Newspaper Page Text
Steps Toward Nationalism, Tha state ownership of raiiw&yfl has teen tested in Germany for over forty years. At the Very begibniiig of railroad building (1835) the Prussian government in return for pecuniaiy aid, reserved to itself the right of control. In 1848 the government began to construct its own roads and to buy out others. In 1885, out of 11,000 miles of rail road, but 1,000 were in private hands, the rest in the hands of the government. In the last ten years the mileage has in creased 33 per cent, and the revenue (according to statistics just publihed) has increased 41 per cent, while in Eng land and France the mileage has in creased 10 per cent, and the revenue but 20 and 3 per cent, respectively. Moreover, it appears that the German lines are operated more economically than in either France or England, the net reve nue having increased 23 per cent, in Germany, 15 per cent, in England, and having slightly decreased in France dur ing the last ten years. The returns on capital invested in German roads was in 1890-91, an average of 18G per cent.; in English roads, 4.10 per cent; in French roads, 3.75 per cent. As regards accom modations for the public on the German roads, we quote the following from En cyclopaedia Britannica (vol. xx, page 251): The prices paid for the roads by the government were, as a rule, hign. but the lines are nevertheless managed with considerable profit to the state. The passenger train service is prompt and comfortable. The speed attained la greater than elswhere in continental Europe, the maximum being about 45 miles,. The passenger rates are low, averaging about 0.7d per mile 1.4 cents for all passengers carried. There are comparatively few accidents. The freight service is rather slow, and the charges are not relatively so low as those for passengers. On the other hand they have for the most part avoided preferen tial rates. That's a record that is worth striving for in this country. The construction of roads is cheaper here and the record ought to be better. New York Voice. All genuine Spooner Horse Collars have this trade mark. Be not de ceived by imitations. NEW SERVICE TO NEW YORK. The Memphis to Pat on a Fast Train From the South to Gotham. The Memphis road has completed all arrangements for a fast vestibule train ser vice between Memphis and New Tork by way of Atlanta and Washington. The ser vice will be inaugurated next Sunday, the 20th. The east-bound train will leave Memphis at 9:30 o'clock eaoh night, reach ing Atlanta at 11 o'clook the next morning and arming in New York at noon of the following day. The run from Memphis to Atlanta will be made in fourteen hours, which is a pretty lively gait, and the record from Memphis to New York will be broken by about three hours. The trains to be used in this service are as fine as anything in the country, and are fully equipped with the necessary conveniences of a modern railway train. To the business men of the southwest, and to patriots enroute to Wash ington about the 4th of March, Presi dent Nettleton's improved service on the Kansas City, Memphis & Birmingham line will prove of much benefit. You should have the Advocate this winter, to be posted on political affairs. YfZOER OAS AND GASOLINE ENUINE Simplest and mom economical engines on earth. Fully Gaaranteed. A boy start It, require only a few minutes' attention a day. Goarantoed cost of nmnlnn 1 ct, per hour per IL P. Write fx catalogue. Address Draw9t0 Wetsr Gas i&m Wcm KANSAS CITY, MO, c CJPEIMD : MEDICAL : IffllUlE. The system of mall treatment pursued by the Copeland Medical Institute guarantees the same effective results to those who desire to submit their eases through correspondence as to those who come In person. Their question blank, If properly filled out, will diagnose your case In a thorough way, and, as medicines are promptly shipped, those living out of the city have the same advantages as those who come to the office. Catarrh and kindred diseases treated until cured at the uniform rate of 15 a month, medi cines free. For all other dlieases the rates will be low and uniform and in proportion to the actual cost of the medicines required. Specialties: Catarrh, and all diseases of the Eye, Far, Throat and Lungs, Nervous Diseases, Skin Diseases, Chronic Diseases. COPELAND MEDICAL INSTITUTE, 1208 Broadway, Kansas City, Mo. KIXG OF MACIIIXES, The Self-Heating Washer complete NureeiM at l.ihl A Washing Machine withiiaiioline attachment ;neats ami Keeps water hot;uooa not slosh or steam, but rubs the dirt out. 4 cent. worth of gasoline does a washing. No tub, washboard or boiler needed. Wringers (1.65 each. Address the m'f 'r , JP.T.BKHBUW, 814-16 N. 18th it.,8t. Louis, Agents Wanted PI f J I n Whom liri FORTUNE ft W ' ' 'iSend for Term J SUSHfiSHSEIEIS