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12 SIXTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. Showing the vote of the several candidate for congress in Kansas for 1892, together with columns showing the highest republican vote ever previously cast in each county of the state, the highest plurality previously had over the leading candidate, and the republican decline in each county as com pared with the vote on congrfessman-atdarge in 1892. "Republican losses "show up" in every county of the state, and the boasts of the party of an "82,000 majority" for 1888 in Kansas then claimed as the banner republi can state are likely to be heard of no more. The boasted " bramiest man " of the state was on the stump from Doniphan county on the northeast lo Morton county on the southwest, and from Cheyenne on the northwest to II II 1 1 I 1 ! 1 1 Jl T. 1 UneroKee on ine soutneasc, ana yet repuoucan losses nave ionoweu ms plu tocratic march as he has discoursed to the noble yeomanry of the state. FIRST CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. Counties. Atchison Brown Doniphan , Jackson JaCerson Leavenworth . Nemaha Pottawatomie., ! isgigisssf! s!sa i i I ? i p ? s3s i : c : : t : : : : sgs o :cjZV ; : : j : : : 3rr S 3 806 2,847 2,633 35 2,490 2.818 44 762 1,090 2.696 2 592 2,029 114 6 2,658 2,264 95 954 650 2,245 2,163 1,165 3 2,161 1,188 8 1.136 163 1,979 1,912 1,526 3 1.821 1.600 22 749 628 2.268 2.040 1.971 44 2.012 1,985 49 814 787 3,695 3,426 2.615 49 3,237 4,060 30 699 1,622 2,575 2,263 2,021 28 2,210 2,212 47 883 885 2,419 2,158 1,922 155 2,079 2,140 15 960 1,021 21,083 19,401 15,772 279 161 13,568 18,257 310 6,957 Frederick's plurality 3,629 Broderlclt's majority 3,189 Anthony's plurality 311 Anthony's majority 1 SECOND CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. P J 2 M W S ft W s 5 a " & Counties, a-is : s 3 : t : g- : : : : : : a'S'S B ' : a5 :::::: 23 g ' - : ; : : : 3?3 5 AHm 1.956 1,558 1,465 29 1,585 1,438 34 850 703 Anderson 1,84.) 1.0I8 1,488 84 1,628 1,447 83 853 672 Bourbon 3,609 2,723 2,931 24 2.776 2,894 24 1.738 1,856 Doujrlas 3,306 2,959 2,328 127 3,097 2.203 132 1 690 796 Franklin 2 422 2,104 2.519 148 2,125 2,447 152 1,504 1,128 Johnson 2,164 1.P93 2U06 84 2,067 1.943 02 950 836 Linn 2,2 '2 1,979 2,112 27 2.033 2 042 23 1,364 1,373 Miami 2.170 2,166 2,347 41 2.235 2.292 39 745 f2 Wyandotte 6,431 5, 800 6,621 108 5,869 5,552 106 1,246 959 Total ... 25.153 22,900 22 817 672 23,406 22,258 685 10,970 Funston's plurality Fanstou, short of a mJ )rUy. . 83 .689 Anthony's plurality. Anthony'a majority. .1,147 . 462 THIRD CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. Counties. Chau'auqua.. CQprofce Cow If y , Crawtoid,.... K'k. UbVtte.V.V.V Montgomery. Noosno Wilson. TotaL ." Hudson's plurality, Hudson's majority. m : Ss : T 1765 2935 4 114 3156 1.80J 3 475 3,049 2.134 2.191 1,369 2 7m 3 857 3,N8 1,216 2.9(5 2784 1965 1.720 1,329 3 715 3 9il0 4,169 1.383 3 118 2,469 2,198 1.717 f9 127 75 9 89 2S 1 412 2 710 3.870 3 069 1.226 2 953 2 735 1996 1,793 1 3H 3,733 3,Wo 4,161 1,376 S.t'lt 2 512 2.17 1.647 24,609 1 21,694 23,9981 384 1 21,770 23,814 2 404 Harris' plurality ,2020 Harris' majority 6 60 127 79 11 M 28 12 27 437 Hi 2Zt 896 87 2179 1.281 874 1.894 im 990 1,156 11,1751 783 t,920 2, '55 2 373 1.024 1,952 1.231 1,167 1,010 .2,044 .1,617 FOURTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. Counties. flutter Chase Coffey. Greenwood. Lyon Marlon Uorria OvAOk. Bhawnee...., Wabaunsee. Woodson... . Total Curtis' plurality. Curtis' majority. m : : 1 : CTS7 3,179 1.126 1,988 2,2(2 3,i76 2,375 1,612 3,442 