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TT23 iUTQOilTQ 16 rrUTM Photography. And now let us measure this prreat- . m j. 1 v-!JA Tfca ncf nil Cat 01 uaiura unugta. .ano ipau of the great natural Bridge of Pine Creek, Arizona, 13 over .v Ave -'hundred feot that ii about five times the span of the Virginia bridge. Its height from floor of bridge to surface of water ia forty feet less than its small brother's; but to the bottom of the stream's bed the proper measurement, of course it 13 fifty feet greater. But In its breadth that is, the measurement up and down stream it is over six hundred feet, or more thai twelve times as wide as the Virginia bridge! In its vast size lies the impossi bility of photographing thii bridge. There is no point from whic- the eye can take it in at once. Miles ct walk, ing are necessary before one really un derstands it. From the bed of the stream, half the dignity of ths arch Is lost Deninct tne Douiaers, uaue gew i . i i ii it.. ....I.. J OH iar enougn 10 see uu uie cpeum. If near enough for a clear view, then the vast arch so overshadows cs that neither eye nor lens can take it all In. And the side-cliff which projects from the southeast Dier as yoa may see in the picture of the south arch makes it almost impossible to And a point, at sufficient distance for pho - tographing, whence one can sea clear through the bridge. "Can't be done!" Insisted the old hermit "Beet lota of professionals here with their ma chines, and all they could get was pictures that look like caves. You can't show through, with a picture, to prove it's a bridge, at all!" But it can be done; and being bound that St. Nicholas should be able to show you all that photography can possibly s low of this wonder, I did it. It cost about twenty-four solid hours of painful and perilous climbing and scouting experiment, and the camera did .its work from some of the dizziest perches that tri pod ever scaled; but here is the pic- ture which does "show through that It's a bridge." When you look at that little far circle of light and real ize that it is 200 feet in diameter, you will begin to feel the distance from south arch to north arch under that terrific rock roof. St. Nicholas. ft.. I'T !l H'TIINFll V and TOOL in the world far aocodm la this bai&eM-aiM Horso Powers, Steam Engines. Pumos & Valves, Iron Pin. and Flttinsrt,Well Bap. 17 C.LL5 Tims, ouio. MODERN t WARRANTED Has No Equal. Sold direct to 8chool Boards. Circular frit. Adjustable School Seat ITfgCo, IUIARCCLLUS, MICH. XIXO OF MACHINES, The Self-Heating Washer tompirie bdkcu at A Washing Machine wlthfrasolinei attachment ;hat ami keeps water i not; does not siosn or steam. f but robs the dirt out. 4 cent?'' worth of gasoline does al ., f washing. No tab, washboard 1 or Doner neeawi. ringer.! 1.64each.A1(lresthem'l'r p.t.rihbow. 1 ,14-ieN.18ti at.,8t.LoTiU. 'a Send for Termt BORE WELLS HOll 1 ZJ w fl Agents K.J Wanted t;A Whom a MM FORTUNE '.'!lCaak.la4. '9 WEQER OAS AND QA80LINE ENUINE tsimpiem ana moat ecoaonuca engine on earth. Fally Guaranteed. A boy itArtj It, mjnlrea onty a few minutes' attention a uy Gnarmntjed eort of running. 1 ct. per hour per JL P. Writ to emiokiaraa. AddreM Drawat 40 cm I :"'.. mm en sum flcm, V,.,' ' i i i ' V TAAJTSAS CITT, S20. A RFCITS TED 0:1 umi 9 IUM4 I handle ttec PalM(CWlcllakl m rracik rm niin irCfclWUtnM.Wl i ii i MTV jaljLftl"fci''wi . rftf ii Bill H. TAYLOR, PearL Dleklnaon Co., Kj., Bhorv . hrtrnn. Pofanrt-Ohlna Hn. Rron TnrlrT Aliliiiss Headqaartars for flu Southwest. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL, WICniTA, KAS. JT. B. Beck, Proprietor. Best 91.60 per day hotel In tne west. SEMPIC CALIFORNIA. A home seeker's book on leml-troplo lands, allmate, soil, Industries, products, homesteads and other claims, etc Invaluable to home seek ers, tourists or capitalists. Illustrated. Prtc,25c postpaid. Piotobial Am. Pub CO..Ht.I.nis.Mo. "The Best Poultry Paper,,, gent on Trial Jf Month, for ONLY-IB CENTS, If yo Lm.nflm where youj -wttta jadtonnt lonSk wt h a few hen Samplo copy how to rasKB " - f,n nftM(n. Milan. mntiree. i.b.u'"-" g V AND FOREST TREES. C4 ? For Wind breaks, Ornament, etc, Hardiest VaileUes, Kureery grown S M Scotch Pine, t to S leet, 10 pet 0 V J WW. Scotch and Austrian Pine seed. I ra Untrs, l'i to 15 Inches. $10 per IOCOl f , other aUM and varieties tn pro- j m