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14 "A Kansaa Honsa of Bepresentatives. Of the 125 members of the incoming house, forty have had previous service in the legislature of the state. The sixteen counties of Cheyenne, Grant, Gray, Greeley, Haskell, Kearney, Kiowa, Lane, Logan, Scott, Seward, Sher man, Stanton, Stevens, Wallace and Wiohita are for the first time represented in the house, and of the 106 counties in the state, only those of Garfield and Morton will be without actual representatives. The vote of Garfield at the late election was 171, and Morton polled 185 votes. Our republican friends are rejoicing over their gratifying gain that they im agine they have made in this great commonwealth; but going back to the year when the present national chief ex ecutive was elected, it might be in order to call attention to the remnant of "the grand old party" in Kansas, that, as compared with their majorities on repre sentatives this year with what they had in 1888, their loss in Doniphan county is 81; in Nemaha, 365; in Jackson, 401; in Jefferson, 665; in Pottawatomie, 946; in Allen, 215; in Anderson, 331; in Linn, 394; in Bourbon, 997; in Neosho, 273; in Elk, 312; in Wilson, 381; in Cherokee, 974; in Crawford, 995; in Marion and Morris, the loss in each is 493; in Wa baunsee, 575; in Greenwood, 882; in Lyon, 1,133; in Osage, 1,340; in Shawnee, 2,395; in Dickinson, 280; in Geary, 440; in Clay, 495; in Ottawa, 496; in Riley, 500; in Republic, 701; in Saline, 747; in Washington, 1,372; in Thomas, 283; in Rooks, 411; in Jewell, 428; in Lincoln, 504; in Sheridan, 698; in Decatur, 711; in Phillips, 756; in Osborne, 1,074; in Ness, 412; in Reno, 453; in Barber, 486; in Mc pherson, 555; in Pawnee, 620; in Rice, 756; in Sedgwick, 1,443. j In the ninety counties in which they elected 120 representatives in 1888, they come out of their arduous campaign of j 1892 with a half hundred certificates from the returning board.fand the majority for several of these is very meager. In the state senate, the republicans are in a minority of 6,350 on the popular vote, and they succeed in obtaining fifteen senators, where, in 1888, they elected thirty-nine out of the forty mem bers. But how they boast How to light Trusts. When Senator Edmunds reported the Sherman anti-trust law from the judi ciary committee in 1890, he told the sen ate that, unless the trusts were checked, it was only wa question of time when, between tyranny of capital on one side and labor on the other, there would be no liberty for the people worth the name." That the trusts have been mul tiplying like rabbits, and that Mr. Ed munds' party has done nothing to exterminate them is generally under stood. Attorney General Miller told the house of representatives that he wss not aware that there was an anthracite com bination. A congressional committee is at work on the coal combine, to be sure, but the publio has long discounted these junketing tours of legislators. The man to move is Attorney General Miller. MDont you regulate the supply of coal?" asked a number of the committee of President MoLeod, of the Reading road, last week, and he replied: " We exercise an intelligent restriction." So do all of the trusts in the list which was printed in the New Nation last week. Attorney General Miller evidently B0Q8 nothing wrong in this 44 intelligent restriction " of production, however much the consumer may feel the effects of it when he comes to pay his bills. Our prediction is that Mr. Cleveland's attorney general will prove to be quite as silent upon this point of "intelligent restriction M aa Mr. Miller himself. And the reason is that lawyers understand that the anti-Sherman law cannot break the power of the trusts. We see no way to reach this