7,673 1,708 1,149 2C56 898 1.790 1731 2.61)6 2,236 1,419 2,626 6,947 1,369 1,067 2,699 970 1.8c6 1734 2.6: 1,653 1,3251 3 162 4,000 1,619 1,044 90 18 ' 68 22 115 78 32 162 134 16 25 1 2,6)3 894 1.767 1.733 2 695 2 227 1,408 2.599 6,698 1.326 1.073 2.703 976 1.887 1,775 2,618 1,664 1,320 3 181 4 240 1 622 1,027 29,609 125.334122,6031 749 1 1 24,903 22,909' ..2,731 Anthony's plurality ..1,932 Anthony's majority 1 s 1 ? f : ' ' 3rr S 01 1,656 1,616 18 832 914 60 743 863 1,132 1,174 120 1 637 1,660 87 1,092 619 41 772 690 157 2,062 2.644 142 4,529 2,071 19 769 904 30 554 508 765 15,678 .2,054 .1,289 FIFTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. Counties. CHav Cloud Dickinson..., Oary Marshall.... Ottawa FpubUo Riiy foUne , Washington. Total.., " g J ? g f & g I jr i . : : i : : : : : :T?7 : : 2.170 1,667 2 021 68 16 1,687 2.017 91 2 689 1.964 2,212 64 12 1,919 2.276 63 2,746 2,408 2,652 C8 2,439 2.65:1 1.027 910 970 49 77 m 1.106 43 2,670 2 539 2,687 102 225 2,621 2.9U 117 1.620 1.439 1,510 63 17 1 452 1.632 52 2,595 2,1f8 2,m 90 23 2160 2 068 102 1.856 155 1.3S8 38 43 ' 1,570 1,431 42 2 384 1JB59 2,135 24 1,820 2 182 25 3.000 2,373 2 624 17 95 2.326 2,829 18 22,763 18,872 20,162 605 578 18,757 21,035 556 ?5 2. 1 r 0 2 1.234 1,543 1,051 303 1,279 919 1.390 1,084 1,331 1.488 Davis' plnrallty 190 Darts' majority, 109 Harris plurality. Harris' majority., 1.664 1.900 1,265 646 1,699 999 1,298 945 1,693 1,991 11,622,' 2.273 1,722 Counties. Cheyenne . Decatur. .. Ellis Ellsworth. Gove Graham... Jewell Lincoln.... Logan Mitchell... Norton .... Osborne... Phillies.... Rawlins ... Rooks Russell .... Sheridan.. Sherman... Smith Thomas ... Trego o .. Wallace Total Baker's plurality Bilker In a minority oL. m I I 1 I M i Mf I HH f r ? I I r. I f3- i hi i : : : : i : Ml : : : : : ggi I : dm? : ' - rr 5 799 476 375 8 122 603 488 9 359 344 1,224 . 625 822 6 35 621 958 6 493 830 694 674 669 12 274 586 1,021 12 260 695 1,159 1,113 955 15 129 1,095 1,103 19 694 602 686 3t7 248 330 251 308 249 797 431 640 14 433 648 455 670 2,394 1.954 2,189 111 44 1,954 2,231 116 1,394 1,671 1.069 883 1,349 5 3 886 1,346 11 638 998 609 453 285 48 463 333 326 208 1,790 1,446 1821 39 72 1,460 1,870 40 950 1,360 1.471 1,069 1,069 28 18 1,065 1,082 40 840 867 1.680 1,157 U91 11 1.136 1 384 15 996 1,244 1.681 1.354 1,351 7 1 1 348 1,467 10 1,009 1,128 1,023 677 479 4 285 585 761 3 390 666 1,112 809 811 26 47 811 857 32 700 746 953 1,089 697 66 1,017 726 13 615 324 623 319 424 3 31 322 465 3 286 429 803 581 7.19 2 14 683 752 322 491 1,726 1.387 1.884 46 6 1,381 1.931 60 1,019 1,669 754 487 682 11 490 689 3 266 464 477 306 244 5 65 308 295 8 270 257 412 376 269 2 26 307 295 2 214 202 23,716 17,872 19,193 344 1,287 17,694 20,853 392 12,613 .1,321 . 310 Harris' plurality.. Harris' majority. .3,159 .2,767 SSVENTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. Counties. Barber, , Barton Clark Comanche Edwards. Finney .'. Ford Garfield Grant Gray Greeley Hamilton Harper Harvey... Haskell Hodgeman Kearny Kingman. Kiowa Lane , MoPberson Meade. Morton Ness , Pawnee Pratt Reno Rice Rush Scott. Sedgwick Sewnrd suffrd SUuton Stevens Sumnr Wichita. till ays : mO-5 977 1,353 473 490 649 694 882 225 390 417 422 480 1,621 2,242 291 663 367 1,413 625 459 2,697 678 333 981 8S5 1,115 3.398 1,851 681 294 6,071 400 975 298 7 3,499 438 967 1,473 225 287 401 474 684 06 145 285 241 256 1,336 2,105 180 358 217 1.201 409 287 2,289 267 106 . 