portloa. Over 10 million for sal. 1J OOd local ASEJITi WANTXD. BltJL, Kisrgraea Cpaclalist, Daadse IUlaoIs, FARMERS. WE WANT TOUK Ql ITT CD Will furnish vessrh to DU I I , E ITi . ship it lo, take It regularly, auu pay the best Kan. SHS Llty prices. vH uavi uuuurtma ui irKuuti customers, and will convlnee yon thai we can handle your nutter satisfactorily. Refer to Grand Avenue cans, ana erau-an5i aiervuuio asvj, NMhi h Sun, 543 Walnut, Kas. City, Mo. DR. A. RUPIN, 108 EAST SIXTH ST., TOPEKA, KAS. THE NOTED GERMAN PHYSICIAN. Has a professional record of 80 years. Cures an (jnrooio juseasfs 01 wdr iiauuiux, cpurjr. Dropsy, JKoeumaiism, uasmus. aim ixtiarru silf ctlons.eto. sena aesenpn n 01 your symptoms, niuuiuu treats A tv mall n.n1 f. fifflcrt. Hunfl for lesumoniais 01 nunareas ot wouawiut cureiu in YOUR PROPERTY IS THE FHEnHHK COMPANY OF KANSAS. It costs but little, and In case of loss yon do not nave to wait six muutu. iur jruur yoj. Va are Carrying $2,700,000 on onr books. We pay losses nearly every week, and are doing It on 1ms than aeeiita of ola stock companies re ceive for Weir pay. Farmers Who Want Insurance, Write TOED JACK80N, Secretary, MeFhernon, Kcmtnu, IF YOU WANT ANYTHING IN TNI LINE Of PRINTING, BINDING, STATIONERY, BLANKS Ti: S:i:sl District ir Cllj S:;;!!:. KANSAS LAO BOOKS, ITS., WBITI TO Geo. W. Crane & Go. Ill Ivzn kn Tc;:5a, lis, tsr Otstaleyua U taterwrtsJ. r 1 1 r I 1 tluTtti. 9 voIqiixm for lf 10a, m ins if SB Are the most commodious and best annotated In are realized here than to the east Is due to the toea'ton al them yards of elsht paoklnr houses, wlitt an awiJfate dally capacity of &8&0 cattle and 87.300 hogs, and the reifntlar attendiutce of sham competitive buyars for the rmcting houses of Om&ha, Chicago, 8t tools, Indiana poiis. Qnclnnao, New oxK ana uoston, xsm vnieeQ nuiroaas with the yards. 0!T!cl8l receipt! for 1831 .. 1,347,487 2,399, 1 OS 3S8.7CI) 31,749 Gl,4t3 Sianghtered in Kansas City....... 670 761 l,9r5,K2 209,841 aoldldfeedert ssnm 17.871 17,435 &Old to Shippers 42,781 Total sold In Kansas City In 1831.. 1.103,648 i,m,m KW ' CP. MORSE, 2. 1. RSCHAaCSOU, tterttary and Trtatarar. fiantral Managsf. Topeka, Kan., The Leadlnj; Western ImperterOad Breeders of Clydc3dalo, Perchoron, Olovoland Bay ajto ( Frcnoli Coioh Horses Also finporton and Bredra of Reglstcrod Hcrcfcrd.CaUIo '' TEHH33 TO OUST PUHCIUSZr.3. Send for ClcstratM catalogue, Etallss latowa. 13. mcrarcrra a son LI. Fi EMPORIA, f0 ' 08T . Importer and Croodor of Sclii hn Fr r EiilislSie, asd Standard Bred My horses were selected direct from the breeders of Europe, and are descendants of t&t most noted prize winners of the old world. I paid spot cash for an my stock and got the bert ftt neat bargains and was not obliged to take the refuse from dealers at exorbitant figures In order fei obtain credit, thereby enabling me to sell better animals at better prices, longer tune and Iowa rate of Interest than almost any other dealer In America. I hare also the most superior system of organizing companies and stock syndicates In toil country, and Insure satisfaction. I call especial attention to my references. By these It will be seen that I am not handling on commission the refuse horses of dealers In Europe, with ma yoa get a square transaction, a good animal, a valid guarantee, and will eon pete with any Mm La America on prices and terms besides. txrwrlte me for descrtpUTe catalogue and mention Th ADvexura, 3DUTT03ST HOUSE. Rsxt Door Sooth ef Curt Kstae, Toeta, Xxnarj IX, XL DUTTON, Proprletoy. Hooper day. BpecSrateitoAQlAace, Mentloa Thj Adtooaci Whsa eormBSln wltk advsrtlsart alasrt the Missouri rallev. ' The fact that higher rofcet running icco ausms ucy nave airnot oooawuoa H. P. CHILD, Asst. 8sn. Mgr. E. KUST, . Ss9rl9taa4ael. 'SESSSt BVCCfi330I TO AUSTIN & GRAY DROD.v - KANSAS, Wesialfi, Percta Stallions and Haras. Coacb RUPT Oil I PERMAIIEIITLY CURED OR 110 PAY No detention from business. Wo refer you to 2,500 patients. Financial reference, First National Bank, Topeka, Kas. Investigate onr method. Written Oaarantee t Absolutely Cure all kind of RUPTURE of both sexes, without the m of KNIFE Oil bYHLNUA no nattar of how long standing. EXAMINATION FRCC. THE 0. E. MILLER C0HPW1Y. 122 W. Sixth Avenue, corner Tan Burtn ftae Topaka, Aaasas. SEND FOR cintuwH, say saw taslr i4isrtlsst In "The Wvtaal." MywrwMk.