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Image provided by: Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS
Newspaper Page Text
10 ISSIOi! GO., LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS, BLOOM. WEST. TALBOT Roomi 336-337 Stock Exchanae. - - KANS-S CITY STOCK YARDS Correspondence solicited. Advances mad on consignments and to feeders. FRANK HERALD, ATTORNEY A.T LAW. 410 Kansas Ave., Topeka Kan. J. H. CANNON, M. D., TOPEKA, KANSAS. Office 625 Kansas are. 'Phone 43C. Office boors 10 to 12, 2 to S. Residence 1401 West Otn st. TJ. 13. MoOTODY, VETEEINAEY SUBGEON. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, To ronto, Canada. Surgery a specialty. Treats dis eases of domestic animals. Charges reasonable. Proprietor 6th Avenue Livery Stables, 114 W. Fifth St.. Topeka, Kas. References: W. H. Going, 8rae Veterinarian; II. C. Llndsey, liveryman ; J. R. Mul vane, banker. Calls to any part of the state answered. HENRY W. ItOBY, M. D.f Consulting and Operating SURGEON, Office, 118 W. Sixth Ave., Topeka, Kas. ARE CHEAPER NOW than they ever will be again. Buy a farm cheap and on bast tbbms and low nrriaxflT of the LANDS in every T AMERICAN LAND mm &, county in Kansas. ; IMMIORA'N CO. Over 2.000 farms at a vasx low pbioi. It will cav vou to write nnm tnr T TOT with full dMAi-intion and cum- bera of land. J. H. BRADY, Gen. Man., TOPEKA KAS LUKENS BROS. NEW BUGGY STORE, NOHTI-I TO!PTT?r A, XLAE3., (Jnst north of Fire Station.) Jnst opened a large room chock full of all styles at lower prices than ever offered before. FRED RENKER, MERCHANT TAILOR BultlnKS for the fall and winter of 192 now In full stock. Made up In the new msnahln ituI malarial. A onml flf and rMUAnHDlfl DnCeS aSSUrea. meajurlnsr lnstructloni. Union labor only. 524 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kansas ' styles, best of work- . write for our sen FARM LOANS.! Tnwoof nfai an i avarv niifmmnAntnT tn hnirowem on farms In eastern Kansas. Special low rates on large loans. No applicant with an accepted application has had to wait a oay lor money, wnie or n ueiuro uuuuug uw imm ui loumu. T- B. BOWMAN 6Z CO., lie West 6th St., Topeka, Kansas. JAMES C. SMITH, (Huooesaor to Smith, Blggi ft Koch.) DXAXXB IX Hiies Wool, Tallow, also Butchers' Tools and T .Tn A TvrMO- HOUSQ IN ICA2TQA.O. 108 East Third Street, Topeka, Kansae, . i W M C-' I A LARGE, THOROUGH, PROGRESSIVE S0HOOL SUPERIOR INSTRUCTION Catalogue ana neauurui specimens oi penmaninip seut ires by mentioning this paper. Board and room, 92.JS0 per week. Address, 621 and C23 Qulncy Street, TOPEKA, KANSAS Our Combined Vertical En CITY glne and Holler, Eureka Feed Cooker. Wo Carry All Sizes Boil ers and Engines From 2 to 75 Horse Power in Stock. Boilers and Engines and Creamery Supplies. 4 Send For Catalogues. ? hore power enlne and 3 hore power boiler 1177 Theaeprteea are aet, j " a " " " 1:0 aad apeak for taeaa No, 1. WelihW re Ibi. Stt Of 1.14 irlTti. 