it . A AND FOREST TREES. fil a f V For wind-breaks, Ornament, et&, e . MirdlMt VartatlML Nurwu-T mni Scotch Pine, a to S feet, 110 pei 100. Scotch and Austrian Pine seed- Un 12 to U Inches, S10 per 1000, Other sixes and varieties In pre- portion. Over 10 million tor sale. j Good local Aanrrs wahtxd. . SILL, iTtrgreea Ipeclallst, Sandst, IUliolA, 3 I "Tho Best Poultry Paper," Bent on Trial JT Iff BU Months for ONLY- i & CENTS, YAHTED Oil SMART orCOHHISRIOS.tohandlo thelCew P.t..t rk.mlo.l Ink Ipulni I'.netl. Asvnta making UO per week. KnucrMhrt'o. x 8.V) Lat'rnu. Wl' IF YOU WANT ANYTHING IN TNI UNC F PRINTING, BINDING, STATIONERY, BLANKS, fiXHll?, Scbs) District ir Cllj S;;;!b KANSAS LAW SOAKS. ITS.. WAIT! T Geo. 17, Crane I Co. 11 Umi An., Ttyiki, la A Book for Every Man. Only $1.00. Strength! Vitality! IfflOUTIlYSElF. 4 1 Or 8ELF-PRESEKVATTOX. A new and only Gold Medal PttlZH ESSAY oa NEUVOD8 and PHYSICAL 'DEBILITY, EBROB8 of YOCTII.EXnACSTED VITALITY, PRE MATURE DECLINE, nd all DISEASES and WEAKNESSES of MAN. 800 pages, doth, rut; 126 Invaluable prescriptions. Only $1.00 r man, double sealed. Descriptive Prospect ns with endorsements pnpr CCMT) of tne Press and voluntary WKH H I SftW teetimonlals of the cured I Jtl!? Consultation tn person or by matt. Expert treat, ment. INVIOLABLE SECRECY -CERTAIN CURE. Addrw-. I)r. W. n. rrker. or TnVpMbody Medical Institute, No. 4 BuMnch St., Boeton,MaM. . . Tbs iPeabody Medical Inetltate las many 1ml. tatora, but no equal. Herald. Tho Science of Life, or Belf-Preaervatlon, Is a treasure more valuable than gold. Read It now, every WEAK and NERVOUS man, nd Jearn U 8 STRONG. Medical Bnira. (pyrianieav KINGSLAND & DOUGLAS PJ1FG. CO 0T. XrOUlS, IUCO. Xmk. (it FOUR SIZES, FOR STEAM or HORSE POWER. They are now and always have been tho only Shelters on the market that successfully shell corn with or with Sand for Catalog. Mwtion this Paper. ut the shuck. Clean perfectly, do not waste or crack (rain, and cobs are left ia good condition. nmtmiimmfm f '"','1 DR. A. RUPIN, 108 EAST SIXTH ST, TOPEKA, KA3. THE NOTED GERMAN PHYSICIAN. ITfti a professional record of 80 years. Cores all Chronic Diseases of long standloK, Epilepsy, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Gastritis, and Catarrhal sffectlons,eto. Send description of your symptoms. Diseases treated by mall and at office. Send tor testimonials of hundreds of wonderful cures. e kb tit S ct Yards Ars the most eommodlous and best Appointed In theY3sonrl valley. The fact that blgber prtMS are realized here than In the east is due to the location si these yards of eight packing homos, with an aggregate daily capacity of 8,600 cattle and 87,200 hogs, and the regukr attendance of shArp, competitive buyers for the packing booses of Omaha, Chicago, 8L Louis. Indianapolis, CtactQEau, New York and Boatoa. The dshteea nllroAdJ rannlnj; Into Bads! vitj have direct connecaon with the yards. rff Ho 8 Andges. Offlolil reoslpts for 1891 .. 1,347,487 2,599,109 888,780 1 81,740 91,438 Slaughtered taKAnsAi City 670.731 l,m,m 309,841 Boldlo feeders 2370 17,672 17,485 c bold to Shippers 8,3 63,330 43,781 r Total sold La Kantas City In 1B31.. i,i6a.MJ tmec ism C. F. MOUSE, GfMral M snag sr. 1. 1. RICHARDSON, Sterttary and Trtatarsr. H. f. CHILD, Asst. Bin. Mar. t. RUST, Ssssrlnttndsnt. mm Topobi, Han. lbs Leading Western Importenand Breeders of Clydosdalo, Porchoron, Olovoland Bay ajts Frenoh Cosoli Hones, Also Importers and BroedArs of n.-i.a I If I..J fl.iil. ". iieaisiereo nuroiuru uauio r h; TERMS TO SUIT PUKQSUSERS. UiiU1' 8end for Bluztniod eatAloime. 8tAblea In town. O. BKTfNKTT 0 BON. Fig Fnci Coacb ITJCGXSSOa TO AU3TIN & GRAYBROS., EMPORIA, - KANSAS, Importer and ZJrooUor ol Enlisi SMre, Clfissli and Standard Bred Stallions and Hares. My horses 'were selected direct from 'the breeders of Europe, and are descendants of tba most noted prize winners of the eld world. I paid spot cash for au my stock and got the beet at treat bargains and was not obliged to take the refuse from dealers at exorbitant figures In order to obtain credit, thereby enabling me to soil better animals at better prices, longer time and A lower rate of interest than almost any other dealer in America. I have also the most suoerlor system of organizing companies and stock syndicates la this country, and insure sad (faction. I call especial attention to my reference. By thne It will te seen that I am not handling on commission the refuse horses of dealers in Korope. Vlta me you get a square transaction, a good animal, a valid guarantee, and will ooaoet wttb any flna la AJnertca on prices and terms besides. Car-Write me for descrtDttve aatalcxrue and mratloa Tha Armxura. Percie Whffi aarmaoaslnf vBa Advirtlstrs nlwijs say yoa sa tkslr JvirUstasflt la "Tka iivasftU."