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TCZZ3 -AJDVOOiTn. 11 Tie Bay State Talis. Editor Advocate: I am proud of Kansas. It shows the people can be de pended upon.' It was the battle ground of the money power against the people. The people being victorious, Kansas be comes the battle shout for the nation's emancipation. History is reproduced. Kansas was the vanguard in the emanci pation of slavery, through the formation of the republican party. Its mission ended. It surrendered to the money power, which enslaved the producers of this nation, who inherited the right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, The eleotion shows the revolution going on. The people repudiate protection as a tax, in place of which they adopt a tariff for revenue only, which they will dis cover is no lees a tax, and that there is not one monopoly it will destroy. The republican party can never make another campaign with any hope of success. The democrats have nothing to deliver to the people but husks- Now is the-time for the people, and the financial question is the issue. Here it is in a nut-shell: Of the $30,000,000,000 indebtedness of the people of the United States, it is esti mated $11,000,000,000 are held by foreijn . capitalists, at an average interest of 7 per cent., a tax on our industries of ft770.000.000. some three times the amount of revenue collected through tariff. In addition, $19,000,000,000 held by home capitalists, giving additional tax of $1,330,000,000. The following table will show: National obligation of the people of all kinds, about 30,ooo Foreign 11,000,000.000 Average Interest at 7 percent 770,000,000 Home capital 19,000,000,000 Average Interest at 7 per cent 1,330,000,000 Interest added t2,loo,000,OCO Add government ex pense ot tariff and Internal revenue... Add expenses of states, cities and towns ; Added to Interest on people's debt. 12,820,000,000 A tax of $2,820,000,000 per year on oar industries under our present system. The tariff is insignificant in connection with it. Now for relief through the financial plank of the People's party government to issue and control the currency and loan direct to the people at a tax not to exceed 2 per cent, which on publio in debtedness of $30,000,000,000 at 2 per cent would amount to $000,000,000, which goes into the United States treas ury, and removes all call for a tariff through taking the place of present gov ernment tax. Tax on industries under present system, $2,820,000,000: tax under people's system, $600,000,000; a saving to the people of $2,220,000,000. The effect on our business would be: Government money would take the place of present credit capital, thus giving the people collectively representation in prop erty and homes. Put our spindles in operation to supply home wants and for eign demand through our cheapened cost of manufacturing, we could place our products on all markets of the world at a profit, the only ones hurt being those who neither work with hand or brain, the parasites or usurers. It would set the army of the unemployed to produc ing and consuming to the extent of human desires. The only poverty a na tion need fear comes through avarice; a few benefited, the masses suffer. De stroy labor and property returns to its natural element Protect labor in free exchange of its products at cost, and every manufacturer, merchant, farmer and wage-worker in the country would prosper. Depressions of business would be of the past and would be impossible in the future, only through famine or epidemic, I tell you money paid through SGO.COO.OOO 300,000,000 government for publio improvements comos right close to the Bellamy system of letters of credit. All that stands be tween is the 2 per cent to be charged for transfer of indebtedness, which comes back to the people collectively to be paid out again for necessary expenses of gov ernment and collective improvements. Government control would make it as firm as the postage stamp, as there would be no speculation through it. Cash can hurt no one. There can be no cash fail ures. Speculation and failure must be charged where it belongs, to the credit system, an endeavor to get something for nothing. Stand up for KanBaa. . Galen P. Athertox Worcester, Mass., November 13, 1802. The Philadelphia fellows think that Quay would have won, and that Carter is to blame. Nobody is to blame, and no one would have done different. The people did themselves for some reason or other. Kansas City Gazette. Consumption Gurtd, An old physician, retired from practice, had placed In his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent euro of consumption, bronchitis, catarrh, asthma and all throat and lung afflictions, also a positive radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous complaints. Having tested Its wonderful curative powers In tnousands ot rases, and desiring to relieve hu man suflerlog, I will send free of charge of all who wish lr, this recipe la German, French or English, wltn full directions for preparing and using. Bent by mall, bv addressing, with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. Noyis, S30 