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OPERATIONS OF THE MINT. Export of Director Leach for the Last Fiscal Tear, Washington, November L Mr. E. 0. Leach, director of the mint, has sub mitted to the secretary of the treasury a report on the operations of the mints and assay offices of the United States for the fiscal year ended Jane SO, 1892. The value of the gold deposited at the mints and assay offices during the year was $06,476,975. Of the original deposits $31,961 646 were the product of our own mines; $24,935,342 foreign gold coin and bullion; $557,968 light weight domestic gold coin; $3,036,004 old material. The deposits and purchases of silver agjre gated 72,121,268 standard ounces, of the coining value of $83,922,930. Of the sil ver received 03,130.609 standard ounces, of the coining value of $73,461,072, were the product of domestic mines and re fineries; 2,118,073 standard ounces, of the coining value of 2,464,672, were foreign silver bullion and coin; 5,593,907 stand ard ounces, of the coining value of $6, 509,274, were uncurreat domestic coins for recoinage; 1,921 standard ounces, of the coining value of $2,236, trade dollars melted, and 636,290 standard ounces, of the coining value of $740,411, old plate, jewelry, etc. The coinage of the mints during the last fiscal year aggregated 113,556,124 pieces, valued as follows: Gold, $35,500,987; silver dollars, $8,329, 467; subsidiary silver, $6,059,812; minor coins, $1,296,710; total value, $51,792,970. The profit from silver dollars coined dur ing the fiscal year from bullion purchased under the act of July 14, 1890, was $930,487. A Olean Sweep. Governor Lewelling seems to be elected ted by a handsome majority. This was entirely unexpected to republicans. He will assume the duties of hia office the second Tuesday of January next. He will, it is understood, make a clean sweep of all state appointive offices, a course which will meet with approval from all parties. To the victors belong the spoils is hardly the fair way to put it, but rather say, the new party has won, over the estimates made by republican managers, fifty thousand votes, and it is only fair and just that the People's party places its friends in power. There is satisfaction to every honest man in Kan sas in knowing the fact that Lyman U. Humphrey will no longer dispense pat ronage from Topeka. Leavenworth Times, November 12. Cheap Rate for a 'Winter Trip, Via Santa Fe route, to Texas, New Mexi co Arizona, California, Utah and Old Mexico, are offered by the Santa Fe. Tickets now on sale, good until June 1, with suffi cient tranait limit in each direotion to en able passengers to stop off at all points enroute. List of destinations inolude Corpus Christi, El Faso, Galreston, Hous ton, Lampasas, Rookport, San Antonio, City of Mexico, Monterey, Phoenix. Free oott, Saltillo, San Luis Poltosi, Las Vegas, Hot Springs, Grand Canon of Colorado, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Franoisoo, Salt Lake and Portland. New Mexico is noted as baring one of the most equable climates in the world, sudden changes being almost wholly unknown. It is a most desirable place either for the busi ness man, pleasure seeker, or the invalid, while it is the haven for the immigrant. No portion of the United States can compare with the fertile valleys of Us rivers, and in the production of the field, the market garden, the orohard and the vineyard. For full particulars regarding theooun fcry, rates, stop-overs, etc, call on or address Bearest Santa Fe agent, or Gao. T. Nicholso, TP. J. Blaoc, O. P. & T. A., X O. P. A T. A., Topeka, X&naaa, Topeka, Kansas. B . T i That Brown' IS a ml fgfiis Piles, Inflamed Eyes, and for cuts and ulcerated wonnas on amuuus. mce -a owmm per iwx. Bent oy mail on receipt oi prxco w BROWN MEDICINE & WFQ CO., ! We guarantee It. Leavenwortn, Kaa. Every Lai? Can Ino Stmamti J Alt I Cannltarlon P ramnvaa Moth Pimnltfi. Mid dlAMMAS Ot the akin. It la harmless; and a duty you owe to your menus II 10 lOOK Ha tiaiuro iumuiucu juu buuuiu. Send 25 cents to Brown Medicine & M'i'g Co., Leavenworth, Xaa. we warrant it. Have a clear and healthy com d lex ion by os- it Miff MUST NOT FORGET THAT FIRST-CLASS ins pianos s mm Are told cheaper by the old reliable Jenkins Music House than any other firm In the west. Decker Bros., Vose ft Sons and Jewett pianos: Story & Clark and Packard organs, are some of the makes they sell. Everything in the Music Line, from a jewsharp up. Send for catalogue and special prices, mention adoooats. J. W. JENKINS' SONS, OLDEST MUSIC HOUSE, 921 Main St., Kansas City, Mo. C8PELAHD : MEDICAL : INSTITUTE. The system ot mall treatment pursued by the Copeland Medical Institute guarantees the same effective results to those who desire to submit their cases through