86.UI Pofiy, Ens, Bitter, Game, Yeal or lies, We would call attention to our methods. WE ARB NOT COMMISSION MEN, hut bay from the producer and sell to the consumer, thus saving any middlemen's profits. We have markets In four of tn beet cities of New England. , We respectfully request you to write us for prices. ery truly, ST. JOSEPH POULTRY HOUSE, OT. JOS20FXX, MO. AJwiyt mention this piper when writing advertiser. t J- ,SS!aD 1400-1402 UNION AV. n J Red, White. Alfalfa and Alxiku Clovers, 1 Timothy, Bine Gr as, Orchard Grass, Red IfANvA? PITY Mil Top, Onion Seta. Tree Seed. Cane feed. IVMllOMO Ul lit HiUi A. J. GILLESPIE. L. J. GILLESPIE. T. E. GILLESPIE. J. F. GILLESPIE. A I 11 I ETCDir Jt commission merchants, . J. S I L.L.C.O r I EL Cv. KaiuM CHy Stock Tards. Libera' advances made to parties feeding tot k. Correspondence sollcld. Make a specialty of buying feeding cattle on orders. The ad vocati sent to our customers free. Telephone No. 15,3, WM. A. ROGKKS. FRANK B. MITCHKNEB. ROBERT K. 0O3 ROGERS & ROGERS, LIVE STOCX COMMISSION MERCHANTS, KANSAS CITY STOCK YARDS Liberal advances on consignments and to parties feedlnc. Correspondence solicited and promptly answered on all matters relative to the live stock trade and shipment. Market reports tree. THIES & IP-AjFtLIISr, (Successors to II. Thies.) LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ITa-nsag Oity Stock. Yards. Advances made to those feeding stock. Market reports furnished free. Iitoulrles bv mall promptly answered. Mention Advocate. N. H. H. LARIMER, ED. M. SMITH. C H URCH Q. BRIDOEfORQ, 1 m i? CATTLE ummim tursra . nnniuts us x f Ki mp CTuru.iiiiMi4 , MARKET REPORTS BY MAIL OR TELEGRAPH FURNISHED PROMPTLY ON APPLICATION. ORRESPONDENCC INVITEO ' GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. Kansas City, M- HOLCOWJB, SNYDER & CO., ,i stock ctiiiti mmm. Room 105 Exchange Building, Kansas City Stock Yards. Correspondence Solicited. Market Reports Furnished Free. RKFERENCKS t Commercial National Bank. Denver, Golo. : Interstate National Bank. Kan sas City ; Merchants' National Bank, El Dorado, Kas. ; Farmers' National Bank, Arkansas City, Kaa. Please mention Tni Advooato. OEO. B. BABS8, Frest. j, ii. WAixis, seo y ana Trees. GEO. HOLMES, Vice Prest. Late of White & Holmes. 8USINES3 ESTABLISHED 1871. CAPITAL 8TOCX 1250,000.00 PAID UP. THE GEO. E. BAESE Live Stock Commission Co. Rosas 90, 91, 92, First Flw, Lin Stock Euinji Bslldiu- KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI Conaianmente of stock receive the jperaonaJ attention of some member of the eomva- 'i D We DftYf tuup beeu Ojo iRa1 INQ LOW-PRICED GROCERS OF KANSAS. It will pay yon to write us for our WHOlWalu prices to Farmers and Alliance. We will save you money on any order, large or small, whether you are near or distant. GREEN & KALE, WHOT iTT!3 ATiTfl and XlIETAIXi CHOOIEI3, Refer to any bank here. TOPEKA, KAS. WWWWfMvvMMMMmfvvMMMHvWW WILSON'S Common-Sense CATALOGUE For 1893 or AIT CDTC ll Phk, WO Kins EriKravlnRs. un 01, ULI I I IIUU. UM-ful and Inmructlve iniurniaiiuu. rtn afthn Ml Krllable C 'atnloue published. . -r n . I Vljiu-pr nil Flld .111 Kiam vi uanmuirru m " 1 r n c i. .A. S4'eds Fmit and Ornainrntal Trer, Small traits. J The Great FREEMAN POTATO Given Awayli Choice Iloem Flowerina riant aau warns. TIIOROltJIIBRED POILTRY, KraUtered PIGS (iermaa IIare, Are., &c. AdJresa piiiiiri uuiicnu Csad Cmwar llorha nf ncvlllo Pi J For 1893 0AMULL II I LOU (1, wiwubif wiwMiianiini