armed camp of commerce except through an unmistakable sentiment among the people in favor of applying public own ership to break a monopoly. -New Na tion, December 3. North, Booth, East, West, Extends the lines of the great southwest system, oomprising the Missouri Paoifio railway and Iron Mountain Route from Omaha on the north to the Texas Ene on the south, St. Louis on the east to the mountain walled cities of Colorado on the west, covering nine great states and touch ing the most important trade centers be tween the Mississippi Talley, Rooky mountains and the territory lying north and south thereof. St. Louis, Kansas City, Leavenworth, Atohison, St. Joseph, Lincoln, Omaha, Wiohita, Denver, Pueblo, Cairo, Memphis, Little Rook, Sot Springs, Ft. Smith, Texarkana, are a partial list of the big cities directly on the line of this great railway system, and are reached every day in the year by from two to five fast ex press trains drawing the handsomest equip ment of modern railway travel. For copies of pamphlets on Kansas, Missouri, Arkan sas, Texas, illustrated and desoriptive books on the greatest health and pleasure resort of the present age, Hot Springs, Arkansas (the Carlsbad of America), ad dress H. C Towkbend, O. P. & T. A., &t. Louis, Mo. The Sixth Avenue Hotel. When in the oity of Topeka, stop at the Sixth Avenue hotel, 107 East Sixth avenue. W. M. Speck, the proprietor, is an accom modating gentleman, and will make your stay a pleasant one. Meals first-class, nice rooms and good beds. This hotel is Alli ance headquarters, where you will see state Alliance officials and prominent Alliance' men. MUST NOT FORGET THAT FIRST-CLASS Are told cheaper by the old reliable Jenkins musio uouse man any oiner nrm m me west. Decker Bros., Vose & Sons and Jewett pianos: Story & Clark and Packard organs, are some of the makes they sell. Everything in the Music Line, from a Jewsharp up. Send for catalogue and pecuu prices, jmenaon asoucaxb. J. W. JENKINS' SONS. OLDEST MTJSIO HOUSE, 921 Main St., Kansas City, Llo. WICHITA. KANSAS. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Book-keeping, Shorthand, Tolegrsphlng, Pet manshlp, typewriting, and all otter buslnes thorougly taught. Gradiates secure food positions. BOARD, 11.90 PER WEEK. Bend fnrelrmilAra. Man Hon Advopatsi DO NOT GO TO SCHOOL until yon nave written to the School of Sliortliini, Tjpwitlij tad ranusBip, X2MZOX&XA, - IgAlTOAO and received an elegant mTirated catalcxrae. It Is one of the finest, and la f . J of tacts pertain ing to this 11 ve, progressive aiud prosperous IniU tuuon. No school u more thorough and none so economical Has a superior class of students. Located In a model city. Good board, f 1.60 per Week. Address O, K.D. Prkr, FrlnelpsJ. ADVOCATE BBS taught, Graduates assisted to positions Only exclu sive School in Kansas. Only Go-ODratlve School In the World. The best on earth. More advantages than is offered by all other Schools combined. 885 pays for "average course," Including tuition, board, room and washing, for the first 20 answer ing this "ad." Write at once. For past year we have been unable to flU orders for our graduates. Address W. H. Skkiww. Mgr. "Lock Box 770," Sallna, Has. CENTRAL NORMAL COLLEJE AND BUSINESS INSTITUTE. $29 pays for board, furnished room and tuition for ten weeks. Good accommodations and the best of Instruction given. Students of any grade can enter at any time and be sure to find class to suit them. Actual business In Business Depart ment. Catalogue and samples of penmanship free. Address WM. STRYKER, Pres., Great Bend, Kas. FARMERS, WE WANT YOUR Ql ITTTD Will furnish vessels to DU I I Lrti ship It In, take It regularly, anu pay the best Kan sas City prices. We have hundreds of regular customers, and will convince you that we can handle your butter satisfactorily. Refer to Grand Avenue Bank and Bradstreet's Mercantile Agcy. Chandlar & Son, 543 Walnut, Kas. City, Mo. KAN3AS CITY PUIIP CO., Manufacturers and Jobbers of Iron and Wood Pumps, Iron Pipe, Stock Tanks, and a complete Water Supply for Farm and Ranch. Get our prices on BUCKEYE DOUBLE - ACTING FORCE and LIFT PUMPS, TBAHERN IRON PUMPS and CYLINDERS, Wood Pumps and Water Purifiers, The best on earth. Address KANSAS CITY PUMP CO. 8tatlon A, Kansas City, Mo. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY IN THE COMPANY OF KANSAS. It costs but little, and in case of loss you do not have to wait six months for your pay. Wa are carrying $2,700,000 on our books. We pay losses nearly every week, and are doing It ou less than agents of old stock companies re ceive for their pay. Farmers Who Want Insurance, Write FRED JACKSON, Secretary, SfePheraon, Katuoa, SEMI-TROPIC CALIFORNIA. A home seeker's book on seml-troplc lands, climate, sou, Industries, products, homesteads and other claims, etc Invaluable to home seek ers, tourists or capitalists. Illustrated. Price, 25c, postpaid. PlOTOBTAT. A w. PnB.CO.,8t.Lonls.Mo. DUTTON HOUSE. Next Door South of C rt Hens. Topiki. Kansas M. IX DUTTON, Proprietor. fl.SO per day. Special rates to Alliance Mention Thb Advooat RT Auir"inrn?Ct Caa get the U AilUialiiJU.yiW profits J. S. COOPER u.2 Established 27 ears. References: Nation National SPECIAL SALES OF "WESTERN RANGE HORSES." OITY WATERWOEKS FOR COUNTRY HOMES. Nell's Patent. Compressed air for elevating water and giving It pressure. At small expense you can secure water from your well or cistern for every room, ready to flow when the faucet Is turned. The pressure Is such as will throw water from a hose to the helghth of the ordinary house in case of lire. Your lawns can be beautified with foun tains. The grass and garden can be watered by means of a hoe attached to lawn sprinkler or hydrant. Will be glad to mall you circular and prices, giving all necessary Information, upon application. KIRTLEY BROS., 1913 Walnut St., KANSAS CITY, MO- Chew and Smoke UNTAXED NATURAL LEAF TOBACCO. Best Chewing, 14c per lb. Best Smoking, 9c per lb. Alliance Tobacco Co., C'ark&vllle, Tenn. Dormi.F. Bmca-Loider BICYCLES 915 Ail kladaoheitpcr UianelM. Wher.. RefnrA ,nu bar. S7.50. RIFLES Ji. 00 WATCHES end tump for catalogue to THE POWELL 4 CLEMENT UO. IBS 11. BU,Ciniautl,Ol KANSAS! COLORADOI OKLAHOMA! TEXAS I New MEXICO! ARIZONA! Unparalleled Resourcesof Cli mate, Products and Mark ets. Writs to EDWARD HAREM, Special Immlgra. lion Agtnt, SANTA FE ROUTE, 1050 Union Ave., Kansu City, Mo., far Islss FREE PAMPHLETS. The Atchison, Topka ft Santa Fib. B. passes through twelve States and Terri tories, and, having no lands of Its own to sell, has no object In unduly advancing the Inter ests of any particular locality, or In giving other than perfectly reliable Information, Its prosperity being dependent upon the prosperity of the farmers of the Great South west, it is naturally willing to aid the deterr ing and industrious Immigrant seeking to es tablish a new home, by giving him all the facts and data at its disposal. market value of their horses and save the a- mi Ureal Sifcst CORNER BARN. CHICAGO. STOCK YARDS. I.tve Stork Rnnlr. 'hlntrr Katinnul Rant- 1UPTURE PERMANENTLY CURED OR NO PAY No detention from business. We refer you to 2,500 patients. Financial reference. First National Bank, Topeka. Kas. Investigate oor method. Written Guarantee to Abeolutely Cure all kinds of RUPTURE of bothsexaa, without the use of KNIFE OR SYR1NQ5, no matter of how Ions standing. EXAMINATION FREE. THE 0. E MILLER G0L1PAHY. 223 W. Sixth Avenue, corner Van Buren 8tw Topeka, Kansas. SEND FOR CIRCULAR