Powtrr Block, Rochester, 2V. Y. "Among the O-arks." "The Land of Big Bed Apples" is the title of an attractive and highly interesting book recently issued. It is handsomely illustrated with views of south Missouri soenery, ino'uding the famous Olden fruit farm of 3,000 acres in Howell county. It pertains entirely to fruit-raising in that great fruit belt of Amerioa, the southern slope of the Ozarks, and will prove of great value, not only to fruit-growers, but to every farmer and home-seeker in other states looking for a farm and a home. Mailed free. Address, J. E. Locswood, Kansas City, Mo. The Sixth Avenue Hotel. When in the city of Topeka, stop at the Sixth Avenue hotel, 107 East Sixth avenue. W. M. Speck, the proprietor, is an accom modating gentleman, and will make your stay a pleasant one. Meals first-lass, nice rooms and good beds. This hotel is Alli ance headquarters, where you will see state Alliance official and prominent Allianoe Do not endanger your health by taking poisonous drugs. Write to Dr. Patee. 834 Kansas Ave., Topexa, Kas. Enclose 60 cents and get a sure preventive for all trouble. Perfectly harmless. Dont forget to renew your subscrip tion to the Advocate. taught. Graduates assisted to position!. Only exclu sive School In Kansas. Only Cc-owratlve School In the World. The best on earth. More advantages than Is offered by all other Schools combined. 185 pays for "avenge course," Including tuition, board, room and washing, for the first 20 answer ing this "ad." Write at once. For past year we have been unable to flil orders for our graduates. Address W. II. Skkltok, Mgr . "Lock Box 770," Sallna, Kas. CENTR.U flit COLLEGE AND BUSINESS INSTTTCTIC $29 pays for board, furnished room and tuition for ten weeks. Good accommodations and the best of Instruction given. Students of any grade can enter at any time and be sure to find class to rait them. Actual business In Buslneis Depart ment. Catalogue and nam Die of penmanship free. Addtess WM.8IKYKBR, Pres., Great Bend, Kas. WICHITA. KAXSAS. f ENS FOX CATALC3UZ. Book-keeping, Shorthand, Telegraphing, Pen manship, Typewriting, and all other business o ranches tborou;ty taught. Graduates secure Sood positions. Bend for circulars, fileaOoa Aoyoorrm, FOR. 3P3HIOE5S 03ST Hill and Machinery Supplies, Asbestos Fire-proof Roofing. Paints, Roofing Materials, Belting, Pulleys, Pumps, etc, write to JOHHSTOfi-lEWIS SUPPLY CO., 1228 oniqimye., KANSAS CITY, HO. - A lL, W f I wWv Grand Ave., 11th A Walnut Ota., IT ATI'S A3 CITY. When you are ready to make your FALL : AND : WDJTEB Purchases of DRY GOODS, CARPETS, MILLINERY, CLOAKS, FURS, HOUSE FURNISHINGS, Etc., Etc., We ask you to get on the train and eome to oir mammoth establishment. We offer you thou sands of different kinds to select from. If you can't come In person, write for samples and order by mall BUUEHE, QOORE, EMERY & CO., Grand Ave., 11th fe Walnut fits., KANSAS CITY. From Now Till l FOR 0JJE DOLLAR AN EVENTFUL ELEOTION IS PAST, Tho Enemy is Ours, and 11 TO 1 1 Jj is on dock and anxious to fur nish tho best newspaper in tho country for all who believe in reformation in politics. From Now Till 1894 FOR $LOO. DO NOT GO TO SCHOOL until you hare written to the Advocate Pub. Co.Jopaka, Kas. laJ SC&33! of Storta., Typsirlllsg ui EMPORIA, - X&2TOAO and received an elegant illustrated catalogue. It la one of the finest, and Is full of facts perula Ins to this live, progressive and prosperous Insti tution. No school is more thorough and none so economical Has a superior class of students. Located In a model city. Good board, $160 por week. Address O. E. D. Parker, Principal. 'ii m -3 r the ," Blue Valley N fit Pronounced the best mill vet made. Farmers and feeders say it run the tightest and does the most work In the shortest time. SAVES TIME, - SAVES HONEY, and adds to the early matarlty feeder Interest on his Investment. Btuid for catalogue and price. BLUE VALLEY FQUNDItY CO., MANHATTAN, KANSAS. , KANSAS CITY PUMP CO- Manufacturers and Jobbers cf Iron.and.Wood Pumps, Iron Pipe, Stock Tanks, and a complete Water Supply for Farm and Finch. Get our prices on BUfXEYE DOUBLE -ACTI2TO FORCE and LIFT PUMPS, TEA HERN IRON PUMPS tni CYLINDERS, Wood Pumps and Water Purifiers, The best on earth. Address KANSAS CITY PUMP CO. Station A, Kansas City, Mo. T ml wJm I r reat Souuiwes KANSAS! COLORADO! OKLAHOMA! TEXAS! New MEXICO! ARIZONA! Unparalleled Resourcesof Cli mate, Products and Markets. Writ to EDWARD HARM. fpwlsl Imstl.ra Hon Ajmt, IAN7A FE ROUTE, 1C30 Union Art., Kansas City, Mo., tor hdost FEU AMPHLETI. The ATOHisoir. TOrEXA & Sutta FiB. B passes through twelve States and Terri tories, and, having no lands of Its own to seU, has 00 object In unduly advancing the Inter ecu of any particular locality, or In giving other than perfectly reliable Information. Its prosperity being dependent upon the prosperity of the fanners of the Great rkmth west. It Is naturally willing to aid the deserv ing and Industrious Immigrant seeking to es tablish a new home, by giving him all tiia tacts and data at its disposal Subscribe and get legislature newa,