525 666 971 3.225 1,735 681 144 4,855 154 874 148 85 3 551 200 1.337 1,712 304 286 472 345 529 67 125 219 115 189 1.949 1,691 107 227 139 1,591 366 220 2,3551 2191 77 562 726 1,160 3.821 1,837 614 163 5,19 120 1,213 129 185 4047 213 3 2 23 3 15 43 111 6 3 136 48 1,396 226 263 397 469 649 101 149 275 243 254 1,280 2,092 175 360 219 1,203 409 285 2,291 2631 107 495 671 957 3,178 1723 673 142 4,787 156 839 146 8 3,609 246 1337 1,794 305 308 475 343 569 70 133 228 113 190 1,993 1,717 113 227 141 1,678 373 222 2,346 214 77 690 721 1,165 3085 1825 621 163 5,254 119 1,232 131 182 4,067 216 14 52 8 4 102 1 27 7 23 61 135 11 4 118 2 61 2 2k 55? XL'S a' 2 267 458 124 106 210 346 252 96 145 149 242 186 616 1,090 84 343 119 791 144 192 1,661 236 128 421 592 463 1657 917 304 112 2,046 193 492 101 39 1,360 231 715 856 203 162 288 ' 220 172 65 129 102 112 121 1,228 715 32 210 41 1,166 108 129 1,716 187 98 516 642 671 1,664 1,019 353 133 2,513 230 885 86 133 1,806 201 Total I 39 544 1 32,393133,8131 703 1 1 1 32.460' 34,1841 733 1,16.8211 Simpson's plurality 1,420 Harris' majority 1,724 Simpson's majority 713 Harris' plurality 991 OAENEQIE WEB'S. The Workingmen Give Up the Battle at Homestead. Homestead, Pa., November 20. The great strike at Carnegie's Homestead steel works has been declared off. After a five month's struggle, which for bitter ness has probably never been equalled in this country, the army of strikers finally decided to-day to give up the strike. This action was taken at a meeting of the lodges of the Amalgamated associa tion at Homestead this afternoon, the vote standing 101 in favor of declaring the strike off and ninety-one against it. Those who can nob get back are in a bad fix, as the relief funds will be stopped and many hundreds of them have noth ing to live on. The people of Homestead, especially the business men, are highly elated over the declaration to declare the strike off, for if it had continued much longer it would have ruined the town. Many business bouses have fallen into the hands of the sheriff since the strike has been on. Business is expected to re sume its normal condition soon. HISTORY OF THK STRIKE. The Homestead strike has proved one of the most disastrous in the history of the country. It originated from a re duction in wages in the departments where members of the Amalgamated association of iron and steel workers were employed. The hitch was on what is known as the sliding scale. It is a scale which regulates the men's wages by the market price of steel billets. Nearly every mill in this vicinity signed the scale, including other mills of the Carnegie company. At the refusal of the firm to sign the scale for the Home stead mill, a lockout occurred by the Amalgamated association and they were joined by the mechanics' laborers, who struck out of sympathy only, their wages not being reduced. The strikers drove non-union men out of the mill and adopted military discipline. The story of the bloody fight with the Pinkertons on July 6, the subsequent riotous pro ceedings and the calling out of the na tional guard and its departure after three months' duty, is too well known to repeat. For six weeks the mill has been run ning almost as well as before the strike, but until within the last week the strik ers have steadfastly refused to admit defeat. The news of to-day's action was received with dismay by the strikers in the two Lawrenceville mills of Car negie's. These men were sympathy strikers and went out when the men at Beaver Falls and Duqueene struck. The Duquesne men. gave up the strike in three weeks and the Beaver Falls strik ers decided to go back yesterday. The Lawrenceville men, however, were stead fast and had no intention of giving in. They are now in the position of striking for no cause. They are very angry at