correspondence as to those who come In person. Their question blank, If properly filled out, will diagnose your case In a thorough way, and, as medicines are promptly shipped, those living out of the city have the same advantages as those who come to the office. Catarrh and kindred diseases treated until cured at the uniform rate of 95 a month, medi cines free. For all other dlieases the rates wul be low and uniform and In proportion to the actual cost of the medicines required. specialties: uatarrD, ana an aiseases oi the Eve. Ear. Throat and Lungs. Nervous Diseases. Skin Diseases, Chronic Diseases. COPELAND MEDICAL INSTITUTE, 1203 Broadway, K&ns&i City, Mo. CITY WATERWORKS FOR COUNTRY HOMES. ft tr a u u it v r 'S3 1) Nell's Patent Compressed air for elevating water and eMnar It pressure. At small expense you can secure water from your well or cistern for every room. reaay to now wnen ins raucet is turned. The pressure Is such as will throw water from a hose to the helghth ot the ordinary htuse in cane ot fire. Tour lawns can bo beautified with foun tains. The grass and garden can be watered by means of a hoe attached to lawn sprinkler or hydrant. Will be glad to mall you circular and prices, giving all necessary Information, upon application. lLLlCTLiliX LSUOS., 1913 Walnut St. KANSAS CITY, HO if&bSSne'd IffTfC an 8et the market value of their horses and save the J!Ind&w profits of middlemen by shipping direct to STOCK YARDS. CHICAGO. I Live Stock Bank. Chicago National Bank. AAHFO CORNER BARN, uvwrLn union i iff Years. References: National SPECIAL SALES OF WESTERN RANCE HORSES. moos C0MIS3I0H CO., a 413 Exchang Balldlar, nnudlar. KAMSjU CITY, XX o. Oaly authorized Grain Aionta of Kansas Am anoe Association, liberal advancements made on all cons! smments. Market reports furnished on application, Tr. HOLCOMB, SNYDER & CO., M STOCK COMMISSION IfflfflS, Room 105 Exchange Building, Kansas City Stock Yards. Correspondent? Solicited. Market Reports Furnhhed Fret. refebs: XCESJ i Commercial National Bank, Denver, Colo. ; Interstate National Bank, Kan sas City; Merchants' National Bank, 1 Dorado, Kas.; Farmers' National Bank, ArkansasClty, Kaa. Flease mention Thi AnvooAm 620. E. BAK3K, Prest. j. u. wajltie, eeo7 ana ireai. GEO. HOLMES. Vice Prest Late of White & Holmes. BUSINESS ESTABLISHED 1871. CAPITAL ST00X 1250,000.00 PAID UP. Live Stock Soiiimission So. Itas SO, 91, 92, First Flcsr, Liu Stssk Eic-isp IMn. KANSAS CITY, - - - MISSOURI Ccnrimmenta of etook receive the personal attention of some member of the compa ny, ranies wanrans assistance in reeding aooommoaatea on reasonaoie terms. FA 9 m m C O CC? O TArt O O nuxyLQn) not ce WHY fiPLL YOUR PRODUCr hom 11 cn batter mnrkrtT WHY S If . t T U U SI rHWUUWt. KQX MTO thM midd Oman's pro&M WHY MOT bettor your condition by making yoar shipmeuW direct to aif W are th only commiaiion noose htrs to Olloit the futrmera' triulA dirnnt. Wa rnmln nnil uH UUTTERi EGCS, POULTRY, VEAL, BEANS, SEEDS, BROOM CORK, POTATOES, HIDES, PELTS, WOOL, HAY, GRAIN, GREET! AND rmiEf) FUUITrt AND VECETAHLEA. Or uirtliina yon msTbnv to ihip. We elwsr make prompt sale at the highext market price and tend qnlrik Mtvna. We are handling shipment from hundreds of farmers. WflJf can't we handle roars f Write a tot prion, testimonials, or any Information yon mar want CUMMERS, MORRISON & CO., Commission Oerchants. aaraaXNOE8: MrraopoLrrAW National Bxsx. i 74 SOUTH WATER ST CH IOAGO. ILL. vauvkao, MDiHumia. ' STRAW STACKER Send for V Catalogue and NO DUST ! Stacks with the blast of a fan, and the straw keeps better. In use in nine different 6tate3 in 1802. Attached to nineteen dlf- rerenc makes or separators. A com plete success on all. Built by the leaoinar separator Duuaers. w f".-'jr testimoniai8 ana j.- t ers who build the ij Farmer's Friend. W THE INDIANA : MFG. CO.. .ilniiaDapoiisJnlU.S.A. 1 v. . No Men are re- Iquired i nn f fit's Stack Our Combined Vertical En- ItATfSAS CITY, glne and Boiler. nreBa feed cooker. We Carry AU Sizes Boil ers and Engines From 2 to 75 Horse Power in Stock. Yi ft 1 I'hS tm Boilers and Engines and Creamery Supplies. Send For Catalogues. horse power enelne anil 1 horse power boiler 1177 These orteea are aet. I " l " 8 " " " i a and apeaH for them- Ko,l. Weight, rJllHLtMJt a" " " " " " 154 scire. " a. 870 " l( g. CONSIGN YOUR 6 RAIN, HAY AND SEEDS to the Harper-Frick Grain Co , WboleeaJe Feed and CommUtlon Merohanta, lth and Freljht 8ts Kanaa City, Mo. Itefrm6e: Mluonrl N&tion&l Eank. Kansaa City, Mo. : Thomaf E?Rer, Banker, Lamar, Mo. ; s Central National, 8prtaneld, Mo. liberal adTancee oa coralynrnaata. DOUBLE BrwcB-loadcr S7.50. RIFLES H.w WATCHES ill BICYCLES f 19 All klBilonmpt Uiaa tu. vktra, Beftirs yo m m4 ftaap tortaUioffMli THEPowrtliClWMTCl 106 l it., qioaV k IOOi-SOHGSSStEE!