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Image provided by: Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS
Newspaper Page Text
10 We bwt lor N-n the LEAD . INO L0W-F2ICiW GSOCiUi OF KAN3A8. It will pa? yon to W.H.H. URIMEX, CD. M.SMITH, CHURCH Q. BRIOOEFOSCb d a write u for oar WEO a.a J AXiii price to runners and Alliances. 'V We will tare you money on any order, laxxs or small, whether you are near or distant. GREEN & KALE, WIZOLiISOAZiI3 and ZIZSTiUXi GrX&OOZIZO, Refer to any bank here. TOPEKA, KAS. J. H. CANNON, M. D., TOPEXA, KANSAS. Offloe A28 Kansas ate. Thone 433. Office boon io to 12, 3 to A. Eesidence uoi weotwnst. uzxry ur. roby, m. d., Consulting and Operating SURGEON, Office, 118 W. Sixth Ave., Topeka, Kas. DENTISTRY A. 0. SLOAN. Tha famous STEAD JfAN process for partial plate used. Beat work at reasonable prices. 8. Vf, Cor. Eighth and Qnlney (ground floor), TOPEKA, - KANSAS, JUWS ABB CHEAPER NOW than they ever will be again. Bay a farm cheap and on bast tsbms and low nmaasT of the LANDS in every TV AMERICAN LAND county in Kansas. Ill & IMMIGRA'N CO. Over 2,000 farms at a TXBT LOW PBIC. It will pay you to write now for lust with full d&soription and num. Ill IIIUJlUl Deis of land. J. H. BRADY, Gen. Mm, TOPEKA KAS FRANK HERALD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 410 Kansas Ave., Topeka Kan. D. E. FOBBED, Harflwa re il Stoves SPECIALTIES i "Acorn" Cook Stow., "Charter Oak" Cook gtovee, CM-niao "Bound Oak" lleasera, at Low Frlces. 610 H&naaa Ave., Topeka, Easjaj. Phono 83. J. M. KNIGHT, UNDERTAKER AND EMBM1ER, 406 Kansas Ave. I do not belonir to the TJndartakAri' Asai!. tlon (or Trust), never did nor nvr will. T am the only Undertaker In the eltv that An nnthA. IQDg to lb LUKENS BROS. NEW BUGGY STORE, MW&m toi, IA.3., (just north of Fire Station.) Just opened a large room chock full of all styles at lower prices than ever offered Before. FEED ItENKEXt, MERCHANT TAILOR. ouiMiJx ior tne rau ana winter or lm now in run stock. Made up in the new styles, beat of work mansiiip and materials. A good fit guaranteed and reasonable prices assured, write for our self measuring Instructions. Union labor only. 624 Ksnsas Ave., Topska, Kansas. inolotiieu A Co 6C9 KANSAS AVE,, TOPJCKA, KAS , Offer Stock Farms, Ranches, wheat farms In all parts of the state; also city and suburban property, at very low prices. Easy terms 8end postal for our "Heal Estate Register." Sent uee. wo can ao y ou gooa, FARM LOANS.! Lowest rates and everv acAommndAtlnn tAhnmmn Special low rates on laree loans. No applicant with an accepted application has bad to uo iw uiuucj, ft ma ur wen ua imiuro mmg new loan or renewal. T. -EL BOWMAN S5 CO., 119 West 6th St., Topeka, Kansas. TAMES C. SMITH, (Successor to Smith, Blgi ft Kochu) DBAUEB IX unss vim. mm. Also Rntanftrc Tnnlc nvA SnmMm- ww ..W-W-.J -il, m.ww ifiiiaiiMiH I W W I W HUH WMfJIII WWl 108 IDaat Third Street, . . . Topeka, Kansas HARDWARE, STOVES and TINWARE. Anything yon may need in our line at prices neTer before lower. We went iouob caaa uuauieea, ana propose riyiDg yon ine Denem oi ine beet goods &t the lowest price ever offered in uae west All clean and new. Ton will lose money if yon fail to see our goods and prices. nEIIHY & CO., 839 Kansas Avenue, NOETH TOPEKA. THE GOLDEN EAGLE Now Warmed Up for Winter. Fun of clothes for big and little folks. Full of activity and anxiety to please the masses by stir rup up competition with the best roods at the lowett price. Increasing sales are beating last year's record all to smash. Bargains in Boy's Clothln and Orerooats that surprise the shrewdest boyf rs. We will show you more suits In better styles, fitting and prices than any of our neighbors. Dent spend a cent for clothing till you see us. J THE . GOLDEN EAGLE CLOTHING HOUSE, 918 KAK3A3 AVENU-V 8. ETTLI'CER, PreprUtcr, MAHKtr RtNirrs sv mail oh mtaiuPH fudniiheo Monrav on application. MKUSMMOfNCI NMTIO AND WEN MOM IT ATTXMTIO& Kansas City, Mo. A LARGE, THOROUGH, PROGRESSIVE SCHOOL SUPERIOR IN3TRU0TI0N vauuvguv auu uoauuiiu apecuneaa oi peniuaiuuip seni uee by mentioning this paper. tfoara ana room, wa&o per week. Address. 21 and 623 Qmncy Street, TOPSKA, KANSAS 10,000 Turkeys Wanted Immediately ! To thoie who are looking to a market for PoolirUis, Bote, Gie, Teal or His, We would call attention to our methods. WE ABE NOT COMMISSION MEN, but buy from the producer and sell to the consumer, thus savlnz any mlddlemim's nrofltg. w hav martRt. in in.,. of V best cities of New England. We respectfully request you to write us for prices. Very truly, ST. JOSEPH POULTRY HOUSE, BT. JOOEJIPII, MO. O-AJSTOEPl SPECIALIST. i C i ' . . . i?: I .1 V'",i;r I,,..' TV m THE RICHEST MAN ON EARTH. The dlscoverr of the Ccmbln-tlon Oil ftnr for fbimAri TnmnN mr tmu. r,tnii ani Skin Diseases. DR. BYE. bas closed the most rlrfd test erer t?lran to man th tnnr hnnAra tt cases, all cured aince last February. And now the oommlrtee of physicians who acted as Judges say he win be the wealthiest and greatest humanitarian of the nineteenth century. The doctor reuses to take a much needed rest, but will personally superintend his associating ptivileianj, who will inject and apply the soothing, balmy oils In several leading cities of tbe world. He will claim tills as his home office and keep the humble apartments where be gave to the world the only re- Brlete from certain death from Oancer and Maugoant Diseases. Portsmouth building, Kansas lty.Kas. Take Elevated or Cable railroad going west from depot JC.H A52 mm J In your own home. First c1m Bewlng Micblnes shipped anywhere to anyone w?y? v vJ 5??fiVr.,ct monX required la advaaee. i50 ArHngton' Machine, 19.BO j jj -Ariugxon'' Jflncnine, vU.OU SO "Kenwood" Machine, 023.00 65 "Kenwood" Machine. 924.40 81. m , -w v.v v 4un v MimKMMV. V . W "3r.eaL"2 el Btandart SUiser Machines at lowest wholesale price , S9.50, t aloJSO and 17.0. geod at once for free catalogue and sare money. a'CASIX BCTESS UNION, 160 W.Taa B ore a St., U. 313. Chlaww. Always mention this ptper when writing advertisers.