine Valley Feed Mill Pronounced the best mill vet made. Farmers and feeders say it runs the lightest and does the must worn in me snonesc ume. ' SAVES TIME, - SAVES MONEY, and adds to the early maturity feeder interest on his Investment Sud for catalogue and prices. BLUE VALLEY FOUNDRY CO.. JUA ATT AN, KANSAS This Space is Eeserred for the Topeka Poundrj (near R. I. depot), Topeka, Kansas. Please mention Tan Adyocais when oorrea pondliis wllh &4verUcn. Top8ka, Kan., f The Leading Western Importersland sreeaers oi Clydesdale, Porchoron, Clovoland Bay ASD French Coach Horso3. Alio Importen and Breeders Registered Hereford Cattle mm. Troiio Tr on it niinAuierne Yi i.nitj iw evil rvAvnAnbn. Send for Illustrated catalocue. Stables mwwn. E. BENNETT A BON al mmm WEI. JllSlSl, EMPORIA, SUCCESSOR TO AUSTIN & GRAY BROS., - KANSAS, Importer and Ereodor of Sii FitlL French Con, Emlisli Sie, Clydesdale, FerclieM and Standard Bred Stallions and Hares. Mv horses 'wt selected direct from 'the 'breeders of EnroM.and are descendants of the most noted prize winners of the eld world. I paid spot cash for au my stock and got the best at treat bargains and was not obliged to take the refuse from dealers at exorbitant Azures In order to obtain credit, thereby enabling me to s-U better animals at better prices, longer Dine and a lower rate of Interest than almost any other dealer in America. I have also the most superior system of organizing companies and stock syndicates In this country, and Insure satisfaction. I call especial attention to my references. By these it will be seen that I am not handling on commission the refuse horses of dealers in Europe. With me you get a square transaction, a good animal, a valid gnaractee, and will compete with any firm In America onprlces and terms besides. Erwrite me tor descriptive catalogue ana mention thi ajdyooatb. IDUTTOiST HOUSE. Nsxt Door South ef Cjart Haass, Toptka, Kansas EC H. BUTTON", Proprietor. fl.60 per day. Special rates to Alliance, Mention Thx Advocati. SEMI-TROPIC CALIFORNIA. A home seeker's book on seml-troDla lands. allmate, soil, industries, prod acts, homesteads and other claims, etc Invaluable to home s"k era, tourists or capitalists. Illustrated. Price, 28c, postpaid. tt0TOALx An. ruB.COLLeulSvMo. H. TAYLOR, Peart, Dickinson Co., Ks., Short , horns, Poland-China Hogs, Bronze Turkey A flFHTR VAUTED 0!I SALAB7 PittCklIIokBrUf IVaell. AiT"nff making SMperwcJuSUnrMKrMrarU.x SW Ui'rwM. ,-.-"T-, ;-.-. T7 ' 9 " " A ' ' "'T'""" "'" 1 j1 f"f ' - ' " nil mil . lTJl1' 7&A TT Tiiiiinij i 'if i iiiiiiu iiaiiiiii i iwppiijwpi iiii isjusasisi uwl ! 'T1' J W Hiti til) Latest laprcremefiti it WELLDRILLS Send SO cents for mailing com plete Catalogue. i F. C. AUSTIN MFG. CO., ffj CHICAGO. ILL. Th nt'ST .llAt'HINKIt Y aiid 'I'OOLS in the world fur uooetin in thin bliaitMM alto Horso Powers, VJFA L B Pumps Avalves Iron Pil mid FittinnWell Sni WELLS flWt II MUD. LpJins. lioniwt and nlinbl work aamired. Uittalogus mailed Pitt. L.OOMIS a. NYMAN, nnnnp in a iinnnn rx tut mi ra .mi V i v nut iiiii 8nd forfroo lllnttratrd entalo(n1 snnwfn twrt ImonUSs Jroro tlinimaiids who hum xawrd from 5 tn 9 cord. dall. e aawi down tree, foliU ll.oa pix-kot-Unlf a, wci(tlnoDl 41 ll).,eiu"lly crrllon(ilioiillcr. Onemancanntwmor tlmbrp with It than two men with aoroKHiiitimw. 57.000 In dk. W alonik6lBrffflr ulred michlB toparrr T fool KrAKI?trUor court' 010 KenT. fOLOIHa tAWltii gUCHlMI C9.t Wl to 348 So. J.fforMO tit., Chiotfo, I1U ' iOO-SOIIGSi ords & Muslo Complt ol( collection of irema only KM ft t ACT IN A," Ths Great ml Rsstorerl only CATARRH curb. THROW AWAY YOUR SPECTACLES. ACTI2TA is the marvel of the NUietMnth Century, for by its tine the Blind S, the Deaf Hear, and Catarrh is Lm possible. Actina U an ahxolute wrtaluty in ibocwtof Cataracts, Pterygiums, Granulated luu, uiaucorna, Ajmntrosu, Myopia, rretoxo pia. Common' sort tJj$, or wtakewid vision from any causa. No animal accept man wears apctola. THXSBS ITXSEB OT BB A 8FECTACJUB USSD 08 XK2S BXSEETa 09 THS WOttLD, AffO RAHEiY TO HEAD WITH. OLASSX3 ABAWDOUTaD. Actina alocur$ Neuralaia, JJsadacAes, Colds, Sort Throat, BroitcMat and Weak Lungt. Actina In not a snatf or lotion, bat a 2t fact ELECTEIO POCXXT BATT23T, nsable at all times and lb U ptaues by yoasg or old. The one instratneut wX sort a waole family of snr ot tti aouv torn or i'isa. YAXUAEi BOOH T&XM oo t fP tlon. CotiUlua TrthUe oc. the Uamaa BTStem, 1U diteuac ud tare, and thooeaoie ef litcttr eac a and Testimonial. Bewats of fTadac tmltattnaa. Ea S&J s. .ma w n r i; (41,714 Is stamped oo eaca tDstnutke&i. rati ?7fy. ai.jr:a r&ai vj&J33 ail? f wJi Cr.t:d;.' hslJa i A BOOK FOR EVERY LlAtl Only $1.00. Strength I Vilalilj! Or SKLF-PltKSKKVATTOX. A new and only Gold Melnl PItlZK ESSAY on NKKVOU9 ind PHYSICAL DFBIHTY, KKKOK8 ol YOUTH, KXTTAirSTKU VITALITY, PHE MATITKK DKCMNK, and all DISEASES and WKAKNKSSKS of MAX. 800 paeea, cloth, gilt; 124 invaluable prtrHcriptinns. Only ILW by mall, double sealed Iteccriptlve Proepectos, with endorsements of rnppi CrWH the Pres and voltintarv l-Kp V I Snvii teftlmonlals of the cured. I IIUI-I NUff. Consaitation In rKTon or by mall. Expert treat mwtt. IN VIOLA ULK 8KCKKCY and CEtt TAIN CUKK. Aadrew lr. V. II. Parker.or Ths I'eabody Aledlcal Institute, Xo. 4 Bulilnch 8U, Boaton, Mas. Ths Science of Life, or Self-preservation, Is a treasnre nofi valuable than gold. Kead It now, very WE A K and N K It VOUH man, sad learn b iTtJJXQr-Xli fytfmi (Coyyrlfatei)